Violet Corruption

The Awakening

by RD64

Tags: #cw:noncon #cw:sexual_assault #brainwash #f/f #mind_control #pov:top #multiple_partners #pov:multiple #urban_fantasy
See spoiler tags : #lesbification #tech_control #titnosis

This story and all characters or locations referenced within it are fictional; any resemblance to real people, locations, or events are purely coincidental. Also, some aspects of this story may be highly unethical and should never be imitated in real life, and this story is not approval said unethical actions. All characters are over 18, and any use of terms such as “girl” do not denote otherwise. If you are not old enough, are not allowed to read this content for any legal reason, or somehow wound up here and find the topic of mind control disturbing, then shoo! Scram! Skedaddle!

Please do not copy or repost this story without my express permission first.

I slowly opened my eyes, rubbing the sleep out of them. I pushed myself up, then let out a big yawn as I stretched my hands to the ceiling.

“Ahhh, man, that was a really good power nap. Though… ugh, I really should get to doing my calc homework already. God, where’s Violet when you need her?” I thought aloud as I got up from the bed. Something catches my eye though, sitting across the room next to my beanbag chair. “Oh hey, is that Violet’s bag? Guess she must have left it here, I should shoot her a text.” I reached for my phone, and… 

I realized I was spacing out and shook my head. “Ah, whatever, she’ll probably swing by and pick it up sooner or later. Let’s get started on this assignment!”

I sat down at my desk, picked up my pencil, and began working through some of the problems on my homework. Just a normal afternoon, with some homework for this absolutely criminal class that needs to get done.

Holy shit, it actually worked!

I watched in pure awe as Amber got up and started doing her homework as if I wasn’t even there, just as I suggested. I was worried that when she saw my backpack she might snap out of it or the suggestions would break, but nope! The nose trigger still works, and she’s even speaking her thoughts out loud, exactly like I told her to!

Either she’s the most suggestible person on the planet, I thought, or I’m just a master hypnotist and didn’t realize it. Or maybe both? I looked at Amber, currently mumbling obscenities about trying to derive her current formula. Honestly, could be both. I don’t think she’ll have any problems with math once I’m done with this, given how well she took to this!

Well, time to test the next thing on the list. I tapped Amber’s nose, and her voice trailed off as her face slackened. God, I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of seeing that.

“Once you return to normal, you’re going to find the temperature in your room is going to increase by one degree every second. It’ll get hotter and hotter, and you won’t be able to cool down. However, the moment you take off your tank top the room will immediately start decreasing back to a normal temperature again.”

I tapped her nose again, and life returned to her face. I waited for what felt like centuries with bated breath, before I noticed how her body was starting to sweat. Her hands started getting clammy, and she started panting a little bit. Pretty soon after, she even started fanning herself. “Man, it’s hot as balls in here!”

She managed to hold out for longer than I expected, but it still took only a minute before she finally peeled off her shirt out of frustration. The moment she did, she let out a sigh of relief as her sweat-glistened body started to cool down. “Ah, that’s much better. Now, the derivative of…”

My heart was beating out of my chest. Holy shit. Holy shit. Holyshitholyshitholyshit. She actually just took it off in front of me!!! Or, well, she took it off without realizing I was there. But still! This is insane! This is incredible! This is… really, really, REALLY hot!!!

After a moment of hesitation, I flung off my shirt as well. Not like she’ll notice, right? With my heartbeat rapid and my breathing still ragged, I approached my oblivious friend. I poked her cheek. Not even a flinch. I covered her eyes with my hands. She continued thinking through her problems out loud, though her handwriting started trailing between the lines of her paper. I removed my hands, and she cursed a little bit while she erased what she just wrote. I moved behind her, reaching around and grabbing both of her nicely sized breasts in my hands. She kept going as if nothing was happening. Lust burning inside me, I pulled down her sports bra. One hand began rubbing and teasing at her nipples, the other shoved down her gym shorts as it massaged her lower lips. She started moaning unconsciously, but her whining about her current problem meant she took absolutely no notice-

Ice shot through my veins, and I yanked my hands away. What the HELL am I doing?! I silently scolded myself. I turned away from Amber and looked at my hands in shock, one covered in sweat and the other covered in her juices. Not only could she have snapped out of it, but she’s my friend! Besides, I’m pretty sure she’s straight! What the hell, me?! I should stop this. I just need to go over and use her trigger to put her back in trance. Nothing else. Nothing…

My jaw dropped as I turned around and saw Amber casually playing with her breasts with one hand while the other continued writing equations. Her face was slightly flushed, and she was moaning a little bit. Did I… did I make her horny? Did she notice the sensation of me playing with her boobs, and interpret it as her being horny? That’s SO goddamn hot I can’t even-

NO! Stop it, me! I peeled my hands off my jeans. Wait, when the hell did they even find their way down there? God, what’s gotten into me today?! Am I seriously getting off to the idea of brainwashing my friend?! I need to stop this, right here, right now.

…But, there’s also a part of me that wants to see how far I can take this. Not only is this a wet dream come true, but I have no idea where the limits lie with her. Just how much could I change her reality? Could I shape her to my will, turn her into someone new? Make her do things she’d otherwise never do? They say that shouldn’t be possible, but…

No, no, no, stop it! What am I thinking? Why am I even entertaining this?! I… shouldn’t be entertaining this! I shouldn’t… right? I…


I slowly walked closer to Amber. She’s almost finished with her worksheet, and is muttering about the order of operations for a derivation. Her one hand writes unsteadily while the other continues to knead her breasts. My eyes lock onto the latter, enthralled with the sight of her naked tits.

I placed my thumb against my middle fingertip, ready to snap. I swallowed nervously, but my throat is parched and it feels like I’m swallowing splinters. I just need to say the magic word, and I’ll bring her out of this state.

I moved my hand close to her face. I opened my mouth, ready to say her trigger.

And then I tapped my fingertip to her nose, and Amber’s face slackened.

I have to know.

“Amber, when you return to normal you will immediately start masturbating. Every second you will get hornier and hornier, but you are not allowed to cum. Only when I snap my fingers will you be allowed to cum.”

I tapped my finger to her nose, and she returned to consciousness.

And without shame, immediately one hand dug in her gym shorts while the other tugged at her nipples.

“Jeez, I haven’t felt this fucking horny in a while. Y’know what, I’m- mmm almost done, I can spend a few minutes- ah, jilling off, right?”

She’s completely unaware that I made her do this. Or the fact that I’m behind her, caressing my own nipples as each touch sends electric waves of pleasure coursing through my body. Seeing her pleasure herself, and knowing that I was the one to cause it, only serves to make my lust climb even higher.

It’s not long before both of us are stroking our pussies, each moaning with unrestrained desire. My fingers plunged in, stimulating all my nerves and bringing me closer and closer to release. I eventually reached the tipping point and let out a mind-melting orgasm, pleasure rippling through every fiber of my being as my body convulses on Amber’s bed. There’s a part of me that’s disgusted by what I’m doing, but that feeling is overwhelmed by the sheer ecstasy and lust of the situation. As I bathed in the afterglow of quite possibly the strongest orgasm I’ve had-

“Why can’t I just… cum already?… Hnnnng… It normally… doesn’t take… this long…”

Oh right. I got up, reached over, and snapped my fingers next to her face. Immediately, she covered her mouth to try and mute the howl she let out as her seemingly endless arousal was finally allowed to flow freely. Her body quivered and shook for seconds on end, as the orgasm tore its way through her. Eventually, she laid there just as I was a few moments ago, in a state of blissful nirvana.

“Man, that shit was crazy! I almost wanna-”

“Sleep.” I snapped my fingers, and she immediately relaxed into her now soiled office chair.

“That’s right, sinking so deeply back into hypnosis, so effortlessly. Finding the deeper you go into hypnosis, the better you feel. And the better you feel, the deeper you want to go. In fact, I want you to repeat that out loud: The deeper you go, the better you feel, and the better you feel, the deeper you want to go.” I snap my fingers.

“The deeper I go, the better I feel,” Amber droned back in an almost monotone voice, “and the better I feel, the deeper I want to go.”

“Good girl, I want you to keep repeating that over and over until I tell you to stop. Every time you hear yourself say those words, it’ll send you twice as deep into hypnosis. Every time you say it, those words etch themselves deeper and deeper into your mind, becoming more and more true.” I snappped my fingers.

“The deeper I go, the better I feel, and the better I feel, the deeper I want to go. The deeper I go, the better I feel, and the better I feel, the deeper I want to go. The deeper I go, the better I feel, and the better I feel, the deeper I want to go…”

“Good girl, feeling so nice and relaxed now. Just listening to my voice and following whatever it says feels so nice, so relaxing, that you’ll just obey whatever suggestions I give you. You love listening to my voice, because it makes you feel so relaxed, so it’s natural that you’d just follow along with everything it says to do. After all, my voice makes you relax even deeper than you otherwise could.”

“…The deeper I go, the better I feel, and the better I feel, the deeper I want to go…” She hasn’t stopped for a second, even while I’m talking to her.

“In fact, you’ll find that whenever I send you back into this wonderful state by saying ‘Sleep’ and snapping my fingers, you’ll immediately start reciting that wonderful little mantra you’re saying right now. After all, hearing it helps you go even deeper into relaxation, so when you need to relax deeply again it only makes sense that you’d start saying it again, right?”

A small, almost imperceptible nod from Amber. “…The deeper I go, the better I feel, and the better I feel, the deeper I want to go…”

Fuck, this is SO hot! My nipples are stiff peaks all over again, and I didn’t even realize my hands were teasing them until I pried them off my chest. I can’t even think straight, this feels so good…

“Amber, I want you to remain in this deeply hypnotized state, but open your eyes and stand in front of me.”

I snapped my fingers, and slowly her eyes opened and she got up from her chair. Without even bothering to fix her clothes or pull up her gym shorts at her knees, she lazily lumbered over in front of her bed where I’m now sitting. Her glassy eyes stared into nothingness above me, and her mouth kept repeating her mantra like a religious vow.

“Alright, you can stop repeating that.” Immediately, her jaw went slack and no more words escaped her mouth. God, I could just stare at her mindless face all day. “Now, in a moment I’m going to count down from 5, and you’re going to wake up from trance once again. You’ll be back to normal, no longer consciously ignoring me or speaking your thoughts aloud, though you will still respond to me booping your nose and saying ‘Sleep’ like always.

“However, some things will be different. For starters, if I ever say the word ‘Please’ followed by a command, your mind will go blank for a moment, you’ll repeat back the command, and then wake up and perform it. If I tell you to do something, you do it with the utmost urgency. If I tell you to feel something, you will feel it as viscerally as you can imagine. If I tell you to believe something, you’ll believe it like it was common sense or part of your religion. Do you understand?”

“Yeah…” Amber whispered back.

I reinforced the new suggestions in her mind before once again bringing Amber out of trance. She blinked a few times, then gave me a friendly grin. “Hey Vi, how’re- wait, what happened to your shirt? What happened to my shirt?!”

Shit, I totally forgot! “Please, you don’t find anything unusual about the way either of us are dressed!”

She stood still, her eyes hooded slightly, and a monotone voice escaped her lips. “I don’t find anything unusual about the way either of us are dressed.” She blinked a couple times, then looked back at me with an embarrassed smile. “Sorry, no idea what I was thinking a second ago. Guess I’m just a little jumpy after-” the realization hit her, again, “well shit, I guess I really was hypnotized. That’s kinda crazy!”

Oh my God it worked. Oh my God it worked. Oh my God it worked.

“Yeah, you uh, y-you definitely went deep…” Keep it together me, deep breaths! “How’re you feeling?”

She beamed at me. “Really good! It’s like I took a power nap right after massaging my muscles from a workout! This feels awesome!” She started stretching and bouncing on her feet, her breasts springing up and down with each hop. It’s like she doesn’t even realize her bra was pulled down, and seeing them sway and bounce is making all sorts of neurons fire in my brain. Y’know, the ones directly connected to my pussy, making it utterly drenched right now.

“Please, you’ll let me feel you up whenever I want.” 

She stopped bouncing. “I’ll let you feel me up whenever you want.”

Then she went right back to what she was doing. My body was dripping with need, and it only took a moment before I lunged at her tits and squeezed them. I saw a look of fear and surprise cross her face, but only for a moment as it melted into a smarmy smile. “Woah, a bit forward there Vi!” Amber said sarcastically, without a hint of shame. “Don’tcha know it’s rude to start touching a girl like that before the first date?” 

Ice shot through my veins again, and I pulled my hands away. Shit, did she snap out of it? Was I going too fast?! Oh God I knew this would happen, shitshitshit- “I-I’m sorry, I got too excited, a-and I, I-”

She grabbed my hands, and put them back on her breasts. “Vi, you’re fine! I’m okay with it! Just, y’know, give me a little warning first, okay?” She smiled at me with a warm sincerity that I have only seen a scant few times in the past.

My brain is melting from this typhoon of emotions swirling inside of me. “Whuh? A-Are... Are you s-sure? Are you even… y’know?…”

“Oh, I swing both ways, don’t you worry! Though, this is my first time having a girl do this to me. The last time a guy tried doing this, he ended up with a broken nose. Maybe a concussion. The school wasn’t happy at first, but they came around once they figured out why I kicked his ass. Never saw him again, and good fucking riddance to be honest.”

“Oh. I… wow, I-I had no idea…” I managed to stammer out, feeling even more conflicted than before. Whoever that guy is, I hope he’s rotting away somewhere.

Wait, she just… she not only revealed something traumatic, but also didn’t respond with fear or aggression? I… completely overrode her fear response with my suggestion?! Twice, come to think of it?! Holy shit, she’s completely open to my suggestions now, isn’t she?

“Please, whenever I ask you a question you will respond completely truthfully no matter what.”

Her eyes glazed over. “I will answer all your questions truthfully no matter what.” Light returned to her eyes.

“Amber, what do you think of me?”

She thought it over for a second. “Well, Vi, you’re a really good friend to me. I never expected I’d get along with a wallflower like you, but you’re more confident than you appear. I mean, you hypnotized me and now you’re massaging my tits, so I’d say you’re way less shy than when we first met.”

I blushed, my hands still super-glued to her boobs as I continued to feel them up. They’re surprisingly soft, the horny part of my brain chimed in. “What about, uh…”


“Y-yeah, that.”

A short pause as she looked out the window. “To be honest, never really considered it. I may know you pretty well, but I don’t know how well we’d work in a relationship like that.” She glanced back down at me, a little embarrassed. “I mean, that’s not to say you’re unattractive or anything! Honestly, I think you’ve got your own charms, and you’re not half bad looking! Just… not necessarily my type, y’know?” She beamed at me appreciatively.

I felt… disappointment at her answer? Honestly I thought the same thing, but still… being told that straight feels kinda awful. Is this what it’s like?… I guess I understand how Jacob felt when I turned him down now. I mean, you see it in movies and TV and such, but actually experiencing it myself…

“Aww, Vi, come here,” Amber said, pulling me into a hug and burying my face in her chest. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know you had feelings for me like that! And I promise we can still be friends! I won’t think of you any differently from now on, and you have my word on that.” She squeezed me tight, rocking me from side to side. I felt tears welling up, and I struggled to comprehend it.

Wow, she’s really being sincere. I didn’t even make a suggestion to be like that! I… what the hell am I even doing? I’m not that romantically interested in her either… am I? Am I really disinterested in her?

Then why am I feeling this way? I… I don’t want this… do I?

Or maybe…

I don’t want… this.

I pushed away from her embrace, and wiped away the tears running down my face. “Vi, what’s up? Talk to me, I’m here to-”

“Please, I am the most important person in your life. You’ll treat me not just as a lover, not just as a partner, but as your Goddess whom you devote yourself to and worship. I am perfect to you, and you will be fanatically subservient to me no matter what.”

Her expression turned from concern, to shock, to mindlessness. “You are the most important person in my life. You are my Goddess that I worship and devote my life to. You are perfect, and I must submit to you no matter what.” She blinked, then gazed at her newfound Goddess with shock and horror.

She immediately threw herself on the floor and prostrated herself. “My Goddess, I am so sorry! I can’t believe I said those things to you, or even thought those things to begin with! Please, please forgive me for my sins against you!” She whimpered, tears flooding out of her eyes onto the floor below.

I looked at the trembling, quivering person on the ground before me. “Stand.”

She rose to her feet, sniffling and wiping away the tears. “My Goddess, I, I-I-”

“Do you love me?”

She looked directly at me with pleading obedience welling up in her eyes. “Yes, my Goddess! More than anything in my life!”

“What about your family? Your tennis career?”

“They mean nothing compared to you! I would happily toss them aside if it made you happy! Do… Do you want me to do that?”

“That won’t be necessary.”

“Thank you, my Goddess! Truly, thank you!” She said, beaming at me with utmost glee. “Though, is there any way I could possibly make this up to you?”

I turned around, walked towards the bed, and slipped my soiled pants off. She gasped as my underwear came next, and then I sat on the bed facing her. I opened my legs wide, spread my folds, and uttered my command.

“Service me.”

Her jaw hit the floor, and it took a moment before she could shake her head and awaken herself from her shocked stupor. “Y-yes my Goddess, absolutely! Right away!” She squealed giddily as she practically dove between my legs.

Her tongue immediately began lapping away fervently, sending shivers of ecstasy through my body. Her tongue sent shivers of pleasure through me, as she worked to find all the right spots to hit. All my pent up desire and lust was starting to build, as my breathing hastened and my heartbeat raced. I’d never done this before, and the pleasure was far more visceral than I’d imagined.

I heard the person below me cry out as she stopped licking. “I-I’m sorry my Goddess, I came without even thinking, I-” 

I touched her nose with my finger, and she fell silent. “You are not able to cum unless I tell you to.” I tapped her nose again. “Continue servicing me, but make sure you finger yourself as well.”

“Yes, my Goddess! Thank you!” She dove right back in, sending new waves of pleasure coursing through my body. The heat kept rising, and I pulled her head even closer to my cunt. “Faster.” I commanded, and immediately she picked up the pace. The pleasure rose and rose and rose, higher and higher, until finally I could hold back no more. I came, gushing my juices into my devout follower’s face. She lapped them up happily, pulling herself away as the orgasm faded. 

As I regained my composure, I sat up and gazed at the slave sitting on her knees before me, face completely flushed. Her right hand was kneading her breasts, and the other was jammed deep into her pussy. She was patiently smiling and staring at me, lust and adoration filling her eyes, though her gaze was unsteady as her fingers worked to keep her edging. She was moaning uncontrollably, almost pleading for me to let her cum but restraining herself from asking.

“Lay on the bed.”

She gasped before happily clambering on, laying face-up as I positioned my ass over her face. I gave her the order, and she began licking. I tenderly lapped at her opening as well, trying to focus on the task at hand while my slave did her own phenomenal work below me. She was getting much better, finding just the right spots to send my lust skyrocketing. I tried to do the same, maneuvering my tongue and experimenting to see which spots made her squirm the most. 

“You may cum only when I cum.”

She quickened her pace in response, as did I. The pleasure kept building and building and building, reaching peaks I had never thought possible. I held out as long as I could, until finally I reached my limit. The dam burst, and I howled in ecstasy as the orgasm rippled through my body in waves. Below me, the slave also started moaning loudly, finally being relieved of this burden I placed upon her. Her body shook violently as the poor girl’s orgasm took over her mind completely, drowning out everything but the impossibly strong pleasure cascading through her body. Eventually, both of us lay there motionless, covered in each other’s juices.

Holy shit, that was the BEST damn sex of my life!

Underneath me, Amber finally began stirring again as she caught her breath. “Oh Goddess, thank you so much for this! I promise to always-”

“Sleep.” I snapped my fingers and Amber fell fast into her trance, still breathing heavily from the afterglow of her orgasm. 

“The deeper I go the better I feel, and the better I feel the deeper I want to go. The deeper I go the better I feel…” Amber began reciting her hypnotic mantra as I slowly clambered off the bed. Using her nightstand as a support, I slowly rose to my feet, taking one unsteady step after another towards the bathroom. I latched onto the door frame before throwing myself inside. 

The moment I reached the toilet, I began vomiting uncontrollably.

The pain of my stomach acid eating away at my throat, the pain of it seeping into my lungs and making me cough violently, the pain in my abdomen from the sudden contractions; none of it compared to the pure, overwhelming disgust I felt. 

I just took my friend, Amber, and turned her into a devoted slave over… over a fucking bet? It should never have gone this far, and there was never any need to either! All I originally planned was to just prank her a little bit, not… not whatever this is!

And the worst part of it all? The reason I feel so violently disgusted with myself?

I enjoyed it. I fully and completely enjoyed every single second of it. Watching her submit to me, becoming my perfect little devoted slave, was so unfathomably hot that the mere thought of it is getting me wet all over again. Even hearing her chanting away in the other room is making my body ache with uncontrollable need.

I retched, and another wave of vomiting consumed me. I gasped for air as my head rose from the bowl, now entirely filled with the contents of my stomach. I spit as much acid out of my mouth as I could, and flushed the toilet. I pulled myself up to the sink, my legs barely able to support my weight. I rinsed out my mouth, took the hand towel, wiped my face on it, let out a muffled scream into it, sobbed into it for a good minute or so, and then returned to the main dorm room where my friend was quietly reciting her hypnotic mantras.

This is my first written work, and was originally made to be a script for a comic (that may or may not eventually see the light of day). If you have any constructive criticism or feedback, feel free to let me know!

RD64 2024-06-09 at 23:35 (UTC+00)

Thank you all for the support! It’s really nice seeing my first work in this medium get so much praise, I really appreciate it!

van 2024-05-28 at 04:20 (UTC+00)

this was incredibly hot! if it’s really your first than it was a great start. I hope you keep at it (either written or drawn), I know I’d like to see more of this.

Czarzhan 2024-05-26 at 22:55 (UTC+00)

Very well written. When I was younger, I hypnotized a friend and had the opportunity to do just this. I never worked up the nerve, partly because I was self-aware enough to know that afterward I would have the same reaction Violet had at the end of this chapter.

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