Blood Cattle

Chapter 2

by RatQueen

Tags: #cw:noncon #dom:female #f/f #pov:bottom #sub:female #transformation #urban_fantasy #dom:vampire #hucow #lactation #trans_egg

I was all alone in my room. My new room. A temporary room? I certainly did not intend to stay her in this place with that beautiful monster who turned me into a cow girl. It would be humiliating putting up with whatever Theophania had in store for me. My body shuddered at that thought, though I couldn’t tell if it was in disgust or something else.

“I should try to find a way out of here.”

I announced to myself. I turned and the little cowbell on my neck jingled. I giggled slightly and tried to suppress a smile. My Mistress must have been doing this to me, there was no way I’d act like this normally. I reached for the collar, intending to take the damn thing off. It would be hard to sneak around with it on. but I stopped myself. It was a gift I didn’t want to refuse. And it would be easier to blend in if I wore it. 

I grasped the door handle only to realize I had forgotten clothes, it was far too embarrassing to walk around naked. where anyone and everyone could ogle and admire my cute new body, and I'd just have to sit there as they did like a good girl. I slapped myself. These thoughts were getting out of hand. I had to escape now.

Opening the dresser revealed nothing wearable. Just adorable cow print bikinis. They wouldn’t cover anything up, if anything it felt more lewd to wear them then nothing. I thought about it for a long time, settling on wearing them. It was at least better to cover the important bits. It was difficult to put them on, not only could I not see the straps over my new massive tits but I couldn’t reach because of them too. I was helpless.

Deciding it was easier to ask for help from Theophania I set off, bikini in hand. Hoping she’d take pity on me and help out. Out the door I went into a hallway. Down the hallway were doors with plaques above them, each with a cowish name. Above my door at the end of the hallway was a plaque that read “Abie” so I could assume the other names were of other people in the mansion. More souls forced into this against their will like me?

At the other end of the hallways was a woman in a maid dress sweeping away at dust. As I got closer I could see clearly that she was turned into a cow as well, though her horns were longer and pointed forward and her breasts weren't quite as large as my own. She turned towards me, clearly having heard me approach.

“You must be Abie! The Mistress told us all about you! Welcome to the manor, my name is Buttercup.”

She didn't even flinch at my nudity and she seemed happy? How could anyone be happy here? It was hell on earth.

“Umm do you think you could help me get this on?”

“Of course!”

Without hesitation she started putting on and tying up the bikini, as though she’d done it hundreds of times before. When she was done she gave me a gentle slap on the but that made me jump a little. She leaned into my ear and whispered to me.

“The Mistress has forbade any of us taking your first time but I can hardly wait to get a piece of you”

My first time? Was I going to be used as some sex object? It was a wonderful, no horrible thought. I didn't want this. tears welled in my eyes. Buttercup stared at me with a kindness in her eyes that strangely endeared me to her despite her brash comment.

“Don’t worry dear, we all had to learn to enjoy our time here”

Her words did not help in the slightest. Was I really expected to lay over and accept this treatment? I wouldn’t have it. I had to get out of here. I rushed down the rest of the hallway through another door and into the foyer. I could see the door to the outside, I was free!

Making haste towards the door I ignored everything around me. Right before I reached it In the blink of an eye Theophania was there, blocking the door. I didn’t care, trying to crash into her, only to bounce off like she was a brick wall. She waved a finger of disapproval at me.

“Tsk tsk, we can’t have that now can we? You’d miss lunch.”

She grabbed me by the collar and lifted me. I hung there for a moment trying to get my feet under me so I could breathe again. She was so strong, it made me feel small and even more helpless. Soon I was dutifully following behind her trying to keep as close as I could to avoid more choking. She dragged me into a large dining room, except instead of a large table dominating the space it was rows upon rows of troughs and at the head of them one desk sized table with a large chair, clearly for our Mistress.

She dragged me to my knees at one of the troughs next to her and rang a bell, it echoed throughout the house summoning cow girls from every corner. I watched in horror as the number of us ballooned until there was barely an open space at the troughs with how crowded we were. Just how many people had this monster abducted for her sick pleasure. I glanced back and forth from cowgirls to Mistress.

The girls battered at each other trying to get what little space they could. All the while Theophania watched amused from her high seat. Then the chefs came out, cows themselves, and dispensed pot after pot of some kind of slop, adding fresh veggies on top. 

I stared at the mixture with disgust. Was I really expected to eat this? The cow girls around me dug in greedily, consuming with reckless abandon. The girl next to me looked up from her meal to stare at me. I stared back. Through chewing she mumbled out her words.

“First time?”

She patted me on the head.

“It’ll be ok, it’s good I promise”

With that she returned to her meal. My stomach ached as I stared at it. I thought it was disgusting at first but after smelling it, the lovely smell of freshly cooked veggies wafted up my nose. I realized I was starving. How many days had it been since I ate? Since I got here? When was the last time I had a drink of water? Hesitantly I leaned down to try and take a bite.

It was shockingly delicious, fresh and generously spiced. I looked up at my Mistress and she smiled down at me and gestured for me to continue. So I ate, and ate, Until I was full. I sat back and watched the others also finish up eating. Soon the whole room was staring at Theophania, faces covered in food. 

“Everyone, you may go clean up, except for Abie, you’ll stay for now”

The other girls got up and wandered out, talking amongst themselves. Presumably off to the washrooms. Theophania walked up to me with a napkin and gently wiped my face clean.

“There you go dear.”

I looked up at her, she was so tall. it was exciting. I liked the way she looked over me. I kept trying to bury these emotions. I was a man. I'm supposed to be the one in charge! I must have been making a face because Theophania giggled at me.

“Come with me, little cow, it's time for you to learn your duty.”

She dragged me by the hand, I didn't have much choice. either I'd willingly follow or be dragged neither sounded appealing. I chose the path of least resistance. It was a short trip to her room and she let go of me when we were inside. Locking the door behind us. 

glancing around the room I settled on checking the mirror. A face I recognized for the first time in my life stared back. The girl in the mirror was a beautiful thing, with a bursting bosom. I shook myself. No no no no! I was a boy! I refused to give in to this situation. 

Theophania walked up behind me and laid her palms on my stomach. I melted in her touch. She leaned in close, staring at me in the mirror and whispering in my ear.

“I'm going to fill you with little calves”

Was she going to impregnate me? Was that even possible? How was she going to do it? Would they be cute? Would I be allowed to keep them? My mind raced, too caught up in my thoughts to protest them. I had to say something.


That wasn't good enough! I had to try again.


“Aww, would you like that little cow?”

I couldn't think anymore.


My Mistress patted me on the head.

“Good girl. Let's get started.”


Mistress giggled and turned me around to strip me. With a delicate pull she untied the top and bottom of the little bikini. Then slipped out of her dress, brilliant red underwear contrasted with her pale skin and in her panties I could see a barely held back cock throbbing with desire. She unhooked her bra and ever so slowly lowered the panties. We were close. As she released her cock it slapped against my stomach. My legs were weak.


Obeying dutifully I got on my knees before her, her cock gently swaying in front of me. She didn’t speak, just guided her cock to my mouth. It was large, larger than I could ever imagine taking. But I was a good girl, and good girls do what Mistress says. I opened wide and she slowly plunged herself down into my mouth. Deeper and deeper until it was difficult to breathe. She patted me then gripped on to my hair and forced herself even deeper. I couldn’t breathe, and my throat was so tight against her.

Then she started moving, it was slow at first, there was enough time for me to catch my breath in between strokes. But then she started speeding up and it became harder and harder to catch my breath, by the time I had less than a second to breathe she pulled back to the front of my mouth and I desperately inhaled. And she plunged as far as she could go down my throat. I could feel her cock pump, I was completely powerless as she came right into my stomach.

When she pulled out completely I was a coughing wreck, gasping for oxygen. I looked up at her with what must have been a thoroughly pathetic look on my face given how she grinned at me. Without hesitation she scooped me up and gingerly placed me on the bed.

Mistress crawled over top of me and put her hands on my knees. I knew what she wanted and so I opened them with no resistance. I wanted to be a good girl for her but I couldn't help but hide my face. I didn't want her to see what a pathetic slut I was. 

“Such a good little breeder cow.”

My heart fluttered. I was a breeding cow. My Mistress' breeding cow.


“Very good girl”

 She pulled my legs upward and pinned them down with hers, right into a mating press. Her cock laid on top of my pussy, trickling cum. The heat coming off her felt nice. She held my stomach with one hand and guided herself inside me with the other. I realized she was taking my virginity, it made me melt into the bed. Mistress pushed inside me, my body exploded in pleasure. 


“Aren’t you such a good little breeding slut.”

I nodded.


She started thrusting, slowly in and out a rhythmic motion that sent electricity through me each time. My whole body shuddered, the feeling of being used by my Mistress was incredible. I thought it would never end, I hoped it would never end. 

Unfortunately it had to end at some point. My mistress held me close as she pumped another load inside me. I could hear our heavy breathing in the otherwise silent room. I held Mistress in a tight hug I didn’t want to let go. I wanted to be here forever, where I belonged.

she pulled away, I whined softly in response. There was a coldness as she pulled herself out of me. It was replaced slightly by the warm feeling of her cum leaking out of me. That was incredible. I took a deep breath as my senses came back to me. What had I just done?

I must have finally lost it. I couldn’t believe I had given in like that. She must have been using her powers against me. There was no way I would actually enjoy such a humiliating experience on my own. Right? I curled up into a ball to try and protect my modesty. Theophania called out to me.

“Get up, you’re not going to dirty my sheets further”

I swiftly hopped off the bed. Trying to cover myself. I could feel her cum leaking onto my hand from my new pussy. I kept my head down


She came up close and put her hand under my chin to lift it to face her.

“Tsk tsk, You were being so good earlier…”

She grabbed my ear. Pain instantly shot me.

“... Say it properly.”

“Sorry Mistress!”

She released my ear. 

“You may return to your room.”

I hesitantly slinked out of her room watching behind me as she stared me down with a smile. I got out of her sight as soon as possible

The events that took place in that room started rushing through my mind again and again. Was it horrible? It had to have been horrible, so why did it still excite me being used like that. There was only one conclusion. I had to contend with the fact that I enjoyed my first time. And that horrified me more than anything.


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