Her Dream Woman

Chapter 3: Brand New Day

by MrMarkus

Tags: #cw:noncon #dream_manipulaton #edging #f/f #hypnotic_dream #lesbification

This story is a work of fiction; any apparent resemblance between the characters in this story and any actual persons living or dead is purely coincidental and unintentional.

Do not read this story if you are under the age of 18 or if explicit sexual fiction is illegal in your jurisdiction.

This story contains mind control and explicit descriptions of sexual intercourse between women. If any of these concepts disturb you, find something else to read.

Copyright 2024 by MrMarkus (aka marcus)

Penelope’s jaw dropped as she recognized the voice.

It was indeed the voice of the woman from her dreams.

She slowly turned her head toward the voice, torn between fear that she’d see something that proved she was losing her mind and the need to know one way or the other.

A curvaceous woman in a skintight black catsuit sat on the opposite side of the seat. That was why the seat had looked empty at first glance. That part at least made sense. Nothing else did right now.

The black-clad figure pulled off a black mask, revealing the regal face and dark hair of the woman from the dreams. “I’m sure you recognize me.”

Penelope was vaguely aware that the car was moving, turning and turning again as it made its way out of the parking lot and onto the street. She was going wherever this woman intended to take her.

“But… it was just dreams… How can you be real?” she stammered. “I’ve never seen your face before… How could I have dreamed about you…?”

“I realize that you’re confused,” Candace said reassuringly. She reached into the pocket at the back of the driver’s seat. “Perhaps these will clear things up. I believe they belong to you…?”

She held out a mesh laundry bag containing panties and a pair of slippers. Penelope opened the bag to get a better look. Yes, they were definitely her missing slippers, personalized with joke “left” and “right” labels on the wrong feet and showing a familiar stubborn stain on the left one near the word “right”. The panties looked like her size. A close look showed that one seam had started to separate. She remembered noticing that the evening before the first dream and making a mental note to throw them out if the split got worse.

Candace had the things she’d been wearing the night the dreams had started. That meant…

“It wasn’t just dreams. It was real. I really went on a ride with you that night.”

Candace nodded, then looked expectant as if waiting for Penelope to continue.

The next step was a guess, but it was the only thing she could think of that made sense. “You hypnotized me so I’d go with you and not remember, except when I dreamed about it.”

“Smart girl!” She grinned. “I like smart girls.”

“But how? Why?

“The ‘how’ was simple enough. We put a virus on your computer that let us remotely trigger a hypnotic display with customizable post-hypnotic suggestions. Frankly, your company ought to fire their IT department and hire some competent people.”

Remembering some of the computer snafus she’d dealt with at work, not to mention Janice spending more time gossiping than working, Penelope had to agree.

“As for ‘why’…” She looked thoughtful. “I admit that at first I just wanted to make sure you’d agree to work for me. Your knowledge of quantum neurosimulation technology could be put to much better use if you were working for someone who understands its potential and isn’t constrained by petty corporate politics.” She grinned. “Someone like me. Together, we could make some remarkable breakthroughs.”

Penelope nodded. “They’re shutting down my project, so I’m going to need a new job anyway. If that’s an offer, consider it accepted.”

“Good. However, that’s not the only offer I wanted to make sure you’d accept.” She put her hand on Penelope’s knee. “You see, I soon realized that I don’t just want your mind. I want your body.”

“So you hypnotized me to become a lesbian.” There was no anger or accusation in her tone. She simply wanted to understand.

“No. I hypnotized you to come home with me and to respond favorably to homoerotic suggestions. That’s the limit of what hypnosis alone can do.” She smiled ruefully. “Even kissing you was risky. You might have snapped out of it and ruined everything. I just couldn’t resist.” She glanced at the laundry pouch. “Just like I couldn’t resist seeing you completely naked.”

Penelope considered the implications of that. “Then you didn’t…” She was still just a bit uncomfortable saying it out loud.

“I didn’t make love to you? No, I didn’t, much as I wanted to. That would have snapped you out of it for sure.”

“But now…” Penelope paused.

“You’re so adorable when you blush!” Candace cooed.

“Now I want to let you make love to me. Hell, I want to let you fuck me!” she declared, pushing her residual inhibitions and sense of decorum to the wayside.

“Oh, I will, just as soon as I get you home!”

Penelope felt a tingle between the thighs. “We do have a nice big back seat right here,” she suggested. Being naughty offset the embarrassment of being prudishly tongue-tied a moment ago.

Candace chuckled. “I think we’re both a bit too old to make out in the back seat like a couple of teenagers.”

“You got pretty handsy with me when you took me home before,” Penelope objected. “Those dreams I had are memories from that trip, right?”

“You are smart! The trip was designed to nudge you toward lesbian thoughts while you were in a suggestible trance. Those thoughts became part of your memories. Those memories were converted into vivid lifelike dreams, erased from your conscious mind, and planted in your subconscious along with some deep subliminal programming. The dreams played out on a preset schedule, reinforcing and escalating the effect. That’s the dream conditioning protocol I developed using quantum neurosimulator technology.”

“That’s how you turned me into a lesbian!” Once again, there was no recrimination or resentment, just satisfaction at having a mystery solved so that the world made sense again.

“Exactly. Now you know how and why it happened. I want you to know how and why it happened, because that actually makes the conditioning more effective.”

That made sense, Penelope thought. She hadn’t become a lesbian just because of a mysterious weird science experiment. She’d become a lesbian because Candace had gone to a lot of trouble, because Candace wanted her.

She wouldn’t have it any other way.

They rode in silence holding each other’s hands for a little while. Then Candace spoke. “In a few minutes, we’ll arrive, and then we’ll put your lesbian conversion to the test.”

“I’m going to get an A plus on that test and prove what a smart girl I am!”

“I certainly hope so,” Candace purred. In a mock-menacing tone, she added, “Be warned that if you want an outstanding performance evaluation from me, you’re going to have to earn it!”

Both women chuckled as the limo turned onto the side street that led to the mansion and then pulled into the garage.

Penelope let Candace lead her along, though after seven repetitions of the last dream she knew the route like she knew the layout of her own home. The women paused for a passionate kiss at the door of the boudoir, then stepped inside.

Once again, the brunette guided the blonde to the bed. The door opened again, and Rose entered.

“Rose, please hang our clothes in the armoire,” Candace said as she began unbuttoning her jacket. Penelope followed her lead and began removing her own outfit.

The two women undressed. Rose took the jackets and blouses, carried them to a wooden wardrobe in the corner, and neatly hung up the garments. She then returned for their remaining clothing. Penelope was amused to see that even the socks, bras, and panties were placed neatly on hangers.

Now completely naked, they took the time to look each other up and down. Each of them did a slow turn while her partner watched, and then each of them did a slower turn with shimmies and wriggles added to spice up the show. Neither of them had any complaints about what they saw.

They sat on the bed to exchange another deep passionate kiss, then lay side by side on the mattress. They kissed again. Candace pulled back a moment to whisper, “More tongue action, darling!” Penelope complied as the kiss resumed.

Then, Candace pulled back completely. She got out of bed and then got back into it with her feet toward the headboard.

Penelope was new to lesbian sex, but she knew enough about it to guess what was about to happen. The two women were about to exchange “feminine oral intimacy”. The phrase from the dream commercial now seemed cute and clever and salacious and sensual all at once.

She spread her thighs to accommodate her partner’s face and maneuvered her own face into position to give satisfaction. This must be why she’d been asked to use “more tongue action” to get herself properly limbered up and ready.

A shiver went through her body as Candace’s tongue found her clit. Well, she might be new at this, but she would give as good as she got. Her own tongue thrust forward, searching, probing… there! She felt her partner’s body respond and heard a muffled moan.

Both women licked at each other, each doing her best to please her partner. Penelope realized that she wanted a long-term relationship with Candace and was doing her best to prove that she would make a satisfying lover. Candace was determined to give Penelope the best possible experience for both generous and selfish reasons. In general, she always wanted her partner to have a good time and felt very pleased with herself when she succeeded. In this specific case, an enjoyable initiation into lesbianism would deepen and reinforce the dream conditioning.

Experience triumphed over newbie enthusiasm as Penelope’s body shuddered in climax. Once she recovered, however, it didn’t take her long to return the favor.

“Oh, that was nice!” Penelope cried.

“I’m glad you enjoyed yourself,” Candace replied. “So, tell me: is ‘feminine oral intimacy’ habit-forming?”

The blonde laughed as she recalled how the dream commercial had repeated that term so frequently and earnestly. “I think it just might be,” she said, grinning.

“Good. Because I’m not done with you yet.” Candace rolled to the edge of the bed and got to her feet in one quick motion. “Sit down on the foot of the bed.”

Penelope obeyed, already guessing where this was going. Her guess turned out to be accurate but incomplete.

Candace knelt between Penelope’s legs. She turned to look over her shoulder. “Rose?” she called.

The redhead approached, now naked except for her chauffeur’s cap. In a few quick steps, she walked up to the bed and knelt down on it. She knee-walked into position directly behind Penelope, reached around to firmly grasp her tits, and leaned in close enough for her to feel Rose’s breath on her cheek.

“Candace is going to give you a special treat this time,” she whispered into the blonde’s ear. “Instead of plowing full speed ahead, she’s going to take you right to the edge and hold you there for a while.”

Penelope had never experienced anything like that. She’d read about it, though. They called it “edging” and described it as a long torturous tease that paid off with a delightfully intense orgasm.

“As for me, I’m her lookout. I can feel your body responding, listen to your breathing, and judge exactly how tightly wound up you are. I can let her know if she should give you a little more tongue action to warm you up to a nice steady simmer, or if she should dial it back so you don’t boil over too quickly.”

“Oooohhhh…” Penelope whimpered. Her pussy wasn’t being touched, but it felt twitchy just from imagining what was about to happen.

Then she gasped as Candace leaned in and started going to work.

“Slow down,” Rose said. “She’s pretty worked up already.”

Candace backed off, barely making contact with the tip of her tongue.

“More!” Penelope cried.

She was immediately contradicted. “Oh, no. No more. Keep up that nice slow tickle.”

Of course, Candace listened to Rose, not to her. Her pussy tingled again and again as it felt each gentle tentative touch. It went on and on, producing more frustration than pleasure.

“Give her just a little more… yes, like that.”

Penelope gasped as her partner’s tongue touched her clit for just a moment. She shuddered as it happened again.

“Slow down a notch. Give her another second or two between licks and let her stew a little.”

The pace of the action shifted accordingly. Penelope alternately groaned in frustration and gasped with pleasure in rhythm with her partner’s intermittent attentions.

“She feels like she’s getting close to the boiling point. Slow down some more.”

“Noooo…” It was a futile protest.

“That’s it. That feels like it’s keeping her right near the edge.”

“Ohhhh… ohhhhhh!” She wanted to be a good sport and let Candace and Rose have their fun. She definitely wanted to find out if the eventual orgasm would be as good as those “edging” stories said it was.

She wasn’t sure how much more of this frustration she could stand, though.

“Please!” she finally cried. “I wanna cum!”

“Not yet,” Rose taunted. “Hold on a little bit longer. Trust me; it’ll be worth it!”

Penelope felt her hips starting to reflexively twitch. She was so close to cumming that she could easily get triggered by the slightest miscalculation. She tried to shimmy forward to press herself onto Candace’s tongue. Rose held her back.

“Oh, you bitch!” she growled.

“That’s me!” Rose cheerfully replied. She took a deep breath and slowly blew it onto the blonde’s ear. Suddenly, she snapped, “Now!”

Penelope’s entire body shook as a firm tongue thrust sent her careening into an orgasm like nothing she’d ever experienced before. It was exhilarating and disorienting and even a little terrifying. Her breath came in short ragged gasps as she tried to recover her equilibrium.

When she was fully aware of her surroundings again, she was slumped back limply against Rose with Candace standing in front of her.

“Well?” “What do you think?” It took her a moment to process the fact that Candace had asked the first question and Rose the second.

“That was… wonderful!” she sighed. “We have to do it again sometime… but let’s wait a while.”

“Whenever you’re ready. I could switch places with Rose. She has such a knack for it she could probably drive you even closer to the edge and hold you there for twice as long as I did.”

Penelope’s eyes went wide and her jaw dropped. “I’m going to need some time to work up the nerve to try that,” she finally replied.

“That’s all right. You’ll have all the time you need. We all will.”



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