
Chapter 4

by Lunakiri

Tags: #cw:noncon #cw:sexual_assault #dom:female #growth #sub:female #sub:male #urban_fantasy

Silence fell upon her as she let out a deep sigh and looked at the sign above the bar. "DreamWeavers" - an unexpected name for a bar, yet somehow fitting. She couldn't quite pinpoint why, but it didn't bother her too much. All she knew was that she desperately needed a break from reality, and this seemed like the perfect place to do so. Without a care in the world, she brushed aside a strand of her almost silken chestnut hair, revealing a collection of tasteful and expensive earrings - hoops, studs, and gems made of real gold, silver, platinum, and diamonds. Her neck was adorned with similar opulence - a necklace with three chains of varying lengths, each holding a different precious stone. A Paraiba tourmaline hung from the longest chain, resting just above her cleavage - which was on full display in her off-the-shoulder cocktail dress.

"I may be a bit overdressed," she muttered to herself as she entered the bar and took in the sight of the patrons. They were not nearly as well-dressed as she was - some weren't even dressed at all. As she took a step back in shock, she couldn't believe what she was seeing. Had she stumbled into some kind of brothel? No, that couldn't be right. Those kinds of services were illegal in the States. Confused and intrigued, she found herself unable to tear her eyes away from the scene.

"You'll get used to it in a minute or two if you're looking for the same sort of thing they are," a nearby voice said. Looking over, she saw a woman standing behind the bar with golden eyes scanning the room and its customers. "So, do you like what you see?"

"I...I..." she stammered, unsure of how to respond. The woman's piercing gaze and low-cut top were both very enticing. The woman just chuckled, her demeanor friendly. "Come, have a seat. What would you like to drink?" she offered with a chuckle. "The bar's busy tonight, but I always have time for a pretty lady." With a smile, the black-haired bartender waited patiently for the newcomer to take a seat.

"Uh...just give me a random cocktail. Something fruity," the brunette replied nervously. As the bartender went to work, the brunette took in her surroundings - a bustling and lively atmosphere filled with dancing and music that seemed to make the very air vibrate. There were also more risqué activities happening along the far wall, but her mind didn't register them at first glance. It was as if those involved had been invited for a private showing.

The bartender returned and placed a colorful drink in front of the woman.

"What's your name?" The bartender asked, her voice filled with curiosity and a hint of malice. Seraphina jumped, startled by the change in tone and the intense gaze fixed on her. She stammered out her name, but before she could even process the words, the bartender's next question stopped her in her tracks.

"Everett, as in that hella rich family that basically runs the county?" Her eyes narrowed as she studied Seraphina's reaction, a sly smile playing on her lips. Seraphina nodded, feeling exposed and vulnerable under the scrutiny. But before she could respond, the bartender continued with a knowing smirk, "I admit, did not ever expect someone of your calibre to stop by."

Seraphina could feel her heart racing as she tried to come up with a response, but the bartender seemed to see right through her. "Are you here for the same thing as most of the folks in here?" Her tone was mocking and it sent shivers down Seraphina's spine.

"No," she managed to choke out, shaking her head in confusion. The bartender's smile only grew wider at her discomfort.

"That's probably for the best," she purred, leaning in closer. "Well, I'm not gonna pry. I'm Amy, and I own the place." Seraphina couldn't tear her eyes away from Amy's seductive form as she introduced herself. And then without warning, she blurted out something she hadn't even realized was on her mind.

"Pleasure. Also...you're gorgeous." The words hung in the air between them and Seraphina froze as soon as they left her mouth. She wanted to take them back, to hide behind a mask of indifference or detachment. But Amy just chuckled and gave her a knowing look.

"Oh relax, it's fine. I appreciate the compliment." Seraphina's heart was racing, her mind unable to focus on anything else but the woman in front of her. She didn't even notice when her drink was finished or when Amy left to tend to other customers. All she could do was watch, mesmerized by the way Amy moved and spoke, the way she seemed to exude confidence and charm.

But then Amy was back, close enough that Seraphina could feel her warm breath on her skin. And for the first time, she felt a spark of fear mingled with desire. "You've always been a closet lesbian, haven't you?" Amy's voice was low and husky, sending shivers down Seraphina's spine. Without thinking, she nodded, unable to form any coherent words.

"But you were too scared to admit anything of the sort, for fear of Daddy finding out and cutting you off in terms of money, huh?" The smirk on Amy's face made Seraphina's stomach drop. She had never told anyone about her secret desires and now it seemed like this stranger knew everything.

"Yes," she whispered, feeling small and exposed under Amy's piercing gaze. But instead of judgement or ridicule, all she received was a reassuring smile and a gentle caress of her hand. "Don't worry sweetie, your secret is safe with me." A wave of conflicting emotions washed over Seraphina - fear, excitement, confusion - as she considered what Amy was offering. A safe space to explore her hidden desires without judgement or consequences.

And in that moment, with all eyes on her and the weight of her family's expectations bearing down on her, Seraphina made a decision. She would stay here with Amy and embrace whatever new experiences awaited her. Because in this dimly lit bar filled with secrets and seduction, she finally felt alive.

As Amy's hand lingered on hers, Seraphina felt a jolt of electricity shooting through her body. It was a spark of something unfamiliar yet undeniably magnetic, pulling her towards Amy like a moth to a flame. She couldn't resist the allure, the temptation that had been awakened within her.

With every breath, Seraphina felt her desire for Amy growing stronger, consuming her until there was nothing left but pure need. And as if sensing this, Amy just laughed with a knowing glint in her eyes.

"You and everyone else in here, sweet tits." The bartender said with a calm confidence. "But don't worry, you're not alone." These words only fueled Seraphina's burning desire for Amy.

Feeling emboldened by this newfound attraction, Seraphina met Amy's gaze with determination. "I want you," she blurted out before she could even think twice about it. To which Amy just smirked and replied in that same alluring tone.

"Oh honey, I know what you want." She said before leaning in closer to whisper in Seraphina's ear. "And I can give it to you."

Seraphina's heart raced at the sound of Amy's voice, her body trembling with anticipation as she waited for what was to come next. And then, with a mischievous glint in her eye, Amy made an offer that Seraphina couldn't refuse.

"How about I introduce you to someone who can help you explore your deepest desires?" She said with a sly grin.

Without hesitation or thought, Seraphina nodded eagerly, entranced by Amy's words and the promise of fulfilling her long-held fantasies.

"I... yes please. I've never been with a woman before but I want to so badly." Seraphina confessed, feeling vulnerable and exposed in front of Amy. But instead of judgment or ridicule, all she received was a nod of understanding.

"Have a seat and wait," Amy instructed with a seductive tone. "And tell me, what do you look for in a woman, physically speaking?"

Seraphina's mind went blank as she tried to gather her thoughts, her desire for Amy clouding her judgment. But then, almost as if pulled out of her by an unknown force, she answered.

"Large breasts. Small waist. And I want to be used like a plaything." She said, her voice barely above a whisper as she blushed from the admission.

But instead of shock or disapproval, Amy just smirked with satisfaction. With a knowing look in her eyes, she leaned in closer to Seraphina and whispered.

"I have just the candidate for you."

Seraphina's heart raced as she waited in anticipation for this mysterious woman to enter the scene. And when she did, it felt like time stood still.

Tall, slender, with piercing eyes that seemed to see right through her, the woman known as Jenny was breathtakingly beautiful. Her effortless charm and provocative attire exuded an air of mystery and danger that only added to her allure.

Seraphina couldn't tear her gaze away from Jenny as she approached them, feeling an intense pull towards her that she couldn't explain. And as if sensing this, Amy introduced them with a sly grin.

"This is Jenny," Amy said with a wicked gleam in her eye. "She'll be your guide for the night. And if you enjoy her company, we can make it a more permanent arrangement."

But Seraphina barely registered Amy's words as she focused on the woman before her. With each movement and every word spoken by Jenny, Seraphina felt herself being drawn deeper into the unknown.

Unaware of the almost vacant look in Jenny's eyes, Seraphina was consumed by the desire to be with her. And as if reading her mind, Amy gave the order.

"Jenny, fuck this bitch blind."

At those words, pleasure and allure exploded through Seraphina's body, making her weak at the knees with need. But she didn't resist as Jenny obediently followed Amy's command, asking in a vacant tone.

"How do you want me?"Jenny breathed out softly, adding to the intoxicating atmosphere between them.

"Dominate her. Now." Amy's voice was sharp, sending a chill down Jenny's spine. She locked eyes with her prey, a young woman named Sera who stood before them, trembling with nervous anticipation.

Without hesitation, Jenny moved closer to Sera, her gaze burning into hers with a fierce intensity. Sera couldn't look away, as if she were paralyzed by the magnetic pull of Jenny's commanding presence. A shiver ran through her body as Jenny reached out and brushed a strand of hair away from her face, her touch gentle yet electrifying.

"You're inexperienced in this world, aren't you?" Jenny whispered in a low, seductive tone. Sera couldn't deny it - she was new to the world of submission and domination. But there was a fire within her that yearned to be unleashed, and she was willing to do whatever it took to embrace the darkness within.

Before Sera could even process Jenny's question, she found herself responding without thought. "I'll do anything you ask, Mistress." The words came out of her mouth before she could even consider what they meant.

Sera's admission only seemed to excite Jenny further, as she received a nod of approval from Amy. The two women shared a silent understanding as Amy issued a warning to have Sera completely under her control within half an hour.

With that command ringing in her ears, Jenny wasted no time in taking charge of Sera. She grabbed Sera's hair and pulled her to her feet, claiming her lips in a passionate kiss that left Sera breathless and wanting more.

But as their bodies moved in perfect synchrony on the dance floor, guided by the pulsating music and the intoxicating atmosphere of the bar, Sera felt herself slipping into an altered state of consciousness. Her mind foggy and muddled, she didn't resist when Jenny removed her clothing or when she returned the favor, their physical desires consuming them both.

With each touch, Sera found herself sinking deeper into a trance-like state, her mind becoming more and more susceptible to Jenny's commands. She couldn't explain the overwhelming desire that coursed through her body, driving her to surrender completely to Jenny's will.

As they moved closer and closer to the edge of pleasure, Sera could feel the power of Jenny's dominance over her, fueling her own awakening desires. And as she finally succumbed to the intoxicating sensations, she knew there was no turning back - she was fully under Jenny's control.

Amy smirked, satisfied with her plan unfolding as expected. She stepped away, leaving the captivating scene in front of her. She knew that Jenny had the perfect touch to ensnare Sera, and with each touch and kiss, the younger woman was succumbing to the intoxicating effects of the bar's atmosphere.

Sera was drowning in a turbulent sea of desire, her body eagerly responding to every touch and command as if it was the only thing that mattered. Her mind was a chaotic mess, unable to process the overwhelming sensations flooding through her.

Jenny led her towards a wall, her hands roaming over Sera's body with possessive intent. Guiding her to a plush velvet sofa, Jenny whispered in Sera's ear, "You're going to love what's about to happen, my dear. You're going to love belonging to Amy." Sera couldn't even form a response before Jenny's tongue was on her nipple, tantalizing touches and pinches driving her wild.

Her mind no longer able to resist, every concern and inhibition vanished as Jenny's voice echoed in her head. "Amy is your owner," she purred seductively. "Her voice commands you, bringing you to your knees." Jenny's hand trailed down Sera's body, undoing her jeans and teasingly brushing against the fabric of her panties.

"You are nothing but Amy's toy," Jenny breathed into Sera's ear, each word sinking deep into her subconscious. Her fingers expertly worked their way inside Sera, causing her body to tense and ache with pleasure. The fact that they were in a public bar didn't register in Sera's mind as she was consumed by the intoxicating atmosphere and Jenny's control.

As Jenny continued to manipulate Sera's mind and body, pushing her to the brink of ecstasy over and over again, she knew these suggestions wouldn't last forever. But for now, they were enough until Amy could make them permanent.

Sera felt like she was being stripped bare, every layer of herself exposed and vulnerable under Jenny's words and touch. She was at the mercy of this powerful force, unable to resist or fight back.

"Your entire being belongs to Mistress Amy," Jenny whispered fiercely, each word driving deeper into Sera's psyche. "Your body, your soul, your very essence." Sera could feel herself losing control, her will dissolving like sand in the wind. She was completely at Jenny's mercy, a puppet to be manipulated and used by Amy as she pleased.

Jenny's fingers moved with a frenzied fervor, thrusting in and out of Sera's core. Each movement sent waves of pleasure through her body, breaking down her resistance like a dam being pounded by a raging river. She was at the mercy of Jenny's skilled hands, surrendering herself completely to her mistress's control.

The sensations were overwhelming, blurring Sera's mind until she was nothing but putty in Jenny's hands. Her body went numb, unable to process anything except for the touch of Jenny and the sound of her voice, commanding her to submit and belong to Mistress Amy.

As Jenny bit down on her skin, hard enough to leave a mark, Sera felt a primal urge take over her body. With a powerful climax that echoed throughout the bar, she collapsed against the sofa, barely conscious.

Meanwhile, Amy watched with satisfaction as Jenny continued to mold Seraphina into her perfect toy. Her hypnotic suggestions infiltrating every corner of Sera's mind, making her permanent possession within reach.

Approaching Sera with predatory grace, Amy ran her fingers lightly along Seraphina's limp limbs and whispered into her ear. "You are mine now, Sera. All of you belongs to me."

Sera shuddered at the truth in Amy's words, feeling a deep sense of submission and desire consume her. But it wasn't just mental control that Amy had over her; she also had plans for physically altering Sera to better fit her desires.

With a wave of Amy's hand, Jenny was dismissed and Sera was left alone with her mistress. A glass of water appeared before Sera as Amy commanded her to drink it. Thirsty beyond belief, she drank greedily, hardly noticing the bitter taste.

As the last drop passed her lips, Seraphina felt something shift inside of her. The world around her became distorted and surreal, her thoughts slowed and her desires heightened.

"Now, for your alterations," Amy purred, and Sera watched in a daze as the air around her began to shimmer and distort. She didn't question or resist, her mind consumed by the power of Mistress Amy's voice.

With a final nod of approval, Amy left Sera in a state of blissful submission. She knew that even if someone were to notice her altered appearance, they would simply dismiss her as another doll in the bar. As she returned to her other "toy," Sera remained in a vacant trance, her hand falling limply back onto the cushion as she awaited further instructions from her mistress.

"Sign this." Amy instructed, placing a clipboard in Sera's lap and a pen in her hand. Sera's hand moved effortlessly across the page, signing her name where it was needed. Once finished, there was a momentary glimmer on her body as if she had a plastic coating. But if anyone were to touch her, they would find that she still felt like a real person. She still needed to eat and do other human necessities, but...she was just a doll. Completely and utterly.

"Good girl," Amy praised as she took back the clipboard and pen.

As Amy pondered, she tapped her chin thoughtfully with a delicate finger. The moonlight trickled through the open window, casting a faint glow on the figure in front of her.

"You need a new name," she mused aloud, her lips curling into a sly grin.

"Marion," she declared, her voice dripping with amusement. "Short for Marionette, of course." She chuckled to herself at her own joke.

"Now, tell me your name," Amy commanded, her tone sharp and authoritative.

"Marionette," came the lifeless reply from the doll. There was no emotion or spark of life behind the words, as expected.

"You will be sold to the highest bidder," Amy stated matter-of-factly. "So I'll leave you vacant like this for now." She knew that having such a high-priced woman available would draw in a crowd; after all, Sera was the daughter of someone extremely influential in the city.

As Marion was led away down the dimly lit hallway, she felt a sense of emptiness and dread wash over her. The world around her seemed surreal and distant, as if she was no longer a part of it. She almost didn't feel like she was in control of her own body anymore.

Amy led her to stand against a cold stone wall and instructed her to stay there. Marion complied obediently; there was no emotion or resistance left in her body. She was nothing more than an object, a doll-like piece of meat waiting to be auctioned off.

As time passed in the hallway, Marion's thoughts faded away, leaving her with a hollow void in her mind. The world seemed to close in on her, and her vision blurred. She could feel the weight of her existence draining from her body, making it heavy and lifeless.

Suddenly, she felt a hand on her shoulder and turned to see Mistress Amy standing before her. Her golden eyes held an unreadable expression as she observed Marion's deteriorating state.

"You've done well," Amy whispered seductively, sending shivers down Marion's spine. "But there is still more work to be done."

As if on cue, a door creaked open, and a group of shadowy figures emerged from the darkness. They moved towards Marion with purpose, their eyes fixated on her delicate form.

Amy stepped forward, her voice sharp and commanding. "Do not touch her," she warned, flashing a warning look at the shadows. "She is not yet ready for your possession."

The figures hesitated, slowing their movements as they listened to Amy's words. She knew how to handle them; they knew that trifling with her would only lead to problems.

"For now, I need you to help me with something," Amy said smoothly, her voice lulling the tension in the air. "She will be ready in due time." She had plans for this doll at the auction; Sera had already signed over her soul and trust fund, leaving nothing but a physical shell behind. And Amy intended to capitalize on that as well.

"Easy now, boys," she purred with a seductive smile. "We'll have our fun soon enough. But first, I need your assistance."

The shadows nodded in understanding, feeling the danger of opposing their mistress. They moved to obey her command, their every movement calculated and precise.

Together, they made their way to a dimly lit corner of the room where a large, ornate bronze mirror stood. Its surface shimmered with an otherworldly glow, and as they approached closer, the shadows felt a strange pull towards it.

"I need you to hold her up in front of the mirror," Amy instructed. "Make sure to position her in such a way that her reflection fills the entire surface."

The shadows didn't question the mistress's orders, their minds already whirring with the mechanics of how to complete her task. They knew to stay out of the reflection when it was activated, and they refused to disobey. As they carefully positioned Marion in front of the mirror, Amy's plan slowly began to unfold.

As the shadows lifted Marion's lifeless body, a chilling aura surrounded them. The mirror glowed with an intense light, pulsing with an otherworldly energy that filled the room. Amy stood behind them, her eyes fixed on the shimmering surface of the mirror. She could feel the power building, a potent blend of dark magic and ancient rituals that she had spent years studying to master.

"Position her just so. We must make sure her reflection covers every inch," Amy commanded, her voice dripping with seductive authority.

The shadows moved with robotic precision, afraid to make any mistakes as they held Marion in place. They knew the consequences of displeasing the powerful force within the mirror.

Amy approached the glowing reflection of Marionette, tapping the frame of the mirror with a subtle smirk. A deep, ominous voice spoke from within.

"I approve." Was all that was said. Amy nodded in satisfaction.

"She is yours then. Double price. Come to auction in 45 minutes and claim her there. I want to put her on display for all to see," she told the voice.

The shadows shuddered at the thought of double payment, but they couldn't pass up this opportunity. "Double price?" one of them questioned nervously.

Amy's smirk widened. "Yes, my dear shadows. She is a rare and special kind of doll. But if you can't afford it, I'm sure our other guests would be more than willing to take her off your hands."

The shadows were hesitant, but knew they couldn't miss out on this chance. They reluctantly agreed and scattered into the darkness.

Once they were gone, it was just Amy and Marionette left in the room. "I wanted to keep you for myself, but money talks louder than love," Amy said as she walked towards Marionette, lifting her chin with a finger and forcing the doll's hollow gaze to meet hers.

"You will be sold, and you will be grateful for whoever buys you," she commanded. Marionette nodded obediently, a puppet to Amy's every whim.

"Marionette, come." Amy started, "you will forget your past, your identity, and the dreams you once had. You will know only what your owners tell you. Nothing more." Marionette nodded again.

"No name, no voice, no individuality. Only their possession," Amy continued. Marionette repeated her words without hesitation.

"But you will remember this: The good girl brings pleasure to your masters," Amy stated, causing Marionette to drop to her knees in uncontrollable ecstasy.

"You are programmed for maximum pleasure and arousal at all times," Amy ordered, receiving an eager nod from the doll.

"Pleasure and arousal meter always cranked to 100," Marionette recited, already lost in her own pleasure.

Amy watched with satisfaction as the doll remained on her knees, completely under her control. She was a true masterpiece of her craft. Placing a hand on Marionette's lifeless face, Amy whispered with a cruel smile, "You are now nothing but a doll for them to play with."

A chilling smirk curled up Amy's lips as she whispered to Marionette, her words like a venomous hiss in the air. "Your journey has only just begun, my dear. And it will be filled with twisted thrills and desires beyond your imagination." Marionette trembled at the thought, her heart beating faster as she realized the true intentions of her captor.

"You will be nothing but a doll, their plaything, an object of desire for their every twisted fantasy. Your submission and servitude will bring them unmatched pleasure, and you will love every second of it," Amy continued, her eyes darkening with malicious glee.

Marionette nodded vacantly, her mind already under Amy's control. She repeated the words spoken to her, her voice hollow and void of any emotion. "I am not alive. I am not a person. I am nothing but a doll, ready to be used, abused, and cast aside."

Amy's grip tightened on Marionette's arm as she commanded her to strip. Without hesitation, the doll complied, her body nothing but a lifeless vessel for her master's amusement.

As Amy ran her hands over every inch of Marionette's naked form, she felt a surge of energy flowing through the doll's body. It was now fully under her control, a creation made solely for her pleasure and that of whoever would buy it at the auction.

"You are mine," Amy declared in a soft yet commanding tone. "Every part of you belongs to me and those who purchase you. You have no will of your own."

"I am yours," Marionette parroted back, her voice robotic and devoid of any individuality.

Satisfied with the response, Amy led Marionette upstairs to the bar where the auction would take place. The doll walked behind her obediently, knowing that its purpose was to be sold and used by whoever had enough money to possess it.

As they reached the stage, Amy couldn't help but relish in the twisted pleasure of seeing Seraphina Everett, the wealthy trust fund kid, being auctioned off for her own gain. It was a game she played often, using the money to fund her bar and satisfy her own twisted desires.

With a chilling smile, Amy watched as Marionette stood on display, nothing but a lifeless doll waiting to be purchased by its next owner. And she knew that this was just the beginning of many more auctions to come.

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