Indenture : A HtPYCL Story

Ch. Five - B Side

by Salacious_Ink

Tags: #cw:noncon #D/s #dom:female #f/f #humiliation #pov:bottom #sub:female #angst #author_self_insert #bondage #clothing #contract #drones #exhibitionism #fan_fiction_inception #harem #latex #maid #mind_control #multiple_partners #sadomasochism #Skaetverse #transgender_characters
See spoiler tags : #ego_death #pov:top #watersports

Mornings had become somewhat routine for Agatha after her weeks of living and working in the manor. Waking up, adhering to the skincare routine the dermatologist impressed on her after tearing the years-old blackhead out from her nose, and then putting on another identical copy of her receptionist uniform. She’d eat at the same buffet where the other manor servants would eat, but she was often alone as most of the maids and butlers had already woken up hours beforehand, and all the stragglers were either off-duty or cleaning up after the others.

Agatha gave a thoughtful sigh. She hadn’t seen Ashley or Bea again for the entire time she’d been here. Not even Frederick. Honestly, it was putting her out a bit.

Not to mention it had been actual months since she’d played Dungeons & Dragons with anyone. The timezones didn't exactly line up well with anyone in her home country. Not to mention she had no idea how to broach the topic to who-knew how many maids and servants who might be either too exhausted to care or wouldn't know how to play in the first place.

Still, she had her job to preoccupy her. Every day was much the same. Sit down to see her inbox full of emails regarding some sort of high society charity ball in Paris, or a business enquiry, or a request for interviews for open positions within the mansion. A lot of the latter were sad, desperate, or just downright creepy. She supposed Mistress was right when she said she didn’t receive many applications like Agatha’s.

She did her due diligence and passed the ones which didn’t immediately fail the standards set by the Mistresses. But even from all the inquiries she sent to Mistress, none seemed to have resulted in interviews lately. A telling sign of the Mistress’ very high standards, she supposed.

It was as she was dealing with another wave of emails that she received an email addressed specifically to her, from Mistress’ own personal computer.


It has come to my attention that you have been skipping your workout sessions. Your schedule has been cleared. Report to the gym. Now.

— Mistress”

Her hands reeled back from the keyboard. She hadn’t, really! Sure she'd mostly been taking walks around the manor grounds, dawdling through the greenhouse, stopping to smell the flowers in the garden, but it was still getting outside and some degree of exercise. But a direct order was a direct order.

Powering off her computer, Agatha briefly considered that she might need to get some exercise clothes from her room, but she knew that if Mistress had wanted that she would have specified it. She hurried off. It wasn’t long until Agatha reached the gym and entered, where Mistress was already standing with an unfamiliar figure; a man – somewhat androgynous – who was wearing a tight white muscle tee and shorts, along with a number of blue sweatbands.

‘Prompt as ever, though your breathing betrays that your physique could be improved,’ Mistress said, glancing down at her watch.

Agatha didn’t think she was breathing that heavily, though then again she tended to have a very sedentary lifestyle at the best of times.

‘This is Kae,’ Mistress continued, indicating to the man, ‘He is one of our playthings. Normally this would be his rest day, but I thought it may be a good opportunity for them to pass on what they’ve learned in terms of an exercise routine.’

‘Yes Ma’am,’ Agatha gulped, finally noticing how heavy she’d been breathing. In her defence, there were a lot of stairs in this mansion.

‘Good. In that case I’ll leave the both of you to it. And don’t forget Agatha, I expect you to be repeating this schedule each of your workout days.’

Agatha gave a nod of confirmation as Mistress strode from the room, leaving Agatha and Kae alone. She gave a small wave, which Kae returned.

‘Hi,’ Agatha said.

‘Hey,’ Kae nodded good-naturedly, his voice almost a parody of some movie sports dude, ‘So you’re the new secretary, huh? The one that stayed on that interview chair for a whole night?’

Agatha gave a squawk of exclamation before trying to suck her dignity back in through her nose, ‘Yes, that’s me. I mean, it was pretty funny in retrospect. Suppose I shouldn't be surprised that someone told you.’

‘Haha, yeah,’ Kae chuckled.

‘So, before we get started,’ Agatha said suddenly, a bit of curiosity overtaking her, ‘I just wanted to ask … what’s it like? Being a slave, I mean?’

‘Hm. Guess I shouldn’t be surprised you’re curious,’ Kae said, the implications of what they’d said whizzing over Agatha’s head, ‘Honestly it’s pretty nice for the most part. I mean, you get changed into something you have no control over, though it turned out for the best for me. Honestly it was something I never would have realised I wanted on my own. But the rest is pretty good.’ Kae listed a few things off on their fingers, ‘The coffee is okay. No need to worry about cleaning up, great food, free apartment, Felicity invites us over for board games every now and again,’ they couldn’t hide a wolfish grin as they added, ‘And I’ve gotta admit, knowing I can come back here for constant fucking is pretty great.’

Agatha’s nostrils flared as she tried to push her own desires back, squeezing them into the same box she kept the Queen. She tried to change the subject, ‘So, is there something I should get dressed into? I don’t think Ma'am would expect me to work out in the nude, Ancient Greek style.’

'Ma'am? Oh right, duh. Mistress,' Kae laughed to himself, ‘Nah, though she sometimes gets me to do that. But yeah, she left some workout clothes for you over there,’ he indicated to a small clothing box by a modesty curtain at one of the corners of the room, ‘But hey, I wouldn’t mind if you chose not to.’

A slight smirk played around Agatha’s lips before worry took over, ‘We should probably tone it down. The Mistresses don’t want me … playing with you guys. Gotta keep it professional.’

‘Hey, a little flirting is fine,’ Kae smiled, ‘And yeah, we heard about what happened with Lisa. Usually I’m the one who gets put on taming duty if the Mistresses aren't up to it, but it sounds like you might have a new responsibility if you keep that up.’

Agatha groaned as she moved to pick up the box, ‘Yeah. See, that’s why you need to act mediocre, because otherwise people make you do more stuff,’ though she couldn’t help but chuckle to herself, ‘But this isn’t the kind of job that allows for half-assing anything.’

‘Really?’ Kae asked, putting hands into their pockets, ‘You’re living in and watching the front desk in this huge BDSM mansion and you’re still calling it a job? Don’t you like, do nothing all day? You didn't even have to sell out your body and personhood.’

Agatha couldn’t help but shrug, ‘It's a lot more than nothing. Emails and calls and stuff like that. But outside of that I really don't have much friendly interaction with people. Sure, I get to say hi to the maids who come through but they’re usually gone before we can have any good conversation, and everyone's always too wiped out after their shifts for any socialising after the fact. And it’s always someone different every day. And don’t even get me started on Ma'am's constant attitude and girlboss energy,’ Agatha looked around before adding quietly, ‘Honestly the only person I’ve had any kind of real conversation with is Diana. And she still scares me a little.’

Kae’s expression immediately turned wary, ‘Okay, I know we’re alone, but don’t make a habit of using her actual name, alright?’

‘What? She gave it to me, so it should be fine to use in private. Sort of feels like a little treasure actually,’ Agatha shrugged, ‘Besides, it’s not like she’s actually royalty or whatever.’

A look of absolute stunned blankness came over Kae. Agatha couldn’t help but look over her shoulder. Obviously nothing was there, but she still felt a little odd.

'Did I say something funny?'

'Okay, who told you? And how much?'

His tone was serious enough that Agatha understood this wasn't some kind of joke.

'Uh, nothing? I just kinda didn't believe her. Like, when's the last time you met royalty in person?' she asked as she started undressing behind the modesty curtain, 'Is that some kind of sore spot?'

'You could say that yeah,' the cringe in his voice was evident, 'Just try not to bring it up I guess?'

'That's fair,' she said as she slipped on the tight sports bra, 'She seems nice though. She did offer to give me a few tips about hypnosis.'

'Seriously? You’re a hypnotist?'

'Mostly just for myself,' Agatha grunted, pulling on her leggings, 'I have some experience trancing others but, well, I could never get anything to stick for any decent period of time. Like organising a consistent D&D game.'

'Oh you play too?'

'Huh, no way,' Agatha said, tying the laces on her new shoes, 'Somehow I didn't expect a house full of sex slaves to have D&D nights. I'd have figured you would have had enough of being in dungeons.'

'Oh ha ha,' Kae snorted, though Agatha could hear a tinge of sincerity in his sarcasm, 'Yeah Felicity runs it occasionally at hers,’ He seemed to give a moment of thought, ‘I might ask the others if you wanna come along sometime.'

Agatha peered her head around the curtain in surprise, 'Really? But I thought-'

Kae waved his hand dismissively, 'It's a new thing, all the slave stuff basically doesn't matter outside the mansion. Truth be told we're all still getting used to it. Besides, you kinda mentioned you didn't really know anyone around here so why not, y'know?'

As Agatha stepped around the privacy curtain, she inspected herself. The sleek yellow workout clothes were extremely figure-hugging, in a way that held and accentuated her curves - especially the slowly expanding bulge at her front. Tight clothing tended to do that for her. Agatha was visibly embarrassed by it, though Kae wasn't half as shy.

He strode up to her, suddenly standing over her as he put his forearm to the wall over her shoulder, lifting her chin up to meet his gaze with his other hand.

'Besides,' he said with a throaty purr, 'When I'm not in the mansion, I'm no longer off-limits.'

Something in Agatha's mind broke, the slowly expanding bulge immediately turning painfully constrictive. But that just turned her on more. She babbled uncomprehendingly, and Kae gave a genuine gut laugh, breaking away from her.

'Oh my god you are too easy!'

Agatha's words stuck in her throat as she grumbled under her breath before eventually muttering, 'Sh-shut up. We should just get this over with.'

Kae couldn't help but chuckle some more, 'Yes ma'am.'

One thing that Agatha wasn't entirely expecting from Kae's coaching was that he would be so goddamn unrelenting. Sure she got the feeling that he was toppy, this felt like going beyond normal sadism. To which his only response was “Hey, Mistress' orders.”

Smug wanker, Agatha thought. Still, he was pretty attractive. Muscles on guys weren't normally her thing, though she did have a soft spot for big, somewhat dopey guys. Like her boyfriend back home.

She sighed. It had been months since she moved to the US, and while she'd tried to call them all when she could, the timezone differences really challenged things. But with any luck the money she was sending home would help them buy a ticket to visit her sometime. Though then again a lot of it was likely just going straight into food and rent for her polycule.

'Hey, cheer up buttercup,' Kae smiled, handing her a cold bottle of some sports drink, 'You did pretty good for today. And you only dry-heaved once!'

Agatha shuddered at that memory but gratefully took the bottle, 'Thanks. Since my day is cleared I'm just gonna take some time to rest I think.'

'Suits me. Not like I've got any authority over you,' he said with a meaningful smirk, 'Speaking of, I should go let Mistress know how you did. She'll be getting me to coach you every so often when I'm in the mansion,' he then added with a wink; 'So I'd better find you in here when I do.'

Agatha gave a deadened nod as Kae left, leaving her slumped over the exercise bike Kae had literally taped her feet to for the past hour. Cardio was definitely not her strong suit, but she supposed she was in for some intensive training.

Freeing the slightly sticky athletic tape from her feet, Agatha got off the bike and immediately felt saddle sore. The bruises on her thighs were lessening, but all the exercise was making them burn with agony. She knew she had some muscle ointment in her room, it was just a matter of getting there. She just hoped she had enough strength to not have to crawl. Standing carefully on her wobbly legs, she steadied herself until she stopped shaking like a newborn deer. Once she was a little more stable she gathered up her uniform – helpfully packed into the box her other clothes had come inside by Kae – and moved to the door.

Only for it to fly open in her face.

Agatha was knocked to the ground, her clothes going flying and her breath wheezing out of her. Her vision swam with sparkles as she tried to regain her faculties, hearing an oblivious sounding but nevertheless concerned voice.

'Omigosh, are you okay? I am like, so super sorry!'

She coughed as she started breathing again, sitting up to see who'd just completely bowled her over.

The pink was immediate and overwhelming. It was like every single shade this woman had was something pink. Pink frilly dress with puffy sleeves, pink and white striped tights, little lilac gloves with pink ribbons, bright pink high heels, pink ribbons in her blonde pigtails, pink eyeshadow and glitter all over her vacant expression, and a pink collar.

Collar? Oh, she must be another one of the slaves.

'I'm … okay,' Agatha groaned, 'You just surprised me.'

'Really? Thank gosh,' the ditz said, 'I was so worried. I'm really sorry, I promise!'

'I'm fine,' Agatha winced as she tried to stand up again, 'Just please, stop shouting so loud.'

Both her hands went over her mouth. It was funny to see. Agatha let herself admit it was a little cute.

'I'm sorry! Oh, I'm a dummy, I need to tell people my name when I meet them!' she said excitedly, volume only barely changing, 'I'm Clara, the Mistresses' pretty dumb princess! Who're you?'

After dusting herself off, Agatha introduced herself, 'I'm the new receptionist, Agatha. I don't know how much the Mistresses have told you about me. Or if, well, you remember any of it.'

'Nope!' She said cheerfully, 'But you seem really nice. Hey, what are all those clothes doing all over the place?'

'Jeez louise,' Agatha groaned as she looked back and saw her uniform strewn across the floor, 'Yeah, those are mine. It's okay, I've got it.'

Agatha winced as she knelt down to start picking up her clothes, and Clara had a concerned look that was immediately replaced with the next thought that entered her head.

'Oh! I just remembered why I came here! Is Kae around?'

'Yeah? You just missed him, he went to go talk to Miss.'

‘Miss? Miss who?’ she asked, somehow genuinely confused.

‘The um,’ Agatha forced the word out of her mouth, ‘Mistress.’

'M'kay!' Clara cheered before merrily skipping out of the gym.

Agatha sighed as she strained her muscles further. She got the distinct feeling she was not going to get along with Clara.

Moonlight filtered through the soft curtains of the master bedroom as Diana traced circles with her fingers around her silken sheets. She did not have to wait much longer for her love, as Jasmine soon entered the room, bedraggled and exhausted from her day of labours.

'Welcome home, my flower,' Diana cooed, receiving only an exhausted but appreciative murmur from her wife.

Jasmine kicked off her heels and flopped face-down onto the bed, a tormented groan escaping her. Diana shuffled down in bed to hold her love's head in her lap, stroking her hair gently.

'Thank you my Queen.'

'Of course, darling,' she smiled warmly, 'How are you finding our new receptionist?'

'A little better than nothing,' Jasmine uttered, rolling her head to speak, 'Even though it's the smallest weight off my back, it's something for now. I'll pass on some more responsibilities soon. If she’s good enough we can finally spend some more time together.'

'Hmm. It seems Agatha has a lot of responsibilities already. And a lot of fascinating interests…'

Jasmine looked up into Diana's eyes, 'What do you mean?'

Jasmine's Queen gave a smile in the radiant moonlight, 'She and I had a very nice chat about her skills as a hypnotist.'

The beleaguered Jasmine groaned, running her hands down her face, 'God, please, no … I just wanted one normal receptionist!'

Diana couldn't help but giggle, 'For our kinky hypnosis sex mansion?'

Jasmine gave a snort but made no additional comment.

'I want to teach her. She seems to enjoy the idea of it, but needs some guidance,' Diana said, looking out the window.

'Really?' Jasmine asked, 'Why?'

'I like the idea of passing on my knowledge to someone. Having my own little protegé. And besides,' she admitted with a little hesitation, 'It would be good if she learned not to make the same mistakes I did.'

Jasmine wrapped an arm around Diana in contemplative silence. The experience of what they'd all gone through still stung, but the wounds were beginning to heal for the most part.

Some of them, at least.

'We must give this careful thought,' Jasmine decided.

'Of course my love,' Diana nodded, 'We still have plenty of time.'

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