Saccharime (@Saccharime)

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Far beyond the cloistered tides that separate the mind from reality, there forms a frost upon each dew-burdened blade of grass—a sugary chill known as the saccharime. And, even further still, there impatiently awaits a curious little author. He collects the saccharime, weaving its decadent, crystalline silk into pages upon which to scribe magnificent tales...

Hello! I call myself Saccharime as a combination of the adjective, "saccharine" (sugary; sweet), and the noun, "rime" (frost; ice). I primarily write my stories in the setting of a high-fantasy erotic world known as Vawnyith, focusing on a variety of characters therein. More on Vawnyith later, for you particularly curious readers; its history is long and detailed, but you don't need to know a speck of the lore in order to enjoy the stories!

Due to Vawynith's curious properties, it's a setting rife with erotic and narrative potential, packed with all sorts of characters and potential scenarios. I myself am a huge experimentalist with few limits—but limits I do, indeed, have. As hypnosis inherently encroaches on topics of consent, I like to clarify that I will almost never present any violent non-consensual acts. For the most part, my stories will include "Fantasy Non-Consent": a cushy, glamourized version that merely represents non-consent without any of the real-life, long-term trauma. I also do not sexualize minors in any of my works, nor do I sexualize non-sapient creatures in general. My works may sometimes contain death—but strictly non-violent, as gore is a major limit of mine. I will always try my best to include trigger warnings for sensitive topics.

Please note that I am extremely open to any and all critiques in regards to my writing, as well as suggestions for future stories. I'm always trying to improve, and my e-mail address is therefore always open!

 Vawnyith does have a few rules that set it aside from other fantasy worlds. Due to its complicated past, the planet itself is horizontally sliced into six concentric rings, with a castle in the northernmost ring that allows anyone in control of it to (safely) rotate the planet's rings as they so choose. Access to any trade route, optimal war paths; due to the power of planetary control, the castle is constantly changing hands as a litany of factions fight to lay claim over it. However, a mysterious curse renders all beings in the northernmost ring immortal. How is one to defeat an enemy if they cannot slay them? Well, judging by the nature of the site you're currently on, I think you can guess. And so, hypnosis is a popularized practice throughout the world. If you don't care for any of this lore, I can assure you that it will very rarely be vital information within any of my stories.


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