The Ladies of Victory #2: The Hunt for Red Bimbette
Chapter 4
by TheStork
"Can I help you find anything miss?"
Doubt it. Jen couldn't help but let that thought form into
existence before turning towards the voice. Despite there being plenty
of staff on-hand, every single one of them was a bimbo. They were
useless at helping her find her way around, having not realized just how
massive 'The Bimbo's Kiss' really was. Aisles upon aisles of clothing,
perfume counters, jewelry, purses, makeup? She hadn't yet braved the
massive shoe section but the sprawling floor plan looked like if you
could imagine it you could find it… so long as you were okay with
everything being just a little bit bimbo.
Or a lot of it, there was an entire second floor featuring god knows
what but she had spied two giggling blondes in matching pink sweaters,
tiny skirts, and absurd ballet fetish heels braving the escalator
holding several articles of fabric one could generously call "outfits".
If you're going to be hiring you might as well have employees who match
your clientele, but considering the villain in question who was missing,
she was struggling to figure out who could be a victim and who was just
a bimbo.
It didn't help that the strawberry scented air was definitely doing
something funny to the rest of her senses, but that wasn't the main
offender. No, that had to do with the fact that every single person she
had run into was clearly a Rapid Rivers native; which meant they were
either completely oblivious or acclimated to the absurdity of this
The mom and daughter combo over in a fancy gown section? Picking out
something nice for homecoming while blissfully unaware of the stripper
currently trying to stuff her oversized balloons into what could be a
Jessica Rabbit dress if it wasn't as sheer as it was sparkly. Actually,
unaware was the wrong word, the mom had noticed the bimbo struggling and
helped zip her up before going back to find something for her
Over in another aisle two girls were busy getting an employee to
help them take photos of themselves while they matched various tops and
bottoms while not one aisle over a goth girl was busy pounding her pussy
with the largest dildo Jen had ever seen.
The longer she stayed the worse it was getting too. She could have
sworn the woman in the blue dress who she first saw in a make-up chair
waiting for a staff member wasn't anywhere near as curvy as she was now,
eyeshadow and lipstick applied heavily as heels clicking away back
towards the mall. Two employees were trying to hide while they played on
their phones, absorbed with tapping away at something that made a
buzzing sound get louder and making their squeals reveal their
locations. Two other bimbos hadn't even bothered with staying dressed,
large piles of discarded clothes surrounding them as they engaged in
blissfully eating each other out while an employee filmed them.
Wait, were those the girls from before? She had moved
quickly away from that part of the store, having already circled through
it once but also because the blush that was forming had less to do with
the audacity of those bimbos and more her own imaginings. Like all the
other girls that got turned into Dolls, her memories of B-Day were
scattered in her mind, but some of those fragments would show up in her
dreams. Jen wasn't a virgin, although she did dump the boy that took her
first time when she found out her parents had set it up (and chucked him
a few thousand feet into the ocean, but he was another super so it was
fine), but she hadn't ever really been attracted to women before
A hidden part of Jen knew that bit wasn't really true. She had a lot
of unpacking and introspection to do but there were more than one events
in her past that when she goes over with a new perspective she'll
probably be embarrassed. There was definitely one thought hiding out in
her subconscious regarding Chloe that she was very much avoiding and
instead throwing herself into finding Bimbette.
If only every bimbo she came across wasn't using their singular
braincell to think about sex. Not one of the staff members or customers
were able to help her pinpoint where Brandon Denvers could have stashed
her away. None of them watched the news either because the
wannabe-villain's face had made its rounds through the national media
and Channel 7 was still running stories on him.
Which was why her expectations were non-existent when she turned to
be face to face with the new voice tinged with all the fake enthusiasm a
customer service rep could muster. Face to tits was a more accurate
definition for what she had turned towards however, having made the
mistake of being tall and used to looking down. Jen had seen more than
her fair share of bimbo boobs since living in the city and she should
stop being surprised by large chests, but even by Rapid Rivers standards
the jiggling mounds currently drawing all of her attention were massive.
The latex facsimile of a professional blouse was probably helping, the
corseted waist was skinnier than should be possible but very durable
half-cups were pushing up a valley of cleavage so big it would be a
national landmark in smaller countries.
"Well I don't know about cum. I don't think there's any men in the
store at the moment." The sea of flesh vibrated as its owner giggled at
her own little joke. Even that small movement should have threatened to
cause a wardrobe malfunction, but the pink latex held valiantly in the
name of some small modesty. "However, as the owner of this fine
establishment I pride myself on knowing our entire inventory. I'm sure I
can help you find what you're looking for.”
"Oh, huh." Jen shouldn't be surprised that she was talking to the
owner, a little name tag saying so and her name, Lucy, was in her field
of vision. She manages to tear her eyes away from the chesty display and
look into the face of who was speaking with her. Trademark pink bimbo
lips plushed up to obscene levels, the woman's long brown hair was
styled in a somewhat out-of-date up do, and beneath the heavy make-up
were sharp brown eyes, bright with intelligence as she smiled
expectantly at Jennifer.
Well, this is different… "Yes… I was hoping you might be
able to answer a few questions for me. I work with the local superhero
organization and we're currently looking for a rogue villain on the
loose; Bimbette. Based on your uhh… clientele we're obviously curious if
you've noticed anything unusual?" Besides an entire department store
of bimbos. Although- "Also, if you happen to have some shoes that
would make very conservative parents balk, I've been looking for a
pair." Can't blame a girl for shopping on the job.
Lucy looked thoughtful for a moment, a strange expression
on a bimbo, and Jen unconsciously let her gaze go slipping back to the
wobbling flesh that seemed to never stop moving. Stopping herself, she
returns her gaze to Lucy's mouth as she chews on a perfectly pink nail,
the strawberry scent and charged nature of the air were starting to get
to her.
"I can't say I've seen Bimbette… Although I won't lie that as the
proprietor of a bimbo business, having someone out and about making more
of them sounds like a good thing… for business obviously, not in
general." Lucy pretended to be thinking again, this new information
helping her answer some of her own questions. "And the Ladies of Victory
taking notice of my little store? I'm honored, but I can't say I've seen
anything unusual besides maybe an uptick in customers?" Internally, she
was sighing with relief. The shoe section was exactly where she was
hoping to lead Miracle Maiden to, far away from the stockroom on the
other side of the store.
"As for shoes… well as you can see I'm modeling our new
"Professional Wear" line but I'm sure we can find something with a
little more razzle dazzle to turn a parent's frown further down." Lucy
giggled again, sidling close to Jen so she could grab her arm and stuff
it deep in her bosom. Jen's blushing reaction was one Lucille was very
familiar with, and a surprised sly smile began to form as she marched
the unresisting heroine towards the shoes.
Well, well, well. I guess the rumors of her being the black
sheep might be more than just rumors. Lucille was certainly
accustomed to the reaction she had caused, having entertained many a
young aide into spilling some secrets they shouldn't have to the
attractive wife of a senator. Mind you she'd never thought about using
those same tactics on a superheroine before, but Jennifer was tall and
strong and [i]so fucking sexy[/i], Lucy couldn't stop her own body
heating up in arousal as the thought fluttered through her mind.
She wasn't the only one either, Jen's brain trying to register
anything besides the plush softness she found her arm encased in. Up
close and from this angle, Lucy was 90% tits, her strawberry-scented
perfume worming its way into Jen's core as she couldn't help but be led
away from the side of the building Chloe was on, eyes glued to the booby
trap she had fallen into. Lucy giggled again and Jen started, realizing
what she was staring at as her escort began talking to herself.
"-now while we could go with something a bit more modern, get you a
platform that's super high… oh with your height though maybe we'll want
ballet heels? Ohhh I just can't help myself, whenever I think how high I
want them to be I always think to myself "the bigger the better," and I
bet you're exactly the same right?"
"The bigger.…the better…" Jen hadn't been concentrating, eyes having
returned to the delectable pounds of flesh jiggling away. Whatever Lucy
had said was right though, as 'the bigger the better' rattled around in
her head and settled in her burgeoning questions about her own
sexuality. She was definitely a tit girl, her own seeming modest next to
Lucy's soft… pillowy…
Jen's vision was going hazy with lust… and that damned strawberry
scent that seemed to be everywhere, the heroine remembering vaguely that
they were here to find Bimbette whose aura was known to smell like the
sugary fruit. Concern seemed secondary though to the heavenly bosom she
was firmly trapped by, now just openly staring away as a bit of drool
began forming at the edge of her lips. Every step was being met with an
enticing jiggle that she couldn't help but nod along with over whatever
conversation Lucy was trying to have.
The bigger the better. The thought stuck with her when
other ones seemed hard to find, and she couldn't find a reason to
disagree with it. Jen let herself take a deep breath, that wonderful
scent entering into her and settling heavy in her pores as she gave up
trying to do anything else but stare at the biggest, and therefore best,
pair of breasts she'd ever come across since living in Rapid Rivers,
arousal starting to form between her thighs. One of the last regular
thoughts she had before they all started getting tinged with pink being
that at least her disguise had held up. It would have been embarrassing
if everyone knew Miracle Maiden was left speechless as soon as she saw a
pair of big boobies, letting Lucy's jiggling mounds take the lead…
* * * * *
Okay, this is way too cute NOT to buy.
Chloe absolutely should have been looking for Technovile's lab or
Bimbette, and as a matter of fact she was just a few moments ago. Like
her phone, her glasses were of her own design and she had several
different programs, macros, and apps designed to help her view and
manipulate Cyberspace outside of the lab installed in them. The amount
of processing power in the fashionably tame black rims was impossible to
have in the real world, but when you could manipulate reality, why not
create a microprocessor that bends the very laws of physics for the most
powerful smart glasses on the planet?
Chloe also added a few new features after Brandon Denvers AKA
Dollmaker had woken up one of Technovile's labs somehow, but the ambient
magical energy radiating from everything in the store was making her
vision go sideways as she viewed the world through Cyberspace. It was
bad enough that her meta-reality translated everything in existence to
binary data, making digging through it manually like trying to find a
needle in the entire Milky Way galaxy, but throw in magic?
Something that also likes to bend the laws of reality to its whims
is a pain on a good day, and in Cyberspace that translates to every now
and again throwing an impossible to translate two or three at her among
the ones and zeroes.
So while it took some effort to parse the date Chloe at least had a
good idea of what she was looking for, this wasn't the first Technovile
lab she had to hunt down. Little pockets of non-reality marked in some
fashion by at least one Realspace entrance, probably cloaked but never
perfect. Honestly she still had no clue how Brandon had even found one,
much less got into it, and when she took the time to 'visit' him those
memories had been wiped clean. Maybe a custodial AI taking advantage of
his presence?
At least the store had obviously been affected by Bimbette, the
missing villain's magic scattered all over the place and on everything.
Chloe probably shouldn't be touching any of the clothes but
unfortunately a small section of graphic tees and crop tops had caught
her eye and much like her friend couldn't resist a little shopping when
confronted by her one major vice…
Not that anyone could call Space Princess Nekomimi a vice unless
they talked to her. Her sister Madison always teased her for still
liking the show but she had grown up with it, the long running anime
well into the thousands for volumes and episodes, not to mention an
untold number of merchandise and knock-offs for her to hunt down. She
knew it was a little silly, but the classic show was her comfort food
and one of the few things from her childhood that hadn't changed over
the years and collecting everything she could find was probably her most
normal hobby.
Holy fuck the cotton on this is soft too. This print is from the
limited Japan only run on volume #500 too, what a find.
Chloe struggled to find a price tag on the printed crop
top, not that her fingers minded the extra busy work. Every stitch
looked to be perfect, with not a stray thread to be found, and the print
was higher quality than anything she'd bought before. The real trouble
was just how good the cotton felt on her fingers, a plush buttery
softness that had her breathing slightly heavier, imagining how good it
would feel if she wore it, just slipped her bra off and…
The sharp twang of her bra coming unhooked snapped her out of it,
her other hand having snaked under her shirt and undid the light, frilly
thing. She stared in shock for a moment at the shirt, and then her loose
bra, and began a much more thorough inspection as she looked at it
through Cyberspace. There was clearly some magic at work but it wasn't
quite what she was expecting, and taking a deeper dive into it
Wait. That's not Bimbette's magic.
Dollmaker had ended up using the villain as a template for
all his Dolls, so she had Bimbette on file in addition to every other
magic hero or villain she'd happened to come across. She didn't like
mucking about with it in Cyberspace but hated being unprepared even
more. The shirt, for all its innocence, had something woven into it that
was similar to the missing villainess but all together different.
Looking to both sides of her to see if the coast was clear, Chloe bit a
soft lip as she opened up a new file on her glasses that sent a
scattering of green across her eyes and left her blinking quickly. She
hadn't planned on testing her new program so soon, but curiosity won out
as she took her shirt off to put on the other one.
Well, here goes noth--- ohhhhh fuck!
She wasn't big enough to need a bra to keep her chest
perky, but it would definitely be useful right now in hiding how hard
her nipples were getting. It would also have been another layer between
her skin and her new top, something she definitely didn't want as her
hands found purchase on her breasts, putting as much of herself in
contact with the cloth as possible.
That's - ohhh - sensitive, ahh fuck I - ohhh! It was like
her hands were magnetized to her tits, fingers gravitating towards her
erect nipples and finding purchase. A moan escaped from her before she
bit down on her lip again hard, sinking to her knees as she groped,
pinched, rubbed, and pulled herself closer to orgasm. Chloe enjoyed
having her nipples played with before but that was nothing compared to
the sparks currently being set off in her body, every aching need and
extra blood vessel being sent directly to the two hardened pinpoints
atop her breasts.
She fell backward, hips pumping as her body sought any kind of
contact, the thin fabric of her workout leggings doing little to help,
but more than enough considering both hands were otherwise occupied. The
feeling of her clit moving against anything though was more than enough,
the twin peaks of pleasure currently being fondled and tugged doing an
excellent job of replacing it as her most sensitive body part. Tugging
was especially doing it for Chloe, sending bolts of ecstasy straight to
her core as she released another moan, not even bothering to stop this
one as she edged herself closer and closer to release.
Her whole world had centered down to the two bullet points between
her fingers, throbbing with a need she couldn't help but obey, no longer
caring who found her as long as she could just cum. Luckily, her body
was on the same page as she felt the first tremors begin, her legs
shaking as she felt the earth fall out from underneath her.
Chloe didn't hear the noise she made, all modesty gone as
animalistic need and the force of her orgasm quaked her body. Her vision
went pink and white, barely feeling the wet stain starting to form
between her thighs as her world all but ended except for the sharp
tugging of her hard nipples and her jerking hips as thunderous pleasure
overtook every other one of her senses. She barely even noticed as her
body started to come down from that high that her hands were finally
free, hanging loosely at her side as she tried to catch her
That was.… mmm… that… ahh hell. Whatever thoughts she had
to describe the experience were lost as she came back to reality, the
wetness of her ruined leggings making itself known in the
air-conditioned mall. Slowly getting up, she stared down at herself,
surprised to find that her chest remained largely unchanged, sans the
fact that she might be a little extra perkier… and her nipples were
definitely still rock solid. The shirt seemingly painted onto her at
this point.
It was a safer experiment than she had imagined compared to the
possible outcomes still circling in her brain, the intense desire she
had felt simmering in the background and her nipples, while still
achingly sensitive, at least seemed to be the same size. Chloe had never
been a squirter before though, and while she gingerly stood up on
quaking legs she definitely grimaced at the sight of her leggings.
Well, that's embarrassing. Having orgasmed so hard in the
middle of the department store she was still seeing stars explained some
of the noises she heard occasionally peaking over the pop music made
sense. Looking around, she spotted something similarly innocuous to the
shirt nearby and began shucking her wet leggings off, reaching over to
grab the frilly white skirt.
It held a similar enchantment to the crop top but she had picked it
out of the miscellaneously stocked and unorganized racks for that
reason, some of the other articles literally brimming with unknown
potential. She had also thought that it was long enough to cover her,
but the high-waisted skirt seemed very eager to plant its flimsy frilled
hemline firmly but ever so slightly above her butt, providing a cheeky
sort of surprise. Unfortunately, that also meant that she needed to find
some underwear because even the slightest twist would reveal her
undressed state to the world and that-
"Excuse me, can I like, help you?"
The girlish yelp that escaped Chloe quickly rose to the top of her
most embarrassing moments today, spinning to confront the voice as the
skirt executed a perfect twirl revealing her exposed nether regions to
the world.
The young woman confronting her was fairly short, if only because
her high platform pink stilettos put her at eye level with Chloe. It
also meant her chest was well within peripheral vision. Chloe wouldn't
have been able to miss it anyway, the implant-enhanced breasts
impossibly round, perky, and large for her frame. She couldn't help but
look at how high they stood on her body which meant she was also greeted
by a handy little name tag; Tina with a heart over it, precariously
hanging off her pink cotton shirt and labeling her as a customer service
employee for 'The Bimbo's Kiss'.
"Err, no I'm fine… I was just trying on clothes -" she quickly
kicked away at her ruined clothing in an attempt to hide it, not that
Tina could see much at that angle past her massive tits. "- I should
have found a dressing room, I'm so sorry. I just cou-"
Tina giggled. "Couldn't help yourself? Babe I totally get it.
Everything here makes you feel so warm and fuzzy and gets you wanting to
just spread your legs and play with your slutty little bimbo clitty."
Chloe couldn't help but feel some sympathy arousal watching her get so
turned on talking about what Chloe kind of just experienced. There were
probably different reactions to different items…
"Plus the 'dressing rooms' are usually only for when some poor cutie
needs a little extra assistance. I was just on my way there -" she
jingled a medium size pink bag with nothing but the logo of a lipstick
mark adorning it.
"Although…" Chloe didn't like the way Tina licked her lips while
looking her up and down, feeling slightly vulnerable in her bottomless
state. "You're like, super cute. Do you need any service?" Considering
the breathless way Tina said service as her eyes went hazy with arousal
at just the thought, Chloe realized that while she might not be under
threat of any physical harm… she was definitely being sized up like prey
by the lustful bimbo employee.
"Haha.…ha. No, I'm good. I'm just going to grab some panties-" Chloe
looked around, the shelves and racks were a disaster but she found a
strappy little black pair of what at least looked vaguely like
underwear, and she went and reached for them. "- and go up front, pay,
and be on my- my- oh my-mMMMMM!"
She had been expecting something to happen; a slow burn of arousal
being fed into her veins, an unconscious thought of putting them on
despite being very much consciously planning to do just that, and then
maybe a weird party trick and hopefully Tina would leave her alone.
Instead what she got was an instant knee-buckling orgasm, almost biting
her tongue with the amount of force needed to keep a full-throated moan
from alerting the entire store of her climax.
It wouldn't have gone unnoticed with Tina right next to her anyway,
the bimbo employee dropping the bag she was carrying as she bent down
with concern crossing her face. "Oh no! That's one of Miss Lucy's
specials! How did that get out here? She's gonna be really mad…" She
could almost see the bimbo looking up and around. "- but not if we get
you all tidied up like it never happened. Here let me help you." Chloe
wasn't even aware of her needing help, having lost control of her body
as it moved without her will and being stuck between trying to force her
legs into the panties she had grabbed and spasming in ecstasy.
Either it was now Chloe's problem to deal with or the bimbo was
immune, because Tina had no problem grabbing a hold of the strappy
little pair of underwear, sorting it out and pulling it up Chloe's legs
in one swoop. Although calling it underwear would be a misuse of the
term, the straps were artfully arranged to put all her best bits on
display without actually covering any part of her; she was as exposed as
if she wasn't wearing a thing.
Unfortunately she was, and now those straps were digging in around
her pussy, heat burning its way into the center of her body as her
breath was ragged from how hard she'd been forced to cum. It almost
didn't matter, she'd never felt so needy in her life, Tina's warm hand
so close to being where she wanted it to be that Chloe's hips were
bucking, trying to get her to just touch-
"Yup, definitely one of Miss Lucy's." Tina giggled as she gave Chloe
exactly what she wanted, inserting two fingers and circling her clit
with her thumb. It didn't matter to Chloe that she just had two of the
strongest orgasms of her life or that she was in a department store, the
only thing her brain could focus on was extracting as much pleasure as
possible out of Tina's hand, the straps digging tight again as more
bimbo bliss blanketed her mind. Nothing else was more important, even as
she was starting to register that her mouth was moving and words were
coming out.
"oh fuck, yes, fuck my naughty bimbo pussy ohhhh that feels so
good yesyesyesyes right there my dumb horny clitty feels so good!"
It was near impossible to do much as else as Tina
finger-fucked her closer and closer to another fabulous orgasm, this one
promising to be even bigger than the other two. Which sounded perfect to
Chloe, every repetition of some dirty porn talk setting off her body to
thrum and squeeze in time with her new panties, imprinting the words
deep into her dumb, horny brain.
She still had some thoughts though, images of her bending over in
her tiny new skirt and showing off both of her needy bimbo holes to a
faceless man who was slowly starting to look a lot more like Marcus.
Nothing sounded better than getting penetrated and used up against a
wall, fingers moving in time to a fat cock on her slutty bimbo clitty
while slutty bimbo Chloe was just about to… to… to-
Tina had stopped, thoroughly engaged in her phone as though helping
Chloe orgasm all over the store's floor again was just a normal customer
service duty she'd grown bored of. No, instead the once helpful bimbo
employee was getting up, pulling her hand out of Chloe instead of
finishing the job to squeal at whatever was so interesting on her
"O. M. G. Miracle Maiden is here and she's doing a catwalk!" Looking
down at the flustered and heavily breathing Chloe, she goes back and
forth between her phone before: "Umm, like you're almost there right?
Just use the toy in the bag and I'll be back in a jiffy! MM is like, my
favorite-ist heroine EVER!" and without batting another perfect eyelash,
Tina twirled around and clicked away hurriedly, her shuddering shoulders
unable to hide the barely concealed excitement she was about to erupt
Chloe looked dumbfounded at the jiggling retreating backside, stuck
between annoyance at having been so close but also… she definitely knew
what was in store for her if she had cum, and even though her body was
aching to get back to business having been edged so close to relief,
getting bailed out at the last minute left her with at least some
semblance of rational thought.
Rational thought that was quickly starting to lose against her
aching bimbo need throbbing in all the best ways possible, already
drawing her hands between her thighs. Making the most of it, she instead
quickly gathered her things and the little pink bag that Tina had
promised held something more fun than fingers, and aimed her way towards
the dressing rooms where at least she'd be privately…
Towards the back of the store, past the dressing rooms
where even though some sound deadening material had been clearly
installed wasn't fully subduing the sounds of very satisfied
customers-to-be, was a large and intimidating set of steel double doors.
Working her way towards it she was surprised to find it wasn't just
locked, but featured a multi-entry biometric security system that was
far too high-tech and expensive for a mere (even though it was proving
more suspect than she originally thought) department store.
It was so out of place with the rest of The Bimbo's Kiss that it
drew Chloe in, not so far gone yet that the suspicious door wasn't
triggering her curiosity… Well, the area behind the door was probably
private enough. Chloe thought to herself, the lustful side of her mind
eager to finish what Tina had started. She had set up a failsafe earlier
but it was untested still and she more than likely only had one shot at
it and her slutty bimbo pussy just needed something fat and thick in it
Making up her mind before her body did it for her, Chloe covered the
rest of the distance to the door swiftly, double checking there was no
one around before she pulled out her phone, initiating a few well-placed
strokes and gestures on the screen before placing it up against the
security panel.
The screen flashed into a barely legible string of numbers and letters writing themselves into existence before having the system turn green and unlock with a heavy clack an instant later. It was cheating, the strange doors having one of the most advanced security systems you could buy in any market, and basically impenetrable when the hacker wasn't someone who edited reality itself. Chloe gently tugged at the heavy steel revealing a dark, sterile and mostly silent hallway as she stepped inside, the industrial steel thudding behind her as it closed with an ominous boom.