Hypnofic in Seussian Rhyme

by MissAlexis887

Tags: #cuddles #dom:female #hypnosis #microfiction #sub:female #wholesome

A silly flashfic I wrote when I was inspired to write a hypno story in Seussian rhyme

‘Twas a typical Tuesday

As Beca did study

But tonight, of all nights,

She was feeling all cruddy

Her doctoral thesis

Was nearing completion

When a computer virus

Had caused mass deletion

Her laptop was totaled

Including the backup

Defeated and beaten,

She started to pack up

Suddenly, Chloe,

Her face all a-smile

Came in and said “will you

Be gone for a while?”

Beca burst out and tears,

She sighed as Chloe rocked her,

“What made me think that

I could be a doctor?”

“My work is substandard

And slightly pedantic”

Chloe had an idea that would

Make Bec less frantic

“I’ll be back, need to grab

some stuff from the deck” and

Then Chloe returned

In just a hot second

“I have an idea,

I need you to trust me.”

Beca sighed a big sigh

Although highly unjustly

“I doubt you can help,

Unless you can create a

Kickass new program

For finding lost data”

“This is super less technical

But far more resplendent,

All I need you to do

Is watch my cute pendant”

The gem swung back and forth,

Beca watched it quite avidly,

And to her surprise

Her eyelids sunk quite rapidly

“Sleep for me, sleep for me,

You can’t resist,

And thanks for your triggers,

They greatly assist~”

The brunette was hypnotized,

Her form perpendicular

As Chloe enjoyed their shared


“Deeper and deeper,

You let yourself sway,

Right into my power

Just let go and obey”

As Beca fell deeper,

Her mind blank and empty,

Chloe stared at her partner,

“Oh, you know how to tempt me!”

Chloe leaned over,

Her red locks cascading,

Her increasing arousal

Was hardly abating

“You know I’m your Mistress,

On that we’ve agreed,

For the focus I give you

Will help you succeed

So call on these feelings,

Your free will you waive,

Just remember your place

As my hypnotized slave…”

Beca fell to her knees,

She was practically prostrate,

Not knowing or caring

Her shirt wasn’t on straight

“I’ve taken control now,

You don’t even want it

So let’s get that damned bee

Right out of your bonnet”

The brunette felt fingers

Pull up on her chin

As she saw Chloe’s eyes

And the spirals therein

Beca’s will was now gone

All her thoughts drained away,

As the hypnotist said,

“Just let go and obey”

The brunette was past any

Trite disobedience

For this trance the redhead had

The best ingredients

“Feeling my collar snug

Around your neck

To keep your anxieties

Securely in check

Now let’s go to bed

We can fix things tomorrow

Before you go jump off Mount


The lovers slept cuddled

In each other’s arms,

Beca had long since

Succumbed to her charms…

The next day, the brunette had

Slept in till ten

All sublime, oh-so-happy,

Especially zen

Carb-laden breakfast

Appeared at her door,

The redheaded vixen

With pancakes in store

“Before you get worried,

Just don’t have a cow,

Your laptop is fixed

And should get here

knock knock

… ‘bout now.”

Tears of joy streamed down

the submissive’s face,

A whirlwind of blankets

All over the place

“The data’s intact,

My notes are all present!

Oh, Chlo, I’m so sorry,

I was so adolescent”

Chloe flashed a warm smile,

“You’ll get it one day,

All you must do

Is let go, and obey”

The mood struck me to write a hypnofic using rhyming couplets. I showed it to a few friends and they really liked it, so I decided to upload it here. To be fair, I re-read Jukebox's "Trust And Obey" recently so it's entirely possible that elements of it showed up here giggles


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