The Ladies of Victory #1: The Influence of Social Media
Chapter 11
by TheStork
"No! Wait! You can't put me in there!"
"All girls must be Dolls. All Dolls must obey Master. All Dolls must serve Master."
"No! I won't! I'll- mmphhh-grrg… mmmph!"
Whatever words of resistance Aiysha Douglass might have had were muffled as a mask slid into place over her mouth, metal clamps seizing her limbs as the glass of the conversion tube slid shut, giving her a clear view of her future.
She wasn't entirely unfamiliar with the Dolls that had captured her and her cameraman Alex, although they were far more organized and efficient than they were at the IRRIS. She hadn't expected to see them again when she hopped into the van today, getting Alex to step on the gas so they could be first on the scene to cover the mysterious silence that had overtaken Rapid Rivers University. She was thinking about the worst though when they realized once they gotten on campus proper their satellite connection and phones could no longer connect to anything.
Still, you couldn't be an investigative reporter in this town without some gumption and improvisation, so her and Alex began to stealthily navigate through the RRU quad and try to record and report on what was happening.
You also couldn't be an investigative reporter in Rapid Rivers if you weren't prepped for the occasional brainwashing mind-controller; this wasn't the first time Tish had been shoved into some kind of conversion chamber and there was a reason when she was negotiating her contract she included extra hazard pay in the event that she ended up some mindless slave and her clothing got destroyed in the process.
A professional in the field needs to have insurance for that kind of thing in this city.
That was the last individual thought she had before she felt a twinge at the base of her neck, and her mind was flooded with the emotions and feelings of thousands of other; a hive mind of perfectly obedient Dolls all chanting in unison. It was impossible for her to fight back, to push against a tide so single-mindedly crashing against her mind that it crumpled almost immediately.
A part of her became aware of Alex's fate: impaled on a too large pillar of rubber, body and face smothered in latex until he was little more than a featureless statue in a sea of equally featureless statues, mind wiped of even the minute amounts of intellect a Doll was capable of. Turned into a generator of blissful subservience, unable to exist in anything but that cycle of obedience and pleasure, amplifying the Doll mantra so that the only thought Tish's head was one of reverence and ecstasy at her Master's ingenuity.
All girls must be Dolls. All Dolls must obey Master. Even disobedience must be used to serve Master.
That thought sent her body into orgasm even before the pink spiral in the visor that had appeared on her head began wiping away any thoughts or id that weren't of use to Master. That caused her to have a second orgasm, making it easier for her control devices to slip in and seal her fate. The fate of all girls, as her blouse, skirt, and pantyhose began to change into pink latex; skin tight against expanding curves eager to meet Master's specifications.
She wasn't the only one enjoying her conversion, Doll Commander Alpha watching through a small screen on her own visor, floating high above campus in a manner not unlike how she arrived just yesterday. Her programming had been updating constantly, it's influence hampered by being trapped on campus and the LoV tower. However the need to improvise new methods of infection had led to some significant improvements in how they processed unconverted Dolls.
Part of it was her former teammate Psychometra, sure they could overpower her physically but her ability to neutralize a Doll made it important to prevent future telepaths from escaping. The other part of it was what to do with all the disobedient men and a few strong willed women whose minds had been crushed into dust by the programming.
The programming always had an answer though; it was designed by Master so of course it did. Even as the perfect vision of Master's will, Alpha still shuddered in bliss every time she touched the hive mind. Her own control devices vibrated and pulsed her to another obedient dollgasm as much as to reward her as it was to remind her of her own place. She could remain jealous of the slave generators all she wanted, there would be time for Master to obliterate her sense of self into a perfect machine of subservient ecstasy later.
That thought gave Alpha a sense of unease, as much as she was allowed to feel an emotion like unease. If anything it was because the programming had access to all of her memories and thoughts from before she knew her place at Master's feet, and it understood the threat. The LoV was all but captured; she had overseen Delta's conversion (another vibration and pulse shuddered through her. It had been so hot watching her former teammate come to understand Master's plan even before she was converted into a Commander) and the last two members in HQ would eventually suffer the same fate.
It was the other two that had her worried. Her programming assured her, molded her way of thinking to it, but clearly it also was thinking of the possible threats. Voodoo Queen and Maven both had been infected, she knew that, however since all services the Doll Commander's hadn't been able to capture were turned off they remained MIA. It was still only a matter of time before the inferior version of the virus got updated by the new and improved version currently turning Channel 7's number one reporter into a mindless Doll in record time, but until then…
Voodoo Queen wasn't a threat, not in the way Alpha was aware Maven could be. They needed to find her, in many ways it was one of the few things where Alpha might not be as perfect as she thought. Perhaps it's why she sought total conversion, her programming continued to let her know, let the spiral control her thoughts as Master's plan unfolded. It was only a matter of time before Delta finished at the LoV tower, after which her unique abilities would allow her to rescue Master in an instant.
Once she did that, Alpha could cum herself into mindless obedience like the good Doll she was, kneeling at the feet of Master as he would finally direct his grand vision. Another vibration and pulse massaged away her worries and thoughts not concentrating on making campus perfect for Master, eager to check in on Delta so she could see how much longer the Dolls would have to suffer in waiting.
Reaching into the hive mind, Alpha basked for a moment in the aura of the slave generators. Pulsing out nothing but raw obedience and pleasure, she could feel the wrinkles of Master's programming specific to Commanders start to smooth out. She could always be more obedient, achieve even higher heights of pleasure… It was such a good use of men who weren't Master that she was beginning to think even obedient men should be converted, her whole body shaking in bliss as her programming seemed to agree. All Dolls must serve Master, why shouldn't the whole world serve Master?
Hoping Delta had finished and she was only moments away from helping make that future a reality, she directed the visor to show what her sister Commander was doing… only for the programming to turn up blank.
Alpha frowned. She couldn't connect to Delta… or any of the other Dolls that once made up the Ladies of Victory. That frown lasted only a fraction of a second as it started to creep into panic at what was happening, she could feel Dolls falling away from the hive mind one at a time. Each lost Doll weakening it's structure, as she quickly turned her attention to the conversion center.
Everything was still how it should be; Dolls and Slaves working in concert to convert and enslave. Alpha wasn't sure what was happening, but as long as the conversion center would hold she'd be able to- a flash of green at the corner of her vision distracted her as she turned towards it. It moved with her head though, a fractional flaw in the spiral on her visor that began to grow, going from a flaw to a noticeable error to exponentially increasing in speed, until soon her vision was blanketed in green light.
She couldn't look away, whatever her programming might have wished from her couldn't match the all-encompassing light that was so dense it appeared solid. Her eyes were catching flaws in it, lines and corners and spirals and a maze of data and images that she could neither understand nor look away from as she went slack just from the effort of trying.
Alpha couldn't make out what she was seeing, numbers seemed to form and vanish and flash and mix and she couldn't make heads or tails of it. Even just trying to process that she was looking at numbers was starting to make her head hurt… and it wasn't going away. Neither was the light, if anything it was growing, overtaking not just her vision but her entire sense of self, bathed in that strange, unearthly glow. She had a brief feeling of weightlessness before gravity started to take hold, her body starting to fall to the ground now that she had lost control of it.
Not that she was thinking about that, she wasn't thinking about much as new and old thoughts jumbled around in her head, the green light washing away everything as it replaced and built and replaced and built, all while her body picked up speed. It took a moment for her to realize that she was falling, or that she could even realize things like that again. That light had washed away everything, although those new thoughts, like ones of self preservation started to come back to her as she also realized she couldn't stop herself from falling.
The light shifted, numbers and data translating faster than thought as she jerked to a perfect stop. No whiplash, no sudden sense of flight, just the sensation of being stuck in mid-air as if someone had noticed what was happening and had simply input stop and violated the very laws of physics to make it happen. The rest of her brain was starting to catch up to what was going on, like the fact that her body's once absurdly plush curves were shrinking back down to what she was used to. It was weird that she thought that too, considering just a few seconds ago what she was used to was totally different. Then again a few seconds ago she couldn't think for herself, and Jennifer was starting to remember that she was Jennifer again.
Sorry about that, didn't know you were flying. You should have motor control and a hell of a headache here in a second.
Not that that thought was hers. No, it was a ghost of a familiar voice, simultaneously talking to her and not, an echo in a cave that came from nowhere and everywhere as her body started to feel a bit more like hers… that headache starting to pound away as she blinked away green light. She was under her own power again, as Jen adjusted herself back into a position where the sun wasn't now beaming even more unwanted light into her eyes. Lips finally shrunk to a size she could properly move them, although throat feeling dry and unused as half-memories floated in and out, she gently settled herself up in the air as she tested it out.
* * * * *
The scene, although less personal, was playing out all across campus and the few areas of the city where quarantine hadn't stopped infected users of PicUp to spread. If it wasn't the visor of a Doll, it was a nearby television or phone screen suddenly bursting into green light, washing away the room and the feeling of reality itself for a moment as bodies shrunk and clothes twisted and reformed, people both remembering and forgetting themselves and remembering again as said reality was edited back into it's original form.
What would later be called 'B-Day' by the campus kids and eventually the news once they caught wind of the name would eventually go down as an epic if mostly harmless prank by some villain with too much time on their hands. It wasn't the first time a bimbo outbreak had happened at RRU but this one was suspiciously thorough in how completely it seemed to infect the girls, not to mention the Dolls similarity to the one-and-done villain Dollmaker. Channel 7 was reporting that the Ladies of Victory were on the scene, but everyone was still trying to figure out what exactly had happened and how it was fixed.
There was at least a few common themes though: that eerie green light, that more than one person felt were a series of numbers overlaid on each other so dense they just appeared like a solid light. The second one most people felt a bit more unsure about, like they had already convinced themselves they were imagining it, until someone else mentioned it: the strange tune being hummed by a young woman, as if she was working away. Surely it was just another trick of their minds being messed with, but the more they talked about it the more sure everyone was that they had heard her, as a series of tumblers in their heads seeming to unlock a core memory they still didn't have all the answers for.
Regardless, mysterious women humming tunes and bimbos and Dolls being swept away by green light was only going to be the strangest thing to happen in Rapid Rivers for so long. Especially considering while classes were cancelled for a day, several teachers were still expecting homework that was assigned before B-day to be completed on time. With a familiar groan, everyone realized that while they'd have to settle their own version of events that had just happened, getting back to their homes and routines. While it was one of the stranger starts to the semester, now that it was fixed everyone could return to the way things were beforehand…