
Chapter 3

by PuppetRuler

Tags: #cw:noncon #dom:male #f/m #fantasy #pov:bottom #sub:female #clothing #dollification #gloves

Sophia was naked, lying back down on the bed. There was a thick fog in her head, and she still couldn’t move. It didn’t matter. The need that gripped her entire body refused to let her go. Her legs were spread, and she wanted to touch herself. She wanted to feel someone inside of her. She needed to feel someone touching her, even just a hand on her chest, or someone’s fingertips lightly touching her skin, or–


The voice from before. It made her entire body ache. “Yes?” That was her voice. She’d answered without thinking, without trying. It was completely natural to answer that voice.

“Is that how you address your superior?”

She felt a pang of guilt in her chest. “No, Sir. I’m sorry, Sir.” Her eyelids fluttered. “Please, I–”

“Quiet. Did I tell you to speak?” The voice was stern, correcting her. “You don’t ask for things. You don’t have desires. You do as I instruct and nothing more.”

Sophia whined, the commands sinking deep into her. She did want to be touched. She did want to obey the voice, to do exactly what they asked. She was so aroused, so desperate to be used. Used? When did I… What’s happening to me? She strained herself to try and move, feeling her left arm twitch.

dolls don’t move on their own,” the voice growled at her. Sophia immediately went limp. “Close your eyes.”

She obeyed instantly.

“There’s a good doll. So empty for me. So obedient.” A hand brushed the inside of her left thigh. She nearly yelped at the touch, but managed to contain herself. The voice didn’t want her to speak, so she didn’t. “I know this isn’t an easy process for you. You’re going to struggle. You’re going to want to resist.” A finger teased her sex. She couldn’t stop herself from moaning this time. “It’s going to feel this good when you finally give in. When that silly stubborn little head of yourself finally decides it’s had enough of trying to stop this from happening.”

Their thumb rubbed against her clit, completely overwhelming her. She needed it. She needed those fingers inside her, she needed to be fucked with anything. She didn’t care if it was those fingers, a cock, a toy, anything would do. “I know exactly what you’re thinking, doll. When I ask you questions, you’ll answer them without hesitating. When I tell you how to behave and what to think, you’ll conform instantly. You will be exactly what I want you to be, and you’ll love every second of it.”

Two fingers slipped inside of her. Sophia desperately wanted to grip the blanket beneath her, but she couldn’t move. Dolls don’t move on their own. And I– I must be… Her thoughts evaporated as the fingers began to pump in and out of her. She couldn’t help but moan, legs spread open before whoever this was. She was completely vulnerable, inside and out. But it feels so good…

“You’re going to give yourself to me, Sophia. And you may think it's your idea when you do.” The fingers curled inside of her and her back arched involuntarily. “But you never had a choice. Choices are for people, which you decidedly are not.”

Sophia’s lip twitched. “Wh– What do you mean? I’m–”

Quiet, doll.

She didn’t understand how the commands were this powerful, this overwhelming. There was nothing over her mouth, but she couldn’t make her lips form words. She had no choice but to lie completely still. The fingers inside of her pulled out, and she felt them wipe her arousal onto the inside of her thigh.

“A doll who resists is not a doll I grant pleasure.” She heard movement at the end of the bed. “You will stay where you are. Your arousal will only get worse.”

The voice was further away. Sophia suspected it was closer to the door, but she didn’t have any way to confirm whether or not she was right. She wanted to plead to them, to beg them to come back and fill every hole they were capable of.

She didn’t have a voice to ask with.

The voice had been right. Sophia couldn’t tell how much time had passed. It was impossible when she was so horny. She could barely stay focused long enough to form a coherent thought. She needed to be fucked. She needed to be fucked. Don’t they understand? I’d do anything. Anything to feel them inside of me again. Anything for them to fuck me, to fill me, to–


Sophia awoke with her sweat soaked sheets clinging to her skin. The lust that had overtaken her in her dreams had yet to fade. She closed her eyes tight and pressed her face into her pillow. She didn’t understand what was happening to her the last few days. It must have been something that fucking mage did. No other explanation made sense to her, and yet– The way he described what was going on with her hands… He did seem genuinely surprised to see it. Concerned, even. Even if he was still rude.

She rolled over and pushed herself out of bed. If it’s something he did… I don’t know how I can work for him. I need to figure this out. Both of her hands were now clearly marked with dark black lines over every joint. It didn’t seem to leave stains on her bedding, which only made her more irritated about his comment the night before. She wasn’t dirty, and she didn’t understand what was happening to her. She flexed her fingers. It didn’t feel as if anything was wrong with her hands either.

I’ll just take today to myself. I’ll run some errands and check in on everyone.


As soon as she set herself back to work, Sophia lost track of time. Even though it had only been a few days away from home, Jeanette’s front door hinge broke, Old Red’s floor had a hole to be patched back up, and Levi’s window got a nasty crack from a stray stone that some kid around town had apparently thrown. Levi didn’t see who it was that actually threw the rock, and that might have been a good thing– Levi wasn't exactly one to hold his anger in.

Hours passed as Sophia tinkered and helped arrange replacements for things she was unable to fix herself. It would be nice if I could just run my fingers over the window and fix it that way, she thought. I bet that kind of repair could be done magically. Honestly, I don't even know why Miles hired me. I bet he can fix everything in his home on his own. Maybe he just wanted someone to talk to. She finished tightening a screw on Jeanette's front door. She swung it back and forth a few times to make sure it closed properly. When Sophia was satisfied, she poked her head inside. “Jeanette, I'm finishing up here if you'd like to take a look!”

“Be right there!”

Sophia started packing her tools. But if he just wanted company, surely he'd just come into town and share a drink with someone. Or maybe just get in touch with one of his wizard friends or something? She paused. Wizard friends. Why am I when thinking about him? I have other things I need to do!

“Oh, Sophie, thank you so much,” Jeanette said, gingerly approaching the door. She always called her that, ever since Sophia had started helping take care of her. She wasn’t quite so fragile a few short years ago, but she had grown old and frail now. Sophia didn't like leaving her on her own for more than a couple of days. She didn't have anyone living with her to keep an eye on her, and Jeanette often kept to herself. Her house would fall down around her before she mentioned a problem to anyone. Sophia had made it her goal to not let that happen. “What would I do without you, dear?”

Sophia smiled and waved a hand. “It's nothing, really! I just feel bad that you've had this problem for days and I didn't even know!”

“Sophie, honestly, it's not like I was in danger. The hinge just gave out! If anything, you need to start taking better care of yourself. You spend far too long fretting over everyone but you!”

Sophia grimaced. “I take care of myself just fine, Jeanette! You don’t need to worry yourself over me.”

“Oh, Sophie.” It was hard to describe the look on the old woman’s face. There was a mixture of concern and… was it annoyance? Jeanette turned around to walk back inside. “Come in so I can feed you. I've been watching you run around all morning and I know you haven't eaten in hours.” She disappeared behind a corner. “And don’t you dare try and leave. You have time to eat.”

Sophia didn’t argue. She entered Jeanette’s home, the smell of old fabric slowly giving way to the smell of hot stew as she made her way towards the kitchen. Jeanette was already there, putting a full bowl down in front of Sophia and gesturing for her to start eating. She didn’t need further invitation– Jeanette’s food was always divine.

Her host sat down at the table next to her, bowl in hand. “Are your hands cold, Sophie? I know the weather hasn’t quite been as warm as it could be, but I haven’t seen you take those off all day!” She pointed her spoon at Sophia’s hands, still hidden under her leather gloves.

“Oh, um…” How do I even– “No, I just…” No point in hiding it. She sighed and pulled the glove off of her right hand. The markings on them hadn’t faded at all, boldly lining every joint. “I don’t know how it happened. These just… showed up on both of my hands, and I can’t manage to get them off.”

Jeanette grabbed Sohpia’s hand and pulled it close, looking at it through her thick glasses. “Strange… And you have no idea where they came from?”

“Not one. It’s been just a few days,” she replied. “Though I suppose they did start showing up after that mage asked me to assist him.”

Jeanette instantly perked up, letting go of Sophia’s hand. “Is that so?”

“Well, yes. I’m repairing an enormous wardrobe full of all kinds of different clothes, and–”

“What’s he like, dear?”

Sophia didn’t like the smile that had suddenly crept onto Jeanette’s face. “Well if you must know, he’s an ass.”

“He certainly does have a nice one.”


“I may be old Sophie, but I know a handsome man when I see one. I didn’t suddenly stop being a woman over time. If I were your age, I’d–”

“Jeanette! Gods, stop! Don’t you finish that sentence!” Sophia laughed and put her hands up to try and stop her companion from going any further. “You aren’t wrong, okay? I won’t lie and pretend like I haven’t thought about him that way before–” Often– “but there isn’t anything like that going on. I don’t think he’s interested. And really, it would only make the job harder. It’s better this way.”

“There’s a difference between better and easier, you know,” the old woman said, leaning back in her chair. “You deserve companionship, Sophie! I just want to see you happily enjoying the company of someone your own age for once.”

Sophia pulled the glove back on to her exposed hand and sighed. “I know, I know. It’s not like I don’t think about it. I just… I guess I don’t really know what I want. At the very least I haven’t found someone I’d like to be with like that yet.”

“Well, I suppose it’s none of my business anyway. That said, even if…?”

She looked at Sophia to fill in the blank. “Miles.”

“Even if Miles isn’t someone you want to stay with, he may very well introduce you to someone who is! At least give him a chance, Sophie.” Jeanette stood, taking the empty bowl from in front of Sophia.

I didn’t even realize we’d been talking that long! “I’m telling you, you don’t know just how much of a piece of work he–” Sophia abruptly stopped, a glare from Jeanette on the other side of the room silencing her. “Okay! Okay, fine! I promise I’ll be nice.” She rolled her eyes. “At least as nice as he is,” she mumbled.

Jeanette gave her a wry smile. “Who knows? Maybe he’ll surprise you.”


By the time Sophia finally finished her list of chores, the sun was well on its way toward the horizon. She wiped the sweat from her forehead and sighed. Although she didn't have to replace Ivan's window herself, the repair to the floorboards in Old Red's house took her much longer than she expected. Thankfully, Old Red wasn't nearly as fond of chatting as Jeanette was.

No, the real problem was her dream coming back to haunt her. She did her best to focus on the task at hand, but the arousal she'd woken with had returned and burned inside of her all the rest of the day. It was overwhelming. She had never experienced a feeling this persistent and intense.

And she could swear the markings on her hands wanted her to give in to that. To drag herself home and touch herself until she couldn't string a coherent thought together.

But she was stronger than that. She had responsibilities, and she had other people depending on her. There wasn't time to–

“Ms. Reed.”

Sophia had been so swept up in thinking about her day that she failed to notice the carriage waiting outside of her home. Miles was standing in front of her door. “Miles, what are you–”

“The carriage arrived empty this morning,” he explained, gesturing towards it. “Not so much as a note. I couldn't be sure if something had happened or not, so…”

Sophia blinked. I honestly wasn't sure he would notice, given how little I saw him yesterday. “I'm so sorry! I just… Forgot, I guess. When I woke up the carriage had already gone, and I just went about a normal day here without thinking.” It was the first lie she came up with. It would have to do.

He studied her for a moment, his eyes lingering on hers, then on her hands. “I will admit that I was somewhat concerned after I saw that the carriage was empty. I looked around my home for a bit before deciding to make my way out here.” He relaxed, apparently satisfied with her excuse. “Your hands; how are they?”

“The same as you saw them last, I'm afraid,” Sophia said. “They don't hurt or anything, and they don't seem to–”

Miles strode toward her and took her left hand, pulling the glove off with ease. Sophia blushed, caught off guard by his examination. “It's strange though, don't you think?”

She felt his warm breath on her skin. Something about this felt so familiar. “Y-yes, it is strange,” she stammered. She knew she must be bright red. Every touch of his fingers felt too good. Her clit throbbed. “Would you like to come inside, Mi–” There was an immediate change in the air that stopped her from finishing his name. “Would you like to come inside, sir? I could get you a drink if you’d like. It’s the least I could do for my mistake.”

He straightened himself and looked down at her, her hand still in his. Sophia looked up at his smile, his eyes twinkling. “I do appreciate it, but I must be on my way. It still is a bit of a trip home, and I have things to attend to while there’s still light.” He rubbed her finger with his thumb before letting go of her hand and it sent a shiver through her. “The carriage will be here in the morning for you.”

Sophia watched him walk back to the carriage. Her hands wanted to grab him. He had no right being this attractive, and the way he touched her–

He walked halfway inside, then turned back to look at her. “And I’d appreciate it if you didn’t keep me waiting tomorrow, Sophia.” He disappeared into the carriage as it rolled away.

What on earth just happened? Sophia stood in front of her home for a few minutes. She hadn’t expected him to check on her. She had assumed that she’d have to deal with more of his wit the next day than she’d up until now, but this… That was almost sweet of him, she thought. No, it was sweet of him. I can’t believe he was actually worried about me. She went back inside, shedding her clothes with every few steps. Her feet carried her to her bedroom. She couldn’t ignore the desperate need that had overcome her any longer.

Why had calling him sir felt so good?

Thank you for reading! My regular work has kept me from writing as much as I'd like but I do hope you enjoyed this chapter!


Niklasanderson 2024-08-22 at 19:02 (UTC+00)

Wow, I’m just fascinated by the intensity of you little novel. I would really like to find out what happens next bjt I’ve seen that your last publish was 7 years ago. Pleease continue :)

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