Home Alone

by MissAlexis887

Tags: #dom:female #microfiction #sub:female #wholesome #hypnosis

Beca is left home alone while Chloe is pulled away for a work emergency. Luckily, Chloe has just the thing to keep Beca busy~

Beca’s pajama sleeve brushed against her face as she tossed the tv remote across the length of the couch in a frustrated fit. She finally had a day all to herself: her research proposal was ahead of schedule, she didn’t have to work, and the apartment was clean as a whistle. There was only one thing missing:


Chloe got called away to take charge of some sort of emergency at work, and was left no choice but to leave Beca home alone on what was supposed to be their day off. Leaving Beca to waste away under the blanket on the couch, uncuddled and unspoiled.

Beca forcefully threw her arms down on the couch cushion as she yelled out to no one in particular: “Bored…!”

“If I can’t spend the day cuddling, I’m at least treating myself…”

Beca let the blanket fall off her, the cotton pj’s holding enough heat in to stay comfortable. Her fuzzy slippers brushed softly against the floor as she padded toward the kitchen in search of her body weight in ice cream.

Just before she made it to the kitchen, she stopped in front of the full-length mirror hung on the wall. The brunette paused for a moment to admire her reflection, slightly taken aback at the sight before her.

Chloe had never been shy about praising Beca for her most attractive qualities, yet somehow, Beca never really seemed to take her partner’s compliments to heart. For reasons that only a skilled psychologist could ascertain, Beca had a hard time coming to terms with her own beauty.

At the moment, though, Beca was all but spellbound by her own reflection: most notably, her eyes.

Often praised by Chloe as a shimmering ocean of blue and green, Beca began to understand what Chloe saw in them. Each passing second left Beca increasingly enamoured with the sight of her own eyes.

“Wow, Chloe was right… they’re so pretty… so… pr… prett… ………..”

Beca shook her head in an underwhelming attempt to brush off her self-imposed reverence. Remembering where she was headed before she got distracted, she took a step towards the kitchen.

Before her foot made contact, though, she thought she heard a noise in the bedroom.

Oh, hell no, it better not be a mouse, or a rat… or worse…!”

In lack of any other prior planning for such an event, Beca armed herself with a pair of oven mitts, a can of Raid, and a five liter pot before poking her head through the bedroom door.

If the downstairs neighbours were home at the time, they might have heard a very unusual sound of all three items clanging to the floor simultaneously as Beca dropped them all.


There she was: the love of her life, splayed across the bed, laying in wait for Beca to notice her. Beca practically leapt for the bed, showering her partner with kisses and rolling across the bed with her.

“Hey babe! When did you get home? How did you get home? I thought I was going to pick you up. I’m so confused right now…”

Chloe simply flashed her million-watt smile at Beca: somehow, it always seemed to succeed at quieting her partner.

“Change of plans. I couldn’t leave you here to rot on our mutual day off,” Chloe replied, kissing the brunette on the nose.

Ugh Chlo, I was so bored…! You know how many seasons of Supergirl there are? Six! You know how I know? Because Netflix and YouTube are in cahoots to keep sending me more of it! And yes, there was a whole mind control subplot in Season five, but Supercorp never became a thing from it, so what’s the point?! Oh, and…”

Chloe giggled as she placed a single finger on Beca’s lips, effectively silencing the submissive brunette.

“Shhhhh… I think I know just what you need: look into my eyes…

Beca suddenly felt an overwhelming urge to gaze into the redhead’s eyes, unable to look away.

“That’s right. A simple instruction, but a powerful one. And one that’s so easy to obey. Filled with subtext. You know where it’s leading. You know what’s going to happen. You know you want to go there. So give in. Obey, and sink deep into trance for me.”

Beca’s eyes glazed over, leaving behind a blank, empty visage. Just an empty, hypnotized vessel, waiting to be programmed.

“Deeper and deeper for me, sweetie. Past your previous deepest levels and dropping into new depths of hypnosis…”

Beca’s mind was wide open, her thoughts silent, her eyes completely vacant.

“I know you missed me so much, and I’m going to make things right. After all, you love me, don’t you?”

“Yes… I love you…” Beca replied.

“You love me more than anyone else.”

Beca nodded meekly.

“You love me more than peanut butter.”

“Yess…” Beca was so deep, she began to slur her words. Little hearts seemed to form around her partner’s face.

“Then show me how much you love me. Kiss me.”

Beca got up on all fours to move closer to her hypnotist. She leaned in close, savouring Chloe’s natural scent. Soft lips brushed together, spurring the hypnotized subject to continue. One kiss became two, which became three. Beca took her time, knowing what Chloe enjoyed the most. They had all day to enjoy themselves. There was no rush…

Chloe stood in the bedroom doorframe, a cheshire cat grin on her face as she recorded her partner with her phone. Chloe activated some old programming she had been saving as a surprise for Beca, knowing that she (Chloe) would be gone all day. Chloe felt awful for leaving Beca alone on no notice, so she decided to let Beca have a little fun.

Chloe gave Beca a quickie session before leaving, saying that Beca’s imagination could conjure a fun image of Chloe to keep her entertained, before planting amnesia suggestions and running out the door.

What Chloe wasn’t expecting was to find Beca on her hands and knees in their bed, kissing and tonguing the air in front of her!

After a good, healthy, long video recorded on Chloe’s phone, Chloe snapped her fingers and called out, “wide awake, fully alert, remembering everything!”

Beca froze mid-kiss, staring at the vacant space in front of her before turning towards the door, only to see her girlfriend standing there, waving her phone at her, indicating the video recording.

“Oh, I’m gonna get you so bad for this…!” Beca warned as Chloe gave her a great big hug. Leaning down on to the bed, Beca continued, “Remember, I have a drop trigger in your head, now. I can get you back.”

Chloe simply giggled and replied, ”Promises, promises,” as the reunited lovers settled in for an evening of Netflix and ice cream.

Thank you so much for reading my story. Remember: if you haven’t tried blindfolded archery, you don’t know what you’re missing~

Gabrielle Morales 2025-03-19 at 17:36 (UTC+00)

Mercy me, a Supergirl reference. On a more personal note, I use the phrase “so pretty…” Quite a bit, so that was nice to see. Keep up the good and fun work. These two never cease to make me smile, thank you for the sinful time.

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