You're Such A Doll

Chapter 1

by Succubiome

Tags: #cw:noncon #could_be_consensual_I_guess_buuuut #doll_kink? #dom:female #first_person #threats_of_modification

Your eyes open, but it's still utter darkness.

Your mouth is incredibly dried, and stuffed full of... fabric? Something.

You hear only the sounds of your panicked breathing-- but no, there's something else breathing, isn't there?

You stop breathing for a moment, and you hear it-- yes, someone else is breathing here. Their breathing is slow, relaxed.

There's something soft and constricting around your wrists and ankles, and as you move your limbs around, you find your mobility is pretty limited in certain directions-- cuff.

"Good morning!" A feminine voice. Cheerful.

You feel a hand stroking your forehead gently. A hand sliding gently over your bare stomach-- you're naked? The only fabric you feel is beneath you, a soft surface.

You start to make a noise of protest, but a finger moves up against your lips. "Shhh shhh. None of that. I've read what sort of things you read, you know. Read what sort of things you write. This is exactly the sort of thing you dream about."

Before you can say anything else, you can feel her lean closer, her breath against your ear. "If you make any sound I don't like, I'll cut out your tongue. And if you remove the blindfold, I'll gouge out your eyes. So be very good and obedient for me, okay?" Her hand slides down to gently hold your chin.

You can't help but freeze.

Your heart is beating fast.

Her fingers raise and lift your chin, moving your head gently up and down. "Oh good, you understand. Now just remember, any part of you that resists me... doesn't need to exist. That's exactly what you want, right?"

She moves your head up and down again. What would resisting making you nod mean, in terms of parts of you that she wants to get rid of?

"This is exactly what you want, right?" Her fingers make you nod. "Exactly what you dreamed of?" Another nod. "You give me your consent to do whatever I want you to, don't you?" Her fingers force you to nod again.

Maybe you should be resisting? But you're pretty out of it, and she has the upper hand.

"I'm going to remove your gag so I can get you some food and water, and you're going to be a good doll for me and not say anything I wouldn't like. Okay?" She pushes your head up and down again, just a slight nod.

You feel something pressing against your skin loosen... you hadn't even realized you had something tied around your head keeping the cloth in your mouth in place, with everything else going on.

Something plastic -- a straw? -- presses between your lips, and you find your lips wrapping around, yourself sucking. Does she already have some deeper hold that you're just obeying her? Are you just that thirsty? Or submissive?

But the water is nice, your body really needs it, and you find yourself sucking on it until you finally feel satiated, like you have enough water.

The straw is taken away, and she's petting your head again.

You could talk now.

But would she take away your tongue if you said the wrong thing?

"Hmm... you aren't supposed to eat right after being on that drug, but I did get you a special little treat and it won't last... I think it'll be okay, don't you?" You hear a soft popping plastic sound, and something kinda hard presses against your lips.

She presses it in, and you don't resist her. Why is that? Is it out of fear? Because it's what you always wanted? Or...?

It started to melt, and you realize it's chocolate, and you bite down, and there's the fresh sweetness and tartness of a strawberry in your mouth along with the rich chocolate.

It tastes good, but you feel a little queasy-- but not enough to stop yourself from eating it, somehow.

"Good doll," she coos. "You have no idea how well you're doing... a lot of dolls have already failed by this step. I have to cut out big parts of them so that their remaining parts are good and obedient... but you're not like that, are you?" Her fingers firmly take your chin, make you shake your head.

"That's right. You're such good material!" Her fingertip gently strokes against your lips. "Now just stay here for a little while, and I'll come back soon."

A fabric is pulled over the top of your naked body-- soft, almost too soft. Warm. "That's a good doll. Just relax. The drug will wear off soon, and as long as you're perfectly obedient, you have nothing to fear."

Soft footsteps. A closing door.

You're left alone in the soft, warm darkness.


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