You're Such A Doll

Chapter 3

by Succubiome

Tags: #cw:noncon #could_be_consensual_I_guess_buuuut #doll_kink? #dom:female #first_person #threats_of_modification

"You're going to be good, right?" A question at once on the monitor as the doctor(?) on the screen strokes the patient(material's?) arm, and spoken by the woman on your right side as she squeezes you softly with her arm.

Do you nod?

It doesn't matter if you do-- the woman holding you is more focused on the screen than you, her expression becoming more intense.

On the other side of the screen, the patient nods. "I'll be good. This role sounds perfect for me."

The doctor smiles. "I thought so too." She undoes the straps holding the patient down against the table.

The patient swings her fist at the doctor's face as she sits up, and the doctor falls to the ground with a shriek. The patient rushes towards the door, but of course, it doesn't open when she tries to open the handle.

The doctor stands back up, and needles emerge from her fingertips, and she stabs them into the patient as she struggles with the door.

The patient turns to swing her fist at the doctor again, but sways, stumbles, and the doctor catches her before she hits the ground,

"One hand will need to be replaced. I suppose we can do that now." The doctor lifts the patient up, taking her towards the table, and straps her back down. She pulls a drawer out from under the table, and lifts up what looks a bit like a big pizza cutter-- no, a saw. She starts it up and it begins to whir.

You instinctively look away, glance at the woman next to you. She's trembling slightly as she watches with focused attention. You can't read the expression on her face, though it looks intense. Her fingers dig into you a little as she tenses.

It's the most distracted you've seen her since you've gotten up, and you've been feeling your mind and body starting to clear a little from whatever drugs you were on.

If you were going to oppose her, would now be the time?

Of course, you might lose a lot from that. A hand, or more.

You know it would be so easy to just listen to her and be obedient. You wouldn't have to make choices anymore, probably.

You could always wait for another chance-- but maybe it could never come.

Your body is trembling as you hear the screaming from the video, and the sound of the saw's whine changing pitch as it cuts into something.

Maybe part of you is tempted to look, but you don't. Not yet.

The woman looks over to you, blinks, smiles at you, waves her hand, and the screen turns off.

This chance is gone.

She wraps her arms around you and pulls you close against her warmth and softness. "Maybe that was too much for you. We'll have to work on your mental training, clearly. I don't think we'll need to remove any parts for that... and if we do, it will be gentle. Minimally invasive surgery, if it's needed."

Her hand delicately strokes your head.

Maybe it's comforting.

Maybe it reminds you of what minimally invasive surgery would change your mind.

"Shhhh... you're a good doll, I know," she coos softly. "I don't think we'll need to remove much from you. And if you make me remove it... well, part of me does enjoy it. I was chosen for this role, after all, just as you were chosen for yours. And all my imperfections were removed."

She brushes a hand against your cheek. "Can you give me a smile?"

You can certainly try, although you aren't sure how convincing of a smile it is.

You could try to escape, once she drops her guard again.

If it's not a trick.

You can't help but feeling that she'll chisel you down until you have nothing to resist with, over time.

But you can make the choice to fight her.

You can try...

...not more than once, probably, unless you're willing to lose a lot.

But now is not the time, is it?

You can wait, make the decision later.

Let her hold you.

She is very warm and calm, and she seems very sure of herself.

It's easy to just let it go for now.


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