Retrieving the Lost

by Scalar7th

Tags: #cw:noncon #attempted_rescue #dom:male #pendant #self_inflicted #solo #essential_oil

Gaia’s best friend Pree has come to save her from captivity. It doesn’t go well.

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I don't believe we've met. I'm Galen, and—

Well, it's lovely to meet you, Pree, but—

I'm afraid I'm not interested in purchasing—

Please, may I speak?

Heh, thank you.

No, please, do come in, take a seat.

Hm, yes, you have a lovely voice. A lovely tone of voice. But I'm afraid I don't particularly need any soothing right now.

Essential oils? Not really my sort of—

Well, yes, the lavender does smell lovely.

It is very relaxing, that's true. And your voice is particularly...

Yes, indeed. And that... the pendant...

It is a brilliant red, and the light shines through it beautifully.

It does rather draw the eye, you're right. I can see how someone might just sit and watch it swing,

back and forth,

back and forth,

breathing in the soft lavender scent,

and listening to a soothing voice.

I'm sure you noticed it, when you picked it out.

You came prepared, I see. Studied as much as you could.

You probably trained yourself to resist hypnotic suggestion. Listened to a lot of it, found yourself relaxed and safe and enjoying it.

Maybe you even practised in front of the mirror, watching the light shine through the crystal of the pendant at just the right angle.

Yes, I see you remember those sessions, that work you did.

Choosing the lavender oil was brilliant, too, for relaxation. Every breath you take of it just helps you focus more and more on the crystal.

Oh, do pardon me if I assume that you didn't come here to sell me the oils. I imagine that you are the friend that Gaia has told me about? The one who—

Yes, doesn't trust me. No, don't stop looking at the pretty crystal, you don't need to hesitate. You can speak truth and keep watching the pendant swing in your own hand. Just relax, let it swing,

back and forth,

back and forth,

just like that, perfect. Just as it ought to be. Just as you ought to be.

You can tell by the sound of my voice that I'm not really the evil being you'd built me up to be in your mind.

You're worried about your friend. That's normal. Natural. But let me put your worries at ease.

Just breathe in some of your fine lavender oil and sink back into the chair a little more. Perfect. That's just right.

Now it's true, when Gaia and I met, she was wary of me. Just as you were. But you must know from your discussions with her, how she came to appreciate and adore me, after—

Well, yes, it was only a week.

But as you can tell, my voice is just as soothing as yours is, and I'm a much more practised hypnotist. Gaia was quite quick to succumb to my voice, almost—

Yes, almost as fast as you, Pree.

She learned how much she could trust me. You saw the change in her, yes?

You did. Because you're an observant and caring friend.

And you saw not only how she came to trust me, but how she became so much more...






Your worry for your friend is admirable, but wouldn't you rather be happy, calm, collected?

Of course you would, yes. Very good.

May I hold this? Don't worry, I'll let it keep swinging. Just that your arm was looking like it was getting so very, very tired.

Just as your eyes are looking so tired. Are you feeling—

Well of course you are. This must have been so stressful. But now you can relax, because you're safe here. Just when I touch your head you can let your eyes close



See how much more happy and calm and collected you feel now?

Of course you do. Here, let me help you to your feet.

Strong legs, of course. Strong legs, strong body, and the rest of you can just


and stand there while I hold your hand.

Gaia is here, did you know that?

You did. Then your plan was to hypnotize me and embarrass me? Get me to release my hold over your friend?

I'm glad that you can see how silly that plan was now that you're happy and calm and collected.

No, it's understandable. You were worried about her. That's truly admirable. But come with me, you'll find that it's also misplaced, and that's fine, too.

Here, now, simple. Open your eyes. Both of you. Just look in each others' eyes. Pree, I'm sure you notice Gaia's gaze has that calm, serene quality you're feeling deep down inside. Gaia, you still recognize your friend Pree, even deep as you are?

Pree, you arrived just as Gaia was finishing her nightly exercises and meditations. She and I were just going to... well, you can probably assume from her lack of clothing. But see, how calm, how happy she is? Not an ounce of embarrassment, being naked in front of her friend.

You'd love being so happy, so collected as that, wouldn't you, Pree. Of course. But Gaia can show you what she says, what she does, to keep from being self-conscious. I think first, though, you'll never accomplish anything so relaxed while in those tight jeans, and—

Well, yes, it's easy with Gaia's help to remove them. I hadn't expected you to drop your panties as well, did you mean to?

I'm not at all disappointed.

Now when Gaia is getting ready for our evenings together, she has a few phrases she repeats, while kneeling on the floor—on a cushion, of course—and touching herself, would you care to demonstrate, Gaia?

Oh, yes, very good, very nice, pet.

I can see you wanted to join her, Pree. Do you feel like you could do that?

Maybe for this first session, you could let Gaia sit behind you and whisper the words into your ears.

Perfect. Though it might be easier if you took off your—

Thank you, Gaia. Very well done.

I'll start the video over again for you both to watch. I think tonight is going to be very, very fun.

I'll see you in forty minutes, girls.


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