Better Off

Chapter Three

by Shadra

Tags: #cw:noncon #brainwashing #dom:female #f/f #hypnosis #multiple_partners #sub:female #aphrodisiac #betrayal #cult #drugs #hypnotic_screen #hypnotic_trigger #masturbation #oral_sex #orgasm #posthypnotic_suggestion #submission

Contains literary material intended for adult audiences.

July 25th

A bell echoed through the room, jostled by the heavy wooden door as it creaked open.

“Welcome to Tiff’s Thrifts!” a voice called out from the back, sweet and confident. A woman’s head bounced above the clothing racks that crowded the floor in rows or islands as she attended to her duties. “You’re a bit early, but feel free to look around. I’ll be with you as soon as I finish opening up!”

“Have any clothes that would let people know that I’m ready to get fucked? It’s laundry day, and let’s just say that all my club outfits are well used.” It was said in a casual tone, as if the person speaking had already explained it too many times by now.

The head stopped for a moment before weaving its way through the aisles like a fin in water. From behind a rack of musty sweaters stepped a mousy girl with short, messy black hair and glasses. Over her vintage clothes she wore an apron with the store’s logo emblazoned on her chest. Her hand clutched the pole of a mop, a trail of soapy water marking her path through the forest of clothes. “Sherri . . . I didn’t . . . Um, hi . . .”

“Mornin’, Dia. It’s good to see you again.” Sherri smiled, glad to finally see a welcome face. After the ordeal of the past few weeks, a chance to unwind with a friend was exactly what she needed.

Except the familiar face didn’t appear as welcoming as she had expected. When Sherri took a step forward, Dia took an equal one back. “What’s wrong?”

Dia brought the mop stick up to her chest, keeping it between herself and Sherri as if it would protect her from anything. “N-nothin’s wrong. You look . . . well.” She offered a nervous, crooked smile.

Sherri flustered a bit, but kept her distance. “Dia, don’t bullshit me. C’mon, out with it.”

Whether at the restrained tenacity of the statement, or the accusation, Dia flinched at the rebuke. She kept a wary eye on Sherri the entire time. Only when Sherri signaled her impatience with a shrug did Dia speak up. “I um . . . They say you joined a cult. That you were like . . . were brainwashed or something.” She tensed up as if expecting Sherri to attack her for the indictment.

Instead, Sherri scoffed at her. “Who said that?!”

“Brooke, I think. Though everyone else seems to say the same thing.”

“Brooke?!” Sherri laughed loud enough to spook Dia. “Brooke also says her friend was possessed by a mask two summers ago. You know better than to listen to her.” Dia seemed to be waiting for her to continue, unsatisfied with her response, so Sherri sighed. “I didn’t join a cult. I was just . . . I was trying to get laid. And turns out the hot girl hitting on me happened to be a member of that group. One thing led to another, and before I know it, within a few days they had me strapped to a chair.”

“Wait, so you were brainwashed?” Dia took another step back, bumping into the nearby rack and nearly jumping out of her skin in response.

Sherri grabbed a shirt off a nearby hanger and threw it at Dia, the old cotton falling unceremoniously short. “Clearly not! I think they just drugged me. Some drug, at that . . .” The comment reminded her of the feeling she had that day, the pleasure that threatened to consume her, and the drive to do what Victoria wanted just so she could feel more.

She shifted where she stood, hoping Dia didn’t see the way she clenched her thighs together. She knew if she focused too much on the memory, her pants would betray her with a visible marking of her arousal. Better to not dwell on the past. “I managed to escape as it was wearing off.”

Sherri tried to maintain her patience as Dia seemed to evaluate the answer she gave, but she could only withhold her annoyance for so long. “Dia, seriously . . . It’s me.”

That uncertain look from Dia remained, but only for a moment more. She soon relaxed and leaned her mop against the nearby counter. As she approached Sherri, the mop began to slide down the edge. It fell to the tile with a sharp clap just as Sherri wrapped her arms around her.

“I was worried about you,” Dia said. She leaned her head against Sherri, finding a comfortable position. Just as relief began to wash over her, she felt Sherri’s arms tighten. A hand pressed the back of her head against Sherri’s shoulder, making it difficult for her to breathe. “Sh-Sherri, what-”

“Shh, don’t struggle,” Sherri said. “It’ll all be over soon.”

Dia tried to scream when she felt the pinch on her neck, but it came out muffled. As much as she tried to thrash, Sherri was too strong for her.

“You’re far too trusting, Dia. But that’s okay. You’ll see The Light soon enough. Jim Jones has shown it to me. He is very much looking forward to meeting you, too.”

Dia stopped struggling as her body relaxed with an annoyed sigh. “You bitch,” she said through the side of her mouth not squashed by Sherri’s shoulder. This time when she pushed against Sherri, she was let go. She brought her hand up to her neck to check for blood where she felt the injection. Finding no evidence, she glanced over to see Sherri’s smiling face as she made pinching motions with her fingers.

“You gotta stop watching those fantasy movies, Dia. They’re making you paranoid.” Sherri tried to ruffle Dia’s hair, but Dia batted her hand away. “C’mon, don’t sulk. I haven’t seen you in over a month. Got a backlog of pranks to get through!”

Dia only rolled her eyes as she rubbed at her neck, but couldn’t stop the slow grin from showing on her face. “Jim Jones? Really?”

“There’s that smile.” Sherri leaned against the nearby counter next to Dia. “So, how ya been?”

“Busy. Had to cover a few of your hours with you gone . . .” Dia flinched. “Not that I’m complaining! Sorry . . .” she said, but Sherri only shrugged in response. “I uh, are you okay? I didn’t know when I’d get to see you again.”

Sherri waved her off. “Of course! Never been better. Just tied up with legal stuff lately. With that finally settling down, I thought it was about time to get back to work. Truth be told, bit bored at home with all the excitement gone. My position still open?”

“Unfortunately for you, it is. We tried to hire someone to take your place, but it didn’t work out. She uh . . . cursed out some customers. Had to fire her the other day.”

“Well shit, if that’s all it took to get out of this dump, I would have told Mr. Norfleet to shove his coupons up his ass months ago!” She gave Dia a playful jab in the side. “So, need help with anything? Nothing better to do, might as well bother you for a few hours.”

Dia scanned the room as she said, “Well, pretty much just finished getting ready to open. Got a new delivery in. Was about to start on that, if you want to give me a hand?”

“After you.” Sherri followed Dia into the back room, dimly lit from the worn incandescent bulbs that bathed everything in a soft yellow glow. They stopped before a formidable mound of boxes arranged in a haphazard mess.

Sherri whistled. “Seems I came back just in time.”

“Yeah . . . I may have been putting it off for a few days.” Dia sat down on the employee couch, a faded, dusty relic that even her great grandmother would call antique. “Tell me about her?”

“What’s that?” Sherri was only half listening to Dia. A nearby box caught her eye, as if calling out to her. She wiggled it loose, careful not to create an avalanche of the ones above.

“About the girl that kidnapped you. I didn’t peg you for someone that would go chasing after a batshit crazy cultist.”

Sherri whirled around. “It wasn’t like that!” Her reaction surprised even her. With a sigh, she took a seat opposite Dia, throwing a few clothes onto a stack of pallets to protect her ass. “I thought . . . I thought she was going to be the one. Being with her was like . . . It was like being alone, but in the best way, y’know? Like I could be myself, even when it was with someone that could drive me wild like she did. It all just worked, in ways that it never had before.”

Sherri paused to take a deep, slow breath. Her body was still as she stared at the ground, but she only saw Victoria in her mind. With a sniff, she became animated once more. “And then everything that happened happened, but . . . I can’t help but wonder if maybe it can still work.”

“Sherri . . .”

“I know, I know!” Sherri said, throwing her hands in the air. “She’s the one that did this to me, but I can’t blame her! From what they told me, Victoria was just as much a victim as I was. She has to be. And I know how fucking crazy it sounds, I know, but maybe she’s still there. Maybe there’s still a chance that we can be together, once everything is back to normal.” She rubbed her shoe over the stain on the concrete floor. “I want to believe that.”

Dia sat in stunned silence as all of Sherri’s thoughts from the past few weeks came pouring out.

“Of course, there’s the chance that she won’t be the same person once the doctors are done helping her. That I fell for some person that’s not even real. And . . . And sometimes I wonder if I even want them to succeed . . .”

Sherri let out a deep sigh. “Who knows, maybe I need to just get away for a bit. I hear Germany is nice this time of year. Been following this one girl’s account, keeps raving about some hotel or something in Berlin. Maybe that’s what I need to get my mind off things.” She shook her head. “Sorry, didn’t mean to kill the mood.”

“It’s okay. Always here to listen, if you need. And a trip sounds nice, given what you’ve been through.”

Sherri jumped off the pallet stack and dusted her hands. “Shitty thing about trips, they cost money. And I’m all but broke. So as long as it’s okay with Mr. Bossman, I’d like to start earning some.”

“I’m sure he’ll be happy to have someone to help that doesn’t need to be trained,” Dia said. Just then, the bell at the front of the store jingled. She glanced towards the sound. “You wanna get that, as your first customer while back?”

Sherri thought about it for a moment. “Nah, you go ahead, if you don’t mind. I want to see if there’s anything here I can claim before it goes out front. Could use a new outfit. I’m thinking . . . thin white dress and a headband of flowers, to really sell that cult member look. What do you think?”

Dia made her way towards the door as she said, “I’m thinking you’re definitely crazy enough to be a cultist, maybe you should have stayed. I hear the Kool-Aid is to die for.” Dia dodged a half-assed kick aimed at her shins. “Don’t give me that look, I can make jokes too! Can’t keep the customer waiting too long, though. I’ll be back soon.”

“Good luck,” Sherri said. She approached the wall of boxes. “Now, which one of you is hiding something good . . .”

Synth tracks backed by a thrumming bass filled the room as Sherri placed her phone on a nearby rickety nightstand. She turned her attention to the box she had her eye on earlier. Opening it with anticipation, she was met with a disappointing array of flannel shirts and overalls. “Guess I’ll be set if I ever need to run off and be a lumberjack,” she said to herself as she began pulling the fabric from the box.

Sherri never did much care for this aspect of the job. Tedious work fueled her boredom, and having to sort boxes was just that. But she was happy to get her mind off of things for once. She let her thoughts take a backseat as she made uneven piles of fabric from the disorganized mess before her. There was little reason to be neat about things, as Dia would only correct her organizational decisions later.

Occasionally Sherri would focus a bit, if she found an item that caught her attention. She would appraise it, and those she liked went into a pile of her own to compare later. Before making much of a dent at all in the overall mountain before her, Sherri opened her next box and gasped.

“Well well, what do we have here?” Sitting right on top of a pile of uninteresting garments was a diamond amongst coal. The fabric shone with a seductive crimson color, and it seemed to have been placed in the box with a care indicative of its quality.

Sherri ran her fingers over the silk, relishing the sensual feel of it. Her mind drifted back to the night where she saw a dress very much like this one. The person wearing it teased her with the body the dress covered. She never did get to remove that dress that night. No, Victoria made her wait in anguish. Drove her wild with anticipation. Until the night where Sherri could let her passions run free, and then . . .

Dress in hand, Sherri couldn’t help but sulk that there was no naked body before her. She held the wrapping, but the gift was gone. She chastised herself, doing her best to ignore the heat between her legs.

Such an odd item, Sherri thought, to accompany a box of otherwise unremarkable garments. It amused her for a moment to think of the circumstances that brought it here. Perhaps it had been an unwelcome gift, either by someone foolishly trying to save a failed marriage, or by someone misjudging theirs.

However it came to be in that box, Sherri knew where it would end up. She doubted she would have the patience to make some lucky woman wait as long as she had to back then. Or any woman that followed. But as she examined the dress more closely, she cursed her own luck with a groan.

“Yo, Dia,” Sherri said as she entered the shopping floor, dress in hand. She checked the tag again, making sure she saw the sizing correctly. “You ever want to slut it up, found the perfect thing for you. Doesn’t fit me, but with your chicken ass . . .” When she looked up, Dia was nowhere in sight. She might have had regret for what she shouted if the customer had heard her, but the entire store appeared to be empty. “Dia?”

A curtain opened to her left, catching Sherri’s attention. A woman stepped out from the changing room before closing the curtain once more with care. She turned towards Sherri and smiled.

“Oh, hi,” Sherri said. “What happened to the employee that was out here?”

“So embarrassing. I accidentally spilled some of my drink on her.” The woman shook her cup for emphasis. Sherri recognized the logo, sold by the convenience store just down the block. “She went out to her car to get something to clean off with.”

“I see.” Sherri glanced out the storefront, but Dia’s car couldn’t be seen to confirm. She thought it odd that Dia wouldn’t have gone to the employee bathroom. “Well, I don’t actually work here, so you’ll have to wait until Dia gets back. Sorry.” Sherri made a quick turn towards the back, eager to not have to deal with a customer so soon.

“I wonder, do you still feel the cravings?” the woman asked. “Perhaps at night, when you’re all alone in bed?”

“What?” When Sherri turned to her, the woman took a quick sip of her drink and licked her lips a bit too long for Sherri’s comfort. Sherri could have sworn she saw the girl’s eyes flutter, but at that distance, it was hard to tell.

“Do you really not recognize me?”

“Sorry, not good with faces. Usually not where I tend to look.” As if to emphasize the point, Sherri let her eyes trail over the woman’s body. She was athletic, for sure. If one couldn’t tell from the skin-tight nature of her wetlook leggings that showcased her toned legs, they would need just one look at her exposed stomach to see just how much effort she put in at the gym. Perhaps a little assistance wouldn’t be so bad after all.

“Wait . . .” Sherri squinted. When she did, a red flash went off in her mind, images of a naked body strapped to a chair. It was then all too apparent just who this woman was. “A . . . Alexa?”

“Ilaria, actually, but that’s okay. I’ll forgive you for not remembering.” She sauntered closer to Sherri, keeping her eyes fixed on hers.

“Oh, wow! I didn’t know if I’d see you again. I tried to bring you with me that night, but . . .” Sherri brought her hand up to rub the back of her neck. “So, what are you doing here?”

“I just had to say thanks for doing what you did. And no worries. I wasn’t in the right frame of mind that day. But I’m all better now.” She winked at Sherri.

“Cool, cool. Good to hear.” She couldn’t keep her eyes off Ilaria’s body. Even clothed, it was so much more beautiful when it wasn’t bathed in that red light. And the things Sherri pictured it doing to her . . . “But hey, if you really insist, you can thank me over dinner tonight?”

“Why wait until later?” Ilaria leaned against a nearby clothing rack, the rack sliding just a bit until the wheel locks engaged. “Got somewhere to be right now?”

Sherri approached, surprised at the direction the conversation had gone in such short duration, but loving every minute of it. She joined Ilaria by the rack, close enough to smell her perfume. It was an intoxicating scent, yet somehow familiar to her. Perhaps a faint memory of some former tryst triggered her subconscious and made her body flush. “I do. And it involves a bed. Or a couch.”

Sherri clicked her tongue in frustration. “But I should wait until Dia gets back. Let her know I’m taking off. Or at least tell her not to go in back for the next . . . hour?” Of course Dia would be taking her sweet time today. The way her heart was racing, Sherri had half a mind to just drag Ilaria to the back and deal with the consequences later.

“I can wait.” Ilaria took another sip and once more ran her tongue across her lips. “Mmm, this stuff is delicious. Would you like a taste?” She then put a finger over the top of the straw. When she pulled it out of the cup, she brought it over her chest and let the purple liquid drip onto her chest and down between her tits. “Better get it all. It can be quite . . . sticky.”

“What is it?” Somehow Ilaria’s perfume was even stronger than before, even more inebriating. All Sherri could think of was burying her face between those breasts and licking away. To hell with Dia, she could apologize to her later. Worst case, she could find another job. She knew Ilaria was going to be worth it.

And then Ilaria crooked her finger, beckoning Sherri closer. As Sherri closed what little gap there was, Ilaria leaned in to whisper in her ear. “There is purpose in obedience.

For a moment, Sherri didn’t understand. Only when she felt her body go weak, her legs threatening to give out, did realization dawn on her. The words reverberated in her mind, through her body. She looked up from the glorious treasure of Ilaria’s chest towards her face, panic in her eyes, only to find Ilaria staring back with a victorious grin.

The urge to respond bubbled up from within, words awoken from some slumber, similar to the ones that left Ilaria’s lips. Sherri fought against them. “No . . .” she said.

Were it not for the clothing rack, she would have crumpled to the floor. Pleasure surged through her, a phantom memory come back in full force. Suddenly the smell made sense, and knowing what it was only heightened her arousal, much to Sherri’s dismay.

She had to get away. She had to find Dia. What was taking her so long?

But her thoughts were coming in slow. Before she could even think to run, she noticed Ilaria take another sip. Only instead of swallowing, Ilaria kept the liquid trapped in her mouth, her cheeks puffed. She drew closer to Sherri and reached out to grab her head, her lips ready to inject their poison into Sherri’s mouth.

Fighting with the same force of will as she did so long ago, Sherri kicked out with her foot. It slammed against the wheel of the rack, unlatching the lock. Free to move, the rack rolled away under their combined weight, catching Ilaria off guard and sending them both to the floor.

The cup burst open as it impacted the linoleum, spilling the sap all over. Dazed in body and mind, Sherri took notice of the puddle as it spread towards her. With what strength she had, she scrambled away just in time to avoid touching any.

But that wasn’t the only danger. All too quick, Ilaria was back on her feet. Sherri tried to push away, to put some distance between them, but could only accomplish a few inches at a time. Her palms kept sliding on the smooth surface below her.

The grin had disappeared from Ilaria’s face. “Stupid girl. Why do you have to make this harder on yourself?”

Sherri bumped into another rack behind her, blocking her path. She looked around for the exit, only to realize how far away it was. May as well have been a mile, with how little her body cooperated. “Please. Don’t do this! I saved you, didn’t I?”

“Saved? You left me!” There was a flash of anger, but then the predatory smile grew on Ilaria’s lips. “Not that I’m upset about that. Like I said, I’m all better now. I get to serve Nabi. I want for nothing else.” She was standing over Sherri now, terrifying and imposing. And in a flash, just as Sherri was about to scream for help, Ilaria pinned her to the ground and clamped a hand over Sherri’s mouth. “Ah ah, let’s not go making a scene, okay?”

Sherri tried to wrestle her head free, to push Ilaria off of her, but her body did not have nearly enough strength. All she could do was watch in horror as Ilaria brought her free hand up towards her own chest. It disappeared behind the fabric of her shirt, and with a swipe, emerged covered in that sap that Sherri’s eyes locked onto.

Without pause, Ilaria wiped her fingers just below Sherri’s nose, letting the heady aroma dull her thoughts even more, and drive her body wild. As soon as Sherri felt the warmth permeate her skin, the smell invade her nostrils, she knew all was lost.

“It’s surprising,” Ilaria said. “You’re too confident, Sherri. Too stubborn to admit how compromised your mind already was. I wonder, how did you justify denying the help they offered, while you touched yourself at night thinking of her?

“Or was it something else? Maybe you wanted this all along. Did you enjoy the knowledge that part of you belonged to Nabi? Is that why you hid her influence from that bitch of a doctor?”

Perhaps Sherri should have been more forthcoming after her escape. But she hated their facilities, a prison hardly different from the one Nabi held her in. She said what she needed to in order to appease Dr. Navathe, to facilitate her release. Her thoughts after, when she was all alone in bed, were just . . . harmless guilty pleasures. There was no influence from Nabi in that. And yet . . .

Ilaria leaned back, her weight still pressing down on Sherri. “Not that it matters.”

Ilaria got up and began to drag Sherri across the floor. Sherri tried to reach out to grab something, anything, but her fingers refused to hold whatever passed under them. When she came to a stop, as hints of purple pulsed in her mind, all she could do was shake her head side to side.

“Shh. No more struggles,” Ilaria said as she leaned down to stroke Sherri’s hair. Sherri gave a few more heaving sobs under her. “Here, let me help you.” Ilaria scooped some of the spilled sap into her palm. After painting two of her fingers with the viscous liquid, she then pressed them against Sherri’s mouth.

For a brief moment, Sherri pursed her lips. But as the warmth began spreading through her, bringing with it the full brunt of her memories from before, Sherri knew she needed to have a taste. She closed her eyes as her tongue pressed through to meet the fingers. And when the sap made contact with her taste buds, Sherri clenched her thighs and moaned.

“Your body remembers this, Sherri. You know how easy it would be to give in again. Just let your mind drift in the pleasure.” Ilaria continued to supply Sherri’s eager mouth with more sap as she spoke sweet nothings of bliss into her ear. “But I know what will really help.”

Confident that Sherri wouldn’t go anywhere, couldn’t go anywhere, Ilaria climbed off of her. She reached down to unbutton Sherri’s pants. Coating her hand with more sap, she let her fingers trail down Sherri’s stomach, painting her flesh purple, to land on Sherri’s sex.

Sherri’s breath hitched, her unfocused eyes going wide as she moaned once more with even greater abandon. Her world was purple pleasure, and she hated herself for trying to escape before with what little thoughts she had left.

“Nabi did say I could indulge myself, and I have a feeling you won’t mind.” With her hand now stroking Sherri’s lower lips, Ilaria straddled her, grinding her pelvis into Sherri. She bent down to swipe her finger in the puddle, bringing them to her own mouth to partake in a taste herself.

Ilaria closed her eyes and bit her lip, the corners of her mouth curled into a delighted smile. “Enjoy this moment with me, Sherri.” She continued to press her fingers into Sherri’s cunt, every so often offering up more sap to Sherri’s greedy folds. Sherri began to move her hips as well, the two of them bucking together.

“Cum with me, Sherri. Cum with me! God, let me fuck your mind away! Yes. Yes!” Ilaria let out a short, stifled scream as she tightened her legs around Sherri. She pressed her hand against Sherri’s chest to keep from collapsing, staining Sherri’s shirt purple.

And then her arm gave out and she collapsed on top of Sherri, her hot breath billowing against Sherri’s neck. “I’m so glad you failed to save me,” she said between deep pants. “Soon you’ll understand.” She brought her hand up to her mouth to savor the taste of Sherri on her fingers, as well as whatever remnants of sap remained.

Ilaria watched Sherri’s breathing become more regular. Her head lulled from side to side. When Sherri reached down to rub herself again, Ilaria stopped her arm. “Now now, there will be time for that later.” She propped her head up on one arm and reached over with the other to dip her finger in the sap.

When Sherri saw the purple finger, she followed it with her eyes. When it was above her mouth, she reached out with her tongue to lick it, but Ilaria pulled it away. Ilaria giggled as she played her game a few more times before letting Sherri wrap her tongue around the wet digit at last.

“There’s much for you to do, and not much time to do it, Sherri. We’re gonna go for a little ride, is that okay?”

Sherri tried to focus on Ilaria, but the room was spinning, and her eyes kept wanting to close. She could barely register what she heard as a question, but her instincts told her if she gave Ilaria the right answer, she may be rewarded with more sap. She smiled at the thought of it. “Yes . . .”

“Good girl,” Ilaria said as she petted Sherri. “Now just wait here while I tidy up some loose ends.”

Ilaria rose and sauntered over to the changing room. She threw the curtain open to reveal Dia collapsed on the floor, her back against the wall. She had her hand down her pants playing with herself, her head listed forward as she drooled all over her chest. In front of her, propped up on the floor, was a phone. A simple spiral rotated on the screen.

Ilaria crouched down next to her. She grabbed Dia’s unresisting head by the chin and directed it towards her. “And how are we feeling, young lady? My my, you are positively soaked. I imagine you wouldn’t even be able to tell me how many times you came.”

She squeezed Dia’s cheeks together between her fingers, causing the girl’s lips to purse. Dia shivered as her hand continued to move beneath her pants.

“Poor girl. It must have been so hard to remain silent, but you did such a wonderful job of it. That deserves a reward.” Ilaria collected more sap in her hand. “Go ahead and cum for me, and really let yourself go with this one.” She then shoved her slick fingers down Dia’s throat.

Dia’s body convulsed as the orgasm tore through her. She let out a mighty scream, her eyes rolling back into her head, but it was stifled by Ilaria’s hand. Ilaria watched on with passive interest as Dia nearly lost consciousness before her. When she finally calmed, Ilaria removed her hand.

“Back to the spiral, Dia. Remember, it takes away all your thoughts. Leaves you completely open to my suggestion. I’m so glad you weren’t listening to all that unpleasantness. You see, Sherri had a bit of an accident. I need to take her to get some help. But don’t worry, she’ll be okay. I promise.

“But I need you to do a favor for me. We can’t have the store looking like a mess, no. While I’m helping Sherri, you need to clean up. Can you—Focus now, Dia—Can you do that for me?”

Ilaria had to guide her head again to look at her. “Yes . . .” Dia said, and as soon as Ilaria let go, Dia went right back to looking at the wonderful spiral.

“Good girl. And I have a special treat for you. There’s plenty of that wonderful liquid that you love so much as a reward for listening to me, and it’s all yours. But here’s the thing, I seem to have spilled it all over the floor. You don’t mind licking it all up, do you? No, no, can’t have it go to waste now, can we.” Ilaria reached over to shut the phone off, drawing a groan out of Dia. “And when you’re done, you just need to forget about everything that happened here today. If you do well, I’ll come back with more of that drink. So go ahead, Dia. Go clean up the store. Make sure to get every last drop, and then let it all slip away from your mind.”

Slow as a sloth, Dia crawled on the floor to the nearest purple puddle. She lowered her head to drag her tongue along the ground, lapping up any of the luxurious liquid she could find.

Satisfied with the results, Ilaria stepped over her on her way to Sherri. “Okay, Sherri. Let’s get you all fixed up.” She helped Sherri to her feet, keeping the girl steady in her arms. “Nabi is really looking forward to seeing you again.”

With that, the two left the store.

* * *

“Stand straight.”

Sherri felt a hand push against the small of her back. The fingers then trailed against her soft, naked skin, the lightest of touches that had Sherri shivering with delight as she followed her orders. Her eyes locked onto Nabi’s as she came into view, a deep commanding purple. The eyes blocked Sherri’s view of the spiral, but she found them just as captivating, just as irresistible.

“The wayward child returns.” Nabi continued her full inspection of Sherri, lifting and prodding and squeezing her flesh. Sherri made sure to stand as still as she could with her arms locked behind her back, unless Nabi saw fit to move her in some way. “How many sessions are left?” Nabi asked as she turned to Ilaria.

“Just two.”

“More than enough, likely. After all, it won’t take as long when I’m not supplanting her entire person. She’ll still be her unsavory self, but devoted to my desires.” After a moment of contemplation, Nabi stopped once more in front of Sherri. “One more session. I do want to be careful, especially with you. Wouldn’t want a repeat of your first day, now would we?”

Sherri wanted to tell her that would never happen again, that she would never dare to part from her. But she knew Nabi was not looking for an answer to her question. And unless expressed otherwise, Sherri was to remain silent. During these inspections, the only sounds Nabi wanted were those of pleasure.

“Truth be told, I was at a bit of a loss as to what to do with you. Ilaria here thinks I should punish you, and perhaps she’s right. You’ve hurt me, Sherri.” Her eyes narrowed, two fierce slits of purple that left Sherri trembling. “Because of you, I’ve lost almost everything. My home is gone, forcing me to hide away in this meager abode. My subjects, those that haven’t been captured, have fled out into the world, waiting for me to call them home.”

Sherri wished she would be punished. To hear Nabi speak her failings out loud was its own form of torture, but she knew it wasn’t enough for her to atone.

“I thought everything was going to be fine. They’d get nothing out of Victoria, I trained her well. Before long, I could just move on.” Nabi let out a deep sigh. “But then you had to mention brainwashing to them. Because of you, they’re turning Victoria against me. It’s just a matter of time before they learn enough about me through her.”

Nabi ran the back of a finger slowly up Sherri’s skin, starting at her navel. Sherri’s stomach shuddered as she let out a shaky breath. “I could have just killed you. Send one of my girls to get my revenge when your back is turned. And if she was caught, well . . . Poor thing wouldn’t know why she was standing over your mutilated corpse by the time the cops arrived.”

When her hand reached Sherri’s neck, Nabi wrapped her fingers around it, squeezing the flesh. Sherri showed no signs of distress as her airway was cut off. If Nabi wanted to choke her, Sherri would do nothing to stop it. “Better yet, I could leave that task up to your yourself. Tell me, if I ordered you to take your own life, would you do it?”

Sherri opened her mouth to speak, but only a croak came out. Nabi watched for a moment more before stepping back, releasing Sherri from her grip.

Sherri took a gasping breath while maintaining her pose. In between gulps of air, she said, “Yes . . . Nabi . . .” She knew it to be true. She could feel her arousal build at the thought of being able to complete a task for Nabi, no matter the cost. “Anything you wish.”

“Good answer,” Nabi said with a grin. “But no, I thought of something even more wonderful. You see, you’ve brought me a golden opportunity. And lucky you, you’ll be playing a key role in the events to come.”

Nabi walked over to Ilaria to grab the cup she was cradling in her hands. She dipped two of her fingers into the sap before returning to face Sherri. She held the fingers just under Sherri’s cunt, delighting in the way Sherri failed to maintain her composure in her anticipation. “And I think that is something that definitely should be rewarded.”

Nabi then thrust her drenched fingers into Sherri’s pussy. After taking a sip of the sap herself, she pulled on Sherri’s ponytail, tilting her head up as Nabi leaned in and kissed her, letting the sap flow into Sherri’s wanting mouth. As she lost herself to the pleasure, Sherri moaned into Nabi as she shut her eyes.

Thank you for reading this chapter. I hope you enjoyed it! As usual, I’d love to hear what you think, so feel free to email me: I also run a Discord server with Carefully Random, a place for anyone with an interest in all things hypnosis. Plenty of other authors are there as well, so stop by and say hi!

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