The Ladies of Victory #1: The Influence of Social Media
Chapter 7
by TheStork
"Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK." The door slam felt satisfying, not just because it made all her best bits jiggle, but because she had messed up and taking it out on an inanimate object was nice. Chloe had finally gotten over herself to blow the hottest and most well-endowed guy she'd ever known and she messed it up. It had been awhile, the time since somehow longer and shorter than she remembered, but normally when she sucked a guy off to the point that he face-fucked her like that she was used to complete satisfaction.
Instead… Marcus seemed confused and then angry, like she had done something wrong. Chloe didn't know what it was, but it was mixing with her shame at having lost control of herself as she stripped her leotard from her body to enter her shower. She wished the steaming hot water helped, but all it did was reignite all the fires she had managed to dull with at least one solid orgasm and anxiety, all while she went over the event in her mind.
There was something wrong, as she worked it over, but she couldn't pinpoint what it was; the only thing she could think about was that final look on Marcus' face as she ran away… or that delicious fat cock of his. He wasn't fully satisfied, just confused and angry… betrayed even though she'd done her best. A shiver ran through her and a slap to her face didn't help, Chloe feeling super embarrassed even as she was a little turned on again trying to go over what had just happened. This probably had nothing to do with how sexy she was, her very fuckable ass trying to make itself known, so that couldn’t fix what had happened. She tried to seduce Marcus, and something she did made him angry instead of interested and now she had to think over what.
It was hard though as her thoughts about Marcus were struggling to surface against what was happening as her ass brushed over her not so little ‘friend’ poking her rear. The fat fake cock that was her constant companion in the shower and seemed eager to slip inside of her; which considering she’d spent the time thinking about the failed but hot session with Marcus soaping up and caressing her curvy body she was slowly thinking less and less about Marcus’ reaction to her and more about his hard sweaty body as she imagined grinding up against him.
She felt the warm plastic and its unnecessarily large width find its target as it begins to push itself against her eager rear, Chloe unable to prevent a moan as she adjusted her hips to let it slip inside. The flared head of one of her favorite toys had no problem piercing her huge slutty ass, and any concerns about fit or lubrication got pushed out of her brain with every inch of glorious pleasure piercing her. It felt almost roughly the same size as Marcus had, and she could just imagine him holding her up in his big strong arms as he pounded away, Chloe’s thick, juicy booty jiggling and wobbling as the momentum of her thrusting soon had her previously unexplored ass being spread into a properly fuckable hole.
If she could think about it, Chloe would probably be wondering how she could easily take the stand in for imaginary Marcus when she’d never seriously done anal play before, but subconscious thoughts weren’t important when her ass was demanding she fuck it, and she couldn’t resist letting them fade into bliss as she found orgasm coming fast and hard as she moaned and shook over her favorite toy, abusing her favorite hole…
Satisfyingly full, and panting, Chloe pulls herself off the toy, grabbing her towel to dry off and not let the feel of the soft cotton on her sensitive body send her back into the shower for round two. Trying to sort out her long pink tresses, she waddled over to the lab as she attempted to fit into her command chair. Her daily scan alerted her to a contamination but any concern she could muster seemed to already have answers waiting for her.
Of course something was wrong, her seduction of Marcus had gone terribly and she would have to figure out what it is so she could get his trophy-deserving dick inside of her again. She couldn't concentrate on other potential problems when her libido insisted she think about Marcus which led to her thinking about his reaction to what she thought was a pretty solid performance… maybe she just wasn't as good as she thought?
Sliding naked on to her pink satin sheets, Chloe reaches over to her nightstand for one of her many toys. Pulling up her phone, she opens up her PicUp to find the video had been posted. Ugh… everyone is going to know that Marcus wasn’t happy with me, but disgust fades as her body registered the video in an entirely other way, wanting to edge her to more fun and slutty entanglements. Re-adjusting herself, her mind doesn’t even register that her hand had begun sliding a fat pink dildo between her open, drooling lips; it's strawberry-flavored lube coated the inside of her mouth and throat as with little effort she had it chokingly deep, the size and length similarly large to the one currently fucking her face on video.
Maybe I just need more practice. Settling into a rhythm, Chloe continues to slowly suck and nurture on the pink plastic facsimile, already missing the raw heat of the real thing even as the lube was starting to make her light headed. Moving again so she could watch her phone but free up her other hand, playful and light fingering this time wasn't enough as her body ached to be as full as her luscious mouth. It didn't take long for her free hand to find what it was looking for, Chloe's eyes unable to look away from the captivating movement of her ass and rhythmic deepthroating as she finds a mirror to the fake dick currently disappearing down her mouth to use between her legs.
Fuuuuuuuuck… The massive rubber hardness slid inside her easily, stretching and filling her as her eyes rolled up into her head. Her body was built for this, as Chloe began to work the fake fuck-stick in concert with the one occupying her mouth. Thoughts echoed and bounced out of her mind as pleasure took over, the most important thing being filling her body with every fuckable inch she could find. Distractingly, the screen of her phone paused for a second before rebooting, loading up an entirely new video of some other bimbo.
This slut didn't have a care in the world, as Chloe noticed her eyes were dull with lust as two strong, powerful black studs railed her into blissful oblivion. Chloe felt jealousy enter her, stuck with these plastic copies and wishing she had something real to satisfy her, every jiggle and thrust sending her closer to heaven. She didn't even notice that she was mirroring the scene playing out in front of her, her body engaging with the video without any conscious thought from her mind.
"Ohhh.…fuck my naughty bimbo pussy with your massive meat-rod!" Chloe giggled at the silly porno script, but it didn’t keep the heat from the scene having her own pussy clamping down on an equally massive plastic rod even as she continued to fuck her throat. She was so jealous of the bimbo on the screen getting what Chloe thought should have been hers, remembering how hot and hard Marcus was and what a shame it was she never got to really feel him inside her.
"Your cock tastes so good, I just fucking love cock!" Preaching to the choir, Chloe was constantly thinking about how much she loved dick but especially when she was filled so completely like she was right now. She felt a strange but familiar weight settle into her down below, but once it started buzzing, her jiggling toy-filled ass let her know it was putting her brain on the backburner so her body could take control. Outside of cocks, the only other thing her hazy mind seemed to want was to imprint herself onto the screen. It wasn't just jealousy as she wished she was in the spot of the bouncing bubbly girl being treated like a cock-sleeve by two massive hunks. Maybe Marcus had a twin brother… that thought sent sparks of pleasure through her as her body moved entirely without thought, her holes dedicated to servicing anything that wanted to plug them…
"Treat me like a fuck-doll baby! I'm your doll! I'm your Doll!" God yes, she just wished she had a real man to turn her into their fuck-doll, and despite the rather enthusiastic display of the bimbo Doll currently getting railed into oblivion, she couldn't stop her mind from still moving to think about… cock… a specific cock. That glorious cock and electrifying feeling when Marcus pinned her head to him as he used her like the slut she was. It was a hotter thought than anything else she could put on screen, and she needed to see it again… needed to figure out how she had messed up so she could fix it and get him inside her. Going backwards, Chloe put back on the video she had taken, setting it to loop so she wouldn't miss an instant of mind-melting pleasure, desperately wishing the cock going down her throat was his as she moaned in orgasm… she wouldn't stop watching until she knew exactly what she was did… what she needed so she could convince Marcus to give her the fucking she really wanted… her eyes and mind losing focus as she worked herself towards further pleasures…
* * * * *
Chloe could have learned a thing or two from Slingshot about self-satisfaction, the latter having long since abandoned any pretense of moving or working today in favor of sinking deeper into her seat; twin mechanical cocks alternating between her ass and pussy. Slingshot's ass and hips were far too large and heavy for her exhausted, worn-out body to even think of adjusting any more than to allow the machine currently fucking her to reach even deeper, the only things she felt she had the energy to do being playing with her gargantuan titties or holding a pink dildo near her lips to suck on.
She'd been here all day, and had discovered that the toy she was currently using had a never-ending supply of gooey pink, strawberry flavored lube that seemed to quench her physical needs so she could concentrate on other, more pleasurable options. Something normally so strange would have had her concerned, but her seat was perfectly designed to cradle her body for minimal stress, her feet wide and lounging as it fucked her with unrelenting, mechanical precision, sending any thoughts besides pleasure straight out of her.
Moaning in blissful satisfaction, she lets another orgasm roll over her, gliding the cock in her hand down her throat and squeezing its hefty base, the feel of more of that delicious pink goop entering her body to set off a second orgasm not long after the first. Not that her mechanized lover cared what was happening, not letting up in it's rhythmic pounding of her body, and just the thought that she was in no position to stop it was starting to send her towards yet another release of ecstasy, a throaty muffled moan off to her side distracting her.
Despite her current situation, some memories were bubbling to the surface, the content they held long tainted by the constant barrage of bimbo pornography on screen and repeated, unending orgasms. She briefly remembered Keiko and Paris, AKA Ninjette and Magdalena, having entered the comm room, and their concern for her and what she was doing. Well… Ninjette's concern as Magdalena was immediately as captivated with the bouncing, giggling, fucking and sucking bimbos on screen as Slingshot was. Ninjette wasn't immune to its effects, and her dazed efforts to collect and remove her teammates was met with extreme resistance.
Now, trapped face down and ass up, her limbs locked in rubber prisons, she was stuck in the same loop of orgasmic bliss as Slingshot and Magdalena were enjoying, her wide and jiggling bimbo booty currently being roughly pumped full of plastic cock at odds with her still rather flat chest. She was definitely enjoying herself, her head having been collared and locked into position so she was forced to watch the screen, her eyes glazed over and empty with pleasure even as her brow furrowed in concentration, her voice muffled by a thick tube currently pumping delicious strawberry pink goodness into her.
Slingshot groaned, wishing her friend could just enjoy the little things in life, and despite the immense effort it was taking her to move any part of her body, she turned to look at Magdalena. Paris understood, the bimbo airhead spent her off-days fucking her way through the party crowd of Rapid Rivers with abandon, and her curvy bimbo body was in a chair matching Slingshots, although her hands were lazily cuffed down to her sides, a pair of impossibly large plastic lips over her face connected to a tube similar to Ninjette's so she didn't even have to think to use a toy, just gaze mindlessly at the stream of beautiful plastic sluts getting their own brains fucked out.
So jelly… Slingshot returning her gaze towards said screen as her head seemed to sink into a position more comfortable but rigid, reducing her ability to turn her head even when she didn’t want to, another delicious orgasm cresting through her as she convulsed around the fake cock again, her mind being smoothed out and suppressed by the pink goo emitting from the dildo she couldn’t help swallowing from. Instead of removing the toy though, she felt her arms fall limply down to her side, not caring if the delicious fullness in her mouth was removed or not, the restraints locking her arms into place loose, certainly not needing to restrain her as she felt something cover up and seal over her mouth.
A muffled giggle and sigh settled into Slingshot, as she was finally able to just blissfully and mindlessly rut and watch, her every need being taken care of now by the machine she was on as it started pumping her full of it's intoxicating reward, each swallow molding her brain further and further into mindless, empty clay. All thoughts and memories of her teammates faded into pink oblivion as she watched bimbos bouncing up and down on their partners.
Bimbos surrounded by men working them with her tongue and hands to release on her face and tits. Bimbos sliding into pink bodysuits, sealing twin pairs of dildos deep inside them. Bimbos sliding their hands up and down the bodysuit as it vacuumed to their curvy bodies, reaching up to lower a pink visor over their empty gazes. A part of Slingshot recognized what she was watching, the girls on screen turning themselves into Dolls, but the only reaction she could muster was lust. Dolls were so sexy; deliciously fuckable bimbos transformed into latex-clad slaves, their minds empty of anything but devotion and obedience to their master.
She felt another surge of jealousy enter her, as her machine had stopped moving after pushing both rubber cocks as deep as they could go, beginning to vibrate as she orgasmed at her own imagination. She was upset that her own mindless pleasure was being interrupted by nagging voices in the back of her head, having been mostly silenced but wisps still appearing, she was lustful of their hot curvy bodies with every inch on display from their skin-tight uniform, and she was jealous that they had a purpose. Each thought was punctuated by her vibrators setting off another sparkling orgasm, embedding them into her mind and soul. She was envious of Dolls. She wanted to be a Doll. She needed to be a Doll. All girls must be Dolls.
All girls must be Dolls. The voice chimed through her head, dimly recognizing it as a robotic version of her own. Her seat had been transforming underneath her the whole time, a warm metal slab propping her upright as her restraints kept her in place. She was briefly aware of the mechanical arms retreating from between her legs, but they had done their job as her body was stuffed full of rubber Doll control pieces, their constant vibration rising and lowering to reward her for obedience and submission, pink latex beginning to form around her crotch sealing them inside her forever as her hard clitty was vacuumed into equally permanent arousal by the encroaching uniform.
It was perfect, her moan muffled as the seal around her lips began to swell and expand. She didn’t need an explanation as she immediately understood what was happening, she was being turned into a Doll! Her new control pieces obliterated anything but joy and ecstasy from her at the thought as her first Dollgasm melted her into putty. All her earlier pleasures couldn't compare to the single-minded bliss she felt, even as she knew she hadn’t reached the peak, her eyes focused on the screens. All the girls had been replaced by Dolls (her agreement that this is how it should be giving her another delicious Dollgasm), obedient perfect toys for their master, carrying out his orders with robotic efficiency as their bodies were rewarded with the ultimate release.
It was the only thing that mattered, that all encompassing explosion of ecstasy destroying her mind of everything but her future as a Doll. Her lips had already swollen to their proper form, Dolls had no need to speak so their mouths were redesigned and puffed up to the point they were useless for anything but pleasure. Her legs too were already clad in her future uniform, pink latex dripping from down her thighs to form as towering heels, her bimbo bottom put on display for Master's approval. She could even feel her tits slowly being covered by the warm latex, a deep V showing off plenty of skin and gravity defying amounts of cleavage. If her body wasn't currently being frozen into it's perfect Doll form, her hips would be thrusting as she mewled in need, she was so close but the machine refused to give her what she truly craved. The firm placement of a headset and visor completing her Dollification.
Slingshot's body was stuck between heaven and hell, her body electric with pleasure as her mind screamed into the void, just one more Dollgasm, one more mantra of obedience, she needed to be complete… she needed to be a Doll… she needed a Master…
All Dolls need a Master. The buzz of bliss sent her careening over the edge, a sound of satisfaction escaping her as she realized what was missing. All Dolls need a Master. Mmmm, the vibration strengthened, burning away everything as she shoved away all thoughts besides the ones she knew she needed. All Dolls obey their Master. Unending bliss was so close, how much longer would she have to suffer? All Dolls belong to Master. She felt it then, and her body's orgasm was entirely of her own making as the sounds of the room were muffled and silenced by the headset being sealed to her head.
All Dolls are nothing without Master. Her vision went slightly pink as the visor slid into view, a brief display of meaningless numbers and programs puttering across it as a loading bar filled, her eyes going wide as a never-ending spiral took over the entirety of her vision and began spinning.
Even frozen, her body shuddered at the strength of her climax, Master's programming overwriting everything but her new mission in life. She no longer had a name, Master would designate her when he was free, his glorious visage entering her mind as the scrawny image of Brandon Denvers ghosted across her mind, a sympathetic squeeze of pleasure as she was deemed worthy of even that. The programming was evidently still finding small areas of resistance from her, a frown forming as she hated the idea of being anything less than the perfect Doll for her Master, but the pink spiral soothed away any thoughts and worries. The program would take care of it, even as it updated and cataloged her unique attributes that she could bring to Master, she didn't need to do a thing.
Master would fix her, just like he had the Doll formerly known as Magdalena, exiting her Doll Pod as the perfect pink vision of mindless obedience. This Doll didn't even register when she briefly crossed her vision, as she was being connected to other Dolls, their union forming a complete and controlled hive-mind, she already knew what was going on. The future Doll known as Ninjette was putting up more of a fight, which was ridiculous… Everyone knew all girls wanted to be Dolls… all girls must be Dolls.
All girls must be Dolls… All Dolls are nothing without Master… All girls must belong to Master…
Relaxing further, she let the mantras and images glide through the void that was her mind, letting the pink spiral consume anything unwanted until she was finished becoming the perfect Doll, just like she was supposed to be, like all girls were supposed to be, another buzzing and sparking orgasm settling through her as she let herself be guided towards the mindless obedience she knew the world needed…