Better Off


by Shadra

Tags: #cw:noncon #brainwashing #dom:female #f/f #hypnosis #multiple_partners #sub:female #aphrodisiac #betrayal #cult #drugs #hypnotic_screen #hypnotic_trigger #masturbation #oral_sex #orgasm #posthypnotic_suggestion #submission

Contains literary material intended for adult audiences.

“Stand straight.”

A hand pressed against Sherri’s back, adjusting her, letting her know the exact position she was expected to be in. Delicate fingers trailed against her soft, naked skin, the lightest of touches that had Sherri shivering with delight. Her eyes locked onto Victoria’s as the other woman circled around, a pleasant soft green that she could lose herself in.

Victoria let one finger linger just above Sherri’s sex. The warmth that radiated from Sherri’s legs helped combat the chill in the air. Sherri whimpered, hoping the finger would slide down a fraction more to grace her opening, to give her some relief. But she knew she was being toyed with, tested.

Victoria must have been satisfied with Sherri’s restraint. She flicked her finger, the sensation on Sherri’s clit more a whisper than anything. It still caused a sharp inhale from Sherri. With a smirk, Victoria continued to circle her charge, but Sherri could still feel those lovely eyes on her body. Appraising her. Making sure she was ready.

She wanted to be ready.

Victoria then grabbed Sherri’s arms at the wrists, pulling them behind Sherri’s back and guiding them to where they should be. At Victoria’s prompting, Sherri clasped her arms together and brought her shoulders back, allowing her exposed chest to stand prominent on display, her nipples hard and aching.

Sherri felt Victoria’s chest press against her back. Victoria’s warm breath tickled Sherri’s neck as she leaned in to whisper. “Almost done,” she said, and Sherri was filled with joy.

Unseen hands gathered Sherri’s mahogany hair. A small tug here and there and the hair was tied up and allowed to fall as one down her back, just below her shoulders. Only then did Victoria come into view once more, a satisfied smile on her face.

“Perfection,” Victoria said. She stepped closer, within an inch of Sherri, close enough for Sherri to feel Victoria’s radiated arousal. “You know, I used to wonder why she wanted us presented this way. Kneeling always seemed much more fitting for us, much more natural.” She reached up and placed a hand on Sherri’s cheek, and Sherri couldn’t help but nuzzle into it. “I asked her about it one day. Do you know what she told me?”

Sherri couldn’t begin to fathom, but Victoria wasn’t waiting for a response anyways. “When we’re standing, it’s so much easier to”—she pressed her hand against Sherri’s cunt, sliding two fingers in with ease—“play with her subjects.”

Sherri’s eyes shut tight as her legs clamped around Victoria’s fingers. Her knees threatened to buckle as her mind swam in purple for an instant. She stifled a moan as best she could, and tried hopelessly to regain her composure.

The effort only caused Victoria to laugh. “It’s okay to give in to the pleasure, Sherri. In fact, Nabi encourages it.” She wiggled her fingers to emphasize the point, causing Sherri to collapse against her. “Pleasure is the path to enlightenment, she wants us to embrace it. That’s why she’s here. Through her guidance, we may transcend to pleasures untold. The real question is, are you ready to devote yourself to her, now and forever?”

Sherri had her arms wrapped around Victoria for support as she shivered against her. This Nabi that Victoria mentioned hadn’t seemed special when they were first introduced, but now Sherri knew differently. Just thinking about her sent Sherri’s heart racing, her body consumed in purple ecstasy. It amplified the sensation of the fingers between her legs as Victoria continued to drive her wild. If serving Nabi meant she could feel this good, of course she would devote her life to such a cause. Anyone would do the same, it was so obvious. “Yes, of course. Anything for her. Anything for Nabi. Please!”

“Then look upon me, and confess your purpose.”

Nabi’s honeyed voice filled Sherri’s ears. When she opened her eyes, she saw the most beautiful woman imaginable. She knew then just what to say, the only thing she could say. “Obedience is my purpose.” She tried to push away from Victoria, to assume the correct position, but her body didn’t have the strength.

Despite that, Nabi’s perfect smile grew larger. “Good girl. Cum for me, and accept your place amongst your sisters.”

Sherri braced for the impact she knew those words would bring, her eyes clenched tight. If she couldn’t stand on her own from just the effect of Victoria’s fingers, she couldn’t imagine how useless her body would be after such a command from Nabi herself. She wondered if Victoria would have the strength to hold her up, or if Victoria would guide Sherri to the ground as she writhed in abject rapture.

Only when the orgasm came, it wasn’t anywhere as strong as she was expecting. Instead of her mind being awash in purple bliss, it was muted in red. She glanced up to where Nabi was, but the woman faded from her view. Victoria disappeared as well, but before Sherri could worry that she was going to fall, she realized that she was already seated in a sturdy chair.

A loud explosion rang out, causing Sherri to flinch. She felt the ground shake beneath her, the sound of rattling metal replacing the blast before it too was replaced by a torrential noise that seemed to come from everywhere. When she opened her eyes again, the room itself was painted in a red glow.

She felt dizzy, and her mind was uncooperative. She tried to move, but found she was unable to. Only when she realized that it wasn’t due to her own lack of strength did she notice that her arms and legs were strapped to a chair. She struggled against the restraints, but they held tight.

The adrenaline rush that followed helped to clear her thoughts, and helped the room to stop spinning, but her efforts to recall how she got there still proved unfruitful.

There was movement to her left. A sound as well, that Sherri could only describe as a groan, but it was difficult to hear over the noise from outside.

She found a girl in a seat next to her, someone that Sherri did not recognize. The woman’s head was lolling from side to side as a line of drool trailed down to her thigh. As Sherri followed it, she realized that the woman’s athletic body was on full display, the red lights casting shadows to help define her features. Sherri looked down to confirm that she was just as exposed, a sudden chill overtaking her.

“Hey, hey!” Sherri said. She dared not raise her voice too much. Her captors could be anywhere, listening in. Another crash of thunder seemed to taunt her in response before the deafening rain crept back into the void the thunder left behind. “Wake up!”

The girl stirred some more, and slowly she managed to turn her head towards Sherri. Her eyes were unfocused, and she struggled to keep them more than half open.

“What’s your name?” Sherri asked.

“Name?” The shadows covering her face gave her an unsettling appearance. She had gone silent, and for a moment Sherri thought she had fallen asleep. Then her head jerked up, a momentary spark of awareness flashing in her eyes as she slurred her answer. “Ila . . . Ilaria . . .”

“Okay, Ilaria. Do you remember how we got here? Where we are?” Sherri put more strength into her voice, hoping that the storm outside would mask it from any eavesdroppers.

“I . . .” The girl’s head bounced once before she directed it towards the wall straight ahead. “I need to watch the video,” she said, her voice barely heard over the noise from outside.

Sherri followed Ilaria’s gaze to the front of the room. She noticed a screen covering half the wall, bathed in the red of the emergency lights. If she strained her neck enough, she could just make out the projector hanging from the ceiling behind them. She didn’t know what it was for, likely nothing good, but couldn’t help but feel a troubling desire to watch it as well.

Dismissing it as simple curiosity, Sherri took stock of everything else in sight. A few more empty chairs took up the main floor, some piles of . . . something along the walls, obscured by the dim lighting, and a small desk tucked away on the side was all she could find. Even if the desk contained something that could help her, it was all out of reach.

Sherri struggled against her bonds a few more times, but they held strong. If she was to get out, it wouldn’t be through her own strength, though she didn’t have too much faith in her drugged companion. “Hey. Hey! Ilaria! Can you try to pull free?”

“Okay . . .” Ilaria gave some meager attempts, but was no more successful in freeing herself than Sherri. She gave up without a word to stare once more at the blank screen.

“Hey, you gotta focus. We have to work togeth-” Sherri heard the sound of the door to her left unlocking. “Soon as we get the chance, we make a break for it.” She hoped whoever was outside hadn’t heard her, as she tried to keep herself calm while the door swung open.

Standing in the doorway was a familiar face. She was soaked from head to toe, her hair matted and her simple dress clinging to her skin, doing little to hide her magnificent figure. The sight of her sent Sherri’s heart racing, her mind slipping back into that wonderful dream from before. She clenched her thighs together as she drank in the woman’s luscious body, as her own recalled the pleasure it felt.

Sherri shook her head. It was a dream, what she could remember of it, and nothing more. Somehow Victoria got free, and now she was here to rescue them. “Victoria? Thank god, you have to help us!”

Their eyes met, but there was no sense of alarm in Victoria’s. Sherri didn’t know how she could stay calm in such a situation. “C’mon, help me out here!”

Victoria brought a finger up to her lips.

Of course. Sherri shouldn’t be shouting. She didn’t want to alert anyone else that might not be on their side. Victoria must have a plan, she just had to trust her, which meant shutting her mouth and remaining silent.

Victoria stood over Ilaria. She reached out to pull her head up, holding Ilaria’s chin in the palm of her hand. “I’m sorry your session was cut short today. Nabi will make sure to give you extra time tomorrow, but we can’t have you sitting around here waiting for the storm to pass.”

Victoria then brought up her other hand, revealing a small flask. She uncovered the top and held it to Ilaria’s lips. “Take a drink,” Victoria said. “Not too much, just enough to tide you over. That’s it, good girl.”

As Ilaria drank, Sherri’s eyes couldn’t help but wander over Victoria’s body. The sight of her silhouette sparked a memory in Sherri, a moment from a recent past that was more real than her dream. A quick fling that erupted into a night of passion. Entwined on a bed, their clothes long since torn off. Pure, uninhibited passion, and then . . .

Sherri’s daydream was interrupted when Ilaria began to cough, sputtering sap all over her own face. The reflex knocked the flask out of Victoria’s hand, sending it cluttering to the ground. “I-I’m sorry!” Ilaria said, trembling. Her eyes filled with tears. “I didn’t mean to . . .”

Victoria struggled to find the flask in the dark. She got down on her hands and knees, feeling around until her fingers bumped against the smooth, hard metal. Only then it was too late, the contents had emptied onto the concrete, slowly trailing down the graded surface towards a nearby drain. “Shit . . .”

With a sigh, she returned her attention to Ilaria. “Shh, it’s okay,” Victoria said in a soft voice, and even Sherri felt herself relax at the comforting words. Victoria stroked Ilaria’s cheek before leaning in to kiss her. Ilaria shuddered, melting into Victoria’s supple lips. Victoria pulled away, licking the remnants of sap from her mouth, while Ilaria sank into her chair, a dreamy smile on her face.

Victoria stood up to glance at the door, contemplating what to do. The silence gave Sherri another moment to think. Her mind went right back to that memory. God, Victoria had been perfect. She knew just what to say, just how to play Sherri’s body like an instrument. The orgasms were intense and bountiful and left Sherri drained. And when she finally recovered, she saw Victoria staring down at her.

Gone was the intense, smoldering eyes of the woman that had seduced Sherri moments ago. In their place, Sherri saw nothing but an unnerving coldness, with a hint of excitement at whatever it was going through Victoria’s head. And when Sherri tried to slip out from under her, Victoria pinned her to the bed.

Her strength was unbelievable. Despite Sherri’s struggles, she was powerless to get away. And then Victoria pressed something against Sherri’s mouth, a liquid seeping past her lips that warmed her throat. It eroded what remained of her strength, leaving her merciless as Victoria soothed her. The last thing Sherri felt was her mind going numb.

And then she woke up here . . .

“I have more of the sap in the other building,” Victoria said, and a chill went down Sherri’s spine to find that Victoria was now above her once again, that same look in her eyes.

Victoria brought her here. Held her against her will. Kidnapped her! She had to get away. She had to-

“Be a good girl and follow me. I’ll give you more of the sap as a reward. There is purpose in obedience.

She had to follow Victoria. She needed that reward. Only now did she realize how devastated she was that Ilaria had spilled it all. Now she would have to wait, but at least there was promise of more if she just did what Victoria wanted. “Yes, of course. Obedience is my purpose,” she said.

Victoria studied Sherri’s every reaction, as if she didn’t trust what Sherri would do. Sherri wanted Victoria to know that she’d be a good girl, but couldn’t decide how best to show it. She recalled from the dream that there was a position she should be in, but the restraints prevented her from assuming it. Instead, she straightened her back as best as she could. “Please . . .” If only Victoria would tell her to do something! Then she could show her . . .

To her relief, Sherri watched as Victoria unfastened the clasps around her wrists and feet. Part of her wanted to dive onto the floor just then to lick up whatever was left of the sap on the concrete. The rest of her knew she should wait for Victoria to instruct her. She held the key to a fresh source, Sherri just had to do what Victoria said.

Sherri closed her eyes and let out a moan as Victoria’s tongue pushed past her lips. She could taste the faint traces of the sap that lingered in Victoria’s mouth, the flavor making her want even more. Much too soon, Victoria pulled away, and Sherri gave her a pleading look as she whined.

Victoria placed her finger under Sherri’s chin and pulled up. Taking the hint, Sherri struggled to stand on shaky legs, but she made sure to keep those captivating green eyes in her sight the entire time.

“Don’t you worry, there will be plenty of time for that later. Right now I need you to follow me. Can you do that?”

A dopey, loving smile spread across Sherri’s face. “Of course . . .” She’d do anything for more sap-flavored kisses. She waited as Victoria attended to Ilaria, and soon Victoria was ushering them all out the door.

The cold rain pelted Sherri in the face once she stepped outside. It didn’t bother her though, as her focus was fixated on Victoria’s ass. The plump cheeks, visible through the wet dress that clung to it, undulated side to side in a relaxing manner. All she had to do was keep it in sight, her carrot on a stick.

The strong winds seemed to want to challenge her in that. She stumbled a few times when a gust came roaring past. Sometimes she’d bump into Ilaria, the only reminder that she was even there. Then Sherri would be right back on track, plodding along with lazy steps through the soft, flooded grass, following that luscious beacon in the dark.

Shortly after they rounded a building, there was a flash. For the briefest of moments, the sky lit up so bright, as if the sun itself had decided to reappear. The entirety of the compound could be seen in the dead of night, were Sherri to tear her gaze away from Victoria.

The moment the flash dissipated, an earth-shattering crash of thunder followed up, a crack so loud that had Sherri recoiling. The jarring sound chased away the haze in Sherri’s mind. She shivered, now aware of the chilling air that swept across her drenched skin. Along with her senses, so too came the memories of what transpired.

Sherri glanced at her surroundings. They were coming up on a building. Deep down, Sherri knew that if she were to walk inside, she may never walk back out on her own volition again. She had to get away by any means necessary.

Without time to think of a plan, Sherri closed in on Victoria. Victoria began to turn, once again checking to make sure her two trainees were following. Before she could react, Sherri raised her foot and shoved it as hard as she could into Victoria’s side.

With a short grunt, Victoria tumbled to the ground. After rolling to a stop, she curled up in pain. She looked up to find Sherri staring down at her with wide eyes before turning away. Victoria reached out to her before once again clutching her stomach as she struggled to breathe.

Sherri grabbed Ilaria by the shoulders. “Ilaria, let’s go! We have to run!” She had to shout to be heard over the furious storm.

Ilaria glanced back at Victoria. “What . . . Why did you . . .” She tried to push past Sherri to go help Victoria, but Sherri held her back.

“No, don’t!” She grabbed Ilaria’s face, forcing her to look away from Victoria. “Just follow me now, okay?!”

Sherri didn’t have time for Ilaria’s indecisiveness. She took her hand and dragged her along. Ilaria stumbled a bit, but Sherri was relieved that she was at least allowing herself to be led. With a few more tugs and words of encouragement, the two were making a decent pace away from their captors.

Victoria watched them flee, unable to do anything else as she gasped for air. The door to the nearby building opened, bathing her in the soft glow of a flashlight. Victoria rolled over to face the person standing in the frame, and she was filled with peace.

The two girls dashed past a carport. Sherri knew it would be useless to check the cars for keys, and would only give time for her kidnappers to catch up.

As the rain pelted the roof like a snare drum, Sherri took a moment to catch her bearings. She had to find the road out, but wasn’t sure which direction it was. Knowing there wasn’t much time, she’d just have to hope that whatever way they were headed would be close enough. At the very least they could make it to the tree line that surrounded the place. They wouldn’t be out in the open, then. Wouldn’t be exposed.

“This way,” Sherri said, but Ilaria tugged on her arm, once again rooted in place. “Come on, we don’t have time!”

“She’s so beautiful . . .” Ilaria began walking back, but Sherri held her hand tight. “I have to be with her.” Ilaria struggled, reaching out towards where Victoria had been. When Sherri glanced in the same direction, she gasped and let go of Ilaria’s hand.

Standing under the red glow of one of the buildings was a veritable angel. Even from this distance, Sherri was frozen in awe at the sight of her. She had one hand petting Victoria’s head, as Victoria clung to her leg. She reached her other hand out, beckoning to Sherri. Before she knew it, Sherri had already taken a step towards her.

The rain was gone, whatever it was that was falling to the earth made no noise, nor did Sherri feel it crash against her skin. Her surroundings were blurry. Only the goddess before her was in focus, everything else was unimportant as she took another step. She longed to be in Victoria’s place, hugging that leg with that hand on her face.

The moment Sherri realized what was happening, she let out a shout and slammed her eyes shut. There was nothing else she could do for Ilaria. To try to save her would only doom them both. So despite her mind crying out for her to go in one direction, Sherri forced herself to blindly charge in the other.

She dashed across the field of grass, hoping she wasn’t about to smash blindly into one of the buildings that scattered the compound before she gained the courage to open her eyes once more. She dared not look back. Even as she made it to the trees, she did not look back. Even when she found the road, she did not look back. And when she made it to a town, miles away, shivering and with bloodied feet, she still refused to look back.

“Do you understand your instructions?”

“Yes, Nabi,” Victoria said. It was always so nice to wake up from a deep session. She didn’t even need the images anymore, just Nabi’s seductive voice guiding her, worming its way through her mind. Victoria thrilled at the new thoughts running through her head. New tasks for her to perform, new ways to show her devotion.

“Good.” Nabi turned to the girl standing to Victoria’s side. She was staring at Nabi with awe, an expression that Victoria was all too familiar with. “What’s your name?”

“Ilaria.” There was no hesitation. Nabi began to inspect her, manipulating her naked body as she pleased. Ilaria felt no shame in her nudity, her body was no longer her own to care about.

“How many sessions?” Nabi asked.

“Just the one,” Victoria said. “She was brought in with the other girl. She took to it better, but . . . I’m sorry, Nabi. I have failed you.”

“Perhaps,” Nabi said. If she knew how much those words pained Victoria, she made no indication. She continued her inspection of Ilaria, probing her mouth with her fingers before inserting them into Ilaria’s cunt.

Ilaria pushed her hips forward as she moaned.

When Nabi withdrew her fingers, she smiled her satisfaction at the girl. She then turned to Victoria. “But that’s something to worry about another day. Get to work, I know I can trust you on this.”

There was an urgency to Nabi’s voice. If the idea wasn’t so preposterous, Victoria would have thought that Nabi was worried. But she was always in control, confident, domineering. Any assumption otherwise was just a mistake on Victoria’s part. And if Nabi needed her to do something, she would do it.

So she scrambled to her feet, scurrying around the office to grab the necessary papers to throw into the metal bin. Her only thoughts were on this one task, the only thing that could stop her was Nabi herself.

“Drink this.” Nabi held a vial up to Ilaria’s lips. As the liquid poured down her throat, Ilaria’s eyes rolled up, her legs quaking as the warmth subsumed her. Nabi held her head firmly in her hands. “Focus on me. The pleasure you’re feeling right now, only I can give this to you. But only if you serve me well.”

“Of course. Anything for you . . .” Ilaria said.

“I have a task for you as well. Please me, and I will show you pleasure beyond comprehension.” She studied Ilaria’s reaction, and when she was satisfied, the two left the building, leaving Victoria to her duties.

By the time the red and blue lights flashed through the windows, Victoria had thrown the last of the documents into the smoldering bin. The officers that burst through the door found her on her knees before the fire, pleasuring herself after a job well done.

Thank you for reading this chapter. I hope you enjoyed it! As usual, I’d love to hear what you think, so feel free to email me: I also run a Discord server with Carefully Random, a place for anyone with an interest in all things hypnosis. Plenty of other authors are there as well, so stop by and say hi!

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