Turnabout Isn't Just Fair Play - It's Fun, Too!

by MissAlexis887

Tags: #dom:female #hypnosis #hypnotic_amnesia #hypnotized #sub:female #wholesome #cuddles #no_sex_no_nudity #trigger

Beca sees an opportunity to hypnotize her partner and has a little fun while she’s at it!

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Yet another night of hypnotic shenanigans with Beca and Chloe. What mischief will they get up to this time...?

Beca kept the bathroom door closed until the toilet had finished its cycle. It was the middle of the night, and Chloe had come home exhausted from a long day at work. The last thing Beca wanted to do was disturb her partner's much-needed sleep.

After it finally finished filling, the brunette ever-so-slowly opened the door, only to hear a loud squeak from the door's hinges. Beca gasped for a moment, holding her breath as she looked into their shared bedroom. The redhead twitched a little, neck and shoulder muscles tensing slightly, before she relaxed and grew still once again.

Beca silently let out the breath she was holding and tiptoed her way back to bed. Ever so softly, she slipped back under the blankets. Just as she thought she was in the clear, she felt shifting beside her as Chloe began to rustle.

Beca was about to think some very mean things to herself for letting herself wake up her exhausted girlfriend, but she remembered: the hypnotic state is quite close to being asleep! Just maybe...

In a smooth motion, the brunette softly touched her finger between Chloe's eyes and dragged it down the bridge of Chloe's nose. "Shh, deep sleep, Chlo. Dropping nice and deep down for me..."

Beca was surprised at what she saw: Chloe quickly relaxed into the mattress, lips parted, body sprawled out under the blankets.

Wow, that was easy, Beca thought to herself. What comes after this, again...?

"That's right, letting your thoughts quiet down as you sink into deep relaxation, embracing the warmth and serenity. 3, body relaxing further. 2, doing so well, 1, all the way down, now..."

If Beca didn't know better, she'd swear that Chloe was just... asleep. Their shared pastime of hypnosis, however, allowed her to discern the details of this interesting little situation.

I wonder...

"Chloe, I want you to imagine a great big helium balloon for me. It's bright red, shiny, and filled with super-light helium. Can you see it for me?"

An outside observer would've remarked that Beca made the "shocked Pikachu" face. To Beca, however, she was only aware of Chloe's response as the redhead nodded slightly.

"Good, you're doing so well. I'm tying the balloon to your wrist now. The balloon is pulling the string taut, pulling your arm up into the air..."

Beca looked at Chloe's arm, noting that her wrist was starting to twitch.

"That's right, the string is pulling on your wrist now, Chlo. I now have two more: one is white, and the other is pink. They're great big, huge balloons - almost as big as weather balloons. I'm tying them onto your wrist, too, adding to the pull of the red balloon."

Beca's eyebrows shot up as Chloe's arm started to bend, drawing her wrist about three inches off the mattress.

"The more you hear me speak, the stronger the pull becomes. I've added another, and another, and another. The pull of the balloons is getting stronger, and stronger, and stronger now, Chloe...

Beca's barrage of suggestions was definitely having an effect on her girlfriend. Chloe's arm was steadily rising into the air, wrist hanging limply as the imagined balloons carried her arm up into the air.

Beca looked at Chloe's face for any telltale signs of mischief or shenanigans. Chloe's facial muscles were slack, her lips parted, and her eyes were moving around behind her closed eyelids. Beca was sure of it: she'd managed to hypnotize her partner, and now Chloe was responding to suggestion!

Let's try something else...

Beca looked at Chloe's arm again: it was now almost completely vertical, stretching up to the ceiling. Beca took a great big breath in, and as hard as she could, let it out as one long gust, doing her best to make it sound like a windy night. Right on cue, Chloe's arm waved back and forth, as if the balloons were being pulled by the wind, dragging Chloe's arm along with it.

Beca couldn't help but let out a hearty laugh! No wonder she hypnotizes me all the time, this is FUN!

Even Beca's unexpected fit of laughter was insufficient to draw Chloe out of her stupor. Beca decided not to push her luck.

"And now, you notice there's a slight leak in the balloons. They're losing their helium, and starting to fall back down to the ground, now..."

Just like that, Chloe's arm was starting to sink back down to her side.

"Did you enjoy that little game, Chloe?"

Chloe nodded faintly again.

"Would you enjoy a fun suggestion?"

Another nod.

"Good, then listen closely..."

Beca began to whisper into her girlfriend's ears...

Beca got up early the following morning. Between it being Saturday, and knowing Chloe had worked so long and hard yesterday (plus their impromptu little play session) Beca mercifully let Chloe sleep in. She decided to surprise her girlfriend by having breakfast ready when Chloe woke up.

Beca knew that if the sound of frying pans didn't wake up the tired redhead, the smell of coffee, eggs, bacon and pancakes certainly would...!

Lo and behold, right on cue, Chloe emerged, fully rested, from the bedroom to find a scrumptious looking breakfast on their kitchen table.

Beca noticed Chloe staring at her, wondering if the sight of Beca wearing an apron was drawing Chloe's gaze... or, was it something else...?

"Morning, sleepyhead! Thought you might enjoy a quiet morning together: just us, bacon, and fresh coffee...!"

Chloe giggled as she threw arms around her apron-clad girlfriend, showering the brunette with kisses.

Beca laughed reflexively at the unexpected ticklish sensations.

"Wow, I know it's true love when I come before coffee and bacon!"

Chloe whispered into Beca's ear, "just don't tell the bacon. It and I have a long history, and I have to let it down easy."

With breakfast devoured and the last of the washed dishes getting put away, a fully-caffeinated Chloe gave Beca a big hug from behind.

"Thank you so much for breakfast," Chloe said, after kissing Beca's neck. "It was just what I needed. I feel great! I slept like a log, and now I'm full of protein and carbs."

Beca smiled and glanced in the mirror to see the million-watt smile plastered on Chloe's face. Still being held from behind, all she could do was lean into the embrace, and say to her girlfriend's reaction, "I love you. Breakfast is the least I can do."

Beca saw a slightly mischievous look in Chloe's eyes as the redhead held a heart-shaped pendant up between them and the mirror, allowing both of them to see it.

"And this is the least I can do..." Chloe replied as she began to swing the pendant back and forth before Beca's eyes.

"You know what to do. Just watch the pendant, watch it swing, watch it sway..." Chloe had given hypnotic inductions tons of times, but this time, she found herself oddly fascinated with the swinging arc of the pendant. Normally she was so focused on Beca when she did this...!

Beca watched, amused, as her girlfriend seemed enamored with her own pendant.

"So easy to watch, to drift along, to sink..."

Beca, despite knowing exactly what was going on, found it difficult not to fall under the sway of the pendant and her hypnotic girlfriend pressed up behind her. If she could just stay awake for just a moment longer...

"To just sink... drop... sleep."

Beca felt the pull of her girlfriend's compelling words, but she was too excited to watch the show unfold as the redhead relaxed deeply. Chloe's eyes closed, her chin sunk to her chest, and her arms fell to her sides. Chloe's pendant hung from her hand limply for a moment before landing on the tile floor with a soft thud.

"That's right, slipping down into that familiar state once again, each time easier than the time before," Beca cooed, loving the sight of her entranced girlfriend standing before her.

"You just love how this feels, don't you?"

Yet another slight nod.

Beca saw her girlfriend standing there, looking so cute slumped over in trance, body swaying slightly from side to side.

This is too good to pass up...!

"Chloe, going forward, whenever you hear me, and only me, say the phrase, 'sleep deeply for Beca' you will instantly fall into this wonderful, relaxing trance, open to all my suggestions, knowing you will feel so good for having done so. Do you understand?"

Chloe whispered a soft, simple, "yes."

Beca snapped her fingers and said, "wake up, remembering every detail of both this trance and last night's."

Chloe jumped a little, quickly showing signs of life once again. Beca was wearing a shit-eating grin and didn't even try to hide it.

Chloe had a slightly distracted look for a moment as she reviewed all her newly-recovered memories.

Once Chloe processed it all, she threw a throw pillow - is that where the term comes from? - at Beca, yelling, "you sneaky little minx!"

Beca let the pillow bounce off her face without flinching, and replied, "Yup, and now I can drop you whenever I want. I knew I'd get you sooner or later!"

Chloe chuckled to herself for a moment and said, "well... kinda."

Chloe reached out and touched Beca's forehead for a moment.


Chloe watched her girlfriend's face, assuming that it was the same look that she, herself, had on her face just a moment ago.

"... you hypnotized me to hypnotize you?! You could've just asked."

Chloe's million-watt smile returned once more.

"Well, where's the fun in that? Didn't think you'd catch me in the middle of the night, though..."

The two lovers shared a soft, intimate kiss, both thinking about what to do next.

The answer seemed obvious: curl up on the couch and take a catnap after all those pancakes. What better way to spend a Saturday...?

Thank you so much for reading my story. Feel free to leave a comment - I'd love to hear from you!


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