Violet Corruption

The Mouse

by RD64

Tags: #cw:noncon #cw:sexual_assault #brainwash #f/f #mind_control #pov:top #multiple_partners #pov:multiple #urban_fantasy
See spoiler tags : #lesbification #tech_control #titnosis

This story and all characters or locations referenced within it are fictional; any resemblance to real people, locations, or events are purely coincidental. Also, some aspects of this story may be highly unethical and should never be imitated in real life, and this story is not approval said unethical actions. All characters are over 18, and any use of terms such as “girl” do not denote otherwise. If you are not old enough, are not allowed to read this content for any legal reason, or somehow wound up here and find the topic of mind control disturbing, then shoo! Scram! Skedaddle!

Please do not copy or repost this story without my express permission first.

To anyone else in the lecture hall, the small Asian girl with a bob cut and purple streaks towards the back was probably paying attention to her sociology lecture. I’m sure the lecturer was talking about something interesting, I think something related to workplace mentalities? But I literally couldn’t care less; the only thing I could think of was Saturday, playing on repeat in my head like it had the past two days.

I still don’t quite know how to feel about the situation. I never thought it would’ve gotten out of hand like that. Was I really that good of a hypnotist? Was Amber just exceptionally suggestible? Perhaps both? It’s not like it matters, because what I did was completely inexcusable. Vile, perhaps. Appalling, if you’re so inclined. I took the trust of one of my friends, and violated it completely and utterly. I crossed a hard moral line, and now I don’t know how I’m ever going to live with myself.

And yet, alongside those feelings of regret, thinking about it makes me so goddamn wet. That was some of the best sex I’ve ever had, said one exceptionally noisy and troublesome part of my brain, and she’s only a single word and a finger snap away from doing it again! I tried to shove that thought aside, feeling my cheeks flare up and my nether regions dampen. For the third time this lecture. God, what is wrong with me…

I was still stumped about what to do actually about Amber. I could just turn her completely back to normal, and try to have her hear me out. ‘I’m sorry, I really didn’t mean to rape and mind break you into my adoring slave! It was an accident, I swear!’ Yeah, I’m sure that would go over well, I thought sarcastically. I could turn her back to normal and just have her forget everything instead, but at this point there’s too much to cover up: not only would it be hard for me to keep up the façade of friendliness around her, but I know from experience that lies never last. Eventually something is going to cause a conflict, questions will be raised, and the truth will be uncovered. Not ideal.

Exasperated and panicking, I decided to just… leave her be. ‘I’m sure that Future Me will be able to think up a way out of this one, right?’ Past Me thought, and Present Me is regretting. Thankfully I had the foresight at the time to realize she might start blabbing about her newfound zealous faith in her Goddess Violet, so I told her to keep our new relationship a complete secret from everyone. She still sees me as her Goddess - as evidenced by the texts she sent me yesterday - but she dares not speak a word of it to anyone else. If they ask, we’re just good friends like we were before this all happened, and she’ll treat me as such if we’re ever out in public together. It’s not exactly a bulletproof plan either, but I have as much faith Amber will keep it a secret as she has in, well, me.

So, there I was. Staring at the projector screen, not paying attention while my mood fluctuates constantly between peaks of arousal and anxiety. 

That was, until I felt a tap on my shoulder.

The sudden contact made me yelp as I snapped back to reality. I jumped a few inches out of my seat, with the note-taking tray I had my laptop set on being the only thing preventing me from jumping even higher. I turned beet red as I apologized to the people around me, chief among those being the mousy bespectacled girl next to me that I’m pretty sure flinched twice as much from me jumping at her touch.

She didn’t look like anyone from my own major. Her long blonde hair covered her freckled cheeks, even obscuring one of her blue-green eyes partially. She averted her gaze from mine, pulling on the collar of her big brown woolen turtleneck sweater. I could tell she was just as embarrassed as I was, as she fidgeted in her seat and straightened out her skirt.

Plus she’s got quite the rack hidden under there, the still-horny part of my mind chimed in.

“I’m so, so, so sorry about that!” I profusely apologized to her. “My mind was just… i-in another place? I’m normally more focused on lecture, I’ve just… got a lot on my mind, y’know? I swear, I’m all over the place today…” I buried my head in my hands, and she chuckled nervously back.

“No, no, I totally get it!” She said, waving her hands apologetically. “I wasn’t sure what the best way to get your attention was, ‘cause you were totally zoned out, so I figured I’d just give you a tap on the shoulder. I-I… I probably should’ve just waved my hand in front of your face first o-or something, I’m sorry!”

I chuckle at that. Oh good, we’re both terrible at this! “You’re good, I probably wouldn’t have known what to do either!” I glanced around at the clock and saw that the lecture was still in session, and then finally read what the projector actually said. “Oh, we have a group project or something?”

“Yup!” She beamed at me, blushing a little bit. “Everyone around me’s already paired up, so…”

“Oh, uh, sure! I don’t mind!” I returned the smile. “By the way, I don’t think we’ve met before. What’s your name?”

“J-Jasmine Collins. Yours?”

“Violet Hanamori, though everyone calls me Vi.”

“Great! Just call me Jas, then! Say, do you have time after class to study? I-I like getting my work done as early as possible, if it’s not too much to ask?”

“Oh, same! This is actually my last class for today, too. I… could probably use a, uh, ‘refresher’ on this lecture anyway given how split my attention was…”

We chatted for another moment before the lecturer tapped his mic, getting everyone to quiet down for the last few minutes of lecture.

“Oh, so you’re the first in your family to be born a US citizen?” Jas asked, taking another bite from her salad.

“Yup, Mom’s family came in the 70s after she was born and Dad came during the 2000s for work. My grandparents still live across the ocean, and we go see them during New Years.” I took another bite of my burrito. CCU may have its flaws, but man, their food court has some banger options.

“That’s so cool! I’ll admit, I’ve always wanted to visit Japan since I started watching anime. You must speak Japanese then, right?”

「ええ、少し。」 I said, pinching my thumb and finger together. “Enough to get by, really. What about you? What’s the Collins family like?”

She blushed and shied away meekly. “Ah, we’re not that special. I’m pretty sure we were Irish immigrants back in the colonial days, but that’s about it. Oh, my grandpa on my Dad’s side was a stage magician, though!”

“Oh, cool! What kind of routines did he do? Escape artist? Sleight of hand?”

“Mostly card tricks and sleight of hand, though I remember he dabbled in stage hypnosis at one point.”

I managed to suppress a wince.

“So you’re actually a CS major?” I asked while I put my laptop and notes away.

“Yeah, I’m going to go into networking and cybersecurity. I’ve got a knack for breaking through firewalls, so I figured I’d use my super hacker powers for good!” She gave me a smug wink as she closed her own laptop.

“Well, I’ll make sure not to get on your bad side if I don’t want my Chrome tabs leaked to the FBI!”

“And I’ll make sure to stay on your good side, lest you give me a few CCs too much anesthetic before any future surgery!”

We both let out quiet laughs as we finished packing our things. We grabbed a group study room in the library and we’re allowed to speak more normally, but we still wanted to be respectful of everyone else. Even if the people in the next room weren't nearly as considerate.

Jas let out a big yawn. “Ah, I should really head back to my dorm. I’ve got a terrible sleep schedule nowadays that I’m slowly trying to fix.”

“Y’know, I actually know a bunch of tricks that are really good for fixing sleep schedules. I knew an OMM doctor who taught me some techniques, and I’ve learned a few other things here and there like breathing techniques that’ve helped my friends a ton!”

“Oh, really? Sure, I’ll gladly accept! I’ll be honest, I’ve made no progress on my own. If you’ve got some more free time, why not come over to my dorm for a bit? My roomie’s out visiting family in California right now, so you can show me how they all work! Plus my dorm is only a couple minutes away, compared to yours.”

“Just let your muscles relax, as you breathe nice and deep.” I pushed my thumbs a little deeper into the muscles of her shoulders. “Imagine that every time I push on a muscle, it relaxes. And that muscle then starts a chain reaction, relaxing all the muscles next to it, and the muscles connected to those, and so on and so forth. All the muscles in your body, one after the other, start relaxing deeper and deeper.” I punctuated it by really kneading a knot with my thumbs, eliciting a moan from Jas. “You can really feel how relaxed you’re becoming, can’t you?”

“Yeah, I didn’t even realize I had such tight muscles!” She said dreamily.

“Y’know, most people don’t! It’s crazy just how wound up we get, especially now that we’re all in college. Sometimes it’s good to just take a moment to relax, let yourself truly decompress for a bit.” I moved my hands down and began working the muscles below her shoulder blades.

“You can say that again…” She muttered, totally enamored by my work.

“Yup, maybe I’ll have you do this for me some other time! But for now, just focus on where I’m massaging, keep imagining those chain reactions going through your body, relaxing everything as they go…”

I opened the door to my dorm, and looked up at the top bunk. Oh hey, Julie’s not home yet. Good, I need some alone time. Today’s been a long day.

I dropped my bag at the foot of my bed, grabbed my pillow, and screamed into it. 

“You’ll find that when I ask you a question, the honest answer will float easily and effortlessly from your lips. You won’t even be able to think about what is being said, the first thing that comes to mind is what comes out. Now, is there anything aside from your sleep schedule that you’re dissatisfied with?”

“… My breasts.”

“And why is that?”

“They’re too big… people stare… don’t like ‘em.”

“Would you like me to help you with that as well?”

“… Sure.”

I grinned. “Good girl, I’ll happily oblige. Feeling so safe, relaxed, and comfortable. To start off, let’s head into the bathroom together. When I snap my fingers, your eyes will open but you’ll remain in a very deep, hypnotized state. You’ll then get up, walk to the bathroom, and wait. Find all this happens now.” I said, snapping my fingers.

She got up and walked to the bathroom quietly, then stood in the middle of it. As I walked in, I began taking off my shirt. “Good girl, feeling so nice and peaceful. Since you’re in the bathroom, wouldn’t it make sense to take off your clothes? We’re all girls here, so there’s no need to be bashful.”

“Sure… I guess…” She said, slowly grabbing her clothes and pulling them off one by one. The fire between my legs grows into a tornado of heat as I watch her slowly strip down, but I do my best to suppress the urge to jam my fingers down my pants as I take off my own bra. Pretty soon, she’s standing naked while I’m half so.

“Good girl, now I want you to look at my chest.” Her eyes slowly trailed down until they saw my breasts, cupped by my hands as I started slowly swaying my body back and forth. “I want you to take a good, looooong look at my tits, focus all your attention on them. No need to think about why, just follow my words and relax deeper and deeper. Focus on my breasts swaying back and forth, let them be the only thing you see. Take in every detail, from their beautiful curves, to my perky nipples, to the way they melt in my hands, to the way they rise and fall with my breath, to the way they’re swaying back and forth hypnotically.” I placed my hands on her arms, gently swaying her along with me. 

“As you stare at them, you notice that calming, relaxing sensation from the massage I gave you floods your body. You feel safe, calm, relaxed as you stare at them, because to you my tits are hypnotic. You find them to be mesmerizing. You’re enchanted by them, captivated by them, enthralled by them. They send you deeper and deeper into hypnosis, deeper and deeper into this blissful state. Nothing matters except my tits, and my words. Tell me, what do you see?”

“Your… tits…” She whispered.

“What do you think of them?”

“Amazing… beautiful…”

“And how do they make you feel?”

“Relaxed… safe… sleepy…”

“Good girl, staring so deeply into my hypnotic breasts. You’re addicted to the sight of them, and you can’t get enough. All you want to do is keep looking. Your eyes will automatically lock onto my breasts at every chance they get. You’ll want to sneak peeks whenever you can, and just keep staring as long as possible. After all, my tits make you feel so wonderful, so of course you’d spend every second you could looking at them, right?”

“Right… relaxing…”

“Good girl, so deeply enraptured by the sight of my tits. Letting all of my words speak become the truth, as you stand there and absorb everything I say without question. Now, as hard as it may sound, I want you to face the mirror and focus on your own breasts now.” She slowly turned her body, then as I walked behind her and she broke line of sight with my boobs, she turned her head towards the mirror above her sink. 

“That’s it, stare at your own boobs for a while. I want you to notice all the slender curves, the soft texture, the pink nipples. Just like you learned to appreciate my breasts, you find yourself doing the same for your own. And don’t feel shy,” I grabbed her hands from behind and placed them on her sizable chest, “really explore how they look and feel! There’s a lot to appreciate about your boobs, isn’t there?”

Her eyebrows furrowed slightly. “Yes… b-but…”

“But what, dear?”

“Too big… don’t like… people… staring…”

“Well, let’s do this for a moment then.” I hugged her stomach and pressed my chest into her back. “By doing this, I’m going to start channeling the hypnotic power of my breasts into yours. As long as I’m pressing my chest against you like this, you’ll find your own boobs to be as enchanting and enthralling as my own. Do you feel it, my hypnotic powers channeling into your breasts, making you so relaxed as you keep staring?”

“Yes, they’re… beautiful… like yours…”

“Good, and now imagine that you’re in my shoes for a moment, and the person in front of you in the mirror is not you, but someone you’re trying to hypnotize. Since you have the power of my hypnotic tits channeled through you, where would you want them to look?”

“My… tits…”

“Exactly. Your tits are attractive, and you know it. They’re big, they’re beautiful, they’re eye-catching. And with my power, they’re even hypnotic. You want them to look at your tits, so they can become hypnotized themselves. In fact, you love it when they do, because that means they’re falling deep into that nice relaxing state you’re in now. The more intently they stare, the deeper they go. That makes perfect sense, doesn’t it?”

“Right… want them… to stare…”

“Good girl. You find the person in front of you is starting to become sleepy, their eyelids starting to droop. Your boobs are so wonderful, so hypnotic, that it’s hard for them to even keep their eyes open. And you’re relishing every second, as you see their eyes fluttering each time they blink. You love hypnotizing that person with your boobs, don’t you?”

“Love it… amazing…”

“Good girl, loving how hypnotic your breasts are. They’re so wonderfully relaxing, and you love having people stare at them. Enthralling them with your natural charms is such a wonderful feeling. It makes you feel confident, not just in your abilities, but in your looks. It makes you feel excited, knowing that people are staring at them, becoming enthralled by them. You love it when people stare at your boobs like that now, don’t you?”


“Good girl. Feeling so confident about your breasts, loving the feeling of people staring at them. I want you to count down from 5, coaxing the person in front of you into a nice, deep, hypnotic sleep by the time you reach zero. When you reach zero, your eyes will shut and you’ll both drift into a deep, deep sleep. Go ahead and start, let your hypnotic desires take over.”

She grabbed her boobs and began rubbing them together seductively. “5… Feel yourself getting lost in my tits… My wonderful mounds of enticing flesh… Unable to look away…

“4… Feeling so relaxed… so dreamy… as you stare…

“3… So peaceful… relaxed… sleepy…

Her hands dropped to her sides. “2… Allow yourself… to sink… deep…

“1… Almost… there…


And just like that, her eyes closed and her head dropped down.

Amazing, I didn’t even have to teach her anything! She might honestly be a natural at this! Maybe it’s just her grandpa’s blood in her. If she were nudged in just the right direction… maybe…

But for now…

Ice flooded my veins once again, and my shaking hands slowly released my naked classmate. My stomach started churning all over again, and I only barely managed to suppress the urge to vomit this time. I slowly gazed up at Jasmine, her head dropped down and a thin string of drool finding its way down between her breasts. I slowly started backing away, tripping on the small lip of the standing shower and slamming into the corner of the bathroom. I steadied myself against the walls, taking deep breaths to stop myself from hyperventilating.

I… What the hell did I just do to Jas?!

This is my first written work, and was originally made to be a script for a comic (that may or may not eventually see the light of day). If you have any constructive criticism or feedback, feel free to let me know!

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