Team Slut

Chapter 6

by Mesmerciless

Tags: #cw:noncon #f/m #pov:bottom #sub:female #brainwashed #brainwashing #D/s #degradation #dom:male #exhibitionism #gamer_girl #humiliation #hypnosis #hypnotic_screen #Master/slave_language #masturbation #memory_play #misogyny #pov:top #slutification #stripping #unaware #videogames

All of my stories are works of fiction and fantasy. All characters depicted are 18+. 

Thanks for reading, and enjoy!
“Where are we going again?” Kari asked.
From the driver’s seat, Sean shot a worried glance her way. She blushed, averting her eyes. It was a stupid question, she knew, one that he’d likely already answered. But she couldn’t help it—her head had been spinning since leaving the Team Salt compound, her thoughts struggling to find purchase without any orders to anchor them.
“We’re going to a hotel,” her savior patiently explained.
“Oh.” She shifted uneasily, tugging at the seatbelt between her breasts. “Not your apartment?”
Again, that troubled look. “We…already talked about this. Don’t you remember?”
“Um…” She scrunched up her face. “Kinda? Sorry, things are still a little…weird for me. Can you explain it again?” So a dumb slut like me can understand, she nearly added.
Sean sighed, rubbing the traces of stubble along his jaw. “We can’t go to my apartment. That’ll be the first place your coach looks. I tried to be careful, but it’s only a matter of time before he figures out I’m the one who took you. We’ll have to lay low for a while to throw him off the trail. Hopefully, he’s too worried about covering his own ass to call the cops.”
"Oh. Right.” Kari nodded gratefully, brimming with admiration. Sean was so smart. So strong. So in control. She was so lucky to be in his care. “So…what happens next?”
“Y’know, after we’ve escaped. Then what?”
A weighty pause. Sean’s hands wrung the steering wheel. “I’m…not sure. Guess we’ll have to figure it out as we go. Don’t worry.” He offered a reassuring smile. “It’ll be fine. You’re safe now— that’s all that really matters.”
“Right. Totally.” Kari tried her best to mirror his confidence, but it was a fragile, fleeting thing. Because as much as she wanted to agree, as much as she wanted to believe that all would be well…
…The warm stickiness between her thighs begged to differ.
Kari crossed her legs, smoothing the ruffles of her skirt. Despite what Sean claimed, she wasn’t safe—not completely. Though she’d escaped the compound, the training program had followed her out, its tendrils still buried in the soft, sensitive recesses of her mind. She could fight their influence if she tried, but resistance was a muscle she hadn’t exercised in ages. Already, she could feel its strength beginning to wane.
That was why she couldn’t stop blushing whenever Sean looked her way; why she found herself fascinated by the strong lines of his arms, the manly heft of his shoulders as they rose and fell with each breath. Kari had always known her friend was handsome, but in an abstract sort of way, a fact she recognized more than felt. Now, the shape of him was practically branded into her brain, alluring and impossible to ignore.
Of course, she knew this was her training at work; knew that it had conditioned her into a state of sexual suggestibility. And yet, she struggled to find the will to fight it. Especially when Sean’s mere presence made her weak in the knees.
He worked out—how had she never realized before? How had she never wondered what it would feel like to be pinned by those powerful arms? To have those hands grasp her hips, her tits, her throat?
Kari shivered, biting back an involuntary moan. Sean noticed, his eyes hesitating briefly before returning to the road. He cleared his throat.
“My, uh, jacket’s in the back if you’re cold,” he offered.
Kari peered over her shoulder, then down at the frilly maid uniform still binding her body. “That’s okay.” She smiled. “I’m fine like this.”
Sean’s lips quirked, then broke into a forced laugh. “Might be a good idea to cover up anyway. Y’know, in case someone sees us or something.”
Unable to argue, Kari reached into the back seat, retrieving the garment as instructed. Yet even as she knew what was expected of her, she still couldn’t bring herself to wear it, to deny Sean a view of her flushed, vulnerable flesh. Instead, she folded the sleek fabric on her lap, watching her savior the entire time, inviting him to object or argue.
“I’ll keep it right here,” she murmured. “Just in case.”
At the next red light, Sean’s eyes met hers. He glanced at the jacket, then the areas it was meant to cover, lingering over her lace-lined curves, her shivering midriff and pert, pink nipples. Kari bit her lip, goosebumps tingling wherever his searching gaze roamed.
The light turned green. Sean faced forward, throat ticking as he swallowed.
Kari’s fingers clutched the jacket tight, heat blossoming beneath her belly as she realized the truth. Sean hadn’t offered the jacket to protect her modesty; he was trying to shield himself from temptation. Even as he played the white knight, his motives weren’t entirely pure. There was still a part of him he couldn’t trust, a spark of lust that he had to keep smothered, lest it catch and engulf the object of its desire.
The object currently seated next to him, salivating at the thought.
No! Kari looked away, digging her nails into her palms. What was wrong with her? She was supposed to be fighting her programming, not helping it along. Seeking escape, she forced her gaze out the window, desperate to distract herself from the lewd heat coiling inside her.
“Sorry.” Sean grimaced, apparently misinterpreting her discomfort. “I know I shouldn’t keep staring, it’s just…weird.”
“Weird?” Kari repeated. “How?”
“Well, it’s like…you’re still you but…different, y’know?”
“I guess.”
An uneasy pause. “Was I right? Were they really, y’know…brainwashing you?”
Kari stiffened. Sean had no idea how dangerous that question was. Nor how powerless she was to refuse it. “I-I think…maybe…I dunno…”
“Do you…um. Do you remember…what they did?”
“B-bits in pieces,” she admitted, struggling not to say more. If he pressed further, if he made her remember…there was no telling how deep she might fall. The impending danger made her slick thighs clench.
A silence followed that seemed to last an eternity. “Like…what?” Sean finally asked.
Kari let out a shuddering breath, unable to hold back the memories any longer. “There was this…program,” she began. “My own—I mean, my coach—told me it was an aim trainer. But something about it was…weird. There were all these spinning colors and strange noises. I thought it was annoying at first, but the more I watched…the more I listened……the more I…understood. They were…helping me. Training me. Making me…better. Making me…making me…haaaahhh….”
Her eyelids fluttered, her head drooping slightly as she sank deeper into the seat. At some point, she’d shifted the jacket aside to sneak one hand beneath her skirt, her stroking fingers slick with arousal.
“I-I could tell something was wrong,” she continued, the words distant in her own ears. “But it…it felt so good. And the more I gave in…the more I let it change me…the more I wanted it. I wanted to be a good girl. I…want to be a good girl. I…need…to be…oh god…”
“K-Kari?” Sean’s voice was rigid with shock. “Jesus, are you…?”
She was. She had no choice. Even the memory of her programming was irresistible. It was too tempting, too hot. Of course it would make her rub herself stupid. Of course it would remind her what a well-trained slut she was.
“I’m s-sorry…” she whimpered, only half-meaning it. “I…can’t help it…I just…ohhh…” Her free hand tweaked her nipple, fresh sparks of desire shooting across her skin. “I’m such a…stupid slut. Such a…useless…hopeless…”
“I-it’s okay. Y-you don’t have to apologize just…” Sean’s eyes darted frantically between her and the road. “Just…stop! Stop!”
With a hiss, Kari tore her hands free. She grit her teeth, saliva leaking down her chin as her shoulders shook and hips bucked, struggling to contain her thwarted arousal. Gradually, the roiling warmth eased into a gentle throb, her own thoughts returning between each aching, needy pulse.
She’d been close. If not for Sean’s command, she would’ve edged herself into submission, with little hope of recovery. His intervention had saved her. Again.
Didn’t that mean he deserved a reward?
The click of her seatbelt caused Sean’s eyes to widen. “H-hey, what are you—?”
Kari put a glistening finger to her lips, transfixed by the tent between his legs. “I-it’s okay,” she breathed, forcing herself to believe it. “I just want to…thank you…for…being so good to me.”
Sean’s jaw worked, struggling to make a sound. “Y-you don’t have to…I mean, m-maybe we should just….” The rest of his protest died as she rested a hand on his thigh, her touch smoothing up, up, up his jeans before gliding over the stiff peak at the center.
He was so tense. So taut. She needed to help him relax. To make him feel good. It was her duty. Her purpose. Her pleasure.
“K-Kari, I—”
“P-please,” she begged, swallowing a mouthful of drool.
“Please,” she repeated meekly, sweetening the plea with soft, supplicating strokes over the straining fabric. “L-let me do this for you.”
Sean’s nostrils flared. He met her eyes, then faced the road. His head tilted in a tight nod.
A grateful thrill flashed through Kari, electrifying her trembling body. She hurried to undo his belt, her breath quickening into hot, excited gasps.
When she drew his cock free, it’s swelling expanse seemed to fill her world. It was beautiful. Captivating. So tall and commanding. So red and warm. So delicate, yet so unyielding. It demanded her deference. Her obedience. Her worship.
She was all too eager to oblige.
Kari bowed her head between Sean’s legs, wet lips sliding smoothly down his shaft, her throat opening to accommodate every inch. She hummed with delight, lavishing him with affection, savoring his taste and tension, the subtle twitches of pleasure against her tongue.
The first bump in the road came as a surprise. Sean suddenly thrust into Kari, past what the dazed slut had been prepared for. She choked and coughed, pulling herself free, saliva stringing from his cock to her sputtering mouth.
Her savior winced. “Shit, sorry. Are you o—ohhhh…” he moaned as she resumed with renewed enthusiasm, unwilling to let him apologize. There was nothing for him to feel sorry for. He was a man, far above the reproach or refusal of a silly slut like her. He could make her choke all he wanted—she was his to enjoy, after all.
It was a role she’d been well trained for. Even though she’d never given road head before, even though her mind had been a whirl of confusion and paranoia moments earlier, Kari felt no hesitation as she plunged Sean deep inside her, burying her nose in the musky curls of his crotch. She moved in a lustful trance, her attention completely consumed by the cock gliding between her lips, the muscles flexing beneath her fingers, the subtle shifts in her savior’s breath as she adjusted her pace and depth.
She was learning to read him; his sharp gasps and soft sighs; the way he stiffened when rough road approached; the way he moaned when he was struggling to hold back. His rhythms were different than those of her owner, but it wasn’t long before her body mastered them, her head bobbing and tongue dancing just so, bringing her savior to the heights of pleasure before slowing and relaxing, readying him for another climb.
“K-Kari,” Sean panted. “Fuck, I’m…I’m…”
The strain in his voice was a song she couldn’t resist. The dutiful slut quickened her efforts, no longer teasing or testing, just pumping as much pleasure from him as possible. Her jaw ached. Her throat burned. But the pain only pushed her further, made her all the more desperate for him to…
The world rattled as the car bounded over a series of bumps. In that moment, Sean groaned, unable to contain it any longer. Even as a muffled cry escaped Kari, even as her eyes watered and her throat throbbed, she refused to release the cock spasming inside her, to spill even a single drop of her sweet, sweet reward.
Of course, the body can only handle so much. After her first greedy swallow, Kari choked, salty streams spilling down her savior’s cock. She recovered quickly, lowering herself further to clean up her mess, lapping every morsel with dutiful affection, even as more continued to spurt and dribble down her face.
“Holy shit,” Sean panted, his cock softening and drooping against her lips. “That was…that was…”
“Mmmmm…” Kari murmured in assent, kissing the last milky pearls from his tip. A warm shiver wriggled through her, pride and pleasure mingling in a delightful dose of happy chemicals. She felt spacey and drunk, yet perfectly awake, fully aware of every wonderful feeling curling and swirling inside her.
Including the tightening heat beneath her belly.
Kari bit her lip, excitement building with every heartbeat. It was coming. Her true reward. The prize she’d rightfully earned. The climax that always chased the delicious taste on her tongue.
She waited.
Her muscles clenched, anticipating, craving, pleading.
But nothing happened.
Kari blinked, confusion deepening with desperation. What was going on? This wasn’t how it usually went. Had she done something wrong? Why wouldn’t her owner let her cum?
“Are you…okay?” Sean asked.
Kari stiffened, suppressing a gasp as the weight of reality descended.
That’s right—she wasn’t with her owner. She was with someone else. Someone she’d only ever thought of as a friend. Somone she’d never even kissed before. Someone who was trying to save her from sexual servitude. And yet…and yet…
Kari let out a shuddering whine, folding in her seat as hot humiliation tore through her. There was no escape. The realization of what she’d done, of what her programming had made her do, it only fanned the flames even higher, consuming her in a fire of aching, writhing need.
“Kari?” Sean flinched as another pathetic whimper broke from her lips. “What’s happening? Why are you—”
“Please…” she mewled. “Please let me cum…”
“Uh, okay. Sure. H-how? What do I need to do?”
A flash of inspiration. A hopeless gamble. “T-tell me to cum,” she begged. “Please, Sir. Tell me to cum for you. I’ve been such a good girl.”
“S-sure.” Sean exhaled. “Cum for me.”
Another throb of arousal. But it wasn’t enough. “N-not like that. Harder. More…commanding…”
Her savior flashed an authoritative glare, his voice lowered to a rumble. “Cum for me. Now.”
Kari’s hips twitched, her breath bending into an agonized squeal. She was close. So close. “H-here.” She grabbed Sean’s free hand, locking his fingers around her neck. “Like this. Like you own me. Like I’m nothing but your stupid, slutty fucktoy. Please.”
Sean hesitated, his touch wavering. He glanced at her, then pulled over to the side of the road.
“Wh—” But before Kari could finish the question, his grip on her throat tightened, choking her voice.
“Cum for me,” Sean commanded, his gaze burning in her blurred vision. “Cum for me, you pathetic slut.”
A powerful pulse thrummed inside Kari, rippling across every needy, quivering part of her body. Her eyes rolled back, head lolling as her hips bucked, riding the searing edge of ecstasy.
It still…
“Did it work?” Sean asked, gaze and grip softening as Kari’s shoulders slumped. “Did you…y’know…?”
She gave a shaky nod, blinking back tears. “Y-yes. Um. Th-thank you. And…sorry.”
“It’s okay.” He let out an uneasy laugh. “I mean…it was intense but, y’know, if that’s what it takes…”
Kari forced a smile. But she couldn’t hold it for long. Not when she was so drained. Not when she was so horny. Not when she was so lost.
No, not lost—cornered. By her desires. By her programming. By an awful truth she could no longer escape.
She wasn’t allowed to cum. Not now, maybe not ever.

Knuckles rapped on the bathroom door, breaking Kari out of her stupor.
“Everything okay?” Sean’s muffled voice asked. “You’ve been in there for, like, almost an hour.”
“Um.” Kari parted the shower curtain, shouting above the rushing water. “Sorry! I’ll be out soon. J-just a few more minutes!”
She waited, holding her breath and staring at the blank face of the door. When no further questions came, she stepped back beneath the cascading water, a sigh of relief parting her lips as her hands returned their positions, kneading and stroking her sleek, sensitive skin.
Had it really been an hour? She’d completely lost track of time. Originally, she’d hoped a shower would give her the space and solitude needed to think. But as the growing steam enveloped her flesh, Kari felt it pour into her head as well, drowning her thoughts in a hot, horny haze.
She had no idea when she’d started masturbating. Nor why she now continued to do so, thoughtlessly teasing her taut, tender nipples as her fingers pumped lazily between her legs. It just seemed like the thing to do, a habit she couldn’t help but fall back on. She knew it was a hopeless effort, knew that it would bring neither relief nor clarity. Yet there was something comforting in it all the same, a familiarity of motion and sensation that helped anchor her drifting mind. In a way, her sexual frustration felt like the only real thing she could cling to.
How pitiful was that?
Kari’s breath hitched. “Pitiful”—that was the perfect word to describe her. Mere hours ago, the dripping slut had thought herself a fighter. She’d believed that her will was strong, that through sheer grit and determination, she could break her brainwashing and reclaim her freedom. But so far, all she’d done was discover new ways to humiliate herself. Forget winning her dignity back—she couldn’t even walk across a parking lot without forgetting to cover up; couldn’t even check into a motel without batting her eyes at the unkempt clerk, blushing and giggling as his leering gaze explored her body. Hell, she couldn’t even take a shower without slipping into a raunchy reverie, licking her lips as she recalled the taste of Sean’s cock, how shamelessly she’d offered herself to it, knowing full well what it would do to her fragile, fractured brain.
Was this what her life would be from now on? A carousel of arousal she could never climb down from? A battle of attrition she was destined to lose?
Destined to lose. The notion sent a shameful thrill of arousal through her. She bit her lip, searching her future for an alternative fate. Maybe there was hope. Maybe she was just an addict in need of a detox. Maybe with enough time, she could learn to be normal again.
But then…what? Did Kari really think that her old life could be restored? That she could simply go back to the daily grind, pretending that nothing had happened? She’d spent the last who-knew-how-many-weeks masturbating and throwing games until her Strikeforce account was a smoldering crater. No doubt her reputation had been ruined, her once-sharp skills dulled beyond recognition. It would be a long, hard climb to restore her prior standing.
And for what? Could she really join another team knowing that brainwashing technology was still out there? That at any moment, she could be faced with a screen of swirling colors, and feel her free will slipping away?
Of course, that was all assuming a full recovery was even possible. There was still a chance that she would forever remain this way: unable to resist her carnal urges and yet unable to satisfy them, spending weeks, months, years on the edge of release, yearning for a reprieve that would never come.
When she thought of it that way, didn’t all of this struggling seem pointless? Wouldn’t it be easier just to give in? To embrace her inferiority and reap its rewards?
Or…could she find the courage to fight? To resist? To risk it all for an uncertain fate?
Who could ever make such a choice?
Kari tittered. Then giggled.
How the hell had she ended up here? All she’d wanted was to play a videogame professionally. Now here she was, debating the pros and cons of her own enslavement.
It was absurd. It was all so absurd. And the more she thought about it, the funnier it became. Bubbles of laughter began rising from her chest, swelling in number and size. Her body quivered, struggling to contain them, her hands covering her face, legs trembling as they threatened to give out.
At last, her strength and composure broke. Kari dropped to the floor, cackling uncontrollably, unable to tell if her cheeks were wet with tears, shower water, or streaks of her own glistening juices. Every time she paused, every time she gasped and choked for breath, the maniacal mirth would only double, reducing her to a heaving, howling heap.
Eventually, the waves of delirium subsided.
Kari lay on the shower floor, chest gently rising and falling, her eyes fixed on the white ceiling above. It was like looking into a clear blue sky after a terrible storm, her path now clear under the bright, shining sun.
Her mind was made up.
She knew what she wanted.
There was no going back.

Sean removed one of his earbuds, squinting at the bathroom door.
Was that…laughter he’d just heard?
He waited, perched on the edge of the motel bed, knee bouncing as he listened. But the sound of rushing water was all that reached his ears.
Sighing, he returned the earbud to its place and his eyes to his phone, desperate to drown his flailing thoughts. Without constant distraction, it felt like his brain would come completely undone, torn between paranoia, confusion, and the knowledge that his years-long crush was mere meters away, naked and washing his cum from her hair.
His cock twitched at the thought, hardening with excitement. Should he retreat to the lobby restroom for relief? Doing so would mean asking the skeevy clerk for the key again, a notion Sean found unappealing. Besides, there was a much more enticing solution right in front of him.
What if he barged into the bathroom, and asked Kari to satisfy him instead? He didn’t think she’d refuse—not after he’d seen her reaction to the mere suggestion of his cock. His heartbeat quickened as he recalled her look of utter entrancement, her face flushed with lustful need, her eyes glazing and lips parting just the way he’d always fantasized about.
Sean groaned, digging his fingers into his leg. He hadn’t thought rescuing her would be easy, but this was pure torture. His worst fears and wildest fantasies were coming true on the same night, trapping him in a vortex of swirling conflict. He knew that Kari wasn’t in her right mind, that taking advantage of her in this state was wrong. He also knew that he’d never felt so good, so powerful as the moment she’d placed his hands around her neck, submitting to his manly authority as she begged for permission to cum.
What was he supposed to do now? Was there anything that could be done? Sean was a pro gamer, not a psychologist—for all he knew, Kari’s brainwashing was permanent, or at least so advanced that nobody but her captors could reverse it. If that was the case…if this was the way she would always be…was there any harm in enjoying it? Sean wasn’t to blame for any of this, after all, and he’d certainly make a better owner than the creep who was.
Sean shook his head, silently admonishing himself. He couldn’t keep thinking this way. Right now, Kari was in a desperate struggle for her own mind, putting everything on the line to fight for her freedom. He needed to match her determination and resist any adversarial impulses. Even if they came from his deepest, darkest desires.
“Hey! Earth to Sean!”
He glanced up, his grip nearly shattering his phone as his body went rigid.
Kari was standing in front of him, cheerful and naked, her enormous tits jiggling as she bent to bring her face level with his.
“Got your attention now?” She straightened with a satisfied smile. “You were totally zoned out. Thought for a second I was gonna have to smack you.”
“Uh, s-sorry.” Sean tried his best to laugh. “You, uh, feeling better now?”
“Yep!” She plopped down next to him, soft curves bouncing as she settled onto the mattress. “In fact, I haven’t felt this good in ages. Although…”
Sean tensed as her voice trailed off. “What’s wrong?”
She glanced at him shyly. “I hate to ask, but would you mind grabbing us some food? I haven’t eaten since breakfast and I am starving.
“Oh.” Sean ran a hand through his hair. “I uh, dunno if I can make that happen. Everything’s probably closed till morning, and I don’t think this place does room service.”
“Aw.” Kari’s lips curved in a subtle pout. “C’mon, there’s gotta be a 24-hour drive-thru or something still open. Can you check for me? Please?”
It took Sean a moment to remember he was still holding his phone. “Right.” He tore his gaze from her pleading eyes. “Okay. So. Looks like…there’s a McDonald’s a short drive away. But…”
“But what?”
He gave her a wary look. “I dunno if it’s a good idea. Leaving you alone and all.”
“Huh? Why not?”
“Well…I mean…what if you-know-who shows up?”
Kari scoffed. “He doesn’t even know we’re here, much less what room we checked into.”
“Yeah, but still. I dunno. Maybe you should come with me, just to be safe.”
Kari hesitated. “Sure, if that’s what it takes, but…” She glanced at the crumpled, cum-stained maid uniform on the carpet. “To be honest, I really don’t wanna wear that again. And I don’t have any other clothes so…”
“Shit.” Sean rubbed his face, standing and pacing as his thoughts continued to race. “You’re right. Sorry. Okay. Uh…let me think. We could…no…”
“Sean.” Kari grasped his arm, halting him in place. “Can you take a sec and just breathe? Please?”
Sean blinked, then did as she asked. “Right. Sorry. This whole thing’s got me a little—”
“Paranoid?” Kari cocked her head, then smiled. “It’s okay. I get it.” She tugged him closer, drawing him back down onto the bed. “But you don’t have to worry about me so much,” she continued. “I know I’m probably still a little…weird, but it’s not like I’m completely helpless. I can survive fifteen minutes alone without going crazy, I promise.”
Sean hesitated. He wanted to protest, but couldn’t find the words. Not when she so close; not when he could practically feel the heat wafting from her skin, her hand affectionately tracing his, every instinct he had demanding he pull her close and…
“Sean? You okay?”
“Y-yeah. Of course.” He closed his eyes, jaw tightening as he tried to re-center. “Just…promise you won’t answer the door until you know it’s me. Actually...” He extracted his hand, tapping it against the end table in a staccato rhythm. “Let’s make this our secret knock. That way, we can let each other know when it’s safe.” He repeated the pattern again. “Got it?”
Kari flashed a sly smirk. “Wow, check out Mr. Superspy here. Wanna come up with codenames next? Maybe some tactical hand signs?”
Despite himself, Sean laughed. “You got it or not?”
“I got it I got it.” She grinned, waved him away. “Now get going before I starve to death. Please and thank you.”
Sean stood, smiling to himself as he headed for the door. Nudity notwithstanding, the Kari turning on the T.V. now seemed almost…normal. No doubt her full recovery was still a ways off,
but if she was teasing and bantering with him again…perhaps the old Kari wasn’t as lost as he’d feared.
Sean paused as the door shut behind him, realizing at once that he’d forgotten something. With a sigh, he unlocked the room again and poked his face back inside. “Hey Kari? You never told me what you wanted.”
“Huh?” Kari sat upright as if startled. “Oh. Duh. Sorry. Nuggets are fine. With the sweet n’ sour dipping sauce, please!”
“You got it.” He gave her a parting thumbs up before exiting into the hall, the door closing and locking with a decisive click. Yet as Sean waked down the carpeted corridor, a nagging feeling lingered in his footsteps, a sense that he was still forgetting something, even as he struggled to put words to it. It wasn’t until he exited into the cool quiet of the parking lot that the hairs on his neck stiffened, and he realized what he’d missed.
It might’ve been his imagination but…
…Had Kari been reaching for the phone just now?
Sean looked back up at the motel windows, searching for shadows behind the flat blinds rimmed with light. But there was nothing—no silhouettes, no movement. The air remained silent, broken only by the distant rumble of cars, their echoes fading into the night.
Sean turned, shrugging off his unease as he unlocked his own vehicle. He was getting paranoid again, just like Kari had warned him. He needed to relax, to trust her like she trusted him. It was the only way they would ever find a happy ending.
Back on the road, Sean let his thoughts begin to loosen, the tension in his muscles easing one mile at a time. If he didn’t think too hard, he could imagine that this was just a typical munchies run, the kind Kari used to send him during their late-night gaming sessions. On those bleary-eyed drives, Sean had sometimes fantasized that she would be waiting naked for him when he returned, wearing only a coquettish smile as she offered a special tip for his services. Maybe this the time that dream would actually come true. And if not, well…that would be a good sign of her recovery, at least.
Such musings brightened Sean’s mood through the drive-thru and return trip. It was only when he re-entered the motel that the warm, nostalgic feelings began to unwind, fuzzy edges fraying as he realized…
…Something felt off.
The lobby was quiet, even for the late hour. There was no music playing over the speakers, no bedraggled clerk scrolling TikTok at full volume. Instead, the only sign of life was a woman seated by the front desk, her long-lashed eyes fixed on her phone.
She was beautiful. So much so that Sean couldn’t help but stare. Her face was delicate and feminine, her hair a stylish blonde bob, its golden tresses teasing the graceful slope of her neck. A tight black dress hugged every contour of her body, emphasizing her pert bust and svelte hips, its hem stretching just far enough to reach her bare, toned thighs. Couched in a disheveled armchair, her striking looks seemed almost surreal, her elegance loudly clashing with the shabbiness of her surroundings.
Sean realized he was gawking. No good—he couldn’t afford to draw any attention. Lowering his eyes, he quickly ducked into the dimly lit stairwell, taking the steps as quietly as possible. But the uncanniness of the encounter didn’t fade—in fact, it only deepened. As he reached the second floor, Sean realized that the mystery woman hadn’t once looked his way, even as he’d blatantly ogled her with a bag of fast-food rustling in his hands.
That was…weird, right?
Worries multiplying, Sean hastened down the empty hall, shooting glances over his shoulder all the way to his room. He paused, placed his ear to the door. For a moment, he thought he heard people talking. Then a laugh track cut through the murmurs, the sound apparently issuing from some sitcom on T.V.
Steeling himself, Sean knocked on the door.
No answer.
“Kari?” He repeated the “all-clear” pattern. “You there?”
“Here,” Kari’s voice replied, barely audible. “The chain isn’t set. You can come in.”
Sean frowned, looking both ways down the hall. “Okay.” He drew the room key from his pocket. “I’m coming in.”
He opened the door.
And felt his heart freeze.
A tall man was seated at the edge of the bed, his sandy hair neatly parted, spectacles gleaming sharply in the lamplight. Below him, Kari knelt in a deep, reverent bow, her ass and pussy presented towards the open door, her face nearly kissing the floor between the man’s feet. She tensed, beginning to turn as if sensing Sean’s gaze, only to stop when a shiny loafer rested on her head.
“Ah-ah-ah,” the man chided. “Who said you could move, slut?” He turned to Sean next, his glittering eyes smiling. “Ah, Mr. Fairfield. Glad you could join us.”
The bag of food hit the floor as Sean’s hands curled into fists. “You bastard!” He lowered himself into a charge, hate erupting in his veins. “Let her g—”
Suddenly, a long leg swept his feet. Sean tripped, stumbled, then felt his wrists caught by unseen hands, his neck craning just in time to catch a glimpse of the woman from the lobby before she forced him to the ground, wrenching his arms behind his back. He struggled and kicked, but her hold only tightened, twisting his tendons until his curses broke into cries of pain.
“Easy, Nora,” the man cautioned. “We don’t want to hurt him.”
“My apologies, Master.” Her grip eased, and Sean collapsed, reeling. “I had only your safety in mind.”
“I know. But try to restrain yourself.” The man sighed, peering at Sean. “Mr. Fairfield? Are you still with us?”
Sean forced his head to rise, glaring at the icy blue orbs staring down at him.
“There we are.” The man smiled. “I don’t believe we’ve formally met. The name’s Michael Leurre. But you probably know me better as this one’s…personal caretaker, let’s say.”
Fresh anger sparked in Sean’s veins, propelling him into another round of desperate thrashing. But Nora’s grip refused to relent, her deft hands tweaking her captive’s limbs until they creaked on the verge of breaking.
“S-Sean, please!” Kari cried, trembling under Leurre’s heel. “Just listen to him!”
“Well said, slut.” Leurre pressed down on her head, gently but firmly pushing her face to the floor. “Now hush. Your superiors are talking.”
“H-how?” Sean sputtered, lifting his own cheek from the carpet. “How did you know where we were?”
Leurre’s eyebrows arched. “I would think the answer obvious. We followed you, of course.”
“F-followed?” Sean repeated, his mind racing. “But…when…?”
“Come now. Did you really think that I wasn’t prepared for this? That I would ever let my client’s property waltz out the door without being absolutely certain I could get it back?”
“Then…why did you…?”
“Let you go? Because I’m a scientist, I suppose.” Leurre sighed. “I’ve been in this game for a while, Mr. Fairfield, and though I’m confident in my methods, there’s always…room for improvement. Perfect control is an imperfect art, you see.” He gestured at the whimpering girl under his shoe. “Even when a subject seems to be operating as intended, there are often little specks of resistance buried in their brain, tiny shards of their old personality that can create serious ruptures if left unchecked. It takes a lot of work to…smooth out all the wrinkles, shall we say. Why, I think our friend Nora here went through…what was it, five, six rounds of reeducation?”
“Five, Master,” Nora purred. “Though I begged for a sixth.”
“Five. Yes, exactly.” Leurre shook his head. “An effective system, but inefficient. I can’t tell you how annoying it is to be stuck correcting some stupid girl who should’ve completed her training weeks ago. So!” He pointed at Sean. “When I realized that you intended to interfere, it gave me an idea. Instead of spending weeks searching for every last remnant of resistance, what if I introduced a variable that would lure them all to surface at once? In doing so, could I then manipulate my subject into crushing them herself? It was a risk, to be sure. But I’m proud to say, our special girl here did exactly as I expected.”
“She what?” Sean groaned, his voice hoarse and strained. “What are you talking about?”
“Oh please, Mr. Fairfield—surely, you understand by now? Well, that’s okay.” Leurre reached down, yanking Kari’s head from the floor as he stood. “Let’s hear it straight from the whore’s mouth, shall we?”
With that, Leurre lead Kari to where Sean lay, her hair like a leash as she crawled on all fours. She offered no complaint or resistance, her gaze dull and distant, her body trembling, naked and hepless beneath her tormentor’s shadow.
Sean wanted to fight. Wanted to scream. But he could barely find the strength to breath, could barely hold his head high enough to watch. With every second that Kari avoided his gaze, it felt like his ribs caved another inch.
“Sit.” Leurre commanded.
Kari rested on her knees, expressionless and docile.
“Now speak. Tell Mr. Fairfield what you did.”
Her lips parted. “I called my owner. I told him where we were. I told him I wanted to come back.
Leurre nodded with a satisfied smirk. “That’s how we knew she was ready. To be honest, I was prepared to wait all night but…” He gave her a condescending pat on the head. “I suppose I overestimated her. Ah, well. She tried her best, I’ll grant her that.”
“Wh-why?” Sean croaked, searching for the woman he loved behind her blank, obedient mask. “Why did you do it?”
Kari stiffened. Finally, her eyes met his, a shard of light flickering in their depths. “I…didn’t want to hurt you. But I…I couldn’t help it. When I thought about my future…what it would mean to go back to the way things were…I just couldn’t do it. I don’t want to keep fighting. I don’t want to keep running. I don’t want…to keep thinking. I want…” She swallowed. “I want…”
“Go on.” Leurre nudged her. “It’s your last free thought. You might as well finish it.”
Kari looked to her captor, voice softening with adoration. “I want to be yours. I want to be trained. To be owned. I want to be your good girl. Your slut.” She pressed herself against him, thighs straddling his ankle as her arms grasped his leg. “I want your cock. I want your cum. I want to be used. To be crushed. To be broken. I want…I want to cum! Please sir! Please just let me—”
“Enough,” Leurre cut through her pleading. “It doesn’t matter what you want anymore. Now look here.” He lifted a single finger. “And focus.”
Sean watched, helpless as Kari did what she was told. She followed Leurre’s hand closely, fixated on the very tip of his extended finger, barely even blinking as it began to sway.
“Good girl,” Leurre purred. “Now remember your training.”
Kari’s eyelashes fluttered. Her arms slid to her sides, the furrows on her forehead fading, mouth sliding open as her eyes became dreamy and distant.
“That’s right. That’s my obedient pet. Your training is almost complete. Everything you’ve learned has been building to this moment. The moment when you take the final step. When you become what you’ve always wanted to be.”
A subtle shiver ran down Kari’s back, her gaze still locked on Leurre’s finger as he slowly wagged it before her face. Back and forth. Back and forth.
“Now remember how hard you’ve been training for me. Think of every time you’ve edged at my command. Imagine I’ve taken all of that denied pleasure and placed it on the tip of my finger, so that I may give it to you whenever I please. You didn’t deserve it before—you weren’t ready to accept it. But you’re more than ready now, aren’t you?”
The entranced girl nodded, her chin dipping low, drool stringing from her bottom lip.
“Good girl. Now, I’m going to give that pleasure back to you. And when I do, you will accept your role as my eternal sex slave. A perfect servant with no thoughts of her own. Slutty and submissive. Docile and devoted. Able to fulfill any fantasy, and eager to obey every order.”
As he spoke, Leurre’s finger hovered closer to Kari’s face. She stared, completely enraptured as her eyes began to cross.
“You will not be a person,” Leurre continued. “You will be property. You will not think, and you will not question. You will follow. You will submit. You will do as your owner commands and be of use however they see fit.”
The tip of his finger stopped millimeters from her forehead. Kari quivered, clearly tempted, but resisting the impulse to move, to do anything without her master’s permission.
He smiled. “My will be your purpose. Your pleasure. And it starts with this gift I’m giving you. Right…now.”
Leurre tapped her forehead.
Kari stiffened, shoulders tensing and thighs squishing together, as though Leurre had sent an electrical shock through her.
Then a broken moan escaped her lips. Her shoulders went slack, her body listing sideways before crumpling to the ground, limp as a lifeless doll. Yet even as all strength appeared to leave her, a strange energy suddenly pulsed from within, bucking through her hips and rippling across her chest, forcing her to writhe against the floor.
At first, Sean thought she was having a seizure. Then Kari let out a gasp of ecstasy, her back arching from the carpet and her legs spreading wide, whimpers spasming into joyful cries as her pussy squirted and gushed.
She was cumming. Over and over and over again. No longer in control of her mind. No longer in control of her body. She was little more than a puppet to the pleasure that had seized her, a slave to the sensations thrumming through her body.
There was no coming back from this, Sean realized. Kari was gone, replaced by a pathetic, shameless, empty-headed slut. He tore his gaze away, forcing himself not to watch, even as her lewd whines and barks filled the air.
“Well, then.” Leurre clapped his hands. “With that business concluded, we can begin our negotiations. Nora, my pet, fetch Mr. Fairfield a chair, would you? Oh, and get this silly thing off the carpet. She’s making quite the mess.”
“Yes, Master,” Nora replied, releasing Sean from her grasp before scooping Kari off the ground. Dimly, a part of him recognized that this was an opening, a chance to make an escape. But as the blonde thrall ferried her slave sister away, Sean’s body refused to budge. His arms lay heavy at his sides, limp and lifeless his heart, every part of him dulled and deadened by defeat.
Well…save for the growing stiffness beneath his torso.
“No need to look so down,” Leurre chuckled, watching as Nora lay Kari atop the neighboring bed. “She’s a lot happier now. And I have a feeling you will be too, once you’ve heard my proposal.”
“Huh?” Sean could barely follow through the cold, bleak sludge in his skull. “Fuck, man. Don’t drag this out. Just kill me or whatever already.”
“Kill you?” Leurre’s eyebrows arched. “Quite the dramatic proposition. Why on earth would I want to do that?”
“To tie off loose ends?” Sean ventured, weakly allowing Nora to guide him into a chair.
Leurre sighed, returning to his seat on the unoccupied mattress. “If I thought you were a threat, Mr. Fairfield, I would go after your reputation, not your head. A pro-gamer gone missing is a news story. A pro-gamer exposed for stalking is…well, still news of a sort, I suppose. But you get my meaning.” He paused. “Regardless, I would prefer it if we could avoid both scenarios and find a more…amicable solution. We both stand to gain a great deal from this, after all.”
Somehow, Sean found the energy to glare. “Yeah? And how the fuck do you figure that?”
Leurre smiled, unperturbed. “I’m glad you asked. Now…” An orgasmic cry cut him off. He paused, shooting an annoyed look at the other bed. “Nora, could you please attend to that? We’re trying to have a conversation here.”
“Of course, Master.” His right-hand woman smiled, sauntering past him before laying herself at Kari’s side. Her lips reached the trembling slut’s ear, whispering words that Sean couldn’t quite make out. Regardless, their effect was obvious. Though Kari still shifted and squirmed in the throes of ecstasy, the cadence of her movements became more rhythmic, more regular, her moans quieting into breathy whimpers as Nora’s fingers toyed with her body, stroking her sex and kneading her breasts, conducting her pleasure with a precise, practiced touch.
Ashamed though he was for staring, the sight shot some life into Sean’s withered veins. “What’s…happening to her?” he asked.
Leurre paused, seeming to consider his answer. “To put it simply, her brain is reformatting itself. Everything that makes up who she is—her memories, her desires, her personality—it’s all being broken down and reconfigured to fit the mental cage I built for her. Once the process is complete, she won’t just accept her enslavement—she’ll wonder how she ever lived without it.”
“Jesus.” Sean breathed. “Then, what? She’s just your mindless sex slave? Forever?”
“Not mine.” Leurre shook his head. “Yours.”
Sean blinked, struggling to believe what he’d heard. “What?”
Leurre sighed, impatient. “Was I not clear? I want you to succeed me, Mr. Fairfield. As Team Salt’s coach…and Kari’s new owner.”
Sean gaped, a choked laugh breaking from his throat.
It couldn’t be. This had to be a trap, some kind of diabolical trick. There was no way he could…now way he would…
“There are some stipulations, of course,” Leurre continued. “Though you’ll be acting as her owner, she will remain the property of Team Salt, and you will both abide by company guidelines. You will, for example, ensure that other team members have access to her under certain conditions, per the wishes of my client. But don’t worry—Kari will still adore and obey you as her one, true master. She will never question your commands, nor deny your desires, within reason. A rather agreeable arrangement, wouldn’t you say?”
Sean didn’t answer. He stared at the floor, unwilling to move, unwilling to speak, lest the world suddenly spin out from under him.
“Mr. Fairfield? Any thoughts?”
“Why?” He whispered, unable to think of anything else.
His counterpart squinted. “Why not? You’ve clearly harbored an attraction to her for some time. And you certainly know more about Strikeforce than I.”
“But I thought…you wanted…”
“Her?” Leurre laughed. “She’s an enticing little amusement, I’ll give you that. But I can indulge in such pleasures anytime, without hitching my wagon to an e-sports team.”
“Mm.” Nora looked up, releasing Kari’s nipple from her mouth. “The girls miss you, by the way, Master.”
“I’m sure they do. In any case, I won’t deny enjoying my time with Kari, but I only ever thought of her as an experiment. My client is of a similar opinion—he’s far more invested in the performance of his team than he is the sexual ministrations of some domesticated whore.”
Domesticated whore. Despite himself, Sean found his gaze gliding to Kari, watching as Nora coaxed another climax from her rolling, grinding hips.
His. She could be his.
But…would it be worth it?
Even if Kari acted like she belonged to him, he would always know that her adoration was artificial. She hadn’t really fallen for him—she’d been tricked and enslaved against her will, sold to Sean with a contract attached, offering to fulfill his dreams for the price of his conscience.
What if he couldn’t live with that?
What if he could?
“I can see you may need time to process this,” Leurre observed, beckoning for Nora as he stood. “Tell you what. My assistant and I will allow you some privacy for the night. You won’t be permitted to leave the motel, of course—not until you’ve made your decision, anyway. In the meantime, feel free to mull it over as you like. If you refuse my offer, I’ll simply find someone else to take her off my hands. But if you choose to accept it…well…”
He chuckled with a demonic grin. “I’ve left a special little catch in her conditioning. Once the reformatting finishes, her mind will imprint upon the first cock that enters her. She will believe
its owner to be her master, the new center of her universe. Normally, this is so the buyer can enjoy ‘sealing the deal,’ so to speak. But in your case, consider it a signing bonus. Goodnight.”

Kari was pleasure.
Liquid and molten.
Shapeless and formless.
Roiling with sensations she couldn’t control.
Contracting and expanding along waves of bliss.
No thoughts.
No cares.
Breath and body. Motion and moans.
Was she even cumming anymore?
She couldn’t tell.
It didn’t matter.
She could stay like this forever.
Thinking nothing. Feeling everything.
Something drifted near her face.
A hand. Large and masculine. Gradually moving to cup her cheek.
Contact. A constellation of glittering sparks. An irresistible gravity drawing her in, compelling her to nuzzle the open palm, to suck and nibble the thumb gently pressed against her lips.
It was captivating. This touch, this connection. Though the feeling of formlessness had been wonderful, Kari now realized she longed for shape. Longed to be shaped.
“Holy shit.” A male voice, husky with desire. “You really like this, huh?”
“Mmmm…” she hummed as the thumb slipped free from her mouth, a string of drool lingering like a parting gift. She blinked, hazy shapes swimming in her vision, her dim awareness coalescing around the figure kneeling over her.
He was a man. That much she recognized. But though a part of her longed to see his face, the pull of his touch was too powerful. She could only focus on his hands, his arms, the powerful legs straddling her thighs, the naked heat throbbing above her needy sex.
“You want this, don’t you?” The man asked. “You’ve…always wanted this, right? Deep down, maybe…”
Kari wasn’t sure what he was asking. But she could feel the want rumbling in his question, smoldering coals anxious to ignite. She didn’t understand his hesitation, but she knew she had to resolve it, to feed his flame until it blazed free from fear, engulfing them both in heat and desire.
“I don’t know…” He wavered. “I…oh…”
Her touch quieted him. She drew his nervous hands to her chest, inviting him to feel, to take, to enjoy. He accepted her entreaty, grasping her with mounting passion, his strong fingers sinking into the soft mounds and tweaking their tender, trembling peaks. Kari gasped, pressing herself into his possession, yearning to be made his, to feel him everywhere, inside and out.
“Fuck.” He breathed. “God, you’re so…”
A trill of joy warmed her throat, leaving her lips as a plaintive whine. Her hips rose from the mattress, rubbing her pussy against his hardened shaft, beckoning its heat, its strength, her soaking folds aching and quaking with need. But delirious with desire though she was, she pressed her offer no further. Hers was not to take; hers was to be taken.
Fortunately, it seemed the man above her understood this as well.
“Alright.” His breath was ragged with lust. “You want it so badly, huh? Fine. You’ll get it. You’ll get exactly…what you deserve.”
His hips shifted. And Kari gasped as she received her deepest wish.
He was inside her. Tight and deep. Thrumming and throbbing with triumph.
It was perfect.
The shape. The sensation. Every inch filling and caressing her. Every twitch an ecstatic reverberation through her insides.
It all made sense now. This was what she she’d always dreamed of. This was the meaning her life had been missing. She was made to take this cock. To please it. To worship it. To let it claim every part of her. To crown it the center of her selfhood. There was no choice in the matter—only utter, undeniable certainty.
And with that certainty came shape. And with shape came understanding.
Before Kari’s eyes, the world was remade.
She suddenly recognized the man as he began to fuck her. It was so obvious—how could she have ever forgotten? That handsome jaw. Those hungry eyes.
This was Sean—her owner and master. She belonged to him. She always had. From the moment they’d first met, she’d been destined to become his. To serve him. To obey him. To offer everything for his pleasure. All of this had been her fate, from the very moment she’d been born. And now, she was finally accepting it.
The revelation was almost too much to bear. Kari threw her head back with a cry, joyful convulsions seizing her, tightening her grip on her owner’s cock. He let out a surprised grunt, the passion of his thrusts increasing, stoking the fires spreading through her. Her hips moved in time with his, taking him deeper, harder, her mind and body moving as one, melting and rolling in molten waves.
She was changing for him—she could feel it. Without thinking, her body was harmonizing with his, remaking her into the perfect vessel for his enjoyment. Their lips fit together like lock and key, her tongue submitting to his as he explored and conquered her mouth. Her pussy clenched and released in time with his thrusts, her inner walls reshaping to squeeze every inch. It was effortless, instinctual, as pure and powerful as the pleasure coursing through her. By the time his sounds and motions became more urgent, she knew exactly how to move, how to moan, how to do everything she could to milk every moment until…
Her owner cried out in ecstasy. Kari held him tight, savoring every pulse within her, warmth rippling from her curling toes to her fluttering eyelids. But her own release didn’t come. Not yet. It was all in her owner’s hands. And she would gladly submit to them.
“Goddamn,” he exhaled, his broad shoulders heaving. “That was…hoo…” His eyes closed, a shaky grin on his lips. “Did you…?”
Kari smiled and shook her head. “Not yet, Sir. Would you like me to?”
Her owner blinked, then laughed. “Sure. Cum for me, slut.”
“Thank you S—” A throb of joy swallowed her voice. She gasped, only to have another powerful spasm seize her, its echoes shuddering across her body, orgasmic and irresistible. As the third wave of pleasure hit, her mind fractured and cracked, shattering into a million pieces, dazzling shards spinning in a storm of bliss.
For a moment, Kari became pleasure again.
Liquid and molten. Formless and shapeless.
When she came to, she was riding her owner’s cock, his greedy hands groping her tits as she writhed and bounced for his pleasure. She mewled, happy and horny, thrilled to be used again so soon, to learn every angle, every position needed to satisfy her purpose.
“Fuck, I’m gonna…” Her owner’s jaw tightened, his eyes finding hers. “For the rest of tonight,” he growled, “when I cum, you cum. Got it?”
Kari nodded, giddy and grinning. “Y-yes S-irrrraaaahhh!”
Bursts of bliss.
Contracting and expanding.
She was on her knees, her owner’s hands grasping her hair, thrusting her face between his legs, fucking her mouth like a moaning masturbation aid. Her slick thighs squirmed together with glee, her shaking hands finding his knees, helping her balance, allowing him better use of her dripping, drooling hole.
“You’re back, huh?” He grinned, not slowing his thrusts in the slightest. “You were gone for a while there. I wonder how long you’ll be out next time…when…I…”
Her tongue tasted his cum. Warm and delicious. Her eyes rolled back, mind melting into sparkly goo.
The world returned. Her face was pressed against the mattress, cum lingering on her lolling tongue. Rough hands grasped her neck, holding her down while her owner fucked her, mounting her like a bitch in heat.
“You belong to me,” he uttered, confident and commanding. “You’re my slut. My slave. You will never be more than that.”
Kari yipped excitedly in agreement, too cock-drunk to form words, to do anything but be degraded and used for her owner’s entertainment.
“That’s right.” He grunted. “That’s…fucking…right!”
A broken howl escaped her lips. The world blurred in a dizzying haze.
Another lost moment.
Or series of moments.
Kari couldn’t tell. Nor could she care.
When she next awoke, she was seated on the floor, her back resting against foot of the bed. Bubbles of bliss still floated in her empty head, swallowing the fuzzy and fractal remnants of her mind. Her limbs were splayed and cum-splattered, sticky strands dripping down her cheek and leaking from her pussy. Above, her owner sat scrolling on his phone, legs like pillars on either side of her, his drooping cock resting heavy and warm on her head.
She smiled, releasing a happy sigh.
“There you are.” He smirked, peering down at her. “Any idea how long it’s been?”
“Hm? Uhh…” Kari wanted to answer but was too dazed to think. Threads of sunlight shimmered near her feet, leaking from the glowing blinds.
Was it…morning now?
“It’s okay,” her owner assured her. “It doesn’t matter. But I do need your…er, that Leurre guy’s number. You remember it right?”
Kari frowned, placing a finger to her pouting lips, thoughts struggling through the sticky fog in her head.
Her owner laughed, patting her condescendingly. “Y’know what? Forget about it. He can wait.” His fingers curled into fists, grasping her hair tight. “I think I want to enjoy my signing bonus a little more.”
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