Team Slut


by Mesmerciless

Tags: #cw:noncon #f/m #pov:bottom #sub:female #brainwashed #brainwashing #D/s #degradation #dom:male #exhibitionism #gamer_girl #humiliation #hypnosis #hypnotic_screen #Master/slave_language #masturbation #memory_play #misogyny #pov:top #slutification #stripping #unaware #videogames

All of my stories are works of fiction and fantasy. All characters depicted are 18+. 

Thanks for reading, and enjoy!
A sniper shot skimmed past Kari’s head, pinging against the road sign to her left. She ducked back, taking cover behind the scorched skeleton of a car, keying her mic to warn her squad.
“Careful!” she exclaimed. “Th-there’s…a…a…haaahhh…!” The rest of her callout dissolved beneath a hot, shuddering whimper.
“A what?” A teammate asked, advancing to her position. “Where?”
Kari let out a low whine, biting her lip as she wriggled in her seat. She wanted to answer, wanted to prevent the disaster she saw coming. But it was no use—Gunner86 had activated the vibrator strapped to her panties. Now her brain was melting beneath pulses of pleasure, making it impossible to do anything but gasp and grind in helpless heat.
“I think she said there was a—” Crack! The vapor trail of a .50-cal bullet cleaved through the air, eliminating two of her teammates with a single shot. In the massacre that followed, Kari struggled to keep her eyes on the monitor, her hands gripping the desk as buzzing arousal radiated from her clit, the laughter of her tormentor barely audible over her mindless moans.
“Thanks for the free kills, slut,” Gunner86’s voice crackled over their private channel. “At least you’re good for something.”
Kari mewled, forcing her pitiful gaze to meet the eye of her webcam. “Thank you, sir. Have I been a good girl?”
“Hmmm…I dunno.” Her stream master chuckled. “I told you to help your team for once, but you got them all killed instead. Maybe they’re the ones you should ask for approval.”
Kari suppressed a smile. Though the vibrator had quieted, her body still tingled with anticipation, warm shivers racing down her topless torso. “I-I’m sorry everyone,” she breathed into her mic. “Am I being a good girl?”
The responses came immediately, her faithful fans more than happy to let her know what a hopeless whore she was being. No wonder Gunner86 had put her on their team—all she did was get in the way. How had such a stupid slut like her even learned to play in the first place? She didn’t belong on the server—she belonged on her knees, begging for their forgiveness. Bitches like her were only good for taking orders and cocks, after all.
“Y-you’re right.” Kari shuddered, embracing their abuse as it fanned the flames inside her. “I-I don’t deserve to be on your team. P-please punish me for being such a dumb, useless slut.”
On her second monitor, approving chat messages scrolled by, an audience of faceless tyrants calling for her comeuppance. But there was only one man who could make it a reality. As her channel’s top tipper, it was Gunner86 who got to play stream master for the night, his hands at the controls of her vibrator…
…And the shock collar around her neck.
“At least you have enough brains to know your place,” Gunner86 remarked. “Let’s see. Think ten shocks will be enough to teach you a lesson?”
Kari wasn’t sure.
But she couldn’t wait to find out.

Sunlight streamed through the open window, a gentle breeze blowing through Kari’s hair. She blinked, hands pausing mid-brush, wide eyes staring though the vanity mirror into her own disoriented gaze.
Was it morning now? When had she gone to bed? When had she woken up?
Kari shrugged, casting off such unimportant questions. She must’ve been lost in slutspace—that tended to happen after a successful stream. Her memories of the night were hazy but, now that she thought about it, she was pretty sure she’d been permitted to cum, given the pleasant, satisfied ache lingering inside her. She also had the vague recollection of squirming in her seat, begging for mercy as her vibrator and collar buzzed, her pussy throbbing on the edge of ecstasy as Gunner86’s jeers filled her headset.
Kari grinned. She hoped his generosity would continue. The more depraved the show, the more money she made for the team.
Still, she couldn’t spend all day smiling in the mirror. There was work to be done. Not only were the boys playing against the top team in the league, but a special guest would be visiting afterwards, necessitating a thorough cleaning of the compound. It was important, her owner had explained, that they make a good first impression. And if it was important to her owner, it was positively vital for Kari. Nothing mattered more than pleasing him. She was his good girl, after all.
Humming happily, Kari rose from the vanity and drifted to her closet, forgoing the rows of clothes and costumes in favor of a lacey apron hanging on the handle. She would change again when the boys returned, but for now, her default uniform would do. It was her favorite, according to her owner. She had no choice but to agree.
Properly attired, the bouncing, barefooted slut attended to her chores with a docile smile, her mind skimming the edges of slutspace as she vacuumed floors and dusted tables. Though not the most exciting work, there was a simple pleasure in such straightforward service, the hours wrapped in sun and silence, flowing from task to task as her thoughts drifted in hazy circles.
How lucky she was, to have such a privilege—to be allowed to serve such wonderful, generous company. If not for their intervention, she would probably still be trapped in a tedious rat race, deluding herself with pointless ambitions, not realizing how simple true happiness really was. Thank goodness her superiors had brainwashed her. Now, she no longer had to worry, or wonder, or think for herself ever again! Even her dreams followed the directives of her betters, delivered to her every night via the “white noise” machines assembled around her room.
Which reminded Kari—recently, she’d noticed an uptick in dreams featuring her luring other women into enslavement. In these visions, Kari saw herself greeting another adorable, unsuspecting slut at the door, coaxing her into the training chamber before forcing her gaze onto the dazzling screen, readying her to become an obedient, corporate fuckdoll. Like all of her implanted fantasies, Kari found the idea irresistibly hot, and had edged herself more than once imagining her tongue between a new girl’s legs, lapping the last drops of resistance as they leaked from her sweet, sticky sex.
Could it be that these fantasies were training Kari? Was her owner preparing her to bring another thrall into the fold? Maybe that was who today’s “special guest” would be. Kari bit her lip, a shiver of excitement wriggling down her hips.
The dull murmurs from the common room T.V. suddenly rose in urgency and volume. Kari paused, setting down her duster and glancing at the screen to catch the game’s final moments. Her heart fluttered as her team shared grins and high-fives, the stage bathed in Team Salt colors, the stream chat filled with disbelieving emotes.
They’d done it! Team Salt had won!
Kari would get to play with her boys again!
Tingling with excitement, the overjoyed slut raced to finish her chores, wiping the windows and drawing the curtains before practically skipping back to her room. She still had plenty of time to prepare—it would be a while before her owner finished debriefing the team and shepherded them back to the compound. Even so, Kari could hardly wait, a tiny squeal escaping her as she cast off her apron and opened the closet.
Tekniq had been crowned MVP of the match again. That meant it was his preferred uniform that she would be donning. Lately, he’d been going through a bit of a succubus phase, a fetish Kari was more than happy to embody. A tiny underbust corset sinched her waist, complete with small bat wings flaring out to either side. Her bare midriff was marked with a temporary womb tattoo, its florid petals drawing the eye to the lace, crotchless panties cradling her already-dripping sex. Black stockings lined her legs, the sheer fabric stretched taut against the slope of her calves and squish of her thighs. Tall, stiletto heels pushed her posture and gait into shape, accentuating her lewd, luxurious curves and forcing her hips to sway with every step. Last but not least, she placed a pair of glittery black horns atop her head, crowning herself the dark queen of her star player’s dreams.
With a devilish smile, Kari took a moment to admire her transformation, giggling as she posed and preened before the mirror. No way her boys would be able to keep their hands off her. Just thinking about it nudged her easily derailed mind into slutspace, her lips drifting open as her hands began roaming her body, teasing her sex and tweaking her nipples, doing what they did best whenever she had no orders to fulfill.
The rumble of the team van sounded from outside her window.
Kari quickly snapped to attention, heels clacking as she made a rather un-succubus-like dash for the playroom. Once there, she conducted a quick inspection of the space, ensuring that the furniture was spotless and the toys were in their proper places. Satisfied, she savored one last thrilling shiver before draping herself across one of the sofas, lazily stroking between her legs as she waited for the real fun to arrive.
At last, the padded door opened, revealing a quartet of young men clad in Team Salt jerseys, their hungry eyes locked on Kari as they eagerly pushed into the room.
“Welcome back boys.” She gave a sultry wave. “Ready to celebrate? Or…” She scanned the assembled crew. “Are we missing someone?”
“Nitrox is in his room,” Regent explained, his deep voice a perfect match for his large, stocky figure. “Said he wanted to practice more lineups.”
Kari blinked, surprised. It wasn’t unusual for the bottom-scorer to skip the post-game party, given that they were only permitted to watch. But Nitrox had finished second, as far as Kari recalled, and had never abstained from enjoying her in the past.
“Aww,” she whined, affecting a childish pout. “He’s not coming? Was it something I said?”
Regent laughed. “Nah, I think he’s just obsessed with winning first dibs. Probably won’t be happy till we all get his sloppy seconds, the fucking psycho. Not like my boy Hopper here.” He threw a meaty arm around his smallest teammate. “You’re not gonna let the scoreboard get in the way of a good time, right?”
“R-right.” Hopper nodded, awkwardly lowering his gaze.
“Anyway, don’t worry.” Regent stepped forward, his massive bulk looming over Kari. “I’m sure you’ll have plenty of fun with just the four of us.”
Kari swallowed, staring up at his ravenous grin. She loved this feeling—this burning, oppressive pressure thrumming from his thick limbs and broad chest. He was so close. So dangerous. He could grab her by the throat at any moment, and there was nothing she could do to stop it. Arousal curled and twisted at the thought, urging her to surrender immediately, to throw herself at the mercy of the imposing predator in her midst.
But her owner’s orders came first. And they demanded a strict hierarchy be kept.
“Easy, big guy,” she chided Regent, rising and pressing a finger against his chest. “You’ll get your turn. But first…” She glanced around. “Where’s my special boy hiding?”
Regent scoffed, backing away and allowing a lanky beanpole of a man to step forward, his eyes darting between Kari and the floor. Despite his gaming prowess, Tekniq was the shiest of his peers, and needed some encouragement to enjoy himself. Fortunately, his hard-won slut was an expert in his many fantasies.
“There he is,” Kari cooed, smiling as his narrow cheeks blushed. “I’m so happy to see you again.” She reached out, gently running her fingers up the stiff tent of his shorts. “Looks like you’re happy to see me too,” she giggled.
Tekniq’s breath hitched, throat ticking as he swallowed and nodded.
“Good boy.” Kari drew a vial of lube from the end table, seating herself on the sofa and patting her lap. “Now come down here and give Mistress what she wants.”
Flushed and trembling, the top member of Team Salt did as bidden, stripping off his clothes and laying on the couch, his head resting against Kari’s thighs as his long, rigid cock strained towards the heavens.
“That’s right” Kari breathed, wrapping a lubricated hand around his member, her firm yet gentle grip gliding up and down with languid, loving motions. He stiffened, his flushed tip twitching as her fingers curled around it. She giggled, bending lower until her breasts rested heavily upon his face, immersing him in their soft expanse. He accepted the invitation, hands sinking into her supple flesh as his mouth latched onto a hardened nipple, sucking and nibbling with ravenous delight.
“S-such a good boy,” she gasped, pleasure sparking throughout her body. She adjusted her grasp and pace, matching her strokes to his moans, her own excitement building to meet his. “You beat them all for me, didn’t you? Like the faithful pup you are. You’ve made your Mistress very proud.”
Tekniq seemed beyond words, responding instead with the shifting of his bony hips, the first dribbles of pre-cum leaking down Kari’s fingers.
“Don’t hold back,” she encouraged, unable to hide the want in her voice. His glistening cock throbbed, its desperate heat blossoming through her hands to her insides. “B-be a good boy and give it all to your Mistress. She wants it. She needs it.”
Tekniq let out a tiny cry, grasping her tits like a lifeline. Kari bit her lip, her own sex pulsing as she felt him release, warm, wonderful spurts streaming down her fingers.
“Good boy,” she purred, gently toying with his softening cock. “You did so well for me.” She gazed down at her conquest, enjoying the sight of his limp, drained body, his thin chest rising and falling with exhausted, satisfied breaths.
Her duty complete, Kari released Tekniq from her grasp, admiring the milky strands lingering between her fingers. Instinctively, her mouth began to water. She extended her tongue, hoping for a quick taste. But before she could savor the fruits of her labors, a massive hand grabbed her hair, yanking her to the ground in one rough, callous pull.
“The fuck you think you’re doing?” Regent sneered. “Don’t put that shit in your mouth. You think I wanna feel his stuff in there?”
Kari gazed up at her captor, his disdain dripping like molten honey down her skin. His thick, commanding cock loomed over her, its heat radiating against her face, melting her once-dominant persona into a puddle of supplication.
“I’m sorry, sir,” she panted, a trail of drool running down her chin. “P-please forgive me. I wasn’t thinking.”
“Like I don’t know that.” His slap came with no warning, flat shock followed by a searing sting. “You don’t have a single thought in that pretty little head of yours, do you?”
She didn’t. Not anymore. The powerful blow had left Kari reeling, vision blurred and mind blanked. Awareness returned as he wrenched her hair back, a rush of endorphins filling the void. She giggled, offering a pitiful grin to beast that had captured her, eager to receive his wrath.
She wasn’t disappointed. The second blow came with even greater enthusiasm. Pain and pleasure buffeted her senses, Regent’s iron grip the only thing keeping her upright. Her thighs clenched, slick and sticky, her pussy throbbing and leaking between them. If not for her owner’s orders, she might’ve cum then and there. As it was, the agony of denial only deepened her arousal, drowning her in hot, heady humiliation.
“You like that don’t you?” Regent yanked her closer. “Masochistic bitch. The hell you get off, telling me to wait?” He swung his cock into her face, slapping her left and right. “We own you, you dumb whore. Don’t get an attitude just ‘cause our top-frag’s a freak.”
Kari’s mouth dropped open—not to offer an answer or excuse, but to give her abuser more options. Thus inspired, he slapped his shaft against her lolling tongue, eliciting a deep, needy moan, salvia spilling onto her tits as the soft-yet-rigid flesh continued its pounding, against her lips, her nose, her cheeks.
It was far less painful than an open-handed slap, yet somehow felt more degrading, more depraved. How pathetic was she, to enjoy being treated this way? Even as her eyelashes fluttered with ecstasy, she made sure to meet Regent’s gaze, hoping he could see the twisted adoration in her eyes, the crazed desire she felt to be dominated by his hands.
“Yeah, that’s right.” He laughed, breath fraying with desire. “You know exactly what your mouth’s good for.”
With that, Kari finally got what she’d been craving. Regent forced his cock between her lips, its demanding girth filling her mouth and slamming down the back of her throat. She choked, sputtered, and drooled helplessly as he began to thrust, using her as an outlet for his cruel, animalistic aggression.
“It’s all your fault, you worthless slut.” His voice was thick with lust, hands clutching her head as he fucked with relentless fury. “I was gonna be at the top. But you distracted me. I couldn’t stop thinking of you. You and your stupid…fucking…haaaa…”
He moaned, tirade fading as Kari’s tongue found an opening. She licked in supplication, caressing the violent, pulsating shaft between her lips, determined to please it at any cost, even under relentless assault. After a moment, its thrusts became slower, more intentional, her technique soothing the savage beast, Regent groaning as he savored each adoring stroke and swirl.
“Hey.” The fourth-place fragger, Gravel, stepped beside the two of them, his own twitching erection in hand. “Mind if I get in on this?”
Regent’s hips slowed to a stop, allowing Kari to release him with a wet gasp before continuing to lick and kiss, ensuring the object of her affection remained happy and hard while its wielder attended to other matters.
“You wanna spit-roast this bitch?” Regent asked.
“Don’t you?” Gravel pressed. “You can take her from behind, if you want.”
The larger man thought for a moment, then grinned. “I like where your head’s at. But you take her pussy. This slut’s mouth is unbelievable.”
Having given the final word, Regent shoved his cock back where it belonged, forcing a muffled moan from Kari’s throat. Grasping her hair, he led her a few paces over, his member still lodged between her lips, its heat fogging her mind as she crawled atop a nearby table. It took a moment for her to realize what was happening, and in the next she felt Gravel’s hands grasp her hips, a thrill of excitement racing down them as her pussy parted around his head.
He pushed himself inside. And Kari melted into bliss. Her eyes rolled back, her body singing with euphoria as her captors fucked her from both sides. There was no rhythm, no room for technique, no chance for her to act at all. All she could do was bounce between their cocks, a lowly vessel for raw, masculine desire, her role reduced to a drooling, jiggling toy.
It seemed she wasn’t the only one getting excited. Though she could tell Regent was trying to hold back, the massive man finally seized her face with a roar, holding it tight as he shot hot, salty streams down her throat. He released her with a grunt, her face falling against the cold surface of the table, cum leaking from her slack lips as Gravel’s pace doubled, his hips slamming against her backside as he unleashed a bawdy howl.
At last, she felt him pull out, thick strands of cum painting her back moments later. He staggered away, winded and laughing, leaving her ass-up on the table, spent seed dribbling down her body, lacking the strength to do anything but soak in warm, wet satisfaction.
It was then that Kari spotted Hopper on the couch across from her, the short, stocky man desperately jerking his cock as he stared at her ruined, cum-streaked form. She tried to hold his gaze, tried to say something to help him along, but all she could manage was a breathy grunt followed by a half-giggle, her cock-addled brain too fuzzy to form words.
“You wanna finish inside her?” Regent asked his diminutive squad mate.
“Huh?” Hopper stopped, eyes widening with disbelief. “But…I didn’t…”
“Nitrox said you could have his turn. I probably shoulda told you earlier but…” The larger man gave a smirking shrug. “Beggers can’t be choosers, right?”
Hopper’s eyes narrowed, but he didn’t say anything further. Instead, he rose in silence and positioned himself behind Kari, his cock reaching just high enough to rest against her still-elevated backside.
Exhausted though she was, Kari’s heart skipped a beat when she felt his hands smoothing the taut curve of her ass, his fingers probing and lubing between her cheeks, preparing her final, unmolested hole for his use.
She’d never been fucked by Hopper before. He was the perennial bottom-fragger, always one step behind the competition. Could she have beaten him, Kari wondered, back when she still played? If so, it made her current situation all the more embarrassing. Imagine: a once-proud Strikeforce pro, about to be fucked by a lessor competitor, humbly offering her ass as an outlet for his frustrations.
The possibility stoked the smoldering heat beneath her belly. Arousal burned through her fatigue as she felt him enter, her body eagerly stretching to accommodate his disproportionality large cock. She moaned, still too tired to move, but wanting Hopper to know how much she appreciated him, how grateful she was to be brought lower than she’d ever been before, reduced to a pathetic piece of fuckmeat grunting against his thrusts.
Why had she ever bothered chasing fame and glory?
Why had she ever wanted to be victorious? To be admired?
It was so much better to be helpless. To be degraded. To be used, abused, and wrapped around her superior’s cock, drooling dumbly as it pounded her meager pride into dust.

“Mmm.” Kari blinked, her conscious mind returning as she kissed her owner’s cock.
“Ah, you’re back.” Sean chuckled, glancing beneath his desk. “Have fun with the boys?”
“Mm-hm…” Kari smiled. Parts of her memory were a little fuzzy, but she remembered washing and changing after Hopper had finished, donning her cow-print micro-bikini before dutifully reporting to her owner, body still trembling with a sensual soreness.
“Hopper fucked me in the ass,” she mentioned, stooping lower to tongue Sean’s balls.
“Really? Wasn’t he at the bottom?”
“Mm.” She lovingly sucked on his tip before withdrawing it with a wet pop. “Nitrox gave him his spot.”
“Huh. Did Nitrox say why?”
“No. Regent thinks he’s obsessed with getting the top prize. Wants to…mmm…save himself until he can have me first, I guess.”
Her owner sighed. “Well…as long as it keeps them motivated, I guess. If Hopper’s game doesn’t improve though, I want you to stop. Understand?”
Kari smiled. “Yes Master. Your will is my purpose.”
“Good girl.” He patted her head. “Now quiet down for a moment. I’ve got footage to review.”
Kari did as commanded, content to busy herself with her favorite pastime: kneeling on the cushion beneath her owner’s desk, enjoying the taste and tension of his cock, basking in an aura of blissful belonging.
She must’ve sunk back into slutspace, because she didn’t remember standing. But now here she was, facing her owner at attention, brain de-fogging as she realized he’d just finished telling her something important.
“Understand?” He asked.
“Uh-huh.” She nodded. It was mostly true. Even if her brain was too gooey to be of much use, her programming made sure all orders were followed to perfection, her body often obeying them without her even realizing it.
“Good girl.” He smiled, motioning to the door. “See you at dinner.”
Kari smiled and exited with a bow, knowing instinctively where she was needed next. She flounced down the stairs towards the foyer, shadowed by the vague recollection of what her owner had just told her.
The special guest had arrived. And Kari would be the first to greet them.
As she opened the door, an unfamiliar voice reached her ears, its tone masculine and skeptical.
“I know you’re a persuasive man, Michael. But do you really expect me to believe you can take these girls and—” The speaker hesitated as he noticed Kari, eyes widening as his bearded, pudgy face blanched in shock.
Kari tried to offer him a reassuring smile. But her lips faltered as she noticed his companion, her jaw dropping in surprise.
“Hello Kari.” Leurre grinned. “You’re looking fabulous today.”
Kari gasped. “It’s you.” Her flushed face broke into a joyful grin. “It’s really you. I can’t believe it, it’s—you’re…you’re back! You’re here!”
“Back?” the other guest repeated.
Kari bounced on her toes, breathless with excitement. “Coach Leurre taught me everything I know,” she explained. “He made me who I am. He gave me to my owner!”
This didn’t seem to assuage the baffled man’s confusion. He opened his mouth, then closed it before looking to Leurre. “Michael, is this really her? Is this…?”
Leurre chuckled. “Why don’t we let her introduce herself?”
Kari beamed, recognizing her cue when she heard it. “Okay!” she chirped, posing coquettishly against the doorframe. “Welcome to Team Salt! My name’s Kari.” She winked. “And I’m the team slut!”

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