Capturing Goddesses

by Shilton_Lineker

Tags: #dom:male #f/f #literary_anthropology #mature #multiple_partners #sub:female

Intrigued by tantalizing ancient legends, a scientist painstakingly discovers a secret recipe: women under the influence, when aroused, become more suggestible

Author’s Note: The "f/f" content is definitely sexual and is definitely present, but it's relatively light and the male gaze is primary. Similarly "multiple partners" is true but not really what is usually called out here.

Yes, I know that “Melissa” and “Deborah” weren’t high on the list of baby girl names in 2000 – but I couldn’t resist, as they both originally meant the same thing. “Melissa” is “bumblebee” in Greek, and “Deborah” is “bumblebee” in Hebrew. When I learned that, I knew I had to set up a situation like this one…

2024 – A couple of weeks ago

Deborah Sanders was sitting down to a late dinner, still wearing the blouse and skirt she’d worn to work. She was an attractive young woman, with long hair neither medium brown nor red but kind of both, and a pretty face dominated by a strong nose. Deborah wasn’t tall, and was youthfully slender, but had an impressive bustline that she had to keep tightly reined in with a supporting bra in order to maintain professional standards at work. But she still got stared at more than she’d like.

The door chime sounded, and Deborah’s roommate, Melissa Costas, pranced across the living room to answer it. In contrast to the short, dark, curvy Deborah, Melissa was tall, sandy blonde, and slender. This evening she was dressed to impress in a wine-red dress that fell surprisingly low for a date – all the way to her lithe knees, nearly meeting her high black boots. The dress was still sexy, though, as the velvety fabric clung tightly to every youthful curve.

Melissa opened the door to reveal her date. He was fairly new – this was only their second or third time going out, as far as Deborah knew. And though he wasn’t necessarily bad-looking, he wasn’t Deborah’s type. Hair longer than fashionable, and taken up at the back in what was more a samurai queue than a man-bun, and he obviously compensated for a nondescript face with a workout-toned body. On a second look, he appeared even older than Deborah had first thought – judicious hair coloring couldn’t entirely hide his grey. Nor moisturizer his crow’s feet. He was clearly too old for the Millennial Melissa, but she didn’t seem bothered as she leaned in to greet her man with a kiss.

As Melissa and her beau left the apartment, Deborah reflected that her own night was unlikely to lead to the same kind of romance. She was going to go to the movies with a friend of a co-worker, and from experience was expecting yet another bland STEM graduate with no real game.

Followed by another night alone.

Dammit. She was unusually horny this evening, too.

Sighing, Deborah drained the rest of her tall glass of water and refilled it from the communal pitcher in the refrigerator before glumly returning her attention to her Caesar salad.


In the kitchen of the apartment they shared, Jack Torrance and Gina Campagnaro were sitting down to dinner after coming home from the UC Irvine campus where both were grad students. Jack was a biochemist, and he constantly felt that he was lucky to be with Gina, who not only was beautiful, but was already a rising star in the small world of literary anthropology.

Jack had made a fresh salad, while Gina, who had no interest in cooking, had brought home a rotisserie chicken from the supermarket deli. Gina didn’t have much interest in anything outside her studies, Jack reflected. Sometimes he wondered how much interest she really had in him.

The couple communicated, after a fashion. At least, Jack tried some gambits about his day and current events, but Gina only responded with monosyllables until he asked her about how her research was going. That was the only time that Gina blossomed.

Gina was making slow but steady progress in proving her graduate thesis. Her research was about a strange connection between cultures from around the world who have strangely similar mythology despite never contacting each other. Gina was establishing conclusively that the tribal cultures had no cultural or linguistic connections – they can’t have been communicating.

Gina wasn’t that interested in the mythological stories themselves. She was more an anthropologist than a literature critic.

But the stories were all that was interesting to Jack, who had always had a life outside of biochemistry. The story about a young trickster who seduces the goddess of love by fondling her breasts, so different in poetic form across cultures, so similar in details. The tales of gods who sow their wild oats, mortal women becoming unbearably horny upon just seeing them, and then becoming suggestible and obedient – even submissive at the feet of the gods - when aroused.

Gina’s stories were uncannily similar whether they came from Madagascar, Patagonia, Hispaniola, Sardinia, or Hokkaido. But she had found no linguistic connection, no trade relationships, no explanation at all. Gina didn’t need an explanation to defend her thesis, though, so she spared little thought for the matter.

Jack couldn’t help it, though. Every time Gina had related one of these stories to him, Jack had always wondered if they were a metaphor. If they were just-so stories explaining why the women in the tribes were easily seduced and sexually submissive.

On his own, on a lark, Jack was doing some extracurricular reading to see if there were any environmental connections between the areas. Jack was attending a prestigious school with an excellent library, after all. But even in the capacious stacks at UC Irvine, Jack found nothing obvious.

No correlations genetically between the populations. Weather patterns, volcanoes, ocean currents - nothing obvious. The cultures had nothing in common other than that they were all coastal tribes in areas where farming was marginal so they depended on fishing for survival. But there was nothing unique there, there were cultures like that all over the world.

Jack had stopped telling Gina about his extracurricular reading. She didn’t care.

2024 – Earlier this week

Deborah couldn’t sleep. Her long, dark hair was damp with sweat, and her sheets and pillowcase were clammy. She was desperately horny. She’d been getting spontaneously aroused all week, nipples getting hard on their own, vagina getting moist just sitting at her desk at work.

Deborah had been resorting to fingering herself in order to fall asleep for a few days now. Tonight would be even worse as she could hear her roommate Melissa through the walls of their shared apartment.

Melissa had brought her new boyfriend home and Deborah’s besotted roommate was still at the “can’t keep her hands off him” phase. The older man was playing it cool – although Deborah felt that Melissa was out of the guy’s league, he seemed to be taking her attention as no more than his due.

Melissa and her date had barely exchanged a couple of hasty greetings with Deborah before the infatuated young woman practically dragged her man to her bedroom.

Right now the guy was really giving Melissa the business. For minutes at a time, the apartment was quiet other than the quiet squeaking of bedsprings and barely audible feminine moans, just at the edge of Deborah’s hearing. Then, just when Deborah felt she could start to relax she was startled alert by squeals of “OH GOD! JACK!” and wordless ecstatic whimpers.

Deborah couldn’t believe that she was about to masturbate while listening to her roommate’s sex noises, but she found herself slipping out of her blue-and-white bra without really planning to. She was so incredibly horny. Her vagina was already damp and her nipples were stiffening.

As the squeaking started up again in earnest, Deborah brought her hands to her large, soft, round breasts and cupped them, squeezing them together. Her small nipples were already hard and she ran one fingertip around and around one large, chocolate-dark areola. Almost unconsciously, the other hand was already slipping under the waistband of her panties, which matched the discarded bra. Except for the moist spot the size of a coin on the gusset.

“Aaaaah! Jack! Right there!” came a squeal from Melissa’s room. Deborah closed her eyes and pinched her nipple, lifting and stretching the little bud, causing pleasure to shoot down her spine. Deborah’s curvy body began to undulate in time with her strokes along her own slick pussy lips.

“Oh! Oh! Jack! Uh! Oh! Uh!” Melissa grunted softly in time with the squeaking, right at the edge of Deborah’s hearing. Deborah twined the ends of her long, dark hair around the fingers of her free hand as she continued to writhe, the hand in her panties working its magic on her slippery slit.

“Oh! Take me, Jack! Ohhh, harder!” Melissa’s cries were an octave higher now. Deborah took her hand out of her panties, squeezed her jiggling breast, and took two fingers into her mouth to suck on them. She could taste her juices on her fingers, and it wasn’t a bad taste.

A thought entered Deborah’s mind, unbidden – how would Jack’s cock taste? What about when he came in her mouth? How would that taste?

Writhing with lust, Deborah grabbed the waistband of her striped panties and began peeling them down her slender hips. Rolling to either side, she slipped them over each supple buttock in turn. Lifting her feet into the air, Deborah slid the moist panties off over them and tossed them absently onto the floor.

Melissa’s voice came through the walls to Deborah again, “Oh God, Jack! So big!”

Opening her own legs wide, Deborah began stroking her glistening slit with two probing fingers, parting her vulva with her other hand. Then, looking down her body between her softly jiggling breasts, Deborah continued to work her pussy with one hand while bringing the other back up to tease and squeeze a sensitive nipple. Deborah could feel her breath coming faster now as she pleasured herself.

Even as Deborah squirmed with delight, she heard the bedsprings in Melissa’s room get louder and her roommate chant “Please, Jack! Fuck me harder!” In response, Deborah began to finger her boiling pussy more vigorously, making sure to stay close to her throbbing clitoris.

Deborah heard echoes of soft cries of feminine pleasure and realized they were coming from herself as well as from Melissa’s bedroom. She arched her back in undulating waves as her fingers continued to work their magic on her surging clittie. Deborah was moaning and sighing constantly now as she began to peak.

Deborah’s sounds were suddenly drowned out by a shriek from Melissa - “Oh! Jack! Come inside me! Make me yours!” Which was immediately followed by a deep, bullish masculine growl from Jack. And the bedsprings suddenly went silent.

Filled with an obsessive need to join the rutting couple in orgasm, Deborah impaled herself deeply on two fingers and raised her hips to thrust her pussy harder against her hand. In just a few more seconds of roughly driving her invading fingers deep into herself, curling them to seek her g-spot, Deborah had worked herself to a trembling climax.

Deborah squealed as a wracking orgasm rippled completely through her curvy form.

As the quivering and shaking of her body began to slow and her breathing began to return to normal, Deborah stretched her hands above her head and wriggled with contentment.

It had been a wonderful climax, and maybe Deborah could sleep now. But somehow it just wasn’t enough - she wasn’t quite satisfied. Where had all this sex drive come from?

Deborah was suddenly jealous of her roommate. It certainly seemed that Melissa’s libido was being satisfied by her new lover, Jack. Deborah needed to feel that too.

Sweaty and flushed, Deborah reached a trembling hand for the hydroflask on her bedstand and took a long, refreshing drink of cool, clear water.


Although he was only wearing a t-shirt and shorts under a chef’s apron, Jack Torrance was sweating. The last rays of a late-summer sunset streamed in the kitchen window, and the hot air was still. But the air was being made even hotter by the half-dozen steaming pots – open, closed, pressure-cookers, all varieties.

Jack’s bachelor pad was an enigma. The furnishings were spartan, decoration minimal – but the kitchen was anything but. Some parts of the kitchen – the refrigerator, freezer, and cooktop - were cutting-edge, in contrast to the ancient original equipment like the sink, dishwasher, and microwave. The frying pan lying forlornly in the sink had seen better days, but every deep pot, whether iron, stainless, ceramic, or copper, was professional-grade, along with a handful of very expensive pressure cookers.

Although Jack had painstakingly studied and practiced a number of cooking techniques, he wasn’t a chef. And he had very specific culinary instances. All for a single purpose.

When following up on his ex-girlfriend Gina’s linguistic research, Jack had made a discovery.

By overlaying multiple maps, Jack realized that the tribes his ex-girlfriend Gina had studied all are located in areas where there are unusually closely related species of octopus.

Jack knew that very few tribes at that level of technology depend on octopus for food, as it is hard to harvest and cook – not a good investment of a gathering culture’s time. But these particular tribes were surviving so marginally they have no alternative. And they can't afford to leave any edible part of the octopus, so they all cook the meat by boiling them for an unusually long time, in order to break down even the suckers to where they can be digested.

Jack had had an inspiration – what if there's something let out by the cooking process that is unique to these tribes? Something that even other tribes that consumed the same or similar octopus species never encountered?

So Jack had begun pursuing it as a hobby. A combination of nutritional anthropology and home economics. Trying to simulate as closely as possible what unique variation these tribes might have tried in the cooking process that had the side effect of adding unique chemicals to everyone’s diet.

Fortunately, Jack didn’t mind the taste of octopus. His failed experiments could be repurposed as lunch.


The laboratory was lit only by the green readouts and red lights of the equipment, and a single lamp at one desk. Jack Torrance sat at the desk, starting his second workday. After wrapping up his day job, Jack habitually worked late into the evening, in order to use the equipment for his own purposes.

For a couple of years now, Jack had spent most of his spare beer money having fresh octopus flown in from as close as possible to the tribes his ex-girlfriend had studied. Then he butchered and cooked them in all permutations of technique, time, and temperature, carefully recording the exact parameters of each attempt. Afterward, as now, he used his company’s equipment – instruments he could never afford on his own – to analyze the results.

One failed experiment after another. But Jack wasn’t discouraged. Every experiment was more data. Another box checked off.

But Jack had time. He’d only just started, after all.

2024 – Earlier this year

Older and wiser, Jack Torrance sat in the same familiar lab, at the same desk that he had held down for two decades. But tonight, Jack felt something he had never felt before.

It had been a rerun of Iron Chef America the year before that had given Jack the final breakthrough. A pre-modern tribe would nned a long, slow braise to make full use of the octopus. Watching Morimoto, Jack had a new realization – something he, not being a professional chef, had missed entirely. For the tentacles to cook evenly with the uneven heat provided by wood embers, tribespeople would need to tie the tentacles into a bundle, and they would likely have to use cord woven from tree bark. The tannins in the bark would be a catalyst!

With that realization, Jack’s had shelved his previous results and started again – focusing on the most encouraging former failures - with a new outlook. Almost instantly, his cooking experiments had started to show more promising results.

Jack had spent a few months honing his technique and tweaking the variables of time and ingredients. The addition of bark to the mix made a massive difference to the whole cooking process. And made a difference to the result – Jack no longer ate the failed experiments without loads of wasabi. You’d have to be living on the edge of starvation to eat this stuff comfortably every day.

But tonight, it was all clear. The equipment finally concurred. Jack had done it.

After long years of trying – and the variation he had so recently found - Jack had isolated a couple of substances quite surprisingly similar to synthetic versions of female hormones, with a key difference. The chemical receptors in Jack’s synthetics were subtly different from the natural versions manufactured inside womens’ bodies. They would act differently, the geometry implying that one hormone-like substance would concentrate in the brain, and the other in mucous membranes and erogenous zones.

Jack had, in beakers on his desk, a subtle but powerful female aphrodisiac, and a chemical that would bypass a woman’s mental defenses, making her extremely suggestible when she was sexually aroused.

Jack now knew exactly how men of ancient times could capture goddesses.

2024 – A couple of hours ago

Though the late-morning sun was pouring in through the kitchen windows, Deborah was cranky. She’d had sex dreams all night, many of them featuring the couple sleeping together in Melissa’s room. Deborah had always considered her sex drive to be healthy, but right now it was something else.

Even now Deborah was thinking about it more than she was thinking about the brunch she was putting together on the counter. Her outfit didn’t help. She had thrown on a pink button-up jersey top and shorts but no underwear.

In addition to the muffins and fruit, Deborah had the communal water pitcher on the counter. Sighing, she took a long drink of water from a tall glass.

Quietly, Melissa stepped out of her room – which she had shared with Jack the night before - wearing a t-shirt with “Just Stab Me Now” in gothic text across her bustline. And nothing else. The man-sized shirt came only down to Melissa’s upper thighs, barely covering her likely bare pussy – which she had also shared with Jack the night before.

The smiling Melissa looked like the definition of a woman whose man had satisfied her.

Not without a touch of yearning for what Melissa seemed to have found, Deborah turned back to the juicer and reached for a banana. So Deborah was completely surprised when Melissa sidled up behind her and without preamble reached around to delicately cup Deborah’s large breasts.

Deborah was shocked by the suddenness, but she didn’t remove Melissa’s cunning hands. Melissa’s fingers were gentle and knowing, not rough or possessive like her boyfriends usually were. And the touch felt surprisingly good.

Deborah reacted with a startled gasp. But her nipples betrayed her, springing to life under Melissa’s clever fingers. “Mmm,” Melissa breathed into Deborah’s ear. “Jack told me you’d be just about ready.”

Deborah looked back over her shoulder to meet Melissa’s knowing eyes. “You… I… You can’t…” Deborah started hesitantly.

“Ssh, honey,” Melissa cooed. “I’ve always thought your breasts were beautiful. Jack likes them even more than mine. And they’re so responsive right now, aren’t they? I can feel your pretty little nipples getting hard. You must be just sooooo horny.” And Melissa gently stroked those stiffening nipples, drawing a sigh from Deborah.

“Stop,” Deborah murmured. But she didn’t try to move away and in fact felt herself pressing her breasts into Melissa’s caresses.

“You don’t want me to stop,” Melissa murmured. “A woman’s breasts are the key to her soul, and you are enjoying this too much.” With that, Melissa continued to skillfully cup and caress Deborah’s sensitive mounds, making sure to pay special attention to brush across Deborah’s beestung nipples.

Deborah realized that she didn’t want Melissa to stop. So Deborah didn’t resist when Melissa turned her around. The roommates were now face to face.

Melissa took her hands away from the dazed Deborah’s breasts, but for only long enough to unbutton Deborah’s jersey top, letting her bare breasts spring free for Melissa to caress flesh to flesh.

“I’m… Not attracted… To women,” Deborah managed to stammer. Although her hips were now starting to twitch as a flush of arousal worked its way down from her tender, stiffened nipples to her recently neglected pussy.

“Hush,” Melissa said. “Neither am I. Jake’s my whole life, and he’ll be yours soon too.” And Melissa leaned in towards the surprisingly compliant Deborah, skilled fingers still working their magic on the shorter woman’s large, soft, round breasts. Deborah couldn’t help letting out a puff of breath as Melissa focused on tracing her puffy areolae with delicate fingertips.

“But right now he wants me to get you all worked up. For him,” Melissa whispered.

“What?” Deborah asked into Melissa’s fragrant mouth, startled.

“Just listen,” Melissa said quietly, sweet breath mingling with Deborah’s. “You can’t help it, darling. You’re so horny right now you can’t think straight. And your pussy is getting hot. Just like Jack wants you to be. You need a man.”

And Melissa bent for a closer look at Deborah’s heaving breasts. “They’re really sexy, baby. I see why Jack likes them so much.” Melissa softly kissed one of Deborah’s throbbing nipples, then the other, drawing a whimper of arousal from the enraptured Deborah.

Deborah wanted to make Melissa stop. But she was surprised to realize that she liked the caresses too much. She’d needed sex desperately all week, and this kind of attention was what her body had been waiting for. Her breasts were on fire and her pussy was now throbbing with need.

Melissa looked Deborah straight in her astonished eyes again, fingers still brushing Deborah’s sensitive titflesh. “Hormones, baby,” Melissa whispered. “In the water we both drink. Jack used them to get in my panties. You know I’ve always been a bit slutty so it was easy for Jack to get his big dick into me. Now I’ll do anything for him.”

“Then Jack had me start putting the hormones in our water pitcher. So now they’re building up in you too. Pretty soon you’ll be a slut for Jack too,” Melissa continued, her right hand sliding down Deborah’s bare belly to the waistband of her Daisy Dukes. “And you can let your pussy do all the thinking for you…” And Melissa reached between Deborah’s wriggling thighs and gently rubbed her roommate’s pussy through her shorts.

“Oh… No. No. Ohhhhhh,” Deborah intoned as her hips bucked involuntarily into Melissa’s caressing hand. Deborah frantically grabbed Melissa’s wrist, but it wasn’t clear if she wanted to take Melissa’s caressing hand away or to hold it there.

Melissa leaned in until their breaths were again mingled, then murmured into Deborah’s pliant mouth. “Oh, yes,” Melissa said sensually, soft lips almost brushing Deborah’s. “You’re ready for him. You want his big dick inside you, don’t you?”

Deborah couldn’t think. Melissa was right. She needed sex. Deborah had needed sex all week but right now, with amazing pleasure spreading out from her sensitive breasts and collecting in her throbbing pussy, now she couldn’t live without getting some sex – and soon. Melissa had said that Deborah’s pussy needed a man, and it did! Deborah was dripping into her jeans shorts.

Melissa undid the button holding Deborah’s shorts together and slipped a hand inside until Deborah felt knowing fingers stroking her slick pussy lips. “You’re so wet,” Melissa said. “You’re ready to be fucked, aren’t you?” As Melissa’s talented fingers played over her aroused clitty and labia, Deborah could only whimper assent.

Pulling her hand out of Deborah’s shorts, Melissa looked Deborah straight in the eye and licked the fragrant pussy juices off her fingers. “Mmm,” Melissa murmured. “You’re ready for Jack to fuck you silly now, aren’t you? Come with me, darling.”

And Melissa reached down to take Deborah by the hand and led her compliant roommate back to Melissa’s own bedroom. And to the waiting Jack, who was about to become Deborah’s new master.

2024 – A few weeks ago

Jack Torrance considered his life. Two decades pursuing a fairy tale – less than an obsession but more than a hobby. Committing all his extra time and income to The Project. Casual sex, but never marrying because real women can’t compare to goddesses.

Now Jack had reached the finish line – he was forced to admit that the chase was over. On the desk before him were two graduated cylinders filled with clear liquid.

Years and years of isolating candidate substances and doing chemical breakdowns. Of co-opting ambitious young college students to slip trials on mice in with their thesis animal experiments. Of analyzing metabolic pathways and theorizing how they hypothetically worked.

In the tribes his ex, Gina, had studied, over the years, low levels of the two chemicals would build up in the tribespeople. It would be largely ineffective on the men, but the women would become more suggestible and more sexually receptive over time. Hornier. And sexual contact would reinforce both the suggestibility and receptivity. Among the women, that is.

And Jack had both chemicals, in concentrated form, in laboratory flasks on the desk in front of him.

Therein lay Jack’s problem. Experiments with generations of mice were clear. It would take a human years – probably from childhood – to accumulate sufficient concentration in a woman’s tissues to affect her cognition and libido. If their intake of the hormones was from natural sources, at least.

After all this time, Jack didn’t have decades to see his work to fruition. He was already pushing 50.

Jack was pretty confident how the hormones would affect someone if injected. However, he hadn’t become as familiar with the biochemistry of digestion as he was of hormone uptake. So if the subject was to eat or drink the hormones, he’d have to make an informed guess… Decisively, Jack decanted a generous amount from both flasks into a small bottle, which he tucked away in his jeans pocket. Time to see what was out there.

Two hours later, Jack had completed his daily workout and dropped in at a bar down the street that was popular with young people after work, including those who had also been working out.

At the end of the bar, Jack saw a familiar face – one he clearly remembered having seen around – at the beach, at the gym. In fact, he had seen her leaving the gym at about the same time he had entered today. The young woman was worth remembering. She was tall, even seated, with sandy blonde hair just past her shoulders and a uniquely striking long-but-pretty face. Her tallish figure was slender and fit. She had prominent, but not overly large, firm breasts that were not very well hidden by a clingy grey t-shirt over a sports bra. And her long legs were shown off to perfection by a mid-thigh length skirt.

She was sitting alone, for some reason – what were the dudes in this place thinking?

Jack sidled up to the middle of the bar, and bought two vodka seltzers. Looking around, he slipped the entire contents of his hideout bottle into one of the tall, clear highball glasses. Taking a deep breath, Jack realized that he was committed now. But weirdly, Jack felt no fear. In a sense, he’d been rehearsing for this moment for twenty years.

Decisively, Jack picked up the drinks and crossed over to where the hot dark-blonde chick was seated.

“Vodka seltzer? Really refreshing after a workout,” Jack opened, indicating the drinks with one open hand. The younger woman turned and sized him up. Jack could see the thoughts crossing the blonde’s face as she evaluated him. His hair was still dark and full, and he fancied that he was still convincingly bringing off a ponytail. And Jack would put his gym-trained body against most men half his age. Jack was pleased to see that the sexy millennial woman was making the same appraisal.

“I’m Jack,” he said, making sure to hand the blonde the drink with the hormones as he slipped onto the stool next to her.

“Melissa,” the younger woman answered as she took it, her soprano voice neither encouraging or discouraging. Yet.

Jack turned on the charm – he just needed to keep Melissa interested until the massive dose of hormones hit. It seemed like hours but could only have been a few minutes before Jack’s hyper-focused attention noticed some positive signs. Melissa was beginning to squirm on her barstool, and her big cornflower blue eyes were dilating and darting around, unable to keep still.

“Hmm. There’s lots of people looking for seats at the bar – want to get a booth?” prompted Jack.

Melissa raised her eyebrows but dutifully got up off her barstool, finished off the last dregs of her hormone-laced drink, and asked the bartender for another. As Jack paid, Melissa led the way to an open booth near the corner of the room, out of the way.

Five minutes later, Melissa and Jack were frantically making out, breaking only for a breathless Melissa to catch her breath and murmur endearments. Jack’s hands were pressed between the couple’s bodies, squeezing Melissa’s firm medium-sized breasts through her t-shirt and bra. When she separated to speak, Jack used the freedom to explore the silky mounds and map the contours of Melissa’s stiff, upstanding nipples and crinkled areolae.

Jack also took every opportunity to compliment Melissa on her beauty, sexuality, and responsiveness – being particularly careful to use both their names repeatedly. Jack was surprised and pleased at how well Melissa took his comments, and especially by how her pupils-dilated arousal was allowing his words to fly past any defenses she might have had previously.

Fifteen minutes later, Jack reluctantly pried his hands away from Melissa’s heaving boobs. He’d had both hands on Melissa’s delicious mounds since essentially the first moments the couple had sat in the booth. Now he reluctantly let Melissa go – but only for long enough to call an Uber. Jack couldn’t wait any longer, he had to get Melissa home. Right. Now.

Jack spent the duration of the short Uber ride back to his apartment staring into Melissa’s guileless cornflower blue eyes, which were wide and overwhelmed with passion. Melissa’s sleek legs were crossed at the knee and Jack’s searching hand was underneath her skirt and between her smooth thighs. Jack’s fingertips even traced the puffy lips of Melissa’s twitching pussy through the soaked fabric of her thin panties.

Ten more minutes on, and Jack was seated on his living room couch with the panting Melissa astride his lap. Her tight gray t-shirt was draped over the back of the couch and her skirt lay in a discarded heap on the carpet.

Jack’s hands were back on Melissa’s wonderful boobs, fingers separated from the silky flesh only by her thin, stretchy sports bra. Melissa was now looking down at Jack adoringly, overwhelmed by pleasure. Despite having learned his name less than an hour ago, Melissa was ceaselessly moaning “Oh, Jack.”

Ten minutes later, Melissa was lying naked and panting on Jack’s bed. Jack had just triumphantly removed Melissa’s soaking panties, which now lay in a crumpled ball of honey on top of the covers. Melissa’s dark-furred bush – two shades darker than the dirty blonde waves flowing over Jack’s pillow – was fully exposed as Melissa met Jack’s eyes and spread her legs.

After an hour of tenting his pants while fondling Melissa’s splendid breasts, Jack knew that he wasn’t going to last long. But soon enough Melissa wasn’t going to even think about wanting to leave. Jack reached for his belt, and soon he was as naked as the writhing younger woman.

Within a minute, Melissa was moaning “Oh, yeah….. Jack…..” as Jack’s firm erection penetrated her steaming vulva. Melissa’s mouth opened helplessly as he easily slid in all the way, obviously filled just a bit more than she had been expecting.

“Oh, Jack…. Take me!” Melissa cried as Jack began to plunge deep into her beautiful body again and again. Melissa cried out with every hard thrust, wordless nothings interspersed with Jack’s name. After only two or three minutes of frantic fucking, Melissa’s long, upraised legs clamped around Jack’s thrusting buttocks and she began squirming helplessly and her squeals became incoherent sounds of pure pleasure.

As Melissa’s hot pussy began convulsing around Jack’s thrusting member and flooding it with sex oils, the sensations were too much for him. The sexy sounds Melissa was making, the sight of her beautiful body underneath him shaking and trembling with her release, her soft pussy muscles clenching around his overstimulated cock – it was too much. The weeks of backed-up sperm that Jack had been trying to hold back began to spurt deep into Melissa’s writhing body in thick jets.

When the glorious spasms were over, Jack collapsed next to Melissa, arm thrown loosely over her shoulder. Melissa looked back at him almost worshipfully. The hormones had been everything he had imagined. Most women were dazed and confused after such a powerful orgasm, which Melissa definitely was, but Jack imagined that he saw even more than just that going on behind Melissa’s guileless eyes.

First things first. Jack began to whisper to the pleasure-fogged Melissa - about their relationship. When Jack cheekily pushed the boundaries and used the word “slut,” Melissa just sighed but – a pleasant surprise - didn’t object. Foreheads together, Jack watched Melissa drift off into a contented slumber. No need to rush the pleasure-drugged Melissa, Jack thought. He had plenty of time, and even the inspiration of Melissa’s amazing body wouldn’t rush his recovery time.

After a while, Jack followed Melissa into a lazy half-drowse.

When Melissa came awake, Jack was already alert and watching her. The couple were bathed in a shaft of fading orange sunlight from the low bedroom window. “Ready for more, sleepy-head?” Jack asked. Melissa’s eyes widened, accompanied by a sharp intake of breath. Melissa didn’t reply, but Jack saw her pupils dilate and felt her breath quicken.

Recognizing the invitation, Jack leaned in and began kissing the receptive Melissa. Jack’s mouth carefully explored the smooth column of her throat, her sensitive earlobe, and especially her inviting lips and darting tongue.

Jack slipped his hand down Melissa’s smooth back to eagerly squeeze the toned lobe of her buttock. He used the leverage to urge her closer, until Melissa’s groin was pressed to his, her damp bush brushing his softened penis. As their tongues dueled and caressed, Melissa began to tremble with renewed arousal – causing Jack’s penis to begin to awaken as well. Their breathing quickened.

Pressed against Melissa’s hot, squirming body, Jack’s erection was soon back to full hardness. And Melissa’s hips were wriggling, suggesting that her clitty, pressed against his firm shaft, was just as stiff. Melissa’s mouth also was now frantically caressing Jack’s lips and tongue.

Breaking the kiss, Jack used the hand fondling Melissa’s tight buttock to give her a sharp spank on the backside. “Oh!” the smitten younger women exclaimed. Jack’s predatory smile widened.

“Hands and knees, darling,” Jack ordered. “I want to watch your sexy butt this time.”

Melissa’s eyebrows raised, but she instantly complied and scrambled to all fours until her sweet ass was poking up in the air, her firm breasts hanging down sexily, and she looked at Jack over her shoulder with a come-hither look on her flushed face. As Jack raised himself to kneel behind her, Melissa wiggled her shapely butt in open invitation.

Melissa was no novice at this – her knees were already apart to expose her pretty pussy. Jack dragged his swollen cockhead through Melissa’s sloppy slit, which was still lubricated with their mingled sexual fluids, a number of times. “Ooh. Don’t tease me, Jack,” Melissa whined softly.

Despite how eager Melissa was, when Jack pressed forward and his cockhead burrowed deep into her channel, she let out a sharp intake of breath and arched her back. As Jack’s pelvis slapped against Melissa’s flawless ass, she confirmed that she was only feeling pleasure, not pain… “Mmmmmmm. That feels so good,” Melissa intoned.

When Jack had bottomed out, he realized that he really had captured a goddess.

Although frictionlessly slick from their combined sex juices, Melissa’s inner muscles grasped and held his cock, massaging it almost as skillfully as her hand would have. And although her cunt was still youthfully tight, it was infinitely receptive, taking him easily all the way to the root.

Suddenly Melissa shook with a full-body shiver. “Oh God, Jack – so good this way!” she exclaimed. And as Jack began to thrust into Melissa, not just deeper from this angle but faster due to the slickness of her channel, that was the last coherent sentence Melissa was going to be able to manage.

In and out. In and out. Again and again and again and again. Overcome with pleasure, Melissa could no longer speak, but couldn’t stay silent. Gasps and moans, sighs and coos, all were sweeter than music to Jack’s lustful ears. With an outburst of “Oh my God!” the shuddering Melissa collapsed forward onto her elbows and began slapping the bedcovers with her hands as the new angle brought Jack’s thrusting penis into even closer contact with her most sensitive spots.

Overcome, Melissa let out a string of Oh’s and shuddered her way into a heaving, panting climax, weight on her elbows, ass fully raised. Jack couldn’t tell if Melissa had added to the wetness of her channel by squirting, but he didn’t stop fucking her. After taking the edge off earlier, Jack knew he’d last longer. Was Melissa truly one of the lucky women capable of multiple orgasms?

Almost immediately, Jack had his answer and it was emphatic. A dozen or so more deep strokes, and Melissa let out three straight high-pitched whines as another orgasm tore through her squirming body. As Jack felt Melissa’s channel spasm around his cock, he held his penis fully inside her and just watched the ripples of ecstasy flow outward from Melissa’s pussy all the way to her fingertips.

When the quivering aftershocks were over, Melissa collapsed prone on the bedcovers, Jack’s still-rampant cock slipping out of her greased vagina with barely a pop.

Not finished with Melissa yet, Jack moved forward until he was hovering directly above Melissa in pushup position, stiff cock directly above her tight ass. But, of course, Jack had no intention to take Melissa anally, he just wanted a better angle. More vertically than horizontally, Jack slipped his shaft between the tops of Melissa’s pressed-together thighs and poked the head between her slickened labia.

Then, in one long, pleasurable thrust, Jack raked his cockhead right along the exquisitely sensitive front wall of Melissa’s pussy, triggering the inflamed back of her clitoris and g-spot along the way. “Ohh,” Melissa moaned as her pussy opened easily for her lover, then “Ohh… My… God…” when Jack’s cock was as far inside as it would go.

Melissa repeated the outburst when Jack slowly pulled back and repeated the deep thrust, only her voice went up a register on “God!” and she slapped the covers again with both hands.

“So. Much. Bigger. Thisway,” Melissa panted. Jack felt it too – Melissa’s lubricated inner muscles were gripping him even tighter than before.

So Jack just continued to pull back slowly and thrust back in deeply. This fuck was about power, not speed. Jack figured that Melissa’s hard nipples and stiff clit would be rubbing against the covers, stimulating her externally just as his cock was finding new places to stimulate her internally.

In and out. In and out. Slow and sure. Gradually, Melissa’s pleased moans of “Mmm. Mmm. Mmm,” became high-pitched cries of “Ah. Ah. Ah,” then “Yes, yes, yes,” all in time with Jack’s deep penetrating thrusts.

Suddenly Melissa slapped the covers again and let out a loud, inarticulate squeal. Jack could feel Melissa’s tight butt shudder against his pelvis. Abruptly, Jack’s cock was bathed in Melissa’s hot sex oils and her vaginal muscles contracted around him, squeezing his shaft in a delightful vice grip.

But it wasn’t until Melissa turned her face back towards Jack, flushed, amazed, and ecstatic, that Jack lost control and began to squirt powerful streams of semen into the deepest parts of Melissa’s pussy.

Jack was suddenly also shuddering with the pleasure of his climax, and when the spasms were over, he sank down until his body was covering Melissa’s. Jack’s cock was slowly beginning to soften. But despite the amazing pleasure and growing lassitude, Jack knew there was business left to do before the couple fell intertwined into an exhausted slumber.

Groaning under his breath, Jack rolled off the dazed, conquered, and pleasure-melted Melissa’s prone, unmoving form.

Now the final touch. Jack reached up onto the bedstand and retrieved the syringe and jar of topical anesthetic cream he had stashed there. Reaching over Melissa’s lovely but recumbent body, Jack carefully used the cream to deaden a patch of skin on Melissa’s smooth, tight buttock.

Then – even more carefully – Jack poked Melissa’s smooth buttock with the syringe, and administered the unsuspecting Melissa another strong dose of hormones.

“Ooh! Cheeky!” Melissa giggled sleepily and reached back to rub the site. Jack smiled – the drowsy younger woman must have thought he’d pinched that very tempting target. She’d never know he hadn’t.

Job finally done, Jack collapsed into slumber, one arm possessively thrown across his beautiful young conquest.

When Jack startled awake, a streak of morning sunshine was lighting the floor of Jack’s bedroom. In the night – with the sleeping Melissa taking up her half of the bed - he had rolled onto his back. Looking up, Jack realized he might have miscalculated the dosage.

Still naked, Melissa was astride Jack’s supine body, her tight butt resting on his pelvis just below his navel. Eyes dilated and an adoring look on her beautiful young face, Melissa leaned forward to offer her splendid boobs to Jack - bare, firm, and full large handfuls. But not so large that they sagged or wobbled. She was magnificent.

As Jack had predicted (and, frankly, hoped), the pleasure that the hormone-addled Melissa was feeling was having the expected effect on her brain. Practically as soon as Melissa had grabbed Jack’s hands and put them back on her splendid breasts, she was guilelessly answering every question Jack could ask about her work and home life, and readily agreed with Jack’s suggestions about how things were going to be. Jack could feel warm droplets of girl juice drip onto his belly as his hands continued to work Melissa’s sensitive titflesh.

It had been almost too easy. Seems that Melissa had been a slut all along, she just needed a little direction.

Soon the panting Melissa couldn’t help herself and raised her firm butt off of Jack’s prone body, but only in order to shift so that she could sink her soaked pussy down on Jack’s erect penis, which slipped easily back into her hot, moist depths.

In less than a minute, Melissa was writhing in ecstasy and squealing Jack’s name. After watching the delirious Melissa’s sleek, sweaty body wriggle through three more exquisite, shuddering climaxes – each no more than a minute apart - Jack couldn’t hold out any longer. Melissa’s pussy just felt so good around his cock. Jack couldn’t help filling Melissa’s spasming pussy with a dozen hot streams of his morning semen.

After a distracting, longer-than-planned shower, Jack prepared to send Melissa home. He figured that her sexual fog would keep the new mental pathways that had just been established open long enough for a few suggestions – so he gave Melissa a second bottle of hormone solution for the communal water pitcher at her apartment. Just as importantly, he made sure she had his number so that they could have a second date tonight – and so that he could give her some sexual reinforcement afterward.

Jack was on Cloud Nine. Even more than physical satisfaction, Jack was feeling a tremendous ego boost. Melissa’s incredible sexual eagerness, and the worshipful look in her trusting eyes afterward combined to fill Jack with an unreasonably powerful sense of confidence. Now he knew why the men in the myths had felt like heroes after capturing a goddess.

And if Jack had his estimates right, Melissa would be completely reconditioned in a week or two and shouldn’t even need the hormones anymore. But by then they’d be building up in the body of the cute roommate Melissa had told him all about in great detail. Deborah.

2024 – A couple of hours ago

When Deborah and Melissa entered Melissa’s bedroom, Jack was sitting on the edge of the bed, still naked from the earlier bout of sex with Melissa.

Melissa smoothly slid a step behind Deborah, urging the shorter woman forward with hands on her shoulders. When Deborah stopped two steps from Jack, Melissa gracefully sank to her knees and slipped the still-unbuttoned Daisy Dukes over Deborah’s sleekly curved hips and down her smooth legs. Deborah’s pretty and carefully tended dark chocolate bush and moist pussy were exposed to Jack’s hungry gaze.

Melissa leaned to the side and smiled up at Jack. “This is Deborah,” Melissa said saucily.

Jack’s smile widened. “Your cute roommate,” he said thickly, in a raspy voice. Standing, Jack slipped his hands into Deborah’s open top and took hold of her large, dangling round breasts, much more firmly than Melissa had. “Hello, cute roommate,” Jack said, inclining his head to watch his hands caress Deborah’s tempting womanflesh.

“Don’t touch me,” Deborah said weakly. Then Deborah helplessly let out a moan as her perky nipples sprang back to full pencil-eraser firm attention against Jack’s rough palms. “Ooh… Stop.”

When Jack saw Deborah’s reaction, his confident smile grew. “Your hard little nipples don’t want me to stop,” Jack said assuredly, as he continued to squeeze Deborah’s soft mounds, moving them around on her chest. “In fact, I think you want me to fuck you just like I fucked your roommate.”

“No,” Deborah said weakly, not convincing either Jack or the raptly watching Melissa. Not even convincing herself.

“Yeah, baby,” Jack said soothingly. “You’re full of hormones – listen to your body.” Jack’s fingers roughly teasing Deborah’s nipples brought moans out of the overwhelmed younger woman.

“Don’t...” Deborah blurted, but even Melissa could see Deborah’s hips beginning to writhe. “Oh! Don’t tease me!”

“Oh, you want more, do you?” Jack smirked. And he slid one of the hands that had been teasing Deborah’s bountiful breasts down her flat belly and over her dark, fluffy bush to probe between her silky thighs.

The aggressive caress on her most sensitive parts elicited a gasped “Oh. Yes,” from Deborah, who almost instinctively pressed her moist pussy into Jack’s seeking fingers. Giddy with lust, Deborah eased her thighs open so that Jack had free access to her heated vulva.

“’Yes,’ what?” Jack asked mischievously, fingers playing insistently along Deborah’s rapidly moistening slit.

It took a couple of seconds for Deborah’s overwhelmed brain to figure out what he wanted to hear. “Yes, Jack,” Deborah said quietly, not meeting Jack’s eyes.

Deborah was almost overcome as the smiling Jack continued to play with her most sensitive erogenous zones, stroking her tingling pussy and fondling each of her throbbing breasts in turn. The pleasure was shooting from her burning nipples and aching clitoris straight to her brain, turning her already slow thoughts to mush.

“You’ve been thinking about this all week, haven’t you?”

Jack was right. Deborah had been incredibly horny all week, and all her thoughts the past couple of days had been focused on having a man inside her. And having her sensitive breasts played with for fifteen minutes straight had Deborah totally on edge. Jack’s searching fingers playing with her slick pussy lips and throbbing clitty were rapidly bringing her towards an unexpected orgasm.

It had been too long since Deborah had gotten off on a man’s fingers. She ground her steaming pussy into Jack’s fondling hand…

Then, just as Deborah was about to come, Jack took his hands away from her sensitized breasts and pussy and put them over her shoulders. “Oh, yeah – you’re ready, aren’t you?” Jack breathed as he steered the unresisting Deborah until she was up against the bed. Melissa’s bed, where he had audibly fucked Deborah’s roommate silly the night before.

Deborah’s burning pussy was in full control and she knew what Jack was expecting. Still looking up at Jack, Deborah sat on the bed, then shifted to lay down on her back. Jack was right. She was ready. Deborah spread her legs in invitation.

Jack confidently climbed onto the bed above Deborah, and without further foreplay slid his large, stiff cock into Deborah’s dripping, willing slit. Part of Deborah’s fogged brain thought that – even now - she should somehow resist, but her pussy was sure that right now, she wanted nothing more than for Jack to claim her body.

“Ooh! Fuck me, Jack!” Deborah exclaimed, completely giving in to the sensation.

But then Deborah couldn’t help moaning helplessly when Jack responded by pushing his cock inside her to the root. Jack’s prick wasn’t the biggest Deborah had ever had, but it was nicely big enough to stretch her inner muscles delightfully. She felt her pussy squeezing the invader as Jack pulled back and probed deeply again. Deborah was so horny that just the feeling of being so wonderfully filled sent thrills throughout her body. As Jack started sliding his cock in and out, Deborah felt only bliss, spreading out in a wave of heat from the depths of her pussy.

Deborah raised her head from the covers to look down between her jiggling breasts to where Jack’s dick was spreading her slick vaginal lips. But when she did, Deborah was surprised to see out of the corner of her eye that Melissa was sprawled on the edge of the bed, her fascinated eyes fixed on the rutting couple’s slapping pelvises. When Deborah turned her head towards Melissa she saw that her roommate had one hand under the hem of her t-shirt and Melissa was absently playing with herself.

But Deborah’s pleasure-addled attention couldn’t stay away from the amazingly intense stimulation radiating from her tingling pussy. Jack was really working hard above her now, hips moving like pistons, seeking the deepest parts of Deborah’s vagina with the spongy head of his thrusting cock. “Oh Jack. Oh yes!” Deborah wailed and began to squirm helplessly beneath Jack. Deborah felt her hands clutching at the covers.

“So good…” Deborah moaned as Jack’s thick shaft continued to rub the pleasure spots in her hot, slick channel, paying special attention to the sensitive front wall and her burning g-spot. Her brain was feverish from the toe-curling pleasure of it all. Deborah felt like she might pass out – everything Jack was doing to her felt so good.

Deborah raised her heels and locked them around Jack’s thrusting buttocks. She looked innocently up directly into his intense face, which was lightly glistening with sweat. “Oh yeah, baby,” Jack breathed down at Deborah. Deborah could tell that Jack was pleasantly surprised by her reaction, but the only response she could manage involved inarticulate coos of pleasure.

Soon Deborah was crying “Yes!” in time with Jack’s deep thrusts. Intense pleasure was building up deep inside her – she’d almost forgotten what it was like to feel this good. Deborah could feel her upraised legs begin to shake and her belly and breasts quiver. She was about to come!

Inevitably, Deborah was overcome with waves of ecstasy. “Ah! Aaah! Fuck!” Deborah wailed as her eyes rolled up into her head. Deborah felt herself lose control of her trembling arms and legs as her pussy exploded with a pleasure bomb. Her inner muscles clenched at Jack’s cock as if to hold it deep inside herself. Deborah’s skin burned as a flush spread across her body.

Deborah felt faint, as if her brain was connected directly to her clitoris.

Only when Deborah was on the edge of consciousness did the ecstasy finally subside. Deborah collapsed into a twitching, shuddering, sweating heap of gratification.

Slowly, Deborah realized she could breathe again. Her vaginal muscles were still slowly twitching, and she realized that Jack was somehow still inside her, and still hard. Whispering “Oh, Jack,” Deborah exclaimed worshipfully, and threw her shaky arms around Jack’s neck to pull him down and give him an enthusiastic and entirely sincere kiss.

After a minute of enjoying Deborah’s appreciation, Jack broke the embrace, pulled his still-hard erection out of Deborah with a slick pop, and fell to the bed at Deborah’s side. “Wow, that was intense,” came Melissa’s voice from the edge of the bed. Both Jack and Deborah looked up at Melissa, whose hand was still between her legs, with similar expressions of bemusement.

Deborah’s mind was still befuddled, but she had a realization. She reached down between her own legs, and felt along her slit with her fingers, even probing inside. Something was missing. She was really wet down there – she might even have squirted a little – but her pussy wasn’t as wet or full as it should have been.

Deborah raised herself on one elbow and looked over at Jack, who was smilingly lying on his side facing her. His prick was still as hard as ever, the head pointing at her dangling breasts. “You didn’t come?” Deborah asked, astonished.

“I’m not done with you yet,” Jack replied assuredly. “And I don’t think once is enough for you, either. You’re feeling oversexed, aren’t you?”

“Oh yes, Jack – I need more,” Deborah sighed.

At that reassurance, Jack moved Deborah and Melissa aside to lay on his back, hands behind his head on top of the pillow, erect cock pointing straight up in the air. The command was implied but it was clear to Deborah what Jack wanted. A tiny part of Deborah’s brain balked at the expected submission, but she wasn’t listening to anything but her pussy, which wanted nothing more than another mind-shattering orgasm. And for Jack to give it to her.

Without further hesitation, Deborah threw one sleek leg across Jack’s hips, coming into a crouch over his supine body, facing away from both Jack and Melissa. Then Deborah took Jack’s stiff cock, still slick with her own inner juices, in her little hand and stroked it until it was fully hard and the swollen head was angrily purple and pointing right at her face.

Deborah then aimed Jack’s shaft at her eager vagina and lowered herself down until her pussy lips were again stretched around the wide base. Although her channel was still slick enough to take Jack’s cock easily, Deborah still squealed at the sensation of being filled up again so soon. “Oh, wow,” Deborah heard Melissa quietly stage-whisper.

As Deborah settled on Jack’s cock, she felt his hands massaging and groping her supple buttocks before slipping up to her slender waist, just above her elegant hips. Demandingly, Jack began to use the leverage to suggest to Deborah that he wanted her to start moving. In response, Deborah reached back to grip Jack’s hipbones and compliantly began raising and lowering herself. Deborah’s inner walls gripped Jack’s shaft tightly as he began to thrust back at her, meeting her rhythm.

Deborah loved this position. Being fucked from behind always made her lover’s cock feel even bigger, and when she was on top she could make sure there was maximum stimulation on her most sensitive spots. And Jack was doing his part by using his control over the pace of their coupling to make sure her pussy constantly remained fully stuffed.

As the pleasure began to mount again, Deborah couldn’t help gasping and sighing, filling the bedroom with the sounds of her excitement. Jack’s penis was sliding into her faster and faster now, her pussy boiling with hot, slick excitement. Helplessly, Deborah’s hips began to wriggle with pleasure. Pleasure which was doubled when Jack moved his hands from Deborah’s writhing hips, reaching up and around to squeeze her bouncing, jiggling, sensitive breasts, drawing an involuntary yelped “Oh! Ooh!” from the tormented Deborah.

Deborah was beginning to lose herself to the wonderful sensations again. Jack was pressing all her buttons now, tweaking her diamond-hard little nipples as well as slamming his penis deep inside her again and again. Deborah’s gasps and oohs were filling the bedroom now.

Her legs tiring, Deborah leaned further back into Jack’s delightful caresses of her aroused breasts. Then she surprised even herself when the new angle of penetration caused Jack’s hammering thrusts to find a new erogenous zone and a quick, intense orgasm to burst through her belly. Deborah let out a high-pitched, wordless cry as her elbows shook and her quivering thighs scissored violently on either side of Jack’s penetrating cock.

As Deborah began to come down from her peak, her pleasure-fogged mind realized that Jack wasn’t stopping. In fact, his hands had left her breasts and were again tightly gripping her sweaty hips, keeping the couple’s thrusting rhythm going. Deborah could feel Jack’s wide shaft continuing to roughly work over her innermost nerve endings. Her abandoned nipples were painfully hard and her clitty was practically glowing with excitement.

Amazingly, Deborah was about to come again!

Whimpering with ecstasy, Deborah writhed in delight on top of Jack – hard enough that it was only his firm grip on her that kept her from falling. She felt a hot flood of release as fresh juices flooded her spasming channel, bathing Jack’s stiff cock that was still buried inside her to the hilt. Deborah’s legs twitched powerfully as she rode out the amazing waves of pleasure. How could sex feel so good? Where had this feeling been?

Lost to pleasure, Deborah just leaned further back, waves of chestnut hair falling onto Jack’s hairy chest. Deborah’s new man was insistent now, keeping her svelte body in place with his firm grip as he began to thrust even harder into her steaming pussy. Deborah was looking straight at the ceiling, eyes half-closed and helplessly emitting girlish squeals of delight as Jack plundered her pussy over and over.

Deborah tried to control her breathing, but she had to let go, panting and squealing. She had to let go. She had to come again.

Just then, Deborah heard a deep growl from behind herself, and Jack’s cock began to pulsate. Then she felt the heat of Jack’s release, deep inside her. Stream followed stream, fountains splashing off her inner walls.

The shocking heat of Jack’s semen and the extra stimulation from Jack’s twitching shaft were all Deborah needed. It ignited a blaze deep in Deborah’s pussy that spread through her sweaty belly like wildfire. “Oh, Jack!” Deborah squealed as she writhed on top of Jack in full-body spasms. Deborah’s hands clutched at the covers as uncontrollable trembling overwhelmed her. Deborah’s vision darkened and all thoughts fled her brain, replaced by pure orgasmic sensation.

When the shattering climax finally began to wane, Deborah collapsed to lie nervelessly atop Jack. Her sweat-crowned head was lying on Jack’s shoulder, sweat-damp hair draped over his body and the pillow. Deborah was spent as Jack slowly withdrew his softening, juice-and-semen slathered cock from her ravaged pussy.

Exhausted and overwhelmed, Deborah could only stare sightlessly at the ceiling, her mind a warm puddle of pleasure-saturated goo. Deborah didn’t move, didn’t even react, when Jack started whispering in her ear. Not even when Melissa leaned in to kiss Jack and do some whispering of her own.

2024 - Now

Deborah woke up alone in a strange room. Melissa’s room. Hot afternoon sunlight was pouring in through the small, high windows. Deborah was momentarily disoriented. Then she realized something.

She felt good. For the first time in what seemed like forever, the burning haze of sexual desire had faded to a warm glow, fires banked for the moment.

Oh yeah. Jack. Memories were coming back to her unusually bubbly mind. Deborah had screwed Melissa’s boyfriend. With Melissa watching and cheering them on.

And it had been good.

Jack wasn’t a sex god. He didn’t have an impressive physique or superhuman stamina. His penis was only a little longer and a little thicker than Deborah was used to. But he worked hard, and there was just something about him. With most of her other boyfriends, Deborah had needed extra stimulation on her clit just to come even once.

She’d never had multiple orgasms before.

She’d never fallen asleep right after sex before, either. Her brain was still trying to clear itself, but her pussy was delighted.

And her pussy was also a mess, along with the whole area down there, Deborah realized. Jack had come inside her, and she’d clearly squirted at least once. And her long chestnut hair was tangled and damp with sweat. It was ages since she’d been fucked like this. She probably looked like it, too.

After a quick shower, Deborah threw on a diaphanous microfiber robe that left her shapely legs bare. Realizing she was thirsty after the sweaty bout of sex, Deborah went to the kitchen and poured herself a tall glass of water, draining half of it in a gulp.

Preoccupied, Deborah didn’t notice a clever pair of hands sneak around her body to cup her soft breasts, still bare underneath the lightweight robe. “Did you have a nice nap, sleepyhead?” Melissa’s voice breathed into Deborah’s ear.

“Oh no, not again,” Deborah sighed as pleasure surged through her breasts.

“Mmmm. Yeah. Again,” Melissa murmured. “Today, Jack wants you thinking about nothing but sucking and fucking.” Impudently, Melissa tweaked Deborah’s stiffening nipples at each sexual verb – drawing sighs from the shorter woman.

“He’ll be back after his ultimate frisbee game this afternoon to fuck you again until you scream,” Melissa continued. “With every cute little orgasm he gives you, you’ll belong to him a little more.” Deborah whimpered quietly at that but didn’t protest further at being felt up yet again.

Out of the corner of her eye, Deborah saw Melissa reach down to the waistband of her own thong and extract something. Then Deborah felt a hard presence stroking down her twitching belly until it was caressing her moistening vulva.

Deborah felt, more than heard, Melissa breathe into her ear “Soon, you’ll be his little slut. Just. Like. Me.”

Melissa then pressed something into Deborah’s unresisting empty hand before returning her knowing hands to the shorter woman’s sensitive breasts.

Deborah raised her hand higher than her chest, where Melissa’s caresses continued to work their magic, and saw that she was holding a large, pink dildo.

“It’s just like Jack, sweetie,” Melissa breathed into Deborah’s ear. “Big… and hard… Your body knows what it wants, doesn’t it? Ooh – your sweet little nipples just got even harder!”

And then Melissa steered the unresisting Deborah toward Deborah’s own bedroom for a change, after making sure Deborah finished her glass of water first.

“I’m going to put you to bed now,” Melissa whispered. “You can imagine that’s Jack moving in and out of you… In … and out… You’re so horny for him right now, aren’t you!” Deborah, eyes fixed on the pink dildo in her hand, couldn’t reply.

By the time Melissa was back in the hallway, she could already hear Deborah’s sighs becoming desperate moans of pleasure. Deborah was even hornier than Melissa had thought – maybe she’d be Jack’s new slut even sooner than he had expected...

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