Kate and the God of the Incubi

Chapter 1

by Phan_Tassey

Tags: #cw:noncon #cw:sexual_assault #f/m #fantasy #incubus #paralysis_effects #paranormal #scifi #ghost

I'm a disabled writer, so, yes, I need money. Please consider subscribing to my Subscribe Star. All of these works are pure fiction.

Kate is a dutiful wife to her husband, Steven. Even as the evidence keeps piling up that leads her to believe that he's been having an affair, or more likely, many affairs. As the youngest senator in Florida's history, he's wanted by so many people; so many women. Her suspicions were solidified as she watched him walk off with two other women that he had been flirting with for several minutes. They were at an elite yacht party in international waters off the coast of Miami.

Kate had gotten a bit seasick, and after escorting her to a bathroom, Steven left her there. After grabbing a glass of champagne from the bar, she turned to see him chatting up two younger women. One was a Mexican, and the other looked to be Russian, or more likely Ukrainian. She almost dropped her glass as he walked off with them, boasting to his friend who was flirting with two others. After they went out of sight, she downed the last half of her champagne and turned back to the bar, only this time she took a seat with a defeated sigh. She felt angry. She felt like she wanted to cry. She felt like curling up into a ball and just dying. She bit the inside of her lip and took a deep breath to not show her emotions. She would have to wait until later.

"I've seen that look before," a woman sitting at the bar said.

Kate didn't really process what she had said and turned to her with a blank look, "What?"

The woman was Asian with a very slight accent and looked to be about the same age; 28. She was stunningly gorgeous and she sighed a bit as she got up to sit next to Kate. "I said, I've seen that look before. It means you need something stronger than champagne."

"Yeah, well, that's all they have on the menu here."

"That's why I bring my own menu," she said as she popped open her clutch purse to reveal a flask.

Kate wasn't sure, but she raised an eyebrow at the thought.

"Oh, c'mon," the Asian woman said as she firmly grabbed Kate's wrist and guided her out onto the deck. They got near to the bow when she stopped and pulled out the flask and opened it and took a swig before handing it to Kate.

Kate took it, but watched the Asian woman close her eyes and moan in pleasure before taking a sip herself. After she shook it off, she looked in awe as she watched the woman take out a little vial and pull out some white powder with her long pinky nail and then snort it. "Is that—" she began to ask. Kate had never done anything besides drink alcohol occasionally.

"Cocaine? Yes, I plan to share," she said as she took another snort up her other nostril. "Here." She handed her the vial and took the flask, taking a long sip.

Kate felt a bit paralyzed. She was actually considering doing an illegal drug.

"You deserve it, honey. Don't even think about it. You need to take your mind off of that fuck."

Kate looked up at her and smirked. The woman was right. She almost couldn't believe that she was dipping her pinky into the vial. It felt surreal as she brought it up to her nose and sniffed hard. It was almost like a film covered her eyes as her ears felt like they were getting warm.

"Go on, do another."

By the time she got it to her nose, she could feel her energy increasing. When she snorted the second dose, she felt her pussy throb and engorge slightly. The high wasn't as intense as she had expected, but it did seem to intensify her buzz from two champagnes and a shot of what tasted like whiskey.

"That's it. How do you feel now?"

"I... I feel like I'm buzzing."

The woman laughed heartily. "Mmm, you are cute." she said as she took the vial back and put it away. She offered Kate the flask again, but she declined it, and so the woman shrugged and took another swig before putting it back. She then suddenly moved in close to Kate. Kate's eyes went wide and she swallowed hard. Not only from nerves, but the cocaine was also dripping down from her sinuses. "I'd really like to kiss you right now." the woman said as she put a hand on her arm and the other brushed her hair aside from Kate's face. Her nails lightly grazed along her cheek which made her gasp and open her mouth that was then met by the woman's lips with an unexpected passion.

Kate wanted to stop her, but her pussy said otherwise, and it caused her to give into the woman's excellent kissing. Her hands naturally went to the woman's body. Kate moaned as the woman grabbed her ass firmly, pulling her in closer to her to where their breasts met. The woman grabbed the back of her head with her other hand as the one on her ass began to pull up her tight dress. She felt like she wanted it to stop until the woman's hand found the gusset of her panties. The sensation felt stronger than usual and it caused her to break their kiss to let out moan. The woman continued to kiss her along her face and to her neck and cleavage as she then pushed the gusset aside and deftly shoved her middle and ring fingers into her wet pussy while her thumb rubbed her clitoris.

Kate's knees went weak, but not enough for her to fall. It still made her feel more trapped in this situation that felt out of control. She kind of wanted it to stop. She had had no intention of getting payback, but the woman was stimulating her g-spot and was getting her to cum faster than she had ever before. Her hips bucked and her grip tightened on the woman while light grunts escaped her lips.

When it finished, the woman moaned and pulled out her fingers and shoved them into her own mouth and licked them clean with another long moan. "You taste so good. I can tell you haven't been fucked in a while. It's such a shame for such a gorgeous woman. You deserve better. In fact, I have a gift for you."

Kate was still in shock at what had just happened, plus the fact that she had allowed it to happen. On top of that, she was still coming down from her orgasm that felt stronger due to being high. She felt a bit paralyzed as she watched the woman grab at her cleavage to reveal another vial that looked like brass. She opened it and then put it up to Kate's nose just as she was inhaling. She couldn't see it, but she felt a cold mist flow through her nostrils and into her lungs. She then passed out.

She was awakened by her husband shaking her and yelling her name. For a moment she couldn't remember what had happened, but then she began to remember the Asian woman as Steven pulled her upright. He was angry with her, but she couldn't really focus on what he was saying. She felt a bit dizzy, and her head throbbed although there wasn't any pain. The boat ride to the harbor and the subsequent limo ride to their hotel was a blur other than the constant berating and scolding by her husband.

Kate felt nauseous as they entered their hotel room. The berating continued as they undressed down to their underwear and got into bed. She had managed to say enough along the way to keep him from getting even more angry. He's never hit her, but he's thrown things against walls for dramatic effect. She still felt like she was in a slight daze, but the nausea subsided after she peed and crawled into bed. She was still struggling to remember what had happened, hearing brief snippets of things they had said to each other. Steven was already snoring, and she felt herself beginning to drift off to sleep, just as she remembered the kiss. Her eyes shot open, but she couldn't move. She tried to cry out, but nothing happened.

A second later, the cold mist began exiting her nose and mouth. She watched in horror as the dark purpley mist coalesced above her. She was suddenly struck with the memory of breathing it in. She was feeling a panic that she had never known. The most frightening part was not being able to move, and she was forced to watch as the mist began to coalesce into a tall and lanky humanoid form. Kate had no idea what was happening. She doesn't watch horror movies, and has never heard of anything like this.

When it finished escaping her lungs, the mistform's long hands pet her all over, and even though it was touching her private parts as though it could pass right through her underwear, she felt a strange calm that had a slight arousal to it. She still felt scared, but she couldn't resist the sensations. They kept building and building as the entity's head slowly came closer and closer to hers. As it did, the euphoric sensations increased. She couldn't moan. She could only experience it and try to resist it with her mind, but it was obvious that she couldn't win that battle. The mysterious mistform had full control.

The entity's face hovered for a few moments barely an inch from her face. She could feel her sensations wanting to come to a crescendo, and it was as though she was dancing along the precipice of having an orgasm. Something she's done with Steven more than she would admit. As she began to wonder just how far this thing wanted to go, it moved in for a kiss. It felt like lips touching hers, but they were cold lips, and as soon as they did, her orgasm struck hard. She couldn't convulse or cry out. Again, she could only experience the feelings, and they were incredible. Before she could muster her next thought, the mistform quickly dissipated, and Kate fell fast asleep.

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