Mistress Of The Week

Day 2

by Succubiome

Tags: #cw:noncon #cw:sexual_assault #basically_rape_but_she_can_opt_out #D/s #dom:female #f/f #f/m #girldick #humiliation #sub:female #bondage #clothing #consensual_non-consent #dubious_consent #foodplay_adjacent #furry #girl/girl_relationship_focus #however... #Master/Pet #read_at_your_own_peril_I_guess #sadomasochism #sexual_slavery #Slavery #societal_prejudices_about_furries #training

I woke up screaming, something was wrong, I was being spread open by something hard and thick and wet, and when I tried to move my arms to do something, they stopped and my arms strained a little and I struggled, my wrists were trapped in something hard.

The intruder grabbed my forearms and said softly and commandingly, "None of that now."

"Stop it!" I was crying and squirming but whoever it was was holding me in place, her body soft against mine as she bent over me, my hips lifted in the air by what it took me a moment to realize was a pillow.

"Since you're new to this, I'll give you a moment of gentleness if you verbally and physically surrender your body to your Mistress afterwards." Her voice was familiar.

"Iris...?" I stopped fighting for a moment, bewildered.

"Mistress Iris to you, but yes." Iris started to thrust what I now realize was her cock inside me again, but much more slowly and gently. "Your pussy belongs to me and it's mine to use however I want. I want you to recover and repeat that to me. Understood?"

I shook my head. "I... it's not...."

Iris's hand covered my mouth as her cock slowly moved in and out of my pussy as I tried to get my tensing muscles to calm down. "Sweetheart, I put on plenty of lube, and as long as you don't struggle, you aren't going to get hurt. You need to know how to surrender at any moment, even upon waking, if you're going to be happy and safe as a pet for five years." There was pleasure in her voice as she slowly thrust in and out of me.

"I... how can I be happy like this?"

"I'll help you learn how to cope, but in the end it's up to you." Iris's grip tightened on my wrists a little. "Now surrender your body to me."

I was still crying a little, but I nodded. "I... okay...."

"You own my body and pussy, use them however you please, Mistress," Iris recited like a schoolteacher as she started to fuck my pussy a little harder.

"I..." I was tempted for a moment to pretend to misunderstand, to tease her by pretending she was calling me Mistress, to make it a game, or just detach, I don't know-- but that would probably just upset her and make things worse. "...you... you own my body and pussy... use them however... Mistress...." I was choking back sobs a little.

"Shhhh... that's my good girl." Iris's hands slid down my arms and shoulders and for a moment I thought she was going to start treating me more like a lover, now that I had surrendered, but instead she grabbed my hips and started fucking me harder, purely for her own pleasure or maybe to teach me a lesson, moaning as she thrust into my pussy again and again.

I felt like little more than an object for her to use, but managed to relax and take it, my sobbing fairly quiet as her hands gripped my hips and her cock thrust into me again and again, enough to get me shamefully aroused but not enough to make me anywhere close to cumming.

Iris, on the other hand, came deep inside me, filling me up with her cum, and let out a pleased sigh as she lay half on top of me for a moment.

"Do... do you always do that...? Mistress?"

Iris kissed the back of my head, her cock still twitching inside me. "That or something similar. You're a sound sleeper, so this seemed like the best way." Her tone was still dominant, but a little more conversational. "You did a good job, my cute little pet."

Iris undid my handcuffs, and pulled out of me slowly, then pointed at the floor of the bedroom-- a shaggy rug. "Kneel."

I knelt down on the rug, and she pressed her dripping cock in my face. "Lick it clean."

I complied, sniffling, licking her cock clean just like last night, only this morning I felt like utter trash.

Once I was done, Iris kneeled down in front of me and hugged me close. "I know it's hard. You're doing a very good job adjusting for your second day, though. It's usually hard for a pet to get emotionally used to having less rights, even if she knows it intellectually." 

And now she sounded genuinely empathetic and helpful. I had no idea which was the real her, but I clung to her and hid my head against her, my shoulders heaving slightly as she stroked my head and cooed at me.

Iris kissed my brow softly. "Once you get used to the idea that your body doesn't belong to you, you might find that being suddenly fucked by your owner is a good opportunity to bond, to make your owner as happy as you can."

I laughed at that, at the idea someone could look forward to being raped, which in the moment seemed entirely alien to me.

Iris smiled and gently swept away a tear from my cheek with her thumb. "No, really. Let's have some breakfast, okay? I don't expect you to cook right now-- but just out of curiosity, can you?"

"...yes? I can help." I wanted something to do, something to focus on. "While from a very technical reading, owners aren't allowed to have their pets cook, it's not something that's worth making a fuss about, and it's not actually ever prosecuted if it's just inside a home." I had researched the laws surrounding this, and maybe that's why they had sprang to my lips now-- maybe it helped to intellectualize what was going on.

"Yes, yes, I know." Iris sounded a bit amused and patronizing, in a gentle way, as she took my hand in hers and held it up before me. It was trembling. "If you had handled that better, maybe I'd let you. Right now I don't think it'd be safe. Not while you're still shaking."

I hung my head a little, and Iris wrapped her arms around me and hugged me close again. "Shhhh... you'll become better at this. You're doing very good for your second day."

...right. I could still cancel right now. Well like... theoretically. I had already quit my job and given up my lease, in I guess a "burn your ships" sort of thinking, but I could try to claw my way back to living normally. It wasn't a good idea, but I could do it. I looked at Iris uncertainly.

Iris smiled knowingly. "Yes, you can still cancel if you want. I'd like if you gave it a little more time to figure out if you're okay with it, but in the end, it's up to you-- if you're sure it's not something you can handle, then you should stop while you can. That's part of the point of this training, really." She gave my butt a slap, which made me start from the sound and sensation, and it took me a moment to realize it was a pretty light slap. "Shall we keep going?"

My stomach growled a little, and I looked at her encouraging smile, and nodded. I could wait until breakfast to leave, at least. I had learned it was better not to make important choices while I was both lowkey freaking out and had an empty stomach.

Iris smiled at me beautifully, and stood up, helping me to my feet. "Ah, one moment..." She walked over to fish around in one of the drawers of the wooden bureau that stood in one corner of the bedroom, and held out two lumpy items to me. "Here, some kneepads. I want you to be comfortable while kneeling-- don't worry, for today, you're also free to stand, but not sit down in a chair or lean, but I do want it to be a comfortable option for you."

I sat down on the bed and slowly put the kneepads on.

"Is that what people want?"

Iris shrugged. "People want a lot of different things. We're testing your ability to be flexibly obedient, so you're prepared for whatever." It sounded like there was a smile in her voice, but I was looking at the kneepads.

I was still feeling a bit dazed and everything about how we were handling this seemed a bit surreal.

It wasn't helping that I couldn't remember the last time I had put kneepads on, and I'm pretty sure they weren't quite like this last time, either.

Iris watched me, and then leaned in to correct my positioning a little, before giving my ear a little kiss and then a lick that made me gasp. "You have such sensitive ears... it's really cute." Iris scritched behind my ear a little and leaned in to give the tip of my ear a soft suck, somehow managing to cause a small surge of arousal despite having just basically raped me.

Or maybe that was part of it, that she had built up confused sexual arousal in me already.

I pulled back a little. "Hey..."

Iris blinked at my tone, and tilted her head. "You let me fuck your pussy however I want, and now you're making a big deal about your ears?" A smile spread across her face. "Are they really that sensitive, sweetie?"

"No, just... it feels like you're brainwashing me, I guess."

Iris took my hands in hers, and leaned her forehead against mine, and said softly, "If you're really serious about this... [b]we're[/b] brainwashing you." She stroked my cheek with her palm. "You're very smart and submissive and have a flexible mind. You can really help me shape you into the sort of person you need to be to utterly belong to someone for five years."

I whimpered softly.

Iris pulled back a little and stroked the top of my head gently. "I know it's a lot, but I need you to do your best to help me here, okay? Good training requires a pet that's eager to learn, and we don't have the time to utterly break you down and rebuild you from the base, and that tends to cause side effects that our clients aren't interested in-- just a few years ago we used to have a couple of months to train new pets, but the head office says it only requires a few weeks with the right candidates if you do it right, and there's less chance of misplaced attachment. Too bad, right?" She traced her fingertips against my lips absent-mindedly and smiled. "I'm here to help you, but I really need you to work with me here."

I stared up at her, dazed, unsure how to read her current expression as she stared off into space-- it almost seemed like she was discussing this with someone else, not me.

Iris looked back down at me and smiled softly, gently. It was hard to believe just a few minutes ago she was pinning me down. "For now, let's go have breakfast."

I nodded a little, and she took my head and led me to the kitchen.

I washed my face, then stood without leaning against anything as Iris took out a few rashers of bacon and threw them on a pan and turned it up too high.

That definitely looked wrong, and I started to open my mouth, then closed it.

Iris looked down at me, a smile flickering across her face. "Pop quiz! If your Mistress burns this and blames you, what do you do?"

I froze up for a moment. "Sorry, Mistress! I'll remember next time!"

Iris laughed. "Good girl." She turned the burner down, and flipped the bacon with a rubber spatula.

I bit my lip, watching her. "...should I have said something before when I saw the high heat?"

Iris blinked, looking back down to me. "Mmm, well, depends what kind of person you think I am. You could get blamed either way, depending, this is more down to reading your Mistress."

She hummed softly, and then cracked some eggs and started frying them up.

I felt uncomfortable just standing here and not helping, and looked around. "Could I get the plates out or something?"

"Mmm, no, I'm good-- good time to ask, if you felt up to it, but I just want you to watch right now."

Watching just made me feel both awkward and helpless. Maybe it'd feel better if I was kneeling.

Or at least, maybe it'd be better for my training.

I got down on my knees slowly and carefully, and felt a strong throb of some feeling that was alien to me as I remembered her telling me to kneel down more carefully so as not to damage her property.

Iris glanced down at me. "A little further away, pet-- it's nice that you're instinctively clinging so close to your Mistress, but I don't wanna spray hot grease in your face."

My shoulders tensed. "It's not instinctive!"

Iris shrugged. "Probably not, but don't argue against your Mistress, especially when she's excusing or complimenting your behavior."

I crawled backwards a little and settled back into the sort of kneeling/sitting position I had awkwardly adopted.

I wasn't sure if that was quite what I was supposed to be doing, but I guessed the training wasn't focused on some formal kneeling form or whatever, or if it was, at least not for today.

The kneepads were surprisingly comfortable. I wondered if the tech was memory foam or gel, or something newer, but I didn't think trying to get a good look at them while I was kneeling would look very pet-like.

I curled my tail around myself, closed my eyes, and tried to meditate a little, let all of my bubbling emotions that were happening from this training pour over, around, and off me without consuming me-- but it was hard to concentrate on letting go when my pussy ached a little from Iris's rough usage and the frying eggs and bacon and... yeah, there was toast now too, breakfast was close to done.

Iris set a plate down in front of me, and a tiny bowl of fresh blueberries, too. No silverware, though.

I looked up at her, and Iris was smirking down at me. She raised her foot and rubbed my thigh with it a little, and I started a bit-- how far was she going to go this time?

But she withdrew, and I was able to eat breakfast.

I picked at the blueberries, eating them one by one. Rolling one between my fingers. It was firm. I was fine. I was just crying a little again, but it wasn't because of the food.

"Here, scootch your plate over and come closer." Iris was sitting at the table, setting her apart from me. I had been trying not to pay attention to our relative position.

I picked up my plate, paused, then set it down and sort of scootched it over next to her, and she stroked my head softly, and I got a little more tense, wondering if she was going to play with my ears.

"What're you getting so tense about, sweetheart?" ...yeah, she was touching my ears again. Was she going to push me down on the floor and rape me? Maybe that's why she had me wear the kneepads, since I'd be bearing her weight.

I should hurry and eat but it was hard and my body was trembling. "I don't know, I'm... are you going to rape me again?"

"Mmm, rape is such a harsh word... y'know, rape implies it's some sort of crime, but all of this is perfectly legal. You can stop whenever you want for now, and when you've signed your body over to your new owner, it's theirs to do with as they please." Iris removed her hand from my head and went back to eating. She started to say something, but her mouth was full, but after a moment she spoke again. "If you knew I was about to rape you right after breakfast, would you be more calm about it?"

I thought about this for a moment. "...I think so, yeah?" Weird. "At least I could be prepared for that. I... guess it's the uncertainty." I looked up at her.

Iris smiled. "Well, I can't full on fuck you all day, or we aren't going to get anything done. Eventually I'd get sleepy, too-- but tell you what, just for today, to ease you into it, you can ask me to molest you anytime you want."

I blinked.

Iris giggled and set down her fork, ruffled my hair. "It's giving you control over the situation, right? Of a sort. Usually you have the right to stop things from happening to your body, but not to make them happen. We'll reverse it today so you can get used to the inverse, before you get used to having neither right."

I swallowed and nodded.

I wasn't sure if it actually helped, but the fact that Iris was trying to bend to my feelings a little did. She was still trying to push me, definitely, but it really felt like she was trying to pace it. I wiped the tears away with the back of my hand, and assembled a sandwich out of the egg, bacon, and toast-- a bit messy, but definitely less messy and weird than eating the egg with my fingers.

"Ooh... that determined to eat like a person, huh? Well, we'll let it slide this morning." Iris scritched softly behind my ear, and I tensed a little again. So far during breakfast, she kept getting close to it, but not actually touching it, and it would help me relax and get a little aroused.

I swallowed the bite of my sandwich I had just taken. "Can you stroke my ear?"

"Mmm... I didn't say you're allowed to specify how I touch you when you request being molested... but, y'know, you're so cute and it's good to get used to wanting your ears to be touched, so I'll allow it." Iris switched which hand she was using her fork with, and started lewdly stroking my ear, her fingertips tracing along the outside and inside and meeting to rub at the tip and I was leaning against her chair and slowly eating my sandwich, a bit blissed out and relaxing more as I tried to get used to this.

This was the girl who had raped me... well, thinking about it like that probably wouldn't make me happier, right?

She had fucked me, sure, but I could've stopped her.

I could stop all of this.

I had just consented to her touching me.

I was consenting to whatever she wanted to do to me.

It was a sort of consensual nonconsent, I guess, not something I was particularly familiar with.

Of course, if someone say, consents to their kidney being sold because the other options in their life are worse, how consensual is that, really?

If they consent to work in a coal mine that's ruining their lungs because they need money to survive, how consensual is that?

Or, more relevantly to my life, if they work as a waitress and everyone treats them like shit and they barely get by and are one bad situation away from being broke and homeless, but it's the only job they can get hired for, how consensual is that?

But I tried not to think about that.

I, at least, shouldn't have any irreparable damage in five years of this.

Not physical, at least.

People usually needed some time to adjust back to normal life after pet contracts, but I'd be far enough ahead from the contract that I should have a fair bit of time to handle that.

...of course, this had just been less than twenty-four hours, and it had already been really really hard, so five years... I didn't want to multiply that, but it was a very small percentage.

But the first part was hardest, right?

I tried to make myself believe I could do this. I took another bite.

It tasted good. It was a pretty decent bacon-egg sandwich, really. Some yolk ran over my fingers, but it was easy enough to lick it up.

When I was finished eating and she stopped touching my ears and took her plate over to the dishwasher, I followed her, setting my plate in there too, and then went over and washed my hands, staring down at them, feeling less like they were mine.

Iris put her hand on my shoulder, and leaned in to give my ear a little kiss. "You doing okay, pet?"

I nodded. "I think so..."

Iris wrapped her arms around me, soft body pressing against me from behind. "Let's get you in some clothes. That was my plan for training anyway, but let's do it right now, maybe that'll make you feel more normal. Some people keep their pets naked all the time, but most people don't."

I nodded, breathing in and out, trying not to freak out at the fact that she could very easily overpower me from her-- well, overpower was a strong word, it's not like I'd fight back.

If I fought back, this would all be over.


We went back to her room, and she opened up a large closet behind a sliding mirror, and sorted through it-- it looked like there was clothing in quite a variety of sizes and types, I guess these were clothes for all the slaves she trained.

It made me feel like just another in a long line of people she had trained.

It was for the best that she was experienced, but I guess it also made it feel that much more impersonal. She was acting intimate, but it was probably more of a customer service thing.

I wondered if she even really wanted this job.

If fucking me had just purely been a lesson, or she genuinely enjoyed this job.

I wondered which was worse.

"Hey, stop dissociating and hanging out in your head, okay? Be here with me." Iris was standing in front of me, holding a v-cut lacy black top and a very broad ruffled belt-- no, wait, a very short red skirt? "Put these on."

At Iris's order, I slowly pulled the top on over my head, and then pulled up the skirt around my thighs, my crotch. It barely covered anything. But obeying her was easier than arguing.

Iris held my hand. "Look in the mirror."

I looked.

A slutty pet foxgirl with messed up hair with a flushed face and slumped ears, her fluffy tail curled protectively around her... yeah. It was hard to feel like this was me.

The larger, slightly muscular woman with wavy blonde hair stroked the girl's ear in the mirror-- my ear... that was Iris, and the foxgirl was me.

She sat me down on the bed and sat behind me, brushing my hair, which felt really nice. I saw my eyes half-close in the mirror. I could also see my pussy under the skirt.

"...does this really count as clothes?" It felt more like I was showing myself off than covering anything up, really.

Iris laughed. "What, semantics now?"

"No, I just... can I at least have some underwear?"

Iris kissed the back of my head. "Wanna look cute for your Mistress, huh? I guess every girl does wanna look cute."

I just wanted to not be quite so naked, but I nodded slowly. "...yeah. I mean, yes please, Mistress. Let me... let me look cute for you? Please?"

Iris nodded and dropped the brush on the bed beside, and wrapped her arms around me casually, pulling me into another hug. This time her cock was semi-hardened against me, and we were on her bed, so I wondered... but I thought I could handle it if she pushed down and fucked me again right now.

Iris released me. "Okay, sure, since you asked so nicely... " She got up, and went back to the closet, kneeled down and sorted through a box, before walking back with a tangled cord and a bra, and tossed me the cord. "Put this on."

"Uh..." Turning the tangled cord around in my hands, I figured out it was actually a g-string-- well, even most g-strings had a little more fabric in the front. This would basically cover up nothing. At least I was going to get a bra?

I just had to focus on being obedient.

I stood up and awkwardly got the g-string on underneath the little skirt, at least I thought it was right.

Iris reached in and adjusted it-- or no, she was just rubbing it against my pussy a little and I let out a soft moan and then she let it go right where it was before, just the same.

Maybe a little wetter.

...and a little pinker. Wait, it was pinker to begin with, I realized, and sat up a little. "Hey. What happened to my pussy?" My gaze shifted to Iris and I tensed.

Iris looked a bit confused for a moment. "Well, a lot? I fucked it this morning, and last night... touched it, put cream on it... oh!" She smiled. "Yeah, that cream'll do that for a few weeks-- makes it pinker and more sensitive. It'll probably wear off before a customer buys you-- but they can do the same thing for five years if they want to."

I was breathing hard and glaring at her in the mirror. "Why..." It was hard to get the words out, and my body was trembling again. "Why didn't you tell me?"

Iris was silent for a long moment.

Finally, she spoke again: "...maybe this really is too much for you? Your actual owner can do far bigger changes to your body, if they like-- the only rule is it needs to be reversible. They could have 'Slut' tattooed on your forehead, if they wanted to."

A chill went through my body. "Have... have people done... have you seen anyone like that?"

"No, but it wouldn't surprise me." Iris tapped my fingertip with her cheek. "You're giving up bodily autonomy as a pet, we've been over this. I need to do these things so you figure out if you can handle it."

I nodded slowly, crumpling back against her. "Thank you, Mistress." My words were soft and uncertain.

Iris smiled and wrapped her arms around me for a gentle squeeze, then pulled off my top, and strapped the bra around me, and I could very clearly see in the mirror that while yes, it was in fact a bra, white and lacey, there was nothing covering the nipples.

This was basically no closer to clothing.

"That better, my pet? Feel cuter for your Mistress?" Iris's voice was practically purring, and I could hear the teasing in it.

I wasn't exactly happy with how I looked, but what was the point in fighting back?

I made myself relax and lean back against her. "...yes. Thank you."

Iris laughed as she started to play with my nipples a little, just getting them hard before pulling my top back over my head and now I could see my nipples standing out underneath it. Not that they were particularly hidden underneath the thin fabric before, probably-- I had just been more focused on the skirt.

Iris stroked my belly and I squirmed. It tickled and it felt a bit weird.

"Bellies are one of the most vulnerable parts of a person. Just relax and submit to the fact that I control your life and you're utterly vulnerable to me, okay? Stay with me. It doesn't have to be a bad thing. Isn't it exciting to know I can do whatever to you whenever I want?"

I breathed in and out. "You're not allowed to like, kill me or something," I said, half to her, half to remind myself.

Iris rolled her eyes. "Of course not. I wouldn't want to, either. We aren't going to sell you to someone who would kill you, have a little trust in our screeners, okay? Someone like that would go black market, too... one of our customers will probably fuck you whenever and however they want, but if you're a very good girl and very eager to please, you might be able to ask for little kindnesses in how they do it... a lot of our customers want their pet to enjoy herself too."

Could be worse. Although, I couldn't help but think, "I mean... all people don't buy pets to fuck them."

Iris raised an eyebrow. "Technically, no, but a cute girl like you? It's probably going to be sex at your price point. Maybe some ace person buys you just cause they wanna hang out with someone cute, or maybe someone with a kink that doesn't involve fucking you-- although in that case it might also involve you getting fucked by another pet or something...." She was staring into space a little.

Iris focused back on me, and shook her head. "But that's a tangent. We're training for the expected here, whatever your future owner says will override all of this." Her fingertips rubbed up along my belly, right up under my breasts, just touching the base. "Which is another reason for the two weeks things-- it's more about a mindset, a flexibility, an eagerness. Do you think you can get eager to please someone when your whole life depends on it?"

I bit my lip, but nodded a little.

Iris leaned in closer to my ear, lowering her voice. "Well, I can fail you however and whenever I want-- so you need to be eager to please me, if you wanna pass. If you can't be eager to please the hot girl you specifically chose to train you, how are you going to be eager to please some random guy you didn't choose?" I could feel her breath against my ear. In the mirror, I could see her lips were almost touching them.

I nodded a little. "Yeah, sorry..." I took a deep breath, made eye contact with her in the mirror. "Is there anything I can do for you, Mistress?" I tried to be eager, and put my whole heart into it, and I managed a little bit.

Iris laughed, and ruffled my hair. "That's exactly what I wanted... good girl."

"Ah..." I raised my hand to my head. She had messed up my hair again.

"Right, right, you wanted to look cute." Iris went back to brushing my hair, and soon there was a cute slutty petgirl with nice hair in her lap. "Mmm, while we're at it... on top of my dresser, there's a little box, a bottle and a brush. Get them for me?"

I got up and fetched them, holding them out, and she took them, and then patted her thigh with her free hand, looking at me expectantly.

It took me a moment to realize I was supposed to go back in her lap, so I crawled up into it, and rested against her.

She took my arm and started to draw some abstract, flowing brushstrokes across it. They looked almost artistic, and I watched with a bit of interest, albeit a bit of creeping disassociation too. 

It only took a few moments until Iris was done. "There, don't touch-- it'll dry in a moment."

I shifted my arm a little, looking at it. There was a vague impression of grass or a bird I got from it, but it was hard to pin down exactly what was going on. "Are you an artist?"

"Mmm? I've dabbled. Training is my calling, though. Most people can't do it for the long haul, but I think I can. Imagine me doing this in my forties... I imagine some girls would be very down for being trained by a hot mom type, maybe that'd be easier for them... but if not, I'll probably find other work. I'd prefer not to move to the public sector for this."

"...yeah, that's a lot less personal, from what I understand... do you remember everyone you've trained?" I didn't look at her eyes in the mirror. I had known Iris for less than a day, but knowing that I would mean something to her when I was gone felt like it would help this all seem less impersonal.

Iris slid her hands over mine and intertwined her fingers with mine. "Of course I'll remember you, Serena-- even two weeks is plenty enough time for someone to get into my memory. I wanna see what you're like in five years once you're done... it'll be so interesting to see how you've changed. And I wanna make sure it was worth it for you. Make sure you can adjust afterwards. Even if it's a fleeting relationship, I want to think it was something constructive." She smiled. "My computer background randomly shows a photo of a girl I've trained each time it starts, actually-- I find it helps ground me."

I slowly breathed in and out. "...you really think I can do this?"

Iris nodded emphatically, giving my hands a little squeeze. "I really do. You're having some trouble, but you're already a lot more committed than most... let's give you some nail art, now." She wasn't really waiting for an answer, sliding her hand under mine and spreading my fingers as her other one opened the box, resting her chin on my shoulder as she started to paint my nails.

I watched. Her strokes with the little brush were just as neat and confident. "...why nail art?"

"Well, mostly because I want to and I think it's fun and chill," Iris said with a smile as she finished one coat, and moved to my other hand to put the other coat on. "But we can justify it by saying you need to be used to being used for whatever your owner wants, your appearance altered however your owner wants, within reason. This is just the play version of that, getting used to the idea so you're ready when your owner tattoos your arms or whatever."

A little shiver went through my body, but I nodded. "I hope they're... nice about it."

Iris smiled. "I hope so too. I think you're cute enough and our screeners are good enough that if you're eager and willing and helpful, your owner will treat you pretty nicely. People who want an eager pet buy from us, and you can't keep a pet eager if you treat them like utter shit all the time."

"...all the time?"

"Mm-hmm! Once you get used to the fact that I can treat you as nicely or cruelly as I want, and your job is just to cheerfully take it and help me as much as you can, everything else will be pretty easy. There might be harder things on a sensation level than this morning, but once you get your head around the fact that you're just my property, it'll get a lot easier for you."

I swallowed and nodded. My submissive tendencies were coming to the forefront, and I tried not to fight them. I just needed to let Iris do what she wanted to me.

"...I can smell you're getting aroused again," whispered Iris softly and lewdly in my ear. Then she returned to a more normal voice as she slowly groped my breasts. "One of my friends is coming over soon, though, so don't expect anything for now-- you get fucked on my schedule, not yours. I can't make my entire life about pet training-- but luckily, prioritizing my own life while I'm pet training is, in fact, part of pet training."

...it was fucked up that that something about whatever she was doing there had just made me hornier. But if it made me better at this, maybe it was a good kind of fucked up. "...yes, Mistress."

It was then that I realized that I'd still be wearing this slutty costume when her friend came by. My fingers tensed, and she petted my hand a little. "Relax. It'll be fine. You'll be fine. Trust me, okay?"

I took a deep breath, and tried once again to trust her.

She had been honest to me, at least.

Or, well... as far as I knew, she had been honest.

Honesty wasn't something I always got, throughout my life, which is why I had largely ended up fending for myself.

Maybe if I hadn't been such a loner, I'd have the safety net to not have to give myself up to someone like this.

As I pondered my life a little, she put a few more coats of polish over my nails.

I lifted up my hands. "All black?" It seemed kinda simple and unsexualized, given the rest of what she had put on me.

"I wanted to keep it simple," Iris closed the bottle and placed it on the bed next to her, leaning in a bit closer to my ear, her voice growing quieter and more amused. "For today, at least."

Well, that was a bit ominous.

Iris patted my shoulder. "Okay, up out of my lap, my girl." I slid out of her lap, and watched as she looked in the mirror and brushed her own hair a little-- not that it really needed it. I wondered if she had brushed it before she raped... before she had used me this morning, or if she hadn't bothered and her hair just looked that good right out of bed.

I sat there, watching her, not knowing what to think or do.

Iris's phone buzzed, and she walked over to pick it up, and smiled as she answered. "Okay! Yeah, be right out." Her voice was different than how she talked to me-- less flirtatious and fond, maybe, but also more like she was talking to an equal.

Iris walked back in front of me and leaned over a little, putting her finger under my chin and lifting it, so I looked over to her. She smiled. "My friend's here. You're going to be on your best behavior, understood?"

"...yes, Mistress."

Iris stroked the top of my gently, then turned away and walked to the front door. I followed after her, not sure what else I was supposed to do-- hiding wasn't my best behavior, right?

We got to the hallway in the front door, with its tiling I had kneeled on.

This was right where I stripped.

Everything felt a bit surreal.

Iris opened up the door and grinned. "Hey, Jimmy."

Jimmy was about her height, so taller than me, short black hair, and muscular, which his white tanktop was showing off I guess, and tight-fitting blue jeans. He smiled back easily. "Hey, Iris. How's your day going?" He didn't even look at me-- not that I particularly wanted him to, but it felt a bit weird that I wasn't even acknowledged.

Iris pulled him into a hug and slapped his back before pushing him back gently. "Oh, pretty good. The new girl is a sweetheart." She smiled at me encouragingly.

I looked from Iris over to Jimmy. That they were both taller than me was something I was very much noticing. "Um, hi."

Jimmy tilted his head just a bit, face sketching over my body before he studied my face, then grinned. "Hi. Iris got you with the body art, huh?"

"Oh?" I looked down at my arms. "Oh. Yeah."

"Don't worry about it, she gets everyone sooner or later. Even I've had my arms painted a few times." He casually reached over to ruffle my hair, and I froze, heart beating rapidly, but he didn't seem to notice.

My eyes flickered over to Iris, and she was raising an eyebrow at me. I smiled apologetically, trying to get my heartbeat down below the techno music bpm it had apparently decided to run at.

This was fine.

I was fine.

Iris shifted her attention back to Jimmy, and nodded back down the hallway. "Wanna hang out back?"

He nodded, and she led him down the hall, and I followed them.

She took us out another door, this one opening up to a fenced-in yard with a couple of trees. There was a little finished cement area on the ground right outside the back door, a couple of frisbees and soccer balls to one side, and a couple of wooden chairs with red paint on them that was worn to the wood in a few places

Iris sat in one.

Jimmy sat in the other.

I walked out onto the cool, hard, slightly rough cement next to them, and stood there awkwardly, very much realizing I wasn't wearing shoes or anything.

Iris pointed at the grass next to her, and I walked over there to kneel next to her, my face burning. At least with the grass and the kneepads, it wasn't that uncomfortable.

The two of them started conversing about a show I had never watched, some sort of horror-themed political comedy, I think, so I kind of zoned out and stared up at the sky. I didn't feel like I was really part of the conversation anyway. Iris stroked my hair, which was fine, and then started to touch my ears too, which was a lot, but I tried not to pay attention to my confused feelings about having someone else here who could see just what our relationship was.

I realized Jimmy was watching us, and froze a little.

Jimmy smiled at Iris. "Hey, does she know how to play fetch?"

Iris glanced down to me. "I think she's a smart girl. Do you know how to play fetch?" There was just the faintest hint of challenge there.

"Um, yeah, I think I can figure it out." I stood up slowly.

Jimmy leaned over and picked up a red frisbee, tossing it out lazily, and ran after it along the soft grass, but it hit the fence before I could get to it, and I hesitated, then kneeled down to pick it up-- it seemed better than bending over, where I could easily flash him.

I ran back holding the frisbee, slowing down a bit as I hit the cement so I didn't hurt my feet, and held the frisbee out to him. He took it absent-mindedly, "...which is why I think it really went downhill since Mhul the Ghoul left."

Iris laughed. "I didn't think Mhul was that great."

Jimmy stared at Iris in disbelief. "No way, he was the soul of the show!" He stared a moment longer, then shook his head. His hand reached up towards my head, I think he wanted to pat the top, but I'd have to lean down.

"He was easily the least animated of any of the undead," Iris responded, but she was staring at me expectantly.

...yeah, I was pretty sure I was supposed to be letting him pet me. I leaned down and let him stroke my head, managing to stay relaxed until he scritched behind my ear, and I made a little sound and froze up.

"It's okay, foxy," said Jimmy, clearly amused, and tossed the frisbee.

Ugh, "foxy".

It took me a moment to chase after it again, and it again thunked against the fence.

I wondered if I'd have to go out of the fence to fetch it if it flew over, and started to bend over, before remembering the situation and straightening up, then carefully kneeling down again. The g-string was digging into my crotch again.

I walked back with the frisbee and held it out to Jimmy, and Jimmy took it, set it aside, and then beckoned me closer.

I moved in closer, lowering my head a little since I assumed he was going for another headpat, but he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his lap.

I let out an undignified squeak.

He started stroking my head and back absent-mindedly as he talked to Iris about the ghoul or whatever, but I was just trembling there, and I looked over to Iris in hopes she'd help me out, but her attention was on Jimmy. Mine was too, a little. I could smell his scent now, and I didn't know how I felt about that.

His fingers started to stroke my ears slowly and gently, the absent-minded way he was doing it making me think it was unintentional at first, that I wasn't the first chimera he had casually had in his lap, and wow there was a statement I didn't want to think about the deeper implications of-- but then when I looked over to him, he looked back at me and smiled just slightly, like it was a bit of a challenge, seeing if I'd put up with it. How much I'd put up with.

He absolutely knew what he was doing, but he didn't grope or molest me in the more traditional way, for whatever reason.

That almost made it worse.

I was trying to do what now seemed to count as "behaving", and just let him touch me, but he kept on rubbing the tips of my ears between his fingertips, gently fondling them, and I could feel how wet the useless uncomfortable cord of my g-string was getting, his other hand stroking down along my back and scritching right above my tail.

I couldn't help but get more and more aroused despite myself, paradoxically relaxing physically and freaking out emotionally until I wasn't sure if I could handle this much longer.

I kept staring at Iris.

Iris eventually looked over to me, but she just gave me a "yeah, get used to it" sort of expression.

I didn't think I could deal with this right now, and I didn't want to utterly blow this since she had said to be on her best behavior.

I swallowed. "Um, Iris, molest me? Please?"

Iris blinked, then laughed, and scootched her chair over next to Jimmy's.

"Wow, she hates being touched by me that much? I'm hurt." Jimmy's voice sounded amused, though, and he wasn't stopping petting me.

Iris grinned. "Nah, she's just getting horny. I told her she was allowed to ask for me to molest her today if she got nervous about it, so let's give her a little power and molest her, yeah?"

Jimmy started groping my breasts as Iris ran her hand up the back of my skirt and grabbed my bare ass, groping and squeezing it as I whimpered. I looked around, but the fence was high enough that unless someone was specifically looking down in it from another house, they wouldn't be able to see, so I couldn't claim it was an indecency law.

Jimmy took the back of my head and pulled me in for a kiss, his other hand slipping up under my shirt to grope my breast and then find and pinch my nipple, as Iris ran her fingertips along my inner thighs.

I was trembling in Jimmy's lap and crying a little and trying to remain okay enough with everything even though I was sure I had fucked up asking for Iris to molest me, they were both going to to fuck me now, and I was going to scream and fight and it'd all be over and I'd end up bankrupt and somewhere even worse and her fingers were rubbing against my outer lips as his tongue played with mine and... and...

Iris's arms wrapped around me and pulled me out of Jimmy's lap, made me face her. I could see through my tears she was looking at me, maybe concern in her eyes, though it was hard to see, and her hold on my body was more gentle now. "Mmm... I appreciate that you're pushing yourself, but we're trying to see how far you can bend, not utterly break you. But future note: you shouldn't invite your Mistress like that if you're not ready to get fucked, okay?"

I nodded and sobbed a little.

Iris stroked my head gently... just my head, this time. "There's a bookcase just inside, and there's a book on it called Training Loyal Pets. It's yellow, has a little cat-paw sticker under the title label, and shows a cartoon kneeling catgirl on the front. Bring that back to my room and read up on it while me and Jimmy hang out, okay?" She smiled up at me reassuringly as she stroked my cheek. "You're smart. You can do this."

I nodded again, and she gave me a gentle little push, so I slid up out of her lap, walking back inside without looking at Jimmy, tail down and practically between my legs, body trembling.

Even though my thoughts were a mess, I didn't think I'd be able to relax as long as I was around the two of them, so I made myself scan the bookshelf until I found Training Loyal Pets, and pulled it off the shelf, hurrying back to her room.

The room, that, despite me trying to think of it other ways, she had basically raped me in this morning.

I flopped down onto the bed where she had pinned me down, and stared up at the ceiling.

I cried and cried and hid under the covers, but eventually, Iris still wasn't back, and I dreaded to think of how she'd look at me or what she'd do if I didn't read the book.

I rolled over onto my side, hugged a pillow, and started to read the book.

After a dedication to the writer's wife and catgirl, the text began: "Most pets, if they admit it or not, are pets because deep down, they want to be."

I tried not to scream at the stupid stupid lie of it.

I slammed my hand down against the mattress so hard it hurt.

I didn't think I could do this.

I closed the book and my eyes for a long moment.

I needed to calm down before I made a decision.

Well, if I couldn't calm down, I probably couldn't live this way.



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