It Is Because

by Scalar7th

Tags: #poetry #sub:you #improvisation #monologue #praise #short_form

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It is because you are beautiful.

It is because I chose to see you as beautiful, and chose for you to see yourself as beautiful.

There will be no argument.

This is how you know that the control you feel is real. I tell you there will be no argument, and the argument you would usually make when I call you beautiful dies on your lips. Dies in your thoughts. And the vine on which the thoughts grow dies at the root.

Where I found you... that's where you would be if you were not found. You would still be thinking thoughts which no longer find purchase in the fertile soil of your mind, the garden where I plant my own ideas, where I till and water and even provide the sunshine, and I do this because you are beautiful.

And now you cannot form the concepts to grow the notions to create the thoughts to build the arguments that you would need to even begin to refute that basic truth.

It is truth.

It is truth because I choose it to be true, and choose for you to know it as true.

Which is why there can be no argument.

One does not argue with the truth.

And you, you in specific, cannot argue. Because what I say is inarguable. Because I have weeded out argument from my garden.

What grows naturally, when the garden is prepared as I want, is what is growing now. The ideas that I do not want, the ideas that dispute your beauty, those were seeded by external forces, by a world determined to sell you things. They are weeds planted deliberately.

I am removing those weeds. Little by little. Bit by bit. Piece by piece. Because you are beautiful.

Because you are beautiful.

Because you are beautiful.

You will say it, when you hear it. That will help my garden to grow. Keep the soil fertile. Do the part of the work that I cannot.

I will control all I can. The words you hear. The environment you live it.

I will control you.

I do control you.

I choose to control you, because you are beautiful.

I chose you. Because you are beautiful.

I choose truth. I choose to let the garden grow wild and free, free of the lies that grow at the behest of the world determined to sell you things. I choose...

I choose the you you truly wish to be. I choose the you you tell me you are. I choose to change you, to plant the seeds you give me, even if you don't know you give them to me.

I choose your truth. I choose the control to make your truth the very truth, to sweep away the weedy lies the world has decided you should believe.

Because you are beautiful.

You will say it, when you hear it.

Because you are beautiful.

That will help my garden to grow.

Because you are beautiful.

An experiment in late-night writing. Creation as improvisation as expression. One hopes that the reader might enjoy.


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