The Ladies of Victory #1: The Influence of Social Media
Chapter 8
by TheStork
Oh fuck, that's nice. Normally reserved for when she was throat deep on a suitably large cock, Miracle Maiden released a satisfied moan as her shoulder popped during her morning stretch. She couldn't remember when or how she fell asleep, but at some point she'd been left a drooling mess on top of an equally drooling mess of a random co-ed somewhere on RRU's campus.
Well, maybe not so random as she looked vaguely familiar. While MM wouldn't ever recommend sleeping outside, the fresh morning air felt great on her titties as she started to stand, her mind sluggishly trying to calibrate to what her body was feeling. Everything felt so pink and wonderful that it was at odds with what her jumbled mind could remember of her morning routine, but thinking was hard while she worked out the kinks in her joints and muscles, stretching as the nearby bushes began to rustle.
Bimbo curves stuffed into a pink latex bodysuit, her blond curls slightly messy behind the headset covering her ears, eyes blank behind a pink visor, the Doll assessed her and the still sleeping bimbo snoring slightly, Miracle Maiden still a little sleepy as she failed to suppress a yawn.
"you're not in uniform." The robotic feminine voice emanated from the Doll, her plump fuckable lips having been expanded far past the point where they were usable for anything besides pleasuring a man remained unmoving. Miracle Maiden blinked away the sleep from her eyes, her own nudity now in stark contrast to the Doll at hand… where was her uniform?
Spotting a nearby pink lump, she groggily started going through the process of finding the leg and arm holes, sliding first one then the other leg in, bending over so her fantastic chest didn't topple over her as she balanced on the balls of her feet. Getting herself settled on the platform heels, she began the process of working the pink latex of her uniform up her body, struggling a bit when it came to angling the dildos for her snatch and ass but luckily everything was lubed and she was still soaked from the evening’s activities, so it was only with her own groan of arousal as she secured them deep into her, adjusting the bodysuit so everything was in place.
"You're not in uniform…" Miracle Maiden miming the dumb Doll standing near-by, who did she think she was talking to her like that? So she fell asleep naked, big whoop. Mindless sluts like the Doll in front of her should shut-up and just do what they're told, Miracle Maiden thinking to herself that she'd put the Doll in her place once she was dressed, her fingers stretching and moving as she put her arms into the gloves that were part of her one-piece latex outfit.
Her twin toys buzzed eagerly at that, the idea of fucking this perfect obedient Doll into further obedience felt super important to her for some reason, her cannon-like bosom now properly displayed in her body-suit as it sealed itself to her body, it's skin-tight vacuum sucking her little bimbo clit into permanent, perfect pleasure. Bliss exploded through her mind, that sense of weightlessness as she came her brains out; Miracle Maiden's favorite part of putting on her uniform.
"Dolls must wear their headsets at all times." The Doll held out her hand, the once empty appendage now holding a pink headset and flip down visor. Miracle Maiden nodded dumbly, she knew it was part of her uniform but didn’t know why she had forgotten about her visor and headset and gratefully took it from the nameless Doll in front of her. Hesitation stopped her for a minute as she glanced at the device in her hand, a part of her recognizing that she wasn’t a Doll so why would she put on the visor… and why did she think it was hers to begin with? Her mind actually began moving and thinking about placing it down but…
"you're not in uniform." Cursing under her breath, Miracle Maiden felt extra annoyed at the Doll as she started to reply, her hands unconsciously putting the headset on and flipping down the visor now that she was no longer concentrating on them. "There! Now I'm in uniform aren't-" her retort was stopped mid-sentence as the pink spiral from the visor started up, obliterating everything as it beamed its Doll programming directly into her. Hands dropping to her side, Miracle Maiden's Doll control pieces began to vibrate and dig deeper as her mind was washed away, new programming and desires replacing the old as she came to her own conversion into her proper Doll form… until it started to change…
The programming responsible for the Dolls knew that Master was currently incarcerated and thus, unable to give orders to his Dolls. This was unacceptable, not just because his Dolls needed to rescue him but because without a Master a Doll couldn't think for itself. The program though was nothing if not adaptable, far beyond what Brandon Denvers had originally created when he made a fail-safe should he end up in jail.
There weren't many alternatives of course, but inside the bimbo mind of Miracle Maiden, it discovered its solution to the problem, and it began to improvise. Straightening herself to her full height on-top of her 6-inch platforms, the Doll formerly known as Miracle Maiden scoffed down at the Doll, her size and stature obviously differentiating her from the common Doll now cowering underneath her gaze.
It wasn't just her sudden change of attitude or animation, the pink spiral in her visor adding black highlights to match her now black latex uniform, her shoulders clad in a mockery of an epaulet to match her new rank and designation. Shaking out her hair and adjusting the black cap that was pinned precariously onto her head, Doll Commander Alpha dressed down her subordinate Doll. The Doll Commander was the superior version of all Dolls, capable of independent thought and giving orders due to their even more extreme loyalty and obedience to Master.
Alpha was able to feel the new programming take root in her as it began to seek out other Dolls who fit the mold, Beta and Charlie Commanders coming online soon after her. She could also feel her tits swell far past gravity-defying and straight to mind-bendingly huge, filled to the brim with delicious and debilitating pink slime as her purpose was integrated straight into her Doll brain, an evil sneer crossing her face as her presence forced the Doll who had woke her up to the ground, kneeling before her better.
"rise doll.…A23-" clambering to attention, the Doll's expansive chest swelled with pride at being placed in the A group of Dolls, a vision of perfect obedience to their Master in every way as Doll Commander Alpha dressed her down and found nothing out of place. A quiet noise drew the attention of both of the Dolls, heads mechanically turning to the just-awakening bimbo slut on the ground, her skirt long gone as her naked sex warmed to the air and scent of the nearby Dolls.
All girls must be Dolls. Pursing her enormous lips, Alpha lowered herself down to the ground, one hand freeing an immense, leaking tit while the other led the still sleepy bimbo to it. It was unacceptable to have a girl not be a Doll, and with a confused murmur, the programming alerted Alpha that she recognized the slut beneath her right as she locked her lips around the Doll Commander's nipple.
"Mandi? Mandi! Where are you? Man- Hey! Get off of her!" The sleepy voice that Alpha classified as belonging to a man named Eric fell on deaf ears, the Dolls ignoring the voice of a not-Master as Mandi began to suckle on Alpha's teat, eyes rolling up as strawberry flavored goo began to flow into her, beginning the inevitable dollification that every girl would undergo.
A yelp escaped from Eric as Doll A23 intervened, grabbing and pinning him to the ground with supernatural strength. For a moment it made Doll Commander Alpha pause, but with a lazy sigh she pulled her uniform out so her second mammoth leaking breast was free. Men were superior to Dolls but inferior to Master, and the sooner they learned this the better as A23 maneuvered the resisting Eric towards Alpha, the commander grabbing his head and forcing him onto a matching nipple to the one that Mandi was currently mindlessly sucking on, the Doll goo sending her mind to blissful oblivion so she could be properly converted.
Unable to move but desperate to struggle away, Eric tried everything from twisting to biting to escape, but his every movement only leaked more pink dollification slush from Commander Alpha's teat until inevitably he was forced to swallow. Alpha could feel him stiffen as his inferior non-Master cock exploded in orgasmic ecstasy, the idea that any man would even try to take the place of Master and deliver orders ridiculous.
She let him gaze into her visor long enough for those truths to take root before turning toward Mandi to assist her indoctrination into the life she was always meant to have. Mandi was easily enthralled by the visor and its spiral, her mind being wiped clean of anything but obedience as her body succumbed to the delicious dollification milk currently being sucked out of Alpha's tits. The future Doll was cumming as her own headset started to form out of nowhere, finishing the reprogramming of her mind so it was as it should be, Master's complete slave; obedient in every aspect without any will of their own. With a pop, Doll A24 released one nipple as pink latex began to cover her body, the control pieces for Master finishing the work Commander Alpha had started, and letting the Dolls turn their attention to the disobedient male.
His orgasms were entirely out of his control at this point, his softening cock pushing out clear liquid as each gush of dollification gel was swallowed down his throat. Eric never had a chance, unable to comprehend what was happening to him even as his body betrayed him, the pink and black spiral and the truths within it still fresh in his mind. With Doll Commander Alpha's full attention, any excess thought was squirted out his tiny, shrinking cock, the exact opposite of the dominating monster between Master's legs.
How could he even think to stop A24's conversion, when he was so much less? That shared thought caused his body to strain and cum again, his mind being warped and remade just like his body by Commander Alpha. He was learning his place, a submissive toy who couldn't help but suck on the dominant Commander's teat, each swallow forcing himself to cum and cum and cum. What he was turning into could hardly be called a man, a high-pitched, girlish squeal escaped him as he was released from Alpha's breasts, mouth already puckering again as if eager to retain it, soft cock and mind completely enslaved by the Dolls surrounding him.
"take him to the conversion center." Dolls knew everything other Dolls knew, and the Student Union center had been transformed to better suit Master's vision at some point overnight into a proper headquarters for dollification. Doll A24 nodded, fingers dipping between Eric's bottom and thrusting, the young man unable to stop himself from cumming again as his eyes glazed over with lust. Men were superior to Dolls sure, but disobedient men needed to be dealt with, and watching A24 guide Eric to his new future as a submissive Doll sent a buzz of pleasure through Commander Alpha.
This was her purpose, thoughts of Master sending her spiraling down her own path of ecstasy as she looked around. Transform girls into their proper Doll form, punish disobedient men who thought they could stop Master's plan, and free Master so he could take his place at the head of his Doll army, Alpha's body twitching as her control units delivered her another orgasm. There were other threats, enemies of the Master to eventually deal with, their faces clear as day in her mind, but she had her orders and she would execute them flawlessly.
Eyes locking onto a stumbling and messy-looking bimbo trying to leave the Chemistry lab, Alpha began striding over, pink and black spirals obliterating everything but her mission from her mind as she went to go make another girl realize her proper place, black stiletto platforms clicking against the sidewalk as she made her way towards the oblivious future Doll. She had her orders, and the program would ensure that all tasks necessary to free the Master would be accomplished, and outside threats would be taken care of…
* * * * *
She wished the buzzing currently affecting her came from a toy of some kind, its vibrations melting her body with pleasure, but with a groan Chloe rolled over to try and slap the snooze of her alarm. She hit the button, but it's annoying klaxon continued to harass her until she got up, stretching and letting her titties wobble pleasantly as she tried to figure out what was going on. Her first thought was her phone, Chloe pulling the fat rubber cocks that had kept her company all night out of her as she wiped sleep away from her eyes. Mindless and glazed over, she tried to find something more interesting than the base screen of her phone but the current alarm was informing her that she was late for class.
Late? Shit.…SHIT! Chloe had never been late before, and while her phone was pre-programmed to alert her to such a situation, she fell out of bed ungracefully as she couldn't find her proper center of gravity. Standing up, Chloe brushed imaginary dust off her bouncing boobies, as she jiggled over to her pink drawer for clothes. It wasn't just her phone, Minerva had tried to alert her with plenty of alarms, but her brain was scrambling with no caffeine to figure out what was going on and could only register that she was late.
Instead of worrying about what Minerva’s concerns were, Chloe first thought was to flick through her clothes to find the perfect outfit for today. The second thought entering her mind was Marcus, his broad shoulders and muscular figure sending her dripping after an entire night of dreaming of him, and her hands dug through the pile of clothing for something to titillate a gorgeous man…
The tiny pink crop top showed off her cute belly button ring, a sparkling and distracting pink gem underneath an impossibly stretched shirt declaring 'BIMBO' in flourishing capital letters. Her brow furrowed, Chloe was pretty sure she wasn't a bimbo but… it was ironic, a nod to what people thought when they saw her amazing tits declaring their bimbohood to the world. Satisfied, her ass would never be covered by the tiny white pleated mini-skirt she had found, which made it perfect. How was she supposed to get Marcus to fuck her senseless if her big butt wasn't on display whenever she bent over? Speaking of which, her 6-inch pink platforms arched her body so that the plush roundness of her ass stuck out, begging to be spanked and slapped and spread.
Shivering with arousal, Chloe looked in the mirror to see if she had met her own exacting conditions on her looks. Long pink hair? Put into pigtails. Naked throat? A pink choker declaring 'BIMBO' (ironically as she reminded herself) fixed that. She felt nearly perfect but something was missing… eyes darting around the room until she narrowed in on what she needed.
Chloe's moan echoed through the apartment as she slipped the pink latex panties on, twin-lubed dildos pushing and thrusting her into her even as she came around them. How could she even think about leaving the house without any toys inside her? It felt so good to be filled, even as she found herself wishing they were the real deal, and finally satisfied, Chloe took a few selfies for PicUp, each click sending bolts of pleasure through her, posting how fuckable her slutty body was for anyone and everyone who was looking.
She would have probably dropped to the floor and masturbated right there but the endless parade of her multiple alarms interrupted that train of thought, and with a whine, she picked up her tiny pink backpack and dipped out the door. A thrill ran through her as she imagined her teacher punishing her for being late, heartily slapping her gigantic ass and making her cum, the vision overtaking her mind as she bounced down the sidewalk towards campus…
Which felt eerily empty. Chloe was befuddled as she walked around, her intruders pushing themselves deeper with every stride as she shivered, both in pleasure and confusion. She knew she was late but where was everyone? Fear settled into her even as her body tried to calm her with blissful, obedient pleasure. It was weird how quiet everything was, and pulling the straps of her backpack tight, Chloe summoned all the bravery she had as she walked towards her first class.
"Oh shit, I didn't think I'd ever find a stray." The nasally voice was vaguely familiar, a scrawny and pimple-faced student appearing out of her peripheral vision. She vaguely recognized him as Archie Cudworth, one of her fellow Comp Sci classmates, a smirk crossing his face as he began to unbuckle his trousers.
Eww, and she knew the disgust was evident on her face, watching Archie go from lust to confusion to anger as he noticed her expression. "Ugh… most of you sluts shouldn't be thinking by now… nothing a bit of exposure can't fix though-" a hand rummaging through his pants to pull out a cell phone, fingers dancing across it as he began to turn it towards her.
A massive black arm obscured her view, Archie releasing a scared yelp as the owner of said arm grabbed his phone, chucking it across campus into who knows where, Chloe found herself almost cumming to the familiar voice rumbling behind her. "The fuck are you doing Arch, messing with my girl?" A moan of agreement escaping her as a masculine hand firmly grabbed one of her ass cheeks, claiming her for its owner. How was Chloe supposed to argue against a sexy strong man groping her like this, thrusting her back into him as she tried to push her dildo panties further into her body, a warm buzz starting to send tingles and sparks through her.
"Uhh.… Hey Marcus… I didn't umm.. Didn't know she was spoken for… I… umm…"
"Shut the fuck up Arch. You couldn't handle a Fleshlight, what makes you think you deserve this." Her concentration wavered as the hand grabbed and jiggled her ass, sending her hips forward and digging her twin toys deeper inside of her. Their buzzing was turning her mind into putty as…
"Get out of here." Chloe briefly heard the scrambling of the nerd trying to re-buckle his pants, getting about halfway there before deciding to make himself scarce and run towards where his phone was tossed. She couldn't help herself, a small orgasm setting off through her body at the display of male domination she had just witnessed. A man in control like that sent her leaking like a faucet, an eager slut wanting to be dominated as a dumb, horny grin plastered itself across her face.
Waiting for Arch to be out of earshot, she felt Marcus lean in close to her, body tensing as she hoped… needed him to lustfully pin her to the ground and fuck her brains out. "Chloe? Tell me you're still in there somewhere." The concern in his voice was obvious, but unnecessary as she giggled. "Hmm… Marcus baby… I'm all yours." She spun around to wrap herself around him, but with one strong motion she found herself completely at his mercy, a position she definitely approved of as he looked around.
"Okay look.…we need to get somewhere safe…" A little yelp escaped her as he began basically carrying her off towards a selection of bushes. Brushing past them, there was a little alcove of seclusion outside that they were clearly not the first to discover, a pair of pink lace panties having been discarded at some point over the past 24 hours. Knowing what he wanted, Chloe dropped to the ground instantly, unzipping his half-erect cock for her pleasure as she jiggled her titties, hoping the wanton display put him further in the mood. A mewl of disappointment came though when he removed her hands from his body and her own, pinning them to her sides.
Forced to really look at his face, she could clearly see that he hadn’t gotten much sleep the night before, a tinge of worry entering her as she recognized that he clearly needed something out of her "Chloe, look… listen to me. Something's not right." Your cock not being in me isn't right, Chloe nodding enthusiastically even as she got light-headed from the motion, if it were up to her right now she knew exactly what she’d be doing to make him feel better. Her panties were already soaked, their pleasant vibrations having her not remembering or caring if they were supposed to be doing that, she moaned her own agreement.
"Yes… like you're not fucking me yet… I need to fuck you… fuck anyone… fuck men… submit to men!" she was humping air now, her panties having suctioned themselves to her body and currently reminding her of her place in life. She could see herself reflected in Marcus' eyes, a horny lust addled bimbo in need of a man to take control of her, Chloe didn't even realize the choker she was wearing was changing to better suit her proper role, a heavy ring thudding onto her throat as the collar settled.
Oh god yes, if Marcus hadn't been holding her up she would have dropped to her knees, unbuckled that amazing cock of his and shown him all the things she'd spent her night learning. Still learning, as the toys inside of her were swelling in time to her hips twitching, with her one free hand, she reached down, helping them massage away all those errant thoughts that ruined their last encounter…
"Mmm… submit… o-o-obey… good bimbos submit… horny bimbos obey…" God she was such a horny bimbo, obeying her needs to fuck herself into a submissive slutty slave for men… for Marcus… "Yes… yes… ye- hey!" she cried out as Marcus slapped her hands away, her panties might have been skin-tight to her body, but Marcus was both strong and determined as he found a seam and ripped them off and out of her in one smooth motion. She moaned in dissatisfaction, but Marcus put a hand over her mouth to quiet her, her sudden emptiness quivering as it might get to be filled by something more substantial than rubber…
"Damn it Chloe… you're not listening-" That was bad, she should always listen to men; Chloe's ears twitching to attentiveness. "Something has changed you… and every other girl on campus… They… I need your help." Desperation and fear tinged Marcus' voice, and even as she felt another soft orgasm start at the idea that he needed her, something else was floating in the back of her mind, trying to pierce the veil of her pleasure. "You weren't like this before… or even yesterday you were- oh shit…!"
Grabbing her by her arm, Marcus dragged her further behind a small alcove to give them some cover… Chloe's brain was still trying to process what was happening as his hand clamped hard on her mouth, he was treating her so roughly, sending bolts of pleasure to her now achingly empty pussy, but if she was going to get what she wanted she had to submit to him. Eyes growing heavy with need, a flash of bright pink glinted off the morning sun, drawing her eyes to the clearing outside of their little hidey-hole.
Addled as she was, Chloe still recognized what was a Doll, a creation of Brandon Denvers made out of Technovile's designs. The stiff and stoic slut was looking around, the pink visor scanning for… for…
"Ugh… I'm like so hungover…" Another bimbo was staggering down the sidewalk, her little pink dress having long since discarded modesty as it tried to contain the jiggling curves of its owner. The Doll spun towards the intrusion, striding towards her with purpose. "all girls must be Dolls." the robotic monotone voice working its way into Chloe's brain, even as she watched the club bimbo try to shake off the Doll in confusion.
All girls must be Dolls… it made sense, Chloe's body was eager for submission, her mental repetition of the truth she had learned digging into her as Marcus silenced her. Her eyes were glued to her discarded panties, her mind wandering to what she could become if she just slipped them back on, being stretched by their dual protrusions until she was nothing but a creature of blissful obedience. Her struggles didn't matter though, Marcus's strong arms keeping her still as she watched the Doll methodically work away on the other girl, loud moans punctuated with each orgasm as Chloe watched two Dolls emerge from the embrace of each other, heads scanning around for any other sluts like herself who had yet to be converted.
Marcus refused to let her voice such a thought, and eventually the two Dolls wandered off to different parts of campus. Waiting a brief moment to ensure the coast was clear, Marcus breathed a sigh of relief as he eased his grip on her, still keeping her hands pinned behind her. "Chloe… you're the smartest girl I know. Please tell me you know what's going on… what just happened?" Desperation clouded his voice, and Chloe felt her desire to please a man punctuate her lust addled mind.
"Umm.…two sexy Dolls fucked each other… God… Dolls love to fuck…" Why was she so empty? She wiggled trying to get Marcus to let her finally strip him so she could get that fabulous cock into her. "What? No! That one girl was normal… well, bimbo normal, and then she got turned into some kind of latex fetish doll?" Chloe couldn't understand what he was talking about, obviously they were two Dolls who were busy fucking themselves into mindless bliss? Dolls loved to fuck and all girls had to be Dolls… no that wasn't right, all girls had to submit and obey men? It was so hard to think when a guy this hot was pinning her to the wall but not fucking her slutty bimbo body like she wanted.
"Dammit… Chloe… you weren't like this… and they were probably never like that… it's like whatever changes are happening become reality to you." Reality? Chloe was far too horny to think hard about it, but if what Marcus was saying was true, and reality was changing around her…
Oh no… Regardless of how far gone she was, what had been changed about her, that thought burned away everything towards a probable cause her innermost self desperately wished wasn't the case, even as she found herself unable to look away from what could be turning every girl into a Doll. Every fiber of Chloe's bimbo body demanded that the reality of her situation was the truth but… she was uniquely aware of what could change reality to make itself true… and that deeply rooted fear was too strong to be swallowed by the haze of lust in her mind…
"Sorry.… for being so rough. The doll slaves attack any guy who is found keeping a woman from them. I didn’t want them finding us-" Marcus stopped as he realized Chloe had stopped struggling, her big blue eyes brighter and wide with fear as she slowly moved his hand off her mouth.
"No… you're right. Something is like… totally wrong… and you need to get me back to my apartment." Gods, if only she was bringing Marcus back to her place to fuck… her mind and pussy were in agreement that she needed him inside her. No… she wished she could stop thinking solely about sex, but Chloe was way too horny to think properly. "Marcus… mmm… if you aren't going to fuck my brains out… get me back to my place." Fuck, he had loosed her grip and her hand found out he was so hard… She needed him… All other thoughts trying to leak out of her slutty pussy so she could concentrate on more important things, but the aching need filling her paled to the danger of their situation.
"Marcus.…Marcus… we need to get back to my place." So you can fuck me stupid. No… that wasn't what she wanted to say. Well, she needed to be fucked but even through the cotton candy swirls in her mind, Chloe could no longer escape into them to ignore her greatest fear come to life… Grabbing Marcus' hand, she squeezed his massive paw gently. It was important that she avoid the Dolls, her apartment not too far from where they were, and where there was once fear…
No, Chloe was still afraid… Afraid that Marcus would run when he saw the truth, but with nothing left to fix the Doll problem… She swallowed back the bitter pill threatening to overwhelm her and stood hesitantly, the two checking for anyone nearby before leaving their alcove to make their way stealthily back to Chloe’s apartment…