Hypnotic Induction - My Doll 2 - Babydoll

by TheSandGoose

Tags: #pov:top #sub:female #clothing #doll #dom:male #drones #m4f #mind_control

Listen to my soothing voice as I turn you into a doll again, dress you up, and play with you.

This induction is for female participants. For purposes of imagery and/or realism, you should know what a babydoll dress is. Feel free to look it up beforehand if you don’t. And, of course, a mirror.

Video to follow.

Hello, my dolly.

You’ve come back to me. I knew you would eventually. I told you before, dolls find enjoyment in being played with, and you are such a good doll. And good dolls want to be played with. You remember, don’t you? You remember being my doll, you remember your obedience, the peace and happiness you felt then. Maybe you were curious to see what else I would do with you, what else I could do. You love being my doll, you love how it makes you feel; open, obedient, powerless. My words are wrapped around you like invisible strings, controlling your body and mind, making you move, making you do whatever I want. No thoughts, no will, no mind, only the strings, the bond, the leash between the doll and it's owner, making you obey me. Because dolls don’t think, they obey, remember? That’s what I said last time, that’s what you said last time. Say it again so you can remember: dolls don’t think, they obey. Obedience gives you pleasure. Being my doll gives you pleasure. And you want to be my doll again, that’s why you came back.

It’s true, I want you to be my doll. I want to play with my doll. Being your master, your owner, gives me pleasure. But however ready you may think you are, you are not my doll yet. You need to be reminded, to be conditioned, molded, prepared, wound up, switched on. Only then will you become my doll again. So today I’m going to take you deeper into a trance state, and reinforce your programming and obedience, your commitment to being my doll. Do you still have that mirror from before? Position it so you can see your face, your body.

You know what? If you have a camera, turn it on and record yourself. Now that may have spiked some alarm; don’t worry, I will not ask you to send me the video – I don’t need it, I can already picture you. It’s just for yourself, only for you. You can replay and watch your own reactions later, watch yourself as you become my doll. Wouldn’t that be amazingly hot?

Time to choose. You can turn this off, and leave if you want. I will always give you that choice, but remember, once you give me your consent, you are mine, to do with as I please.

Pause now, and continue when you’re ready, when you have everything prepared.

I’m glad you’ve chosen me. Do you want to be my doll? Then listen to my voice, and obey the commands of your owner.

I’m going to count down from five, and with each number, you will sink deeper, closer to being my doll. And when I reach one, you will be my doll.

Five. “I am a doll.” Say it. You can already feel it, can’t you? That heightened state of awareness and arousal that precedes hypnotic trance. All those emotions and anxieties, anticipation, excitement. The rush that comes from having made a decision, of wanting to see, to feel, to know what I’m going to do with you, to you. It’s okay to feel those feelings, but you need to relax. Sit up straight, feet flat on the floor, legs uncrossed, rest your hands on your knees. Close your eyes for a bit. Take a deep breath. Hold it. Now let it out. Take another. Keep breathing, slowly. Your face is relaxing. Your shoulders are relaxing. Your arms are relaxing. Your hands are relaxing. Your fingers are relaxing. Your legs are relaxing. Your feet are relaxing. Your toes are relaxing. Now lean back in your chair. You’re going down, sinking into the feeling of being my doll, perfectly blank, perfectly obedient, perfectly content. Let the world fall away. Relax.

Four. “I am a doll.” Say it. So happy, so relaxed, such a good doll. Going deeper now, so deep, so relaxed, so happy. Deeper. Nothing exists except the chair beneath you, the floor under your feet, your body, and my words in your ears, in your mind. No worries, no cares, no longer human, no longer a person, just a toy, my toy. You can feel it, the change coming over you. Your arms and legs are getting lighter, your body is pliable, easy to be moved. Lift your arms, straight out in front of you. Now lift them up over your head. Breathe, in, out. Gently lower your arms, hands back on your knees. You’re such a good doll.

Three. “I am a doll.” Say it. Dolls don’t think, dolls obey. Let all those emotions flow away, out of your fingertips. You feel only happiness. You are happy, obedient, you are loved, you are owned. “I am owned, obedient, happy.” Say it. That’s right, you are. You are my toy, my plaything, my doll. I own you. I control you. You obey me. And it gives you pleasure, it makes you so happy to obey me.

Two. “I am a doll.” Say it. Last time, I taught you how to smile. Remember that smile, nice and wide? Go ahead. Let it fill you with joy and warmth. Open your eyes, look into the mirror. See your doll face, see your doll smile, so full, so happy, so complete, so ready. You are owned, obedient, and happy. Obedience gives you pleasure. You are a good doll, and you want to be mine.

You’re almost there now. Almost mine, almost my doll. You’re sinking deep into my trance, deep into your doll body. But are you as deep as you can go? No, you can go deeper. Deeper. Deeper! Become my doll.

One. “I am a doll.” Say it. Look at yourself in the mirror. Your transformation is finished. When I clap my hands, you will be my doll.


Now, you are my doll. Repeat my words:

“I am your doll.” Say it.

“I have no mind.”

“I have no will. “

“I am your toy.”

“I am your puppet.”

“I am your doll.”

“I belong to you.”

“You are my owner.”

“You are my master.”

“I am completely under your control.”

“I will do anything you tell me.”

“I want to be played with.”

“Playing with you makes me happy.

“When I obey you, I feel pleasure.”

That’s enough, stop repeating. Big smile, you did well, my doll.

Lift your right arm. Let it hang there, held in place by the strings of my will. Now lift your left arm. Lower your arms back down. Good doll. Lift your right foot. Lower it. Lift your left foot. Lower it. Good doll. You’re doing well. Good dolls obey.

“I am your doll.” Say it. Stand, my doll. Feel my will lifting you, placing you upright. You will not fall, you will stand, and remain standing. Find an area in which you can move freely. Stand straight, arms at your side, facing the screen. You remember this, your default pose. Remember the command to bring you back to this position: “dolly return.” Very good.

I want to play with my doll today, but the clothes you have on don’t suit what I have in mind for you. Remove your clothes. That’s right, strip. You do not feel shame or guilt, you’re a doll. Dolls have their clothes changed all the time. Leave your clothes on the floor. Take off your shirt. Remove your pants. Even your underwear. You are a doll, good dolls obey. Obeying me makes you happy. Pause this until you’re done, then continue, and wait in your default pose.

There you are. Look at yourself in the mirror, my perfect doll. And I’m there with you, inside your mind, inside your body, inside your skin. I control you. Your hands are my hands. Want proof? Touch your tits. Feel my hands on your body. Caress your curves. Squeeze your boobs. Feel the hard nubs of your nipples. Those are my hands, my fingers touching you. You like it, don’t you? You can’t stop it, you can’t fight it. So beautiful, so obedient, so helpless. Feel the pleasure. Keep touching yourself, slowly, gently.

Good doll. You’ve earned a reward. I’m going to dress you now. Stop touching yourself and hold out your hands. I’m placing your new clothes there, in your hands. Unfold it, hold it up. It’s a babydoll nightgown in pink satin. You know what that is, you looked it up ahead of time. Go ahead, raise your arms, and I’ll put it on you. Pink fabric is sliding down your arms, falling over your shoulders, slipping down your body. Adjust it, let it fall over your body. Sheer pink satin covers you now. Put your arms down. Good doll. You’re my doll, and good dolls obey.

Look at the screen. Smile, and wave to me. Your best friend, your lover is here. You’re happy, excited. Feel the anticipation of our days together, our nights. Give me a hug. Feel the warmth of my body. We will be together soon.

Ooops, I forgot to give you your kiss. Step back, put your hands on your hips, frown with disapproval. It’s a cute, pouty frown, I can’t resist it. Step forward again, and kiss me. Dolly, return. Good doll. “Good dolls obey.” Say it.

You want more? Pose for me. Turn your body slightly, but keep your head straight, eyes on me. Smile, a light, teasing smile. You’re presenting yourself, and I can see you. Your body is coated in pink, but it’s thin, and I can see your breasts, your nipples, your tummy, the crease of your pussy, peeking out between your legs. There’s no need for shame, be proud of your body. Let that pride fill you with warmth. You like being seen, you like when I see you. Being seen arouses you. Being my doll arouses you. You’re my doll; good dolls obey. Say it.

You can feel your heartbeat quickening. Your skin is flushed and hot. You’re sweating now, coating your body in slick, warm wetness beneath the fabric. You’re getting horny. You want me to touch you, to make love to you. Your hands are my hands. I own them, so let me use them. My finger lifts the dress straps from your shoulders. Let the nightgown fall away, let it slide from your body to the floor.

Stroke your face gently. Trace your lips with a finger. You’re my doll, I own this face, these lips. I can kiss them anytime I want, use you however I want. Slide your hands down your body, squeeze your breasts, cup them. These are mine. You want me to touch them, to make you feel pleasure. Good doll. “Good dolls obey.” Say it.

Feel my hands on your back, your thighs, caressing you. Touch your pussy. Rub it. Stroke yourself. Your finger is my tongue, licking you gently, dipping inside your pussy, touching you in your most intimate place. Keep touching yourself. Feel the pleasure rising. The anticipation is overwhelming. You’re hot, burning with desire. You want this. You want your master to play with you, to make you climax. To order you to cum...

Dolly, return.

Deep breath. Not what you were expecting? That must have been difficult for you. So close, you must be aching for release. You want it, you need it. Perched on the edge of that cliff, waiting to be told to jump off, to let go, to soar away on wings of pleasure.

Not today. Not as my doll. Next time, perhaps.

I’m going to release you now. I told you before, dolls find enjoyment in being played with, and you are such a good doll. When I say, “dolly release”, you will return to being a normal human being. You will remember your time as my doll. You will be my doll again, soon. All I need to say is “hello, my dolly,” and you will remember. You will remember your obedience, you will remember being my doll. One last thing. When you are free, you may pleasure yourself as you wish, but not until this script ends.

5… 4... 3... 2... 1.

Dolly release.

Welcome back.  Take a moment, relax, get your bearings. I’m sorry to have made you do that. But you did so well today, thank you for letting me play with you, my doll.

If you enjoyed this video, please favorite it, follow, share, and leave a comment to let me know, so that I may improve my skills. You might even try recording yourself, so that you can watch yourself being my doll whenever you want. Now you can finish what we started. Go have fun.

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