Alluring Alliterative Attack

The Specified Story

by Spiral Turquoise

Tags: #D/s #dom:female #dom:male #f/m #sub:female #sub:male #consensual_kink #dronification #dry_humping #dumbification #M/s #Master/slave_language #master_as_a_gender_neutral_title #objectification #omniscient_POV #oral_fixation #pre-existing_relationship #switch_fighting #switching #titnosis

“So we’ll both drop for any mantra that has at least three words that start with the same sound,” Gloria said, a little bit of hypnotist inflection in her airy trance voice.

“And we can veto any one that would be safeword-worthy,” Blake added. He sounded barely focused, like it was taking him effort to avoid slurring his words.

“And whoever drops will obey one command before coming back up.” Gloria was swaying slightly while she and Blake had their hands lightly gripped around each other’s elbows. “And any command needs an end condition if it’s not just one and done.”

“And whoever did that drop has to let the one who just woke up say at least one thing before trying another mantra.”

“And...first one to drop the other ten times wins,” Gloria finished.

“So we’ll both wake on a snap of the fingers,” Blake added.

Each of them lifted a hand to the other’s ear, then spoke in as close to unison as they could manage: “One. Two. Three!”


Blake and Gloria both blinked awake before giggling.

“Uh, so...who starts?” Gloria asked.

“Yeah, it feels weird to just get into it,” Blake said, “but I guess I can go right ahead and say that you are a pretty puppet in my power.”

“I…” Gloria’s eyes unfocused as her brain buffered on the phrase. “I’m a...pretty puppet in your power…” Her eyes glazed over completely.

“Good puppet.” Blake picked up the blue board game point counter they’d picked out and clicked it to 1. “Oh. Hm. What do I even want to make you do,” he said, gently rubbing a nipple through his workout shirt while looking lustfully at Gloria’s limp arms, slack expression, empty eyes. “Kneel with your wrists crossed behind your back.”

Gloria dropped, back straight, face unchanging, into the pose. Blake had just enough time to pet her hair once before she woke and looked up at him. “You had that one planned ahead of time, huh?”

“I mean, yeah,” Blake smirked. “I’ve got a few saved up and wanted to start with the really hot one.”

“Oh, you think that’s as hot as these are going to get? No build, just blowing your best shot right away?” She did not actually move from the position.

Blake scritched the back of her head, savoring the quiet, high-pitched sound Gloria made in response. “I dunno, that one is a good build for telling you that you’re Master’s mind-wiped marionette.”

“Mmmm I’mmm Master’s mmind-wiped mmmarionnnette.” Gloria’s eyes rolled up as she moaned out the phrase and dropped into bliss.

“You seem to enjoy that, why don’t you play with your nipples for as long as it takes you to say that five times?”

“I’m Master’s mind-wiped marionette,” she said more sharply as her hands whipped around to her front and found her nipples through her shirt. “I’m Master’s mind-wiped marionette,” she gasped as her fingers began working through the fabric, “I’m Master’s mind-wiped marionette, I’m Master’s mindwiped marionette, I’m Master’s mind-wiped marionette,” she finished, keeping her hands on the underside of her breasts as she glared upward, lips tight.

“Oh? Are you going to try to act like you’re unhappy about that?” Blake asked while ticking his counter to 2.

“No, I’m going to tell you that you’re a docile dead-eyed drone,” Gloria retorted.

Blake’s eyes snapped forward, his back straightening from a slouch only visible by the contrast, the counter still thoughtlessly gripped in his hand. “I’m a docile dead-eyed drone,” he intoned with expression draining from both his face and his voice.

“Kneel, drone, and stay there until I get my counter.” Gloria took her time rising, watching Blake fall to his knees and stare forward while she played with her breasts and moaned softly. After not long, she tore her hands away to get up, batting Blake’s ponytail while walking past him. As she retrieved the counter and clicked it to 1, she realized that Blake couldn’t see her from his kneeling position, so she walked over to his field of vision and presented the updated counter to him.

Blake came to with a light twitch of his head. “Well, um, you’re a vapid, vacant v...vv...vvv...fuck,” he said, looking away from Gloria as he tried to think of any epithet that could finish the string.

“I’m what, dearest? Did you mean ‘Master’ maybe? Like how you are Master’s mindless machine?”

“IIII am...Master’s mindless machine,” Blake said, exhaling out tension as he submitted to the idea and went still again.

“Good boy,” Gloria said, clicking to 2. “Take off your shirt for me.”

Blake stiffly yanked his shirt off by the collar, his vision filled with the fabric’s color as he complied. As his view and his mind returned, he saw Gloria pulling the brim of her shirt up above her stomach and reflexively stared in anticipation.

“Aww, you’re used to this, aren’t you? Do you even want to come up with another mantra for me before seeing where I’m going with this?”

“…no,” Blake grumbled.

“No, what?” Gloria grinned.

Blake hesitated, second-guessing his response, then remembering what he had just repeated. “No, Master,” he said.

“Good, because you’re my beautiful, brainless boobslave, aren’t you?” she said, peeling up her shirt, using the fabric to lift her boobs up just a little before clearing her nipples and letting them fall.

“I’m your beautifulll brraainlessss boobslave,” he repeated as he stared, his eyes rolling up intermittently as he kept his gaze pointed at her revealed breasts.

“That’s a good slave,” Gloria said, beginning to squeeze and rub herself at the sight of Blake’s entranced stare. “Hmm, how about you play with your own tits, play with those nipples until…” she squeezed herself more vigorously as he obeyed in the middle of her hesitation, dropping his score counter in the process, “...until, um, until I put my shirt back down.” She didn’t feel especially inclined to do that, but she had another point to mark and her next mantra lined up in her head. She gave her nipples a moment’s extra attention as Blake’s tongue lolled out of his mouth before reluctantly covering herself back up.

Blake’s eyes readjusted, the occasional eyerolls petering out as he rubbed his chest and took in Gloria’s smug grin as she updated her score to 3. He clamped his mouth shut, trying to pull his thoughts together through four trances’ worth of fractionation before giving up his speech window.

Gloria took the moment to grab his hair, Blake’s mouth opening again in a gasp as he locked eyes with her. “You’re going to have to either come up with something or let me titnotize you again, dear,” she said, a handful of boob in her free hand.

Blake’s eyes threatened to roll again as he looked up at her, mouth opening and closing a few times. “You’re a drowsy, docile dummy.”

“I’m a drowsy, docile dummy,” Gloria said, eyes and voice going distant in unison; the hand in Blake’s hair loosened and rested on his shoulder, the hand on her breast fell to her side.

Blake grunted as he stood up, carefully taking control of Gloria’s arm and letting it fall. She instinctively straightened along with his rise, and her face broke into a dopey smile as Blake brushed his fingers across her cheek. “Take off your…skirt,” he commanded.

“Yes, Master,” she said in that quiet faraway voice.

Blake began rubbing his cock through his pants as he watched Gloria undo her skirt and eventually let it fall around her feet when she was done with it. He mentally marked that he still needed to retrieve his counter to mark it to 3 as Gloria scrunched her face in renewed wakefulness.

Gloria wasted no time yanking up her top. “Toy trances to tits,” she growled.

“Toy trances to tits,” Blake said, deflating in a heartbeat as he stared down at his shorter partner’s chest. His tongue fell out right away this time.

Gloria pushed her tits upward toward Blake’s gaze, squeezing them together while she worked the nipples with her fingertips. “Stroke yourself until you hit an edge.”

“Yes Master,” Blake replied, his breath catching as he reached under his waistband and gripped himself. Gloria locked her gaze on his face to drink in his pleasure, his moans, his gasps, and his eyerolls while she went to town on her tits.

After a minute or two, though, Blake felt the pulse preluding an orgasm and stopped suddenly, breathing rapidly as he removed his hand, closed his eyes, and calmed down.

“Want a quick break to make sure we don’t forget our scores?” Gloria asked.

Blake silently considered, then instead darted his hand to Gloria’s face, resting the middle segment of his index finger against her bottom lip. “This first.”

Gloria inhaled sharply, unconsciously repositioning her lip underneath Blake’s finger as she locked eyes with him.

“You’re my submissive suck slut,” he said, grinning.

“I’myoursubmissivesuckslutmmmph,” she moaned as quickly as possible, devouring Blake’s index and middle fingers in hungry, needy bliss.

“That’s right, I don’t even need to tell you to do that because that’s just what you are right now, hm?” Blake teased. He had a hard time telling if Gloria even registered the taunt as she sucked away. “You’re just sucking yourself into deeper and deeper submission like that, aren’t you?” Blake pulled his fingers out, but had barely moved them an inch back before Gloria took them back into her mouth. “Aww, poor toy,” he chuckled. “Take your shirt off.”

Gloria whined as she relented on Blake’s fingers, then took her shirt all the way off. She glared and grumbled incoherently in the aftermath.

“OK. Tied now,” Blake said.

Gloria narrowed her eyes at him before they both picked up their counters. Each felt hazy enough to worry about forgetting their place, and neither wanted to lose by an uncounted point. She pointedly kept her mouth shut while they did so.

Blake was undeterred by her stalling. “So how much do you want to win versus wanting to be hypnotized out of your mind, pretty? How much do you want to just drop and obey and feel all of your will disappear?”

Gloria met his eyes and quirked her eyebrow at the bravado. “Repeat: dazed, dropped, dominated.”

“Dnnnndazed, dropped, dominated,” Blake said dreamily, his mouth going slack as the eyeroll hit.

“Good. Take off your pants,” she said, ticking up to 5. “At least get us just as naked.”

Blake obeyed, taking a seat on the bed as he pulled off the pants and his socks with them. With just a quick shake of his head, he replied, “Stopped, stripped, staring.”

“Stopped, stripped, staring,” Gloria said, her voice not quite as soft as it had been before the break. “Stopped, stripped...staring,” she said again, her eyes locking onto nothing as she froze in place.

“Come over and kneel in front of me,” he commanded, getting more comfortable and marking 5. As soon as she did, he pulled her hair back.

“Ah, no fair!” she blurted out.

“You’re a blissed-out bubbly bimbo,” he followed up.

“I’mmm,” she held the consonant as long as she could, “a blissed-out bubbly bimbo,” she relented with a giggle.

“That’s right, you are,” Blake said, “and it gets so easy to drop so deeply as you get so dumb, doesn’t it? Place your hands behind your head.”

Gloria posed, and awareness came back slowly as she basked in the submission of the position. “I,” she started, not moving just yet, “I’m, you’re, you’re a foggy, fuzzy...dammit,” she conceded.

“Good girl, you’re a happy, horny hypnoslave,” Blake said, preemptively moving his counter to 7.

“I’m a…” Gloria narrowed her eyes, growled weakly, tried to resist, “...a happy, horny hypnoslave,” she said with another silly giggle.

“That’s such a good girl,” Blake said. “Now stand up and play with my nipples until...the next time I touch you.”

“Yes, Master,” Gloria said, her loopy smile remaining in place as she got up and gently traced Blake’s areolas with her thumbs. She continued to look empty and blissed as Blake’s nipples stiffened under her ministrations, her circles giving way to rubbing back and forth over the erections.

“That’s right, good girl, good girl,” Blake rambled, twitching. He reached out for her chin, intending to avoid contact with her arms, but bumped her arm with his elbow as he tried to navigate her movements.

Gloria didn’t stop obeying the command even as the awareness returned to her expression. She grinned as she speed up and intensified her caresses, hearing Blake moan at the touch. “You’re a….nnnnnnnnnnnnnknocked-out no-brain nippleslut!”

“I’m a knocked no-um, I’m a knocked-out no-brain nippleslut!” Blake said in ecstasy, his thoughts just about winking out as he finished the phrase. His expression froze, mouth open, eyes staring slightly upward as his entire perception was taken up by the continued pleasure.

Gloria kept at it for a bit, then felt a twinge suggesting her fingers might cramp up without a break. She stopped, clicked her score to 6, and idly rubbed her cunt through her underwear. “Pull your own hair,” she said.

Blake made a fist at the base of his own skull and pulled backward, jerking himself out of the freeze into wakefulness. “That. That. That one should not have worked, I swear!”

“Yeah, I can do better, you’re a kneelin-no, you’re a needy, nameless nippleslut,” she said, realizing she wanted him to stay on the bed and reaching for the first word she could think of.

Blake’s face went through a series of feelings – indignation, lust, amusement, acquiescence. “I’m a needy, nameless nippleslut,” he sighed.

“Good boy,” Gloria said as she brushed her knuckles against the rigid nipples, varying up her position. “That’s right, that’s all you are, nippleslut,” she said, feeling the need to justify her word choice. “No other identity. No other name. You’re a nippleslut and nothing else, aren’t you, nippleslut?”

“Yes, Master,” Blake slurred.

“Good nippleslut,” she said before pushing him down onto the bed. “Now lie in a comfortable position.” She recorded 7 as he got into position.

“Fuck,” Blake said. “Wait, fuck, you’re a, fuck, you’re a, ah,” he trailed off as Gloria got on top of him, stopping his thoughts in their tracks.

“No, you are a foggy, frozen fuckdoll,” she said.

“Oh. I’m. A foggy, frozen fuckdoll.”

Blake’s mouth popped open and his legs spread apart while Gloria straddled him. She took a moment to test out her position – rubbing experimentally against the erection poking up through Blake’s underwear, settling and shifting until the shape was putting sufficient pressure against her cunt.

“Now the fun thing here is that I don’t even need to order you to do anything,” she said as she began humping and grinding into him. She didn’t say anything for a moment, words lost in the exertion. Eventually, she continued: “Really, the only thing stopping me from using you like a body pillow is that I want to win.” She stopped for just a moment, taking advantage of Blake’s immobility to shift until she could reach the score counter again to make sure it read 8. She took another moment to get that position back. “Of course, I wonder how creative you are when you’re feeling this, hm?” She resumed her humping, then added, “Now put your fingers on your nipples like you’re about to play with them!”

Blake obeyed, placing ring and middle fingers around each nipple. As soon as he settled, his mouth relaxed and he blinked rapidly. Clearly too tempted to resist, he began rolling his fingers over his nipples while the motion against his cock made him moan and buck upward.

“How’re you feeling, fuckdoll?” Gloria asked.

“Good, Master,” Blake responded. “Wait-”

“You’re my high-key helpless humping post, aren’t you?”

“Y-yes, Master, I’m your high-key helpless humping post!” Blake replied as his eyes went blank and soulless.

“That’s right,” Gloria groaned before giving up on words. She lost herself in the grinding, digging herself into the warm erection bearing up into her, catching its arc and the layers of fabric above it against her clit to keep the friction and going and going. Coming up with the last mantra eluded her in favor of more heat, more pressure, more friction.

Then she realized that the stakes were gone. Blake was just an object right now. She had not given him any commands yet.

Giggling to herself, Gloria humped until the first hint of tiredness hit her. She gingerly removed herself from Blake’s body, took a seat with her butt against Blake’s body, and played with a tit while she adjusted her score to 9. “Go ahead and kneel in front of me, dearest,” she said.

Blake slowly sat up, shifted, eventually made his way until he was on his knees in front of Gloria. He blinked, breathed slowly, and looked up at her dreamily.

“Aw. Still hoping to get a point in?” she taunted.

“Nah...I’m good,” he said weakly.

“Good. You’re my zapped, zero-thought zombie, after all.”

“I’m...your zapped,” Blake’s spine straightened and his eyes and expression froze up at the word, “zero-thought zombie,” he finished in monotone.

“Good boy.” She handed her counter to him. “Click my score over to 10.”

Thank you for reading! Chapter 2 is a sort of "DVD extras" - a drabble featuring one more of these ridiculous mantras that I really wanted to use but couldn't find a place for; miscellaneous comments; and the full 30+ list of phrases that this story sprang from.

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