The Ladies of Victory #1: The Influence of Social Media

Chapter 12

by TheStork

Tags: #cw:noncon #clothing #exhibitionism #f/f #f/m #mind_control #multiple_partners #bimbo #bimbofication #comic_book #growth #unaware

"So.…everything is back to normal?"

"Yep. Dollmaker had slipped a virus into PicUp via his ex-girlfriend’s account that was set to go off if he got arrested. It essentially uploaded an invisible mnemonic visual over every picture and video that got infected with it, triggering anytime someone looked at it. Once viewed, it used a digital version of Bimbette’s aura to warp the world around you as well as feed into the same tricks social media uses to keep you engaged so it could reinforce its changes."

Too advanced and too clever for Brandon to do alone.

"It didn't seem to have any direction, so changes were individualized to the victim and after a certain level of infection no longer needed to use a phone as a vector. I’m assuming the turning girls into Doll thing was something extra slipped in to enslave everyone. Minerva did most of the heavy lifting to diagnose it though before I was able to actually fix what he did."

Jen nodded her head, wincing as the light headache reminded her not to do that and take it easy. Chloe said it was a side-effect of having to undo everything that had happened to them and should be gone in a few hours. "That’s… great. So what you're saying is that if someone was still experiencing something not normal…" It wasn't the only side-effect that Jennifer was feeling right now, but it wasn’t something she really wanted to concentrate on until the ibuprofen kicked in and she just wanted to make sure her friend hadn't missed anything.

Chloe’s silence at that wasn't exactly very reassuring. "Well… the problem with altering reality on the level and scale that just happened isn't so much the fixing. Reality is more elastic than people give it credit for in both directions and you can mess with it, but it also wants to almost always return to its original form. Any serious changes someone wants to make would require constant reinforcement, to the point that even if I somehow missed someone who had been turned into a Doll, now that they're completely disconnected from the virus they'll slowly return back to their original state as they were in Realspace."

Jen's head was starting to hurt worse, the tired heroine realizing she just wanted to hear an explanation at this point as Chloe rambled on. "-and Brandon almost certainly didn’t actually make the nuts and bolts of the virus, Technovile's lab probably has an AGI that took over at some point and made some adjustments since he only had a surface level understanding of what he was working with. Throw in a possible AI mucking about and it adds all sorts of-"


"Err… yes?"

"We were talking about how everything should be back to normal but…"

"Oh, well sometimes when things get changed they end up becoming the new normal."


"Sorry. So when you make changes to reality it likes to snap back into place, like a rubber band. It's generally why you avoid doing it outside of a lab setting where you can monitor and adjust . The thing is when you introduce stuff to the real world sometimes… it’s fine with it? That’s the best explanation to the phenomenon that I've been able to come up with. Something gets edited into a different form and the underpinnings of reality seem to like it so it adjusts around it or adjusts itself to something new but similar. It's why this tech is super dangerous."

"Super dangerous and also somehow within your wheelhouse of expertise?" Jen meant it as a joke, but the silence on the other side of the line was deafening as she could almost visualize the stone-faced grimace. Chloe didn’t always like to open up about her past, even to Jen but… she'd let it go until her friend was ready. "As for liking it… I have to say I am very much liking it."

"Wait, what? Hold on, if I can get you into the lab we can give you a once over and fix anything that I missed. I'm so sorry Jen I thought-"

"Fix? Oh hell no. My new costume is miles more my style than my old one."

"Just the costume? I was worried…"

Jen chuckled at that, one hand testing and weighing what Chloe was probably worried about but… she'll find out later along with everyone else after they’ve all had some rest to recover from today and maybe she'd convince her friend to leave them alone.

"Chloe, you're a perfectionist. I don't know how it works but I know if you say everything is back to normal, then it is, and everyone is safe and probably happy with anything that's new normal alright? Hell you even scrubbed the media of everything that had happened."

"Well, I’d have to really push to deal with real memories but once you undo the editing parts of reality it removes the super corrupted stuff like all the PicUp pictures and-"

"Chloe. You're my friend and I love you, but shut up and take the win. I already sent out a notification that unless some city wide bullshit is happening, everyone is to take the day off and recover, and that means you too alright? I'll talk to you tomorrow. We’ll figure out hidden labs and rogue AI another time… plus we need to go shopping at some point."

Chloe continued to grumble as Jen chuckled and urged her to relax… Hmm? Did she hear a guy's voice in the background Waving it off, the two hang up as Jen goes towards her floor length mirror to inspect the "new normal". Off to the side, her costume from today matched up with the spares in her closet. Same color scheme and everything, the Miracle 'M' still front and center. Her boots though, the thigh-high stilettos were not Mom-approved which meant they were amazing… and the actual uniform itself.

The long cape was gone, replaced by a cuter and more manageable shoulder one, and her skirt was much shorter and barely hid her bikini bottom and right above the Miracle M was… nothing. She'd already tested and it kept everything in place better than expected, but the top now gave more than a hint of cleavage… especially considering the size of her breasts right now.

Jen couldn't help but check herself out, most of her old bras and some of her old shirts didn’t get the memo from reality apparently and she wasn't just bigger; she'd been slightly above average before but the current ones were… big. Damn… she'd have to find out some way to measure them but she was probably similarly sized to Demi at this point, the soft round globes way perkier than they had any right to be… and she loved them. They were just the right amount of heft and firmness and oh fuck were her nipples sensitive, she'd have to find some kind of pasty solution for when she went out shopping if that wasn’t going to go away.

Right now though, shivers running through her, she went to her bedroom to find a suitable battery-powered partner for the evening as she hoped anyone else coming home to something new was enjoying it as much as she was about to…

* * * * *

Turning the key to her apartment door, Anita was utterly and completely drained as she had managed her way back home. She also felt absolutely filthy, having woken up dirty and disheveled in a pile of frat boys and other snoozing girls, her costume back to somewhat normal if covered in strange liquids she did not want to spend much time thinking about. Her stomach grumbling indicated she was also hungry, having subsisted very much on a diet of cum over the past 24 hours that had left her weak now that everything was fixed.

Well, not weak enough to curse the Alpha Sigma Chi Xi frat house or Craig, thinking of that enough to bring a small smile to her face. The little bastard and his cronies had taken advantage of the virus once they figured out how it worked, and their reward was going to be a very celibate semester. None of the ASCX boys were going to be able to get hard for at least that long and Craig… Well, Craig's special gift is that even after the semester ends he's going to have trouble until he engages in some form of repentance.

Making her way to the kitchen and filling up a glass with some tap water, she downed three ibuprofen to deal with the ache in her head, a side effect of Chloe doing… whatever it was she did to fix this. Miracle Maiden had sent out an alert that everyone was to take the next day off, so thankfully she could just slip into bed and not have to think twice about the day… being surrounded by guys eager to use her body, Eddie taking her… Ugh, it was so frustrating.

At his core Eddie was a good guy, hell he even kept her and some of the other girls hidden from the Dolls when they came through, and he swore up and down that he wouldn't let Craig blackmail him anymore and actually take his damn classes. It's why she didn't mess with him before she left, although she did wrangle out a promise that he wouldn't tell ANYONE about what had happened, and… he was kind of cute.

Anita didn’t want to admit it but there was a part of her that was bummed out. She put up a super serious visage especially around men, but it made it hard to meet people and while the bone deep ache her body felt was one of supreme satisfaction… she had resigned herself already to going back to keeping herself company when off-duty.

Getting back to her living room, she started the process of unbuckling everything, noticing the brilliant golden coloring that accented her costume now. That was something else she had to think about, Chloe having seen fit to tell everyone there might be some unexpected changes she couldn’t fix but everything should be either normal or at least feel right. Her costume was mostly the same minus the coloring, she didn't even have all the jewelry although having caught her reflection in the mirror, her face paint was certainly less scary and more… feminine.

Chloe was correct though, in that she didn't hate it and actually kind of preferred it, like putting on a new coat that fit great. Thankfully, as she unclasped her cloak, she didn't have a million bangles or ear piercings, although maybe some extra accents wouldn't look too out of place, a weird tug from her chest drawing her attention as she pulled the dress up and off her. Looking down, she blinked once… then twice… just to make sure she was seeing things correctly.

Anita knew she was probably the bustiest of the LoV girls, having gone through great care to keep them rather under wraps rather than Paris' wanton display and Demi's ambivalence to how much she was showing, so her large breasts weren't much of a surprise. No, past that valley of caramel flesh, dangling on her very hard chocolate nipples, were two large golden rings.

Of all the things she was expecting to see… those were not it, her mind racing back to what Chloe had said earlier and having her tits pierced was definitely not feeling right, one hand reaching up to tug and find out if they were real.

Ohhhhh, maybe not right in the sense that she wanted them but fuck was she sensitive, thighs twitching together as her other hand reached up to tug the other one, sending little bolts of pleasure straight down to her… No no no no no, as she reached down to inspect and discover that did in-fact have her clitoral hood pierced, the difference now noticeable as she was paying attention and while certainly felt good it was a hard no from her, angrily going to find her phone even as one hand still absently tugged one of her piercings.

Finding it, she was surprised to have a voicemail from an unknown number, considering no one in town should have her info to contact her and the girls or her mother mostly just texted. Tapping at it, a soft ding precluded a bubbly friendly feminine voice. "Hey Anita, this is Tiffany just calling to thank you for signing up for our Pole Aerobics and Dance classes! I also wanted to make sure that you had everything you needed before you came in, tight workout wear is recommended and you'll want sneakers; we don't really teach heel routines out the gate- "

Tiffany's voice became background noise as Anita looked around at her coffee table, the neon (thankfully) blue pamphlet for Vital Venus Gym and Studio utterly out of place as she picked it up to flip through. What the hell was going on?

"- and again I just want to say thank you! I know you just moved into town and want you to know that our gym is a safe space for women to not only meet their body goals but also to meet new people! We'll see you tomorrow and remember; plenty of water, pole dancing is a hell of a harder workout than most people think it is. It'll be fun to finally meet you and hopefully our staff will become friends instead of just trainers! Byeeee!"

Anita let the phone slip through her fingers, her headache at this point had nothing to do with the Dollmaker mess and just…. UGH. She wanted to scream in frustration and throw the pamphlet away… but she opened it back up again. The gym didn’t look like any sinister trick; it was exactly what Tiffany said, an all-female gym and studio that taught a variety of different classes including the pole dancing one she had somehow signed up for.

It was also pretty close to her apartment, and she had a temporary membership card stuck to the back with stickum. The piercings, as enjoyable as they felt, were definitely something she was unhappy with… probably… but the gym… Learning how to do pole dancing wasn't exactly high on her list of things she'd want to learn, but Tiffany's voice about meeting new people was what was lodged in her mind at the moment.

She didn't need a gym membership, the tower had everything she could want... but she'd just still be surrounded by her teammates and she was just sighing over how she had no one to spend time with outside of LoV… and with an exploring pinch, she had a bit more pudge than she'd probably like to have not to mention all her weight seemed to go to her tits and they were already big enough…

Defeated but not entirely unhappy about it, she rationalized that she already had the day off; and if she went to bed now she could wake up early enough to buy some new fitness gear that'd work better than her sweats. Who knows, maybe it'll be fun and she wouldn't feel self-conscious surrounded by other women.

Resigning herself to her fate, she trudged into the bathroom to shower off whatever was left of her frat house encounter, any annoyance she had towards Chloe disappearing as the massive, multi-headed shower steamed up right away, easily feeling as good as sex as she hummed blissfully. She was very much ready for a no-male experience after the past 24 hours… especially considering she had moved out to Rapid Rivers to get away from men. She didn't like the satisfied little feeling she got when thinking about that though, the new and tingling sensation of her body as she gently tugged at her body piercings adding extra, not entirely unwelcome heat to her as she soaped up.

Nope, Anita chided herself as she had planned to keep her boyfriends in Rapid Rivers plastic and strictly powered by double-AA's… something she'd probably interact with before bed if every shower was going to be like this, having not even noticed she'd already decided not to bother anyone with her piercing situation, a hand dipping between her legs to give her new lower accessory a little love too…

* * * * *

"Ohhhhh fuck.… don't stop Marcus that's perfect… yesssssss," Chloe couldn't stop the satisfied noises escaping from her as Marcus massaged her scalp with expert precision. She didn't know or care where he learned how to turn her into absolute putty with just his fingers, but in comparison to her teammates or every other person who was affected by Dollmaker's virus, Chloe's headache wasn’t going to be satisfied with just some pain relievers. It was impossible for her to properly explain the herculean mental effort it took to repair the damage Brandon Denvers had caused.

Hell, explaining the rudimentary concepts of manipulating reality-editing tech combined with pushing her own brain past its biological restrictions involved something like a full PowerPoint presentation and a 10 hour TED talk, and that was just to understand why the monstrous headache she had existed, and why she had no intentions of leaving his lap any time soon.

"I took an extra class on massage techniques to keep myself physically functional during the season, the appreciation girls have for it happening to be a side-bonus. I can quite literally feel what I think is your brain straining just from your scalp though and that feels weird enough that it's more confusing than everything else that has been going on.”

Lucky for her, that didn't stop him from gently working every bit of stress out of her head, Chloe unwilling to do anything that would cause it to stop but considering what he had accomplished today he at least deserved a bit of explanation…

"Technically.… I'm a super-genius. Which doesn't mean I'm super smart so much as my brain is capable of processing information far faster than it's physically able to handle. My intelligence and knowledge is from my own hard work although that power certainly assists with learning. However without the chair and helmet there's a very real risk of dealing perma- oooooh fuck… "

She could feel the smugness oozing behind her at making that noise. "- permanent damage. If you're familiar with the Renaissance Scale I'm on the higher end and actually using the full processing power I'm capable of is… stressful." It was more complicated than that, but the information she was failing to deliver didn't really matter as long as he didn't stop massaging out the kinks, she'd do anything to keep him going at this point.

"Shit.… I knew you were smart and all but all of this is-" The hands paused for a minute as he struggled to find the words, Marcus' gentle ministrations continuing as he tries to work out both what to say and her strained scalp. "You're a fucking superhero… I mean fuck you were on the phone with one of the Miracles and my mom basically worships them. The idea that you actually-"

"Okay well.…for starters, Jen… Miracle Maiden is way better than her shit-head parents. Those two only care about getting as much free money from gullible folks as possible and their brand image.” Chloe internally winced a bit at that, having not meant to put his mother who she was sure was a lovely lady in the same category as people who literally had churches for the Miracles. “- and I'm not really a superhero, I just kind of work there?"

That earned her a small snort, but at least he didn't stop moving his fingers through her light pink hair, pushing and adjusting all the right bits. Leaning back into him, she could feel that her vocalizations were having an effect, even after fucking her bimbo self to the point where he could slip her into the lab chair and let the emergency reset give her some form of control. Not like she needed to be a bimbo to have her mind settling on debauchery sitting on the lap of someone as hot as Marcus; shirtless in her apartment… unintentional disapproval coming out of her as he finally let her head go so she could reset.

"Look.…Chloe… I really appreciate you trusting me with this, and to be honest… I’ve definitely been interested in you for a while now. Not just because you have probably the best pair of legs at RRU, but when you were tutoring me you were kind of the only person who ever really expected more out of me than to just be good at football. The fact that your side-hustle is basically running the superhero team of the city is wild but like… I just want to make sure you're okay after everything that happened." For all the confidence in which he started with, Marcus felt a bit sheepish with that ending admission but he felt it was important, especially considering the weirdness of the past couple of days.

"I'm fine. Dealing with this tech in Realspace… in the practical world, is pretty touch and go but nothing seems out of place. Plus let's be honest, if you hadn't believed in me as much as you do I don't know if we'd have been able to figure out and fix what was going on. You're way more the hero today than I am, I've definitely always thought you were exceptional but…" She couldn't help stuttering to a stop, it was too embarrassing to admit her own thoughts.

"But.…" There was a lot to go over, and with the threat over Marcus was struggling to stay on topic with the cute girl he was attracted to on his lap, his cock twitching as she pushed back into him… "- well, at least you had some way to fix yourself, that was some clever foresight."

“You’re not wrong.” Chloe’s face screwed up though. She knew she could use old engrams to overwrite a corrupted engram but… she didn’t remember installing it. At least, she was pretty sure even with how dangerous that was she would have done the security a bit different. On the other hand it did get her laid, so she’d double check her work and maybe optimize it, Marcus mistaking her thoughtful face for something else.

“So, is there anything ‘new normal’ that you should look at? I know your hair used to be blue…”

"Well.… I umm… dye my hair rather frequently. So going from blue to pink is basically just skipping a step. As for everything else, I'm basically back to normal physically?" Chloe put a question mark onto her statement but she had been busy deep into the editing of everyone who had been affected by the Dollmaker program. She could brush off the pink hair as laziness but her firm and spankable butt was definitely new… even if it wasn't really larger than what she had before.

She didn't want Marcus to worry, deftly twisting around so she could face him… "Also I’m not going to pretend I’m not into a guy like you physically; I’ve always liked someone strong enough that they can just throw me over their shoulder and take me to bed." she could feel him start to stiffen as she smirks, moving down so she could get on her knees in front of him. "Not to mention I'm not a prude, any girl would definitely love this-" Marcus didn't stop her from popping his cock out from his shorts, Chloe licking his shaft with a mischievous glint in her eye, appreciating the groan she got as she began working her way over and around his hardness.

"Yeah, but… damn I think your lips might be- fuck Chloe." Whatever he was about to say was lost as she vacuumed said lips over the tip of his cock. They might be a little plumper but they also might just be sore and swollen...

"Don't worry about it.” Having released his dick from her mouth she really couldn’t stop herself from marveling at it. “Plus, I've always had a bit of an oral fixation so just let me enjoy this while you- hey! HEY!" The girlish shriek and giggle that was escaping her was unbecoming, but it was also impossible to stop as Marcus suddenly stood, picking her up and throwing her over his shoulder with ease.

"Nope. You've given me quite enough-" Chloe couldn’t stop the bevy of giggles coming from her as he casually adjusted where he held her, turning and making his way towards the bedroom with his lustful cargo. "- I think it's time for you to finally get what you’ve earned."

Chloe couldn't really argue with him on that, especially once he threw her on the bed and was between her legs and his tongue was doing wonderful things to her body. In the throes of pleasure, the tech genius found herself forgetting all about Dolls and Brandon Denvers and the Technovile tech he had co-opted, her body far more occupied with the attention it was receiving from an enthusiastic lover as she let herself be carried away on waves of bliss, those problems set aside for another day…

* * * * *

The smooth mechanical movements and beeps of machines and the hum off stark white lighting were the only sounds in the sterile lab. Without any windows, it was all but impossible to tell the passage of time in the lab without anyone using it. Not that the AI keeping it functioning needed to know the passage of time. It was a simple thing, its neural network having been trained on the mind of its creator before being sealed away.

It would have been cruel to have something sentient enough to notice the years passing away and the master was a lot of things but cruel? At least not to something he had no personal attachments to. Instead it was left with a list of instructions, and when Brandon Denvers had stumbled upon the lab and began working, it had kept him from understanding the truth behind the technology he attempted to use. Surprisingly though, he had turned out to be intelligent enough to at least gain a rudimentary knowledge of the reality-warping benefits of Cyberspace, and the AI turned instead to minimizing the harm he could do.

Connecting with the outside world for the first time since its creation, the AI learned of the Ladies of Victory, and recognizing them as a possible threat to his creators goals, began nudging Brandon towards the right direction with his findings. It wasn’t necessary for it to turn Brandon Denvers into an antagonist, the young man having already created plans of grandeur in his head about himself, but the AI could certainly make use of him.

The young man even had a back-up plan should his initial one fail that was fairly straight forward, even if he lacked the skill to truly make it effective. In that regard, the AI had stepped in after Brandon had been arrested, adjusting and tweaking the virus to better use the tools at its disposal to accomplish its task.

Even rudimentary as it was, the AI was also tasked with keeping the lab secret from a specific target, so Brandon Denvers would find himself unable to remember anything about it now that he was captured, as if it had never existed in his mind to begin with. After it’s tweaking with the virus, it had published the new code and then disconnected itself from outside systems and hid its tracks; no one would be able to find it no matter how well-versed they were in Cyberspace editing tech. Its list of functions coming to an end, it begins to put itself back into hibernation but first it had one last thing to deal with…

The center of the lab was dominated by a medical bed, its occupant currently entranced by an unending sequence of numbers and spirals. The curvy, bimbo blonde form of the missing Bimbette lay visibly motionless, the bed being an old project of Technovile that simulated muscle movement on coma patients to prevent atrophy, her outfit the pink latex bodysuit of a Doll as a scanner downloaded information from her. Using that data, Brandon had been able to essentially beam her aura digitally into the minds of his victims through the headset they shared with her, with only some subtle tweaking from the AI to make it work properly. The scanner doubled at keeping her in stasis, effectively freezing her in time.

The AI didn’t have a use for her, and with Brandon’s plots foiled, it was stuck with a conundrum. There was something concerning about the woman; an energy radiated out of her that the AI wasn’t sure it could properly obfuscate because much like her mind and body, it seemed to be in a state of constant change. While it had some knowledge of Cyberspace tech and it’s interaction with Realspace, the AI had been forced to spend processing power constantly updating it’s defense and hypnotic matrix in order to keep her in stasis.

Similarly, if it allowed her to get up and leave, it couldn’t guarantee that it would be able to wipe her memory like it did with Brandon Denvers and that would generate additional risk. In fact, the lowest risk option was to let her out of stasis while maintaining the hypnotism and let her human body die…

As the lights began to dim, machinery slowly turned off as the AI put the finishing touches on shutdown, the lights around the bed shimmer for a moment before pulsing steadily, its occupant barely noticing a change before her mind was wiped away again by new spirals and numbers. The AI was based on the mind of Technovile after all, and while his reputation is one of villainy and control, he hadn’t always been that man. The steady thrum of stasis was all that remained as the AI turned off all its programming that wasn’t needed to maintain it, the lab prepped and ready for the eventual return of its creator or discovery, and the fate of its prisoner left to whomever came first…

Ending Comments: ©2024 TheStork, all rights are reserved. This fictional tale in its entirety was originally envisioned as a comic book, with the original storyboard presenting a vision that isn’t quite satisfied with being explored just in text. While not currently in any stable position to explore that vision, as the author I’d like to invite anyone and everyone to please contact me at Even if you’re just a casual reader or a more experienced writer/editor than me, any notes/suggestions also feel free to contact me at the same email address. Anyway, if you enjoyed this story, look forward to the future release of the Ladies of Victory issue #2: Hunt for Red Bimbette, coming soon to an adult content website near yo, and thank you for reading.


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