Bouquet Bound: Dried Deflowers

by Salacious_Ink

Tags: #cw:noncon #bondage #D/s #dom:female #f/nb #humiliation #transgender_characters #alcohol #breeding #dom:capitalism #gaslighting #Skaetverse #sub:nb
See spoiler tags : #amnesia

After one of Magnolia’s parties goes awry and a guest is injured, and Magnolia decides to punish Lily for the incident by demonstrating to them exactly why she doesn’t drink.

This story has been suggested by 2 users.

The characters presented here are the creations of Skaetlett, whose birthday is today! This story was in part a collaborative piece, and finished as a commission, so please enjoy!

Lily was, at heart, a sub who only wanted to go with the flow. After some growing pains, they realized that nothing made them quite as joyous as service, obedience, doing whatever the fuck they were told. Their first time being a free use toy at the secret rich people sex parties, their instinct was to panic and beg for their Mistress to change her mind. She didn’t, obviously - but she made Lily comfortable. Safe. Cared for, even as her friends and colleagues used each of their holes, each atom of their skin, once after another, for hours.

This was obedience, they thought. Being Magnolia’s free use party toy was obedience. And Lily knew well that Obedience is Pleasure.

But they did not want to go today.

Of course, they wouldn’t - rather, couldn't - say that to Magnolia. Lily was allowed to voice their opinion, but they knew it would be in vain. Magnolia would either laugh at them, silence them, or say something to the effect of “thank you for your stupid and meaningless opinion.” On most days, Lily would love that kind of treatment. There was usually a certain ecstasy to being degraded, treated like dirt.


Magnolia sensed their hesitation, and made some attempts to comfort them. Comfort typically looked like a gentle hand for a minute, or telling them that they were going to be okay. Lily didn’t even have a great reason for feeling this way. Pierre had said something off colour to them in the heat of the moment during a game, and they had tripped on a run trying to blow off steam. There was nothing that Magnolia consider worth cancelling the main event over.

They followed the usual motions in their head, mentally preparing. Get into the side room, be chained up to the wall, ceiling, or floor, and lie back and think of England.

When Lily arrived at the party, they shrank under people’s hungry and predatory looks. Some of Magnolia’s most ravenous friends were there. Lily tried to still their mind. All they had to do was relax, let people use them one after another, and then go to bed instantly after.

It would be easy for them. They’d done this over and over again for five years.

But tonight was different.

A familiar couple, unique in that they’d given Lily names to call them – Caroline and Dexter – from the Pay and Benefits team. They’d always gotten on Lily’s nerves just a little, but it was never anything truly offensive. But still, they always put Lily on edge. It took all their effort not to roll their eyes sometimes. But mercifully, they tended to be messy and quick.

But not tonight. Tonight even Lily felt as if they’d been hogging her, both of them coming in again and again, sometimes trying to get others to finish up so they could “have their turn.” Lily wasn’t allowed to complain. But one of them had the utterly fantastic idea to tickle their knee. Lily wasn’t even sure why they were so angry about this, they felt so disoriented and frustrated, the sensation was starting to make Lily nauseous. They were gagged at that moment, so they couldn’t plead for them to stop.

And for some reason, survival instincts kicked in.

One of them, Dexter, had called Lily “hot stuff” - a little bit too close to home - and Lily’s legs instinctively kicked outwards, the shackle on their ankle somehow shattering.

Chaos broke out almost immediately.

The man let out a scream of pain and collapsed to the ground. Lily gasped and desperately tried to talk, apologize profusely, ask if he was okay -- but with the gag stuffing their mouth, the effort was futile. 

Curse their goddamn muscles getting them into trouble like this.

It wasn’t long until people started peeking in. Magnolia quickly ended whatever conversation she had and ran into the VIP room. She instantly ordered someone to call an ambulance, but not before giving Lily a death glare they’ve never seen before.

Lily teared up as the restraints were undone. They wanted to run, but their trauma response kicked in with the wrong kind. Magnolia threw a towel at the frozen Lily, and ordered them to get any evidence of what had occurred out of sight. Lily, still gagged, followed the order in tears. She was angry. So angry. Lily was fucked.

Lily closed their eyes shut, just wanting the night to be over. Begging to whatever god that Magnolia would overlook this. They knew their prayers would go unanswered, though. They knew the only real higher power that existed in their life was Magnolia. From her thunderous expression, even Lily knew that Magnolia would not be a merciful deity.

The limousine ride home was made in dead silence. Lily couldn’t move their head, couldn’t bear to make any noise, couldn’t look away from their hands balled tightly on top of their knees. It had all happened so fast. One moment they’d been chained up, thrashing, unable to move, the next moment they’d had a leg free and that … Lily hesitated to think of any real harsh word to describe the man tickling them, even if they were annoying. Their eyebrows knitted together. What the hell were they even getting from tickling them? Couldn’t they have just hurt them more like everyone else?

It was so bizarre. They didn’t even remember much. It all happened so fast. Even so, it was unusual for Lily to lose time in recent days. The fight or flight fuelled adrenaline rushing through their veins… why… did it get to them so deeply?

Sooner than Lily had expected the car came to a stop. Their driver, the ever-dutiful Gregory, opened the door for the pair of them. Lily began to stand to step out of the car, but yelped as Magnolia forced their shoulders back into their seat. Unconsciously, Lily looked up to meet Magnolia’s eyes. She looked like she was going to kill them.

‘You,’ she began, untold fury dripping from even that single word, ‘Will wait here. I will tell you when you are to come inside. I know you won’t run. You know you deserve this.’

Lily was petrified. They didn’t know how to react to what was going on. So they obeyed.

Magnolia stalked inside the house, ripping open the door and slamming it shut behind her.

Shaken, Lily slowly turned their head back forward. They happened to glance at Gregory’s expression, reflected in the driver’s mirror.

He looked worried too.

The pair sat in silence, the driver and his employer’s property, until surprisingly, Gregory spoke in a measured and even voice.

‘I hope you will excuse me for saying so, Lily,’ he began quietly, ‘but I have never seen Miss M this upset before. If you are able, please do your best to make it up to her.’

The hole in Lily’s chest widened. This wasn’t going to end everything, was it? They’d been through so much … How could this be the end of it all?

Lily’s phone buzzed. It was a text from Magnolia.

“Get in here. Now.”

Their body, every instinct screaming at them to run, the presence of Kassandra pulling at the backs of their shoulders to urge them to flee … even something deeper and darker was telling them to leave. Lily left the limousine, casting one glance back to Gregory. As soon as they closed the door, the car began to drive away.

They stared up at the estate, a house that once seemed so comforting – if scary at times – now felt like a slaughterhouse they were about to walk into; through the entrance that people don’t leave through in one piece.

Lily prepared themself as they walked towards the mansion.

The door opened quietly, slowly, as Lily pushed their way into the house. It was pitch dark. They knew that shouldn’t be the case, they saw Magnolia turn the lights on when she came in. Lily tried the lightswitch.


Trying to swallow their mounting fear, Lily flicked on the torch on their phone, pale halogen light piercing the dark. Magnolia was nowhere to be seen.

Lily tried to think. Magnolia wanted them in the mansion, but didn’t say where they should go. Maybe she wanted them in her room? Even the very act of thinking was beginning to scare Lily. This would have been so much easier if they could just obey…

Before Lily could begin making their way to their bedroom, something rushed at them from out of the dark. A shape, two. Arms locked around Lily’s neck in a rear naked choke, the phone dropping out of their hands and landing on the ground, torch side down.

The light from the phone screen illuminated little as Lily, terrified beyond words, struggled to breathe.

The voice of Magnolia spoke, venomous and bitter; ‘There’s no running from me, plaything. I told you already. You know you deserve this.’

Lily could almost feel their feet lift off the ground as the light from their phone’s screen dimmed and faded. They gasped for breath, their heart pounding like lightning in their chest as they instinctively tried to feel their way out of their Mistress’ grasp. What was once a source of comfort and safety now felt like a pair of twin axes.

Immediately, they started to plead and sob, their words muted and strained from the choke. “I’m sorry, Mistress! I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to-”

Lily’s words died in their stomach as Magnolia shoved their entire body against the wall. Lily slackened and limply fell to the ground. In the absence of light in the mansion, they still had no idea where she was. She could have been anywhere, even as a ghost circling them.

They couldn’t remember the last time they’d been so terrified.

Before Lily could stop their senseless apologizing, a swift kick hit them in the stomach. Then the chest, the neck, everywhere. Lily had to wager that Magnolia couldn’t see either, and that she didn’t particularly care where she was hurting Lily.
Lily coughed, tears pouring from their eyes as they kept trying to beg for Magnolia’s forgiveness. They faintly tasted blood in their mouth. After what seemed like the hundredth strike, Magnolia grabbed their weak, heaving body and pulled it back up.

‘Do you have,’ her voice felt like venom, ‘Any idea what you could have done? Any idea at all, you fucking moron?!”

Lily choked out a sob, still trying to recollect themself. Before they could actually answer that rhetorical question, Magnolia kicked them in their aching, sore cunt.

‘These things are secret for a reason, plaything! But of course you’re too idiotic to know something like that. Even so, what the fuck do you think would happen if someone got injured at these parties? You’re lucky that they only called an ambulance in and that fucker didn’t say anything!’

Magnolia had to pause for a moment, struggling to contain her voice quivering rage as she dragged Lily closer to her in the darkness.

‘Do you know what could have happened if the cops showed up? Do you want to get arrested? Do you want me to, you dim-witted fleshlight?! Do you want to be separated for the rest of our lives, with you sad and lonely in witness protection, all because someone else thinks that they understand our relationship better than we do? Because all of those things, and worse, could have happened! I ought to keep you in a cage for the rest of your pathetic life, only pulling you out to beat you for stress relief!’

Magnolia finally stopped her verbal abuse, if only for a moment. Lily shifted, words dying in their mouth. No words would be enough to apologise. Nothing they said could possibly make up for this.

What were they going to do? What could they do?

The lights flashed on. Lily’s heart dropped. Magnolia, furious beyond the words she spoke, who’d beaten them so brutally, threatened them, insulted them, after everything…

Magnolia was crying.

‘Get up,’ she said.

Lily obeyed.

Magnolia grabbed them by the back of the neck and began walking. Lily didn’t know where. They were so shocked and detached they barely recognised this house anymore.

Magnolia was crying.

Lily realised they were in a bedroom. Magnolia pushed them to the floor, and she sat on the edge of the bed, a hand going into her blazer pocket as she tried to smooth out her hair with her other hand.

‘You were stupid, plaything. But not entirely to blame. I got complacent. Maybe I didn’t pay enough attention to your exercises and let you get too strong. Maybe I didn’t properly check your restraints. I won’t let myself get that sloppy again. And I’ll have to start by making sure you never disobey me like that ever again. Make sure you do that, and I might learn to forgive you.’

Lily heard the familiar rattle of a fine silver chain as Magnolia drew the pocket watch from her blazer. Lily felt a numb sense of hope. They regretted this. They sorely, truly regretted making Magnolia cry. If there was any way to make it up to her, they would do whatever it took.

As the pocket watch spun to face them, the clear acrylic backing revealed the charm that Lily had bought for Magnolia. A token of their bond Magnolia had held so closely and so personally to her. Lily almost couldn’t bear to look at it as they began to weep silently.

‘You won’t remember what I’m going to do to you. This is going to stay with you permanently, to make sure you never forget what you are; a plaything. A hole to be fucked, by whosoever I allow to abuse your cunt. A vessel. Do you get that, Lily?’

Hearing their name was like a javelin through their diaphragm. Lily nodded. This was their fate. They had to accept what was coming to them.

Magnolia’s expression didn’t change, the light reflecting off her pocketwatch highlighting the tears staining her face, ‘Good. Now breathe.’

Lily slowly blinked their eyes open as dawn sunlight streamed through their bedroom window. They sat up, briefly wincing at the bruises covering their body and the internal soreness of their muscles. Had something happened last night? Maybe Magnolia had a bad day at the office and took it out on them. That wasn’t unusual, but why couldn’t they remember it? They couldn’t remember much, but they could usually recall at least that.

They looked at the time. They needed to get up and make breakfast.

Lily swung their legs over the side of the bed and moved to stand up, but something was immediately wrong. Their ankles didn’t work anymore. Lily fell, and fell hard. They exclaimed loudly as they hit their head against the floor, clutching it in pain. What was going on?

Feeling the throbbing in their head subside slightly, Lily looked down at their ankle. It looked fine. But trying to move it, their ankle wouldn’t budge. They couldn’t move their foot either. Lily’s heart began to beat faster.

They hadn’t lost movement in their legs, had they? Their stomach sank at the thought, the idea that they wouldn’t be able to dutifully serve their Mistress anymore. No… it must have been shock. After all, they could easily tell the rest of their body took a harsh beating, with the bruises all over them and their pounding headache.

Lily grimaced hard. What to do? There was no way they’d be able to make breakfast, and they didn’t want to ruin Mistress’ day by making her call an ambulance. But they did what they could. With Herculean effort, Lily dragged themself out of the bedroom, through the halls, to the kitchen, making use of the parts of their body that were still functional.

Magnolia’s perfume wafted through the air, its scent a comforting presence. Magnolia would know what to do. Magnolia would understand what was going on, even if Lily never did.

‘M-Mistress?’ Lily whimpered, looking around for her desperately, ‘Are you there? I… I can’t move my lower legs! Mistress Magnolia?’

Lily sighed when they were greeted by silence. They knew she was there, almost like a sixth sense. What was the feeling of dread they were getting? It felt like it was trying to remind Lily of something, something awful and important. Without any logical reason Lily knew of, they dismissed it as best they could and continued searching for their Mistress.

Eventually, they found her. What Lily saw was somehow more shocking than waking up with useless legs.

Magnolia stood up from the table she had been slouched over, holding an empty bottle. A bottle of vodka — and cheap looking vodka at that. Lily’s eyes went wide. Mistress never drank. And she never settled for anything less than the highest quality. It was one of those rules of hers she swore never to break, and even stated she’d never done so, even if Lily was allowed to drink themself to fainting.

She downed the last sip of the crystal clear but assuredly foul-tasting vodka, and Lily got a better look at her. Their heartbeat only intensified seeing how unhinged she looked. Her hair was a mess. Her makeup was streaked — if she had even bothered to take it off the night before. Her breathing was heavy, face flushed red, and looking down at Lily like they were prey.

‘M-Mistress?’ Lily asked, concerned, ‘What happened? Are — are you okay?’

Magnolia slowly looked down at Lily, the slack jaw of hers turning into a crooked smile. She looked like a tiger staring down an injured rabbit.

‘Oh I’m fine,’ she replied, her words far from the refined enunciation Lily was used to. Now her speech was slurred, with an edge to it that chilled their spine, ‘I’ll be okay, my fragile bunny. I just need one teensy tiny thing…’

The dread in Lily’s body bubbled and boiled. Drinking that much vodka could have bad repercussions, even for a heavy drinker. But for as long as Lily had known her, Magnolia had been straight-edge sober. What happened to her? Why was she acting like this? It just … it didn’t make sense!

‘I … My legs don’t work, Mistress. I don’t know what happened—’

‘Dumb cunt. I happened.’ Magnolia’s voice was blunt, impatient, and sent a spear through Lily’s heart, ‘I did this to you.’

‘You … took away my legs?’ Lily’s eyes widened in horror.

This couldn’t be permanent. Magnolia wouldn’t do that. She’d never do that. Right?

Magnolia made a drunken, unstable titter as she tried to take a step, but faltered and caught herself on the side of the table, muttering a curse before speaking, ‘I’ll give them back to you, silly bunny. You do need them for what I need you for.’

Lily sighed in relief and nodded, ‘O-of course, Mistress. Th-thank you, Mistress. How can I help you?’

‘I’m gonna knock you up.’

Lily wasn’t sure what they were expecting to hear, but it sure as fuck was not that. Their body froze in fear, the blood draining from their face; they stammered for a good while before slowly replying.

‘I-I apologize, Mistress. I don’t… I don’t understand.’

‘Come on you dumb fuck, I thought it was obvious,’ Magnolia gave a slow, tipsy laugh at Lily, ‘I’ll put it in simpler words. I am going to get you pregnant. I’m going to breed you so hard I’ll kill the last of your worthless brain cells.’

‘M-Mistress, what — what are you saying? I … You can’t just … I mean … It’s not possible! I have my IUD in still, it’s still got another—’

“Huh? Silly Lily, you’re so dumb and cute. You don’t even remember the appointment they took it out?”

What? Lily shook their head.

‘Wow. You're so stupid I’d think you’re the one that just necked a bottle of forty percent,’ Magnolia luridly chuckled before seemingly trying to collect herself, speaking in a slurred and undulating parody of her usual dominant tone, ‘Why would I let you have anything that would forbid me from using you in any way?’

Lily wracked their brain, but they didn’t remember anything like that. But if Mistress was saying it, it must have been true. Magnolia wanted – was going – to breed them.

The fear hadn’t fully hit Lily until they realised that. As fun as the idea of being bred was, the reality of it was a whole other issue. This is something they never thought they’d hear Magnolia say. She couldn’t be serious. She couldn’t be. This was impossible, a cruel nightmare. But … it felt like this had been planned, even if just by a series of impulses. Lily’s legs were made useless. They couldn’t get away, even more than they were usually bound to Magnolia’s side.

Lily pressed their thighs together protectively. Only then did they realize what they’d thought was their pyjamas consisted of a flimsy crop top, a nearly worthless skirt, and zero undergarments. Their Mistress had easy access to every part of Lily she wanted. They were barely even clothes. Lingerie was more conservative than this. Somehow, Lily felt like less of a person wearing this.

Lily’s thoughts were cast aside by Magnolia’s sudden words.

‘You know why I don’t drink, plaything?’


Magnolia leaned down and petted Lily’s hair, before grabbing it and exhaling in their face with hot, steamy breath, ‘When I’m drunk, I just stop giving a shit. It makes me feel feral. And you know what? I forgot how much of a relief it is, just to not care anymore! I only have one thing I want, and that’s getting my seed to fuck its way into your egg. Thinking about you pregnant, doing what I say to make sure you don’t fuck it up, and then taking care of our-’ Magnolia paused to force down a wet burp, ‘My children — all twenty of them, or more.’

She held up the bottle of vodka, grinning wolfishly at it. She turned back to Lily, and her grin only widened when she saw Lily meekly shaking their head.

‘It sure pays to know someone in the pharmaceutical industry. Between the meds I poured into this, and the tablet I slipped into your mouth last night, I’m not going to have much trouble pumping you full of babies. Even with twins, or triplets. The thought of that just makes me so … so hot. I’m done waiting. I’m through pretending to be good and nice and giving a shit. I’m done being kind and gentle with you. You’re mine, and it’s time you learn what that really means.’

Instinctively, Lily cowered back. Or, at least, they tried to. They couldn’t believe what they were hearing — they refused to. This had to be a dream, Magnolia would never act this way! Getting pregnant was one of Lily’s greatest fears, followed by being forced to become a mother. Let alone a family of twenty screaming, babbling, hair-pulling kids!

A terrified thought smashed into Lily’ mind. What if their kids turned out just like them?

‘P-please, Mistress,’ Lily begged, ‘Think this over. Please! This … It isn’t worth it! Please wait until you’re sober before doing something like—’


Lily tenderly put a hand to the cheek Magnolia struck. A single, fearful tear fell down their face as Magnolia pulled them up.

‘I told you, plaything,’ she slurred, her breath rancid with ethanol, ‘You know you deserve this.’

‘Wh … what?’ Lily couldn’t remember being told that. Not in the near past, at least. But Magnolia wasn’t about to give them a way out. She scooped up Lily and their non-functioning limbs.

All of a sudden, this was starting to feel too, too real. Even if they were going to be punished later, Lily had to talk some sense back into Magnolia. They had to try. Lily tried to kick at her Mistress with ineffectual legs, but all they accomplished was a futile struggle, like a worm impaled on a hook.

Lily sobbed as Magnolia hefted their body back to their room.

‘No,’ Lily whimpered, ‘please Mistress-’

‘No?’ Magnolia growled as she slammed Lily’s body onto the bed. Lily tried to move away to little use as Magnolia scoffed, ‘The fuck do you mean, ‘no’? Since when did you think you get to say ‘no,’ you worthless fucking idiot?!’

Lily continued sobbing. Their sobs only grew louder, their speech becoming near unintelligible. This wasn’t how Magnolia’s insults usually felt. This felt worse, somehow. It was as if all the unsaid good in Magnolia’s dominant actions were ripped away, until all that remained was the hurt and pain.

Even the way Magnolia insulted them felt … wrong. All the hurtful intention, none of the finesse.

‘God, you’re so fucking stupid. I don’t get it. I know I made you stupid, but like, you were a person before I took that away from you. But people are still smarter than you, so what gives? You’re fucking stupid. And I know that, cuz-’ a hiccup interjected in her words before she continued, ‘Cuz you’re always fuckin’ trying to make me stop! We’ve been together for, what, five years? You know I’m not letting you go. I’m never letting you go. And that means everything you do, and feel, and think, is my responsibility. It’s why I punish you.’

Magnolia climbed on top of Lily, her hot breath like acid melting Lily’s face. Lily continued trying to babble apologies, begging for mercy, but Magnolia silenced them with a hand over their mouth.

‘Shut the fuck up. You’re getting punished whether you like it or not. I’ve been too nice to you for too long. Now stop your pathetic sobbing and let me get this over with.’

Lily’s eyes showed only confusion. Punished? For what? Their poor brain tried to think. Even in this whole nightmarish inconsistency, that didn’t add up … it explained the bruises, but made them more confusing at the same time. Magnolia only reserved the worst of her punishments for when Lily really, really fucked up, and they could count those instances on one hand. 

Shakily, they asked for clarification, their voice muffled by Magnolia’s hand, ‘P-punished? Wh-what did I do, Mistress?’

Magnolia sighed with drunken dismay. Her hands lazily trailed to Lily’s chest, grabbing both breasts roughly and pinching their nipples even more painfully.

‘Of course you’d forget. I’m sure your idiot brain will remember it once you’re nice and full.’

Lily sputtered. They had no idea what to even say. This was the most scared they’d been by Magnolia, possibly ever. They blinked hard, a couple tears streaming down their face as their useless legs struggled in vain to get them away. Distantly, they could feel a budding wetness, a sick arousal, staining Magnolia’s slacks. She probably noticed, but didn’t seem to care much.

Or, maybe she did care. But in the way that only made her knee Lily’s sore cunt rougher, forcing their legs even further apart.

Their Owner, their captor, ripped into their skin with her sharp nails, and yawned as if bored while Lily screamed and gasped in pain.

‘Lily, you don’t get it. I’m, like, a noble lady. I need an heir to my throne. My company, anyways,’ she mused, ‘I’m just killing two birds with one stone.’

Lily knew what it was like to be afraid of Magnolia. They knew that even throughout everything, they could trust her to take care of them, to keep them safe.
This didn’t feel like Magnolia.

The woman hiccuped, and gave a drunken giggle, ‘Fuck I forgot how fun getting drunk is,’ she purred as she messily kicked off her heels and tore away at her own clothes.

Paralysis held Lily’s body down. What were they going to do? Magnolia really was drunk, she was going to make them pregnant, and force them to care for their kids? This was all a punishment? What did they do to make her do all this?!

Before Lily’s mind could spin any more, it was quieted as Magnolia heavily dropped on them, completely naked.

‘Mmmmm … Plaything,’ she sighed with such genuine compassion, ‘I love you so much.’

‘I-I l-love you t-’

‘You’ll make such a good mother.’

Lily was too shocked to scream. The words hit them worse than any beating Magnolia had ever given them. They felt something slap against their cunt. Magnolia was already hard.

She thrust inside.

Everywhere Magnolia grabbed was covered in bruises and scratches. She didn’t even bother with foreplay, forcing her way into Lily’s pussy and ignoring their wordless pleading for mercy. Not that Magnolia would have ever listened, even when she wasn’t intoxicated. Magnolia leaned down and sunk her teeth into Lily’s tender shoulder, causing them to finally break their shocked silence and wail in pain. One of Magnolia’s hands clamped down on their mouth as she bit down harder, pulling at the flesh with her teeth until it felt like the flesh would tear.

Mercifully Magnolia pulled away with a satisfied pop of her lips against Lily’s skin, pausing to lick a few beading drops of blood away from the bite mark. She giggled as she continued to thrust inside her plaything, egged on by their uncontrollable sobbing.

‘Come on Lily, you should’ve known I always really wanted kids,’ she said, lazily leaning backwards, ‘Why else would I have bought such a big fuckin’ house? I’m not trying to impress anyone! I’m better than that! Besides, isn’t that what you always wanted? A real family you could actually love? Kids you could cherish and keep safe? Me here, breeding you constantly to keep you nice and full for me. You know you deserve this. You know you want this.’

Lily was too confused and scared. Is this what they wanted? Is this what Magnolia wanted? It felt so sudden … their own family … they’d be a mother.

Horror poured out from Lily’s soul. Where was Kassandra? Where was Chain?! What was happening?!

Were they in hell? Were they alone?

No. They weren’t alone. Magnolia was here. Breeding them. Magnolia always made the decisions, even as she beat and fucked and insulted them. Magnolia was everything. Lily would be nothing without Magnolia. If she was breeding Lily, making Lily a mother, there wasn’t any way they could stop that.

Magnolia forced herself deeper into Lily, ‘Fuck, what should I name them? They have to be flowers,’ she panted, ‘I want our eldest to be Lotus. Do you like that name, Lily? Oh why the fuck am I asking, I don’t really care what you think.’

‘P-please,’ Lily choked, though they didn’t know what else to even say. ‘I’m so sorry… whatever I did, I promise—’

‘Hmm,’ Magnolia barely noticed or cared what Lily was saying, ‘If we’re lucky enough for you to get triplets, we can name them Rose, Rosa, and Rosalina … nah, that’s dumb as shit, something you’d come up with.’

She panted harder, her thrusts slamming into Lily again and again, ravenous drool dripping from her lips onto Lily’s bruised chest.

‘We have time,’ she purred, ‘Months and months of time.’

‘Please! I won’t do it again! I promise! I’m sorry! I’m so sorry!’ Lily knew their pleas were going unheard to say the least, but it was all they could do.

Barely acknowledging their pleas and sobs, Magnolia roughly grabbed Lily’s limp legs and wrapped them around her torso in a tight breeding press. Lily shook their head, chokes turning into sobs turning into wails.

‘Shhhhhhhh,’ Magnolia whispered, the intoxication even seeping from that one sound as she gently placed a finger to their shaking lips, ‘It’s okay, breeding stock. Just keep crying and—’ another particularly rough set of thrusts, ‘It will be over. This will only hurt a lot. But that’s okay. It doesn’t matter if you don’t like this. Just keep crying, it’ll all be over soon.’

Lily shook, their body wracked with sobs their throat couldn’t properly vocalize. Magnolia’s nails bit into their skin, sank deep into their flesh, drew blood, as she forced her way into them, defiled them in a way they had thought would never happen to them.

Magnolia was right. Lily was an idiot. They understood now, here, as Magnolia ripped away what thin little veils of consent Lily had left to make themselves decent with.

If Magnolia wanted them to be breeding stock, they would be breeding stock. Magnolia wanted this. It didn’t matter if Lily didn’t. They would learn to love it. If Lily couldn’t do it on their own, Magnolia would make them.

A strange sense of relief washed over Lily. Their thoughts didn’t matter. Nothing about them mattered, unless it was what Magnolia wanted to matter. And right now, that was their ability to breed. To bear her children. That was all.

Words sobbed out from Lily, in time with the increasing speed and roughness of Magnolia’s thrusts.

‘Th-thank you M-Mistress Magnolia.’

Magnolia’s sloppy smile widened across her face, as without a word she sank her teeth back into Lily, pained tears and agonised cries torn from Lily’s body. Their purpose was only what Magnolia wanted. Everything else didn’t exist.

Lily felt the familiar sensation of Magnolia’s cock becoming more taut inside them, tense with anticipation. But this wasn’t like the countless times they’d been used like a fleshlight before, by more people than Lily could remember the faces of. This was a huge change. Lily would get pregnant. They would have kids. Magnolia would make them raise her children, and make more. And more. And more.

It didn’t matter if they weren’t ready for it. Magnolia was. That was all that mattered.

Magnolia bit harder as she came, slamming as deep as she could inside Lily as her whole body tensed, her fingernails drawing yet more thin pools of blood from Lily’s back, staining the sheets. Lily felt themselves breaking. They were Magnolia’s. Wholly. Entirely. Everything about them belonged to Magnolia. It was something they thought they already knew but this – becoming Magnolia’s personal breeding stock – this was different.

Wordlessly, Magnolia slid herself out of Lily, quickly retrieving a toy from somewhere concealed Lily hadn’t noticed in all their confusion. Before they could even form the thought questioning what was about to happen, they felt the silicone phallus slide deep inside their breeding hole, filling it fully and perfectly, plugging them up and keeping all of Magnolia’s seed inside. Lily’s Mistress worked quickly, straps from the toy secured and locked around Lily’s legs and crotch, preventing it from working its way out on its own.

‘There,’ Magnolia said, her voice suddenly and surprisingly lucid, ‘That will make sure that every single one of my future children has every chance to be brought into this world through your body.’

Lily was shocked as Magnolia stood, her eyes suddenly clear and intelligent. She examined herself with disgust at her disheveled state.

‘God this was worth it, but I'm dying for a shower. Don’t move from that spot, Lily. I want you to feel this moment, soak in every part of it. And I want you to remember it for the rest of your life.’

Lily couldn’t speak. What was happening? It was as if their own perceptions, the world itself, was lying to them.

‘Bu- Mistress!’ they couldn’t help themselves but speak, their pathetic voice cracking with the effort, ‘Weren’t you drunk just a … just a second ago? Mistress I … I’m scared! What’s happening?’

Magnolia grinned through her ruined makeup, leaning over Lily and planting a tender kiss on their forehead.

‘Don’t be silly, plaything. I wouldn’t make a decision about something this important unless I was sober. Besides, you know I don’t drink.’

Lily lost their words again as Magnolia left the room. They stared at the ceiling, feeling untethered from reality. As they could hear the shower beginning to run in another room, they tried to grasp at facts even someone as stupid as they would know, bits and pieces that had to be true.

Mistress Magnolia does not drink. Mistress Magnolia makes all of the decisions for Lily, knowing their consequences in full. Mistress Magnolia would not make a decision if she had not thought it through. Mistress Magnolia was punishing Lily, for what they did not know. But Mistress Magnolia wouldn’t punish Lily by making an impulsive decision, much less forcing Lily to bear her children.

Lily tried to think, tried to put something together that made sense, but the gaps in their logic were too wide, too few pieces to form a full puzzle. They had no choice but to discard it, and focus on what was happening right now.

Mistress Magnolia decided she wanted children. She had thought it through, rationalised it, bought fertility drugs for the occasion, had been so focused on the idea that she felt more possessive and feral than she had ever before. After all this time, Mistress Magnolia had decided that now, not only was Lily capable of bearing her children, but that they were in a position to do so.

Lily’s hands drifted towards their womb, this part of their body that had felt so divorced from them before now. They didn’t know what it was they felt. They knew they felt fear, it was a constant companion so long as they belonged to Magnolia. But Lily felt this was … right. Magnolia wanted this. And whatever Magnolia wanted Lily would be made to want too. That thought brought a sort of peace to them.

Maybe Louts wasn’t such a bad name after all.

Magnolia soon returned, wrapped in a soft dressing gown and hair bundled into a towel to dry, looking relaxed and refreshed. She sat by Lily on the edge of the bed, gently stroking the softness of their belly.

‘I wanted to scare you, Lily. That’s all,’ she explained, ‘I’m sure you may wonder why even with my millions I choose to remain sober, given how many indulgences are available to me, that others could only dream of. But it’s because of things like what you just experienced. A deluded mind can make people act impulsively, losing parts of themselves. It can reduce them to animals. I don’t truly plan on ever lowering myself to that sort of state. Of course, it was quite fun to pretend.’

Lily, head dulled by taxing themselves with thoughts, nodded wordlessly.

Magnolia continued, ‘I’ll remove the suggestions that keep you from walking in a moment and give you time to rest. You’ll be relieved of your duties for the rest of the day. For now though, I just want to be here, with you. At the end of the month, I’ll have you do a pregnancy test. Don’t worry Lily, it’s merely a formality. I know you would never truly disappoint me.’

Lily gave a shaky sigh, trapped between dread and euphoria. Lily’s hands rubbed beneath Magnolia’s, feeling Magnolia inside them. In a few weeks, they would be pregnant. In a few months, they would give birth. In a few years, they would be caring for their child that would love them back, and Magnolia would repeat the cycle again, and again, until she was satisfied.

‘I hope,’ Lily began, a mist of tears at the corners of their eyes, ‘I hope I’ll be a good mother to Lotus.’

Magnolia looked at her property, an inscruitable expression in her eyes. Lily didn’t know what her Mistress was thinking, but they didn’t need to. Mistress’ thoughts were Mistress’ alone.

Lily’s Mistress rested a tender hand on the side of their face and smiled, warmly and sincerely. She gave them a kiss, soft and meaningful, and lay down next to them.

Weeks had passed for Lily, their routine now drastically changed. Though they wouldn’t be in any likely danger of affecting their baby during the gestation period, Magnolia was emphatic that they wouldn’t be taking chances. Lily’s diet had become more strictly controlled, alcohol was removed in its totality, and even their exercise routine had undergone significant revision by Magnolia.

But the twenty-first day had approached, and Magnolia wanted them to perform the pregnancy test together. Their Mistress had been entirely right about it being merely a formality, of course. Even Lily, stupid as they were, knew that. They could feel it. Their child was inside them, slowly being drawn into the world from insubstantial matter. At first they were afraid – terrified, even. But the feeling subsided after a few days. Mistress Magnolia wanted this. This was right. Only now had Lily realised just how strange it was, to feel so empty before. They had only truly experienced this when Magnolia had used their fill trigger, but even that was so violent and sudden, and disappeared so quickly, that they hadn’t truly been able to appreciate the sensation, to feel grateful to Magnolia for giving this to them.

Magnolia had been right. This was something they had been missing, a real family that they could raise, to not repeat the same mistakes of their own forebears. The realisation affected them greatly. They’d even tried wearing a skirt again, though after a moment they’d felt perhaps it was a step further than they were willing to take at that moment.

When Magnolia had arrived in the evening after work, she tenderly brought Lily to the bedroom. Lily had been surprised at how tenderly, at how delicately Magnolia had been treating her in the past few days. They had seen the tension in her face, her carefully dignified expression occasionally slipping into nervous smiles … even Magnolia was excited for this, though wouldn’t let it show as easily as Lily did.

Performing the test was extremely simple, though Magnolia guided Lily through each step. Tension knotted in their stomach as they waited for the sample to take its course, to see that confirmation of a successful breeding.


‘N-negative?’ Lily flatly stated.

‘That’s impossible,’ Magnolia said with an even tone, “Here, I made sure to get another test. Do it again.”

Now even more nervous, Lily carefully performed each step of the test, trying to make sure every instruction was followed to the letter.

They waited.

‘... Negative.’

Lily’s eyes stopped focusing, tears sprang forth and dropped into the pregnancy test in their hands. No, that … that couldn’t be right. That wasn’t right! Magnolia had done everything to ensure the healthy birth of their child, she’d filled the both of them to bursting with fertility medication!

Why was reality lying again?!

‘No, no, no this…’ Lily stammered, trying to rationalise this, ‘M-Mistress please, do you have another test? Maybe both of these were just faulty, maybe-’

Lily’s sentence was cut off as Magnolia started howling with laughter.

Lily watched in horror as Magnolia, bent double, laughed harder than they’d ever seen her laughing before. Magnolia’s own tears were spilling from her face, flushed red with blood and heat.

Had they broken their Mistress with their failure?

Lily’s own tears poured from them, as they desperately tried to console Magnolia.

‘Mistress, please don’t cry! I … we can just try again! I know we can do this, I can feel it! I kno-’

Lily was silenced as Magnolia’s hand caught their throat in the middle of her laughter. As she finished, she looked into Lily’s eyes with ferocity and hunger.

“You poor, stupid creature. You don’t know anything.”

Magnolia pressed in, kissing Lily deeply and only further confusing them. Why? What was happening?!

Their Mistress broke away, shoving Lily to the bed and swiftly pinning them down beneath her. Magnolia looked deep into Lily’s eyes, savouring every second of Lily’s confusion and fear.

‘My loyal Lily, I want you to remember the night you broke your chains.’

Guilt crushed the feeling in Lily’s womb. The party, the accident, the ambulance, Magnolia crying, their punishment. Their punishment. Their punishment.

It was as if every cell in Lily’s body withered with the understanding of that terrible truth. This moment. This understanding. This emptiness and guilt, sudden loss and indescribable emotional pain… 

This was their punishment.

‘I’m … sorry…’ Lily whimpered, their broken voice barely audible.

Magnolia chuckled darkly, running manicured fingers through the hair of her property, this plaything whose world she could mould as easily as thought, and smiled.

‘I know. I made sure of that, dear,’ she said, ‘Admittedly, I had thought about finding some novelty trick pregnancy tests just to carry on with the illusion, but I thought it had run its course. It was so cute you thought you were actually pregnant after I’d bred you. Your IUD wasn’t removed, you idiot! Couldn’t you feel it still beneath your skin? Hm, though I suppose not. You were so delightfully eager to believe everything I said.’

Magnolia laughed again in Lily’s face, her voice pure cruelty. Lily felt as if every emotion at once was drowning them. Sorrow. Guilt. Relief. Repentance. Confusion.

Their Mistress tightened her grip on their throat, taking another passionate kiss from Lily.

Breaking away for a moment, Magnolia said, ‘At first I was going to push you to your most extreme despair. But after thinking about it, making you think your child was a stillborn would have been too cruel, even for me.’

Lily couldn’t fathom what would have happened if that was what Magnolia had decided to make their ultimate punishment.

‘Is … is it over, Mistress?’ Lily asked, voice trembling.

Magnolia gave a smile.

‘Yes, Lily. Your punishment has concluded.’

Relief flooded their body, banishing all their other emotions. Lily had been punished. They could be forgiven.

‘You will need rest after all this,” Magnolia concluded, “After going through a single one of your triggers over the course of almost an entire month, some aftercare will absolutely be required.’

Lily’s expression became confused.

‘What trigger was that?’

They realised their mistake as soon as their words left their mouth. Magnolia’s grin widened as she began to remove her skirt.

‘I want you to understand, plaything. This isn’t part of your punishment. This will just be for my own amusement.’

Magnolia soon had her cock free, slamming deep inside Lily’s prone body without preamble. As Lily gasped in shock, Magnolia leaned in closely and whispered so tenderly, so sweetly into Lily’s ear.


The force of the suggestion rocked through Lily’s body as Magnolia began to fuck them herself. The physical weight of Magnolia pressing down upon them, of Magnolia breeding them again, while the phantasms conjured by Lily’s mind abused and tormented them. The seconds stretched on, their exhausted body unable to protest, unable to resist, unable to do anything but weep.

Magnolia licked a stream of tears from Lily’s face, cackling viciously as she savoured the taste of Lily’s misery.

Lily already knew each of the steps they would go through. The violation, then the feeling of cold fear as they knew they were being bred, and the lonely void that was left as the feelings subsided. But for a near-imperceptible blip, a microsecond of thought, there was a spark of joy. Faint, but there, always there in a way Lily had never – could never – notice before.

Magnolia pulled away, giving Lily a quick kiss on the cheek.

‘That trigger,’ she said with no small amount of smugness.

By now, even Magnolia had become emotionally exhausted as she lounged on the bed next to Lily, pulling them both beneath the covers. Magnolia held Lily, pulled tightly into her embrace, for what felt like hours.

‘I liked Lotus as a name,’ Lily eventually said, apropos of nothing.

Magnolia paused, then gave an incredulous laugh, ‘Really, Lily. You say the strangest things sometimes. You almost make it sound like you want kids now.’

‘No,’ they quickly said, ‘But, I mean, I know you can make me want that. So it’s really not up to me. I’d just be the breeding stock.’

An understanding smile crossed Magnolia’s lips as she nuzzled closer into Lily’s neck, kissing them between their shoulder and neck, ‘Then I have quite the responsibility to my lovely, loyal breeding stock, don’t I? To ensure that they are safe, and that despite everything we do, you are capable of the things I put your body through, and that I am equally capable of restraint – for both you and myself.’

Lily sighed. That was the Magnolia they knew. Reality was finally starting to make sense again.

‘Speaking of,’ Magnolia said, ‘I don’t believe I ever got the full picture of what happened. Could you explain what happened to make you lash out like that?’

Lily cringed, but felt less of the shame that overwhelmed them on the night itself. They had been punished and thereby forgiven. They could process this now.

‘It was … something Asher did. Before, I mean. He wasn’t actually … there. I mean I guess you know that. But he would always do annoying things while he- I think, um, I guess I just blocked it all out and when they were tickling me I … it all sort of came back. I didn’t feel safe anymore.’

Magnolia gave an understanding hum, nodding into Lily’s shoulder.

‘I see. That would explain your extreme reaction. Extreme enough to break your restraints. I know before I pontificated about just making your bonds more sturdy, though I think it would do well to make sure everyone is on the same page about what they can and cannot do to my property.’

Lily rested further into Magnolia’s arms, ‘Thank you, Mistress.’

‘Of course. I need to take care of my property, don’t I?’ Magnolia smirked before giving a lustful groan, ‘God, seeing you eventually giving in to your breeding was such a rush! I’m so glad I’d written that down when I’d thought of it.’

Lily’s ears perked up, ‘You write down ideas for me?’

‘Why wouldn’t I?’ Magnolia chuckled, ‘Not that I’d leave it anywhere for you to read, obviously. But I have many ideas for our future. You might not be bearing any children, but we both have a long and wonderful life ahead of us, Lily.’

Lily practically melted into her owner’s arms. It was a while before either spoke again, the silence broken now by Magnolia.

‘You know, this whole thing actually started as a dream I’d had.’

‘Wait, really?’

‘A few months ago, in the winter. Remember when I was bedridden with fever? I’d had a dream where I was some sort of spaceship captain, and I’d found just the most adorable little idiot that my expedition demanded I run experiments on. I just had to see if this dumb little creature was compatible with human life, after all.’

Lily gave a surprised giggle at Magnolia sharing something so silly, so deeply personal and intimate with them.

Then again, that seemed fitting considering what they’d both just gone through.

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