The Succubus Named Lilac


by Motherlygirl

Tags: #f/f #fantasy #magic #monstergirl #succubus #urban_fantasy

Hello! As usual, I adore feedback of basically all kinds and would love to hear back from you at my email or my twitter, @lovemommyhypno. Please feel free to send any criticism or praise that you have!

"Game," Lilac giggled to herself as her tail thrashed. Thoughts of Snow's body, of her kindness, washed over her brain and filled it with a pleasant electric thrum. It felt as if a low bassline of excitement ran purring across the inside of her bones, and from there rang out across her body to her soft and sensuous skin. "Fun word choice. Do you mean game as in fun," she growled, rolling on top of snow and arching her back almost like a cat. Her hands gripped Snow's soft, cool wrists and held them down. Her knees, bearing some of her weight, squeezed Snow's sides beneath her. "Or do you mean game as in…" Lilac flicked her tongue out and tapped at her lips hungrily with it. "...prey?" 

"Hate to disappoint but I'm not much for that kinda thing," Snow answered with a bemused rolling of her eyes. Her wings, splayed beautifully along the surface of Lilac's bed, fluttered as much as they could, given the circumstances. "I'm a vanilla kinda girl, you know? Got a bit of a plain Jane snow white dealy going on." She grinned a coy little grin up at Lilac, as if to taunt the succubus with her comparative lack of spice. To her surprise, Lilac blushed. 

"Oh, um. I didn't even- I just wanna fuck you," Lilac admitted, her voice unfirm. Her tail clenched into a big tight heart all on its own behind her. "Prey like- how succubi do, not like. Heck." 

"Oh my God you sheltered little flower," Snow tittered to herself, affection shimmering clearly in her eyes like the sun reflecting off of fresh snow. Lilac felt an urge to get lost staring into them, to bore through them with her own and dig into Snow's mind, her heart, her soul, and kiss just as deeply, jam her tail between the angel's legs and fuck her with her barb for hours on end! She shook those feelings off, no no no, this wasn't her girlfriend, this was a kind stranger (or a friend of Leelah's, perhaps?) who offered companionship and- "hey!" Snow grabbed Lilac's attention. She smiled up, somehow both innocently and seductively at the same time. "Hey. I dunno what inner conflict you're grappling with but you are allowed to play with me. I consented already. Now, would you please FUCK ME UP?" Lilac giggled and reached into herself searching for the mood. She found it fairly quickly. 

"Okay then, you cheeky little bird," Lilac purred authoritatively as her tail arced up over her shoulder and flexed menacingly like a scorpion's stinger. "How shall I melt you, then? With my lips? My eyes? My voice? Shall I stab you with my tail and turn your brain into a hot gooey ocean of hot pink formless adoration poured into a container shaped like my body, perhaps?"

"No stabbing, until after any foreplay please," Snow replied- not quite meekly, but less authoritative than she typically sounded. "Just-" before she could finish that statement, Lilac's face lunged for hers and made contact with her lips using Lilac's own. The two kissed intimately and deeply, savoring the wet warmth of one another's bodies. Lilac pressed her tight, slender form down against Snow's and delighted internally at the way their bodies felt against each other. Both were soft, warm, but Snow was cooler by comparison, and thus felt cool to the touch for Lilac. Lust, too, burned within Lilac and raised her temperature even higher. Snow's arms squirmed against Lilac's grip but the demon gripped them and refused to let go. 

"Goood girl," purred Lilac as she slipped away from Snow's mouth. The angel craned upwards towards her and reached for Lilac with her lips but, pinned down such as she was, she couldn't quite reach. Lilac for her part only pulled her upper body farther up and away, her wings slipping free from her body with ease and stretching as if to emphasize her dominance and position of power by making her look physically larger. Snow mewled happily, her eyes (which now glowed faintly with the pale pink light of Lilac's supernatural charisma taking hold) zipping all across Lilac's body to drink in the sight of her unrestrained demonic form. She flopped back down with a light gasp, almost as if so taken with the beauty of Lilac's body, or else so moved by that display of trust and comfort, that any thoughts of upholding even feigned resistance had fled from her being. Lilac failed to make the connection between losing the last vestieges of her disguise and Snow flopping down submissively the way that she had. Her own mind, too, found itself swept up rapturously in the throes of…well, the joy of doing as her nature hungered so constantly to do. 

"Gosssh," Snow whimpered, her voice now a paltry and almost awed whisper. She stared adoringly up at Lilac as hormones, induced at once by all of Lilac's magic, her own sexuality, and the oppurtunity to experiment with such an enticing body, hit her mind like a wave smashing through a wall. The sight of Lilac's thin, angular body straddling her, extending straight up with her ample chest contrasting her delicate features and the hair that fell straight from her head like a veil or a mantle, all framed by her black leathery wings and sturdy, beautiful horns, it heated her body in ways that felt entirely new. "I love youuuuu, Lilac." 

"Now now now, precious," Lilac chided with a devilish little grin on her face that made not even an effort at the pretense of ignorance. She knew exactly what she was doing. "You know that's suuuch a silly thing to say to me. We did just meet each other, after all," she added as lifted a hand to her face and blew a kiss at Snow. A little pink heart made of magical energy sailed into her and lit her body up pink for a second. After it faded, a pair of intense, practically neon hearts glowed in the black of a now violently infatuated Snow- who drooled from her gaping, shamelessly thirsting maw. "Don't you, now~?"

"Nooooo," protested Snow, who had never felt a tenth this much love for anything or anyone before in her life. Her face shattered into a brainless expression of almost animalistic delight, her tongue hanging from her mouth as she thrashed beneath Lilac's body. She couldn't escape, of course, and neither did she try especially hard to do it. It felt pretty nice having Lilac's toned thighs wrapped around her. Lilac's weight provided her with a comforting form of gentle pressure, too, which she found she quite liked. "Not sillyyyyy, I love youuuuuu!" She reached pitifully up for Lilac's tits, but she couldn't quite get her hands on them. This amused Lilac, who giggled with a domineering grin and a gently teasing glare. 

"Such a silly girl, falling for me so quickly. Don't you know us demons are bad news? Especially for a feathery little thing like you, surrrrely you have much more reputable partners available to toy around with, do you not~?" 

"Nonsense, I love youuuu!" Squealed Snow almost the instant Lilac stopped talking. The demon only answered in the form of a low throaty chuckle, one that escaped her body in almost the form of a growl. Somewhere behind the front lines of Lilac's brain a synapse fired which told her to feel either deeply moved or moderately guilty- one which gripped no soil and got nowhere before it went quiet. Instead she merely took Snow's wrists in her hands once more, and quite literally fell upon her so that her breasts (a little bit bigger now than they had been last time) pressed up against the angel's. Both girls moaned subconsciously as the sensation hit their brains of the two's nipples rubbing up against one another. 

After that (and a brief awkward silence which had followed), Lilac grinned toothily and glared powerfully into Snow's eyes. "Keep saying that you love me," she demanded in a rougher voice than usual, but one which was still undeniably that of affectionate play. Snow started to do as had been requested of her, but before she could finish Lilac's barbed tail stabbed into her thigh. She yelped in delight and then, a moment later, started to thrash violently as one wave of powerful ecstacy after another assaulted her nervous system directly. 

"YoooOOOU-!" Snow squealed, shaking terribly as her face became the most colorful it had ever been in her life- about the shade and hue of a tomato. The question of how that worked, whether angels had blood, did not come anywhere near Lilac's mind. She was practically in heat, after all.

"Yesssss," she growled with a smile that would look sadistic were she actually hurting anyone, "MORE! MORE! GIVE ME MORE!" She growled with loud firm intent permeating each and every syllable. Snow flailed helplessly beneath her, and her body radiated the delicious sexual (and romantic!) energy that Lilac fed on. She absorbed it, consumed it, nourished herself with it, indulging lustfully an appetite which she had only ever pushed down to "not hungry" her entire life. Now, though, she eagerly shoved down every last drop that she could get.

Mere exposure, she knew, did not go far enough. She wanted more. She needed more. 

Lilac gripped Snow's wrists tighter, shoved her clitoris in and up and down against Snow, wrenched her barbed tail free from Snow's leg and pumped in and out of the angel's pussy with it. Snow kicked and writhed and moaned harder and harder, but Lilac silenced her with a wet heavy kiss, mouth clamped mercilessly down on hers, tongues interwoven as the demon sucked love and arousal from her in an exhausting downpour of emotion. Snow convulsed as an orgasm exploded across her body in a veritable fireworks event of multicolored hormones detonating in her brain and obliterating everything they touched. At last she went limp, heaving heavy breaths down into her lungs as she blanked.

Lilac collapsed on her side herself, so overwhelmed she didn't even think to slide her tail out of Snow's body. She wore a blank, almost shocked expression as she processed the amount of nutrition she'd just violently devoured. Her own breaths, too, became heavy and slow and gained an almost deliberate quality as she recovered. Both girls succumbed to exhaustion before they could talk about what happened, and they comfortably fell asleep next to each other- Lilac's tail slipping out of Snow as it moved into a more comfy position on its own. 


Leelah hadn't heard from Snow or Lilac, so after her classes ended she made straight for her pet's dorm. She passed a few girls she lowkey wanted to watch Lilac smooch- including a vampire so hot she almost made Leelah wish she had blood- and navigated the succubus's dorm. The stairs she bounded down effortlessly, all the while wishing the railing looked less dirty so she'd be safe slime-rolling down them without having to pick bits of filth and rust out of herself afterwards. She came to the door to Lilac's floor and…and it was locked. Damnit.

She considered sliding under it, but that would probably break school rules. She hardly wanted the university calling her mother, after all. While she was weighing her options, though, someone politely opened it for her. She walked inside and, after waiting for an opening, procured a secret key she'd made by using her body to produce a mold of Lilac's. She'd done it with permission, of course, and even gotten herself cursed so that if she tried using it in ways Lilac wouldn't want, she'd get a personal cloud that would rain saltwater until she apologized in person. 

Anyway, she opened the door and went into her succubus's room. Inside, Snow and Lilac both lay on the bed pretty much naked and very much asleep. Lilac seemed to glow with a warmth Leelah had never seen before. It made her feel all warm and good inside, but just because Lilac seemed healthy didn't mean she didn't still need to be cared for. Leelah fetched a fuzzy blanket from under the bed (chosen for its unusual quality not to bother Lilac's skin) and draped it over both girls. Before that, though, she dripped a few tiny blobs onto each which darted about drinking up all the sweat and sex to keep it off the blanket (or all of Lilac's, at least; Snow's it only dissolved and moved elsewhere). She adjusted both girls to have their heads on pillows, stroked their heads softly, and giggled to herself. 

You know, she thought to herself, I feel wiped out too!

Leelah melted entirely into slime and slipped under the blanket to wrap around her girlfriend. She vibrated to hum a soothing lullaby as well. 

Post Script: Hello again! If you REALLY liked this and want to financially support me, please consider going to my patreon at and pledging to it! I deeply appreciate every dollar, and $5 patrons get to read two chapters a month as much as a month in advance! 


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