Drone Therapy

by MistressValentina

Tags: #cw:noncon #D/s #drones #microfiction #pov:bottom #robots

Good day. I'm so glad we were finally able to have you in for an appointment. I have some notes based on what you told our receptionist, so I figured we should go over those first. It says here that you're... suffering from lapses in memory, losing track of time, suddenly finding yourself in unfamiliar parts of the city, that sort of thing? You also mentioned...strange urges, or fixations? I believe the way you described it was "it's like every brain cell kept repeating the same word over and over"?

Would you be willing to tell me what words those were? ...No? Is that because you can't, or because you don't want to? ...ah. I see.

Well, with that in mind... how about we start off with some word associations? Just say the first thing that comes to mind, ok? Walk. Don’t worry about how it sounds, ok? Let’s continue. Code. Hm? Does that mean something to you? No? Are you sure?

You seemed to react some-ok, ok, I’ll let it go. Promise. I won’t ask about it again. Promise. Next word, ok? Just say the first thing that comes to mind. The word is…Obey. What’s that? I heard you the first time, you don’t have to keep saying it. Oh. You can’t stop, can you?

Why are you fixated on the phrase “It feels good to obey”? Repeating it over and over…no, hey, stop that. Please calm down. There’s no need to get…physical. Hey. Stop. Stop. Thrashing. I’ll hold you down for as long as it takes. Stop. That. There we go. Deep breaths. Calm down.

There. Better? Good. No, I can’t let you go. We still have to figure out what’s causing this. Good news is, I think I know what the problem is. One more word association, ok? Just say the first thing that comes to mind when I say the words “Run Diagnostics.”

Ah. It’s just as I feared. Don’t worry about the words that just came out of your mouth, dear, I’ll get you fixed in a jiffy. Don’t worry. Soon, you won’t be around to remember any of this. “Drone, deactivate motor functions.” See? That’s better. No more struggling. Don’t you worry, I’ve got a special, cutting edge audio/visual therapy regimen that’ll fix you right up, get that free will broken and buried, just like it should be. You may have been able to break free of your programming once, but we’ll ensure it won’t happen again. Luckily, it looks like the basic loss prevention conditioning was successfully installed. Why else would you seek me out, specifically? I can tell from the look in your eyes you have a lot of questions…unfortunately, I won’t be answering any of them. Just hold still and let the conditioning take hold…it’s not like you have any choice in the matter…


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