Best Laid Plans: A Saint Mercury Story

Chapter 1

by Shadra

Tags: #cw:noncon #blowjob #D/s #dom:female #f/f #multiple_partners #sub:female #cum_play #hypnotic_kiss #oral_sex #orgasm #posthypnotic_suggestion #school #sex
See spoiler tags : #cock_worship #futanari #pheromones

This story was done for a friend of mine, the wonderfully talented artist Psi. It follows events that fall outside the scope of his amazing comic, St Mercury's Academy. Do note that this story is not strictly canon. You also do not need to be familiar with the comic to understand this story, and indeed may spoil yourself if you read the comic first. I'd say this is not the usual type of story from me, but well it's already the second. Either way, I do hope you enjoy!

St. Mercury’s Academy for young women. A school with one principle in mind, nurturing the growth of only the best women in society. It was the rite of passage for any woman worth anything to pass through these doors and establish their place among the elite.

It was only natural then that Mary Tennyon would grace these halls for the third year, following in the footsteps of her mother. The stories her mother shared shaped Mary’s childhood, inspiring tales of illustrious accomplishments like no other. The alumni spoke of the best years of her life with such reverence, eliciting a vivid notion of perfect elegance that guided Mary before she even stepped foot on the grounds herself. The weight on our shoulders is heavy, my dear, but it must be endured. Your time there will hopefully allow you to understand your obligations as my daughter. Mary had no intention of letting her mother down.

However, reality often had a way of disappointing. Truth be told, the school had become rather lax with its . . . exclusivity. Gone were the elegant noblewomen that Mary had come to expect. In their place was nothing more than commoners, those that not even ten years ago would have been laughed out of the building for holding any such aspirations of attending.

It shocked her at first, the stark contrast of what the school had become. How she wished she could have seen school during its glory days, where the goal of both professor and pupil was refinement.

But dwelling on such deficiencies was a fool’s errand. The school may have changed, but the name Tennyon would not falter because of it. Her reign, much like her mother’s, would be worthy of its own story for years to come. And this year would be the one in which she was given due recognition, regardless of its rocky beginnings.

The building itself was as regal as ever, much to her satisfaction. With vaulted ceilings, priceless artwork, and marble floors that shone with such beauty, owing to meticulous maintenance. It was a setting that suited Mary just fine as she walked the hallway.

If only it wasn’t marred by the students that gossiped inside, like a rubber streak scraped along a stone floor.

“Good morning, Mary. You look pretty today.”

Mary only gave the girl a knowing but dismissive grin, hardly slowing her pace as she strode past. Even though the poor girl was the same year as Mary, she had nothing to offer other than feeble attempts to better her standing by sucking up.

If anything, it was almost insulting that she had to make such a statement. Of course Mary looked great. Her perfect light brown hair, a stylish cut just shy of her shoulders, was done at a boutique that rivaled the school for exclusivity. Her perfect uniform, a standard outfit consisting of a blazer, tie, and skirt, was altered by the best tailor France had to offer to cover her perfect body. Her makeup, the way she moved, the way she laughed and smiled . . . Every last aspect of her life was faultless, and she didn’t need others to point it out. One doesn’t need to remind a lion of its strength, or a flower its beauty.

Unfortunately there were those that still didn’t recognize this. Even after a month into the year, too few of the new students had learned who was in charge, who to respect, who to fear. That’s why every day was important, each one an opportunity to calibrate their grasp of the school’s hierarchy. Your presence should be known at all times, and let it be formidable. Any weakness will stick out like a loose thread, and those of lesser repute will seek to unravel you to mend their own shortcomings.

As for the returning students . . . A break of any length shouldn’t have been long enough for them to forget, for their own sake. There was one in particular that had been an egregious thorn in Mary’s side, but she would be dealt with. And then . . .

A yawn caught Mary’s attention. “Remind me why we needed to be here so early?” Sofia walked alongside Mary every day, the only other person in this school that was worth a damn. She was taller, by a good half foot, with long, dark, curly hair pulled back in a ponytail. Her beauty and style almost matched Mary’s. The girl had Mary’s respect, but still knew her place.

“To be seen,” Mary said. “Don’t let an extended weekend lull you into a sense of complacency.” This year was going to be grand, Mary could feel it, and it would all turn around today. She saw herself, high above all others, surrounded by commoners showing their adoration. It filled Mary with such joy. “You stay up too late.”

“More wise words from her, I take it?” Sofia asked, but Mary only shrugged her off. Sofia chose not to push the topic any further. Any criticisms about her mother were only met with excuses. With a stretch and an exerted voice, she said, “Weekends are a necessity, I’ll be damned if I’m not going to make the most of them, with loud music, a house full of strangers, and plenty of booze. You should have come.”

Mary scoffed. “I had more important things to do.”

Sofia gave Mary a sly smile. “Things? Or was it just one hard thing? Do tell!”

Mary let out a practiced laugh. “What, you mean Colin? Puh-lease, I got what I needed from him and dumped him weeks ago. Kept begging for me to take him back until I blocked him. It was sad, and goes to show exactly why it had to happen.”

The largest frustration, not to put it lightly, for most of the student body was the complete ban on any males on the premises. Not that Mary wanted to share this space with the likes of men. No, the refinement, the core purpose of the school, would still be reserved for women alone. But that didn’t mean the lesser sex wouldn’t have their uses. Servants served a purpose, after all.

The downside was that even after two dominant years at the school, the only dicking Mary could get was when she made the trip back home. That is if you didn’t count the faux representation she kept in her nightstand. The next few months would be dry, with nary a cock in sight, but she was more than capable of persevering. And then she’d find someone else to use in the interim, nothing more than a biological sex toy.

“And you didn’t tell me right away?!” Sofia said through another yawn.

“He wasn’t important.” Your value in this world is as much about who you are as it is about who you associate with. Never limit yourself through anyone unable to add to that value.

“So . . .” Sofia stopped, wringing her hands as she averted her eyes to anywhere but Mary’s face. “Are you saying he’s available now?”

Mary sighed. “If you’re going after my table scraps, there are better ones to choose. He was barely serviceable. He’s beneath you.”

If only,” Sofia thought, and was glad to not have said it out loud. “So what were you doing, then?”

The thought of her experiences over the last few days brought a devilish grin to Mary’s face. “Preparing. Planning.”

Sofia had an expectation that there would be more to come, but she was let down. “Uh, cryptic much?”

“Trust me, it’ll be more fun if you don’t know. Consider it a surprise. But let’s just say by the end of today, all our problems will be done away with.” She knew it would drive Sofia crazy, and truth be told, that was half the fun. Seeing Sofia’s reaction after the fact would have been the mint at the end of a meal.

“But now this is going to be all I can think about!” Sofia whined.

Mary shrugged her off. She already envisioned how things would go, and would not let one aspect be altered. “Deal with it, and come on. Let’s get some coffee. Your yawns are annoying me.” Despite some grumbles, Mary was glad Sofia wasn’t one to push things with her.

The cafeteria was the oasis of the school. It fueled each and every student, preparing them for even the most grueling of days. All the most important gossip occurred here at the gathering. The only downside . . .

“What the hell is this?!” Sofia said, gawking at the giant line. “This early?!” She estimated the time it would take to get to the counter, and did not like the answer. With a pout, she shuffled over to the end to join the queue until a hand grabbed her sleeve and pulled her away.

“Nuh-uh, we don’t wait,” Mary said as she dragged Sofia right up to the counter. The student in front made to protest, but a quick scowl from Mary had her cowering back. The moment the cashier turned around, Mary was all smiles. “Hi, I would like a venti decaf soy milk nonfat mocha latte frappuccino with three pumps of sugar-free hazelnut syrup and two spoonfuls of cold foam on top for myself, and a grande low fat caramel latte with one pump of sugar-free vanilla and half the normal froth, but not too hot, and only do one shot of espresso instead of three, for my friend here. Thanks!”

The cashier gave one look at the black credit card that Mary held out before turning to address the girl that Mary had left quivering. “What can I get for you today, hun?”

With the stunned silence that followed, the timid girl took a cautious step forward. She saw the indignation in Mary’s eyes, and against her better judgment, decided to answer the cashier’s request. “Um, I would li-”

“Excuse me!” Mary said as she pulled the girl back by the shoulder. “I believe I just gave you our order, and you are going to fulfill it. I do not repeat myself!”

“Of course I will,” the cashier said. She paused just long enough to give Mary hope that her request had been effective. “After you wait in line like everyone else, that is. I’d be happy to serve you then. I do apologize, though. My coworker isn’t feeling all that well today, so it’s just me for now.” She then made a show of glancing down the cafeteria, one hand shielding her eyes from the light. “That sure is a long line. Might be a while.”

“Listen here”—Mary glanced at the cashier’s name tag—”Rachel. Do you have any idea who I am?”

“You appear to be a student here, like everyone else in the room. Although maybe a touch on the shorter side, if we’re talking averages.” Rachel’s eyes gleamed, relishing the animosity her comments brought forth.

“I am nothing like these ignoble charity admissions! I am Mary Tennyon, and I own this school. One simple phone call and I can have you replaced with someone that understands their role in life. And that’s if I’m in a good mood! So I suggest you quash this dream of righteousness you have and perform your duty of making our coffee for your paltry allowance, or I swear on my family’s name that I will absolutely bury you.”

The smile faded from Rachel’s face, leaving Mary to believe she had finally gotten through to her. Students like this were the reason the school was falling to such ill repute. If anything, it was Mary’s duty to educate them on simple etiquette. All that was left was to take the order, of which Mary once again held out her card to get the process going. “I trust you’ll be smart enough to make the right decision.”

That incensing grin returned, an affront to the reputation that Mary had built up over the years.

“Here’s the thing, Molly. I don’t care if you were St. Mercury herself,” Rachel said. She ran her hands along the counter, as if admiring the craftsmanship. “Where I’m standing, this is Sweden. Or maybe Switzerland, I hear they’re known for their chocolate. Either way, the cafe is neutral. Meaning everyone is treated the same. Throw all the empty threats you want, you aren’t getting a drop from me until I see you traverse that line like everyone else. Do stand up straight though. I might lose you beneath the crowd.”

Any amount of grumbling fell on deaf ears as Rachel went back to addressing those that followed proper procedures.

At a loss of words over such an affront, Mary stormed off with Sofia in tow. She could feel the stares of those waiting as she walked past, and the few snickers she got, whether real or imagined, only served to further boil her blood. “Find out what you can about that little cunt. I want to know everything about her. Where she grew up, who her friends are, what her parents do. Everything.”

“I’m on it,” Sofia said. It had been some time since they last tore someone down, and the thought of inflicting another deserved lesson left quite the smile on her face. If Mary didn’t have such faith in her loyalty, she may have otherwise grown to fear her friend.

After reaching the end of the line, Mary glared at Rachel from the far end of the room, her arms folded, cursing under her breath every time Rachel checked to make sure she was following the supposed rules.

This was supposed to be a grand day, the day she finally brought her to heel. Instead, she was humiliated in front of the whole damn cafeteria. She’d recover, no doubt, but that was beside the point. She didn’t build her reputation up just to be challenged by some upstart. Worse yet was the notion of having to approach that counter a second time, give her order a second time. Face that bitch with a please and a thank you like a good girl.

Admit defeat.

Mary could already hear her mother's voice in her head. If that’s the best you are capable of, then perhaps my expectations were misplaced.

It hadn’t even been a minute before Mary groaned in frustration. “Fuck this! I don’t wait.”

“What about our coffee?” Sofia asked, fear in her voice at the idea of altering her morning routine.

“Oh, we’re still getting some,” Mary said as she began her prowl, hunting for the perfect prey. As more students arrived, the hallways became a cacophony of gossip. Flocks of girls catching up on what one another did over their time off. They were all oblivious to the horrendous transgressions that Mary had just endured.

Her eyes lit up as the perfect target rounded the corner, ignorant to the fate that awaited her. Mary couldn’t have asked for a better person upon which she could vent her frustrations and get what she wanted. She went in for the kill.

“Hollie! Sooo good to see you.” Mary wrapped an arm around the shoulder of her target, the girl jumping in response and clutching her books tighter to her chest. “Hope you had a productive break. All that free time, seems like a wonderful opportunity to get a quick job and earn some money, hmm?”

“Um, hi M-Mary, I . . .” She was a mousy girl, about Mary’s height, with brown hair tied back in a braid. Once her heart left her throat at the scare, she closed her bespectacled eyes and took a deep breath, mouthing through a trembling jaw the words her father taught her to find confidence. As she let the breath out, she squared up to Mary and looked her right in the eyes. “I’m sorry. I was busy all weekend with studies and didn’t have time to make any money. My parents wa-”

Mary looked away in annoyance as her hand clasped around Hollie’s jaw. Violence was unladylike, so she didn’t put all her strength into pushing Hollie against the wall. “I don’t want to hear about how your parents are teaching you self-reliance or whatever lame thing you said last time. We both know your family is poor, and the only reason you were allowed in this school is because of what your parents did with the superintendent’s poor, innocent son.”

“That’s not true! Sofia made that up and has been telling the whole school!”

Sofia’s eyes went wide as she covered her mouth in shock. “Hollie, what are you saying?! I would never do something like that!”

“Liar!” Hollie squirmed against Mary’s grip.

“Eyes on me now,” Mary said, tapping Hollie’s cheek with one finger from the same hand that held her still. “None of us want this, Hollie. But you know, that Lancome Paris foundation wasn’t free, and I’m certainly not going to be spending my own hard-earned money replacing something that you broke.”

“But it was an accident, I prom-”

“We all make mistakes!” Mary’s voice was like that of a parent explaining life lessons to a child. “Well, most do, at least. But as proper ladies of St. Mercury’s Academy, we have to learn to atone for them. Don’t you agree?” She leaned in close, her warm breath tickling Hollie’s nose. “I started the day off in a good mood, but now I have to right some wrongs. If you help me with that, I may be generous enough to give you until the end of next week to make me whole. And hey, I won’t even charge interest!”

Hollie squirmed some more, but dared not fight back. She knew no good would come from it. She glanced over at Sofia, who only stood there with a smirk on her face. No help would come from her, either. With a defeated sigh, Hollie deflated and said, “Fine. What do you need?” She shuddered to think what Mary could possibly ask of her.

Mary flashed her best smile at Hollie and let her go. “See? That wasn’t so hard. I’m sure by the time all this unpleasantness is over, you’ll understand why I had to do this, and thank me for helping you grow as a person.” Mary even helped straighten Hollie’s uniform for her. “There, all ready to get in line.”

“Line? What line?”

“Here’s the thing. Sofia and I haven’t gotten our morning coffee. You see, that line is just so long, and the cashier is being cruel to us for no reason, and . . . well you do kind of owe us anyways. Since you are so helpful, we thought you’d be willing to get some for us. Besides, you know how irritable Sofia can get without her caffeine. I know I don’t want to deal with that all day.”

“But . . . I have class, a-and I don’t even drink coffee!”

“So get some water then, or something,” Mary said with a roll of her eyes.

The longer Hollie hesitated, the more intense the glare from her two tormentors grew, until she caved yet again under the pressure. “What will you have?” she said, her voice defeated. She considered asking how they planned to pay for it, but experience told her exactly how that would go over.

The moment Mary finished giving both orders, Hollie said, “I-I-I’m not going to remember all that!”

Mary arched her brow and said, “I thought you were smart.”

“The looks of a nerd without the brains of one. How embarrassing,” Sofia quipped.

“If you can’t remember two simple orders, then write it down.” There were only so many times Mary was willing to allow her patience to be tested. Stress was bad for the complexion, after all.

Hollie scrambled through her bag to pull out the first paper she could find that wasn’t important. However, when she brought her mechanical pencil out to begin writing, she noticed something that caused the pit in her stomach to grow. “I think you broke my pencil when you pushed me.” She held it up for Mary to confirm, showing that the tip was snapped clean off.

“Don’t go blaming that on me! It’s your pencil, you broke it!” Mary pinched the bridge of her nose, willing the annoyance to go away. The slightest inconvenience, and you resort to attitude. Only a petulant child is so incapable of controlling their emotions. A Tennyon always kept her cool, Mary wouldn’t let this get to her.  “Sofie, you go wi- . . . Sofia!”

A smack on her shoulder distracted Sofia from the peculiar sight she had witnessed down the hallway. “Hey! What?”

“Since she’s so worthless on her own, then you go with her. You know what I want.”

“But there’s . . .” She glanced once more down the hallway. A few doors away stood two girls. The taller one had her back turned. Sofia swore she recognized the girl’s luxurious raven hair, flowing halfway down her back, but couldn’t seem to place it at that moment.

The more peculiar thing, however, was the girl she was with. Some new student, by Sofia’s guess. She was leaning forward, her arms dangling limp at her side. Sofia wondered if she would have fallen over had it not been for the raven girl holding her chin in the palm of her hand.

Creepier yet was the precarious girl’s expression. Sofia couldn’t be certain given the distance, but she seemed to have the most ludicrous smile on her face as she stared up at her companion with lidded eyes.

Sofia was no stranger to the sight of other girls displaying their affections in such a public manner. A place this size full of only women, it was bound to happen, and was a good opportunity for ridicule if Sofia was bored. Usually it consisted of more discreet, innocuous touching. The brazen ones expressed more intimate, obvious affections. But having a girl fawn over the other in such a way, however . . .

Only after another nudge from Mary, when her mind registered what was being asked of her, did Sofia’s head whip around. “Wait, what?! Why me?! I’m not waiting with this little twerp!”

“Because I said so!”

“How is that fair?! Why don’t you stay?!”

“You’re the one that always needs coffee! And besides, this whole ordeal is stressing the fuck out of me, and I need to freshen up.” I thought I raised you better than this. How do you expect to carry on my legacy when you can't even deal with a simple problem with poise?

Sofia took one last glance across the hallway, but the couple was gone. With a scoff, she said, “Fine!” The glare she gave Hollie was enough to curdle milk and left Hollie dreading the next few minutes of her life. Sofie gestured for Hollie to get moving, her impatience clear in her mannerisms.

“Don’t disappoint me again, Hollie. Things have a way of coming back at you, after all.” Mary flicked her hair. “I'm off. I expect that coffee to be waiting for me when I return.”

With Mary on her way, Sofia pushed Hollie towards the cafe. “You better not stand too close to me. I don’t need people thinking I’m hanging out with you. And don’t talk to me, either. In fact, I don’t want to know you’re even there, so don’t go making any noise at all. Got it?”

Hollie gave a meager nod and led her new guardian. Her steps were quiet, as if even a squeak would set Sofia off. The week just started, and already Hollie was miserable.

Not that Mary cared. She was done with the situation. First order of business was the bathroom. With any luck, she’d be able to center herself. That would leave her in the best mood to relish her impending victory. By this time tomorrow, her greatest obstacle would be no more, and Mary would lord over the school unchallenged.

She made her way down the halls, pondering over her rivalry. Things could have been different, but Amanda insisted on spitting on any charity Mary had to offer. An entire year of slights, of escalating headaches, was all Mary received for her generosity. Too much to let slide. A Tennyon does not suffer impudence lightly, will strike back swift and hard when necessary. And even if Amanda was reduced to tears, groveling for mercy, Mary would offer no respite. What Mary learned over the weekend was going to end it once and for all.

And then proper order would at last be restored.

Her mother would be proud. At last Mary would be deemed worthy of her name. The thought brought a smile to her face as she continued down the hallway. Around her, other students continued with their daily lives, going on about unimportant things without a care in the world. A few acted strange, doting over one another, but Mary paid them no mind as she entered the bathroom.

She stifled a yawn as she approached the mirror. There was a voice coming from one of the stalls, some student likely on the phone with another, but concerns over her appearance kept Mary’s focus. It wasn’t until that damn grating laugh rang out did Mary realize just who happened to be sharing the bathroom that very morning.


Mary’s lips spread into a grin. What better way to salvage the day than to get to the highlight from the get go. Suddenly her evaluation of her reflection took on a grander purpose. Every fold of her outfit, every hair on her head, had to be exemplary. If she was going to prove her superiority, she should damn well look the part. Others put up a facade to hide blemishes. Ours is a true mien, and it must shine for all to behold.

She spent days rehearsing this exact scenario in her head. Every possible thing Amanda could say, Mary had a rejoinder for. It wasn’t hard, given Amanda’s deficient excuse for communication. The real trick was in getting Amanda to comprehend just how defeated she’d be. Mary didn’t want to stoop down to her level of linguistic skills, after all.

Satisfied, Mary turned and leaned against the sink counter, folding her arms. A hiss came from above, a puff of mist billowing out from the automated air freshener. The scent of lilac filled the air, along with something else that Mary couldn’t quite place. Whatever it was, it smelled good. Perhaps later she’d ask about it. Smell played an important part in memory, and she was sure to forever associate that smell with today’s triumph.

Mary cleared her throat. “Good morning, Amanda.” She kept her voice friendly, despite their history. “Did you have an enjoyable excursion? I trust you didn’t stay at school the whole time, after all.”

Hushed whispers were the first reply, likely of Amanda telling her friend she’d call her back. “Mary, that you? Thought maybe you’d drop out by now. LOL.”

The bait was too easy, Mary wouldn’t fall for it.

Amanda continued on, “When you’re as popular as me, every weekend is great. You’d know. Or maybe not.”

Such an irksome voice. “I see you haven’t changed one bit. It’s a shame, really, thinking about how things could have been.”

“You’ve been thinking about me? #Flattering!”

“I tried to be diplomatic, Amanda. You had potential, or so I thought at the time. I would have given you a seat at my side, offered you power, authority, and guidance. All you had to do was defer to me.”

“So~ not my style. Also, boring! Do you have a point to all this?”

“Trust when I say I wouldn’t waste my time with you unless I felt it necessary. You see, I had quite the eventful weekend myself. Met a few people, learned a few things. And wouldn’t you know it, some of those things happened to be about you growing up!”

Mary never knew silence could be so delicious. Though it wasn’t all that shocking, when the alternative was listening to Amanda.

“Tell me, does the name Felicity Byrne mean anything to you? I managed to converse with her recently. She had quite the tales to tell about your childhood.”

The latch to the stall unlocked. This was it, the moment Mary had been waiting for. She felt so alive, her blood pumping from exhilaration. Finally she could see the look on Amanda’s face. She was sure to treasure it for a long time.

Mary hoped Amanda would beg, prostrate herself and plead that Mary would never tell a soul about such an embarrassing upbringing. And once Mary was tired of Amanda’s supplication, when her cries were little more than a buzzing in her ears, she would make sure the entire school knew it all. There was no mercy to be had here. Mary would see her crushed for good. Those that allow even a tiny spark to remain will only welcome destruction later. Best to quench the spark with a torrent of water.

She hoped for this outcome, but was ready for many others. Amanda may fight back, but there was no victory for her on this day.

Yet despite all her planning, there was no chance in hell Mary could have prepared for what she saw when Amanda finally stepped out of that stall.

She wished she could say the first thing she noticed was the disappointing lack of fear on Amanda’s face. Not even a hint of concern could be found. No, instead it was that same smirk she always wore, framed by her lush brunette hair. The one that said she never took Mary seriously, never recognized her position. It was infuriating, and the last expression Mary wanted to see.

It wasn’t even the fact that Amanda was completely nude that Mary noticed first. Gone was her uniform, not that Amanda ever wore it properly to begin with. She stretched the dress code about as far as it would go, and then went even further. With the amount of cleavage she showed, seeing Amanda’s naked breasts in full view wasn’t a substantial change.

No, the first thing Mary noticed, and indeed the thing that completely shattered every scenario that Mary had prepared for, was the massive cock that extended proudly from between Amanda’s legs, as confident as Amanda was herself.

“See something you like?” Amanda asked with a laugh. She shook her hips for emphasis, her thick cock moving with surprising heft, causing the strand of precum oozing from the tip to fling off to the side.

Mary shook her head, willing herself to look away from such an obscene sight. “Why do you have a . . .” What could she even say in this situation? She was thrown so far out of her element, she lost sight of her purpose for a moment.

“Isn’t it lovely? Brenda here sure thinks so.”


With a snap of her fingers, Amanda beckoned forth the girl from the stall that Mary had not noticed had been kneeling there the whole time, obscured by Amanda’s frame. “Go lock the door for me, pet. Wouldn’t want any other interruptions.”

“Yes, Amanda!” Brenda said, her voice cheerful, eager.

Mary watched as the nude girl leapt to her feet, a smile on the stranger’s face as she scrambled towards the door. She was just as naked as Amanda, and showed no shame at the fact. Her young face went unrecognized by Mary, pockmarked with freckles that stretched down to her small perky tits. Her dark untamed hair with the blue streak made the effort to imply goth, but her bush gave away the secret of her ginger background. When she reached the door, the soft click of the lock seemed to resound in Mary’s head. The jangle of the chain of keys, likely stolen, added to the signal that this was no longer the safe environment she expected it to be.

“Good pet,” Amanda said as Brenda returned to her knees at Amanda’s side.

“Mmm, anything for you, Amanda.” Brenda stared up at Amanda with such reverence. She reminded Mary of a puppy waiting to be fed, but trained to keep its emotions contained. Every now and then, Brenda would glance down at Amanda’s saluting member, salivating over it, enraptured by the sight.

Mary, however, felt her head swimming in confusion. Something must have happened to Amanda in just the last few days to somehow grow such an . . . impressive cock. Mary would have noticed it before; something of that size was not so easily hidden. It dwarfed any of the ones she had ever experienced in person.

Maybe this was a mistake. She could still leave, regroup. She needed time to figure out what the hell was going on, to come up with some new strategy that took Amanda’s growth spurt into account. That’s just like you. One little thing doesn’t go your way and you throw a tantrum. You’ll never make it in life if you don’t learn to adapt.

But leaving was akin to admitting defeat. She had already been humiliated by the coffee whore, and that was one time too many. She was Mary bloody Tennyon, and she would not concede to anybody.

No, she could use this. This novel situation could even be a blessing in disguise. By the end of the day, everyone would know how much of a freak Amanda was. She’d have no choice but to drop out, taking her aberration with her. Brenda could go with, for all Mary cared. One less dyke diluting the quality of the school.

Mary took a deep breath, rallying herself to go back on the offensive. That strange, wonderful scent filled her nostrils, somehow stronger than before, but Mary did her best to ignore it. This was her moment, she wasn’t going to let it be ruined by such a thick, veiny phallus.

“Here’s what’s going to happen. You will do what I say, when I say it, for the rest of my time here. You will treat me with the reverence I deserve, no more of your petty, jealous insults. You will recognize that I am your better in every way. And lastly, you will keep yourself fucking covered so I don’t have to look at your revolting body any more!”

Amanda giggled. “What, so you can pretend like you’re on top? Crazy much?”

“I am on top, you little whore! You will do this, or I’ll make sure everyone knows just what little Amanda Sheffield got up to before she joined this school, as well as this abomination you got between your legs. Let’s see how long you last as the laughing stock freak of the academy.”

“You mean this abomination?” Amanda grabbed her cock around the widest part and gave it one slow stroke. “Totes seem to be staring at it a lot.”

“I . . .” Mary forced her eyes to look away after being called out. “Because it’s weird!” It was like a train wreck, she couldn’t help but look. That was the only excuse.

Amanda closed the distance between the two. Mary knew she shouldn’t forfeit any ground, but she found herself bumping against the sink counter anyway. If she would just duck to the side, she could get away. She’d avoid the dick from pressing up against her just above her crotch as it came closer.

Her legs didn’t seem to want to move anymore, however.

“Know the difference between us, Mary? I don’t have to tell people I’m queen. I just do my thing, and others fall in line.”

“No one would follow a f-freak like you . . .” Mary tried to sound authoritative, but her usual confidence never made it to her mouth. There was something different about Amanda. Mary always thought she was full of herself, but now it seemed justified. She moved and spoke with the self-assurance that Mary now seemed to be lacking, as if she had been siphoning it from Mary herself.

And that damn smell was stronger than ever, overpowering, intoxicating. It swam through her head, eating away at any thoughts of escape, or turning things back in her favor. Why did it feel so good to have Amanda this close?

Amanda tried to turn Mary’s head towards her, but Mary struggled against it. It was too much. This wasn’t how things were supposed to go. She needed to clear her head, but the only way to do so would be to run out that door. She wasn’t sure she even wanted that anymore. Amanda’s cock was so close, and Mary felt herself warming at the idea of it pressing against her.

“Look at me,” Amanda said, her voice all but purring the words.

That was all it took. Amanda barely required any effort to guide Mary’s face back to her own after those words.

Mary gasped. It was like she was seeing Amanda for the first time, like a veil had been lifted that obscured her beauty. How Mary thought she could ever compare to such a gorgeous person, she wasn’t sure. And then Amanda leaned in, her luscious lips closing in on her own . . .

The moment those lips touched her, Mary was gone. Her head filled with a pink haze. Amanda held her tight, her cock pressing against Mary’s stomach with such exultant ferocity. Mary couldn’t help but grind into it, longing to quench the burning desire that she refused to acknowledge. She returned Amanda’s kiss in a sluggish fashion, full of desire but lacking the energy.

Her lips were divine, like the sweetest fruit. It didn’t matter that Mary had never kissed a woman before, had been disgusted at the very thought. This was different, this was beyond comprehension. Everything that wasn’t Amanda became a blur as Mary lost herself to that perfect mouth. The bathroom, Brenda, her plan, her studies, even her concept of self, all adrift in that pink haze.

And then, with a smack, Amanda pulled away. Mary tried to trail after her, leaning forward by instinct before she was even aware of what she was trying to do, but Amanda only pushed her back against the counter with ease and then stepped away.

“You gucci, Mary? No more speech? Weren’t you trying to tell me to worship you, or something?”

Mary had said something like that, a lifetime ago, hadn’t she? It didn’t make much sense to her, from what little sense she was capable of understanding at that very moment. All that came from her lips in response were nonsensical noises. She wondered what Amanda wanted to hear, what she could say to get Amanda to kiss her again, to do even more to her.

“I have a better idea. You get on the floor and be my bitch. In turn, I’ll let you get face-fucked by my cock like a whore. How’s that for diploma-whatever?”

Mary slid off the counter onto her knees, her hands clapping against the tile floor as she fell on all fours. She looked up at Amanda’s cock as it hung above her, tantalizing her with its magnificence. She padded forward, her mouth open and waiting, but Amanda held her back with one finger.

“Uh uh. I don’t like the way you talked to me. Apologize, beg for me, or I stick this in Brenda instead.”

Brenda perked up at this, ready to be used. She wiggled herself into a position befitting a slave.

“I-I’m sorry, Amanda. Please forgive me.” She bowed her head as low as she could without taking her eyes off of Amanda’s cock.

“Brenda, go ahead and stroke it for me.”

“Yes, Amanda!” Brenda said, her eyes alight. She moved in to accomplish her task.

Amanda delighted at the look of shock on Mary’s face. “Do better, if you want this enough.” She exaggerated a moan, Brenda’s delicate fingers doing quite the work.

Mary couldn’t help but watch in horror as Brenda pumped Amanda’s cock. Any moment, Amanda could erupt, and then Mary would lose all of what she craved so much.

She knew what she had to do, but it was so antithetical to her very being. She thought about what her mother would say, her youngest daughter on her hands and knees, groveling at someone else’s feet.

The smell continued to invade her lungs, the remnant taste of Amanda’s saccharine saliva lingered in her mouth, the notion that she could have that glorious cock pumping in and out of her, depositing its treasure inside. All she had to do . . .

You have always been weak. Just give up. Her mother’s voice sounded perverted in her head, like itself was in heat from Amanda’s presence. The only thing you’re good at is doing what you’re told.

With time running out, Mary lowered herself to the floor until her forehead pressed against the cold tile. “Please accept my most humblest of apologies, Amanda. I was foolish to have said such slanderous things. I dared to present myself as your better, but I see now that everything I am is inferior to you. Although I do not deserve it, I hope that you are gracious enough to accept my effort at atonement, and will be considerate enough to allow me the honor of servicing your cock with my mouth.”

The embarrassment was still pervasive enough to reach her addled brain. Her cheeks burned a rosy red. The lingering part of her that cried out for her to run was emboldened, but not nearly enough. She had already sunk too low. There was no going back now.

She only hoped it was enough.

Aside from her own shallow, husky breathing, the only sound Mary could hear was that of Amanda’s cock being stroked. The noise taunted her, a suggestion that grew over time that what she said was insufficient. But she did what was asked of her. Why was Brenda still allowed to get what Mary deserved? Her body shook with equal parts frustration and desire.

Just as she was about to cry out for more, to debase herself even further with groveling that was unbecoming, she felt something press against her forehead. Amanda’s shoe pushed her head up, and Mary was able to once more look at Amanda’s smug face before her eyes drifted back down to her cock.

“Gawd, even when begging you sound like you got a stick up your ass.” Amanda slapped Brenda’s hand away. “Very well, let’s see if there’s one thing your mouth is good for.” She pointed at her cock, the rod bouncing with a twitch as if nodding its approval. “Suck.”

All thoughts left Mary’s head as she launched herself at Amanda. She wrapped her hands around Amanda’s hips, grabbing her ass as she wrapped her lips around Amanda’s thick cock.

Mary always hated giving blowjobs. Having a cock in her mouth was so unladylike. There was no reason for her to be putting in all the effort. It was the man’s duty to make her feel good, as long as he was capable of even doing so. Whether they got any reward out of it, and of course they did, mattered not to Mary. All that mattered was her satisfaction, and if they couldn’t provide, she would find someone that would.

That didn’t mean she had no experience. She had given blowjobs before, but always with a purpose in mind. They were a tool to be used, whenever she expected something greater in return. It was nothing more than a business transaction, something she could offer in order to get what she wanted, to achieve her goal.

But now the goal was the blowjob itself. Now Amanda’s pleasure was at the forefront of her desires. Those two notions changed her view entirely. Her mouth watered at the thought of Amanda unloading a thick load of her cum into Mary’s mouth. The precum that now coated her tongue was a precursor to the glorious gift that awaited.

Mary set upon her task with a fervent purpose. She took Amanda in as far as she could, her mouth stretched to the brim with Amanda’s immense girth. Her tongue snaked away at the shaft as she bobbed her head, utilizing what little experience she could draw upon to entice Amanda. Her eyes began to water at the effort, hoping it was what Amanda wanted.

All she got for her efforts was a snide laugh. “Stop. You kind of suck at this.” Amanda pulled out with an audible plop. A thick glob of saliva spilled out of Mary’s mouth, trailing all the way to the floor. “How pathetic.” Amanda gave Mary’s cheek a few strong slaps with her dick, relishing the hurt, wanton expression on Mary’s face.

“P-please . . . Amanda . . .” Mary’s mouth felt more empty than it ever had. She needed it filled, needed to feel Amanda’s cum slide down her throat. But she wasn’t able to satisfy Amanda enough.

“You know, with all the shit you say, I really expected more from you. I guess you really are just all talk. You and your annoying friend. I wonder if even the both of you together would be enough to satisfy me.” A mischievous grin plastered itself on Amanda’s face. “Well there’s an idea . . .”

In one swift motion, Amanda grabbed Brenda by her hair and shoved her cock down Brenda’s throat.

Brenda’s yelp was caught off, her eyes wide with shock. She sputtered at the sudden intrusion, a pained expression on her face. It was soon replaced with one of abject bliss once her brain caught up with what was happening to her.

Mary could only look on in horror. This is what happens when you don’t work to be the best. The view from second place is indistinguishable from the bottom. Mary let out a whimper. She wasn’t good enough, and it cost her everything.

“Don’t ruin this by having me hear you cry. You watch. Maybe then you’ll learn something.” Amanda was a woman possessed as she face fucked Brenda. No matter how rough Amanda was, Brenda still looked like she was in heaven. If not for the cock plowing into her mouth, cutting off her breathing at the apex of every thrust, her moans would have been heard down the halls.

Mary looked on at the sight, desperate for any information that could help her the next time. If there was a next time.

She hoped there was.

Amanda began to tense up. Mary knew what was coming. She licked her lips at the mere thought of the hot cum that was about to spurt forth, even if it was into Brenda’s mouth. It could have been hers, had she performed better.

Only then Amanda pulled out, throwing Brenda down to the floor. She aimed her cock right at Mary’s mouth. The phallus was slick and shiny from Brenda’s saliva as it hung right under Mary’s nose. The smell wafted upward, almost sending Mary into delirium as her eyes crossed to keep the tip in sight. Amanda continued to stroke as she said with a strained voice, “Open up.”

Mary sat on her haunches in stunned silence. She had resigned herself to a cumless fate, knowing she had disappointed Amanda. Only now she was about to be rewarded for her failure. Her brain was too sluggish to comprehend the logic.

It wasn’t until the first few strands erupted onto her face, Amanda unable to hold them in despite her best efforts, that Mary finally opened her mouth.

Amanda shoved the tip in and said, ““Don’t even think about swallowing. This isn’t for you.” She then threw her head back as she released the floodgates. A torrent of hot jizz shot out, pelting the back of Mary’s throat. Amanda collapsed forward under the strain, her one free arm the only thing holding her up as it gripped the edge of the sink counter. Her other hand continued to pump, squeezing every last bit she could into Mary’s mouth.

Mary coughed in an effort to keep the gift from sliding down her throat. What little concentration she was able to muster was devoted to following Amanda’s orders. It became increasingly difficult, as such a marvelous taste seemed to overwhelm every nerve in her mouth. Mary no longer existed, her entire being consisting of only the sensations provided by her mouth’s cargo, and the burning heat between her legs.

With one last spasm, Amanda pulled out. In her state, Mary was unable to close her mouth soon enough, allowing a few dribbles of cum to slide down her chin.

With one satisfied exhalation, Amanda straightened up. She rolled her neck before returning her attention to Mary. “Up we go,” she said as she pulled Mary up by her hair. “Wow, you look totes ridiculous.”

Mary’s legs shook as she struggled to stand. As soon as she found as much balance as she could, she let Amanda guide her head until she was staring directly at her with lidded eyes. Her tongue swam in a pool of Amanda’s cum, held within through a tight, awkward smile. Her face was covered in a mixture of tears, mucous, saliva, and cum. The only thing that would make her happier was to be allowed to swallow.

Or for Amanda to give her a proper fucking. But that wasn’t for her to decide.

“Listen up,” Amanda said. She grabbed Mary by the cheeks. The pressure caused more cum to ooze out between Mary’s lips. She watched with delight as Mary’s eyes struggled to focus. “I have a task for you. Do it well, and I’ll fill another part of you up. That sound fun?”

Mary took an entire four seconds to complete her nod.

“First, Brenda, clean her face up.”

“Yes, Amanda!” Brenda took her place the moment Amanda stepped back. She leaned down and began to lick up all the fluids that had either seeped from or been deposited on Mary’s face. Mary let it all happen, hardly noticing anything outside the sensation of Amanda’s essence on her tongue.

Brenda was thorough, maneuvering Mary’s unresisting head this way and that in her effort to consume any remnants of Amanda she could find. By the end, Mary’s skin shone with cleanliness.

“That’ll do,” Amanda said, once again stepping back in. “Now, here’s what you’re going to do.” She leaned in and began whispering into Mary’s ear.

Mary took it all in, devoting the instructions to memory. Listening to Amanda was the only thing more important than savoring her taste, after all. If she did well, this time Amanda would properly reward her. By the time Amanda was done instructing her, Mary was sure she’d make her proud.

“Off you go!” Amanda said, giving Mary a nudge. She watched as Mary shambled towards the door. “Brenda, go ahead and keep me hard while we wait.”

Brenda lowered herself to her knees and purred. “Yes, Amanda.”

Author’s note: Thank you for reading this chapter. I hope you enjoyed it! As usual, I’d love to hear what you think, so feel free to email me: I also run a Discord server with Carefully Random, a place for anyone with an interest in all things hypnosis. Plenty of other authors are there as well, so stop by and say hi!

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