Break Up

by SapphicStarshina

Tags: #cw:noncon #dom:female #f/f #pov:bottom #sub:female #D/s #exhibitionism #masturbation

Alice gets lost in a pretty girl’s eyes, discovers some things about herself, and breaks up with her boyfriend.

This story is not, nor does it purport to be, an accurate depiction of hypnosis or its use in a sexual context. Similarly, characters in this story take actions which are unethical and would be very bad in real life, and this story does not constitute an endorsement of them.

This is fantasy, not a how-to guide, and I remind everyone to please practice kink responsibly and with every participant's safety in mind.

Also this is my first time posting something that is "pure" erotica, so I appreciate any and all feedback.

Alice didn’t know when she had started looking into Rose’s eyes, but she never wanted to stop. They were strikingly blue, and Rose hadn’t been lying when the blonde said you could get lost in them. Rose’s eyes were like oceans, unfathomably deep, calming, beautiful, and unbelievably powerful. A wolfish grin had Alice wondering what those plump lips would taste like - what Rose would taste like.

Sinfully cherry lips formed another word, and Alice sat up and reached for her purse. Pulling her phone out, she opened her camera and timidly assessed herself. Hazel eyes, sinfully empty, were set into a beautifully vacant face, her soft features framed by auburn locks. Alice looked hot , a doe eyed beauty ready to be ravished, and she moistened at the thought. 

“What do you see?” asked Her Voice, and as Alice obediently stared into her own glazed eyes, she suddenly remembered who she was. She was Mistress Rose’s hypnotized lesbian slut, who craved nothing but Her Touch. The world had tried to make her forget who she was, tried to fill her with falsehoods and lies, but now she saw clearly, and it made her heart flutter with thanks. 

Alice let out a startled cry, looking up from her phone with awe at the woman who had freed her, her eyes watering with gratitude and affection for her mistress. Rose rose from Her seat, cupped Alice’s cheeks possessively, and guided her into a kiss which sent fire racing straight to the curvy brunette’s belly. 

“There’s my precious girl.” Rose whispered affectionately, her probing hands extracting a soft whimper of arousal from her plaything. 

Straightening up, the blonde once again fixed Alice with those beautiful blue eyes, and smiled in a manner that made Alice feel like a rabbit caught in the eyes of a predator so much stronger than it.

Her Voice was silken, sympathetic, sliding up Alice’s thighs, brushing her clit, wrapping around her brain. Alice wanted it to smooth away her free will, steal her very soul, just so she could obey her Mistress better.

“Now we have to take care of loose ends. Why don’t you facetime your boyfriend for me? I think you have something to say to him.”

Something in Alice’s stomach clenched, breaking through the haze of warmth and comfort that surrounded her thoughts with sudden urgency: I have a boyfriend.

Even as her arms moved to dial Chris, part of Alice’s mind was waking up, searching her memories for what was happening to her. If she pushed through the haze of pleasure and obedience, she could remember heading out for a party at Rose’s house, which Chris had declined to attend in favor of the NBA match on TV. Alice had arrived in one of her preferred blue dresses, the ones which were modest enough for a good Christian girl to wear, but didn’t look like her mother’s clothing. She’d been having a good time socializing and drinking when Rose had approached her, they’d started talking… and then things went fuzzy.

The sound of a dial tone shattered Alice's repose, and she felt the invisible hand of anxiety start to wrap around her throat, her breath growing shorter as her mind caught up to what it had been commanded to do. It must have shown on her face, because a gentle hand squeezed her knee, and a pair of blue eyes seized her attention. Rose's predatory gleam had faded, and Her face showed nothing but reassurance and support. Warmth spread from the brunette's chest, smothering her panic in its cradle, and prompting her lips to twist into an involuntary smile. 

That's right, Alice wasn't alone, she had her Mistress helping her do this. Rose would be with her every step of the way, guiding her through her break up. The thought was reassuring, and Alice sighed happily as she slid back into sweet, blissful obedience. 

It was at that moment that Chris chose to pick up his phone.

“What the hell Alice? You know I’m watching a game right now!”

Chris looked drunk, his dark eyes somewhat unfocused in spite of the annoyance in his tone. It seemed he wasn’t all the way gone though, because his brows pulled together as his expression grew inquisitive. 

“Is something wrong? You look kind of out of it right now… are you on drugs? Did you accept someone’s free drink? Do you need me to pick you up? I can be there in just a minute.” 

The dopey smile that answered him was dazed but genuine. 

“No, no, don't worry about that, Rose is going to take care of me….”

She drifted off, her lust-addled mind dancing with visions of being a toy for her Mistress, a possession, a puppet dangling from invisible strings. There would be no guilt, no shame, and no fear, for objects didn’t have emotions.

On the screen, an eyebrow twitched, a sign Chris thought whatever his girlfriend had just said was absolutely moronic. 

He had never seen her horny before, and it probably didn’t occur to him that she could even get horny. It certainly hadn’t occurred to Alice.

“Alice, you know she's trouble right? That bitch is a slut, and I-”

He's wrong, she's not a slut; I'm Her lesbian slut…

“Did you know I knew Rose in high school?” He scowled, “she seduced me, made me cheat on my girlfriend, and then left me lying in the dirt! I broke up with my girlfriend and tried to ask Rose out, and she laughed in my face. I thought that was the end to it, but then I tried to complain to my teammates on the basketball team and they took her side. She’d-”

Alice felt annoyance starting to bubble up even through the bliss of her obedience. Chris always did this, he always started talking and ju- 




“Rose is a goddamn spider Alice, and if you aren’t careful she's going to catch you in her web and devour you.”

Fuck that’s hot .

Hazel eyes fluttered shut for a moment, and Alice reached into her panties to massage her aching clit without a second thought. 

“You know Chris, you're right.”

God I'm so wet for Her. 

“Rose has me wrapped up in Her web already…. And I don't think I want to leave.”

Rage flickered across a handsome face, and when Chris next spoke, it was with a barely contained fury. 

“What. Do. You. Mean.”

“I mean that Rose is achingly beautiful, that she's gentle but playful, that Her lips are so soft I can't stop thinking about kissing Her again. I mean that I want to worship Her Cunt, to devote myself to Her Love.” 

It was sinful for Alice to even have these thoughts, to say nothing of vocalizing them (to her boyfriend no less), let alone to act on them. The brunette should have felt guilty, but the guilt just made what she was doing even more erotic. A command from Mistress was stronger than even Alice's guilt and shame, and it made Her Lesbian Slut burn with arousal to know this.

The explosion that followed was entirely predictable.

“Fuck you, you cheating dyke whore! I can't believe you, of all people, cheated on me! You've always been so self-righteously pious, so willing to scold me for wanting sex before marriage, and now you're spreading your legs for Rose? You sanctimonious… hypocritical… slut !”

Alice was so fucking close to something, her fingers making circles around her clit, heat racing through her body, the coil of pleasure in her belly tightening and tightening. She could feel Rose’s eyes upon her, drinking her in, no, devouring her. 

Chris was talking, but his insults meant nothing to Alice, sliding off the cocoon her Mistress had woven around her mind. Mistress met her eyes, and Alice felt herself slipping away amid the haze of pleasure, drowning in those blue eyes. Then her ears caught something.

“We’re done!” 

She had obeyed. She had obeyed.

The coil in Alice’s stomach snapped, and the world went white as her first orgasm ripped through her, annihilating any semblance of thought left in her head in a tidal wave of sheer bliss. 

When Alice emerged from her stupor, Rose was stroking her hair, pulling slender fingers through auburn locks. Alice cast her gaze upwards, and she met a smile that made her shiver with fear, joy, and arousal in equal measure.

“My dearest girl, you were perfect for me, such a good obedient girl.  I thought you might try and resist, try and fight me, but you were born for this, weren’t you? Born to be my obedient lesbian slut.”

Alice couldn’t help the needy noise that wormed its way out of her lips as her pussy thrummed with new heat. She wanted to be so good for Rose, so so so good and obedient for her Mistress. Deep down, part of her still wanted to try and shake it off, to fight, to escape, but the good girl was stronger, her heart singing with joy at receiving such praise.  

“It’s intoxicating having such a pretty girl under my spell. I know somewhere in there exists a free woman who is probably a bit scared about what’s happening to her, but don’t worry, I’ll take very good care of you. Now, why don’t you sink for me ?”

Alice was falling, deeper and deeper and deeper into an endless soft darkness. She wasn’t scared, Rose’s voice was there, guiding her, filling her, claiming her. Alice heard nothing but Her Voice, saw only what She wanted Her pet to see, and thought nothing but those thoughts Mistress placed in her head.

For the first time in years, Alice was content. 

It was the sunlight that woke Alice. The bed was unfamiliar but the sheets were soft and the mattress comfortable, and Alice felt refreshed, invigorated, warm and safe and- her memories came flooding back to her. 

Alice remembered it all. Falling under Rose’s spell. The bliss of trance. The thrum of arousal. She remembered breaking up with Chris while masturbating to it . Alice had sinned again and again with Rose, lapping up Rose’s juices as if they were the nectar of the gods. 

Alice remembered how happy she had felt. She had gone to sleep in Rose’s arms, her mind filled with nothing but the joy of having pleased her Mistress. 

(Rose, not Mistress, stupid brain!)

That’s right, this was Rose’s house, and Alice was willing to bet money that her phone was still somewhere inside the house. Rose wasn’t with her, so maybe she could grab her phone, slip out, and call for help before Rose came back to drop her back into trance and finish reprogramming her into a sapphic slut who felt so relaxed and aroused an-

Alice rather forcefully cut that line of thought off, those thoughts weren’t her, they couldn’t be her, they must have been something Rose planted in her head when she was out of it. She wasn’t a lesbian, Rose just must have tricked her mind somehow, gotten her all mixed up and her wires crossed. 


Sliding softly out of the oh so warm and comfortable bed, Alice searched for her clothing, in the process confirming this was in fact Rose’s room, but to no avail. Gritting her teeth, she cracked open the door a tad and stepped out into the hall, feeling the urge to hunch down as if that would prevent Rose from spotting her. As she approached the stairwell, the smell of sizzling bacon wafted up alongside the sounds of someone cooking in the kitchen, and Alice froze. 

Unless Rose has maids or a personal chef, she is almost certainly in the house. The good news is that she’s probably distracted by cooking breakfast, so this is still workable. I just need to move quickly, and I’ll be out of here in no time…. Why does the thought of that make my heart kind of hurt? How badly has she messed with my head?

Mustering her courage, Alice tip-toed her way down the stairs. The smell of food grew stronger with every step, and when she came to the bottom of the stairs Alice found she could see into the entryway to the kitchen. As her gaze swept over the entryway, she spotted Rose, making breakfast as she had thought, and her phone charging on the counter… right next to Rose. 

Alice could still try to slip out and seek help on foot, but Rose’s family were rich, and her house was isolated enough that she’d catch Alice long before Alice could find someone who would listen to a naked lady ranting about how she had been brainwashed. Alice felt a calm settle over her as she realized there was no reasonable hope of escape, a tightness in her chest loosening. She might as well get it over with.

Approaching the entryway to the kitchen, Alice couldn’t help but admire how effortlessly beautiful Rose seemed. Her blonde hair was pulled into a messy bun which shone in the morning sun, the oversized t-shirt falling past her waist doing nothing to conceal her shapely legs. She really was quite attractive. Objectively speaking, of course. 

“Enjoying the view?”

Rose flipped a pancake onto a waiting plate, turning to face Alice with a genuine smile, cheer and affection mixing in her tone. When she caught sight of Alice standing there naked, she did the absolute last thing Alice expected her to do.

“I totally forgot to set out clothes for you didn’t I? I’m so sorry, I put your clothes in the wash earlier, they’re a bit gross after last night’s activities. You can steal whatever you need from my closet, unless you want to walk around naked? I mean, I’d enjoy it, but it seems like it would get cold.”

Alice blinked, totally poleaxed by Rose’s behavior. She had expected dominance, seduction, and lust, not… whatever this was. Was this some sort of trick? 

“Oh you’re probably a bit confused right now, aren’t you? Just head back to my room and I’ll be there shortly. I promise you can ask all the questions you want after I finish up here in the kitchen.”

Well, I suppose it’s not like I really have much of a choice.

Puzzled, Alice retraced her steps back to Rose’s room and popped open the (rather large) closet, grabbing a pair of jeans and a t-shirt that look like they fit her. Pausing, she came to the realization that for underwear she would have to either go bare or put on Rose’s underwear. The thought sent a thrill through Alice, and she had to shake her head to dispel the submissive imagery that called to mind. She dressed as quickly as possible, her eyes pointedly not looking anywhere which might lead her to think of sex. 

Rose entered right as Alice finished dressing herself, carrying a breakfast of pancakes and bacon and wearing a contented smile. She gave Alice an appreciative look, and Alice pinked when she realized that in her haste she had forgotten to put on a bra. Instead of pointing it out, Rose just set the tray down and patted the bed next to her.

“Join me on the bed, let’s eat and talk.” 

Reluctantly, Alice complied, her stomach rumbling. She tried not to think about why Rose was acting like this, why Rose’s smile made her feel things, or what was going to happen to her, and just dug into her food. 

Shockingly, Rose just let her eat for a few minutes, but inevitably the other woman put her utensils down and fixed Alice with the piercing blue orbs which had so inexorably drawn Alice to her last night. Her voice was calm, affectionate even, but underlaid with an ironclad certainty and a seductive husk. 

“To answer the question you are undoubtedly asking in your head, yes, I still plan on making you mine, and I don’t intend on asking for your permission to do so.” A pause, “I let you remember, wake up, and have this conversation because I want you to know that no matter what I will take care of you. You will give me the reins to your mind, and I will make you happy. Your obedience will be rewarded, again and again, until it becomes as natural to you as breathing, and you will love every moment of it.”

It should have scared Alice. She had been going to run away to avoid this very fate. She should scream and throw something at Rose and make one last desperate attempt to escape. Yet… a large part of her wanted to let Rose do this to her, to let Rose wrap her mind in silken threads, to let that velvety voice steal her thoughts and leave only content obedience in their place. Alice had tasted the forbidden fruit, and it filled a void in her she had not known existed. She sighed. 

“I have questions.”

It was an admission of defeat. Rose had won, and she smiled an all-too satisfied smile, beckoning Alice to go on. 

“Why… Why me? Why hypnotize me? I mean, you're um, I'm not, well, gay ( keep telling yourself that Alice) , but you're gorgeous, you could have any woman you wanted, and I just don’t see-”

Rose softly cupped Alice's cheek, and Alice's train of thought vanished. 

“You don't know your own value. You, Alice, are not only beautiful, you are intelligent, kind, diligent, and yet seemingly unaware of your own virtues. I have observed you for some time, starting after we shared a class, and I grew fascinated by you. I saw that you seemed unhappy, sad, and unsure of what to do with your life. You were chained to a man you did not love and a family who did not appreciate you, and it seemed terribly cruel to leave you like that.”

Rose leaned further into Alice’s space, running a hand down the frozen woman’s neck. Alice couldn’t think. 

She’s so… warm… soft… she smells so good…

The world narrowed. Rose was practically whispering now, and Alice hung from every word. 

“I am a greedy woman, but I am not a cruel woman. I saw you suffering from afar, and I decided then that I must have you, not only for my sake, but for yours. I made breakfast for you because I wanted to have a pleasant meal with you, and because you deserved it. You have been such a good girl for me, and I want to repay you for your service. So let me take over, hm? Let me help you.

Images were flashing through Alice’s head, visions of waking up next to Rose, of serving Her, of watching movies together, of a life where she would have no guilt, no shame, and no anxiety. 

There was only one thing for Alice to say.


Rose beamed. Her lips moved, and Alice knew no more. 


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