Armored Heart: Tamed Soul


by TheOldGuard

Tags: #dom:female #f/f #fantasy #pov:bottom #sub:female #f/m


Walking a step behind Gella with Violet, Tabby, and Lauren, Celia smiled at the courtyard of Cair Dwemor. It was lit by the last rays of the setting sun, painting everything in a gentle, reddish, orange light.

Returning to the secluded estate already felt more like coming home than returning to her cramped little room in New Gyr ever had. That place had been a stopgap, barely even a shelter. This wonderful, magical place was her real home.

“It feels so good to be home!” Tabby exclaimed, happily.

“I agree,” Gella said with a pleased look. “The city is wonderful to visit, but there is always so much going on. I prefer to focus my attention on the truly important things.” Turning on her heel, she lifted her fingers to Tabby’s face and snapped her fingers once.

The faintest echo of pleasure brushed down Celia’s back. It was only a single snap and not meant for her, but she still watched with interest how it affected Tabby. Her emerald eyes widened and she swayed on her feet for a moment. Then, blinking a few times, she steadied herself. Looking down at the elegant gown she had been wearing since Celia’s ceremony, the beastkin girl huffed adorably at Gella. “Awwww, I was wearing this stupid dress? I thought all those people were getting a chance to admire me!” The thrill in her voice robbed the complaint of any real bite.

“Lots of them still were, Tabby. Wearing a pretty dress didn’t make you any less beautiful,” Lauren said, sweetly.

Pausing in the middle of reaching around to try and undo the buttons of her dress, the cat-girl instead trilled at Lauren and gave her a hug. “Awww, thanks Lauren. You’re sweet,” she said before pulling the pinkette into a kiss.

Celia watched, feeling that phantom touch of desire meld with the lingering heat that had been slowly building since Gella’s passionate kiss. It wasn’t a long kiss, but it still let Celia savor the sight of the lithe monk and the cute priestess locked in passion together. There wasn’t so much as a pang of jealousy, either. She and Lauren loved each other, and that love was big enough to include Violet, Gella, and Tabby as well.

“My Pretty Kitty, Dreamgirl – as much as I would normally adore watching you two, I think it’s time we let Celia know what the surprise is,” Gella commented, anticipation clear in her voice.

Hearing that, Celia immediately suspected a party, likely in the manor itself. Turning to look at the manor, she was surprised to see none of the lights on. Indeed, as she looked, she noticed that none of the Heralds were around either.

Gella slipped behind Celia and kissed her cheek. “We’ll have a big celebration with everyone,” she promised. “But, tonight, I want my Treasures all to myself,” her voice turned warm and sensual. “Our evening together hardly even counted, compared to what I have planned. It’s time I properly enjoy this body of yours. Every. Beautiful. Inch.” She ran her fingers down the skintight metal of Celia’s new armor, leaving the warrior shivering in delight. “Lauren, Tabby – take Celia up to the bathroom and get cleaned up. Violet, you’re with me. I don’t think Damian will mind if we use his Grotto to get cleaned up.” Reaching into her no-space, Gella retrieved two large, wrapped bundles that sagged like cloth. The mage handed one to Violet, then gave the other to Lauren. “Meet me in my room once you’re done, and I will see you soon,” she promised, making a shooing motion before she began to lead Violet toward the barracks.

Feeling the smoldering desire banked in her chest suddenly shoot tendrils of anticipation all through her body, Celia peered over at the bag in Lauren’s hands. The priestess took a look inside, gave a soft, “oh, my,” and cinched the bag shut with a sharp tug on its strings.

“What is it?” Tabby and Celia asked at nearly the same time. Catching each other’s eyes, they both smiled warmly at each other.

“Something for after we all get cleaned up!” Lauren exclaimed, already heading for the manor.

The trip up to the bathroom passed by in a blur, while Celia’s imagination worked overtime. Conjured images of just how Gella would want to enjoy her sped past, each one teasing her desire a little higher. She knew the mage had her passionate side – had even felt it in some more unguarded moments like that night while she was recovering – but this was still entirely new territory.

Getting into the bathroom, Tabby almost bent herself over double to get at the button on the back of her dress. “Here, let me,” Celia offered, taking Tabby’s shoulders and stilling the shorter girl. The moment Celia began undoing the buttons, Tabby’s ears relaxed and shifted forward while her tail began swaying.

“Thank you,” she said happily, a low relaxed purr beginning to fill the room. And once the bodice of the dress was loose enough to wiggle out of, Tabby took the opportunity to do just that. Slipping her tail free, the slender woman squirmed and pushed the bundle of cloth down until she was able to step free of it altogether.

Stretching her now-naked body until she was on the tips of her toes, the cat-girl groaned in a way that only added fuel to Celia’s growing desires. As much as she was looking forward to enjoying Gella – and Gella enjoying her – there was no denying that Tabby had a fantastic body. The cat-girl stopped her stretch and Celia – to her own surprise – didn’t bother to stop or hide her appreciative look.

Seeing the look in Celia’s eyes, Tabby’s whole demeanor shifted. Slinking toward the warrior, she took one of Celia’s hands into both of her own. “I really, really, like that you’re comfortable looking at me like that, Celia,” she said softly, bringing the magic metal-clad hand to her lips and kissing it. Celia could just about feel the warmth of the kiss transmitted through her armor, and it left her eagerly wanting more. “I want to see more of you too. Take that stuff off.”

Being commanded by Tabby forced a smirk onto Celia’s lips. There was the tingle of pleasure at the thought of doing as she was told, but it wasn’t nearly as strong as it was with Gella, or even Lauren. The beautiful naked cat-girl kissing her gauntlet had no power over her, save what Celia – or Gella, she supposed – gave her. It was certainly something to consider later though, even if in the moment she nodded and let her armor break into its constituent bits so they could slither across her skin, back into the magical ring.

Tabby watched with an intrigued look while the metal vanished, leaving Celia in only her tight, supportive underwear. Resting one warm palm on Celia’s stomach, the beastkin slid it up until it met the bottom hem of the supporting garment. Working her fingers under the tight fabric, she smirked at the warrior when her fingers pulled a pleased sigh from Celia’s lips. “Arms up,” she quietly ordered, leaning close to nearly whisper it.

Savoring Tabby’s closeness, Celia complied while careful, tawny fingers eased the garment further up, exposing her breasts to the warm air. Hearing the sound of splashing water, Celia only had a moment to realize that the shower had been turned on before a second pair of hands joined Tabby’s in running along her body, and Lauren’s larger breasts pressed into her back while the priestess kissed her shoulder. “You’re going to love this,” she said, just as softly as Tabby.

Tabby gave her a lurid grin, taking the supporting garment off completely and tossing it vaguely in the direction of the hamper. “You might have noticed” – she grinned while lowering herself to her knees – “that Lauren, Violet, and I are bare between our legs?” She asked while carefully easing Celia’s panties down.

“Mistress adores the look,” Lauren continued, arms encircling Celia in a loose hug.

“Has ever since she tamed me,” Tabby said with a happy sigh. “I don’t remember why I was doing it, but I adore the feeling,”

Celia thought about her own thatch of blond curls – shaving down there had seemed both pointless and impractical before, but that was her old life. The warm, enticing memory of signing her body over to Gella wafted across her recollection, bringing a surge of delight with it.

Even Gella’s folds had been bare, she remembered from the brief moments she had glimpsed the mage naked. “Lauren, I think she likes the idea,” Tabby cooed from her kneeling position, leaning forward and kissing the inside of Celia’s thigh. The unexpected – but entirely welcome – contact turned the surge of building desire into a powerful jolt.

“Violet and I came up with a special cream for it, too,” the priestess said with a note of pride.

Tabby giggled, standing up to lead Celia toward the shower. “She’s being sneaky! Oh, Lauren, I’m so proud of you!” She exclaimed, giving the pinkette a brief kiss, while Celia could only look on in confusion.

“What is she talking about?” The warrior asked, stepping into the spray of hot water. With both Tabby and Lauren in the enclosure, it was cramped enough to require the girls to press very close together. Not that Celia minded in the least.

While Tabby lathered up a cloth with some of the lightly-scented soap, Lauren tilted Celia’s hair back into the spray. “Just a little side effect of the cream – not that that’s what she’s washing you with right now,” she admitted with a playful, guilty edge to her voice. “Nothing magical or anything, but…”

“But you’ll be very glad you’ve got someone like me around,” Tabby said with a grin, lathering up Celia’s legs. “Someone with the… hmmmm… With the endurance to keep up.”

The flush coloring Celia’s cheek had nothing to do with the warm water pouring over her. While she was much more comfortable with sex and pleasure now, she wasn’t sure if…

The thought hit her like a bolt of lightning. She had been on the path of worrying about how she could deal with it alone – but she wasn’t, and never would be again. “Gella can do her thing too, if it gets too distracting, right?”

Lauren giggled from behind her. “Right!”

Tabby rolled her eyes as she stood up, smirking at Celia. “Do her thing,” she repeated in a silly voice. “Come on, Celia,” she said, dropping her voice back down into its normal sultry purr. “She’s going to control you,” she stressed with an eager grin. “Especially if you ask her to.”

“I know you like looking into Gella’s eyes, Celia,” Lauren added, scooping Celia’s heavy, wet hair away to kiss the back of her neck. “She thinks it’s adorable how lost you get in them.”

“Sh–she does?” The warrior asked, gasping at the kiss.

“Yep!” Tabby exclaimed, bringing the washcloth up further. Pressing it in closer between Celia’s thighs, the cat-girl’s fingers quickly went from cleaning to teasing Celia’s outer lips. It felt wonderful, and the warrior groaned appreciatively. Tabby withdrew them far too quickly, though, and when Celia gave the beastkin an inquisitive look, she just tutted with a waved finger. “Mistress’ orders. We can tease, but only just.”

Lauren giggled sweetly. “She’s really excited, you know? When she shares her thoughts, you can hear it.”

Despite Tabby’s bout of distracting teasing, that warmed and thrilled Celia. Gella was excited to claim her – utterly and completely take her as her own. She wanted the evening to be perfect, so much that her imagination was still running wild with increasingly fantastic scenarios. “Can’t you give me a hint what she is going to do?” She pleaded.

Tabby’s fingers, once again behind the soapy washcloth, continued up Celia’s waist and stomach. “I can confidently say that it will involve fucking this beautiful body,” she mused, affecting a playfully studious tone. “Hopefully we all get a turn,” she said, tail swaying so wildly that it banged into the walls.

“It’s going to be so much more than just fucking,” Lauren said with a playfully exasperated sigh while she ran her own sudsy washcloth down Celia’s neck. Her touch was more careful – focusing on actually cleaning Celia’s body, unlike some beastkin Celia could mention. “Mistress will make sure you enjoy it. She was incredible with me, and I’m positive she will be with you as well.”

Between Tabby’s touches – interspersed with the occasional kiss and carassess on her bare body – and Lauren’s far more focused efforts, they soon had every inch of Celia clean and lightly scented. Adjusting the spray to rinse the suds away, Lauren slipped her slick body around to look at Celia, head to toe. “You look fantastic, Celia. Go fill the tub and get in, Tabby and I will be out shortly.”

“Or maybe not so shortly,” Tabby purred, turning her attention to Lauren and wrapping her arms around the priestess. “I only got to tease Celia, I wanna do more than tease.”

Lauren – her hair already a heavy, darker pink curtain – tapped Tabby once on the nose. “Be good,” she chastised the cat-girl. “We will be out shortly,” she repeated, closing the shower door and cutting off Tabby’s retaliatory kiss from Celia’s view.

Filling the tub was second nature, but Celia still took the time to appreciate how astonishingly lavish hot water on command truly was. She couldn’t imagine more than ten places in all of Remere had anything like this. As the water ran, the array of scented oils – many of which Celia knew were also mind-affecting – called to her. She found herself considering which ones she might want to try before the recollection of her first time in this room stilled her enthusiasm.

She had been terrified – she’d broken down and cried. The simple concept of Gella having any control over her had been violently resisted. Celia remembered it all in a wash of icy clarity. Had she really changed so much?

Kicking back into the quickly-rising water, she let her body float while her mind similarly drifted. Lauren and the Fae had shown her that control didn’t have to be terrifying – that it could be gentle, loving, and sweet. Gella and Tabby had both freed her mind and her body to experience joy and pleasure with fresh perspective. The woman that had been nearly dragged in here – that had tried to hide her appreciation of Violet’s body, and had so fiercely resisted the love and care Gella wanted to provide was still in there. But that woman had been softened and shaped like candle wax.

Lifting one arm out of the water, Celia watched the bathroom's magical lights and steam play off her silver bracelet. Little by little, being around these amazing women and this magical place had changed her. Magic, circumstance, maybe even fate – they had all played their part.

The shower door opened, revealing a giggling Tabby and a smiling Lauren. Opening the cabinet at the far side of the room, the priestess retrieved a large glass jar, and a few spare washcloths. “Hop up on the lip of the tub,” she directed, patting the warm stones next to her as she found a spot to kneel.

While the warrior settled with her legs dangling in the water, Tabby slipped in with barely a splash. “You’re going to love how this feels, Celia,” she promised. “No more shaving, and you feel so tingly after,” she continued with a grin, eyes locked between Celia’s legs.

“It makes your skin feel so soft too,” Lauren said while urging Celia to lift her arm. “We all use it.”

The paste was a light red color, thick as mud with a pleasantly spicy scent. With the gentle deftness Celia had come to expect from her, the pinkette carefully applied it with a little metal tool, covering the fine hairs on Celia’s arm. The tingle began almost immediately, along with a pleasant warming sensation. “That feels nice,” she admitted to Lauren’s smiling face.

“And that’s just your arm,” Tabby smirked. “Imagine how it will feel everywhere else!”

Between Tabby’s earlier teasing, Lauren’s closeness, and her own fantasies, Celia could feel the heat pooling in her body. Just the thought of that lovely warm tingle close to her folds was enough to make a concentrated drop of needy heat saturate her thoughts for a moment.

When Lauren carefully wiped off the spent paste, Celia pressed her other hand to her skin and gasped at the difference. Not a trace of hair remained, leaving her unblemished skin looking softer and healthier. Only the pleasant tingle remained, sinking deeper and making every light brush and touch that extra bit sweeter.

Over the next few minutes, Lauren and Tabby carefully tended to every inch of Celia’s face, chest, arms, legs, and stomach. After each application, the tingles remained, slowly ramping up how amazing everything felt. It seeped beyond just where the paste had been, infusing her whole body with that heightened sensitivity.

Finally, with her head cradled in Tabby’s lap and spread out along the edge of the tub, Celia groaned in abject delight when Lauren began applying the paste around her sex. The tingle immediately jumped up, making her nerves jangle and pleasure surge through her. It was hot and demanding, and before she knew it Tabby’s hand had stopped her wrist from reaching between her legs.

Nodding wordlessly, Celia forced her hand back down, enduring the rush of sensations with only her sighs and moans as an outlet. The fact that this was being done as decoration – because Gella wanted her Treasures to look this way – only fueled the fire further. She tried centering herself, sinking into the sensation as she had before. It helped, some – enough to mostly let her keep her wits about her.

When a warm, wet washcloth pressed against her mound, that tenuous control was quickly shaken. Every tiny droplet of water, the slick feeling of her own arousal, the radiating heat – it was all magnified. Her hips squirmed before she could stop herself, and Tabby’s pleased-sounding giggle moved closer. Hot, delicate lips kissed her forehead. “She’s almost done,” Tabby promised.

“She’d better be,” Celia mewled.

The final few moments of Lauren’s ministrations were a delightful torture. It felt good, but not good enough. And he needed a release, while also desperately wanting to save herself for what Gella had planned.

Finally, blessedly, Lauren withdrew. Working together, the priestess and the monk lowered Celia into the warm water. That on its own brought on a fresh wave of sensation and desire. Still, the warrior kept a tight grip on herself. Her sister Treasures seemed to know just when she needed a moment, always letting her collect herself before they resumed rinsing the last vestiges of the cream away from her body.

Each of them took one of her hands, escorting her from the tub and to the stack of fluffy white towels waiting for them. “Oh Celia! You look so pretty, just like one of us now,” Lauren complimented sweetly, drying the warrior’s hair.

“Damn right she does,” Tabby agreed, taking her towel and kneeling to dry the warrior from the legs up. Her light kisses each sparked another brief flare of pleasure, further swamping Celia’s mind in wet melted lust.

“Please…” Celia heard her own quivering voice ask. “Just… no more right now,” she begged, hands slipping into Tabby’s wet hair.

“Okay,” Tabby agreed, moving away and just moving the towel over Celia as efficiently as she could. “But I expect all of the pets and kisses you can muster, as a reward for my heroic self-control,” she said, rising up and rubbing the towel over Celia’s tummy. “Because fuck me, Celia – but you look delicious right now,” she breathed in passing, sending another tremor though the warrior.

Once she was dry, and the once-overwhelming, quivering lust had subsided to a smoldering – but manageable – need that settled deep in her chest, Celia grinned at the contents of the mysterious bag Gella had gifted Lauren. They were robes, cut to just below their waists. Pink for Lauren, green for Tabby, and sky blue for Celia.

“I suspected she would pick this,” Lauren said, knowingly. Once she and Tabby finished drying off, they slipped the impossibly silky robe over Celia’s body, tying it on, loosely. “Do you remember the first thing Mistress did to show off her control of us, Celia?”

The image had replayed itself in Celia’s mind more times than she could count, as both nightmare and fantasy. The blank docility each girl had slipped under, the passive relaxed way they had been left to drift, and then the command that awoke Lauren and Tabby as Gella’s pleasure slaves. Thinking about it now, she sighed dreamily and nodded. “P-pleasure slaves?”

Lauren nodded, gathering Celia’s hair and placing it in a high ponytail. “Well. This time, we’re all going to be her consorts,” she said with a blush and a giggle. “So we get the pretty outfits, the jewels, everything!”

Indeed, the sack also had jeweled headbands for Lauren and Celia each, along with a delicate golden necklace for Tabby.

Walking to one of the mirrors set against the wall, Celia blinked at the woman behind the glass. Her hair was bound high and away from her neck, giving her an air of vulnerability. The whisper-thin blue robe only added to that, making her look more exposed than if she were simply standing naked. Celia was a warrior, she knew it right down to her soul. So why did it feel so wonderful to see herself so dolled up?

The answer was quick to come to her. Gella wanted this.

She wanted Celia to look like a cared for, pampered Treasure for this. Looking at her magical ring only confirmed it. Gella had all of her. Celia had surrendered herself, and the mage already knew her strength – so she wanted to see this part of Celia. The truth and warmth of that realization left her feeling completely centered, floating in a light haze above her arousal and desire.

“Ready, Celia?” Tabby asked from her side. Lauren stood next to her, and Celia beamed at the image of three gorgeous, utterly owned consorts. With a nod, she let Lauren lead them out of the room.


Celia, Tabby, and Lauren each knelt in the sitting room of Gella’s chambers. The lights had been dimmed, replaced with the flickering glow of enchanted candles. The intimate light transformed the normally comfortable space into something from a fantasy. Deep pools of shadow surrounded the three kneeling women, while the light highlighted their jewels and the shimmer of their brief robes.

The door opened, allowing Violet to slip in and join them. She – like they – wore a robe in deep purple that was cut high up her thigh with her long hair hanging straight down her back, bound into a rope braid. As she walked down the line to kneel by Tabby, she caught Celia’s eye. Smiling a warm, genuine smile, the elf gave her a single nod.

Violet was undoubtedly gorgeous – but when Gella strode in, it drove all thoughts of the elf from Celia’s mind. The mage glowed. Her pale skin was near luminous, and her silver hair glittered like molten metal in the candle light. She had dressed in a gown, a deep, rich black that made her seem even more otherworldly. It only hinted at her figure, showing just the beginnings of her breasts. Spilling down over her legs, the light fabric revealed a long slit up one side when the mage walked over to the four kneeling women.

“My Treasures,” she began, voice heavy with power and command. It seemed to go beyond mundane means, as Celia felt a slight fascination settle over her. Magic laced every word, enough to pull her attention like a magnet. “My beautiful, wonderful consorts, we formally welcome Celia to your number tonight.” She stood in front of Celia, reaching down and urging Celia to look her in the eyes.

They were just as beautiful as ever. Just as captivating. “You have given yourself to me in every way, Celia Evergleam,” she said with a slight smile. “And I have accepted that gift.” The desire and arousal jumped again, a teasing drop of passion already trickling over the concentrated heat glowing between her legs.

“Thank you,” Celia said quietly, unable to find the strength to speak any louder.

Gella nodded, the small smile still on her lips. “You look the part of the perfect consort, my champion. But that is only the beginning.” She knelt, bringing herself to eye level with the warrior. The expectation of the two snaps filled her, sending desire thrumming along her nerves. She needed this, needed to sink for Gella, to let the mage control her completely. “I want to watch your mind soften – to watch your will melt,” Gella said instead, the smile turning dominant and powerful. “You will not resist.

The words bypassed Celia’s ears, slipping right into her mind and nestling in among her thoughts. She wouldn’t resist – it was impossible to even consider. “I will not resist,” her own soft voice repeated back.

You are losing your will to my eyes.” Gella's voice wrapped around Celia’s mind, brushing her own thoughts aside. Aside from their beauty, the mage’s eyes had a new dimension. They pulled at her as much as they pierced her. They could see her will, her mind, her everything. And they were pulling it from her.

There was exquisite pleasure in it. Her nipples brushed along her robe, driving the flame of her passion hotter and hotter. Hot enough to melt her, to make all of her easier for Gella’s gaze to take. She didn’t need to see it – it was enough to feel the way her body was feeling more and more weak. Her thoughts became blurry and unfocused. The need easily flowed in, replacing her thoughts moment by moment with desire.

“That’s wonderful, my knight.” Gella soothed, and an unconcerned grin crossed Celia’s lips. She was being wonderful! “Lauren, slip her robe off. Let me see all of her.” While not meant for her, the command was still incredible to listen to.

Careful hands, Lauren's familiar touch, added a different and complementary heat that swirled in tandem with the fire Gella’s magical voice was stoking. Love – freed from thought and musings – crashed over her in a wave that made her moan. She loved these women, and right now the need to feel them boiled over. She wanted to kiss Lauren’s pretty lips, savor Gella’s body, and so much more beyond.

She inched forward, only to be stopped by a shake of Gella’s head. It wasn’t a command, and it didn’t need to be. She would sit still, she would obey, and gods above, that made her feel so fucking good! Gella wanted her to be still, to sink further, to melt more. She mewled in desire, feeling the last of her strength flow away on a tide of scalding pleasure.

She was naked in front of Gella – mind, body, and soul. Her mind felt utterly soaked in desire, the soft, private lighting of the room dissolving away until all she could comprehend were Gella’s eyes, and the torrent of desire making her folds slick. It bloomed everywhere – in the swell of her breast, the phantom tingles still sparking all across her body, and the wonderful vulnerability she was allowed to indulge in – and they all converged to push the last of her mind into Gella’s gaze.

“Now, Celia. Sleep.” Gella's all-powerful voice seized the warrior’s mind, opening a deep, comforting, endless space to fall into. She slipped in, letting every last thought drain far, far away. Celia Evergleam slept, falling forever into Gella’s control.


She was among the clouds – asleep, but aware. Silver – beautiful, powerful Silver – was all around her. It colored the clouds, tinged her twin flames of Orange and Blue, and permeated the very air itself with its sheen.

She watched with a subtle distracting warmth as the Celia that fought – the one that was so comfortable in armor and with weapons – stepped away from her. Her helmet vanished, and her eyes looked so cloudy and drowsy. Silver covered her like a blanket. That part of her was going to sleep, and the pleasure dancing across Celia’s molten core surged. Celia wasn’t a warrior, not right now.

The twin flames whirled unsteadily for a moment, but Celia knew without a shadow of a doubt she could be a warrior again. The warrior was safe, dreaming dreams full of love and comfort. Magic stilled and strength settled. The Silver was perfectly safe, and Celia wanted to let it transform her however it saw fit.

A different Celia – one that was dressed in the soft, revealing robe and had her hair up – stepped out of the Silver. She was beautiful, light, and free. She was the perfect consort. And she stepped into Celia.

She was a new consort – inexperienced, but the wonderful Silver of her Owner didn’t mind that. She would have her sister consorts to learn from, and she was so very willing to learn. Soon, she was waking up, pulled back into the world by her Owner.


The first thing Celia saw upon waking up were her Owner’s eyes. A warm, thrilling sensation made of love and lust and excitement trailed down her spine. She smiled at the powerful woman before bowing her head. “Owner,” she acknowledged quietly.

The mage seated on the comfortable chair radiated power and authority. It reminded Celia that she was owned by this amazing woman, that her whole purpose was to serve her. It fanned her arousal higher, reigniting the molten, needy ache between her legs. She desperately wanted to obey, to worship her Owner’s body.

The simple fact – and it was a fact, not just her opinion – that her Owner looked like a goddess only magnified that lust. Her luminescent hair fell like moonlight down her back while her pale skin teasingly vanished behind the dark contours of her elegant gown.

“Celia,” her Owner said warmly, cupping her cheek tenderly. Celia let herself melt against the touch, nuzzling her Owner’s silky soft skin. “Turn around for me,” her Owner commanded, and Celia felt the hot sparks across her body as she obeyed. She saw the three gorgeous women that were kneeling there, and Celia felt a surge of love and affection for each of them, even if their names remained behind a cloudy veil in her mind

Her Owner had them under her spell, that much was obvious. Their eyes glowed, a different color for each. “You remember them,” her Owner told her, and the haze parted. Lauren, with her soft, pink hair and a smile that could light up a room. She had a body that looked perfect for long lazy cuddles – breasts a bit larger than Celia’s own, and a body that retained a hint of baby fat around her hips and tummy. She felt a closeness with the pinkette, very similar to the one that she shared with her Owner. It was love, she needed nothing to remind her of that. She loved Lauren and that made her beam.

Next to her, with her lithe body and short dark hair around two cat ears, was Tabby. She was so firm, her tight body looking like a coiled spring even as deeply relaxed as she was. Her adorable tufted tail laid still behind her. She cared for the cat-girl a great deal, and the heat snaking its way through her body wound tighter the longer she looked at Tabby’s adorably petite breasts, each capped with stiff brown nipples.

Violet knelt next to her, taller than either Lauren or Tabby. Her long pointed ears looked even more pronounced with her mass of purple hair tied into a tight rope. Even as perfectly controlled as Violet was, Celia felt her aura of aloof dispassion. The elven woman loved just as much as any of the other consorts, Celia knew, but she was more controlled in her expression of it. That just made the smiles she did see all the more special.

“You remember them all?” Her Owner asked from behind her.

“Lauren, Tabby, Violet. My sisters in service to you, Owner,” Celia answered promptly, enjoying the slight teasing tickle as it ran down her nerves.

“Excellent,” her Owner said, happiness evident in her voice. Celia’s world went molten for a moment. She had made her Owner happy! She wanted to turn back and see the smile, but she knew a good consort would wait for permission. “And you, my lovely girl, what do you remember about yourself?”

Celia looked inward. Her mind was filled with desire, lust, and need. Her beautiful sister consorts were right in front of her, and her amazing Owner right behind her. Thoughts and introspection moved sluggishly, but Celia would obey. Her Owner wanted to know what her consort thought, and Celia would provide.

She was new to her Owner’s service, that much she was certain of. Inexperienced, but eager to learn. The world outside this candle lit room was vague, and the details about any time before she just woke up even more so. But that didn’t worry her. She simply knew it was perfectly fine to not remember. “I am yours, your new consort,” she replied, savoring the words like a treat. “I remember them, and you, and not much else,”

Her Owner’s arms wrapped around her, pulling Celia close with a possessive tug. Celia let herself fall back against her Owner’s body, while one pale arm reached around her to cup one of her breasts. "That's right,” the mage’s voice said sweetly, softly tickling Celia’s ear. “And I made you like this,” she proclaimed, fingers finding one stiff nipple. Her thumb ran in circles around it, 

pulling a moan from Celia’s lips. “You are mine, Celia,” she said, a powerful tone underlying the quiet hiss.

Her Owner had made Celia like this! It clicked perfectly in Celia’s mind, sending a fresh surge of essence to coat her slick sex. She belonged to her Owner. Her body flushed, heat climbing higher and higher while the mage’s fingers played her body like an instrument. Slowing down, her Owner tilted Celia’s head back to claim her lips in a powerful kiss.

It was intense, filled with a building passion that was finally finding release. Tentatively, Celia tried sweeping her own tongue across the mage’s, testing if the silver-haired woman wanted a show of resistance. Immediately, the fingers at Celia’s breast tightened on one nipple, adding a spark of pain that did nothing but add a hit of space to the river of pleasure flowing through her. Her Owner wanted Celia to surrender, and that was perfectly wonderful as well.

“Violet, Tabby. Awaken,” her Owner’s voice commanded briefly, during a brief break in her exploration of Celia’s mouth. “Undress me, my Shadow,” she continued breathlessly, only taking her hands away from Celia’s body for a moment while the elf silently undressed her. “Pretty Kitty, show your sister consort how best to please a woman’s body,” she finished, seating herself on the chair once more and spreading her legs.

Prowling over like the beast she resembled, Tabby moved close to Celia and smiled at her. “Pay attention,” she breathed, daring a quick kiss with Celia before guiding the new consort to look between her Owner’s legs.

Lovely pale skin framed a hairless, soft-looking pussy. The pale candles added a warm glow, and a few glistening drops of liquid desire pulled Celia’s attention. She ached to kiss there, to taste her Owner’s essence. But she had been commanded to watch – and to learn. “This isn’t a race to the finish, unless Mistress wants it,” Tabby began, kissing between the mage’s thighs. “She wants to feel how much we adore her when we do this,” she continued between delicate kisses. Gesturing to Owner’s other thigh, Tabby nodded. “You try.”

Celia nodded back, eager to show her own adoration. Her Owner’s skin was warm, with the faint scent of soap. Placing her kisses in a vague line heading closer towards the radiating heat, she felt her Owner gasp and sigh in apparent enjoyment. “Good girls!” Her Owner said aloud, pleasure heavy in her voice. “Very good girls, don’t stop.”

The need and the ache for pleasure – her body’s demand for something to sate itself, made Celia falter as she kissed. It left her as a needy whine, and Tabby grinned. “Mistress, wouldn’t it be so hot to watch Celia practice on Lauren first?”

Celia blinked at her sister consort, feeling shocked. To think she had the nerve to make suggestions to their Owner like that! She held her tongue, and a moment later the mage groaned in response to what Violet was doing for her. “You’re… You’re right, my Pretty Kitty.. Lauren, Dreamgirl, awaken for me,” she commanded over the gasp of delight. “P–Play together with Celia.”

The pinkette’s eyes fluttered, opening to reveal her pink-rimmed blue eyes that locked onto Celia’s with a look of adoration. Shifting out of her pink robe, the pinkette beckoned with a single finger. An unspoken command that Celia was eager to obey. Crawling across the soft carpet to Lauren, she pulled her sister consort in for a kiss.

There was only a moment of shifting, turning to give their Owner a better angle, Celia realized with a heated start. “We get to play however you like,” Lauren offered with a smile that was warm and bright as the sun.

A thousand different ways to play with the beautiful woman in her arms ran across Celia’s mind. She was positive her Owner would enjoy seeing most of them, and her body’s sheer need begged to be sated. “Together? My sex on your lips, yours on mine?” She continued, hopefully.

Lauren nodded, laying back flat. Crawling over her, Celia paused. The pinkette looked so content, so breathtaking, that Celia had to stop and kiss her. She had meant it to be a brief stop, but the moment their lips touched, continuing the kiss became all Celia could imagine doing. Lingering and laying across the pinkette, Celia let herself be swept away.

“You two look positively wonderful together,” her Owner’s voice said after a long moment. Looking across the patch of carpet, Celia saw her Owner relaxing in her chair, Violet standing behind her with the mage’s breasts in her hands. Running her hands over the pale skin, the elf nodded at Celia with a tiny smile that spoke of approval and encouragement. Between the mage’s legs knelt Tabby, her tail swaying while subtle wet sounds and the scent of arousal filled the air. “Keep going,”

The boiling desire returned in full force at the sight and command. With a final parting kiss to Lauren’s forehead, Celia carefully shifted around and lowered her sex to Lauren’s lips. The pinkette’s breath barely brushed across Celia’s flushed pussy, but it still made her shiver. She couldn’t remember ever being this turned on, and the reminder that her Owner’s magic had made it so she couldn’t remember much in general only amplified the feeling. Leaning forward, she took a deep breath of Lauren’s arousal and instantly lost herself in a fog of lust. Lauren’s tiny exploratory licks on her own folds spurned her onward to cover every inch of the enticingly slick lips before her with kisses.

She tasted salty-sweet, musky with a hint of soap, and Celia adored every bit of it. The sounds Lauren was making, the way her body moved under Celia’s attention, it all consumed her. She sank into it, letting herself focus entirely on Lauren. Sparks and jolts arced from the single kiss on Celia’s clit bringing a sharp powerful cry to her lips. Returning the favor on Lauren’s own sensitive nub, Celia’s mind whirled with the pure sensory overload of being so completely entwined with someone she adored.

Her orgasm burst forward, unstoppable as the dawn. It rolled though her, bringing a joy and excitement that pulled tears from the consort. It urged her on, kissing and licking wildly to try and push the beautiful pinkette to join her in bliss.

Her efforts were rewarded quickly, Lauren’s bright thrilled cries getting louder as her hips bucked up into Celia’s face. Both women shuddered, holding each other the best they could as they endured their own respective paradises.

The warm, perfect bliss slowly ebbed, and the potent combination of love and magic in Celia’s mind turned the afterglow into something amazing. Kissing Lauren’s quivering sex a final time and getting an excited squeak, the consort shifted around to cuddle the priestess while looking adoringly at her Owner.

The mage had obviously been watching, expertly tended to by Violet and Tabby. She was flushed and breathing heavily, a delighted smile on her lips. “Well done, my lovelies,” she complimented with a sigh, tapping Tabby between her perked ears. The cat-girl shifted away, a stand of glistening wetness on her lips along with a look of content adoration.

“Th–thank you, Owner,” she sighed, hearing the tamed softness in her voice. “Please, let me adore you?”

It only took a single nod from her Owner for Celia to spring to action, beginning to carefully untangle herself from Lauren. Crawling close and kneeling between the mage’s spread legs, Celia’s attention was entirely on the mesmerizing slick folds before her. Lauren’s scent had swamped her mind in lust, but Gella’s was like pure submission. She yearned for it, wanted to breathe in all of it. Looking up hopefully, she got another nod from her Owner.

Celia set about her task like a woman, possessed. Her Owner’s taste defied description. The only thing the consort could say for certain was that she could spend eternity drinking her essence. Lapping and licking like she had with Lauren, she thrilled in each and every shiver and sigh that drifted over her. Two warm bodies – one soft and one firm – pressed in behind her, adding light kisses and touches all over Celia’s body. They didn’t distract her single-minded focus on pleasuring her Owner, but they added a wonderful background hum. Pleasure became her world.

Working from what had so recently worked so well on Lauren, Celia’s lips and tongue worked hard to drive her Owner to the heights of bliss she so richly deserved. One hand slipped into Celia’s hair, gripping it just enough to sting and pushing her further into the mage’s sex.

Celia’s world became her Owner’s pussy. It dominated her every sense blotting out the rest like the Moon eclipsing the Sun, allowing the consort to let herself be consumed completely. Essence coated her lips, danced on her tongue, and flooded her mind into a blanket of submissive lust.

Her Owner’s cries got more and more ragged. Her thighs quivered, and her pelvis clenched. Celia could feel her reach her peak. Reaching up, she slipped two fingers deep inside the mage’s body, hooking them in and pressing while her lips found the mage’s clit and gave it a single loving kiss.

The jubilant cry was loud and full, and it filled Celia with pride. She and her sisters had made their Owner very, very happy. The mage’s grip on her slackened, and Celia scooted back to be embraced by both Lauren and Tabby. All three watched their beloved Owner’s grin while her orgasm worked though her, expanded and tended to by Violet’s hands still roaming all over the mage’s body.

“That, my consorts, was fantastic,” she breathed out. “I am so very glad I claimed you, Celia.”

“We're all glad you’re with us, Celia,” Tabby purred from one side.

Lauren’s arms wrapped around her in a brief hug. “I know I am!” She said happily

“As am I,” Violet said, calmly stepping around their Owner’s chair and kneeling with them all. Giving Celia a calm smile, she leaned in for a single sweet kiss.

“The evening is still young, my Consorts,” her Owner said knowingly, reaching into thin air and pulling a glass of water free. Sipping on it, she gestured to Violet and Celia. “Let’s continue.”


It was hours later, and Celia lay in a relaxed daze. She had lost track of just how often she had reached her peak, and how often she had brought the others there as well. Violet had been incredibly skilled, Tabby had a boundless enthusiasm, and Lauren eventually employed her magic to push them at the end.

Magic, Celia thought with a grin, that I have as well. Gella had reversed her spells and commands, sending them off to freshen up for bed. She had awoken as Celia the warrior, while all the memories of Celia the eager consort remained for her future recollection.

The submissive desires had mellowed as well, with a cleansing shower and a comfortable nightgown grounding her. Laying in Gella’s bed, a deeply-sleeping Lauren behind her, Celia was watching, spell-bound while the mage took Tabby into a trance.

“And sleep, my Pretty Kitty. Sleep, and dream sweet dreams,” she finished, catching the cat-girl when she pitched forward like a doll with its strings cut. Arranging her so the monk was comfortably supported by a great many pillows, Gella looked at Violet. “You’re welcome to spend the night here as well, my Shadow.”

“I know, my Lady,” Violet said, a trace of exhaustion in her voice. “I will, once I let Damian and everyone know they can come back, and ensure that our home is secure.” Leaning forward, she shared a kiss with the mage. “I’ll be with you all when you wake up.” Giving a caring smile to Celia, she gifted the warrior a kiss as well. “Sleep well, Celia.”

Returning the lovely kiss briefly, Celia nodded back. “Goodnight, Violet.”

The slender elf quietly slipped out of the bedroom, leaving just Gella and Celia awake. They looked into each other's eyes quietly for a long while before the mage yawned, stretching her arms up over her head. “Sleep well, Celia.”

Celia looked at Gella, feeling at once perfectly content and happy. The mage’s name was on the tip of her tongue, but a little feeling nagging at the back of her mind stopped her. She had submitted, savored it, enjoyed every tiny bit of it. She’d done everything she could to embrace her new place, except this new idea. She was entirely in her own mind now, and this felt right. With every bit of love she had, she whispered back, “good night, my Mistress.


Here we reach the end of Armored Heart: Tamed Soul. It’s been an amazing, unforgettable experience that I couldn’t have done alone.

ZoeHypno and Bethany P.—you were some of my earliest readers and you both stuck with the story right to the end, offering encouragement all the while.

Beth—We challenged each other, had a good race against each other, and we both ended up with novels that we can be damn proud of.

Havoc—The story wouldn’t exist without you, full stop. You were there from the earliest ideas right up to the finale. The story is only what it ended up being with your help.

Lunar Circuit—You took those early rough drafts of mine and polished them to a shine. You were a massive help on the project for those pivotal early months.

Veronica—We might have never met if it weren’t for this story, and I am thankful everyday for that. You’ve been wonderful every step of the way and added so much life and texture to the world of Eitheris with your own stories in the setting.

All the readers that have stuck with the story—The ones that left comments, the ones that enjoyed it silently, the ones that joined us over at the Carefully Random Discord and the ones that my story managed to just make smile. You made this all worthwhile, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

We aren’t done with the world of Eitheris, not by a long shot. There are sequels to Tamed Soul and L’Odeur de l’Amour in the works, as well as smaller stories spun off from both. Those will start to come out in the coming weeks.

Finally, please remember that despite the fact that it is freely available on several websites, the author and the rest of the AH Team forbid the redistribution of this work for any reason, regardless of whether it is commercialized, unless explicit written permission is granted.


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