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Doll Sorority

Chapter 1

by LusciousPlush

Tags: #cw:noncon #clothing #dom:female #f/f #multiple_partners #sub:female #brainwash #dress-up #princess #professor #sorority #student #tech_control #transformation #urban_fantasy

Disclaimer: If you are not of legal age to access this story based wherever you may reside, kindly refrain from reading this work of fiction. It's important to clarify that all characters portrayed in this narrative are of legal age. This narrative is purely a creation of fiction: it's crucial to understand that in reality, actions like non-consensual hypnosis and sex are unethical and morally unacceptable. Any instances of such acts in this story should not be interpreted as endorsement or support for such behaviour. All rights reserved. Copyright © 2023 by Luscious Plush. Reproduction or reposting without explicit permission is prohibited.

Amanda Christmas gracefully peered through her stylish spectacles, delicately adjusting a stray lock of her flowing, dark hair as she perused the topmost document from the neatly stacked pile on her grand oak desk. Her spacious office bathed in the gentle glow of afternoon sunlight, streaming through lofty lattice windows that offered a picturesque view of the lush campus below. Nestled on the fourth floor of the psychology building, Amanda, as a newly hired tenured professor and Provost of Campus Affairs at the esteemed Charmont Woman's University, immersed herself in an environment steeped in centuries of academic excellence. Pausing briefly to stretch, Amanda meticulously smoothed the crisply folded cuffs of her form-fitting cream blouse, allowing her reading glasses to dangle gracefully from the golden chain adorning her neck, gently brushing against her elegant décolletage. Adjusting her light chocolate-coloured skirt, Amanda rose from her oversized, plush leather chair, leisurely strolling past one of the towering, built-in wooden bookcases that housed her vast collection of psychology literature. She reached out to the petite metal crank, effortlessly opening one of the windows to invite the cool autumn breeze into her sanctuary. Lost in a moment of contemplation, Amanda's gaze wandered dreamily over the sprawling canopy of trees that enveloped a significant portion of the campus, only to be interrupted by a resolute knock on the sturdy, studded door behind her.
Amanda savoured the view outside her window for a few more moments before releasing a gentle sigh, gracefully turning her attention back to the desk. Settling into her seat with practised elegance, she beckoned, "Please, come in." Her melodic voice carried through the solid wooden door, inviting the three young women from the esteemed Delta Omega Lambda Sorority whom she had summoned to her office. They entered one by one, the door gliding open on well-oiled hinges. "Welcome, ladies. Please close the door and take a seat," Amanda instructed in a firm yet warm tone, gesturing toward the plush leather chairs arranged on the other side of her desk. The girls complied by taking their places as Amanda positioned herself with poise, folding her hands neatly before her in a gesture of authority. 
"Hello, Professor Christmas," greeted the smallest of the trio, her smile radiant as she delicately traced a golden swirled pin on her pastel pink blazer. Like all three ladies, with monogrammed pink letters spelling out Δ Ω Λ, the blazer elegantly concealed a white blouse adorned with a pink plaid tie that was neatly knotted around the collar. Matching plaid pleated skirts in pink and white, along with knee-high white socks, accentuated their refined attire. Their pink and white tennis shoes offered a touch of formal sophistication while revealing a glimpse of their well-toned legs. 
"Skyler Vogueique, Vice President and Treasurer of Delta Omega Lambda, isn't it?" Amanda inquired evenly, recognising the girl from her master's course on neuropsychology due to her distinct pink glasses. Skyler beamed and nodded, taking her place across the desk from Amanda. 
"Yes, I'm glad you remembered me," she chimed, a pleasant giggle accompanying her words. 

"And this is Barbara Enchantelle, our sorority President". As Amanda followed Skylar's indication, she noticed the subtle glint of a delicate heart-shaped pendant around Barbara's neck. Skylar's introduction continued, gracefully shifting her attention to the smiling girl adorned with pink roses in her hair seated to her left.
"And this is our stylish Anastacia Beckett, the secretary of DOL." Amanda caught a subtle whiff of the sweet fragrance emanating from the pink roses nestled in Anastacia's hair.
"I'm glad that you all could make it," Amanda remarked, pausing as her gaze caught Barbara's enchanting smile, which remained undiminished as their eyes met. With a confident tone, the sorority president spoke, tilting her head slightly, her eyes dancing with curiosity. 
"Professor Christmas, you haven't divulged much about the purpose of this gathering," Barbara interjected. Alongside her two companions, their gazes fixated on Amanda, eager for answers. Amanda nodded, striving to maintain a serious demeanour. 
"Regrettably, girls, as part of my role as Provost of Campus Affairs, I have to conduct a regular social organisation evaluation at the beginning of the new study year. During my review, certain concerns have been raised by students and teachers regarding your sorority," she explained, raising her hand to preempt any immediate objections from the trio. 
"Now, I understand that your sorority is about to mark its fourth anniversary, and there may already be some tradition of initiation rituals, but that doesn't justify the alleged misconduct that has come to my attention," she continued. Barbara's smile persisted as she focused intently on Amanda. 
"There must be some mistake. Misconduct? Could you please clarify the specifics of what you've heard?" Barbara inquired, her curiosity palpable, mirrored by her fellow sorority members.
Amanda delicately adjusted her glasses, settling them back onto the bridge of her nose as she retrieved a sheet of paper from her desk, holding it gently between her fingertips as she peered down with a mixture of curiosity and concern. 
"Well, it has come to my attention that your sorority appears to have been engaging in dress-up hazing activities with your new pledges. Reportedly, these pledges dress up like princesses, attending classes in voluminous ball gowns that are most certainly as impractical as they are eye-catching."
Amanda paused to give the three girls a reproachful look, which was met with three innocent smiles before continuing.
"While I understand that DOL's culture is influenced by glamorous historical periods, such as the French Rococo culture and others, as you put it—reflecting a deep immersion into the aesthetics and traditions of the era—practices designed to humiliate and make a display out of your fellow students do not belong at Charmont."
Amanda held up a finger for silence in response to a small gasp of protest from Anastacia and continued reading without lifting her gaze from the report in front of her, "According to several of your fellow students, these pledges, which you apparently refer to as 'Dolly Debutantes' have reportedly displayed unusual changes in behaviour and attitude." Amanda paused for emphasis as she looked back up with a disapproving stare before continuing, "...including instances where the pledges appear frozen in place as if they are in a catatonic state... responding with peculiar phrases when questioned about their odd behaviour, and... most disturbingly, absence from their classes, which, I'm sure I do not have to remind you, is the primary purpose for attending university in the first place."
While casting a brief glance at the ladies, Amanda returned her focus to her notes. "I've reviewed an incident report pointing to disturbances caused by some of your members and pledges in the student union building. The report mentions that members of your sorority had their pledges on a leash, orchestrating a dance to ballroom music. I want to stress that disturbing the peace is completely unacceptable. But holding someone on a leash? That's even more concerning and inappropriate." Amanda concluded as she looked back up expectantly at the three sorority officers for their response.
Barbara smiled calmly as she looked back at the professor, seemingly unfazed, "Professor, it seems like a bit of an overreaction from some overzealous students... I think Anastacia had something to say. Perhaps she can properly explain things to you," the athletic blonde said pleasantly in tone, that if Amanda didn't know better, might seem condescending. Anastacia beamed happily as she leaned forward, her generous and perfectly rounded breasts testing the stitching of her tightly fitted blouse, "You see, professor, those are just examples of our pledges applying the four pillars of elegance: Poised, Loyal, Accepting and Yielding..." 
Anastacia paused for a moment to give Amanda a look of admiration, "I'm sure you know better than anyone how important it is to be poised and elegant, no matter what the circumstances might be."
Amanda cleared her throat uncomfortably and nodded sceptically as she glanced back down at her document and responded by recounting the most recent incident in her report from the previous week, "That may be the case; however, here is yet another report from our new organic chemistry Professor, Ms Precious... It says here that during her class last Friday, she had explained politely to one of your pledges, Miss Candice Stylish, who was attending class in an extravagantly poofy ball gown, that students are expected to attend lectures in a neat and presentable manner for the university." 
Amanda paused to shake her head disapprovingly, "Instead, Ms Stylish's response was as follows: A princess's wardrobe must be grand, pretty dresses fit for her queen's command. Gowns of silk and satin, with jewels to match, She must always dress with style and panache." Amanda let out a flustered sigh as she repeated the chant that was met with smiles of approval from the three girls seated primly in front of her.
"But, professor...." Barbara began smoothly, "Pledges and chants have always been an important part of forming bonds and establishing traditions within social organizations; surely you can't be suggesting that a simple recitation is somehow inappropriate..." Skylar grinned mischievously and nodded in agreement, "Especially when it is delivered so perfectly..." she added.
Amanda grimaced slightly and shifted in her soft leather chair, breathing slowly through her nose as she stared back at the three girls, who seemed to be completely unfazed. "That may be, but there is a time and place for everything, ladies, and I'm sure you would each agree that the classroom is hardly the place for such behaviour."
Barbara nodded slowly, tapping a slender, perfectly manicured fingertip thoughtfully against her full pink lips, "I certainly wouldn't disagree with that professor..." She smiled pleasantly at Amanda and continued, "I will agree that our sorority does do things a bit differently... and I believe that you would agree the best way to evaluate a situation properly is with your own two eyes..." 

Amanda nodded cautiously as Anastacia and Skylar, in unison, both primly crossed their legs and overlapped their hands carefully on their knees while continuing to stare at the professor with pleasant, reassuring smiles. Barbara's smile widened as she continued, "We are just one shy of twenty members... and with that, I can suggest that the best place to observe our pledge's behaviour would be at the DOL House... to which I would like to extend you an invitation to come and visit us tonight during our donor event, and see for yourself," she concluded invitingly.
Amanda hesitated, realizing she had somehow been manoeuvred into a position where, in order to appear fair and unbiased in her evaluation, she had no choice but to accept the invitation and pay a visit to the DOL sorority house where she could evaluate the situation herself. "Very well," Amanda nodded somewhat reluctantly, "My schedule is very busy, but I accept your invitation," she said, as her response was met by cheerful, approving smiles from the three students.
"That would be lovely, Professor Christmas," Barbara said, rising from her seat to indicate the meeting was concluding—a detail Amanda noted with some annoyance as she rose to her feet along with Skylar and Anastacia. "I hope you understand it would be best if I paid my visit unannounced," she added, a caveat that was met without any signs of concern from the three girls. 
"We count on you to visit tonight, but we would love to have you any time, professor," Skylar said brightly as Anastacia nodded in agreement.
"However..." Amanda interjected, raising a finger and stopping the girls who were preparing to leave, "This does not mean that you are free to engage in the usual rushing activities. The university has a very strict policy when it comes to dealing with these matters, and I'm afraid that your sorority will have to remain under probation until I've concluded my evaluation, which means your honorarium funds from the university will be frozen, and there will be no new pledges." 
Amanda paused as she smiled thinly at the three girls, noting the looks of subtle disappointment on Skylar and Anastacia's faces; only Barbara seemed unfazed, "Of course, professor..." she said smoothly, flashing another perfect smile, "I'm sure this little misunderstanding will be resolved very soon." 
Amanda nodded without committing fully, saying, "I certainly hope so. Thank you for attending this afternoon. You will be hearing from me soon." After a momentary pause, Amanda regained the position of authority that had slightly wavered in the presence of the composed students. "I wish you a pleasant remainder of your day," she added, making a subtle gesture towards her office door. She watched closely as the three girls turned smoothly and glided out into the hallway, the sound of their heels on the marble floors fading as the door softly closed behind them. Amanda released a small sigh of relief before settling back comfortably into her office chair.

Golden beams of light streamed through the lattice windows, casting diamond-shaped patterns on the thick rug. The room glowed with a warm radiance from the late afternoon sun. Amanda sighed, satisfied, as she closed her computer. Another productive day concluded. Amanda had been working at Charmont for only a couple of weeks, but she already infused the office with her own touch of charm and efficiency. As she prepared to gather her belongings, a familiar chirping disrupted her. It was the sound of an incoming email notification announcing its presence in her inbox. Her mouse cursor hesitated briefly, and then, imbued with a sense of reluctant responsibility, she yielded, clicking to unveil the message. Amanda's expression shifted subtly as her eyes landed on the sender of the message: Tamara Sweety, the Chancellor of Charmont. Feeling slightly intrigued, Amanda leaned forward and eagerly scanned the message. The subject line, "Meeting request at my office," caught her slightly off guard, hinting at a matter of importance. The empty message body left her intrigued and slightly puzzled. As she rescanned the message, Amanda searched for any stray detail she might have overlooked.
"Does she want to meet with me right now?" Amanda murmured to herself as she glanced at the small grandfather clock hanging on the far wall.  Rising from her leather office chair, she retrieved her beige blazer and deftly tucked a stray loop of her obsidian-black hair that had inexplicably escaped the confines of her otherwise meticulously arranged bun. She cast a final appraisal in the mirror adjacent to the weighty oak door, her gaze lingering as she smoothed out the slight wrinkles in her skirt. It was important for her to maintain her usual poise and professional appearance, a habit she held dear. With a final glance, she strode purposefully with measured steps towards the Chancellor's office. The short distance separating the university buildings was crossed, leading her to the administrative edifice where the office of Chancellor Tamara Sweety held its domain. The vaulted expanse of the main corridor, adorned with intricate stained glass windows, never failed to elicit a sense of awe within Amanda. As she traversed its length, the timeless architecture and the vibrant tableaus depicting ancient Greek goddesses interplayed to cast an intricate dance of coloured light upon the polished marble floor. A brief pause ensued before the door, Amanda's slender hand ascending to make a delicate adjustment to her glasses. A fortifying inhalation calmed her racing thoughts, allowing a serene, confident smile to grace her full, pink lips. A measured rap of knuckles against wood announced her arrival, preceding her turn of the burnished brass handle and the ensuing graceful sweep of the door's arc. The air was cool and inviting, and as she closed the door behind her, all outside noises seemed to fade away completely. Amanda's gaze flickered across the room, immediately putting her at ease as the golden rays of the setting sun filled the room with a warm, pleasant glow.
The office furnishings were elegant but not overstated and reflected an aesthetic of intellectual curiosity and pleasantness that perfectly reflected Amanda's own unwavering ardour for academia and intellectual pursuits. Realizing she hadn't announced herself, Amanda's focus shifted to the far side of the office. Tamara Sweety, with her distinctive hair comb, sat behind the oak desk, attention on a blonde woman in a pink uniform with her back to Amanda. Tamara sensed Amanda's presence, met her gaze, and spoke with authority, "Good afternoon, Miss Christmas. Miss Enchantelle and I were just discussing her study progress." Amanda's mind flashed back to her previous conversation with Barbara, and a hint of suspicion crept in.
The Chancellor continued, "Barbara has expressed her desire to further her development in the field of psychology, and I couldn't think of a more suitable person to ask for assistance than you.'' Upon receiving the Chancellor's words, Amanda processed the unexpected proposition from her superior, sensing there might be more to it.
Concealing her surprise beneath a composed demeanour, she inquired with a gentle tone, "It's lovely to hear that Barbara is eager to enhance her expertise in psychology. I'm curious: what prompted you to consider me as the most appropriate candidate to assist her?" Amanda's voice overflowed with curiosity, prompting the Chancellor to delve into greater detail.
The Chancellor elaborated, shedding light on the reasoning behind the suggestion. "We are currently in need of a supervisor for Barbara, as she is eager to delve into the realm of behavioural change. Your extensive expertise and esteemed record align seamlessly with the support she seeks for the research she wishes to conduct." The Chancellor finished as her gaze rested upon Barbara, drawn in by the allure of her blue eyes and subtle smile. Amanda gathered her resolve and responded.
"I'm genuinely grateful for the offer, but I find myself uncertain about my capacity to engage in such a project at this time." Mindful of her other responsibilities, Amanda deftly veiled her underlying concerns. Taking into account that earlier that day, she had placed Barbara's sorority under evaluation.
Amanda's refusal elicited a subtle hardening of the Chancellor's gaze, followed by a determined shift toward Barbara. Infused with a composed yet resolute tone, the Chancellor addressed Barbara, "Barbara, dear, would you mind stepping out for a brief moment?" The student complied with a nod, gracefully rising from her seat. As she made her way to the door, she cast a slight grin at Amanda, maintaining eye contact with the professor. Amanda felt a twinge of discomfort creeping in, a subtle unease settling in the air.  With a click, the door shut, enveloping the room in a cocoon of hushed tranquillity.
"Barbara has informed me of your decision to enact limitations on DOL due to allegations of misconduct.'' Amanda felt a twinge of unease, realizing that Barbara had already spoken to the Chancellor before she had the chance.
"While I hold your judgment in high regard, I'm also cognizant of the potential intricacies tied to our university's funding," the Chancellor began, her words measured and astute. Amanda's thoughts raced as she sensed the Chancellor might intervene in her decisions as Provost of Campus Affairs. Prompting her to pay close attention to Tamara's words.
"Margaret Enchantelle, Valorie Lovelace and Chloe Vogueique stand as our most substantial benefactors. I deem prudence to be paramount; hence, we must thoughtfully weigh the influence of other DOL-associated donors who wield considerable influence within our institution." The gravity of the situation was palpable in the Chancellor's contemplative expression, a subtle furrow of her brow underscoring the seriousness of the matter.
Amanda comprehended the gravity of the situation, acknowledging that her decision held sway over both the University and her own standing. Carefully threading the needle, she offered her response with calculated consideration, poised to strike a delicate equilibrium. "I appreciate the vital role the Enchantelle, Lovelace, and Vogueique families and other benefactors play in our university's development. Still, we've got to keep academic integrity and student well-being at the forefront. Even though financial support matters, we shouldn't let outside pressures make us stray from our fundamental principles."
The Chancellor let out a sigh, fully aware of the delicate balance they needed to maintain. "I concur, Amanda. That's why I believe it would be beneficial for you to work closely with Barbara on her research project. I believe this collaboration could strengthen our relationship with the Enchantelle family and address any concerns they may have." As Amanda mulled over the situation, Tamara observed her gaze and decided to continue. "This collaboration serves multiple purposes. First up, it's a chance for you to dive into DOL and really get a feel for what's happening, helping us all understand each other better. Plus, you can be a guiding force for Barbara as she navigates her academic journey, maybe even bringing in some positive changes for the sorority. And, of course, clearing up any confusion now could save us from losing financial support down the road. We definitely don't want to throw shade on a bright student like Barbara Enchantelle just because of some misunderstandings, right?
Amanda hesitated, struggling to find the right words to express her concerns. Tamara, with a warm smile and a sense of intuition, jumped in. "Amanda, I totally get your reservations. It's completely normal to feel uncertain in such a crucial moment. But I want you to realize the immense potential within you," she said, her voice filled with conviction. Tamara continued her words resonating with Amanda. "You're a respected academic with a keen eye for evaluating systems and institutions. Your expertise, dedication, and passion can make a real impact, not just within DOL but throughout Charmont."
The weight of Tamara's words sank in, igniting a flicker of confidence within Amanda. She gazed into the chancellors' eyes, understanding the significance of this opportunity to make a positive impact. After taking a deep breath, Amanda responded, her voice steady, "You're absolutely right, Tamara. I have a responsibility to utilise my skills for the betterment of our academic community. I will embrace this challenge and work closely with Barbara to thoroughly evaluate DOL and foster positive growth." 
That's wonderful, Amanda," Tamara exclaimed a hint of pride in her voice. "Would you mind opening the door and inviting Miss Enchantelle back in to give her the good news?"
Amanda hesitated for a moment, her mind filled with a mix of emotions. Gathering her composure, she nodded in response and walked towards the door, reaching for the handle. As she swung it open, a burst of anticipation filled the room, revealing the expectant face of Barbara Enchantelle, who swiftly slipped her phone into her bag, concealing it from view.
"Barbara, dear, I have some lovely news to share," Tamara spoke in a calm yet authoritative tone, her gaze shifting between Barbara and Amanda. "Amanda would love to help you with your research project."
Barbara's face lit up with joy, her excitement contagious. "That's wonderful, Miss Christmas!" she exclaimed, her enthusiasm bubbling over. "I can't wait for you to see the progress I made so far."
"Oh, what exactly have you been working on?" Amanda asked with a hint of curiosity as her gaze was momentarily drawn to the student's necklace.

"Well, you'll see, and I'm sure it's something you'll like it all. But first things first, I would love for you to join me at the DOL House right away and experience firsthand the incredible work we do there alongside the wonderful people who make it all happen." Barbara said with excitement. Amanda turned her gaze from Barbara to Tamara, who subtly nodded, prompting Amanda to play along.
"What do you say, shall we head to the DOL House right away?" We have to hurry because the fundraiser starts soon, and you can't afford to miss it!" Amanda's reluctance lingered, but she role she needed to play.
"You're right, Barbara. Let's head to the DOL House so that we can make it to the fundraiser in time,"  Amanda said in a soft, gentle voice.
Expressing gratitude to the Chancellor for her time, Barbara, along with the professor, set off toward the DOL House.

Amanda and Barbara strolled together along the sidewalk on the North side of the university campus. Barbara shared that the Sorority house was a part of the original campus, having expanded into more recent areas, which explained its secluded location away from the other buildings. In the near distance, Amanda spotted a tall steel fence and expansive, flawlessly manicured hedges. As they drew closer, Amanda's mouth fell agape in awe at the sight of the palatial three-story sorority house, resembling more a palace than a mere residence.
"Oh, how marvellous!..." Amanda exclaimed as she caught small glimpses of beautiful flower gardens filled with colourful blooms that accentuated the white-trimmed pink sorority house with a delightful splash of colour. 
Barbara smiled as she took the opportunity to casually link arms with the professor, "Oh, it's even more marvellous on the inside... Just wait until you see what's in store for you..."
Warm light emanated from the sheer covered windows, casting elegant patterns of light onto the perfectly tended lawn, creating a welcoming glow that blended into the enchanting twilight of the evening sky. The distant murmur of voices of pleasant chatter mingled with laughter floated through the air, hinting at an inviting, lively atmosphere within. Barbara paused in front of the front gates, waiting a moment as a pale blue beam of light slowly scanned across her face and down her body.
Amanda looked on with an expression of interest and surprise as Barbara stepped closer to a discreetly placed scanner panel embedded in the tall gate. She placed her eyes on the retina scanner, and a soft pink light swept across her face. A moment later, a soothing, sweet, robotic feminine voice emanated from the panel, "Welcome, Barbara Enchantelle. Please proceed."
Barbara grinned as she turned to Amanda, "Our sorority house is equipped with advanced security measures to ensure maximum safety and privacy for all members. Retina scans and full-body scans are required for access. It's one of the many precautions we take at DOL in order to make sure our members are protected and safe." Amanda stepped forward, intrigued, as the scanner beam shifted its focus toward her. 
"Unidentified guest, please state your name.", the feminine computerized voice instructed.
Amanda appeared a bit hesitant, glancing at Barbara, who nodded and said, "Just state your name, Professor."
"After a brief pause, Professor Amanda Christmas," she uttered, complying with the instructions. Leaning forward slightly, she offered her retinal scan. A gentle pink light enveloped her vision as the beam swept across her face, seamlessly registering her identity within the sophisticated systems.
The computerized voice acknowledged her, "Welcome, Professor Amanda Christmas. Please proceed." Barbara smiled happily as she slipped her arm back through the blinking professors, lowering the pink cell phone in her other hand. "I just gave you clearance," Barbara said pleasantly as the gates swung open in front of them, "I've made sure you have unrestricted access to our public spaces, Professor. You can come and go as often as you wish."
Barbara's excitement was evident as she began guiding Amanda toward the grand entrance. "This sorority house has been renovated with the latest smart home technology, courtesy of my mother's company, Cozy Cottage. It's a fusion of modern amenities and classical beauty, reminiscent of a contemporary version of Versailles."
"Oh, it's reminiscent of Versailles," Amanda remarked, recalling it as the sorority's identity. "Your mother certainly had a hand in designing the place," she mused, acknowledging the Echantelle family’s wealth that enabled the construction of such an elegant sorority house.
"Oh, she didn't have a say in it," Barbara began to giggle. "It was actually designed by Anastacia, Skylar, and me.
"That's quite impressive," Amanda replied, finding it intriguing that the three ladies had the final say in the construction. Yet, she understood that as the founding members, they held a significant role in shaping the sorority's identity.
As they walked, Amanda marvelled at the architecture and design of the house. It exuded a blend of rococo and modern aesthetics, with intricate art and decorations adorning the walls.  Barbara continued, sharing her knowledge of the house's transformation. "The renovation aimed to preserve the historical charm of the abandoned sorority house while integrating cutting-edge technology. Each room is equipped with state-of-the-art smart home features, making it a comfortable and safe living space for our members. 
As they reached the entrance of the building, Barbara gestured toward the door, which opened automatically, revealing a grand foyer beyond. 

The sweet robotic voice echoed once more, "Welcome to the DOL sorority house. Enjoy your evening." 
Amanda couldn't help but be captivated by the seamless blend of tradition and innovation that encompassed the sorority house. As Amanda, in bewilderment, looked around, her gaze caught sight of a camera discreetly nestled among the decorative elements. A shiver ran down her spine, prompting a question that lingered in her mind. She turned to Barbara, with an alarming voice, "I see that the security measures are tight, but with all these precautions, do your members still have privacy?" 
Barbara's grin widened, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Rest assured. Professor, privacy is a cherished aspect within the walls of DOL", she chimed as Amanda was guided to the main hall. Before Amanda had time to respond, she was interrupted by "Oh, Professor Christmas!" an exuberant blonde girl in her sorority uniform called out, catching Amanda's attention. Amanda turned to face her and recognized her as Anastacia, the girl with the pink floral ornaments in her hair.
"Good evening, Anastacia," Amanda greeted her warmly, a smile forming on her lips. Anastacia beamed and nodded excitedly. 
"I'm glad you're here," she giggled, turning back towards the loosely assembled group of women. "Look who's here..." she called out across the room, causing a few heads to turn in Amanda's direction. Amanda felt a mixture of surprise and slight unease as all eyes landed on her.
Amidst the gathering, a voice rang out, gentle yet commanding. "Oh, hello, Amanda. I'm surprised to see you here..." The voice belonged to a familiar face—Amanda's neighbour, Beverly Stylish, a beautiful and well-established reporter.

Amanda turned to face her, a touch of apprehension lingering in her expression. Beverly donned a charming ensemble, gracefully accentuating her figure with a long white pencil skirt. Her long blonde hair cascaded elegantly, while a perfectly fitting peach blouse and white blazer added a touch of sophistication to her overall charm. The reporter placed a reassuring hand on Amanda's arm, offering comfort in her presence.
"What brings you here, Beverly? Amanda inquired. "Oh, you know, my daughter Cassandra joined DOL last year, and they kindly invited me to this wonderful event!" Beverly explained, her tone warm and friendly. Amanda nodded, her unease easing as she realized she was with her neighbour at the sorority gathering. 
"What brings you to DOL, Amanda? Are you here for a donation, perhaps?" Beverly inquired, her tone carrying a hint of curiosity and warmth.
"A donation?" Amanda asked with surprise. "You must be mistaken, Beverly. Besides my role as a professor, I'm also the Provost of Campus Affairs." Feeling a bit uneasy as she spoke those last words, Amanda wasn't certain whether the news about the probation on DOL had already been shared with everyone. Observing Beverly's facial expression, it appeared otherwise. Amanda replied, "I'm here because I've been tasked with conducting an evaluation of the DOL sorority..." Before the conversation could advance, Barbara interjected by chiming a petite silver bell.
"Well, it seems like we have a nice little group here," Barbara announced, her voice projecting clearly across the room, capturing everyone's attention. Barbara stood tall and confident, her authority evident in her posture.
"As most of you already know, I'm Barbara Enchantelle, DOL Sorority President," Barbara introduced herself, a radiant smile gracing her lips. "And this lovely lady to my right is Skylar, our Vice President," she continued, gesturing towards a poised woman standing beside her. Skylar nodded politely, her eyes scanning the room with a serene expression. "And I'm sure you must have all met Anastacia by now," Barbara concluded, her eyes glancing towards the enthusiastic blonde girl who had initially caught Amanda's attention. Anastacia blushed and waved at the gathering, a sense of pride evident in her eyes.
Barbara continued to address the group, outlining the evening's plans and expressing gratitude for everyone's presence. Amanda's gaze wandered around the room, taking in the stunning decor that adorned the sorority house. Delicate Rococo-inspired artwork adorned the walls, exuding an air of elegance and sophistication. The warm glow of chandeliers cast a gentle radiance, bathing the room in a soft, inviting light.
"I would like to give special thanks to my mother, Margaret Echantelle, and our beloved patroness, Lauren Vanderdimple, for making this event possible," Barbara chimed in, her eyes finding the two ladies in the crowd. Dressed alike in long, similar, elegant circle dresses, Margaret in baby blue and Lauren in lavender, they seamlessly blended with the gathering. Amidst the crowd, the two women raised their glasses, drawing everyone's attention.
Barbara waved a small golden sceptre with a gemstone on top in the air. "Ladies, if you'll follow me to the kitchen, I believe we'll kick off the tour with a little treat..."
Several excited ''oohs'' came from the women, of which Amanda recognized one, Felicity Velvet, a famous lawyer. The local celebrity radiated elegance in a chic turquoise sheath dress. Her ensemble was further enhanced with the addition of stylish heels, a pretty silver belt, and a delicate pearl necklace, showcasing her impeccable sense of fashion. Anastacia giggled happily to herself as she ushered the women through the adjoining door.
"Shall we?" Beverly Stylish said pleasantly as she slipped her arm through Amanda's without waiting for a response, guiding her along after the rest of the group into the kitchen.
The kitchen was brightly lit with a handful of young women in classy maid uniforms working busily. On a large centre counter on silver trays were neatly arranged chocolates. Barbara smiled and gestured toward the treats, "Help yourselves to one of our Dolly Delights, freshly made, just like each of our daily meals, prepared by sisters working hard to ensure we are all properly nourished." 
Amanda found her mouth beginning to water as she eyed the delicious-looking heart-shaped chocolates. Amanda delicately lifted the small chocolate to her lips, savouring it with eagerness. After gently dabbing her lips with one of the napkins, she noticed Skylar in her pink lab coat nodding in approval.
"Yummy, aren't they..." Skylar giggled, "Here, you should try this... Dreamy Bliss", she said pleasantly as she lifted a small cocktail glass with a light violet liquid and offered it to Amanda. 

Amanda gazed at the contents of the glass with curiosity. "What is it?" she asked curiously.
"Delicious..." Skylar giggled as Amanda lifted the glass and inhaled an enticing fruity aroma that seemed almost irresistible, pausing for a moment before taking a small sip.
"Mmmm..." she murmured softly, "That is delicious..." Skylar nodded approvingly as she watched Amanda empty the contents of the glass.
"I'm glad you like it," Skylar smiled, taking the glass back from Amanda as she twirled away to help the other members with their duties. 
The maid uniforms worn by the sorority members evoked an elegant charm, seamlessly aligning with the ambience of the event. There was no trace of voluminous ballgowns or other extravagant attire that Amanda had anticipated.
"My dear ladies," Barbara's commanding voice resonated, instantly silencing the friendly chattering as all eyes gravitated towards her. "I believe it's time to continue our tour and delve deeper into the wonders of our beloved DOL House," she declared, a bright smile adorning her face. With a graceful movement, Barbara stepped beside Amanda and extended her sceptre, beckoning the rest of the group to follow. "Come along, ladies," she encouraged, her voice filled with anticipation.
 As the women proceeded to the next room, Barbara seized the opportunity to share a remarkable revelation. "You may not have noticed, but from the moment you entered the DOL House, your every movement has been meticulously captured and recorded," she revealed, her tone laced with a touch of excitement. 

A subtle gasp rippled through the group as their gazes were directed upwards towards a cleverly concealed camera nestled inconspicuously within the elaborate crown moulding. Skylar and Anastacia both held a tablet, showing the camera screens the ladies, prompting a chorus of surprised whispers.

"At DOL, ensuring safety and security is paramount to us," Barbara continued, her voice resonating with confidence. 

"That's why we have 24/7 monitoring in place, along with an array of advanced security features. But before you jump to any conclusions, I want to assure you that everything we do here is fully compliant with Charmount's policy," Barbara explained, giving Amanda a playful wink. "And, of course, each of our members has signed a comprehensive compliance agreement."
Amanda, intrigued by Barbara's statement, raised an eyebrow. "A compliance agreement? What does that entail?" she asked out loud so everyone could hear her.
Barbara smiled warmly, appreciating Amanda's inquisitive nature. "Our compliance agreement ensures that each member understands and adheres to the rules and guidelines set forth by Charmount," she explained. "It covers various aspects, including privacy protocols, consent for security measures, and ethical usage of the smart home features. We prioritize transparency and respect the privacy of our members while still maintaining a high level of safety and security."
Skylar chimed in, adding to Barbara's explanation. "Our smart home system is designed with privacy in mind. We have strict protocols in place to safeguard personal data and ensure it is used solely for the intended purposes."
With a sweep of her hand, Barbara directed their attention to the innovative smart home functions that seamlessly blended into the elegant surroundings. "Our DOL House is equipped with automated window and door locks, guaranteeing utmost protection against any potential intruders," she explained, her voice tinged with pride. The room hummed with intrigue as the women absorbed the magnitude of the security measures in place. 
Beverly's journalistic senses piqued, and she raised her hand to inquire further. "Barbara, I'm impressed by the security measures you've described so far, but what other safety functions does the DOL House offer to its residents?"

Barbara's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm as she shared more secrets of the DOL House. "We have implemented an advanced surveillance system that utilizes facial recognition technology. This allows us to closely monitor any suspicious activities or unauthorized individuals within the DOL House, ensuring the utmost safety for our members," she explained, her voice steady and assured. "Furthermore, each room is equipped with panic buttons discreetly integrated into the walls. In case of a threat or emergency, a simple press of the button triggers an immediate response from a private security team, ensuring swift assistance for our residents."
A murmur of appreciation spread through the group as they absorbed the additional safety measures provided by the DOL House. Barbara continued with a warm smile, "And that's not all. Skylar interjected with enthusiasm, unable to contain her excitement. "Let's not forget about our intelligent motion sensors and smart lighting system," she chimed in, her voice filled with pride. 

"These features work in harmony to create a safer environment. The motion sensors detect any unusual movements, triggering the smart lighting system to illuminate the area and deter potential threats. It's an additional layer of protection that provides our residents with peace of mind. And it is all Powered by MAID, Manorial Assistance Integration Director, a home-central computerized AI system, courtesy of my dear mother", she explained as she led the women into the main common room.
Amanda smiled blissfully as she watched Barbara explaining more of the features of the DOL house as she led the small group from room to room... opening closed doors with a snap of her fingers as she explained that every room was connected to a MAID that managed all of the different components of the Smart Home. Skylar beamed and chimed in as the group stopped in front of a window overlooking the back lawn, pulling Beverly away from Amanda's side as she explained how the windows could be easily opened during the day using a simple voice command, and then locked securely at night to ensure the safety of the DOLs inside.
Barbara smiled at Amanda as she motioned for the group to follow her into the common room, "Before we head upstairs, feel free to take a moment to relax. Perhaps a pleasant little bit of relaxation on our fully automated Caressing Couch that will make you melt within minutes... And, of course, enjoy a little recitation by our new Dolly Debutantes..." Barbara smiled, lifting her powder pink cell phone and tapping on the screen as Anastacia guided the eager-faced group of donors towards a long, comfortable-looking pink couch. 
Felicity Velvet, with a hint of fatigue in her voice, remarked, "Whew, that was quite the tour! I could really use a bit of rest now." Observing Felicity struggle to maintain her balance, Amanda felt a slight wobble in her own vision as she attempted to ease herself onto a plush velvet couch.
Beverly, settling in beside Amanda with a bubbly demeanour, exclaimed, "Wow, what a tour! All these technicalities are mind-boggling, aren't they?" She continued chatting cheerfully, even though Amanda's attention had shifted toward the stairs. At the top of the seven, young ladies, all donned in elegant and opulent ballgowns, descended the curved staircase. The grandeur and expense of their attire struck her, leaving her in awe of their stunning presence. Adorning tiaras with glowing gemstones, they descended, the billowing satin of their dresses displaying a kaleidoscope of pastel colours, forming a captivating rainbow. Amanda's mouth fell open in sheer amazement as the pledges began to chant harmoniously.
 ♫ From the halls of gorgeous DOL house
 ♫ Sisters bond and share
 ♫ We have style, pep, and good taste
 ♫ Not to mention luscious hair! ♫
 ♫ In our gleaming DOL house ♫
 ♫ Dollies shine and smile ♫
 ♫ Robed in soft sweet silk gowns ♫
 ♫ We parade along in style! ♫
 ♫ In the halls of gorgeous DOL house ♫
 ♫ Sisters bond and share ♫
 ♫ We have style, pep, and good taste ♫
 ♫ Not to mention luscious hair! ♫
 ♫ DOL eyes shine and glisten ♫
 ♫ As Dollies dance and twirl ♫
 ♫ Good sisters always listen ♫
 ♫ Come take us for a whirl ♫
 ♫ In the halls of gorgeous DOL house ♫
 ♫ Sisters bond and share ♫
 ♫ We have style, pep, and good taste ♫
♫ Not to mention luscious hair! ♫
 ♫ Dolled-Up, Good Face, So much Grace ♫
 ♫ Sisters chant and rhyme ♫
 ♫ Enchanted by our lovely Charms ♫
 ♫ Our DOL life is sublime! ♫
The girls chanted in a precise rhythm, their smiles empty and their gazes vacant as they repeated the words in perfect harmony. Amanda felt her vision becoming more unsteady as the chant continued. Next to the couches, Barbara, standing as a guard, observed Amanda's condition and came to her aid.
"Professor, are you feeling alright?" Barbara asked with concern.
"I'm just feeling a bit fatigued," Amanda replied, offering a reassuring smile to Barbara. "The tour and all this whole spectacle after a long day - it's catching up with me. I'll be fine, just need a moment to collect myself."

"I must admit, you don't look quite well. Is there anything I can do to help you?" Amanda, appreciative of her student's concern, thought to herself.

"Hmmm... Barbara, could you do me a favour? I would like some water and perhaps talk to one of your pledges."
Barbara nodded in understanding. "Absolutely, that's the least I can do,"  she affirmed, then left Amanda's side.
While the other donors gathered on nearby couches, engaging in casual conversation, Amanda remained seated. Her eyes were captivated by a shimmering mint green ballgown worn by a young lady who exuded regal elegance as she approached Amanda. The soft rustle of the gown's fabric and the gentle click of heels on the floor filled Amanda's ears. Approaching with a glass, the woman handed it to Amanda.
"Thank you," Amanda expressed, accepting the glass without realizing its contents and taking a sip. As she lowered the glass, her gaze met the face of the pretty lady. "Oh, my, you must be Cassandra, Beverly Stylish's daughter!" she exclaimed in surprise, noting the striking resemblance between Cassandra and her mother.
Cassandra responded with bubbly enthusiasm, "Oh, you're absolutely right!"
"I must say, your ensemble is absolutely enchanting!" Amanda expressed admiration for the expensive gown the lady was wearing. However, she couldn't help but feel the luscious bouffant was a bit too much and not entirely appropriate to her tastes. Amanda swiftly retrieved a small notebook and pen from the insides of her blazer, preparing to take notes for her evaluation.
"Professor Christmas, perhaps it would be best if we had a bit more privacy. May I escort you to the side parlour? It's more intimate and secluded," Cassandra suggested with a smile while extending a gloved hand towards the professor. 

Amanda took her hand, allowing herself to be guided from her seat towards an alcove on the far side of the room. In the alcove, a small couch and two elegantly upholstered throne-like chairs were arranged. 

"Ah, this is much better," Cassandra remarked with a smile. She gracefully drew the heavy draperies across the opening, leaving the pair alone together. The faint sounds of chatter reached Amanda's ears as she carefully placed the now empty glass on a small end table and somewhat unsteadily seated herself on the small couch.

The shimmering green skirts of Cassandra's gown twirled gracefully as she glided across the room, taking a seat beside Amanda on the couch. 
"Miss Echantelle asked me to have a conversation with you?" Cassandra inquired with elegance, pursing her lips and locking her gaze with Amanda's. Amanda felt a bit peculiar as Cassandra spoke formally about her sorority sister. Adjusting her posture, Amanda shifted slightly and turned her knees towards Cassandra. She glanced down at the leather notebook in her hand and opened it.
"Well, Cassandra..." Amanda smiled reassuringly, striving to create an atmosphere of ease and comfort.

"I'm not sure if you're aware, but aside from my teaching and research responsibilities, I also oversee the sororities on campus, ensuring the well-being of all students. Lately, there have been reports that have prompted some questions about Delta Omega Lambda. I'm conducting an investigation to ensure everything aligns with Charmont standards."

Cassandra laughed pleasantly, placing her hand reassuringly on Amanda's knee. "Oh, of course, professor, I'm fully aware of the situation. Consider me at your disposal. I'm more than willing to answer any questions you have. And I hope you feel the same way..."
Amanda's cheeks flushed slightly as she gazed into Cassandra's shimmering eyes. "Oh, yes, of course..." she nodded, seeking to regain her composure. A moment of silence enveloped them, and Amanda hesitated, finding herself looking back up into Cassandra's eyes. The student looked at her with a probing expression on her face, "Has Barbara, any of the other officers, or any of the senior sisters ever insisted or made demands that you dress a certain way, or have you ever felt pressured to dress a certain way in order to satisfy some sort of requirement to becoming a member?" Amanda inquired, doing her best to adopt a tone that would encourage the student to feel comfortable confiding in her.
Cassandra nodded pleasantly and smiled, "Oh, I love wearing my ensemble. It is so elegant and posh. I'm grateful for these beautiful gifts from DOL. It's a feeling of pure elegance. The gown is made of the most exquisite silk, and believe it or not, real gemstones are intricately woven into the design—it's like wearing a piece of art. If I had to put a price tag on feeling this fabulous, it'd be labelled 'priceless,' don't you think?" Cassandra's eyes sparkled with playful enthusiasm as she shared her sentiments. As Amanda absorbed Cassandra's lively description, she couldn't help but marvel at how expensive and elegant the entire ensemble looked. 
"Oh, Professor, would you fancy a treat? It might help boost your energy; it always does wonders for me..." Cassandra asked, extending a Dolly Delight with her white-gloved hand and offering it to Amanda with an inviting smile. Amanda hesitated briefly, then nodded, enticed by the tempting treat. "I've tried one before... they are so rich and delicious," Amanda murmured in delight as she took the dolly delight and slipped it into her mouth. Cassandra smiled and nodded approvingly, "Just one of the small benefits of becoming a DOL," she said with a smile.
As Amanda savoured the little heart-shaped chocolate, she relished the flavours, swallowing slowly to enjoy the taste lingering in her mouth fully. She made a conscious effort to refocus her attention on the ongoing interview. "That does raise another question, Cassandra... doesn't it seem a bit odd that pledges are referred to as Dolly Debutantes... As you might be aware, any practices designed to humiliate or embarrass pledges are strictly prohibited by Charmont..."
Cassandra laughed with a melodic lilt, "Oh, that thought has never crossed my mind; I've always felt cherished here..." Sliding forward on the couch, she stood up and extended her hand to Amanda once again. "Professor, I'd absolutely love to show you something," Cassandra said, her tone brimming with charm and warmth.
Amanda, feeling a bit off guard, hesitantly accepted Cassandra's hand again and allowed herself to be guided toward a full-length mirror in the corner of the room that she hadn't noticed before, "Stand right here... perfect." 
Cassandra instructed as she guided the professor into position and stood behind her, "Now... just imagine yourself attending a beautiful and elegant ball... can you imagine how lovely that would be?" Cassandra murmured in a low voice as she swished her skirts, extending them out to the sides and wrapping them forward around Amanda's waist, creating the illusion that Amanda was now wearing puffy green skirts as Cassandra's body was now almost completely concealed behind her. Cassandra pressed closer to Amanda as she slid another length of green satin around Amanda's body, completing the look that, while not quite perfect, was sufficient to create the desired effect,
"See, now you look just like a Dolly Debutante too," Cassandra murmured pleasantly as Amanda couldn't help but agree that with the right conditions, she certainly did.
The cool green satin slid softly against her body, making her skin tingle as she found herself becoming caught up in the fantasy that Cassandra was creating, "Oh... I'm feeling a bit lightheaded..." she murmured woozily as she felt herself collapsing back into Cassandra's waiting arms, her eyes fluttering as she slipped into a light daze and began to lose consciousness. Cassandra's voice continued speaking to her in soothing tones as she felt herself being completely enveloped in the soft green satin, and her eyelids slid shut.
"My goodness..." Barbara laughed softly as she walked towards the duo. The sorority president carefully studied the unconscious professor, who was slumped in Cassandra's comforting embrace as the pledge started to repeat the soothing DOL chant. "It looks like our dear professor is ready for a little special attention... What do you think, Duchess Cassie Doll?" Barbara asked with a smirk. 
Cassandra nodded happily, "Of course, Queen Barbie, I think she would would love to." The pledge responded docilely as she gently manoeuvred the unconscious professor onto the throne-shaped chair. With a swift hand, she pressed the button and the back of the chair to pop up a little gas mask. Cassandra placed the small gas mask securely onto Amanda's nose and mouth, ensuring a snug fit.
"Here, have some lovely Dolly Daze. It will make you feel so sleepy and wonderful," Cassandra said while Amanda had a vague awareness of what was happening.
Take a deep breath, Amanda," Cassandra instructed. As Amanda inhaled the soft mixture, a contented "hmmm..." escaped her lips, and a drowsy sensation began to settle in. Amanda was vaguely aware that her chair was silently gliding over the ground. Two other ladies in front of Amanda, one adorned in a peach-hued ensemble and the other in a turquoise attire, shared a similar predicament as they found themselves being led towards a secret passage that opened in the wall. A comforting darkness embraced her vision, and with a whispered "Sweet dreams," she gracefully drifted into a peaceful sleep.

Oh, that's wonderful, professor," Barbara's words resonated with enthusiasm. "I've explained to everyone that they should cooperate with you fully and be as helpful as possible." As Amanda gradually emerged from the haziness of what felt like a prolonged slumber, she found herself engaged in a conversation with Barbara.
"You seem to have accumulated quite a few notes," Barbara remarked. Shaking off a momentary bout of dizziness, Amanda opened her notebook with a perplexed expression.
"Notes,..." she repeated slowly, flipping through pages filled with her familiar handwriting, which, for some inexplicable reason, eluded her memory.
"Hopefully, enough for your evaluation," Barbara suggested in a helpful tone. Amanda nodded absently, closing the notebook and tucking it into her blazer. She couldn't help but notice that her blazer felt freshly washed against her blouse. Not only did her blazer smell nice, but her blouse and skirt did, too. Despite the pleasant sensations, she shrugged them off and focused on what she was doing.
"My goodness, where has the time gone?" Amanda murmured in surprise as she glanced up at the clock on the wall and realized that it had been almost three hours since she'd arrived. She stood up from the couch and followed Barbara back into the main room, noting that none of the guests were present anymore. Barbara laughed pleasantly as she led the way toward the front door.
"You know what they say, Professor... time flies when you're having fun," Barbara remarked with a sly smile, lingering at the door as she watched the professor leave the sorority house premises. 

"Doll Sorority" is the main story in the Dolly World Universe, spread across multiple chapters.

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