Sculpting Desire

by Lunakiri

Tags: #cw:noncon #cw:sexual_assault #dom:male #sub:female

Today is Abigail’s 18th birthday, and she’s a week from her highschool graduation. Her boyfriend, Liam, surprised her with a gift while at school. … And then she went missing. This is her story.

In the back of her final period class, Abigail sat tapping her pencil against her notebook, a soft, rhythmic sound that echoed through the otherwise silent room. The day had dragged on longer than usual, every minute feeling like an eternity as she eagerly anticipated her 18th birthday party. Graduation was only a few weeks away, and soon, she'd be free—free from the familiar yet suffocating halls of high school, free to chase after her dreams without hesitation. But for now, all she could think about was tonight. Liam had promised something special, and she couldn't wait to see what he had planned.

As the bell rang, releasing the students into the chaotic rush of the hallway, Abigail slowly packed up her things. She glanced up just in time to see Liam waiting by the door, his tall frame leaning casually against the frame with his easy smile. It never failed to make her heart flutter just a little bit.

"Hey there, birthday girl," he greeted playfully as she approached him. From his pocket, he pulled out a small box wrapped in bright pink paper. "I got you something."

Abby raised an eyebrow skeptically but couldn't hide her grin. "Already? I thought the surprise was for later?"

Liam shrugged nonchalantly. "Consider this a warm-up." He nodded towards the corner of the school where there was a rarely used stairwell that had become their go-to hideaway spot when they needed a break from everything. She followed him through the dwindling crowd of students, eager to see what else he had in store for her.

Once they reached the secluded stairwell, Liam handed her the box with a mischievous glint in his eye. With curious anticipation, Abby unwrapped it to reveal a small bottle of pink lemonade—their favorite drink since middle school—and a tiny cupcake adorned with colorful sprinkles. She couldn't help but laugh softly, touched by Liam's sweet and thoughtful gesture. This was just the beginning of her birthday celebrations, and she couldn't wait to see what else he had in store for her.

"Thank you, Liam. This lemonade is delicious," she said, twisting off the cap and taking a sip. She savored the sweet and tangy taste, feeling refreshed after a long day.

Liam's smile widened as he watched her carefully, almost possessively. "Only the best for you," he replied, his voice filled with adoration.

But as Abigail took another sip, something felt off. A strange, bitter aftertaste lingered in her mouth, making her frown. Her vision began to blur and a sudden fog seemed to descend upon her mind.

"Liam," she murmured weakly, her voice barely audible. "This... this tastes weird."

His smile faltered for a brief moment before he composed himself. "It's nothing, Abby. You're just tired from today. Let's sit down for a minute."

Her legs were already giving out beneath her and she leaned back against the nearby wall. Confusion and panic washed over her as she struggled to make sense of what was happening. She tried to speak again but her words came out jumbled and incoherent.

As Abigail's movements slowed and her mind became clouded, Liam couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement bubbling inside him. He had planned everything meticulously for this moment and it was finally happening. With gentle hands, he guided her to sit on the dusty stairs before kneeling in front of her.

"Shh, it's okay, Abby. Just relax," he whispered soothingly, his voice low and hypnotic. Taking the nearly empty bottle of pink lemonade from her hand, he set it aside before placing his hands on her trembling frame to steady her.

"Just close your eyes and rest," Liam coaxed, his voice like a distant echo as Abigail slowly lost consciousness under his careful manipulation.

Abigail's mind was in a fog, like a cloud of cotton candy that she couldn't seem to grasp. She wanted to protest and demand answers from Liam, but her thoughts dissipated before she could form coherent words.

Liam's piercing gaze locked onto hers, his features taut with concentration. Tenderly, he reached out and cupped her face in his hands, his thumbs tracing her cheekbones with featherlight strokes. Abigail barely registered the touch, her mind lost in a daze. Her head tipped to the side, unable to support its weight any longer. Liam watched as she gradually relaxed under his touch, a small sense of satisfaction swelling within him at this display of submission. But he knew it wouldn't last - he needed to get her somewhere safe.

Though the sun still shone brightly outside, Liam paid no heed to the time. Abigail's schooling could wait - she no longer needed it. That much was clear. Gripping her hand firmly, he spoke with determination. "Abigail, get up. Let's go home." Slowly, she turned her dull gaze towards him, struggling to focus on his outstretched hand. Eventually, she took it and rose unsteadily to her feet, allowing Liam to guide her through the now deserted halls of the school. He had meticulously planned their escape route, ensuring they wouldn't be caught.

The information came easily to him, as he knew exactly who to ask and how to charm them. His silver tongue and smooth persona granted him free reign of the school, able to manipulate anyone who didn't fall in line with his plans using a little coercion. It was this cunning that allowed him to ensnare Abigail so thoroughly, though he knew it wouldn't last for long.

But there were advantages to the short time they had together. Any suggestions he planted in her mind during this trance would become solidified beliefs once she returned to her normal state, making it all worth it in the end. As they navigated through the halls, he effortlessly avoided any potential obstacles or witnesses, knowing that he had ensured the cameras were turned off at this specific time. No one could stop him from absconding with this beautiful, captivating young woman. And while she may not have realized it yet, he knew just how erotically charged she truly was – a fact that he would make sure she became well aware of. With every step they took, he implanted subtle rules and ideas into her malleable mind, molding her thoughts and perspectives to align with his desires.

The words dripped from his lips like honey, each syllable heavy with persuasive power. Abigail's mind absorbed them like a sponge, the mention of math problems causing an immediate shutdown in her brain. It was as if a switch had been flipped, and she could no longer comprehend anything related to numbers or equations. Unbeknownst to her, Liam had planted a deep-rooted suggestion that would compel her to call him whenever her thoughts became muddled. A sense of exhilaration coursed through him as he carefully crafted a web of commands and triggers, molding Abigail into his perfect puppet, ready to fulfill his every desire without question.

Once they emerged from the school building and into the warm afternoon sunlight, Liam took hold of Abigail's hand and led her towards his car, parked discreetly at the edge of the lot. He opened the passenger side door for her, guiding her inside before settling into the driver's seat himself. The drive to his secluded cabin was filled with silence, save for the occasional muffled sound from Abigail as she sat in a daze beside him. Her mind was swimming with confusion and submission, a haze of control clouding her thoughts as Liam's suggestions took hold

As they arrived at the secluded cabin tucked away deep in the woods, Liam couldn't help but feel a sense of possessiveness swell within him as he watched Abigail stumble along behind him, her eyes distant and unfocused. The dimly lit cabin oozed with an eerie yet intimate atmosphere as Liam led her to a darkened room. She had no idea what was inside, her mind consumed by the whispers, the constant whispers from Liam that seemed to rewrite who she was. His powerful voice echoed through her head, leaving her unable to resist or fight back. As he guided her towards a mirror in the center of the room, she noticed her mind starting to clear. But just as she began to regain some control, he lit a candle near her. The fragrance wafting from it was unlike anything Abigail had ever experienced before. And with each passing moment, her mind became clearer and more alert, despite her body being completely under Liam's control. At first, she thought she would be terrified or horrified by what was happening...but strangely enough, she wasn't.

"Is your mind waking up now, Abigail?" Liam's voice was laced with curiosity and a hint of smugness. He knew exactly what the candle would do to her, how it would test the thoughts he had already planted in her mind. "I ask, but I know you can't speak. Dolls are mute, after all." A flicker of fear flashed through her at his words, but it vanished just as quickly as it came. She trusted Liam implicitly - even though she couldn't quite remember why

Abigail's eyes flickered with a hint of recognition as Liam's words sank deep into her psyche. She felt a strange sense of calm wash over her, like the gentle lullaby of waves crashing against the shore. The candle's mesmerizing flame danced before her, casting flickering shadows across the room and enveloping her in a warm, hypnotic glow. She found herself unable to look away from the mirror, the haunting reflection of the pair of them that was there.

"You don't recognise her, do you?" Liam asked, his voice low and commanding. Abigail was silent, but she could feel the truth in his words sinking in. This wasn't her in the mirror, it couldn't be. She searched for familiarity in her features, but found none.

"This is the old you," Liam continued, his tone confident and dominant. Abigail's attention snapped to him as he spoke, hanging onto every word as if they were law. "But you want to look like the new you, the beautiful living doll you are."

Abigail paused for a moment, letting those words sink in. She knew deep down that they were true, she was a doll now. His doll.

"Whenever I am around, you are just the perfect doll for me to play with or command," Liam declared, his hand trailing down her reflection's chin possessively. "You feel everything that looks like it is touching you, even if it actually isn't." As if to prove his point, his hand moved down to press against her reflection's small breasts and Abigail could feel the touch as if it were real.

A shiver of unease rippled down Abigail's spine, sending a chill through her body at the phantom touch that seemed to linger even as Liam's hand hovered inches away. She was both horrified and exhilarated by the sensation, a strange mix of pleasure and confusion clouding her thoughts. The words he spoke reverberated in her mind like a powerful spell, twisting her perceptions and desires to align with his own twisted cravings.

As she stared at her reflection in the mirror, Abigail couldn't deny the changes that had already taken root within her. The once vibrant spark in her eyes now seemed dimmed, replaced by a vacant emptiness that mirrored the doll-like image before her. She tried to resist the overwhelming control Liam wielded over her, but every defiant thought was swiftly smothered by the all-encompassing power of his influence.

With each passing moment, Abigail felt herself slipping further into a trance-like state, her sense of self eroding away as if it were nothing more than grains of sand slipping through her fingers. Even memories from her past were fading, the edges blurring until they were nothing more than hazy recollections.

"When I am in the same room as you, you are a doll. Nothing more, nothing less," Liam reiterated with a chilling smile. "A toy to be played with and commanded."

But when he was not around, Abigail was still herself. She still retained some shred of who she was, though she refused to leave this place, this prison that she now called home. As he gently guided her head to face her reflection once again, Abigail could not look away from the distorted, swirling image staring back at her. Her own eyes seemed to hold an otherworldly beauty, drawing her deeper into their mesmerizing depths.

The mirror began to shimmer and warp, casting an ethereal glow that enveloped Abigail in a surreal dreamscape. As she gazed into her own reflection, a sense of detachment washed over her, blurring the lines between reality and illusion. It was as if she were standing at the threshold of a new existence, on the brink of a profound transformation that would forever alter who she was.

Liam's voice reverberated throughout Abigail's mind, each word dripping with a seductive melody that wrapped around her consciousness like a silken web. The flickering candlelight danced across her face, casting an entrancing spell that lulled her into a state of complete submission. With every command and suggestion, Liam's words sank deeper into the core of her being, molding her thoughts and desires to align with his will.

As she gazed into the mirror, Abigail found herself responding to Liam's subtle touches on her reflection as if they were on her own body. A soft moan escaped her lips, the sensations from the mirror tricking her mind into imagining his touch on her skin.

"When I am in the room with you, you will return to this point," Liam's voice echoed through the space as he set the candle down on a nearby table. "You will be just as compliant, just as malleable. If not more so."

Abigail could no longer speak, her vocal cords bound by Liam's hypnotic control. She was a doll, and dolls do not speak. Her only sounds were quiet moans, expressing all the pleasure she felt from his delicate touch.

With each stroke of his fingers along her reflection in the mirror, Abigail felt waves of pleasure radiating through her body. It was as if each touch ignited a fire within her that she had never known before.

"As my doll, every sensation will drive you wild," Liam whispered, his voice low and commanding. "And you will learn to enjoy it all."

He leaned in closer to the mirror, his warm breath fogging up the glass. "Dolls are beautiful to look at, but even more so to control." His fingers continued their steady exploration of her reflection, sending shivers of pleasure through Abigail's body. "Every tap, every touch will become your ultimate pleasure."

Abigail lay still as a statue, her vulnerability on full display under Liam's piercing gaze. Her eyes remained transfixed on her own reflection in the mirror as his hand glided over it, tracing invisible lines and curves that only she could feel. Every touch sent shivers through her body, igniting a fire within her that she had never known before.

But as exhilarating as it was, Abigail knew she couldn't move. She was under Liam's control, bound by an unspoken agreement between them. He had warned her not to disobey him, and she knew deep down that she didn't want to.

In this moment, Abigail was like a living doll, waiting for her owner's next command. And in his eyes, she saw a possessiveness that both thrilled and terrified her.

Liam's words echoed in her mind, filling every corner of her consciousness with his dominating presence. It was like he was imprinting himself onto her very being - manipulating her thoughts and desires to align with his own twisted fantasies.

She felt herself slipping further into his control, each word carving itself deeper into her psyche like a permanent brand. The sensations were overwhelming and electrifying all at once.

As she gazed at her reflection in the mirror, Abigail felt an unfamiliar sensation begin to stir within her - a change taking place at the core of her being. She was becoming something else entirely, molded by Liam's hypnotic voice and touch.

And as he spoke of erasing any remnants of her former self, Abigail felt a sense of detachment from the person looking back at her in the mirror - a stranger who bore no resemblance to the person she used to be. In this moment, she was completely under his spell, and there was no turning back.

He then left her alone, his footsteps fading away until the only sound in the room was the soft ticking of the grandfather clock. Abigail lay still on the plush carpet, trying to collect her thoughts and regain her composure after the intense experience she had just gone through. She could feel her heart racing and her mind struggling to make sense of it all. As she slowly regained her senses, she took in her surroundings. The room was elegantly furnished with pieces that exuded luxury and comfort. The walls were painted a soothing shade of blue, creating a calming atmosphere. And there was a subtle fragrance in the air, almost hypnotic in its effect.

As Abigail got to her feet and stretched, she couldn't help but notice the lingering presence of Liam in the room. His cologne mixed with the enchanting aroma, creating a heady sensation that made her head spin. But she wasn't afraid or unsettled by it; instead, she found herself inexplicably drawn to it.

As she explored the room, taking note of every detail, she noticed a window with some writing on it. Her eyes narrowed as she recognized it as a complex equation, one that would have seemed daunting to most people. But not to Abigail. She had always excelled in mathematics and had even been accepted into a prestigious university for a physics program.

With confidence, she began to solve the equation in her head...but then something strange happened. The longer she focused on it, the more difficult it became to hold onto her thoughts. It was as if the equation was taunting her, teasing her with answers that were just out of reach. She tried harder and harder to focus, but it was like trying to catch smoke with bare hands - no matter how hard she tried, it always slipped away from her grasp.

And suddenly, a wave of dizziness washed over her and she stumbled back, struggling to keep her balance. She felt as though her mind was being pulled in a million different directions, each one fighting for control. She couldn't understand it; she had always been able to solve any problem put in front of her. But this was unlike anything she had ever encountered before. It seemed to hold all the answers and yet posed a question that her mind couldn't even begin to comprehend. As she continued to struggle, her thoughts scattering like dust in the wind, Abigail couldn't help but wonder what kind of force could create such a powerful and overwhelming sensation within her.

She could feel herself slowly slipping back into the hazy trance that Liam had placed her in. His voice seemed to surround her, enveloping her mind and body like a thick fog that she couldn't resist. Without hesitation, she made her way back to the ornate mirror, its surface reflecting the flickering candlelight in an otherworldly dance.

As she gazed at her reflection, a sense of complete detachment washed over her. She no longer recognized the person staring back at her, but she was captivated by their fleeting beauty. Her physical form was changing before her very eyes, shifting into something delicate and ethereal. Her slender figure became even more alluring, with dainty hands and feet and curves that seemed to defy reality.

Mesmerized by the transformation happening within the mirror, she didn't realize that it was also happening to her own body. The only thought that crossed her mind, thanks to Liam's masterful manipulation, was: "I wish that was me."

As time passed and the changes continued, her awareness of anything else faded away until all she could focus on was the mirror. Liam's voice still echoed in the depths of her mind, guiding her thoughts and desires like a puppet master.

The world around her disappeared as she was pulled closer and closer to the mirror, drawn in by its hypnotic spell. Her willpower dissipated like sand through an hourglass as Liam's seductive whispers consumed her every thought.

And then there was nothing but the mirror, a single point of light that beckoned to her with promises of untold pleasures. She surrendered completely to its pull, completely under Liam's control as he continued to whisper his commands in her mind. Every second that passed brought her deeper into a state of complete submission, until she was nothing but a vessel for his desires.

Abigail's body quivered with a mixture of fear and excitement as she stood before the mirror, completely entranced by Liam's hypnotic powers. The mirror seemed to call out to her, promising to fulfill every fantasy she had ever dreamt of. She was consumed by an intense desire to become the embodiment of Liam's deepest desires, to transform into the perfect doll he envisioned.

As the transformation continued, Abigail lost herself in the seductive trance, no longer able to distinguish between reality and illusion. She surrendered herself fully to Liam's control, her thoughts and desires becoming one with his. The room around her faded into oblivion, replaced by an endless void that shimmered with the reflection in the mirror.

Liam's voice echoed in her mind like a siren song, his commands guiding her through the metamorphosis. Her body contorted and reshaped itself, every muscle and bone bending to his will. Her skin became porcelain smooth, free of any imperfections. It was as if her very essence was being stripped away and reborn in his image.

Time ceased to exist for Abigail as she stood there, completely at Liam's mercy. Her mind was a haze of sexual desire and obedience, entirely focused on pleasing him. She was no longer an individual consciousness but rather a blank canvas for him to paint upon - a living doll in his grasp.

In this state of utter submission, Abigail ceased to exist as anything other than Liam's perfect creation - an extension of his wildest fantasies brought to life. The transformation continued relentlessly until she became more doll-like with each passing moment. Her mind merged with the mirror's enchanting reflection until there was no distinction between her and Liam.

When Liam returned, he found her kneeling before the mirror, her gaze fixated on the mesmerizing eyes staring back at her. She didn't even register his presence as he knelt down behind her and fondled her breasts. For now, he left her in her clothing, saving the pleasure of undressing her for later when he could fully savor every inch of her flawless form.

A shiver ran through her body as his fingers grazed over her hardened nipples, the sensation sending a jolt of electricity through her. She was lost in the moment, unaware of his presence until he leaned in and nipped at her earlobe. His whispers were like silk against her skin, filling her mind with new laws and commands that she could not resist. He was molding her into his perfect creation, his toy to play with as he pleased.

"From this moment on, you are mine," Liam declared, his hands firmly gripping her breasts as he spoke. "Body, mind, and soul belong to me." His touch was both heavenly and controlling, causing her to weaken under his control. She could feel everything but was unable to react without his permission. Every touch from him sent waves of pleasure through her, making her dependent on him for support.

"You will no longer respond to Abigail," he stated, deciding to change her name to something more fitting for his doll-like creation. "You will only answer to Mina, my marionette." At the mention of her new name, Mina felt the world spin and darken around her. She couldn't see him, but she could sense his presence and feel the weight of his words. Without warning, she was pushed forward onto the plush floor beneath her, unable to break her fall or move on her own accord. She was nothing more than a lifeless doll in his hands.

Liam's gaze lingered on the tight jeans that she had chosen to wear to school that day. They hugged her curves in all the right places, emphasizing her shapely behind and making it impossible for him to tear his eyes away. With a smirk, he got to his feet and strolled toward the door. "I'll be staying back," he announced, his voice low and teasing. "Enjoying the view." And with a final glance at her form, he slipped out of the room.

Mina remained frozen in her pose, unable to look away from the mirrored wall in front of her. She could feel Liam's eyes on her, even as he left the room. Without moving a muscle, she stayed there, barely breathing, not blinking. In the next room, Liam watched her through a series of cameras with a smug expression on his face. He was proud of what he had done to her, and how easily he could control her now.

He knew exactly what buttons to push, having planted triggers in her mind while they were walking out of school earlier. One such trigger involved self-pleasure and a specific audio cue - a storm raging outside. With a flip of a switch, the sound of rain hitting windows filled the room, accompanied by booming thunderclaps. Immediately, Mina's hand went to where her legs met her torso, absentmindedly rubbing against the fabric barrier of her jeans and panties.

Her movements were desperate and frenzied as she tried to find release, but it wasn't enough. There was something building within her core, a need and desire that she couldn't put into words. As she watched herself in the mirror, she felt an emptiness growing inside, as if a part of her soul had been taken away.

The storm continued to rage as Mina's fingers worked vigorously against the fabric between her legs. Each thunderous clap sent a jolt of electricity through her body, driving her closer to the edge. But even as she sought release, she couldn't shake the feeling of hollowness and vacancy that consumed her. It was as if she was just a shell, with nothing left inside but this overwhelming need for pleasure.

Liam's eyes were glued to the monitor, his heart racing with anticipation. He knew he was about to witness something truly remarkable, something that would cement his control over Mina forever. As the storm outside raged on, so did the tension within Mina's body. With each passing moment, she grew more and more desperate for release.

And then it happened. A surge of pleasure coursed through Mina's body like a tidal wave, erasing all thoughts and emotions except for the overwhelming bliss that consumed her. She convulsed uncontrollably as she reached the height of ecstasy, teetering on the brink of oblivion.

As the storm finally passed, so did Mina's climax. She collapsed onto the floor, her gaze fixed on her own reflection in the mirror. Her mind was foggy and disoriented, her body still buzzing from the intensity of what had just occurred. Liam crept back into the room, giddy with excitement as he approached his beautiful doll.

He knelt down beside her and ran his fingers over her trembling body, relishing in the heat radiating from her skin. His touch grazed lightly over her jeans, causing Mina to shudder even in her weakened state.

"You are now mine," he whispered with authority, his words sinking into Mina's mind and becoming her truth. She could feel herself becoming lost in his control, unable to resist or disobey.

"No matter where you look, you see only what I want you to see," he continued before gently turning her onto her side. Her gaze shifted away from the mirror but remained fixed in one position. Even when he tried to break her concentration, she couldn't look away.

"Perfect," Liam chuckled with satisfaction as he observed how much more doll-like she appeared with this added fixation. He considered testing another trigger and wondered if it would work through her immobilization.

Reaching over to the nearby mirror, Liam tapped on its surface twice. Without any conscious awareness, Mina's hands moved to her shirt and began removing it. She then proceeded to remove her tank top before lying motionless once again. Her expression remained unchanged and her gaze remained fixed.

Liam stood up, admiring her large breasts that were barely contained by her bra. Each breath she took was increasingly erotic and he found himself wanting to see more of her. But at the same time, he also wanted to push her further and test the limits of his control.

After a brief moment of consideration, he asked a question. He knew she had been stripped of her ability to do complex tasks like math, but what else could he take away from her in terms of intelligence? After all, dolls had no intelligence to begin with. It would be a simple start towards complete obedience.

His voice pierced through the tense silence, breaking Mina's trance as she stared into the reflection of his gaze. He asked for her name, and after a moment of hesitation, she answered with a simple, "Mina." Liam wanted to test her intelligence further, asking about the capital of Japan and Canada. Mina's responses were quick and accurate, impressing him. But then he asked a more complex question: to define gold. Without missing a beat, Mina gave a thorough answer, showcasing her sharp mind. Liam knew he needed to strip her of this intelligence with his specially made drug. It was his revenge for losing against her in a trivia game two years ago, which ultimately led to their relationship.

Liam rose from his seat and retrieved items from a nearby cabinet, carefully preparing a syringe filled with the drug. As he approached Mina's motionless form on the floor, he asked more questions about chemical symbols and geography. Despite being under the influence of the drug, Mina's answers were still correct, earning her more points in Liam's twisted game.

But now it was time for the final round. With the syringe at the ready, Liam posed two more difficult questions about Mars and coffee production in the United States. And like before, Mina answered without hesitation. Liam nodded in satisfaction as he injected the drug into Mina's arm, watching as her intelligence slowly faded away before his eyes. This was his ultimate revenge for that fateful trivia night so long ago – to take away what made Mina superior to him.

As the word "Hawaii" fell from her lips, Liam nodded with a slight smile before bringing the syringe down to Mina's exposed arm. With steady hands, he pricked her skin and injected the drug, watching as it flowed through her veins and began to take effect. The once bright and alert green eyes now fluttered for a moment before returning to their fixed gaze, but now there was a noticeable delay in her response time.

Leaning in closer to observe his handiwork, Liam watched with fascination as Mina's mind began to dissolve like ice melting under a hot summer sun. It was a beautiful sight to behold, like watching a masterpiece painting come to life. He couldn't help but wonder what thoughts and memories were floating around in her mind at that moment.

"What is the chemical symbol for gold?" He asked, knowing full well that her answer would be slower and slurred due to the drug. And indeed, Mina's words stumbled out in a stuttering mess. "G-gold... Au..." A smirk played on Liam's lips as he reveled in her confusion and helplessness. This was exactly what he wanted - to see her mind crumble and bend to his will.

As he looked upon the woman he had once loved and now controlled, Liam felt a sense of twisted pleasure and satisfaction that he had never known before. His heart was filled with an unquenchable thirst for power; he knew he could keep this going forever if he wanted to. But she was just the beginning of his grand experiment - there were countless more women out there who needed to learn their place in his world.

"And what is the position of Gold on the periodic table?" Liam asked, his dark eyes gleaming with excitement as he wondered how far the drug had spread through her brain already. He knew it would move quickly, but wanted to test its effects thoroughly before administering another dose.

Silence hung in the air as Mina struggled to process his question, her thoughts and actions slowed down by the drug. Her response came out in slow, slurred words that echoed her foggy mind. "P-position... on perio... tic tab..." Her voice trailed off, and her eyes slipped out of focus for a moment before returning to their locked gaze with Liam.

Watching her closely, Liam felt a surge of power coursing through his veins like an electric current. He could feel his own brain changing and adapting to the drug's influence - it was exhilarating, almost like the rush he got from hacking into a mainframe or pulling off a daring heist.

But this was only the beginning - there was still so much more to test and learn about the drug's capabilities. With a sense of determination, Liam stood up and walked over to a nearby table where he picked up a small glass vial filled with a thick, glowing liquid. The liquid pulsed with an otherworldly energy, and Liam knew just what it could do to Mina's already weakened mind.

Returning to kneel next to Mina's still form, Liam held the vial out for her to see, watching as her eyes fixated on it as if under some sort of spell. Taking a deep breath, he slowly tipped the vial, letting its contents spill into his palm. The liquid shimmered like molten gold in the dim light of the room, pulsing with an unknown power. This would push her limits even further, and Liam couldn't wait to see just how much control he had over her mind.

Liam's gaze was fixed on Mina with a calculating intensity as she struggled to form her words. Her mesmerized eyes never wavered from the glowing liquid in his palm, her mind completely consumed by its hypnotic allure.

"What is this?" Liam asked, his voice dripping with condescension. He could see the drug taking effect, altering her thoughts and reducing her to a mere puppet for him to control without resistance.

"It's... gold," Mina stammered weakly, her voice barely above a whisper. Liam couldn't help but smile at her feeble attempt to answer his question. He knew that the drug was already working its magic, reshaping her mind in ways he had only dreamt of before. She would soon be nothing more than a vessel for his commands.

"Tell me more about gold," Liam coaxed, leaning in closer to her trembling form. Her breath hitched at his proximity, and for a moment, her gaze flickered away before returning to the hypnotizing pool of liquid in his hand.

"Gold is... rare... and resilient... it's used in electronics... and jewelry," Mina managed to say, each word punctuated by a pause as she struggled to recall the information. Liam nodded approvingly at the drug's effects on her.

"And what else?" he probed further, moving even closer until their faces were almost touching. Mina's breathing became erratic, and her gaze seemed to lose focus as the drug continued to take hold of her mind.

"It's... malleable... dense... has a chemical symbol of Au..." she babbled, her words slurring together as the drug deepened its grip on her consciousness. Liam watched with quiet satisfaction as she remained obediently under his control.

But what he held in his hand wasn't actually gold. It was a synthetic creation that resembled it, and Mina had helped him produce it. However, she no longer remembered that fact, and Liam was perfectly content with that turn of events. He took pride in his power over her, relishing the thought of explaining what he had in his hand and how it would change her.

"This will ensure that you will forever be mine, and forever see those beautiful eyes you see ahead of you," he explained to her coolly. "It will also ensure that you did not exist before now." Mina remained silent as he spoke, a faint ripple of fear barely detectable on the edges of her awareness. It was a fleeting sensation that would soon be replaced by blind obedience.

Liam knew that the drug's effects would be subtle and gradual, but ultimately permanent. Despite some changes to her intelligence and personality, he was confident she would continue to obey him without question.

"What is lead?" Liam asked curiously, cleaning his hands on her torso as he massaged the drug into her skin. He knew this particular drug would take time to fully take effect, but its influence would be long-lasting. There wouldn't be any obvious physical changes, but he was certain her mind was being permanently altered.

"Lead... l...lead... lea..." Mina stuttered, struggling to form the word for an unusually long time. "Lead... lead is... h... heavy... me... metal..." she finally managed to say before her gaze once again drifted hazily out of focus as her brain struggled to keep up with the flood of drugs and chemicals coursing through her veins.

Liam's eyes gleamed with a mixture of satisfaction and anticipation as he watched Mina succumb to the drug coursing through her veins, bending her mind to his will. He had always been fascinated by the power of mind control, but this was something else entirely. This was like playing god, creating a world in his own image and molding every aspect to his desires.

He leaned in closer to her, his hot breath tickling her cheek as he whispered, "And what is lead used for?" His voice was smooth and commanding, knowing that Mina's mind was now clouded and malleable under the drug's influence. He knew she would struggle to answer, but he also knew that she would do anything to please him.

Mina's lips moved soundlessly for a moment before finally managing to stammer out, "Lead... used... pipes... batteries..." Her eyes fluttered shut, her breathing becoming labored as she fought to stay conscious under the weight of the drug.

A smirk spread across Liam's face at her desperate attempts to please him. She seemed like a lost soul adrift in a sea of confusion, grasping for something to ground her in this new reality. And he was that something.

"Correct," he purred, running his fingers along the sensitive skin of her throat, causing her to shiver beneath his touch. "Lead is used in pipes and batteries." He agreed with a nod.

"What do you see when you look at me?" He asked, curious if she could even answer anymore. Did she even know what eyes were anymore?

"Shiny... beautiful... pretty... entrancing..." Mina struggled to form coherent thoughts as her gaze remained fixed on Liam's eyes, which seemed to glow with an otherworldly light.

"Now tell me, Mina," Liam continued, wondering how far her mind had truly been altered. "Who are you?"

Mina's gaze stayed locked on his, her words slow and slurred as she spoke. "I... I am... no one." She managed to utter after a moment. Liam couldn't help but grin at her response, knowing that he had successfully implanted his will into her very being.

"Stand up," he commanded, rising to his feet as well. Mina's body moved with fluidity and ease, rising to stand before him in nothing but her undergarments. Liam stepped away briefly, flicking on the lights in the room.

"All you see is your own reflection and these eyes," Liam declared, gesturing to the mirror in front of them. "Your gaze has always been affixed on them and you cannot look away. Everything else is darkness, nonexistent. All you see are these entrancing, seductive, glowing blue eyes that have captivated you forever. You cannot look away, for everything else is mere shadows compared to their brilliance. And all you hear is my voice and what I choose for you to hear." His words were laced with power and control, solidifying his hold over Mina's mind even further.

As Mina stood there, mesmerized by the intense blue eyes that seemed to sparkle with a hypnotic power, Liam began to move around her, his gaze taking in every curve and contour of her body. With each step he took, she could feel her heart racing and her desire growing.

"Now," he said, his voice low and seductive, "close your eyes."

Mina hesitated for a moment before finally giving in and shutting her eyes. But even with them closed, she still saw those piercing blue eyes, burning into her mind like an eternal flame. It was as if they were seared onto the back of her eyelids, unshakeable and all-consuming.

Liam moved closer to her, his hands gently caressing her skin. He knew what was coming next. Every detail had been meticulously planned and every variable carefully calculated. The drug he had created was a masterpiece of chemistry and magic, designed to ensure she would be under his control forevermore.

"Now, I want you to listen very carefully," he said in a soft voice that sent shivers down her spine. "I want you to think of a word."

Mina furrowed her brow, trying to make sense of his request. She felt confused but also exhilarated by the anticipation building within her.

"What word?" she asked, attempting to focus on the task at hand.

Liam leaned in close to her ear, his breath warm against her skin. "Any word," he murmured, his voice like a seductive purr that vibrated through her body. "Just choose one."

Mina struggled to think of a word amidst the intoxicating effects of the drug and hypnosis. She closed her eyes tighter, determined to come up with something.

"S-s-shiny," she stuttered out at last, her voice barely audible.

Liam smiled, satisfied with her response. "Good choice," he purred, his voice a low growl that sent shivers down her spine. "Now, I want you to focus on that word. Let it become engrained in your mind, until you can't imagine any other word."

Mina did her best to follow his instructions, repeating the word "shiny" over and over again in her mind. As she did so, she felt a strange sensation in the back of her mind, as if something was slowly attaching itself to the word "shiny." She couldn't quite comprehend what was happening, but she knew it was beyond her control.

"That's good," Liam said, his voice filled with satisfaction. "Now, I want you to think of another word."

Mina furrowed her brow once more, struggling to focus amidst the effects of the drug. She closed her eyes and concentrated harder, trying to find another word.

"Shiny," she repeated, feeling a sense of frustration building within her.

"Yes, shiny," Liam responded with a chuckle. "Keep going."

"Sh... s.....shin... shi..." Mina tried to say it again but couldn't bring herself to finish.

"Shiny. Pretty." The words spilled out suddenly from her mouth, surprising both herself and Liam. Maybe he would need to administer another dose before leaving her for the night.

He hadn't expected this turn of events, but found it rather amusing. He let out a soft laugh. "Very good, Mina," he said, his voice smooth like velvet. "You're learning quickly." He reached out and gently cupped her chin, turning her face towards him. "Now, look into my eyes and repeat after me: shiny is pretty."

Mina felt a strange pull in her mind as she looked into his eyes, as if they were slowly drawing her in. His gaze was intense and hypnotic, and she found herself unable to look away. She opened her mouth to speak, but the words that came out were not her own. They were robotic and emotionless, as if someone else was speaking through her. "Shiny is pretty. Pretty is dumb. Dumb is shiny."

Liam's smile widened at her compliance, reveling in his power over her. "That's the right answer, Mina." He released her chin and took a step back, watching as she stood before him like a puppet on strings, lost in her own world. "Now, I want you to repeat it over and over again until I tell you to stop."

Mina began to chant the mantra again and again, each time with the same monotonous tone and vacant expression. As the words left her lips, it was as if they were being summoned from some dark place within her mind.

Liam observed her with satisfaction, knowing that his months of work had finally paid off. The drug he had developed was a deadly combination of chemicals and magic, designed to strip away one's free will and turn them into a mindless puppet under his control. And here she was, standing before him as proof of its success.

"Shiny is pretty. Pretty is dumb. Dumb is shiny." Mina continued to chant dutifully, her voice airy and vacant. Liam moved behind her and undid the bra she was wearing, causing her breasts to burst free from their constraints with a sudden growth spurt. He watched in fascination as they swelled larger by the second, transforming before his very eyes.

Still chanting mindlessly, Mina seemed completely unaware of the changes taking place on her body. Her breasts continued to grow under Liam's touch, the skin stretching and tightening around them as they became bigger and more full. Liam couldn't resist running his hands over their new size and shape, feeling himself grow even more aroused at the sight.

"The more you repeat it, the more you know that's what you are." Liam spoke to Mina in a cold, calculated tone.

She continued to chant without pause, her voice like a siren's call that only fueled Liam's desire. As she chanted, her body began to take on a metallic sheen, reflecting the dim light of the room. Her hair multiplied until it was a cloud of shimmering tendrils cascading down her back, completing her transformation into something otherworldly.

Liam couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement as he looked upon his creation. She was his to control and manipulate however he pleased. And with each repetition of the mantra, his power over her only grew stronger.

Liam reached out again, his fingers eagerly combing through the new locks of hair that cascaded down Mina's back. He marveled at the softness of each strand, their radiance almost blinding in his hand. As he trailed his touch down to her waist, he could feel his arousal intensify, straining against the confines of his pants.

"That's right," Liam purred with a smug grin, his eyes drinking in every inch of Mina's transformed form as he circled around her. He wanted to commit every detail to memory, savoring the sight before him. "You are all shiny and pretty now, aren't you?"

Mina continued to chant, her wide eyes unblinking and completely under Liam's control. Her body trembled with each passing moment, but it was clear she was completely consumed by Liam's power.

"Now listen closely," he whispered softly, locking his gaze onto hers. "Your mantra will always remain in the back of your mind, echoing endlessly. Only I have the power to alter or stop your mantra." Mina nodded robotically, her voice monotone and empty as she repeated after him. She stood there like a lifeless doll, her arms hanging limply by her sides while her enlarged breasts hung heavily from her petite frame.

"Shiny is pretty. Pretty is dumb. Dumb is shiny," she repeated on an infinite loop.

"Your mantra will be the only words you can speak," Liam instructed with a devious smirk. "You will repeat it as a 'yes' to any and every question asked of you." He watched with satisfaction as Mina's eyes took on an eerie shine, resembling that of a doll's glassy stare. Her skin seemed to glow with an otherworldly radiance, while her hair shone like spun gold. She truly was a sight to behold.

Stepping up behind her, Liam placed his hands on her shoulders, slowly massaging them before trailing down her arms. Mina continued to chant her mantra without any reaction to his touch. Liam's hands moved lower to her breasts, feeling their weight and shape before moving to her hips where he could feel the fabric of her panties. With skilled movements, he removed the garment, revealing Mina's sex.

"Shiny is pretty. Pretty is dumb. Dumb is shiny," she chanted mindlessly as Liam explored her body with his hands. He couldn't help but smile at how easily he could manipulate her, molding her thoughts and actions to his will. "Shiny is pretty. Pretty is a doll. Dolls are dumb. Dumb is shiny," he corrected with a mischievous glint in his eyes, delighting in how effortlessly Mina altered her chanting to match his new phrasing.

As Liam continued to explore her body with growing excitement, Mina remained completely oblivious to everything else around her, lost in her mantra and under Liam's control. Her skin was warm and smooth under his touch, feeling almost like silk against his fingertips. He wondered how much more he could make her change, both physically and mentally.

Moving his hands lower, Liam traced the curves of Mina's hips and thighs, feeling the heat radiating from every inch of her skin. Her breasts still glowed faintly, their nipples standing erect in the air. Liam traced his fingers over them gently, marveling at their softness and wondering just how much more they could grow under his influence. The possibilities were endless and exhilarating.

As his hands continued to explore every inch of Mina's body, the glow emanating from her skin seemed to intensify, like a beacon calling out to him. He felt a strong urge to push her transformation even further, to see just how far she could be controlled.

"Dumb is pretty. Pretty is mute. Mute are dolls. Dolls are dumb." Liam repeated the mantra, his tone changing with each word as he studied Mina's reaction. She was his experiment, after all. Stepping away for a moment, he retrieved a vial of a mysterious drug from a cabinet before returning to her side.

With no hesitation, Mina recited the new mantra in perfect sync with Liam's words. He couldn't help but feel triumphant at how easily she had been programmed. Pouring the drug over her breasts, he watched as the glow began to subside and her physical features adjusted slightly – her hair becoming fuller, her eyes glassier, and her breasts more manageable in size.

"Dumb is pretty. Pretty is mute. Mute are dolls. Dolls are dumb." Mina's voice echoed through the room, and Liam reveled in the power he held over her.

Moving closer to her glowing form, he murmured a new mantra, watching as it seamlessly replaced her previous one. Each time he changed it, she adapted without question – it was like watching a masterpiece being painted right in front of his eyes.

Feeling confident in his control over Mina, Liam pulled out a small device and pointed it at her head. A soft beep sounded as it activated, and he watched as her already glassy eyes glazed over even more. He didn't know exactly what the device was doing to her mind, but he trusted its effectiveness based on its creator's promises.

"Dolls are dumb. Dumb is sexy. Sexy is submissive. Submissive is arousing. Arousing are dolls." Liam's commanding voice filled the room, and he could see the words taking hold in Mina's mind as she repeated them over and over again. Her wide eyes shone with a glossy, vacant look, only intensifying his arousal as he groped her breasts.

With each repetition, the mantra became more true for her, solidifying her role as his doll – completely submissive and arousing to him. And he couldn't wait to see just how far he could push her transformation.

Mina's voice was a soft murmur as she repeated the mantra, her features becoming more delicate with each repetition. The air in the room seemed to still and thicken, weighted with the hypnotic words that Liam had planted in Mina's mind. His voice wrapped around her like a velvet glove, lulling her into a state of complete submission.

"Every time you repeat the mantra, your mind becomes less aware of everything except for my voice and the eyes in the reflection that only you can see," Liam explained as he circled around Mina's unmoving form. He paused, his thoughts turning before walking over to the bed that stood in the center of the room.

"Come here," he commanded, standing by the four-poster bed. Mina's gaze never wavered as she turned and made her way over to him. Her movements were surprisingly fluid and graceful, as if she were nothing more than a living doll.

"Dolls are dumb. Dumb is sexy. Sexy is submissive. Submissive is limp. Limp is weak. Weak are dolls," Liam corrected her mantra, curious to see what would happen next. Almost instantly, her legs gave out from under her, her body surrendering all strength as she collapsed onto the bed in a nude heap. A wicked grin spread across Liam's face as he repositioned her limp form, arranging her into a spread-eagle position.

"Oh Mina...this will be more enjoyable for me than it ever will be for you," he declared as he retrieved something from the bedside table. It was a toy that he had specifically crafted to control Mina's pleasure receptors. However, at this point in their game, he realized that he didn't need it - her pleasure was already amplified beyond measure.

"Dolls are dumb. Dumb is sexy. Sexy is wet. Wet wants pleasure. Pleasure is obedience. Obedience are dolls," Liam amended the mantra as he brought the toy to Mina's glistening center. She remained still, only her breathing indicating any signs of life.

"As you repeat the mantra, you will feel everything a thousand times over. Every sensation will be amplified into pure pleasure," he promised, flicking on the electric toy as it made contact with her skin. Instantly, Mina's eyes glazed over and rolled back into her head, her body arching in response to the intense sensations that coursed through her.

Liam couldn't believe how well his plan had worked. He had been confident in its success, but the fact that he had transformed the once uptight older teen he used to date into this obedient doll spoke volumes about his abilities.

"Alright, now for the real reason I did this," Liam announced as he stood up and undid his own jeans. With a sense of satisfaction, he stripped himself bare before climbing onto the bed and straddling Mina's motionless form. She didn't seem to notice, continuing to repeat the mantra that he had implanted in her mind, her eyes fixated on nothing yet everything at once.

"Dolls are dumb. Dumb is sexy. Sexy is submissive. Submissive is arousing. Arousing are dolls," she whispered, her voice barely audible now. Liam relished in his newfound power over her mind and body as he claimed what was rightfully his - complete control over Mina's pleasure and submission.

With each passing moment, Mina became more and more of what Liam wanted her to be - a submissive, obedient doll at his complete disposal. Her body was pliant and responsive, molded to his desires as he entered her with little resistance. She didn't flinch or make a sound, lost in the hypnotic trance he had placed her under.

As he moved within her, Liam could feel the rush of power coursing through him. She was his to control, to use for his own pleasure and satisfaction. Her mantra repeated over and over again, like a broken record stuck on the same line.

"You're mine now, Mina," Liam growled possessively, locking eyes with her as he claimed her. He could see the reflection of his own desire mirrored back at him in her glassy gaze. It was almost surreal - the feeling of having complete control over someone so completely.

As they both reached their climax, Liam's thoughts turned to the endless possibilities that lay ahead for him and his new doll-girlfriend. Her transformation was only the beginning - he would continue to experiment with different ways to bend her mind and body to his will, finding new levels of pleasure and dominance every step of the way.

With a final grunt, Liam spent himself inside knowing this was the end for her, that she'd never reclaim who she had been before. She was his forever, bound by his will and desire. Nothing could ever change that.

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