American Bimbo

Chapter 1

by TheStork

Tags: #cw:noncon #bimbofication #dom:male #f/m #mind_control #multiple_partners #sub:female #'Merica #bimbo #growth #parody

Disclaimer: This story is a parody or spoof if you will and should be treated as such. It is intended for entertainment purposes only, is not associated with and doesn't resemble the reality of the show or people it was based on. This story contains explicit and mature content intended for adult audiences and all characters are over the age of 18. This story also contains fictional situations including but not limited to non-consensual mind control, body transformation, and other adult themes. You can contact the author at with any inquiries about the work or general questions. ©TheStork 2024

Author's Notes: This story also contains some choices by me in both format and dialogue to help sell the world and the idea of 'watching' a TV show. Which isn't to say there are no errors but if you see something that seems fishy well it is a bimbo-themed parody reality TV show.

*classic American Rock music blares leading into a manly man announcer.*

"Deep in the American heartland of just outside New York, New York. One man has turned a small family business into a worldwide  phenomenon. Join Charles "Chuck" Tuttle Senior and Charles "Charlie" Tuttle Junior as they clash heads and egos all while running the only body shop that matters in custom bimbo modification. With money and reputation on the line, the two of them, joined as always by the youngest son Tommy, will battle deadlines and each other as tempers flare and bimbos heat up on this episode of-" *a bald eagle screeches as explosions rock the screen* "- American Bimbo."

The camera cuts to scenes of green forest and long stretches of road, the NYC skyline being caught in one panel before quickly cutting to the front of the shop. Easy going music plays as viewers are shown the business-side of Clara County Bimbos, before moving towards the office of Chuck Sr.

"I know Charlie and the crew are wiped after running 20 hour shifts to finish Bat-mo-Bimbo on time for us to ship her out for the client."  Chuck Sr. sat behind his simple desk, looking at the computer monitor like it held the secrets of the universe as he tapped away with two fingers on the keyboard. His bulky frame stretched the plain tank top and jeans he wore to the limit, one hand running over his bald head before teasing the white fu manchu mustache above his scowled mouth. With tan, leathery skin he looked tough, a self-made man who had worked for every dollar he had.

"I also know they're looking to relax, but if you're not working you're not making money." He leans back in his chair as the camera zooms out. The only decorations in the otherwise spartan office are the American flag and dozens of pictures of Senior with celebrities, billionaires, and executives who have contracted Clara County Bimbo for their needs. "So I thought to myself, why not do something easy you know? Marty Mulligan is an old family friend, one of our first customers when I was just starting out. Recently his bimbo has been making a lot of strange noises and while he claims he's been following maintenance after all these years sometimes an owner will just need a full rebuild."

Outside of the office, Marty arrives with his Clara County Bimbo custom job. His wife Deborah is dressed in full 50's pin-up style, just barely failing at modesty with her ample curves on display in neat kitten heels. Her upper body is fully restrained as she struggles to escape, her gag having come loose as she is screaming at Marty. The heavy-set man with a deep farmer's tan just sighs as he drags her by her arm, and Charlie meets up with the old family friend as they walk inside the shop. He looks a lot like his father, tall and muscular in a CCB t-shirt and jeans, his dark brown hair cut neat and beard trim but full on his jaw.

"Hey Marty, as always-"


"-it's a pleasure. Hey Tommy, can you get me a gag? Marty's looks like it's meant more for cattle-"


Across the shop, Tommy goes to the restraint box and opens drawers until he comes across what he's looking for, tossing the ball gag to Charlie who doesn't even pretend to reach out for it as it air-balls about 3/4 of the way to him. Tommy is red in the face as he walks over to pick it up, taller than either of the other Tuttle's but heavyset and chubby, his long curly hair pulled back into a ponytail, jowls clean shaven as he picks up the gag and hands it to his brother.


"There we go! You weren't kidding when you called that she was making a lot of noise Marty, did you forget to send her in for a check-up? Because I'll be honest this is looking like a full job from top to bottom. Tommy, hit her with a shot of WD-40 to quiet her down and get her on a rack."

Not risking another embarrassing moment caught on camera, the younger Tuttle hustles over to a nearby table for a blue and red can of Woman Dominator 40, the number one brand in subjugation satisfaction, with the woman's struggles intensifying as he gets closer. It takes two sprays to get Deborah quiet, arms going droopy and eyes hazy as Tommy takes her off Marty's hands and walks the dazed woman into the shop.

"Naw Charlie.… I've been so busy down at the ranch now that we're expanding." The older man, dressed in overalls, brushes off his hands and relaxes now that he no longer has to keep his bimbo restrained. "Just had a big investment come in to open up a new 100 girl barn, and those city folk invited me and Deborah to a "gala" or something. Between taking care of the herd we have and visiting other farms to find more girls to fill up the new barn, I figured I'd put off her refresh until right up until the event. Next thing you know she's trying to take a steak knife to me!"

Charlie nods his head with understanding. "You wanted her to be the belle of the ball on your arm, I get it man."

Marty looks at him quizzically. "If you mean I just wanted her to look good then yeah Charlie. I never did none of that university and degree from a city like you got to. I'm just a simple man with the simple dream of living on my farm with a bimbo wife and a few hundred heads of cattle to milk."

Charlie laughs with him as they walk through the shop. Despite his claims of being a simple man, it had been a long time since Marty had first come to pick up Deborah after CCB was done with her. Since the first episode of 'American Bimbo' the Tuttles have become household names, becoming the go-to name in bimbo modification for marketing and several of their now-famous models are on display in the office, their frozen bodies stuffed with machines quietly buzzing away, ensuring usability at any moment.

The futuristic, hi-tech Sintel Bimbo's curves are highlighted by a skin-tight LED riddled bodysuit that shows off her custom-installed internal bra for her gigantic breasts and the logo of the computer chip megacorp. The famous Fire Bimbo, built to honor members of the NYFD who gave the ultimate sacrifice for their community, her heaving chest on display as if about to burst out of her too-small red top, face frozen in a vacant smile and a waterfall of blonde curls underneath her mock-firefighter hat. Marty stops bug-eyed in front of Charlie's favorite girl. His first opportunity on the show to build entirely from his own vision, and he knocked it out of the park with the shop's most famous bimbo: The Widow Maker.

After the success of Marzel's 'The Vindicators' in the box office, the producers hired CCB to build a bimbo to celebrate and market their brand even further. Charlie took the opportunity to enact his vision, throwing out realism in favor of bombastic curves and a waspish waist that made for a truly unbelievable hourglass figure. Frozen on her teetering 10 inch platforms and wearing a fully custom version of the costume she wore in the movie showing plenty of extra skin, he had transformed the previously beautiful actress Charlotte Johnson into a one-of-a-kind stunning work of ultra-enhanced femininity. Even her face, once a classic beauty charming audiences in movies like 'Found in Translation', had been customized. Blow-up doll lips were permanently frozen in a dark red 'O' while her famous red hair was dyed a truly vibrant red, bright green eyes familiar on screen now glazed over, irises surrounded by a glowing pink ring.

"Now, I know you said you wanted her ready for this event." Charlie led Marty into the office where Chuck Sr. was waiting. The two old friends exchanged pleasantries and handshakes before sitting down. "And I know you like to keep things simple, but you're moving up in the world and we're not the same Clara County Bimbos from when we made you Deborah. I had some ideas-"

"Junior! Always comin' up with crazy ideas like he knows better! Ever since I paid for you to go to that fancy design school!" Chuck Sr. slammed his hand on the table multiple times, the interruption and patronization clearly annoying Charlie. "Marty man, I've known you for years and we both learned the hard way, don't need a class to run a business when you have integrity and work hard. You can rest easy, by the time we're done with Deborah she'll be as good as new. Hell, better than new. Now when is this event you need her ready for?"

"It's Friday the 10th right? That city boy gala thing is in a week."

"A Week!? Marty I know you're a friend but Deborah is in need for a full rebuild there's no way-"

"Anything for a friend Marty! We'll have her done and clean out of here by Wednesday even."

Charlie's chair goes flying as he jumps to his feet. "Dad! We can't do it in a week, much less 5 days! This is a pro-bono job too! We've got paying customer builds to finish not even taking into account any custom fabrication Marty wants!"

Marty clears his throat as Chuck Sr.'s chair also goes flying as he stands up to point at his son. "Actually, I did have some thoughts-"

"We'll do it in the time I say we'll do it in!" Chuck Sr. screams back at his son, poking at his chest with a meaty finger. "I don’t care if it takes double- TRIPLE overtime! This is my shop and I won't have my reputation-"


The camera follows the chair being flung out of the office by Charlie, shattering a window as it skids into the shop.

"I don't care about your reputation! Everyone is exhausted and even with overtime we'll struggle to hit a deadline in a week!"


Dust explodes out of the wall as the crew makes space for Charlie to be thrown through the drywall by his dad, Chuck Sr. stepping through the hole he made, muscles bulging and veins pumping as his face behind the moustache is red in anger.

"My reputation is what built this shop from nothing! That and my successful ironworks company that I could always fall back to… And that I also built from nothing! If you don't finish this bimbo in a week than you aren't ready to handle any of this busines-"


Despite being empty, the heavy plastic garbage bin clocked Senior square in the face and was thrown quite hard by Charlie, sending Senior reeling as his son began stomping his way towards the exit. Senior recovers quick enough to pick up the plastic and send it shattering through a nearby window to punctuate his words.

"If you walk through that door don't bother coming back because you'll be FIRED!"

"Fuck you Dad! You can't fire me because I QUIT!"

"Fuck you Junior!"

"Fuck you!"


The heavy steel door slamming shut reverberates through the quiet shop, the staff having quit working to watch the spectacle. Tommy stands alone by a table holding a bakery box looking awkward as he eats a powdered jelly donut, Chuck Sr. glaring at everyone and the cameras in red-faced anger as he shakes himself free of drywall bits and dust. Screaming at everyone to get back to work he makes a beeline to his office as the sounds of banging and machining start back up like nothing had ever happened. Chuck Sr. walks right past Tommy, flipping the box of donuts out of his hands and sending them scattering before storming off, the distant sound of his door slamming covering Tommy's heavy sigh as he finishes his donut and begins cleaning the scattered pastries off the shop floor…

* * * * *

The crew joins Chuck Sr. at a banquet hall in NYC hosting the 53rd Annual Fundraising Gala for the NYPD. Besides being a guest of honor among the wealthy elite of the city and the various members of the police unions and upper echelons of the NYPD, Clara County Bimbos was hired by Mayor Adam Ericks and DA Calvin Briggs for a special project this year. The glitz and glamour aren't what Chuck Sr. signed up for when he first started CCB but it's the kind of reward given to a hard-working man such as himself, as he sits at a front table in his finest sleeveless tux jacket, a concerned look on his face.

"I left Junior to take care of business in the shop while I'm forced to wine and dine on expensive water and… whatever the hell caviar actually is. I know we argue a lot but we're still family at the end of the day." Chuck Sr. chuckles to himself as he rubs his black eye, the swelling down considerably for the event.

"Still, I have to think about what he's getting up to. Not because I don't trust him; he's a smart kid and a talented fabricator who has been around the shop since he was little. It's just that I don't trust him. Came back from college, that I paid for, with all these new thoughts and a fancy degree and a taste for a 'modern aesthetic'. I get that times change; back in my day your options were limited to your Stepford Wives, Marilyn's, corn-fed girls and the like. Now with technology any kind of bimbo seems possible. I'm just old fashioned I suppose, and I worry Junior will ruin our shop's history while he thinks newer and bigger… and I definitely can't leave CCB to Tommy after all while I'm out representing the brand."

Chuck Sr. joins the Mayor and the DA of New York up on stage to resounding applause, coming up to the podium next to a vaguely humanoid figure underneath a pink sheet with the Clara County Bimbos logo on it. "I'm humbled today to be a guest of the fine establishment of the NYPD today. CCB has always supported true American heroes, and there are few others who wear that title as well as our boys in blue. They truly are the backbone of this country." Whoops and cheers and clapping break out from the attended guests, actual officers far and few between due to the ticket price of the event.

"I'd also like to take a moment to talk about Assistant District Attorney Lucille Jackson-" A chorus of boos and jeers ring out, DA Briggs nearby motioning thumbs down with a smile threatening to break his face into two. "I know, I know. 'Internal affairs, proper police procedure, systemic injustice, donations are just bribes.' I might be just a mechanic but I watch the news on occasion." Chuck Sr. smiles and chuckles as he leans one bulky forearm onto the podium. "The NYPD and you fine folks have more important things to worry about than some stick-up-her-ass looking to make a name for herself rather than keeping our cities safe. After talking with Mayor Ericks and DA Briggs, Clara County Bimbos decided for your charity event tonight we could come up with something special for you fine folks. Let me introduce you to CCB's newest custom creation: Officer Lucy!"

The pink sheet is removed to reveal a black police woman underneath posing with one arm on her hip and another saluting the crowd, a brilliant white smile on her painted red lips as her vacant eyes stared out, a glowing pink ring surrounding her brown irises. Her enormous bimbo breasts threatened to send the single button of her blue top flying with every movement, a badge indicating her services in the 69th precinct overwhelming the small cloth it was pinned to as cleavage spilled out generously underneath. The bottom of her ass was curvy, smooth, and visible underneath the tiny police skirt, toy baton at her side, as she balanced on 6 inch platform pumps. Despite having regressed her age to a more proper number for a bimbo, the crowd could easily spot the former Assistant DA underneath the heavy makeup and hair, the woman having always insisted on her long natural curls now sporting a cute blonde bob.

"Officer Lucy is here to serve!" The bimbo giggled brightly as she began modeling off her transformed body, the front crowd flinching in real fear as the metal button containing such titanic titular masses strained but held against its task.

The men on stage chuckled as Mayor Adams moved to the podium, letting Chuck Sr. step back to admire his work. "Haha! And serve she will, as 'Officer Lucy' will begin a tour of reparations with the many fine officers she had forced on administrative leave before joining our highest bidder tonight for their collection. This delightful bimbo, custom-made by Chuck Tuttle Sr. and the CCB crew, features all the functions of their work which I'm sure you've all seen on their show right?" The crowd laughed politely as the Mayor chuckled to himself. "And if you haven't, you should! Time to get down to business though, if you'll look under your placemats you should have a bidding number assigned to your seat on a paddle. I say we can start the bidding at… $100,000? Oh! DA Briggs, that was quick, I didn't think we were allowed to bid as well. Do I hear $120,000? I spy Mr. Corleone and his lovely wife-"

* * * * *

Back at Clara County Bimbos, Charlie is hard at work on Deborah, having been left in charge of the project while Senior is out of the shop. He's busy sketching out and planning pre-fabrication, making a note of what parts would need adjustment and others to be built from scratch in-house. Near the metal welding table where he works, Deborah is strapped spread-eagled on the Rack, a rotating stand that allows the boys to work on any angle of her that they need to reach. Charlie already finished the updated mouth, a metal mold of impossibly plush lips that once installed would make speech difficult but pleasuring a man easy encircled the lower half of her face. With the WD-40 having worn off hours ago she was now alert, having spent plenty of time off camera wearing herself out against her bonds and muffled voice screaming itself ragged and making more work for the crew to repair. The camera zooms in on her face, green eyes wide in terror as they beg anyone at all to help her.

"The thing about Dad is he always thinks he's right, incapable of thinking that time has passed him by or to try new things when his way is the one that has always worked." Charlie sighed in annoyance, seemingly oblivious to the plight of the woman suspended next to him. "And then when he talks about being a 'self-made man' and all the hard work he put into the company, he leaves all the actual labor to us while he goes and schmoozes potential customers at fancy parties and expensive dinners. Classic."

The young man gingerly gets up to walk around the table and show off his plans for Deborah. On the workbench were two pairs of silicone implants, one significantly smaller and made of thinner, clearer material than the other as he takes it, even the smaller version still spilling out of his fingertips.

"Now this is what Deborah had installed in originally, they're more than a handful and after a few months, assimilate fully with the body providing a natural heft and softness. In comparison to the all-naturals we can also make, they have a perkiness warranty of 10 years before you'd want to re-install another pair to keep her fresh. Now, I know Dad said Marty is old-school and simple, but I know what it looks like when a kid walks into a candy store and sees fancy chocolate for the first time. I went to college in the city after all. That's why while he's out of town we're going to go with these."

Charlie let the small, clear mold of plastic fall to the ground as he used two hands to lift the much larger, darker implants. While it still jiggled and clearly had some give as he balanced its weight on one hand, it was clearly a much heavier, intense implant. Nearby, Deborah's movement is caught at the edge of the camera, enough of her face visible to see her eagle-eyeing the plastic that was about to be installed into her body.

"I call these the Plastic Perfection Mk. III, custom designed and built in-shop by me. I used the Mark 1's in the Widow Maker build and seeing the way Marty ogled her I knew he'd be disappointed if Deborah left the shop with her original modifications. Despite their size, the Mark 3's are smaller to make shopping for her a little easier, but they retain that perfect orb symmetry and provide a solid mass to grab hold of when you're riding her."

He sets the weighty silicone mold down gently, turning the Rack so that Deborah's backside was on display, leaving gauging her reactions a mystery as Charlie begins to point out her taut shoulder muscles, sketching out his plans on her skin with his fingers.

"That mass though comes with weight, and in order for Deborah to carry them we're going to have to modify her shoulder, back, and core muscles to maneuver that weight, as well as build in and hide a structure inside her breasts so that they'll maintain optimal chest-height at all times while not disrupting the body lines. This type of modification usually takes days, but I only have two to finish if we're going to maintain our 1 week deadline. Let's get to work."

* * * * *

The next day, Chuck Sr. is found walking into a slick corporate office in downtown Nashville, having flown down to the Music City to make a rare house call. While Senior doesn't generally have time in his busy schedule, Run by Machines Records was the backbone of the American music industry and one of Clara County Bimbo's most important repeat clients. Their top talent scout and executive, Scotty Bronson, had a recent commission from them for one of his musicians a few weeks ago and had called on Senior to come investigate a problem they were having.

Hopping into the elevator and punching the top floor, Senior doesn't even acknowledge the secretary by the door to Mr. Bronson's office, letting himself in. Knowing he was a man of action and how he always entered a room, Scotty was on a nearby chair rather than behind his desk, the source of Senior's visit between his legs. Bobbing her plush pout around the CEO's cock, bimbo bubble-buttcheeks settled on her pink stiletto heels is country pop superstar Tessa Quick. Her bimbo body was barely contained by the skimpy white crop top and skirt she wore, long blonde hair pulled into pigtails for Scotty to guide her mouth on his prick.

"Tessa was brought to us by Scotty… six months ago?" Chuck Sr. looked puzzled as if trying to remember something in the middle of his talking head segment. "Anyway, Scotty had some specific requests and we were the only shop on the East Coast even capable of fulfilling them. There was a huge NDA on the build until he could get the re-branding and marketing for her new album 'Fucker' off the ground. He said people didn't like her last one, but only I listen to good old-fashioned classic rock and American country so all I know is Scotty took action. What I do know is we knocked it out of the park as last I remember in the news people went crazy over the new her."

The cameras swap to a replay of an interview with Scotty Bronson. "Tessa wanted to rebrand out of her innocent youth phase and into a more mature mindset with her music. I was all for it but when it took weeks to hit multi-platinum instead of days I knew it was a mistake. For a while I've had a vision of how I thought she should move into a more adult sphere, and with how unhappy she was with the comp- with the poor reception to her 'Notoriety' album that we wrote and made her record, I knew it was time. There's a reason I'm at the top. I made her who she was, not her talent and songwriting ability. So I decided to take the reins again and I know I made the right choice because she was completely redeemed in the public’s eyes."

The screen cuts to news footage of brick and mortar stores packed to the gills with her fanbase, having fully embraced their celebrity idol being remodeled into an empty-headed sex and fashion obsessed bimbo. The Quickies were a horde of screaming, scantily-clad sluts who had spent the weeks leading up to release listening to the teaser trailer on repeat as they wiped out shopping malls and stores for new clothes and Tessa Quick merchandise. Footage from one store shows a stampede of them bursting past security staff to the booth with the new merch and blasting the full version of her single "Fuck Me!" at max volume, knocking over one girl dressed moodily in black and sending her headphones scattering across the department store. It wasn't long before the addictive sounds of 'The #1 Pop-Bimbo in Music History' had her stripping her counter-culture clothing off and joining the screaming girls that Tessa Quick wasn't just the new Michael Johnson, but her new Go- The camera cuts-off mid scene to return to Senior chuckling to himself as he takes in his work while Scotty waves a hand.

"Chuck! Take a seat, take a seat! I'd stand and shake your hand but you caught me at a great time so I could show you the little problem I'm having"

Scotty releases his hold on Tessa's pigtails as she continues to worship his cock like it was the only thing in her world. The bloated beast would have been difficult for her to fit into her mouth much less swallow deeply, but the custom work of CCB was on full display as her body shifted and reshaped itself around Scotty's dick. Chuck Sr. looked on casually, a concerned expression only crossing his face as he leaned forward when Tessa began to slow, eventually letting the executive's cock exit her mouth with a plop.

"… Say… Master? I had a thought-"

"I'm sure you did sweetcheeks." Without any resistance, Scotty grabbed her by the pigtails and forced her again to swallow him, eager bobbing and sucking resuming quickly. "That's the problem, you're not supposed to have thoughts. That's what I'm for." The record label executive maneuvered his fat frame that no amount of tailored suit could fully hide to give them both a better angle to conduct their business. "And I remember when I picked her up you promised me this wouldn't be an issue."

"And I stand by my word, the only thing a man is truly worth." Chuck Sr. got up to investigate the bimbo, pulling out a penlight. Nothing in particular caught his eye until he opened one of her eyes wide. The amount of dullness was exactly as expected with the pink ring encircling the blue of her irises glowing. It looked fractured though… "Have you been keeping up with maintenance?"

"Have I been- Look at her man, of course I've been keeping up with maintenance! It would take a dozen men to stop me and only because they'd want a shot at 'maintaining' her too if you catch my drift." Scotty laughed, but Senior was all business, touching and tugging and spanking the bimbo's breasts and booty to test their firmness. "Hell, it's made life at home so much simpler too. Any time I'm in the mood I don't have to bother the wife, she says 'just use the bimbo, that's what they're for.' and we both know she's right, especially with all the custom equipment installed-"

"Found it." Scotty wasn't used to being interrupted but he had called Chuck Sr. for his professional opinion and right now he had the light shined directly between his personal pop-slut's legs. The camera adjusted to see underneath her little skirt that Senior was pointing directly at the untouched rosebud of a rear. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but you haven't once fucked her ass?"

"What? In the- Where we shit? Eww, no man. You know I'm a germaphobe Chuck."

The muscular old man sighed and stroked his moustache as he got up, half expecting that he'd need to do the deed himself but that wouldn't solve the problem. "Bimbos require constant maintenance in every available port. I went over this, it's necessary to keep their fluids constantly circulating throughout their entire body. It's an easy fix but you're going to have to come up with a more permanent solution, someone available and on-site."

"Permanent and on-site… Oh! I know just the gal! Mercedes!" Scotty lifted up one hand to snap a finger.

It was unnecessary as his secretary was already at the door. Impeccably dressed in a tight pencil skirt and yellow blouse showing demure and professional, the slim young woman had her long blonde hair tied up in a tight, clean ponytail. Everything about her was immaculate and absolutely normal; perfectly proportioned while still fit, lips full but not over-plump, sharp blue eyes clear behind black-framed glasses barely obscuring a beauty mark underneath her left eye. Even her walk, her stockinged feet in high stilettos hitting their mark on the plush carpet of Scotty's office with precision, and make-up left a consistent and attractive image. Efficient. Professional. Competent.

"Yes sir?" Her cool voice was as emotionless as her face, seemingly frozen in time as she waited for a response.

"Can you go get that outfit and toy I had you use on the Sex-Kitten Dolls when they were acting up? Chuck here will explain why when you get back."

"Absolutely sir." As quickly and with as little sound as when she arrived, the secretary was gone, leaving Chuck Sr. looking flabbergasted. Scotty laughs as he waves him off.

"Mercedes is a gem. I have no idea where we found her, literally. But she's perfect, the ultimate secretary. A hot piece of eye-candy, never questions me, picks up on things instantly and never has to be taught how to do something twice, and half the time it feels like she knows what I want even before I do, she's a god-damn mirac-"

Just like before, Mercedes just seemed to appear in the room from thin air, surprising both men. Gone was her professional attire in favor of a black bodysuit and vinyl thigh-high boots made up of a series of complex straps that would have taken hours to untangle but she had on in moments. The most distracting thing however was between her legs; the thick black strap-on was as wide and long as her forearm, large enough that the bold script of 'Bitchbreaker XXL' was clearly visible on camera along the side. Senior felt rushed as he quickly explained what Tessa needed, but true to word Mercedes seemed to understand almost immediately, dragging the bimbo off Scotty's cock and into the center of the room.

A look of confusion and then fear crosses Tessa's face before she's obscured by Mercedes and her mouth is stretched obscenely by the strap-on. Thanks to the boys at CCB, Tessa's throat stretched and groaned as it was violated, Mercedes either not caring or fully aware that the bimbo's airways would remain open as she mercilessly pushed all 16 inches of plastic into the slut's plush pink mouth. Even though they might have been surprised by the sudden action, Scotty and Chuck Sr. both relax as they watch the secretary face-fuck with equal, measured strokes until the bimbo pop star's eyes were rolled up into her head, tear ducts sending her mascara flooding down her face.

Job done and now lubricated with drool, Mercedes flips Tessa over like she weighs nothing, spreading the delightfully full and round rear to the air and pressing the Bitchbreaker XXL into her. Despite being previously unspoiled, Tessa's modified bimbo booty was built for such extreme intrusions and with full-throated arousal moaning from her mouth, came hard at her anal cherry being popped by such a monstrous toy. Scotty begins to jerk off at the sight of his secretary taking full command of the bimbo, her thrusts smooth and precise despite her speed and the size of the plastic pillar of pleasure she was currently pumping into willing bimbo flesh. Chuck Sr. unzips his jeans and pulls out his own mammoth cock, smaller than Mercedes' imitation but far too large for any non-bimbo, and begins to use one large hand to stroke himself to full-mast.

Time seems to slow as Mercedes wrings another full-body orgasm out of Tessa, the insensate bimbo rolling over and spreading her legs willingly so the other woman could move her assault onto her pussy, the camera catching her big blue eyes and the ring of pink pulsing now at their center. The beautiful secretary didn't hesitate to impale her with the full girth of her strap-on, the violent action received with blissful cries for more as Tessa's body visibly molds and stretches to accommodate the intruder. For what seems like an eternity but is only a few minutes of air time, Mercedes leaves no hole unviolated, no crevice of her body unfilled with pleasure, no brain cell left unbroken as the two men watch on. The camera focuses on them sometimes, their own dazed appreciation and arousal at the sensual show being put on clear in their expressions, the calm manner in which they stroked their own super-endowed cocks at the sight perfectly normal.

Other times the camera is mostly focused on Tessa, the bimbo experiencing the ultimate pleasure of utter submission and empty-minded bliss she could only have found after having her body modified for it. Everything about her had been remade, dedicated to being used in ways that a normal woman couldn't even imagine, much less survive. Every ounce of usable energy and thought being converted into pure hypersexuality and delivered for consumption to the masses-

Chuck and Scotty both groan as Mercedes delivers one final bimbo-gasm to the all-but-unconscious Tessa, thick streams of ejaculate arcing through the air and covering the pop star's face and enhanced chest while she was held up by the secretary, who eventually releases the fully-fucked slut to slump exhausted to the floor, the pink ring in her eyes solid and glowing bright. Mercedes looks down on her, face still emotionless and unreadable as she deftly unhooks the unwieldy toy between her legs and begins to make her way towards the door and bar cabinet.

"Will you be needing anything else sir?"

Scotty was still breathing heavily as he tried to work his pants back on. "No Mercy, that was… that was… Whew! Actually, while you're over there I'd like-"

She was already crossing the room with two tall glasses of dark alcohol, handing over the lighter of the two to Scotty as she walked over to Chuck Sr. who had finished returning his still softening python underneath his jeans and was currently zipping up.

"A Long Island Iced Tea, blanco tequila replaced with anejo and a dash of orange bitters, and a double of American whiskey plus cola with no ice for Mr. Tuttle. Will that be all sir?"

"Absolutely Mercy, you're a doll! Hey, take the rest of the afternoon off after a work-out like that!"

"Thank you sir, I will be back to pick you up at 5pm for your 5:15 suit fitting."

Scotty sighed as the beautiful blonde exited his office, going back to sitting across from Chuck Sr. completely ignoring the still-naked Tessa on the floor.

"That woman is incredible, I'd be lost at work without her. Thanks for stopping by though Chuck, you're a lifesaver."

Senior waved off the compliment. "It's the least I could do Scotty with all the work you send to me and the boys." A look of deep thinking crosses his face, soon replaced by another wry smile under his moustache as he laughs. "They could learn a thing or two from Mercy, that's for sure. Hell, imagine having someone like that at home too, your every need catered to without having to lift a finger."

Scotty returned the laughter. "Yeah, I love Jackie but sometimes she forgets to get my paper for me in the morning and I'm like… like…" His jovial expression seems to fade, being replaced by an empty one as the label executive seemed to realize something. "You know Chuck… let me know when you and the boys have some free time because I might have another job for you…"

"Any time Scotty, a man has to work for his pay after all."

A smile broke out across Scotty's face as he slapped his knee. "Ain't that the truth! Kids these days think they should just be handed money. That's why we're the successful businessmen Chuck! Clara County Bimbos and Run by Machines Records reward hard work and a firm handshake, not just showing up for the job."

The two settle their business with the aforementioned firm handshake, camera zooming in on their large hands and bulging veins of Senior's muscular forearm. Customer service and charity gigs aside, Senior is eager to return home and get back to work on Deborah for Marty and hoping Charlie didn't turn any of his crazy ideas into reality while he'd been away…

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