Daily Horoscope

by HypnoTimeMe

Tags: #cw:noncon #clothing #dom:male #multiple_partners #pov:bottom #sub:female

Kiki’s new job has an interesting way to improve worker productivity

Day 1: "Aries can be impulsive and dismiss things quickly. Ignore the impulse to quit. You will be happy you stuck around."

I was supposed to be going home already, but I need to do this diary entry at the end of each workday explaining how the daily quote helped me. This is part of some dumb plan my boss, Raphael, has to increase productivity. By the way, if the people who run this dumb app actually read this, I THINK THIS IS DUMB AND YOU ARE WASTING MY TIME. I WANT TO GO HOME. At least you picked something fun. Horoscopes. I wonder if you always give the same quote for people's first day at work.

To my surprise, the quote stuck. It just repeated in my head over and over again. The quote did help me. I quit my last three jobs by the end of the first day. They were either too boring, or I hated my boss. I made it thru today. 

I'm pretty sure Rafael kept checking me out, but I ignored the impulse to call him a perv and quit. I stayed. The job is surprisingly boring, but I persevered once again. It was for the best. Rafael told me that if I was ahead with work, I could just surf the web. So both of my problems got solved. Rafael may be a nice guy after all, and the job isn't boring anymore. I can't believe why the previous secretary quit. Good pay and little to do, so she missed out. It beats working at a fast food place. I'm so happy I stuck around.

Day 4: "Aries can get too comfortable. Aries are the happiest when their superiors give them attention. They get their value from being of use."

I had gotten lazy. I didn't realize it until I read today's quote. I need to feel like I'm contributing. I need some approval to make me feel valuable. Today, I got my work done faster than I ever have. Rafael was impressed by my work and told me so. Fuck, that felt good. Sadly it didn't last. I had to find more things to do. I needed more of his approval. I started cleaning the lobby. 

When I finished cleaning, I was so excited about going into his office and telling him that I had gone far and above my job description, but he caught me as I finished. He whistled at me and stared at my ass as I picked up a piece of trash from the floor. 

“Well, this is a great-looking chocolate girl,” he giggled.

I stood there in shock. He looked around. 

"Good job, cleaning around here." He went back to his office.

I spend a lot of time thinking of what happened. I felt uncomfortable about the sexual comment. I felt uncomfortable that he had called me chocolate girl. I wanted to quit. But it felt so good to ignore that impulse, to stay. It felt so good to get his attention. And I had it. He liked that I had cleaned. I liked his attention. I liked when he stared at me. I needed more.

For lunch, I told him that I needed more clothes to wear for work, so I was going to go shopping.  To my surprise, he said yes and gave me some money. I don't think he expected what I would bring back. Every blouse was low cut and my skirts now barely hid my panties. I came back wearing one of my new outfits. On the one hand, I looked amazing, but on the other hand, what was I even doing? I looked like a slut. I actually didn't see Rafael for most of the day. He was in his office almost all day. At some point, I got impatient and considered changing back.

About two hours before the day ended, I finally made my move. I knocked on his open door to get his attention and asked him if I could clean his office. Without even looking at me he waved me in. I kept looking at him, hoping he would notice my new outfit. While dusting his bookcase, I saw it. He checked me out. Fuck... I'm getting turned on thinking about it. After that, I don't think he ever took his eyes off of me. As soon as I was done, I went to my desk and touched myself for almost an hour. I was full of adrenaline.

But that didn't compare to the whistle earlier that day. Making him give out an audible response was so hot. I need that again. I quickly came up with a plan. I left a little mess by the exit and waited for Rafael to come out of his office. When I heard him getting close to the door I started walking to the mess. I told him to give me a second to pick it up. When he responded, he sounded unbothered, but I could feel his gaze on my body. I bent down, ensuring he could tell I had taken off my panties. I lingered, letting him see my ass and wet pussy. "Damm" I heard him say.

I almost came right there.

Day 5: "Aries will do anything for men they love. They need to be careful. Love can happen without them noticing, but will always do anything they want."

Normally, it takes me a bit to internalize the day's quote, but this one hit me like a brick. I'm in love with Rafael. How did I not see it? I have never tried this hard in any job before. I not only bought new clothes for him, but I also bought sexy new clothes for him. I showed him my bare pussy just to get his attention. I had agreed to do a fashion show for him.

He texted me before work about the fashion show. "Hey, I didn't get to see all the new clothes I  bought you for work. I would love to see them later today, maybe a fashion show or something ;)." I responded in a heartbeat. How could I say no to Rafael staring at me and my pretty clothes for an hour?

I had picked the first outfit I would wear before I even left home. It was one piece of white lingerie. I was sure that Rafael would love how it looked in contrast to my black skin, but I knew I had to control myself. This wasn't what I should be doing, it was just that I was in love. I went thru the clothes and found the most conservative thing I could find. A simple, purple, low-cut blouse and some dress pants. The pants weren't even new. I was wearing them yesterday before going out for my shopping spree, but all my other choices were mini skirts. I had to put on the pants without any panties because I completely forgot to bring a pair. Well, not forget, but I didn't think I would need them.

Rafael called me into his office soon after I arrived. That is when he informed me this was going to be a photo shoot fashion show. He had created a  small circle surrounded by cameras. He told me that he wanted to get every angle of me. My face got red. I couldn't believe that he was going to take pictures of me in the lingerie and slutty outfits I had bought yesterday. To my surprise, he apologized, "I hope this is not too much. I thought this would be fun."

I felt myself relaxing. I didn't have to do this, but then I said. "Anything you want." 

"Okay," He called me, pointing to the center of the circle. "Get in position," Rafael added more cables and cameras, then he turned around and grabbed his own personal camera. "Perfect, now let's start. Model for me. Hands-on your hips."

I simply did as he said. I was so happy. Feeling his gaze on me. Knowing he was having so much fun. He kept asking for new and different positions: "Superman pose," "Look like you are thinking," "Turn around, then turn your face towards me." He asked me to adjust my clothes and pull down my blouse as much as possible. He told me to make sure that I was showing my body as much as possible with each photo. My smile, my hips, my ass, my breasts, I did it all. Much of the time I was even forgetting that anything wrong was happening.

Then he said the words I was dreading. "Next outfit."

I nodded. "Of course." I started trying to figure out how to exit the makeshift photo studio he had created.

"It would be better if you didn't leave. Could you change here? It would make it much easier. That way I don't have to move the equipment. I mean we are both adults, so no big deal." 

After a moment, I nodded. 

"Cool. Undress and pass me your clothes, then tell me what you want to wear next." 

I nodded again. I slowly started unbuttoning my blouse, revealing my matching bra. Then I heard the camera click. I looked at Rafael, shocked, but he simply apologized. 

"Oh sorry, do you not want me to take pictures as you undress? I think it's the photographer inside of me. I can't help but to take pictures of pretty things."

I took a deep breath. For a moment I felt like resisting, but no.  "Anything you want."

Rafael smiled. "Perfect, then make sure to pose as you take off your clothes." I continued removing my clothes slowly. Sexily. Making sure he could take a picture at each step. Each button came open. I took off my blouse completely. Every couple of seconds I was striking a new pose. I don't remember when exactly I noticed that Rafael was hard, but he was hard now for sure. I couldn't look away. I couldn't help but smile when I saw it. Each time I got into a new position I was hoping that I could see it twitch. Eventually, I could tell he was getting bored of me posing without my blouse, so I took off my bra and started over again. I made sure he got to see every inch of me.

Neither of us said anything for a while. It was like we were both in a trance. He finally interrupted. "Start teasing your nipples."

I snapped out of the flow for a second. Freezing. But it felt unavoidable. My body obeyed. When I started teasing myself and felt the pleasure, my mind relaxed again. I don't think I have ever felt that relaxed. It is only now that I realize how weird this all was. I just felt happy. Loved. Pretty. I wanted Rafael's attention. I loved him. I don't remember taking off my pants, but I know I eventually got completely naked. I think Rafael joked about me not wearing panties. I know the point of a diary is to recall what happened, but the longer the fashion show went on the less I remember. The next thing I do remember is the end. I was kneeling, teasing my nipples, lovingly looking up at Rafael. Then an alarm went off.

He looked at his phone. "Oh, how the time flies,” he said.

We had spent all day on this. It felt like less than an hour. 

Part of me wants to quit. This is too much. But I have never loved someone this much. Normally I would just give a relationship a try, but my feelings have never been this strong. I think I love Rafael more than anyone before. I guess I shouldn't quit. If there is one thing that I have learned, it is that if you don't quit, things turn out well in the end.

If you enjoyed it PLEASE COMMENT I would love to hear what you liked or didn't. Thanks for reading this story.

If you have any suggestions send them my way. I would love feedback.

Also if you have any things you would like written. Want more please comment/snap. Im currently just writing a bunch, trying to get better, and I may move on if I don't see much interest and write something else.


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