Blood Cattle

Chapter 1

by RatQueen

Tags: #cw:noncon #dom:female #f/f #pov:bottom #sub:female #transformation #urban_fantasy #dom:vampire #hucow #lactation #trans_egg

Our eyes locked. I couldn't turn away. I was lost in the pattern of them. The image of dried blood came to mind as I tried to pinpoint the color. She was gorgeous, everything about her face was perfect. The angles were sharp but feminine and her full lips made a heart like shape. The black lipstick on them highlighted her pale face. Even the way they moved made me ache in lust.

“My drink please”

I blinked in confusion.

“May I have my drink please?”

Looking down at my hands I saw the drink she was referring to. A coffee, the name “Tiffany” written on it. Soon the sounds of the coffee shop I worked in came flooding back. I realized I had been ogling a customer and quickly handed her the drink.

“thank you-”

She looked down at my name tag.


The way she said it was as though it was a fake and she giggled as she walked away. I couldn't help but glance at her one last time as she went. A flowing black dress with a back cutout laid over her curvaceous frame. Her rear jiggled slightly as she moved. I looked up to her face only to see a knowing look on her staring back. I was caught red handed.

With a blush I rushed back to work desperate to pretend I wasn't ogling her again, so much so that I tried not to look towards her. So much so that I never noticed her leave. That made me sad, I almost wish I could have gotten her number, even if she was far out of my league.

The rest of work went by as a blur. I couldn't focus, Tiffany was constantly on my mind. I kept messing up orders until I got told to leave and come back tomorrow. It wasn't until I was half way home that I realized how bad I screwed up. I needed every penny. I was broke and bills were coming due faster than I could pay them.

I collapsed in the bed of my studio apartment, ignoring the growing stack of bills on the table. Water had been cut two weeks ago, and power was going to be cut tomorrow. I was hoping to at least make rent but that looked impossible now. I was worried I was only a few mess ups more away from losing another job. I sighed at how pathetic I was, wishing someone would just take me away from all this.

My mind wandered back to Tiffany

I couldn't get her out of my head. I had to touch myself to the thought of her. My mind wandered to images of her touching me. Of her kissing my neck. Of her hand going lower down my body and playing with my pussy.

I stopped, that last thought was too weird. It wasn't normal for a boy to dream about having girl parts and I had too much on my plate to figure out why it kept happening. I must have been some huge pervert.


The next day of work went by slowly. I was being extra careful and even convinced my boss to give me overtime. I couldn't fuck this up again. Things were looking up, until she came back.

Tiffany strolled in again. When I laid eyes upon her my heart stopped, she smiled. It almost felt like she was smiling at my hesitation. her eyes stared through me as though she was analyzing my very soul. It felt like we were the only two people there.

I broke out of my trance long enough to wave and say "hello" to her. She giggled at me and I blushed. Was she into me? It was a weird thought. How could any woman that pretty be into a loser like me? It was just my weird fantasies acting up again. I stepped up to take her order.

"W-what can I get you m-ma'am?"

"Just a regular coffee, with extra milk"

She grinned at me. I felt like there was a joke I wasn't getting so I chuckled. This made her chuckle as well. It felt strangely nice sharing this awkward moment with a stranger. Yet the longer I looked into her eyes the less strange it seemed, like we'd known each other forever.

She was looking at me expectantly until I realized I forgot to make her order. I could feel her eyes on the back of my head while I worked, watching closely. I didn't even think it was creepy, just that it was natural. Like this was how things were supposed to be.

My mind slipped into a thought of her inspecting me like this while I'm naked and I messed up so badly I burned myself with the coffee. I could hear a soft giggle behind me and my pain felt less important somehow, like making her happy was worth a little pain.

By the time I had gotten the coffee for her  I was feeling really mellow, like I was on drugs. People noticed. I couldn't see Tiffany leave again as I was too busy arguing with my boss. It ended with my firing.

Dejected I stomped home ready to cry myself to sleep trying to figure out what to do. The path back to my apartment seemed longer than usual, and was there always a mansion along the way? I shrugged it off, perhaps I just walked it so much I forgot what was on it. Soon I found myself face to face with the door to said mansion. 

There was a screaming feeling in the back of my head that danger was in this house, but an even louder feeling told me that this was home, something I hadn't known for a while. The door loudly creaked as I opened it and inside Tiffany stood, waiting.

She watched me closely as I sauntered into her home. I should have felt like an intruder but everything just felt so right like I was supposed to be here. She walked closer and put a hand under my chin forcing me to look directly at her face.

"Welcome to your new home, I'm sure you have many questions."

I really didn't, but some feeling deep down said I should ask anyway.

"Why am I here?"

"Because I want you here, hypnosis can be so powerful, especially on those who want to obey."

She hypnotized me? My mind was screaming to run but my body wouldn't move. I didn't want to be here, and yet being here was correct, my place.

"W-who are you"

"My name is Theophania but you'll be calling me Mistress from now on."

That name was old, very old. From byzantine times. I remembered it from a history class. strange that she would have it. But it almost made sense, perhaps she was some kind of monster of yore?

"W-what are y-you?"

She giggled and bared her teeth at me, two long canines protruded. She was a-

"A vampire"

I felt light headed. my mind screaming to  flee as fast as i could but my body fighting against it. The world spun and I collapsed to the floor. As my consciousness faded I heard a whisper in my ear.

"Don't worry, I’ll take good care of you.”


Waking up my whole body ached like I had been running for hours. I still felt foggy, my mind active but barely able to communicate with my body.I glanced around my surroundings, an opulent red silk bed with black stained wood, and similar pallet furniture around the room. I had the distinct thought that it was Theophania's room. She sat waiting in a chair next to me.

"Drink this dear"

She handed me an amber liquid in a round flask. I tried to resist drinking it but my body acted without me.It smelled and It tasted like milk. I drank it down as fast as I could which earned me a gentle pet on the head from Theophania.

"Good girl"

That elicited a gentle moan from me. though oddly it sounded more like a moo. I didn't know why being called a good girl made me feel so happy when I was a boy. More evidence that I'm just a pervert.

"Are you comfy?"

I nodded, this was so much more comfy than the bare mattress I had at the apartment.

"Tsk tsk, cattle don't deserve comfort now do they?"

Cattle? But I was a human. Or did she mean blood cattle? Was she planning to keep me for my blood? I tried to voice my disagreement but words that were not mine came out.

"Y-yes mis-"

I stopped myself. I’d finally made some progress, maybe I could escape this crazy monster!

"I w-want to b-be comfortable"

She chuckled and climbed over top of me, licking her lips. I was convinced she was planning to eat me. But all she did was rub her hand through my hair. There were two really sore spots on my head and I winced every time she touched them. She giggled each time.

"Alright, you can stay in my bed till you're ready"

Ominous, but if she wasn't going to kill me what did she have planned? Could I escape? And was she really so bad? No, of course not she was a monster of the night. Evil.

My body's aching suddenly got worse, or maybe I had just been too focused to notice it. Either way I was in a lot of pain. I weakly expressed the pain.


She looked down at me in pity.

"It's ok baby, you'll feel much better in a couple days."

I hated to admit it but her words calmed me down a bit. Whatever she was doing to me must have been affecting me greatly as her words were like honey on my ears. It wasn’t long before I was asleep again.


I woke up breathing heavily, my whole body was sore and in pain, no where I turned was comfortable. There was a tenderness in my chest, butt and groin so I did all I could to not be on my front or back. I noted that I could move fully, the world wasn’t as foggy. I wanted to try and run but the pain left me bedridden. I was evidently causing a lot of noise as Theophania came rushing in.

“Awake again? Oh you poor thing. Be a good girl and drink this, I promise you’ll feel better when it’s done working”

She shoved another bottle of the amber liquid in my hands. I looked at it and back at her, I wanted to throw it away, to deny her whatever satisfaction I could. But if i did I might disappoint her. Which was bad of course, she might kill me if I disobeyed. My hand shakily moved the drink to my lips and I slowly drank it down, every last drop. Earning me yet another gentle pat on the head and more praise. The pat eliciting yet more pain from the sore spots.

“You’re doing so well. Just a little bit longer dear.”

She gave me one last pat on the head before walking out. I almost missed her touch. But because it felt nice, I refused to give in to my situation. My hand moved up to my head to mimic her pat, it wasn’t as soothing but it felt nice to stimulate that area. I felt two bumps. Was the drink she was giving me changing me?

 I shakily stood up, putting pressure on my feet hurt my entire body but I had to see what was happening to me, so I rushed to a nearby full body mirror. I glanced at myself over, I had boobs? Small but perky boobs extending from my chest. And my cock, was it smaller than usual? And my ears seemed more protruded and curled than usual. I combed through my hair to see the bumps, little white lumps that almost looked like horns. I started breathing quickly, what on earth was this crazy vampire doing to me?

What was going to happen to me? Would I live? Would I want to live through seeing what was going to happen to me? How could I please Mistress? Where did that thought even come from? Why is the wall falling away? I was hyperventilating when a soft voice and a gentle embrace lulled me back to my senses.

“It's going to be ok darling”

My breathing slowed, maybe it would be ok. I took deep breaths and started looking around. I was laying on the floor with Theophania holding me up. I must have fallen at some point. She gingerly scooped me up and laid me to bed. I yawned, too tired now to think of escape or resistance.


I woke up to Theophania on top of me again. She stroked my hair and gently whispered words I couldn’t hear over the ringing in my ear. She looked delighted when my eyes greeted her. Said more words that I couldn’t hear and drew her hand down my face, then neck and finally to my chest. Even just her gentle caress sent my body into a fit of agony, my chest was far too sore for her to be touching it, but she did anyway. I tried to lift a hand to stop her but the pain was too much and all I could do was sit there.

She began to gently massage my breast. I tried to thrash with pain, to yell at her to stop, but it was futile. I didn’t have the energy to resist, and so she would do what she pleased with my body. All I could do was muster a pained moan. When she was seemingly satisfied she moved her hand to my other breast massaging it as well. At some point the pain gave way to a cool numbness. Perhap just my body coping with the level of pain I was in. 

After finishing whatever she moved her head down to my breast, very gently wrapping her lips around my nipple. I was dumbfounded, what was this woman doing? Then she started sucking and my body was hit with a sudden wave of pain and pleasure I'd never felt before. There was also a weird feeling of relief, like weight was lifted from my breast. When she was done with the first and moved over to the second I realized I was moaning as my hearing came back to me.

When she finished I nearly begged her to keep going. I’d never felt like that before and it soothed the pains I was feeling. She wiped her face and stood up from the bed, pulling out another one of those drinks. I stuck my hands out for it, hunger and thirst was really hitting me now and I was desperate for the sweet liquid. She gently placed it in my grip and I chugged it down. Yet again I earned praise and headpats.

“Such a good girl, you’re almost done. Would you like to see how you’re coming along?”

I hesitantly nodded, knowing I would fear the result but far too curious. I had to know what was happening to me. She pulled me up and supported me walking me to the mirror. I had to admit it felt nice being so close to such a beautiful woman, even if she was a monster. She brought me right in front of the mirror standing behind me so I could see my whole body. 

The most apparent change was my new tits, they’d grown massively while I was asleep and were now about the size of a grapefruit. Then I noticed my cock had disappeared and now all that was there was a slit. Did I have a vagina now? Was she turning me into a woman? And why was I ok with that? What was wrong with me?

Lastly I looked at my face, a pair of horns and floppy cow ears adorning it. She was turning me into a cow. I couldn’t believe it, this couldn’t be real. I was in shock. I gently tugged on one of my ears, it was tender and hurt a lot but it was real! I also checked the horns, they hurt my head when I tried to pull on them, I could feel them attached to my skull. I wanted to faint again. Theophania wrapped her arms around me placing her palms on my belly and her head on my shoulder.

“What do you think?”

I shuddered, it felt nice having her hands on my stomach but at the same time I felt like prey around a predator. She smiled deviously, I assumed since she could see my obvious fear and disgust. I tried to speak but all that came out at first were the sounds of a farm animal.

“Mooo… w-why are you doing this to me?”

I could see her smile turn into a wide grin. She clearly enjoyed my suffering. She said no words but led me back to bed and laid me down. I stared up at her with a pleading look on my face, but she ignored me and left the room. I sat there staring at the ceiling contemplating what was happening to me.

Some part of me asked if this was really so bad, I always fantasized about being a girl, getting fucked like a girl. But this was unnatural right? She couldn’t just do this to a man. And yet here I was looking like some cowgirl. I began to tear up, why me. It wasn’t fair. I curled up into a ball, and tried to cry myself to sleep. My pity party was interrupted by my captor coming back in. She quickly wrapped me up in a hug.

“Don’t cry dear, you look beautiful now”

Yet again her words oddly helped, ‘beautiful’ it was something i never thought I could be. I buried my face in her chest, my tears strolling down her dress. She gently pet me while I cried, cooing softly in my ear. It was nice, I wished it could never end. I never even noticed falling asleep.


The bed felt coarser and  harder than it used to. Before I even opened my eyes I realized I'd been moved. I mentally kicked myself for letting myself be taken away again. But at the end of the day there wasn’t really anything I could do. She was in control. I sighed and sat up to survey the room. A dull earthy room with only a bed, dresser, door and a mirror. I dreaded that mirror, knowing what I'd see. But curiosity got the better of me.

I hesitantly stepped in front of the mirror, terrified of what I'd see. I glanced up and down my body. Two massive tits filled my upper body, they were bigger than my head. They were hurting so I tried to massage them only for a trickle of white liquid to spill down them. I was lactating. I looked down to see my slit had turned into a full blown pussy, the first I'd seen in person. 

As I stared I noticed something between my legs behind me, I turned in the mirror to reveal a cute little cow tail. Not cute, it was terrible. How could I ever go back in public looking like this! I gazed up at my head to see my horns and ears had gotten larger too. I looked like a cow.

The door opened behind me. I tried to cover myself to no comfort, I was still naked. Theophania walked in holding a little pink collar with a cowbell on it. She must have intended to put me in that. My legs felt weak as she approached me.

“I have a present for you.”

“I-I don’t want it.”

My voice sounded like a womans. My head was spinning. She shook her head and grabbed me by the ear, it was in agony in her grip.

“You don’t have a choice.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Who are you sorry to?”

“I’m s-sorry M-mistress.”

“Good girl.”

She released my ear and faced me to the mirror, I did whatever she directed me to not wanting more pain. Plus her praise felt satisfying deep down, I tried to bury the feeling. I couldn’t give in, I had to escape. She slipped the collar around my neck and tightened it so that I could breathe just with some slight effort. The bell rang cutely as she moved it. She came up close behind me and petted me on the head. 

”From now on your name is Abie”

With that she gave me a kiss on the check and left me to myself. Abie huh, It was a cute name. It kind of fit me. I repeated it under my breath, smiling wider each time.

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