Better Off

Chapter Seven

by Shadra

Tags: #cw:noncon #brainwashing #dom:female #f/f #hypnosis #multiple_partners #sub:female #aphrodisiac #betrayal #cult #drugs #hypnotic_screen #hypnotic_trigger #masturbation #oral_sex #orgasm #posthypnotic_suggestion #submission

Contains literary material intended for adult audiences.

August 29th

The weeks that followed were a blur for everyone involved. The media worked itself into a frenzy over Sherri’s confession. Their star headliner, the one that tugged at America’s heartstrings for toppling an organization responsible for so many kidnappings, made waves once again across the country, fueled by vitriol. For better or worse, it told a fantastic story, which was all the tabloids were concerned with.

As far as the public was aware, Sherri had been tired of hiding. She knew her cult would draw attention eventually, and became fearful of the looming threat of the authorities. She fabricated her escape, creating a fake persona—Nabi—to take the fall. By the time anyone realized her smokescreen, she would be long gone. All in the hope of returning to a normal life outside of jail, of putting it all behind her, something her victims could only wish for.

But her demons caught up. The spotlight of the media kept her from peace, her actions weighing on her mind at every waking moment, until they grew too much. The only solace she could find would be in justice, to come clean for her misdeeds.

At least that’s what she told them. Or rather, what the real Nabi conditioned her to say.

There were questions, of course. Inconsistencies in her story that didn’t line up. The prosecutors didn’t really care. All that mattered was finding someone to blame, adding another tally on the board of solved cases. Before long, the public would shift their attention elsewhere, forgetting about the cult of Nabi entirely.

As for Katie and her sister, life was no less hectic. Police were particularly interested in Victoria’s side of the story. She helped to sell the lie, a victim made whole by the end. It was likely due to her corroboration that things moved as swiftly as they did. But between her time at the station, and then trying to get life settled with Katie, the two sisters hardly had a moment alone.

It wasn’t until the last box of Victoria’s belongings were stacked into the corner, their father giving them a powerful, overdue hug and a wave goodbye, were they finally afforded a breather. The two sat together in silence for the better part of half an hour then, waiting for food to arrive. Being able to hold Victoria, to rest her head on her sister’s shoulders, had Katie fighting back tears. She wondered if, after it all, Victoria felt the same. She wasted any opportunity she had to ask before the doorbell announced their meal.

After finally setting their food down, Katie eased into the chair with a sigh. “So . . . Did it always feel like this? Back when you were, you know . . .” They sat opposite each other in the dining room. Katie almost didn’t recognize her own table, cleared of clutter as it was. The inherited piece looked as pristine as the day it was passed to her. She had meant to clean it herself, the moment she found out Victoria was going to move in, along with every other part of the house. As with many of her plans, they soon fell by the wayside once she realized how much work it would take.

Victoria didn’t even bother nagging her about it, instead taking it upon herself to get at least that one surface cleared. Some people never changed, she figured, and she had grown accustomed to picking up after her sister.

“It’s strange,” Victoria said, as she pushed her food around with her fork. “For so long I didn’t even have a sense of self. My life ceased to be, the day she found me. I had no childhood, no history, no attachments. I was nothing more than her tool, to use as she wanted.

“But now I’m back here, with all that baggage, and it almost feels . . . fake. Like maybe I was put back in the wrong body. I’m still getting used to the concept of having some semblance of choice, of a life separate from her. I know I’d still do anything for her, but . . . I could drive to the mall right now, or visit one of my old friends. I can do whatever I want, unless I knew she needed me for something. And the fact that I can even say that is such a drastic change to how things were when I was with her.”

She hadn’t even thought about her friends in so long. The only person that mattered to her for the last few years was Nabi. Even the other servants held no importance in Victoria’s heart at the time. 

“But . . . did you feel that sensation every time I mentioned her?” For Victoria, it was all too familiar.

Katie tried not to let it show. Every time Victoria reminded her of Nabi, a jolt ran through her body. Not a day went by where Katie didn’t think fondly of her. Any time she wasn’t distracted by something else, her thoughts would inevitably drift back to Nabi’s splendor, a tether in her mind that kept her on a short leash. She would ruminate on her beauty, on her voice, on serving her, someone she hadn’t even met in person yet. It always had the same effect, threatening to expose the arousal that she felt to anyone that cared to look. Heaven help her once she was in Nabi’s presence at last.

Of course she felt it, it was ingrained in Katie’s very being now, and Victoria could see it on her face.

“That’s exactly how it felt the entire time. Simple, all consuming pleasure. No thoughts but of her, no will but of her desires. And all the while awash in a torrent of . . . perfect bliss.” Victoria spoke to her food more than she did her sister. No matter how many people surrounded her, life without Nabi was lonely.

Katie bit her lip. She was glad that the table hid the way that she pressed her thighs together. Her mind was carried away by the essence of Nabi that suffused her thoughts. She slid her hand down to rub herself over her leggings, Nabi’s purple eyes warming every inch of her skin. Only when Victoria sniffled did Katie realize what she was doing. Her cheeks flushed, ready to be mocked by her sister. Only when she opened her eyes, Victoria wasn’t even looking at her. “I’ll have to try not to think about her if I’m anywhere public.”

“You get used to it . . .”

Katie sat up and placed her hands firmly on the table, lest they begin stoking her arousal. “So . . . why is it different now? Why are we not . . . You know . . .”

Victoria opened her mouth to speak, but paused. She pushed a piece of glazed chicken around with her fork. “She hasn’t told me.” She let out a sigh. “It’s not my place to question her motives.”

Katie had expected her sister to be more lively. Through some twisted way, the events of late would have been something she expected them to celebrate. But the energy in the room was anything but jovial. “Tori?”

“Look, Katie . . . about the other week . . .” Victoria struggled to find the courage to bring it up since the last time. She didn’t have the energy for another argument, but she knew it was important to clear the air.

Katie let out a sigh as she turned her chair to the side, placing her elbow on the table to hold her head up. She knew what Victoria was going to say, and it was not a conversation she cared to have. “I thought we were closer than that. You could have talked to me. Hell, I would have dropped everything to come visit you, even if it was just for a few days, but you make me wonder if you would have even wanted that.”

“I . . .” Sometimes it was best to rip the bandaid off quickly. “I’m not saying I wouldn’t, but I needed a break from you.”

“Well, you certainly got it.”

“Katie, you know damn well how stubborn you can be. So forgive me for not wanting to deal with that for once. Don’t get mad at me just because I don’t live up to your absurd expectations. But I guess it’s only okay for you to make mistakes, like sleeping with my boyfriend.”

Katie fought back the instinctive reaction to try and hurt Victoria with a pointed retort. She didn’t want to admit it, but part of her knew that Victoria was right. When Victoria disappeared, Katie spent too many nights reliving every tantrum she had, wishing she could take the things she said back, wishing for a chance to apologize. After a calming sigh, she said, “It didn’t last long.”

Victoria let out a snicker, catching Katie by surprise, “I take it he never told you we were separated?”

With incredulity, Katie shook her head.

“Well, not officially, but we both knew the writing was on the wall. Doubt anything would have lasted more than another month.” She tried to only think of the fonder times with him. “And that was before Nabi, of course . . . He doin’ okay?”

“Haven’t talked to him in years,” Katie said with a shrug.

Victoria held her hand out across the table. “Hey, for what it’s worth, I’m sorry.” Katie stared at the hand like it was some sort of soft trap, but relented to the request for connection. Victoria gave Katie that same warm smile that could always pacify her, even if Katie wasn’t watching to see it. “Like I said, I didn’t know what was going to happen, but honestly . . .”

“You’re glad it did happen . . .”

Katie saw Victoria nod out of the corner of her eye. “Hey,” she said, turning to face her sister. “In a way, I’m glad too . . .” She shook her head. “It’s kind of fucked up, I guess. It’s like . . . I know how I would have felt about all of this before, but now . . . I can’t seem to be bothered. It actually turns me the fuck on to know how much she’s changed me.”

Under normal circumstances, Katie would have rather died than discuss such an intimate topic with her sister. Only now, it was a connection they shared. A special understanding solidifying their familial bond, a shared life in servitude to the most wonderful person. “I still wish you would have talked to me, but I guess I’m fine with it, given the outcome.”

“Just wait until she’s done, and we get to be with her all the time.” Victoria grinned, the kind that said Katie had no idea what she was in for.

Katie bit her lip, imagining what that would entail. Her entire life uprooted just to serve Nabi. Every moment of every day spent attending to her, doing what she wanted.

“You wouldn’t believe how pleasurable it can be.” Victoria said. “Even when doing the most menial of tasks, just knowing it’s what she wants was enough to drive me wild.”

“Yeah?” Katie closed her eyes. She thought about mopping her floors. Of all the chores, that was the one that she hated the most. Once she moved out on her own, she had no one to pass the responsibility off to, and the task almost fell to the wayside.

But then she imagined Nabi telling her to do it. Then the task didn’t seem so grueling. Back and forth she’d slide the mop, and her thighs would rub together, sending delicious sparks up her spine. She didn’t know if she would go faster, increase the motion of her swaying hips, or slower, to prolong the experience, simmer in the pleasure.

And then when she finished, she’d look back at her work in pride, happy that she did her job well for Nabi. Until she noticed how much she dribbled on the floor, and she’d have to do it all over again. Perhaps this time she’d make sure to walk backwards, to wipe up her mess as she went.

“She had me count a jar of rice once,” Victoria said, breaking Katie from her trance. She held up a single grain of rice on her fork at eye level, inspecting it like one would a diamond. “No purpose, just something to make me do. Alone in a room for over ten hours, nothing but me and a pile of rice. Over a year ago, and I still remember the exact count: twenty-four thousand one hundred fifty-seven. She ordered me to keep track, focus on each individual grain. And let me tell you, every one that I counted felt like a lick against my pussy. My chair was soaked by the time I got to one hundred. It’s a miracle I finished without making a mistake. If it were up to me, I wouldn’t have minded starting over.”

“So is that what our lives are now? Counting rice in exchange for orgasms?”

“Our lives are whatever Nabi wants them to be.”

It made sense to Katie. She belonged to Nabi, after all. Down to the deepest part of her mind, she knew it to be true. She would do anything Nabi asked, it didn’t matter what it was.

Only now did Katie understand why Victoria fought so hard against Dr. Navathe. If Katie had known what it was like, what Victoria had gone through with Nabi, she wondered if she would have done anything differently. She liked to think she would have tried to help her sister, to return her to Nabi. Maybe even turn herself in as well.

She knew that was just part of her new outlook. That perspective was carved into the stone of her character by Nabi herself, unchanging. To remove it would be to remove part of what she now was.

The two continued on, catching up on what they had gone through the past few years, and squirming at where their life would take them going forward. The tales of Victoria’s servitude thrilled Katie, more than once drawing a whimper from her lips as she imagined them happening to her. How lucky Victoria was to be so favored by Nabi herself.

She could have listened to her sister’s tales all night, until the floor ran slick with her overflow, but a knock on their door put a frustrating end to their short reprieve. After a peek through the window to see who might be deserving of her annoyance, she opened the door, no longer caring to hide the state of her soaked leggings. “Hey, doc. What’s up?”

“Good evening, Katie. You’re looking . . . well.” The damp spot on Katie’s leggings drew a knowing smirk from Dr. Navathe as she pulled Katie in for a hug, her body pressing close to the younger woman. She then let Katie lead her into the dining room where Victoria was seated.

“And there she is,” Dr. Navathe said, warming Victoria with a smile. “How are you today, my dear?” She leaned down to hug Victoria in the same manner. “It has been just too long. I’ve missed you both so much, but there were too many things that had to be taken care of first.”

“I understand. It’s good to see you now, Dr. Navathe.”

But not before, Dr. Navathe surmised. It made sense, given what she had been trying to do to Victoria mere weeks ago. She didn’t let those unpleasant memories bother her, instead focusing on the future, now that she played for the other team. “Tell me, how have Katie’s training sessions gone?”

“There was only time for one, with how busy things have been, but there were no complications. She caught on well.”

“That’s wonderful to hear, and certainly not a surprise. She takes after you in quite a few ways, after all.” Dr. Navathe caressed Katie’s cheek, doting over her like a daughter.

Katie brushed her hand away, blushing in response. “I’m right here, you know . . .”

“And speaking of Mrs. Right Here, how are you feeling?” She kept a close eye on Katie, judging her response to the question, but there was no concern on her face to be seen. She was confident that Victoria had done a wonderful job, given her years of experience.

Katie shrugged. “Fine, I guess?”

Dr. Navathe clapped her hands. “Good to hear! Now, as much as I’d like to catch up with my girls, I’m afraid there is still much to be done. Are you two ready to begin your sessions with me?”

Victoria gave her a nod and stood up to undress. Dr. Navathe shrugged off her coat and let it fall over the back of the nearby chair as Victoria pulled her shirt over her head. As the doctor began to unbutton her blouse, she noticed that Katie was not joining. “Let’s go, Katie, you too.”

Katie sighed. “Yeah, yeah.” She stood next to Victoria and started with her leggings first. She slid the tight material down, pulling her underwear along with them. Her butt wiggled in the air as she struggled to free her feet from the bundled fabric, almost falling over in the process. It drew a small laugh out of Victoria, and Katie wondered why she didn’t wear something easier to remove like her sister, who was already standing naked next to her. Not one to be mocked, Katie hurried to catch up, and soon the last article of clothing between the three of them cluttered the floor.

“Very good,” Dr. Navathe said. “Now, please get into the correct position.”

Katie stood up straight. She locked her arms behind her back, thrusting her chest out as far as she could. She threw some side glances at Victoria, making sure she was doing things correctly without letting her sister know that she was trying to copy her.

When they were done, Dr. Navathe circled them, starting with Katie. A few pokes and prods had Katie shifting herself just a bit here and there, drawing another snicker out of Victoria. “Shut up,” Katie said. “You have more experience with this, it’s not fair.”

“You’re doing fine, Katie, you’ll get there in time,” Dr. Navathe said. She only needed one glance at Victoria to make her appraisal. “And you, Victoria, perfect as expected.”

Dr. Navathe then walked in front of both of them. “Looking good, both of you. Before we begin the next part, I’d just like to tell you that Nabi is currently seeing to some important matters. She’ll be here to oversee things when she’s done.”

Katie thrilled at the good news. She had been hoping to meet Nabi for some time. It was unfortunate what Nabi had to endure, just like Victoria, but at least they were all free from the mess that Sherri started.

“So without further ado . . .” Dr. Navathe opened her tablet on the table in front of Katie and Victoria. She fiddled with the menus, and before long a large spiral appeared on the screen.

Katie’s eyes locked on it right away. Even without the imminent trigger, she felt the spiral tugging at her mind, threatening to pull her under. If not for the pleasure she derived from the words she knew were coming, she would have submitted the first chance she got.

“That’s it girls, keep staring.” Dr. Navathe wished she could join them. She was already running a finger over her lower lips at the thought of dropping under as she stood between the other two. She would stand there for as long as it took, unaware of Katie or Victoria’s existence to either side until she was told to be, as she drowned in the control of Nabi’s spiral.

But Nabi had other plans for her. She had to perform Nabi’s duties in her place, as preposterous as the idea sounded to her. How she could ever hope to live up to such expectations, she didn’t know. But the orders were from Nabi herself, and Dr. Navathe would carry them out to the best of her abilities. And that meant putting them under herself, and guiding them into Nabi’s trance. “And remember, there is purpose in obedience.”

Without so much as a twitch, the orgasm bloomed through Katie’s body. Already her mind was fading away. While still capable of it, Katie wondered if her sister reacted the same way. Perhaps with more exposure, Victoria felt even better.

Katie was not capable of feeling jealousy right now. But the idea that the pleasure could grow stronger in the days to come had her subjecting herself to the process more readily. “Obedience is my purpose.”

She knew she must have said the words, it was the only natural thing to do, the only thing required of her. But her mind was too far gone to process if she had or not, and soon too was the question with it.

* * *

“How are things proceeding?”

The words floated through the purple fog in Katie’s mind. It was the one part of her still active, waiting for more instructions. Without conscious thought, that part of her processed the words.

They came from an unfamiliar voice. Katie knew the words weren’t meant for her, so they slipped from her mind without a second thought. It was as if Katie never heard them. Instead, she continued to focus on the spiral before her as it sapped her mind until the next time something was said.

“Just as you have planned. Both are responding well.”

Another voice, this one very familiar. She loved to hear it. It had been speaking to her for so long, filling her head with delicious instructions, telling her how to think. It had stopped talking for a time, but Katie was happy to have it back. Listening to it made her feel wonderful, especially if she accepted what it told her. By now, Katie didn’t even care what the voice said, her mind letting the words slide right in with no resistance. Anything for that extra burst of pleasure. The fingers sliding in and out of her pussy picked up their pace just at the sound of it. Katie didn’t know they were her own fingers, but she wanted to thank them all the same.

But again, she could tell the voice wasn’t directed at her, so any words it said disappeared as if they never existed.

“Show me.”

More words that never were, but then . . .

“Katie, it’s time to serve.”

Yes! That was it! That’s what she had been waiting for. Finally she had instructions to carry out. Her mind came to life as her body began to move. She shifted a little to tend to the soreness from standing still for so long before turning to face the familiar voice. “How may I serve you, Dr. Navathe?”

The person that the other voice belonged to remained out of sight, but Katie could feel her presence. She felt the stranger’s eyes roam all over her body as their hands explored Katie’s skin.

Katie tried to remember any instructions that would tell her how to react in this situation, but came up short. As the woman continued her inspection, unseen, Katie shot a glance towards Dr. Navathe, hoping for some insight. The doctor gave a slight nod in response, so Katie relaxed as she widened her stance. Dr. Navathe wanted this to happen, so Katie did as well.

“Not bad,” the woman said. “Not as wonderful as her sister, but not bad.” The woman reached around and cupped Katie’s breast, manipulating it in her palm as if she was evaluating a piece of fruit. She combed her fingers through Katie’s hair with a disappointing hum. “Do you know who I am, Katie?”

There was nothing in the voice that struck Katie as remarkable. If she had heard it before, it wouldn't have made an impression on her. She shook her head.

Right as the woman came into view, she said, “My name is Nabi.”

With those four little words, Katie’s world turned upside down. Her eyes went wide as various thoughts in her head slotted into place. Her breath hitched as she took in the absolute beauty of the person standing before her. This was no stranger with an ordinary voice. This was Nabi, the woman who deserved the world! The woman whom Katie served! Her everything!

And Katie had dismissed her just moments ago. She was so ignorant! Such a siren’s voice could only belong to one being, and Katie should have realized that the moment she heard it.

Katie corrected her posture. She made sure every inch of herself, every molecule, every atom was in the exact position that Nabi expected. “I am sorry, Nabi. I have insulted you.”

Nabi only smirked at her. Katie didn’t know what to make of it. She felt like she should be punished, but knew it wasn’t her place to suggest such things to Nabi. As she was chastising herself in her head, she watched Nabi walk away.

Nabi approached another woman in the room, one that Katie hadn’t realized was there. The woman was as naked as Katie as she stared at the spiral on the screen, her face devoid of all emotion.

Nabi wrapped an arm around the woman, fondling one of her tits with her hand. Katie felt a pang of jealousy wash through her, wishing she could take her place. Perhaps this was punishment for Katie not recognizing her.

Nabi leaned in to whisper into the woman’s ear. “It’s so good to have you back, Victoria. I’ve missed you so much. I do hope the good doctor here was able to fix all the damage she had done to your pretty little head.” She glanced at Dr. Navathe. “If not, then I’ll make sure to deal with her. Don’t worry, I’ll wake you up soon. But first . . . Katie!”

Katie jumped at the sudden outburst. “Yes, Nabi!”

“Relax, you don’t have to hold that pose forever. If Navathe did her job, you’ll know when to use it.”

She hesitated, still uncertain, then let her arms drop to her sides. She kept her eyes on Nabi the whole time, half expecting her to grow angry in response, and half admiring her beauty. How lucky she was, of all the women in the world, to be allowed the privilege of Nabi’s presence.

“That’s better,” Nabi said, and Katie relaxed even more. “Now, tell me, Katie. Do you know who this is? Does this person mean anything to you?” She draped her arms over Victoria’s shoulders, turning the dazed girl to face Katie. Victoria let out a low moan, a line of drool descending from the corner of her mouth.

Katie glanced at the woman that had all the luck of being touched by Nabi at that moment. Nabi had said her name was Victoria, but other than that, Katie knew nothing about her. However, if Victoria was also staring at the spiral, and Nabi knew her, that would mean . . . “She is your servant, like me.” A pleasant thrum accompanied the smile that Nabi gave her. Katie had answered correctly.

“It seems you have done well, Navathe. And what of your other task? Is she ready for that as well?”

“Yes, Nabi,” Dr. Navathe said. “I have completed their training per your instructions.”

“We shall see. Be a dear and guard the door. If she tries to escape, stop her by any means necessary. Understood?”

Dr. Navathe moved towards the hallway that led to the entrance of Katie’s house. “Yes, Nabi.”

Katie had no idea what they were talking about, but it didn’t matter to her. Nothing mattered if she wasn’t being directly addressed. But then Nabi walked up to her and commanded all of Katie’s focus.

“I will be trying something new, Katie, and you have the pleasure of being the first test subject. As much as I prefer you how you are now, I have learned that it is not quite . . . sustainable. So, are you ready?”

Despite not understanding the situation, Katie was more than willing to do anything Nabi wanted. “I am ready, Nabi.”

Nabi took a few steps back, well out of arm's reach of Katie. “It’s time to wake up, Katie.”

Katie took in a sharp inhale through her nose, her eyes fluttering. New thoughts, memories, and emotions filled her brain, as if some tap had been opened. She shook her head to dispel the feeling of vertigo. “Wow, that’s a trip.”

She looked around the room. The first thing she noticed was Nabi watching her every reaction. A warmth spread through Katie at the sight of her, and she smiled. “Oh, hey. How’s it goin’?”

“Do you know who I am?” Nabi asked.

The answer was so obvious that Katie couldn’t help but chuckle a bit at the question. “Of course. You’re Nabi.” She looked around the room, waving at Dr. Navathe when she saw her. “Oh wow,” she said when she saw Victoria. She walked over to her sister. “Is she like . . . in a trance right now?” She waved her hand in front of Victoria’s face. “Hello~, anyone home?” Katie asked, but Victoria did not respond.

Nabi took a step forward. “She is being reprogrammed, once again being made to serve me . . . Does that bother you?”

Katie took a moment to think about it. “Nah. It’s kind of hot, actually. Oh! Can I make her do stuff too?”

“Come here.”

Katie shuddered at the command. “Mmm. Yes, Nabi.” There was a wicked delight in Nabi’s eyes when Katie approached her.

Nabi placed her hand on the back of Katie’s neck, and Katie purred at the touch. “What are your instructions?”

Katie’s pleasure surged as her mind knew exactly what to do. Words that had been previously ingrained in her came spilling out, each one a proclamation of her willingness to serve.

“I am a servant of Nabi. I obey her in all things, as that is my only purpose in life. My mind is hers to mold, my body is hers to use. Only through her do I receive any pleasure, but to please her is the greatest joy I will ever know. I must never let anyone suspect that I am her slave in all ways. I will act as my normal self at all times, but will always know what I truly am. I am a servant of Nabi.”

Katie’s pussy spasmed. “Oh, fuck!” she said when she regained control of her mouth. She reached up with one hand to maul one of her tits, her other hand being used to grind against her clit as the orgasm threatened to send her to the floor. “Fuck, fuck, fuck . . . Ooh, let’s do that again, please.”

Katie’s focus was brought back by the two fingers pressing up on her chin. Gone was the uncertain look in Nabi’s eyes from before, replaced by one of smug triumph. Nabi placed her thumb in Katie’s mouth, and Katie wrapped her lips around it and suckled.

“A satisfactory response,” Nabi said, causing Katie to moan against Nabi’s thumb. But then Nabi frowned. “Can’t say the same for your hair though. You will grow it out. I expect my followers to have their hair tied back at all times.”

“Yes, Nabi.” Katie grimaced at her past petulant act. Her hair would have been praiseworthy, had she not gone and cut it off in defiance. But that was before she learned of Nabi’s greatness. She knew better now, and any barbers would learn to fear Katie if they ever brought scissors anywhere near her head again.

“You have impressed me, Navathe. To have achieved these results in such a short time, even with the sap, is not something I thought possible.”

“Thank you, Nabi. I live to serve.”

“That you do. Tell me, Katie. Have you ever eaten a woman out?”

“A few times, when drunk. It wasn’t quite my preference.” Katie then realized what her lack of experience might cost her. “Until now, that is. And they seemed to like it, I think! Probably . . .”

“I will let you practice on Navathe. I believe she deserves to be rewarded for doing such a wonderful job brainwashing you, don’t you think?”

Katie wished she had said it differently, but she didn’t want to lie to Nabi either. “If that is what you want, Nabi. I live to serve you.”

“It is exactly what I want.” Nabi beckoned Dr. Navathe over and had her spread her legs on the couch. When the doctor was ready, Nabi gestured for Katie to get to work. “Go ahead and give her any pointers you can think of, Navathe. I’ll leave it up to you to train her for me.”

The eagerness wasn’t what it could be for Katie. She would much rather have her head between Nabi’s legs. Still, it was Nabi’s wish for her to practice on Dr. Navathe, so Katie would put her whole focus on learning as much as she could. As soon as she perfected the art, she’d be able to put her skills to work on Nabi’s glorious pussy. And with any luck, Dr. Navathe would prove to be a great teacher for it. Filled with determination, Katie set about her first efforts towards her goal.

Nabi watched on for a time as Katie licked away, occasionally offering her own advice to the novice. She brought a hand down to rub herself at the sight of two women fucking each other at her command.

Katie did her best to incorporate the advice she was given during her task. Based on the sounds Dr. Navathe was making, she must have been doing an adequate job. And so were her own fingers as they pumped in and out of her cunt. Just the thought of carrying out Nabi’s orders was enough to get her going, and already Katie was dribbling onto her carpet. Part of her laughed at the idea that she would normally have put a towel down, but it paled in comparison to the need to follow her orders right then and now.

She used her other hand to assist in her efforts on Dr. Navathe. The doctor must have appreciated this, as soon after she grabbed the back of Katie’s head and shoved it against her crotch.

The world went silent as Dr. Navathe’s supple thighs clamped over Katie’s ears, aside from the muffled screams Dr. Navathe released as she came all over Katie’s face. Katie kept up her efforts, trying to lick up as much as she could. She always preferred when her partners did that, so she hoped Nabi would as well.

When Dr. Navathe released her, Katie sat on her haunches and grinned up at Nabi. She had to know if she did a good job or not. If she did, that might mean she could show Nabi her skills. There was no better reward she could think of.

“Again,” was all Nabi said in return. Katie should have been disappointed, but if Nabi thought she wasn’t ready, it wasn’t Katie’s place to question that. She went right back to work. Dr. Navathe gasped in response, not yet ready for a second round, but Katie didn’t care. She had her orders.

Once Katie’s attention was refocused, Nabi left the two of them to approach Victoria. “What a wonderful day this has turned out to be. I want you to share in my victory. It’s time to serve, Victoria.”

Victoria gasped when she saw Nabi, her eyes beginning to water. “Nabi! I’m so sorry! They tried to turn me against you. I resisted, but I . . . I wasn’t strong enough. I almost betrayed you.” She started to wipe the tears away, but was startled by something else touching her face. When she realized what it was, she nuzzled the hand that cupped her cheek.

“I’ve missed you so.” The familiar bliss of Nabi’s fingers welcomed Victoria back to her servitude as well.

There was no anger in Nabi’s voice, no disappointment. Victoria glanced over at the two women moaning on the couch, their noise a minor distraction, but there was no recognition as to who they were, and so she paid them no mind. More tears fell from her face as she smiled back at Nabi and assumed her position. “How may I serve you, Nabi?”

Victoria knew just what to do when Nabi pressed on her shoulders. She sank to her knees and inched closer to Nabi. The scent of her pussy was intoxicating, and something she had been too long without. She leaned in and let her experienced tongue get to work.

“I had grown complacent, ignorant. My enemies were closing in, but I was too stubborn to do anything until it was too late. That woman may have ruined things as they were, but she also taught me an important lesson.”

Victoria wanted to protest against Nabi calling herself anything negative, but she was in no position to argue at the moment. Her focus remained on the flesh before her. Not even the scream in the distance broke her concentration, nor did Nabi’s voice when she shouted “Again!” to them in response.

“Yes, Nabi,” the two other women said, but Victoria paid the strangers no mind.

“You see . . . Mmm . . . People raise questions when their loved ones disappear. Questions bring attention. As much as I enjoyed reshaping who you were, it was only a matter of t-time before th-” Nabi grunted. Her body jerked forward, and her hand shot out to Victoria’s shoulder to prevent her from losing her balance. “Gah, you’re still so good at this!”

Victoria’s heart leapt with joy. Pleasuring Nabi was like an infinite feedback loop, especially once Victoria learned how much Nabi liked it when she moaned into her pussy. The more pleasure she could give Nabi, the better she felt herself. And the more pleasure Victoria felt, the better she was at returning it to Nabi.

“But then I realized s-something. I can have as many servants as I want, as long as no one knows they are . . . Oh, God! . . . my servants! Imagine a congregation so large that I can rotate them throughout the year, avoiding all suspicion. And now that Sherri has taken the f-fall . . . Yes, yes! . . . I’m free . . . to do as I please!!”

Victoria felt Nabi spasm as the orgasm hit her, triggering Victoria’s own in response. She screamed into Nabi’s pussy, which served to heighten the pleasure of them both. Katie and Dr. Navathe soon joined them in a chorus of ecstasy.

Nabi collapsed onto the couch to recuperate. When Dr. Navathe noticed, she slid onto the floor, knowing her place was below Nabi. She kept her legs open and facing Katie, just in case Nabi wanted her to go another round, but Nabi waved them off, so she and Katie waited for further instructions.

Once she caught her breath, Nabi said, “We’ll need to expand. So many wonderful women that need to be shown the way. Thankfully Navathe here has proven to be quite adept with her methods. She’ll be quite useful when it comes to recruiting and training. Isn’t that right, Navathe?”

“Yes, Nabi.”

“And you, my wonderful Victoria . . . I may not be able to operate as before, but I don’t think keeping my favorite servant with me at all times will pose any trouble.”

“Can I stay with you too, Nabi?” Katie asked. “Along with my sister?” She flinched at the glare that was returned to her, but then Nabi’s features softened. Nabi was not accustomed to her slaves making requests, but things were different now, and she had to adjust to the changes. Though that didn’t mean she had to acquiesce to her slaves.

Victoria too glared at Katie, astonished that some upstart would deign to speak to Nabi in such regard. If she was to be a new slave, perhaps Victoria would have the pleasure of changing her attitude herself, along with whoever the sister was. If Nabi wished, that is.

“Perhaps caution would be the best course of action here. Two sisters living with me may be ill advised.”

Especially coming from Nabi, the words hurt. Finally reunited with her sister only to have her taken away once again. She did find some solace knowing where her sister would be, at Nabi’s side. It was all Katie could hope for her.

“And yet . . . You were quite instrumental in my plan, and did not disappoint. I suppose that is worth some extra consideration.”

“Thank you, Nabi. I won’t let you down.” Katie grinned. “Perhaps I will show you that I can be a better servant than my sister, even.”

Nabi laughed. “An eager one. You may just get the chance to prove yourself. That’s a tall order though.” Nabi stood up, towering over the three women. “For now, I have other matters to attend to. So many of my flock still out there, waiting for me to call them home. Get dressed, Navathe. We’re leaving.”

“Yes, Nabi.”

Nabi leaned down to pet Victoria’s head. “Don’t worry, my dear. I’ll come for you when I’m ready. Until then, maybe you can teach your sister all about her new life. Careful though,” Nabi flashed an amused glance Katie’s way, “she seems eager to supplant you.”

Nabi had her doubts. No amount of motivation would change things. You can’t improve upon perfection. Seeing Katie try would make for good entertainment, but Nabi was content with her choice, Victoria’s servile eyes staring up at her with such adoration only reinforcing the thought. “It’s time to wake up, Victoria.”

As Victoria’s normal self flooded into her mind, Nabi left the house with Dr. Navathe in tow. Victoria collapsed onto the couch as so many emotions flooded into her. After so many months, she was finally reunited with her . . . her everything. She was a lost puppy that finally found her owner, and didn’t know how to express her elation. All she could do was grin up at the ceiling and bask in the knowledge that all was as it should be once again.

With Nabi gone, and Victoria distracted, Katie tip-toed behind the couch with as much nonchalance as a toddler. She leaned down to whisper into Victoria’s ear, “It’s time to serve, Victoria.”

Victoria pushed Katie’s head away. “Doesn’t work coming from you, you dork.” She turned around to see her sister’s pouting face. “But, what about the other way around, I wonder?” There was such delight in seeing Katie’s face drop into concern. “It’s time to serve, Ka~ . . . Kaaaaaaa~.”

Katie wanted to cover her ears, but the start of the trigger had her primed towards obedience. She bit her lip, her body warming up at the prospect of serving, but annoyed that it was from someone other than Nabi. Why did her sister of all people get to have this right? This one-way street was not fair, but Katie would see to it that things would even out to an equal playing field at some point. She’d just have to convince Nabi of her worth, a feat that wouldn’t take too long, knowing she’d be compared to her sister of all people.

Victoria only giggled at her antics. She knew the trigger would work, but had no desire to deal with the consequences. Devoted slaves weren’t the best conversationalists, after all. “Consider this a warning not to mess with me, or i’ll put you under and make you like wearing pretty pink dresses and bows.”

In the blink of an eye, Katie grabbed a shirt off the floor with her foot, transferred it to her hand, and threw it at Victoria’s face. “Put some clothes on. Just because we both serve Nabi now doesn’t mean I want to see you naked.”

“This is yours,” Victoria said, holding the black fabric in front of her.

“Whatever, it’s not like your small chest can’t fit into it.” When she realized that meant she’d have to squeeze into Victoria’s shirt, she swapped them out, once again throwing one in Victoria’s face. After dressing, she hopped over the couch to sit next to her sister.

“So . . . This is weird . . .”

Victoria could only nod in response. She already missed Nabi, but it was a much more manageable longing this time around. There was no doubt in her mind that Nabi wouldn’t be gone for long. And then Victoria had the rest of her life to serve her. “She’s everything you hoped for, right?”

“That’s an understatement if I ever heard one. Hmm . . . We’re like, sleeper agents now, or some shit. Just a few words and I enter, like, servant mode. Makes it sound like I’m some sort of android.” Katie brought her hands up, twisting around like a robot. “Yes, Nabi. This unit will eat your pussy now.

Katie fell against her sister, sharing a chuckle. “And what do we call this mode? Spy mode? I must never let anyone suspect that I am her slave in all ways. I will kill anyooooOOOhhh, wow.” Katie’s thighs slammed shut as she threw her head back and moaned into Victoria’s shoulder. “Just saying the words . . . Mmm.” She played with her pussy over her leggings. “I am a servant of Nabi. Oh, it’s so good! I am a servant of Nabi. I am a serv-

Katie’s eyes shot open as she became aware of what she was doing, and more importantly where. After clearing her throat, she quickly put some distance between her and her sister. She was ready to apologize until she saw the look on Victoria’s face. There was no disgust, but rather . . . understanding.

Katie gave a mighty stretch, keeping her hands as far away from her crotch as she could to buy a few seconds to calm down. “I guess I’ll have to get used to that. Even just thinking the words puts me a bit on edge.”

“That’s our life now.”

Those words from Victoria could have come across as coping, but Katie knew better. There was a comfort in them that Katie felt herself. They represented a new purpose, something she only now realized she had been lacking for so many years.

“What exactly will we be doing, other than counting rice?”

“Hard to say, depends on how much she likes you.” There was a look of concern on Katie’s face at her answer. Truth is, Nabi didn’t treat all her servants equally. She was never cruel to them, they were trained too well to ever do something to invoke her ire most of the time, but those of less favor saw less attention for their efforts. Victoria couldn’t promise anything, but she felt confident that Katie would be fine. Victoria moved over and put an arm around Katie’s shoulder to reassure her. “Don’t worry, I’ll put in a good word for you. Maybe even ask her to let me take you out recruiting. It’s one of the best tasks to do for her, other than attending to her physical needs.”

“Yeah?” Katie squirmed in her seat. The idea that she would be sent out to ensnare some unaware girl was a twisted delight in her mind. She imagined prowling the streets of some campus. Victoria would teach her what to do, what to say. They’d approach someone cute, just to talk for a bit. Gain her trust. When the girl was focused on one of them, the other would slip some of that delicious sap into her drink. 

The mere memory of the sap caused her to whimper a bit. “What’s the purple stuff, by the way?”

“Something from a plant she found. Lubenbloom, I think she named it. Said she altered it, a ‘little tweak of chemistry.’ It’s what she uses to deepen the programming. Strong aphrodisiac that stays in the body for a long time.”

It must have still been in Katie’s body with the way she craved a reminder of how delicious the sap made her feel. Victoria went on about what Katie’s life might be like as Nabi’s slave, but Katie was already lost once more in her fantasy. She didn’t realize that her hand slipped under her pants as the girl in her vision sipped on her tainted drink. The girl would gasp, or perhaps it was Katie herself, but it’d be too late. The sap would dull her mind as it drove her mad with desire. Victoria and her sister would be there to help her, to whisper sweet nothings of obedience into her ear.

They’d tell her of a person who could give this to her, and more. And when the girl was too far gone, they’d guide her body to Nabi, into the chairs to be brainwashed. She’d have a new purpose in life. A glorious purpose. The same one that Katie now had.

And as the girl’s mind was warped, Katie would drop to her knees to suckle on her pussy. So strong was the image in her head that Katie could feel it on her own lips. And then the girl would cry out, professing her new truth. “I am a servant of Nabi!”

It was then that Katie realized that she had been the one to shout those words. Her body burned up, equal parts lust and embarrassment. Once the worst of the orgasm passed, she slid her drenched hand out from between her legs. She didn’t have the courage to look up at her sister. “Sorry . . .”

Victoria somehow managed to drive away Katie’s shame with a sympathetic laugh. “I imagine that’s par for the course now.”

That should have bothered her. Not even two weeks ago she would have been horrified at the idea of what she had just done with Victoria right next to her. Now the pleasure she derived from Nabi was no more than another aspect of their lives that brought them closer together. And best of all . . .

“Hey,” Katie said, offering her dry hand to her sister. Her smile was so warming, so genuine. She no longer had to deal with the pain of not knowing where her sister was. Nabi had reunited them, and for that she was happy. “I’m glad we get to serve her together.”

Victoria accepted Katie’s embrace as they both shared in the moment. “Me too.”

Thank you for reading this chapter. I hope you enjoyed it! As usual, I’d love to hear what you think, so feel free to email me: I also run a Discord server with Carefully Random, a place for anyone with an interest in all things hypnosis. Plenty of other authors are there as well, so stop by and say hi!

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