Indenture : A HtPYCL Story

Ch. Eight - B Side

by Salacious_Ink

Tags: #cw:noncon #D/s #dom:female #f/f #humiliation #pov:bottom #sub:female #angst #author_self_insert #bondage #clothing #contract #drones #exhibitionism #fan_fiction_inception #harem #latex #maid #mind_control #multiple_partners #sadomasochism #Skaetverse #transgender_characters
See spoiler tags : #ego_death #pov:top #watersports

The trip back to the mansion had been much less eventful than the flight to Paris, however it did give Agatha and Felicity some time to chat about Agatha’s potential character, a sorcerer named Amoura Mourne.

Pausing for the breaks where her Mistresses would borrow Drone #0452 to relieve some of their pent up energy from the flight, of course.

Though the private jet was luxurious, it was still small with very few places for intimate privacy. Not to mention her Mistresses had specified in Agatha’s contract she may see sexual activity.

She just didn’t expect it to be happening right in front of her.

Agatha could see, could smell the intense pounding Drone #0452 was taking at Diana’s hands – or rather her surprisingly huge and velvety cock – and it stirred powerful feelings within her. Not all of them were entirely pleasant.

She was well aware just how jealousy made her feel, but she was also keenly aware that despite last night, she was still an employee, not a plaything.

She had her own ambitions. If she were to become a plaything, they’d make her discard that. Or at least, she wasn’t entirely sure that she’d want to pursue them anymore if they did take her.

Another groan of pleasure from Mistress as the perfectly obedient Drone #0452 suckled at her clit, and all Agatha could do was scrunch her face up and press her legs together more firmly. She was trying her best to focus on work, but the distraction of having one of her deepest fantasies playing out right in front of her was … frustrating.

Admittedly, that was something she also kind of liked. Chastity and cuckoldry were fun to her, but this wasn’t that kind of a dynamic they had; she had to remember her place. She had to remind herself that her Mistresses had a very high protocol and sense of propriety, and Agatha was still their employee. There were lines she could not cross and bounds she dared not push.

But god, she was going to fuck herself silly when she got home.

‘Agatha,’ her Mistress spoke, momentarily separating her cunt from the drone’s eager mouth, ‘How long until we touch down?’

‘Four hours, Ma’am,’ Agatha mumbled, trying to find some sanctuary within the screen of her laptop.

God save me, she thought to herself, four more hours of this?

Mistress made a face, gently slapping her drone’s cheek as she moved away, sitting and reclining next to Agatha, who looked up with a start.

‘You know, I hadn’t realised it at the time, but last night was the first time during your service to me that you’d referred to me as your Mistress,’ she said as she supported her chin with her hand, ‘What do you think that means, Agatha?’

She pressed her lips together, trying not to stammer. She felt guilty looking into Mistress’ eyes, but looking at her naked, toned body also felt lecherous. Then again, watching her Majesty continue to squeeze and handle Drone #0452 like a particularly fuckable stress toy didn’t help much either.

‘I just sort of felt improper saying it. Like I didn’t have permission.’

‘Permission?’ she laughed, ‘Agatha, dear. I told you to call me that. How much more explicit permission do you need?’

‘Y-yes. Though you did give me other options. And I wanted to prove that I was worthy of the job. A professional,’ Agatha continued, looking down at her hands resting on the keyboard idly tapping the keys, ‘So I tried to go with the one that felt the least familiar. But with that title I sort of thought I hadn’t earned the right. It felt too intimate.’

Agatha felt Mistress’ hand cup her chin, turning her head to look at her. To stare into her vibrant green eyes.

‘Would you not call this intimate?’

Agatha felt her mouth trying to shape words, but her brain gave it none to work with.

‘The answer,’ she said, ‘Is “No, Mistress.”’

Agatha couldn’t help but repeat her, ‘N-no, Mistress.’

Mistress gave a haughty laugh, ‘Now where has all that resistance we had you practise go? Come now,’ she leaned in to whisper dangerously, ‘Don’t tell me you’d so easily give in to my words.’

‘No, Mistress,’ Agatha said as she tried to claw her way back out of her brain. But a finger against her lips pushed her down, down, so very far down.

‘Shhhhh, it’s alright, Agatha. It’s alright. I’m just teasing. You don’t have to prove yourself. You’ve already done such a wonderful job. Isn’t that right, dear?’

Her Majesty gave another final thrust, squeezing the last few ropes of her cum into the Drone with a pleased sigh, ‘Absolutely. In fact, we wanted to give you a prize. Your first lesson,’ she gasped breathlessly as she slid herself out, ‘And a suggestion from us to you.’

‘A safety. One we thought of and have been working on since an … incident with Clara some time ago. But that isn’t important. What is important is you.’

‘Me?’ Agatha echoed dumbly.

‘Yes, you,’ Her Majesty cooed, ‘Such a well-trained mind can also be especially vulnerable. So we’re going to help make it more secure.’

‘But first, we need you to do something. Think of a box, a very strong, impossible to break box,’ Mistress said soothingly, ‘One only you can open, and one only you can look inside. Can you do that for me?’

Agatha already had one ready. But this one worried her. The chains surrounding it were taut, its locks bent, and though the hard wood and steel which bound it together held strong, it rattled and shook violently.

Her breathing became uneven, and Agatha felt another hand touch hers as Diana knelt next to her.

‘It’s alright, Agatha. Whatever you have inside you isn’t to be afraid of. It’s still you, after all,’

Hearing her Majesty’s voice soothed her, and the thing in the box stopped making so much noise.

In a few moments, she was calm again.

‘Describe what that box looks like for me, Agatha,’ her Highness instructed.

‘It’s … like a treasure chest,’ she observed, her voice dull but mind’s eye sharp, ‘Wrapped in chains and locks.’

‘Good,’ Diana said, ‘We’re going to put something else in that box.’

‘Imagine a book,’ Mistress continued, ‘The most important book you can think of, one you’d never lose or let go of. What does that look like to you, Agatha?’

‘It’s gold. Covers of wood and metal. Covered in gold leaf. Etched with pictures. Scriptures. Byzantine frescoes.’

‘Good girl. Now look in that book. You can see that every one of the pages are blank. Do you see that?’ her Majesty asked.


‘Well done, you’re doing very good. Now,’ she continued, ‘I want you to think of your hand holding a pen, and I want you to write your name in it. Can you do that?’

After a second, Agatha nodded.

‘Once you have, I want you to write the names of anyone you want to allow yourself to be hypnotised by in the book. It can be anyone you want, and you can add or remove names as you please,’ her Majesty continued, ‘But for now, I want you to leave both our names unwritten.’

Another nod.

‘Good girl,’ she cooed, ‘Now once you’ve done that, we’ll slide those chains off that box, and open it up just enough to keep that book inside.’

In Agatha’s mind, the locks gave out and broke, the chains unravelling with a weighty rattling. The lid creaked open, a clawed hand enshrouded in darkness emerging before snatching up the book, retreating back into the box.

Agatha hazily affirmed what happened.

‘You’ve done really well for us, but now it’s time to come up. So we’ll slowly count you up so you can let this suggestion sink in. One; drifting up. Two, three, four; feeling yourself returning to your body, feeling your hands and feet and limbs. And five, wide awake!’

Agatha’s eyes opened as she scratched the side of her head.

‘Okay that … I was not expecting,’ she said with a shake of her head.

‘You are very suggestible. You barely even need a trigger to slip into trance, merely recognise our intent for you to do so,’ her Majesty observed, ‘It doesn’t seem to take much to put you under if you’re caught off guard.’

‘Of course, as we’ve already shown you a sample of our skills,’ Mistress gave a loving smile to her Majesty, ‘We would understand if you weren’t able to resist us even with your mental defences. So, if you’d still like to give in to us, why don’t you,’ she snapped her fingers, ‘Sleep.’

Agatha turned to her, blinking.

It hadn’t done anything.

‘Huh,’ Agatha said, scratching the back of her head, ‘Honestly that feels a little weird.’

Her Highness gave another musical laugh, ‘Well, you’re perfectly capable of adding our names back to your whitelist if you’d like. This is just a tool to allow you to be choosy about who you let into your head.’

‘Of course. Thank you, your Majesty,’ Agatha said before a thought alighted on her, ‘Um, Ma- I mean, Mistress,’ she began, ‘What is your name?’

She was taken aback, ‘Have I not told you my name?’

Agatha shook her head, ‘You said you would when I was useful.’

‘I see,’ Mistress smiled, ‘In that case I think you deserve to know. My name is Jasmine.’

A warmth entered Agatha’s chest as she smiled, it once again dawning on her that she was surrounded by three very naked and very beautiful people. She pointed at Drone #0452.

‘Has it been out this whole time?’

Jasmine gave a confirming nod. Agatha looked back at the Drone.

‘Fuck, that’s hot.’

Their return to the mansion felt shorter than it must have been, Agatha was sure. That being said, they'd returned by the time the sun was beginning to rise. Felicity had also been dropped off at her apartment, her bag filled with soiled latex.

Agatha sat back in her seat, across from her Mistresses. The pair looked a little jet-lagged, but otherwise in the afterglow of what must have felt like a very successful trip to them.

Agatha couldn’t help but smile too. It sort of felt like she was finally fitting in. Finding her place.

‘Agatha,’ Mistress said suddenly, drawing her attention, ‘I want you to have the day off today. Make sure you get some rest. We’ll have your performance review after I get home from work tonight.’

Agatha’s jaw dropped. She was working today? After intensely fucking her slave on an eight hour flight?

Who the fuck did this woman think she was?

‘Y-yes Mistress,’ she said, ‘But are you sure you shouldn’t also…’

‘I’ll be fine,’ she snapped, the harsh energy Agatha was used to returning, ‘I’d thank you not to presume how to tell me how to spend my days.’

A scoff burst from Agatha; ‘Ma’am, you hired me as your secretary. That’s literally what I do.’

She clapped a hand to her mouth, her eyes wide as soon as she realised what she’d said. Jasmine’s own expression was surprised, but shaded with a lot more indignity.

Diana put a hand on Jasmine's arm.

‘You do have days off, dear. The company isn’t going to explode because you’re not there for one day.’

Jasmine let herself sigh, ‘I know. It’s just that there’s so much to do.’

‘And it will all be there tomorrow,’ her Highness finished, ‘Please. For me, my Flower.’

Mistress closed her eyes and sighed again, seemingly an enormous weight lifted from her.

‘Yes, my Queen.’

Agatha slowly removed her hands from her mouth as Mistress straightened her back. Diana was also a Queen to Jasmine? She supposed that made sense, since they were married. There was no way in hell Agatha was calling Jasmine King though. But the fact that she’d had that thought again threw her off slightly.

‘I … I apologise that I-’ Agatha began before Jasmine raised a hand to cut her off.

‘You needn’t apologise, it has been pointed out I have a habit of overexerting myself,’ Mistress said curtly, ‘Though you have spoken out of turn, it was not … unwelcome. This time.’

Agatha nodded meekly.

As soon as they’d arrived at the mansion, each went straight to their rooms and collapsed into bed. Agatha’s sleep was dreamless and deep, her body melting into softness and slumber.

When she woke, the sky was dark. She had to remember what it was that she’d needed to wake up for as she dragged herself out from her bed and into the shower. But as she entered the bathroom, she found a note stuck to her mirror.

“Don’t forget your performance review tonight. We’ll be waiting in the tea room we use for interviews.

Dress how you would like.

— Diana”

The note gave her pause. Not just because the nicest thing that she owned was her work uniforms, but also because it was using her Majesty’s actual name.

She’d better hurry it up.

It didn’t take her much longer to pull on something that resembled a nice outfit. Her sleeveless black dress, grey tights, a cute black witch’s hat with a black bow pinned to the crown, and – she couldn’t resist – her old black combat boots. She kept her hair down, but she gave herself a slight dash of dark grey eyeshadow with a little silver sparkle speckled throughout, just to be a little bit more presentable. This was somewhat formal, after all.

Quietly hurrying through the mansion so as not to disturb anyone else sleeping, she made her way to the tea room where her Mistresses were waiting.

Agatha opened the door to a cosy room panelled with warm, rich woods. Musky leather couches were positioned around a low coffee table, upon which sat three piles of paper, each with a capped fountain pen left atop them.

Opposite Agatha sat Jasmine and Diana, folded in one another’s loving arms.

‘Sleep well, Agatha?’ Diana asked with a smile.

‘Yes, your Highness,’ Agatha nodded eagerly. Strangely, where once she might have felt so incredibly nervous about this kind of meeting, she had a very good feeling about this.

‘Good. Because I couldn’t think of a better time to discuss your performance review,’ Mistress stated before adding, ‘As well as some potential amendments.’

Oh. That couldn’t be good.

Agatha sat demurely across from her Mistresses and waited for them to begin.

‘I will start by saying that your services as an administrator are adequate for the role,’ Mistress said, ‘Your tasks per minute are consistent, and you clearly care about the work you do. Of course that’s not entirely out of the goodness of your heart, but I will not argue with the results. Even so, improvements could still be made, and the rate you learn how to handle a task can vary,’ she raised a hand dismissively, ‘A rash manager prone to taking risks would start looking for someone to replace you. However, that is not how I run things.’

Agatha breathed relief, ‘Thank you, Mistress.’

‘We’ll be happy to extend your contract for another six months. However,’ she continued, ‘There is another offer we would like to extend to you.’

Agatha felt something prickle at the back of her neck. Another offer?

Her Majesty elaborated, ‘Since you had mentioned to me in the library that you were interested in hypnosis, I had been thinking about some of the lessons I … that we, have both had to learn during our own play with hypnosis,’ Mistress wrapped an arm around her shoulder, and her Highness put her hand on hers, ‘If that’s still something that you would want to do for yourself and for others, then we would like to teach you in a more formalised manner.’

She couldn’t think for a moment. She’d heard all of that correctly, right? Teach her? It was so hard to remember, but she could recall the night before in Paris. They must’ve been thinking about this for some time.

‘That … that sounds amazing, your Highness,’ Agatha smiled before turning to her Mistress, ‘But what about my responsibilities as secretary? How would there be time?’

‘That’s what this new contract regards,’ she said, taking her copy into her lap, ‘Your responsibilities as secretary would end, and your new role as our apprentice would begin,’ she smirked, ‘And I see you’re perfectly dressed for the position, little witch. I hope you don’t mind that your broomstick be kept in the garage.’

Agatha couldn’t help but squirm a little in her seat. She couldn’t help but get a certain feeling…

‘Uhm, if I may? This sounds a lot like you’re asking me to be one of your-’

‘Playthings?’ Diana finished, with her own somewhat melancholy smirk, ‘Not quite. We’re not planning on taking on any new property.’

‘Instead, call it,’ Jasmine hummed thoughtfully before giving a grin, ‘A loan of yourself. With interest. For one year, we will house you, feed you, and accommodate your needs in our mansion, and you will learn the skills of hypnosis and domination that we have learned and be tested on them. What we ask in return is that you follow our instructions and orders which we request you perform,’ she listed off yet more points, ‘Additionally, while our playthings are within the mansion we will permit you free reign to use them as you wish as part of your “studies” with us.’

‘And, of course, as with the new agreement we have with our slaves, you may come and go as you please, and should you so choose we can continue to finance the apartment you previously lived in. Or buy a new one for you, whichever your preference.’ her Highness added.

Agatha balked. Renting her an apartment for a year was already generous enough, but outright buying one for her? She had to pause to remind herself just how wealthy these women were.

And then there was just the option of letting her … use … all of the different slaves in the mansion. She briefly wondered what Kae’s expression would look like if she suddenly turned the tables on him. Or Lisa’s if she started dragging her to the dungeon herself by that brat cat’s tail. Or Felicity if- actually, wait, not having reactions was Drone #0452’s whole deal.

Still, that’d be so hot.

‘Optionally,’ Mistress said, ‘There is an extra clause you may sign for in this contract. As we would be instructing you, we would be required to demonstrate the techniques we would have you learn. And the most effective way to learn from that demonstration,’ her eyes gleamed as she locked them to Agatha’s, ‘Is to experience it for yourself. This would also require you to fully submit to us, and follow our orders no matter how demeaning, or embarrassing while you are under our instruction,’ she gave a truly dangerous smirk, ‘Yes; like a plaything.’

Agatha’s hands were balled up against her knees, her legs pressed together as she tried to keep a shuddered gasp of surprise from escaping her.

‘You will also have restrictions on your clothing as we see fit, though you may be afforded some initial input we would be determining the majority of your outfits on a daily schedule. We would additionally still determine your schedule,’ Mistress continued, before adding for emphasis, ‘Including exercise.’

She retreated a little into herself at that.

‘Lastly,’ her Highness finished, ‘Given your unorthodox position, we thought it best if you addressed us both by new titles, given that we would become your instructors.’

‘But should this new contract be undesirable,’ said Mistress, ‘You may continue your current role as our secretary.’

I’ll do it.’

Agatha had almost surprised herself with the clarity of her voice, the evenness of her tone. It was almost as if another voice, hers but not hers, spoke her want for her.

‘I’ll…’ she cleared her throat, reiterating the point to clarify her consent, ‘Your Majesty, Mistress; I want to be your apprentice. Please.’

Both Mistresses grinned.

‘In that case,’ her Majesty said, picking up her copy of the contract, ‘I think it’s time we mark our signatures.’

Agatha trembled with excitement as she uncapped the pen and read through the contract again, agreeing to its stipulations, requirements, and demands. She signed where she needed to, and after hovering her pen over the optional clause for only a moment of indecision, signed her name.

With her final signature, she handed her copy to Mistress. Though she supposed now that title was no longer accurate.

Jasmine flipped through each of the contracts, checking the signatures.

‘It seems everything is in order. And I am happy to note,’ she smiled wolfishly, ‘All three of us have signed in favour of the optional clause.’

Elation welled in Agatha’s heart, trying to keep her feet from tapping on the floor in giddy excitement. This was happening! She couldn’t believe it!

‘In that case,’ Diana said, both she and her wife turning to Agatha, ‘Why don’t we start with phase two of the signing?’

Agatha blinked. That feeling was back.

‘Ph-phase two?’

Diana gave another one of her delightful, musical laughs. But then she said; ‘Oh you precious little idiot. Of course there’s a phase two.’

The remark struck Agatha across the face like a hammer.

‘With all the skulking and sniffing around our property she’s been doing, you’d have thought the slut would have asked how they came to be ours,’ Jasmine followed up with a glower, speaking to Diana rather than Agatha, ‘I suppose she is just a bitch in heat, after all. A dumb little animal who only knows how to follow orders and, failing that, follows her cock.’

Agatha was somehow completely silent, her stammering paralysed by embarrassment as the heat in her body steadily rose.

‘Oh but she’s such a well trained puppy already. Just look at her, staying so still and quiet for us, a little bonne femme,’ Diana said, running a hand across her lover’s face, ‘Honestly I wish we could keep her forever. But we can train her up and let her find her own nice new home. Can’t we, my Flower?’

‘Of course, my Queen.’

Their gazes locked to Agatha’s. She couldn’t help but squeak.

Jasmine gave the first command.


Agatha was on her feet before she could think, and slowly, carefully, pulled her dress over her head. What she felt next was the exact opposite of slow and careful.

She felt Jasmine grab her, force her backwards and push her legs out from under her, pinning Agatha’s arms to the couch with one hand. Her dress, still over her head, only barely let her see through the thin cotton fabric.

‘You have no idea how long I’ve waited for this, you little fucking tease,’ she hissed, tearing off her own clothes, 'Toying with my property, ignoring your schedule, talking back to me, and constantly fucking up my coffee. Not to mention that irritating, constant stuttering. I’m going to make you regret every single thing.’

Fear and delight poured from Agatha’s mouth, a masochistic howl of terror and glee. The next moment, a pair of delicate but dripping panties had been stuffed into her mouth, the taste of feminine precum intimately familiar.

‘Does she have to whine so loud, the little whore?’ Diana mocked, ‘Perhaps we should get her neutered, that might fix her.’

Agatha howled behind her gag while Jasmine gave a sadistic laugh, ‘You wouldn’t need to, the little bitch is sterile! Right now,’ her malice shone in her eyes as she looked down at Agatha, ‘She’s just a rutting little fucktoy.’

Terrified and enthralled, Agatha gave a whimper as she felt Dianna grab her arms and pin them beneath her own legs.

‘Then let’s treat her the way she deserves,’ she smiled, her dick already erect and so close to Agatha’s face, ‘And teach her every lesson she was too shy to ask for.’

‘We’ll force every dirty fucking secret she has out of her,’ Jasmine said, having pulled on her strapon harness and lifted Agatha’s tights out of the way, ‘One…’

Agatha felt the tip of her strapon push against her. Her eyes went wide.


The dildo pushed deeper, Agatha’s eyes fluttering as she tried to prepare herself. In vain.

Jasmine thrust hard, hilting her strapon inside Agatha as she cried out, her eyes rolling into the back of her head.

Jasmine leaned in closely, her voice dripping sweetest venom into Agatha’s ear, ‘One.’

She began to rock back and forth, each new sensation pulsing pleasure through Agatha’s vulnerable, restrained form. She only gasped and moaned more as she could feel Diana’s nails scrape across her chest and torso, digging in to leave marks, pinching her nipples, roughly groping her breasts.

‘She wasn’t even wearing a bra,’ Diana laughed, ‘And god, the way she squirmed during the negotiation; It’s like she was hoping we’d just throw away the contracts and use her like this!’

‘Begging for it, more likely,’ Jasmine grunted as she forced herself in and out of Agatha’s hole, slapping her breasts and thighs to hear her squeal.

Diana lifted the dress away from Agatha’s eyes so she could see the tender, throbbing shaft hovering just out of reach of her lips. She felt Diana’s panties be slowly, so slowly, pulled from her mouth and discarded.

‘Awww, does the puppy want something?’ Diana cooed.

Agatha tried to speak but her worlds faltered until-


‘Speak when spoken to, slut!’ Diana spat, her handprint cooling on Agatha’s cheek.

Agatha moaned, her agony of lust long restrained forcing itself into words.

‘Please! Please fuck my throat!’

Without comment or preemption, Diana forced herself inside Agatha’s mouth, her cock sliding through into Agatha’s throat with shocking ease.

Her brain began to turn fuzzy. Pleasure was suffusing everything Agatha knew, each of her senses overloaded from the pleasure and pain her Mistresses, her Instructors, were forcing into her brain.

‘What a shameless fucking animal,’ Diana groaned from the pleasure in her own cock, ‘I can see we have a lot to teach you, little witch.’

Agatha’s brain no longer registered new information. She just wanted more. More pain. More pleasure. More … more … more!

Diana and Jasmine were relentless, Diana’s hand wrapped firmly around Agatha’s throat as she used it to pleasure herself, while Jasmine took seething delight in marking, biting, and scratching every patch of Agatha’s skin she could reach.

Agatha could feel herself getting close.

Too close. Too close!

She couldn’t hold back her orgasm, her body twitching wildly as her cum, thick and beady but clear like glass, pushed itself sluggishly out of her cock.

‘Did she cum already?’ Diana asked, not stopping or slowing for an instant, ‘What a pathetic little quickshot.’

Jasmine slid a fingernail across Agatha’s frenulum, her girlcum clinging to her finger as she tasted it, ‘God, it’s like superglue. We’ll have to do something about this. Perhaps a chastity cage would be perfect for our eager little piece of meat.’

Sensation was the only thing Agatha could experience, but could no longer comprehend. Her head spun as she barely could understand what her superiors were saying through their pleasured moans.

But fuck, did she feel it.

Jasmine slammed inside her at the same time Diana did, heat and warmth and liquid pouring from Diana’s cock while Jasmine’s strap twitched and spasmed against Agatha’s prostate, the force and sensation of it all squeezing another orgasm from her.

The Mistresses withdrew, a thick rope of drooly cum oozing out from Agatha’s tired mouth and running down her face. It was as if only the whites of her eyes were visible, her eyelids fluttering mindlessly.

Jasmine, breathing heavily, couldn’t help herself as she laughed, ‘Is she even still thinking?’

‘And the stupid girl told me she wouldn’t make a good bimbo,’ Diana sighed lethargically, ‘Oh Agatha, what are we going to do with you?’

‘Even if she could understand us, I doubt she could form any kind of coherent sentence,’ Jasmine challenged, ‘Go on Agatha, enthral us with your wisdom.’

A gagging noise escaped her before she rolled over and forced herself into a sitting position, coughing out; ‘Thank you Mistress.’

Diana couldn’t help but coo in condescending adoration, ‘Oh, she’s trying so hard. But you forget, Agatha. That’s not how you refer to us now.’

Dimly, she looked up to the pair as they stood over her, each of them putting a hand on her head.

Jasmine spoke first, ‘For the next year, I will be your Master.’

‘And I,’ Diana smiled broadly, ‘Will be your Queen.’

A smile bloomed on Agatha’s face as she nuzzled her head further into their hands. Master. Queen. Such wonderful words to hear.

‘Good girl, Agatha,’ Diana tittered, ‘Now come with us. We’ve had a new room prepared for you, and we’re going to break it in our way.’

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