Bewitching Cara Pays A Visit

by MissAlexis887

Tags: #dom:female #sub:female #tickling #wholesome #Hypnosis #no_sex_no_nudity #spiral_eyes #trigger

Beca and Chloe play hostesses to Cara, a visiting hypnosub.

The following story features Cara, based on a friend of mine and wonderful hypnokink author. You may find her work here:

Chloe rushed around the apartment with a broom and dustpan in hand in a vain attempt to make the apartment any more clean than it already was. Everything had to be perfect for their pending visitor...!

Beca knew what was going through Chloe’s mind, and found it utterly ridiculous.

Beca had to stifle a chuckle as she said, “Chlo, take it easy! I mean, she trusts you enough to let you into her mind. You two probably know more about each other than her and your best friends.” The submissive stood in front of her partner, took Chloe’s hands, and lovingly smiled into her eyes. “I think you’re past the point of making a good first impression.”

Chloe smiled at the ground before meeting her partner’s gaze. “You’re right. Of course you’re right! It’s just… it’s such a rarity for the three of us to be in the same city! This may never happen again. I… I want it to be perfect.”

“And it will be. You two are gonna have a ton of fun…” Beca wrapped her arms around Chloe’s lower back. “Well, hopefully not so much fun that you remember who keeps you warm at night…!”

Chloe leaned in and gave Beca a long, loving, tender kiss.


Just as the two started smiling giddily at each other, the door bell rang.

Chloe jumped up and down like a kid on Christmas morning.

“She’s here! She’s here!!”

Beca smiled from ear to ear at seeing her partner so excited. “Well, go answer the door, you goof! Don’t just leave her standing there.”

Chloe took one last look around the apartment to ensure everything was clean and put away before opening the door. She opened the door and there she was: Bewitching Cara, in the flesh! The 5’3 brunette stood there, her green winter coat partly unzipped, cheeks slightly red from the cold, and her blue eyes beaming at her hostesses for the night.

“Hiiiiii!” The two screamed out in unison before wrapping arms around each other for their first hug. What followed was a whirlwind of removing coats, overlapping questions, and shuffling luggage around.

After the initial mayhem subsided, both Cara and Chloe caught their breath and began to settle down.

Cara began to look around the apartment. “This is such a nice little… place…” she said, as her train of thought was derailed by the strange appearance of a large pile of magazines haphazardly strewn across the living room floor, with an exceedingly amused woman standing next to it, a Cheshire Cat grin on her face.

Chloe looked in the direction of Cara’s gaze, only to find her perfectly cleaned apartment sabotaged by her partner.

“Cara, this… is a poor attempt at humour by my girlfriend, Beca. Beca, this is Cara.”

Beca let out a hearty laugh as she was finally introduced to their house guest. “Hi, nice to finally meet you.” Beca began to clean up the mess she made as Chloe and Cara were too preoccupied to see anything else. “This is just my apparently poor attempt at humour” Beca said, using air quotes as she mocked Chloe. “She has been cleaning this place for days in preparation for your arrival, Cara - despite my repeated attempts at trying to tell her that you’ve seen things like dust and a dirty dish before.”

Cara chuckled at the whole idea of what she just saw, one hand covering her mouth as she did. “I have! It’s still nice, though.”

Chloe, meanwhile, was glaring at Beca over what she felt was a joke made in poor taste. Chloe knew at heart that Beca was just trying to make a point, and it was all in good fun; still, she didn’t have to hold back, since their house-guest was a fellow hypno-enthusiast…!

Chloe shot a mischievous look toward her partner. “Yes, despite my efforts to give you a clean place to stay, Cara.”

Chloe looked Beca square in the eyes. “But I can’t let this little defiance go unpunished. Beca: penalty box, ten seconds, now.”

Chloe snapped her fingers, and in an instant, Beca’s arms were suddenly tight behind her back as she burst out into fits of laughter. Beca threw head back, thrashing her body around as the tickling sensations overwhelmed her nervous system. Cara, meanwhile, looked on with a mixture of intrigue and excitement as she watched her new friend succumbing to a post-hypnotic suggestion - and, evidently, a very powerful one.

Exactly ten seconds after Chloe's finger snap, Beca’s body relaxed as the suggestion reached its natural conclusion. She stopped laughing as her arms returned to her sides. Flushed and out of breath, she looked at her small audience with a mixture of pride and embarrassment.

Beca looked Chloe in the eye and, with a playful tone, said, “it was worth it.”

The three of them settled down in the living room, fueled by fruity drinks and appetizers. They got along like old friends, feeling like they’d known each other all their lives. The hours passed by easily and quickly as stories were exchanged and jokes were told en masse.

At one point, Cara asked, “Is there a place where I can change out of these grubby clothes? It was a long travel day…”

Chloe looked embarrassed for a moment and replied, “oh, of course, we’ll show you to your room.”

Cara collected her luggage as Chloe led them to the spare room prepped for Cara’s visit. The room was simply decorated with all the necessities a house guest could ask for. Cara looked around for a moment and said, “This is great! Thank you both for making me feel so welcome and comfortable. I mean, meeting internet friends for the first time in person can be…”

Chloe and Beca gave a warm smile and replied, “say no more, we’re glad you’re not crazy too,” which gave the trio a hearty giggle.

Cara gently closed the door for some privacy while she changed her clothes for something clean and less… smells-like-an-airport.

Once their guest took her brief reprieve, Beca turned to Chloe and playfully punched her in the arm. “Chlo, she’s wonderful! Way to not share her with me sooner…!”

Chloe took the hint and asked, “how do you feel about all this? You know you’re still the only one for me, right?”

“Of course I do, but she’s great! I would’ve loved to have met her before this.”

Beca took a step closer to her partner.

“I also would’ve enjoyed some shared playtime with her, Miss.”

Chloe gave a wry smile at her partner. “Say no more, you’ll get your chance. Would you like to drop alongside her? Or perhaps you’d like to put your newest trigger to use…?”

Beca put her thumb on her chin for a moment. “I’ll give you a sign, k?”

The guest room door opened and Chloe gave a nod and a wink of acknowledgement. Cara stepped out in a comfy tank, yoga pants and slippers.

Cara looked slightly apprehensive as she asked, “is this ok? Not too casual?”

Beca just laughed and joked, “oh, totally - way more clothes than we typically wear around here,” as Chloe swatted Beca in the arm.

Cara laughed out loud at their interaction. “You two are the cutest,” she remarked, as she calmed down and looked around. Cara’s eye was caught by a brass-coloured art piece of some sort, tucked away in the corner, gleaming in the living room lights.

“If you don’t mind my asking, what is that over there?” Cara asked, pointing at the strange object.

Chloe did her best to force down the smile forming on her lips as she walked over to the corner.

“Oh, you mean this?” She asked, as she picked up the mysterious decoration. “This is just a little something I borrowed from a cosplayer across town who owed me a favour.”

Chloe skillfully kept the object out of Cara’s eyesight until the two were comfortably close.

Chloe whipped around and revealed the mysterious object to be a beautiful scepter: heavy, golden in colour, with a cobra’s head at the top. The serpent’s eyes were a pair of glowing red glass marbles with little spirals that somehow rotated in place when a button was pressed by the holder.

Chloe held the staff close to Cara’s face, so the brunette could easily see the captivating eyes of the serpent staff.

“It’s beautiful, isn’t it? So enthralling, so captivating. Gaze into the eyes of the scepter. Feel your muscles relax as your mind grows quiet and calm for me.”

Cara looked like a deer caught in the headlights, only the headlights were the eyes of a cosplayer’s accessory that held her spellbound. All she could do was let out a quiet, soft, “okay…”

Beca watched from the side with a mixture of amusement, intrigue, and envy. The submissive had never seen her partner hypnotize anyone else before. They’d played out scenes with others in the past, but until now, she was always the first to drop, too engrossed in her own state of hypnosis to witness the fun. She smiled at the ground for a moment as the scene continued.

“That’s right, gaze into the eyes of the cobra and feel the familiar effects of trance washing over you. You’ve been there so many times, after all. You know that being hypnotized feels wonderful. You know you will enjoy yourself. You know you will succumb to hypnosis, so just… allow it to happen. Give in. Give in to hypnosis. Give in, and obey…”

Cara was quickly surrendering to the redhead’s hypnotic spell. Beca and Chloe both saw Cara’s slumped shoulders, parted lips, shallow breathing and glazed eyes. Beca could even see the light of the glowing marbles reflected in Cara’s eyes. Beca couldn’t help but let out a soft, whispered, “wow…”

“So deep in trance, dropping deeper with every passing moment. You know you can’t resist - and even if you could, it’s so much more fun to just… obey.”

Cara replied softly, evenly, “yes… obey…”

“You are deeply hypnotized.”

“Deeply hypnotized…” Cara droned.

“You must obey your hypnotist.”

“I… I must obey my hypnotist…”

“Very good, Cara. You must obey your hypnotist. So obey, and: sleep...”

Chloe snapped her fingers next to Cara’s ear as their guest instantly surrendered to hypnosis. Cara’s eyes slammed closed as her body flopped over in extreme relaxation, falling toward Chloe. Chloe, expecting this to happen, had one arm ready to catch Cara and guide her subject down to the ground in a kneeling position.

Once she knew Cara was safe and not about to injure herself while dropping deep into trance, she carefully set the staff aside and gave Beca a glowing smile. Beca, meanwhile, was shifted from intrigue to rapt adoration!

In hushed tones, Beca rushed up to Chloe and said, “that was amazing! I’ve never seen you hypnotize anyone before. You’re so powerful,” the submissive said, as she passionately kissed her partner.

Chloe happily and enthusiastically returned the gesture and held Beca close. She pointedly looked Beca square in the eye and said, “now, be honest with me: are you okay, seeing me hypnotize another woman? I know that’s typically our thing…”

Beca’s smile faded a little and said, “It was a little like that, but it’s ok: I trust you, and I know tonight is just for fun.”

Chloe nodded in understanding, happy she didn’t cross any lines. “Would you like to join her?”

Beca thought about it for a moment and replied, “I think I have a better idea. How about we…” Beca whispered into Chloe’s ear so as not to tip off Cara for the future fun. Chloe flashed her million-watt smile and said, “absolutely. I consent.”

They both looked over at the deeply hypnotized and suggestible brunette kneeling in their living room. Beca gave a wicked smile and said, “Now, what do we do with her…?”

Chloe matched Beca’s energy and stated, “oh, piece of cake.”

The hypnotist leaned down and whispered into Cara’s ear, “and as you drift deeper and deeper into hypnosis, you realize how much fun you’re having and how much you’re enjoying yourself. You’ve wanted this for so long and now you’re here, living your dream. So tell me: what would you like to do most of all right now?”

Cara flinched a little bit in an apparent attempt to speak.

Chloe added, “you are freely able to speak, perfectly able to talk while remaining deeply relaxed and under my spell.”

Cara sat up just a little as she said, much more clearly this time, “I want to obey. I wish to serve you.”

“And so you shall,” Chloe replied, her smile widening. “Yes, you shall serve us. Rise, Cara. Zombie-walk to the kitchen and prepare a snack to serve us.”

“… Yes,” Cara said blankly.

“Yes, Mistress,” Chloe corrected her.

“Yes, Mistress,” Cara droned as she stood up and began to walk to the kitchen.

“Oh, and be sure to drone out, ‘I am deeply hypnotized’ as you do so.”

“Yes, Mistress.” Cara zombie-walked to the kitchen and made her way to the fridge, slowly assembling a platter of finger foods as she blankly crooned, "I am deeply hypnotized. I am deeply hypnotized."

Beca leaned in to speak softly with Chloe while Cara was occupied.

“Omg, this is so cool! Do I always look this cute when I’m under?”

Chloe chuckled as she kissed Beca and replied, “Sweetie, nobody is cuter than you when you’re under.”

Beca blushed as she embraced her partner before going back to watching the show.

As Cara returned with the platter, Beca and Chloe reclined their sofa seats, leaving room for Cara in the centre. Chloe motioned for Cara to take her place between the two of them.

“Good girl, Cara. You may serve us now.”

Cara offered her hostesses various finger foods from their fridge, sinking deeper into hypnosis with every piece of food offered.

After the third hand-fed morsel, Beca pulled out her phone in search of inspiration. After flipping through a few of Cara’s stories, she whispered an idea into Chloe’s ear.

“Ooh, life imitates art. I love it. Cara, how much are you enjoying serving us?”

“… I’m having… so much fun, Mistress,” Cara droned.

“Then you’d like to continue serving us,” Chloe replied as a statement, not as a question.

Cara nodded slightly.

“Then serve us by giving us a beautiful dance. Obey.”

“Yes, Mistress.”

Cara began moving her hands up to her…

Chloe and Beca turn to break the fourth wall. “Um, this is a private moment, so we’re just gonna pull the shades here"

The next morning, the three of them sat at the table, enjoying a light breakfast.

“OMG that was so much fun! That staff is amazing, where did you say you got that?!” Cara gushed.

“It’s on loan from a friend. If you like, I can ask where he got it,” Chloe replied.

“Ooh, yes please! Maybe I can commission one for myself…”

“I wouldn’t be surprised. He’s big in the cosplaying circuit, so he has a lot of contacts in…”

Beca smiled as she moved in close behind Chloe and said alluringly, “Sleep deeply for Beca…”

Cara’s eyes popped out of her head as she watched Chloe's chin sink to her chest, body limp, loose and relaxed. Chloe’s fork fell out of her hand as her right arm plopped onto the table, nearly spilling her drink in the process.

“What?! I - I - I thought she was the hypnotist between you two.”

Beca flashed a cunning smile before responding, “she is - mostly. Long story. Short version: she tranced me into hypnotizing her one night, and now I can do this,” she said as she waved her hand over her lover’s entranced form.

“And I can also do this: Chloe, give me hypnotic control over Cara”

Cara’s pupils dilated, her blood running cold as Chloe nodded slightly. Before Cara could react, Chloe said, “Cara, listen and obey. Deep sleep for me now…”

Cara, dumbstruck at the sudden turn of events, was too slow to react. Her eyes slammed shut as her mind embraced the hypnotized hypnotist’s spell.

“You will obey Beca’s commands as if they were my own,” Chloe continued. “You have submitted to me completely and now you are to submit to Beca as well.”

“Yes, Mistress,” Cara droned out, helpless to resist.

Beca flashed a shit-eating grin as she heard those two words she wanted to hear since first seeing Cara submit to her lover last night.

“Now, Cara - and you, too, sweetie,” Beca said as she placed her hand on Chloe’s relaxed shoulder - “when I count to three and snap my fingers, you will both think you are a chicken. You will flap your wings, cluck your little heart out, and try to eat seeds off the ground. 1, 2, 3!” snap

Right on cue, both hypnotized beauties stood up from their chairs and carried out their commands. Beca pulled her phone from her pocket and recorded the impromptu performance to send to Cara later. Chloe and Cara placed their hands on their armpits and moved their elbows up and down to imitate wings as best they could as they moved about the kitchen and living room, both clucking and bobbing their heads. Beca laughed out as her subjects inevitably found each other and got into a turf war with each other, clucking aggressively and loudly as they got in each other’s faces.

Beca quickly moved between them and snapped her fingers, saying, “sleep…” Both subjects remained standing up, much to Beca’s relief: if both flopped to the ground, she was uncertain she could catch them both in time.

Beca moved to her partner and reached her hand into Chloe’s pajama pockets. Sure enough, she found a few hypnotic trinkets in Chloe’s pocket: a pocket watch, a penlight, and a crystal pendant.

Borrowing the pocket watch, she moved over to Cara. She whispered into Cara’s ear, “eyes open, remaining deep in trance.”

Beca held up the pocket watch as Cara obeyed. Beca couldn’t believe what she was seeing: this was only the second time she’d ever hypnotized someone, and the first time she wasn’t influenced to do so!

This is so much fun…!” She thought to herself.

Beca swung the pocket watch before Cara’s heavily glazed eyes. Despite her deep trance, Cara dutifully watched the watch swing back and forth as Beca continued to speak.

“I bet you’d like to be hypnotized by me in the future, wouldn’t you?”

Cara nodded slightly.

“Then remember the words I used to hypnotize Chloe: ‘Sleep deeply for Beca’. They worked so powerfully and instantly on Chloe, and you’re a much better subject than she is. Naturally, then, they’ll affect you even more easily than that. Isn’t that right?”

Another nod.

“Excellent! Then, waking up on 3, remembering every detail of our fun little mini-sesh. 1, 2, 3! Wide awake.”

Beca woke Chloe up again as Cara was returning to lucidity. They all looked at each other, and erupted in laughter from the silly scene in which they all participated.

All too soon, Cara’s visit with her two new best friends had come to an end. Seemingly as quickly as she got there, it was already time to go. Tears abound and hugs galore, all three knew in their hearts that they would all get together again for more mischief.

Thanks to the lovely Cara for allowing me to feature her in this story~


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