Slothful Salience

by SolStrand

Tags: #cw:noncon #D/s #dom:female #exhibitionism #f/m #sub:male #urban_fantasy #drugging #furry #transformation

Theil goes to the nearby cat cafe that just opened up, hoping to meet some adorable cats.

Theil can’t help but bounce as he walks through the street, following the directions on his phone to the new cat cafe that opened near him. He always loved cats but his roommate was allergic so he could never get one. His eyes widen as he hits the right street, seeing the building he finally puts his phone away and jogs up to the entrance.

The cafe itself is covered in a variety of light and dark greens, making it look almost like a comfortable forest. Inside Theil see’s instead of normal cats, eight humanoid cat hybrids who are lounging about on massive cat towers and in cat beds.

Theil blushes for a moment before he enters, shaking his head before opening the door. He steps inside while trying to hide his obvious staring at the cat people, as he walks up to the counter and sits down in a seat.

A human woman with bright purple hair, dressed in a pair of blue overalls slides up across from Theil. Flashing him a wide smile. “Welcome to the Pine Tree Cat Cafe! Are you here for a stay?”

“um yes I guess I am, I was coming in to see what this place was like but I wasn’t… expecting to see human cat people.” Theil blushes again, looking at the woman curiously. “I guess I'm wondering what exactly this place is about? And are they in suits?”

“I mean you’re at a cat cafe, for all your relaxation needs.” The woman reaches down behind the bar, grabbing a tea cup and a hot pot of water. “Now what flavors do you like in your tea?”

“Oh just some green tea, that sounds really nice. So I can just relax here, and talk with the cat people? That doesn’t sound that bad, any recommendations on which ‘cat’ I should relax with?” He looks out across the room, watching the different people lounging and relaxing.

“Well Sally is always a crowd favorite for newcomers.” The woman gestures to a bright green cat girl, dressed in a pair of cat print pajamas. She’s laying on a large cat bed, rolling around and purring wildly. “Give me a moment and your tea will be ready.”

“Alright, well then I will chat with Sally once I have my tea. Thank you very much.” Theil smiles as he waits for his tea, watching Sally lounge in the cat bed. His face turning redder as he starts to envy her position, allowed to just lay about all without care.

After a few moments the woman presses a cup of tea over to Theil. “Here you go dear, just make sure you drink it all and don’t give any to the cats. They only get some at play time.” She chuckles lightly, giving him a gentle pat on the back.

Theil takes the drink and starts to sip it, nodding. “Thank you, I’ll make sure to remember that.” Theil then stands and makes his way over to the cat bed, sitting down next to Sally. “Hello, your Sally right? I’m Theil and was wondering if I could sit here with you?”

Sally rolls over, rumbling lightly as she looks at Theil. “Only if you’re good at snuggling.” She smiles lightly, her voice a rumbling purr. “Just finish the tea first, don’t wanna worry about spilling it on my bed.”

Theil nods and downs the rest of the tea, smiling softly. “Well, I’m done with the tea. And I’m great at snuggling, so that’s no problem.” Theil flops back into the bed, pulling Sally down with him and pressing her against him. “There, how’s that?”

“Purrrfect.” Sally nuzzles her cheek up against Theil as her tail sways from one side to another. Theil able to feel a deep relaxed warmth spreading from his gut. “I’m happy you’ve chosen to stay with us, it’s rare we get new volunteers.”

“Volunteer? I’m just here to visit… but I feel very nice… and relaxed…” Theil leans into Sally, rubbing her fur and belly as the warmth spreads. “I… don’t think I can stay… I have work and stuff to do…”

“No one has to do any work here.” Sally purrs happily, crawling up onto Theil’s lap as she continues to nuzzle him. “We just get to be cute and lazzzzzy. Doesn’t that sound sooooo nice?” She speaks agonizingly slowly, watching as ash gray fur starts to grow out from Theil’s skin.

Theil sighs and nuzzles into Sally. “It…it does… being cute and lazy is… so easy…” His voice starts to slow as well, looking into Sally’s eyes. “But… my job… what… What was my job?” His eyebrow cocks, looking confused by his own question.

“Your job is being cute and precious.” Sally boops Theil on the nose, nuzzling up against his chest as she watches Theil relax into the bed. “That’s the job of all kitties at the Pine Trees Cat Cafe, be lazy, cute, and softttt.”

Theil’s chest rumbles as he’s booped, eyes fluttering as he melts into the soft bed. “Right… Kitties are lazy… cute… and soffttt.” His words slur slightly, rubbing his body into Sally’s as he starts to purr.

Sally lazily starts to nip and nibble on Thiel’s neck. Rumbling happily, as she starts to gently paw at the boy's sides. “I hope you enjoy the catnip that was in your tea, it makes all the kitties go into heat here~” She lazily sways her tail over to the other cats who are already splitting into pairs and starting to rut and cuddle one another.

Theil moans and blushes as he’s nipped at, his head lazily following Sally’s tail as the pairs start to splinter off. “I’m… in… heat…” he rumbles out, the ash gray fur starting to spread more across his body as a tail starts to press out of his tail bone. “I’m… a… Kitty… and so… needy”

Sally slowly slides her arms under her shirt, sliding it off and pressing the pajama pants down and off with her tail. Starting to wave her drooling slit in front of Theil, allowing him to smell her scent. “So am I cutie~”

Theil’s eyes grow wide as his pants tent, slowly leaning closer to Sally as his tail snakes out of his pants. He starts to slip his pants off, hands becoming paws as the fur reaches them. His purring glowing louder as he sniffs harder, her scent worming its way into his mind and making that heat in his body burn brighter.

Sally presses her slit down onto Theil’s rapidly developing snout. Drooling down onto him as she rubs her clit alongside his nose lazily, as if she’s taunting the boy to claim her before she gets herself off to a lazy orgasm.

Theil’s eyes roll back as he smells and licks her clit, paws slowly and lazily taking off his underwear to reveal his slowly rising member. He starts to stroke himself slowly as he licks harder and deeper into Sally’s slit. His body finally finishes as his head becomes more feline, eyes slitting before his pupils become incredibly wide with the effects of the catnip.

Sally lets out a little whining yowl, rutting her slit more desperately against Theil’s mouth as he starts to reciprocate. Still refusing to speed up in the slightest, despite her desperation. As if going about things quickly is against her very nature.

Theil doesn’t quicken his pace either, only purring louder as he presses deeper in. His toes curl as he eventually starts to lazily rut into his hand. “So… needy… but smells… so good.” He whimpers out between licks, nose twitching as he smells her scent more.

Sally makes little biscuits in the bed, as she pulls her slit slowly away from Theil’s face. Leaving the lingering scent of her catnip musk surrounding Theil’s nose, pounding into him over and over again. “Then mount me my precious new kitten, I want to cuddle linked allll night~”

Theil slowly moves, pressing against her and sliding onto the bed next to her. He presses against her body with every movement, sniffing her scent more and more as he gently thrusts into her. He keeps the same slow pace as before, starting to kiss and lick at Sally’s neck and chest as he ruts into her.

Sally leans back up against Theil as he starts to slowly fuck her, letting out little mewling moans with each and every movement. “That’s it, just go at any pace you feel natural… I’ve been waiting for my newest mates arrival for so long~”

Theil continues, kissing and licking Sally’s chest harder. “New… mate?” He says slowly, rutting slightly faster as he rumbles with satisfaction. Sniffing as much of that catnip musk he can get, the burning in his body building higher and higher.

“Of course, all the kitties here are mates… my slothful demons.” Sally rumbles with satisfaction as Theil thrusts all the way inside of her. “Just like you are now~”

Theil whines and moans as he thrusts all the way in, mind entirely lost in the heat and smell. “I’m… a sloth… demon?” He asks, words slurred as if he’s drunk or high. Before Sally can answer he returns to the licking and kissing, face pressing into her breasts.

“Well there can only be one sloth devil… and that’s me.” Sally giggles happily as she wraps her arms around Theil. Licking and kissing his cheek possessively. “And now you’re my newest demon… perfect to feed on the sloth of.”

Theil moans as she kisses him, rutting slightly faster as he starts to leak. “I… that's purrrfeeect.” He purrs out, smiling softly as he wraps his paws around Sally. Making tiny biscuits on her back with his paws.

Sally slowly grinds her clit against the base of Theil’s crotch. Repeating the process over and over again, milking Theil so he can just slow down and relish in the feeling for as long as physically possible.

Theil purrs and leans back into the bed, letting Sally have her way as he relaxes into the feeling and leaks more. His mind becoming fully empty of anything other than heat and need, his tail wrapping around Sally’s as they cuddle and rut against each other.

It takes longer than Theil can imagine for him to reach his climax, his knot swelling as cum pulses slowly into Sally as he continues to cuddle and be loved on by Sally. Leaving him happily floating in the warmth of climax and completion.

Theil purrs happily, pressing his face into the crook of her neck. His chest rumbles as he rubs and presses against Sally. “Thank… you… I’m… yours.” He rumbles out as he slowly looks into Sally’s eyes, his eyes gently closing as he goes back to snuggling her.

Sally rumbles happily, drifting off as she rests up against Theil’s chest. Content to let herself soak in the newly created sloth that Theil is emanating off of him.

Theil quickly falls asleep too, the soft bed being too much for him to fight against along with the soft cat devil. His own chest rumbling as he purrs constantly, never needing to worry about anything ever again.

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