You're Beautiful

Chapter 1

by Marylinn_Rose

Tags: #cw:noncon #bondage #D/s #f/f #f/m #scifi #sub:female #clothing #drones #hypno #hypnotic_eyes #mind_control #mindbreak

You're Beautiful: CH1


Harley slammed her finger against her phone's alarm clock, turning it off. She sat up a few seconds later and rubbed at her eyes. The woman then stretched, morning as her sleepy limbs twisted and curved in the air. This made her top lift up to reveal her breasts. They were beautiful, nice and plump like a juicy pair of melons. Her entire body was magnificent with her hip dips being prominent with her ass cheeks being covered in stretch marks. Countless men and women had danced their fingertips against them, massaging her ass as they stared in wonder. You knew that she was all natural from the way she was shaped, not all symmetrical and imperfect in a few ways. Like a woman who didn't have to lay down on a table to get a banging body that looked good even when sweaty and stretched across a bed.

This marveling had to end as she popped her booty with a back arch and yawned loudly. Today was going to be a lot, her boss had told them that they'd be swamped with customers. Apparently, it was always like this before the hellhole combo of Thanksgiving and Christmas. The women they helped needed to be perfect for when their pesky mother-in-laws came to visit and micromanage them. They wanted to be hot and to be the center of attention when they came into the room. So, all employees had to be well rested and ready to work. They were working with the zero point five percent of the world. Politicians, CEOS, girl bosses and more depended on her to be in peak condition. They NEEDED her body to be out of this world every single goddamn day of the year.

The woman couldn't afford to slack off. She got it but man, did she hate having to wake up two hours earlier. The woman got out of bed and looked around. The sun was just beginning to show behind a cluster of gray looking clouds with the sky being bleak. Harley grabbed a hoodie that sat on her bed before walking into her bathroom to get ready. Her job required all their employees, male and female, to be dressed their absolute best. She stripped herself out of her panties allowing herself to be bare and naked. Her ass was out along with her chest. The brown-skinned girl squeezed a dollop of body cream into her palm and rubbed it all over her body. Harley needed to smell like a bakery and be as smooth as a baby's bottom.

Her boss was pretty strict about upholding the company's image everywhere they went. To the point of it being a part of the man's off the clock personality. They had to sign non disclosure agreements for each client to keep their treatments private. They were hired with a decade long non compete in their contracts to keep them from running off. They also gave away the copyright and patent to anything they created while working under the company. At first, Harley found all these rules scary. She didn't see why they had to give away so much for a job that could last only six months total. But she learned soon enough that they were being nice with the requirements they had as they could be ten times worse.

She rubbed the cream on her ass cheeks and her chest. The uniform tended to rub against her skin and she hated the way it felt. The woman rubbed in a circle with her body scrub following right after. By the end she was naked in front of a mirror with her brown skin glowing. She smelled like a fruit basket with her exhausted face being peppered with blush. Harley got away with not wearing as much makeup due to keeping everything else together. She lifted her hand and applied some soft, baby pink lip balm to her lips. With a quick lip smack she was able to tell that it was just enough not to be super sticky and gaudy. They were a perfect balance of smoothness that made her skin look delicious up close.

Putting the balm down, she made sure her edges were perfectly laid. Her milky brown hair was nice with a natural bounce only 3A type could give you. Harley needed her hair perfectly brushed and smoothed down into a bun to manage the heat in the store. She would be working with hair dryers, hot tubs and more that made her sweat constantly. Just imagining her damp shirt being stained under her arms made her skin itch. Harley hated it and found her skin being wet with her body's natural fluids gross. Especially when it was strong enough for someone to smell it if they leaned in close and took in a deep whiff of her scent. Not to mention that this would go for all parts of her body including her sock and flat clad feet.

She shuddered and left her bathroom, naked as can be. This changed soon enough as she got dressed rather quickly to beat traffic. Harley transformed into a uniform fitting a bottle girl at a nightclub. Her boss was pretty particular with what he wanted – V neck that dipped into an U from how much cleavage was showing and ass cheeks hanging from your skirt. When she first started working at the store she was shocked by the obscene clothes they wore. But eventually, she realized that was all part of the marketing. The clientele had all wanted the same fantasy. They liked to see ass falling out of a girl's panties. For a woman to be slim, thick and spicy. They'd gladly empty out their wallet for a woman who looked like that.

This simple fact was why she was currently walking to her car with her skirt partly unbuttoned and her thong string showing. Harley made sure to lock her car door with the click of the knob before leaving. She logged into her camera app and activated it to track anyone who came near her front door. The woman was ultra cautious with potential lawsuits hanging over her head. She wanted to keep the cushy apartment her boss was providing her. All employees got lodging and more included after they worked with the company for longer than a year. Harley was incredibly appreciative of this. She hopped into her car and felt the seat brush against her bare skin. Company policy required a crop top without a jacket even in this cold morning weather. A breeze that hit her body made her shiver and raised the hair on her legs but she still started the car.

The entire ride to the store, she bounced up and down as her poor decade old car hit potholes. She didn't live in the best area and you had to desire the lack of funds being put into the inner city infrastructure. With each pothole shit her boobs bounced as the bra assigned to her was ill-fitting. This was done on purpose so the clients were constantly assaulted by her nipples being flashed in their face. But it left her terribly uncomfortable so she had to grit her teeth in a fake smile to keep herself going. She had to sit through them squeezing her tits with their grubby hands to run their pockets dry. The image of a freckle-covered redhead handing over her cash distracted her as she arrived at her destination. She could see from her seat that some of the other girls had arrived, their cars parked a few feet away.

The girls all looked fairly similar. They were all different races and ethnicities but the uniform never changed. Big, loose curls that cascaded down their beautiful bodies. Not all of them were curvy with enormous asses that bounced with a sharp intake of air. Some of the women had the beauty of a porcelain doll with a skinny frame and big insect eyes. Having a big array of women and men to choose from kept the clients happy after all. She turned her car off with a sigh. Today was going to be a full twelve hour shift so she was going to need to sleep during her break. Which meant no lunch from the company-run restaurant down the street. Harley knew this was a sacrifice she was going to have to make for her pockets to be filled. Reaching across the car, she grabbed her work badge and quickly put it on.

“Harley Edwin – Trained Bimbofication Technician.”


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