
Chapter 3

by Lunakiri

Tags: #cw:noncon #cw:sexual_assault #dom:female #growth #sub:female #sub:male #urban_fantasy

She sat in silence, looking at the stranger in front of her. She couldn't understand why this person was talking to her, and she didn't really care to find out. All she wanted was to enjoy the atmosphere of the bar and be left alone by this lowlife. But she knew that with how lively the bar was, it was inevitable that someone would try to hit on her. And while she wasn't completely opposed to it, she also wasn't interested in being with anyone tonight.

She took another sip of her drink, determined to get as drunk as possible. It was her way of coping with the news she had just received earlier that day - her fiancee had been cheating on her with her own younger sister. It was something she never saw coming and it left her feeling hurt and betrayed. She couldn't believe that her fiancee had been engaging in sexual encounters with multiple women, including her sister who was barely legal.

And yet, despite all of this pain, a part of her couldn't help but feel relieved to be free from the toxic relationship. Her fiancee's reckless behavior and constant near-assault situations were draining and she found herself unable to continue trying to fix things. As much as she loved the woman, deep down she knew it wouldn't work out.

But still, it pained her to think about how easily she had overlooked these red flags because of her love for her fiancee. She hated that she had been so blind and now felt disgusted by the thought of ever being with them again. How could she have been so foolish? Yet at the same time, there was a small part of her that longed for their love and connection.

She took another gulp of her drink, not wanting to dwell on these conflicting emotions any longer. She just wanted to drown everything out and forget about this messy situation for one night. But even as she tried to lose herself in the energy of the bar, she couldn't shake off the conflicting thoughts and feelings weighing heavily on her mind. It was going to be a long and tumultuous night, one that would only add to the chaos in her heart.

With a growl, she slammed the empty glass down on the table before even considering if another drink was wise. She rose to her feet, swaying slightly as the room spun around her. Her grip tightened on the table, preventing her from faceplanting onto the floor. She didn't want to ruin her backup glasses, especially after breaking her main pair earlier in a brutal fight with her ex-fiancee. She may not have won, but she had held her own, landing solid blows and throwing off her opponent's balance. The result was a few bruises and a black eye decorating her otherwise flawless marble skin, but it was a small price to pay for standing up to her ex.

"Dammit, Sonia," she muttered under her breath as she stumbled towards the bar, drink in hand. The bartender, a stunning woman with golden eyes and fair skin, glanced at her with concern as she wiped down a glass. The woman scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"Just give me the strongest thing you've got. I need to forget tonight." She replied bitterly. "Maybe even the past six years."

The bartender chuckled understandingly. "Don't worry, doll. I've got you." She said as she reached for bottles on the shelves behind her. "So what's got you so down?"

"I caught my now-ex fiancee in bed with my younger sister...and my sister's boyfriend." The woman spat out, a mix of emotions clearly visible on her face.

The bartender's smile faltered for a moment before returning brighter than ever. "Wow, that's...something." She shook her head in disbelief. "Well, what's your name? You'll probably be sticking around here for a while and I want to make sure you have a safe place to crash once you're too drunk to walk out the door."

The woman paused before answering, almost mesmerized by the bartender's golden gaze. "Penny." She replied, surprised at her sudden vulnerability and trust in a stranger. "And you?"

"Amy," the bartender responded with a nod. "I'll make sure you have a safe place to stay tonight."

There was something about Amy's voice that was kind and inviting, making Penny feel at ease despite everything that had happened. She didn't know her at all, but for some reason she felt like she could trust her. After all, she owned a successful and reputable bar - that had to count for something.

"Thank you, Amy," Penny said, offering a small smile. "I don't know how, but I really need to forget tonight."

Amy made a solemn promise to the woman in front of her, "I hear you, and I'm here to help." Her voice was reassuring, yet firm. She didn't want to see anyone end up in the hospital due to alcohol poisoning. The thought alone made her shake her head in disapproval as she set a drink on the bar for Penny.

"Enjoy," she said with a hint of amusement, "It's the strongest drink on the menu." Penny looked at the dark liquid skeptically before shrugging and downing it in one gulp. Amy couldn't help but chuckle, not expecting Penny to take it so easily. It seemed that Penny desperately needed a break from her troubles, and Amy could provide that. She knew how to make people forget their worries, even if they didn't realize it yet.

Penny's body suddenly lurched forward, causing her to grip onto the bar tightly. "Whoa," she exclaimed, trying to steady herself as the room spun around her.

"It's okay, just take a seat for a bit. Your body needs time to absorb the drink," Amy said kindly, trying to ease any discomfort Penny might be feeling. She was grateful when Penny took her advice without question, not wanting to risk any more pain.

After a moment or two, Amy couldn't contain her curiosity any longer and asked about Penny's shiner. Her concern was evident in her tone as she asked if Penny should really be out instead of at the hospital.

Penny explained that she had already been to the ER and was told there wasn't much they could do besides rest. While it wasn't fun, she saw it as an opportunity to let loose and have some fun. Amy couldn't help but laugh at her carefree attitude despite everything that had happened.

However, Amy felt responsible for serving alcohol to someone who shouldn't be drinking due to their injuries. She suggested that Penny sign a waiver acknowledging the risks, to which Penny simply waved it off, saying she would do anything for a night of relief.

With slight hesitance, Amy decided to make Penny a special drink that would surely give her the night she desired. But she couldn't help feeling uneasy about how it would affect someone who was already injured and not in their best state of mind. She had only ever served this concoction to stressed out individuals, not someone with physical trauma. The thought made her anxious as she prepared the drink, wondering how it would truly impact Penny's mental and physical well-being.

As she pondered her options at the back of the bar, Penny was suddenly approached by a striking woman with cascading white hair.

"Hey there, sweetheart!" The woman greeted, sidling up to Penny with an imposing presence that invaded her personal space. But before Penny could fully process what was happening, the woman's seductive voice filled her ears.

"Not interested," Penny replied, trying to brush off the flirtatious advances without hesitation.

"Oh, that's a shame," the woman purred in disappointment, leaning even closer until her lips brushed against Penny's ear. "I had hoped you would be the one."

"The one for what?" Penny asked, feeling disoriented and intoxicated from the drinks she had consumed. She couldn't tear her gaze away from the woman's mesmerizing green eyes.

"Why, to come with me and have some fun," the woman whispered, her voice like honey dripping into Penny's ears. Only then did Penny realize that the woman's hands were on her breasts, but she hesitated before pushing them away.

"Hey!" she exclaimed, trying to regain control of the situation.

"Personal space, bitch," the woman laughed it off before casually walking away.

Penny watched her leave, unable to resist admiring the woman's alluring figure as it disappeared into the crowd. Realizing her own attraction to this mysterious stranger, she turned back to the bar.

"She's actually one of my employees," Amy said as she returned with a form and a drink. "She helps maintain the amazing ambiance here."

Penny barely registered what Amy was saying as she absentmindedly signed whatever form was placed in front of her just so she could get a taste of the drink that was calling out to her. It glowed and shimmered in prismatic colors that captivated her attention.

"What is this?" she asked in awe.

"Just try it and find out," Amy replied with a knowing smile.

"Are you sure it's safe?" Penny hesitated, suddenly remembering the encounter with the woman. But Amy didn't falter.

"Absolutely," she affirmed. "I know you want to try it."

Penny couldn't argue with that logic and took a hesitant sip of the drink. The flavors exploded on her tongue in an otherworldly mix of pink and blue hues, leaving her entranced and unable to look away.

"It's amazing," she admitted weakly, struggling to form coherent thoughts. But at the back of her mind, a small voice questioned whether this was really what she had asked for.

"Trust me, it'll be fine. Once you finish that, you'll feel amazing." Amy promised with a sly smile, her hand resting possessively atop Penny's. The blonde's eyes sharpened with suspicion, but before she could react, Amy's golden pools locked onto hers and she felt herself falling under their spell.

"I... what?" Penny asked, her confusion evident in her furrowed brow and hesitant words.

"I brought you your drink, doll." Amy chuckled, her voice dripping with seduction. "I know the atmosphere in here can scatter brain cells, and you're not exactly sober." Penny sighed at the mention of her less-than-sober state, but didn't argue as she accepted the drink offered to her. She took a sip and immediately felt a strange sensation wash over her body. The taste was unlike anything she had ever tried before - citrusy yet clear, with a hint of something else that she couldn't quite place.

As she took another drink, the world around her began to blur and her movements became unsteady. But somehow, she managed to set down the glass without dropping it. A numbness spread from her core, making its way to her limbs and clouding her mind. She looked down at her hands and saw that they appeared softer and more delicate than usual.

"Do you like it?" Amy asked in a lighter, airier voice that sent shivers down Penny's spine.

"Yeah... it's tasty." Penny replied slowly, her thoughts feeling sluggish and delayed.

"Drink up then, my dear," Amy cooed. "I promise you'll feel amazing by the time you finish it."

Penny nodded obediently as she continued to drink the mysterious beverage. As she did so, she felt all doubts and hesitations melting away until she was putty in Amy's hands. Her words were soothing and calming, lulling Penny into a false sense of security.

"Trust me, it's nothing dangerous." Amy reassured her, her voice like a siren's call.

"Okay..." Penny agreed with a hint of hesitation. "I guess I trust you." Amy's laughter echoed in her ears, coaxing her to take another drink and let go of any remaining doubts.

"You trust me because we've known each other since we were toddlers," Amy lied smoothly. It was all part of the plan to make Penny more suggestible and compliant.

"We have?" Penny asked, her words slurring slightly as she struggled to remember. "I... can't seem to recall."

"That's okay, my dear," Amy purred, pouring more of the intoxicating liquid into Penny's glass. "Just keep drinking...it will all come back to you as you go and have fun." And so, Penny continued to drink until her mind was foggy and malleable, easily molded by Amy's manipulations.

"I didn't realize I knew you..." Penny murmured dreamily as she took another sip. "But you're right...we go way back." A satisfied smirk played on Amy's lips as she watched her plan unfold perfectly. Soon enough, Penny would be putty in her hands and completely under her control.

Amy's words hit Penny like a bolt of electricity, jolting her body with a mixture of fear and excitement. The command to be a good girl overwhelmed her senses, causing her muscles to tense and her mind to go blank. She knew this wasn't who she was, but in this moment it felt right.

"Thank you," she whispered, her voice shaking with anticipation. Amy's touch on her cheek sent shivers down her spine, igniting a fire within her that craved more. As Amy walked away, Penny couldn't resist the urge to obey - have fun, drink more, and do whatever Amy said.

The alcohol flowed through her veins like a powerful drug, erasing any doubts or fears from her mind. She moved through the crowd with reckless abandon, dancing and laughing with strangers without hesitation. When hands touched her body, she welcomed them eagerly, chasing the euphoria that came with each touch and each sip of her drink.

She didn't think about her cheating fiancee or the pain it caused, burying it deep inside as she surrendered herself to pleasure. Her body yearned for things she couldn't even comprehend, but she followed every instinct blindly.

And as the night wore on, she drank more and more, losing herself in a trance-like state where only physical desire and pleasure existed. She didn't care who or what she wanted, all that mattered was staying hydrated - which meant drinking whatever Amy gave her.

It was an endless cycle of intoxication and numbness, but Penny didn't care. All she cared about was fulfilling that primal need inside of her and being a good girl for Amy.

With each drink she downed, Penny's movements became slower and her body heavier, as if gravity was pulling her down. She wasn't sure why, but she found herself enjoying this feeling more and more. Her mind was swimming as she sipped on the colorful concoction that Amy had given her, and when she finally stopped drinking, she realized that time had passed quickly and she was now pressed up against a wall, with her jeans and thong missing.

A man was thrusting into her from behind, his cock filling her so deeply and making her feel pleasure like she had never felt before. Her pussy felt hot and wet, and every touch against her sensitive clit sent sparks of electricity through her body. She could barely move or think as he brought her to climax, his warm cum spilling inside of her.

As they finished, Penny's body felt like it was melting against the wall, and she could barely speak as she was lowered to the ground. Her senses were overwhelmed as hands roamed all over her body, lips sucked on her nipples, tongues flicked against her skin. And in the midst of it all, Amy stood behind the bar with a satisfied smirk on her face.

Watching from behind the bar was another woman named Rose, who obeyed Amy's command to give Penny another drink. This time, it would "adjust" her physical form by redistributing weight to make certain areas plumper. Rose nodded and made her way towards Penny with a drink in hand.

"Yes, mistress." Rose's voice was like a delicate breeze, carrying with it a sultry sexual energy that wrapped around Penny like a warm embrace. As she approached, Amy couldn't help but feel a sense of pride at the scene unfolding before her. Despite her cursed inability to feel arousal, she couldn't deny the beauty and power emanating from the white-haired woman.

As the crowd faded away, Penny felt as if her world was glitching out, her body and mind consumed by an all-consuming pleasure. Her chest grew larger, hips rounded out, and legs filled in as the transformation took hold. But even as her physical form changed, her consciousness seemed to fade away into a black void, floating aimlessly without thought or memory.

It wasn't until a voice echoed in her head and she was lifted up that Penny's world snapped back into focus. She could feel herself being filled and stretched by a warm, liquid fire coursing through her body. Every touch and sensation from her lover sent waves of intense pleasure through her, driving her closer and closer to the edge.

"Good girl," the voice echoed through her mind as their bodies moved together in perfect rhythm. "Stay here for me. Be mine for me." Each movement brought Penny closer to ecstasy until finally, she was consumed by the fiery release, her eyes rolling back and her entire body going limp.

In that moment of blissful surrender, she knew nothing else existed except for this overwhelming pleasure pulsing within her.

The question came from a well-dressed man, his gaze fixed on Penny, Amy's newest acquisition. His magnetic presence and expensive suit hinted at wealth beyond imagination. But Amy was not one to be fooled by appearances.

"How much do you want for her?" the man asked, his tone confident and sure.

Amy shook her head firmly. "No. She's mine," she answered, determined to stand her ground.

But the man wouldn't take no for an answer. "Let me have her for the weekend," he persisted.

Amy's smirk said it all. "Unless you care to make a deal with me," she retorted, knowing he would likely back off at the mention of making a deal with her. Her reputation as a powerful and cunning woman preceded her in many circles.

"If I want her, I'm taking her," the man declared, but Amy just laughed coolly.

"You can try," she taunted, unfazed by his threat. "But I assure you, you're in my domain now. You won't be able to take her without my say-so."

The man grew more determined, but Amy remained calm and collected. "Not unless you're willing to pay my price," she added slyly, knowing he wouldn't be able to afford what she truly desired.

"So you'll give her to me then?" The man asked, his voice hardening as he grew frustrated with Amy's refusal.

"Sure, in exchange for your soul," Amy responded nonchalantly, as if it were a joke. The man's face fell, clearly not finding it amusing.

"You're kidding, right?" He questioned incredulously. But Amy just chuckled.

"You must be new to the world of magic," she remarked casually. "Let's just say that I deal with souls."

The man hesitated before eventually agreeing to make the deal. "Fine. I'll deal with you. So, what do I need to do?" he asked, nervously glancing around.

"It's simple," Amy replied, a page magically appearing in front of her. "Just sign here with your blood and you'll be bound."

The man scoffed at the idea, but proceeded to prick his finger and press it against the blank section on the page. Immediately, he felt a searing pain throughout his body, as if something was being ripped out of him.

"What the hell!?" He exclaimed as he pulled his thumb away from the page, only to see that his blood had formed a perfect copy of his signature.

Amy smiled triumphantly. "Your soul is now mine. Now please, go and clean the lavatories," she commanded with a sinister grin. "You'll find that our cleaning supplies are quite effective. And try not to argue with me."

The man stared at her in disbelief before begrudgingly obeying her orders. As he made his way through the crowd, he suddenly felt heavy and disoriented. The bar seemed to be getting lighter and lighter until everything went black.

When he came to, he found himself on his knees in a dirty lavatory, scrubbing the toilet with his bare hands. A laugh echoed in his head - Amy's airy voice mocking him even in this humiliated state. It wasn't possible - a mere bartender couldn't have cursed him like this.

But as he continued to scrub, he couldn't deny that something supernatural had occurred. And it was all because he had foolishly tried to take something that belonged to Amy.

Amy's voice reverberates through his mind, a menacing echo that makes his blood run cold. He feels powerless and helpless under her control as she commands him to never look at another woman again, to make sure no one accepts a drink from a stranger at her bar, and to always obey her every command.

"Yes Mistress," he responds robotically, resigning himself to her will. In a matter of moments, his desires have been completely twisted and manipulated by Amy's powerful presence.

As he continues to clean, Amy's attention turns to Penny, who is being transformed into a submissive toy by the alluring Rose. With each touch and kiss, Penny becomes more pliable and obedient, until she is reduced to nothing but a tool for Amy to use and discard at her whim.

Watching the scene unfold before her, Amy revels in the power she holds over these vulnerable women. She knows that they are willing to risk everything - even their very souls - just for the chance to fulfill their deepest desires under her control.

"You're going to be my 'use it and stash it' kind of lady," Amy declares with a smirk as Rose finishes her work on Penny. The young blonde has been transformed into an irresistible sex symbol, ready to lure in unsuspecting victims for Amy's pleasure.

Penny is brought before Amy, now fully under her spell and eager to please. "How do you feel?" Amy asks with a playful laugh.

"I feel amazing, Mistress," Penny replies breathlessly, her voice airy. "Thank you for the wonderful evening."

Amy runs a hand down Penny's cheek possessively. "You're welcome," she says with satisfaction. "Do you know what you are now?"

"I'm yours," Penny answers without hesitation. "I belong to you. I'm your slave. You can use me."

Amy's grin widens as she hears these words. "Good," she responds coolly. "You will work in my bar, luring in unsuspecting victims for me to collect. You will be the reason they come in, the reason they let go, and the reason I can claim them as my own."

Penny's obedience is absolute as she replies, "Yes Mistress. Whatever you desire."

Amy's voice dripped with a sultry smirk as she declared, "Being referred to as a 'good girl' will ignite a fire in your brain, causing it to short circuit and demand a complete restart." Her eyes glinted with wickedness as she paused for dramatic effect.

"And you are a very good girl," Amy purred, her words melting like honey in the air. As expected, Penny's brain began to glitch, as if her words had caused a cascade of failures within her mind. A system overload that left Penny unable to think or move. She stood there, her once sharp gaze now distant and unfocused, her mind seemingly wiped blank. A devious smile spread across Amy's face as she relished in the sight before her - Penny looking almost catatonic, but undeniably beautiful in her helpless state.

Amy's voice sliced through the air like a sharp dagger, commanding Penny's complete attention. "Listen to me, Penny," she hissed. "From this moment on, you are nothing but a puppet on my strings. Your will is mine to control, your body a mere vessel for my commands."

Penny's eyes glazed over as she fell into a deep trance, her mind wiped clean of all memories and thoughts. She spoke in a monotone voice, as if reciting lines from a script.

"I exist only to serve you, Mistress," she said robotically. "My actions are yours to command."

A twisted smile spread across Amy's face as she reveled in her power over Penny's mind. "Your thoughts will be a jumbled mess, unable to make sense of the world around you. Time will warp and bend at my will, leaving you lost and confused."

Penny's body swayed uncontrollably as she struggled to understand Amy's words, but her mind was too far gone to comprehend them.

"Do you grasp the extent of my control?" Amy asked with a cruel laugh.

Penny shook her head weakly, her vacant eyes betraying her lack of understanding. "No, Mistress," she replied obediently. "I cannot comprehend your power." Amy cackled with delight as she watched Penny surrender herself entirely to the hypnotic spell.

Amy chuckled in response. "You will always be a good girl," she said. "Your mind will remain clouded, making it impossible for you to think for yourself. Your only purpose will be to follow my commands. You won't remember how to think independently; your only words will be those that reflect my truth." Without hesitation, Penny nodded in agreement.

Penny's eyes glaze over with a mindless obedience as she nods along to Amy's commands, her voice soft and distant like a siren's call. "Yes, Mistress," she repeats in a dreamy tone, swaying under the hypnotic spell of her dominant master.

"As my servant, you will lure weary souls into our grasp, offering them false salvation from their hellish existence. And then, you will bring them to me and show them the true ecstasy that you now feel," Amy's voice drips with seductive power as she continues to assert her control over Penny.

"And if I command you to stop, you will," she adds with a firmness that leaves no room for disobedience.

"Yes, Mistress," Penny echoes in a trance-like state, her body moving on its own accord as if possessed by some unseen force.

"You will also take on a younger appearance at my request," Amy speaks with a playful amusement, fully aware of the extent of her hold over Penny. "And you will have no power to resist any of my desires. If I ask you to dress provocatively, be submissive, or even become an object for my pleasure, you will obey without hesitation."

"Yes, Mistress," Penny replies with a vacant expression, lost in a world where only her Master's commands exist.

"And if I tell you to have sex with every person in this bar, you will do so," Amy states boldly, knowing that Penny may not have the ability to refuse but asserting her dominance nonetheless.

"Yes, Mistress," comes the immediate response as Amy grins with satisfaction.

"Do you know what happens if someone tries to touch you without my consent?" she asks sharply, expecting a different answer but surprised by Penny's actual response.

"You will claim their soul...they will belong to you...you will collect them..." Penny's words are slow and certain, almost like she is under the influence of a potent drug, reinforcing the dangerous power that Amy holds over her.

Amy's words dripped with a twisted sense of pleasure, as she reveled in the control she had over Penny. With each command, she could feel her own power growing, feeding off of Penny's obedience.

"Good girl." She purred, her voice slithering like a serpent. "You will help me collect these souls, and for every one you deliver to me, you will be rewarded." Her smile grew wider, almost feral, as she watched Penny's eyes light up with anticipation.

"And when you reach 100 souls, you will have the option to leave my possession." Amy continued, her smirk sending chills down Penny's spine. "But trust me, by then you won't want to leave. Ever."

Penny's response was immediate and unwavering. "Yes Mistress," she breathed out, already consumed by Amy's control.

"Good." The word rolled off of Amy's tongue like venom. "You will never want to think for yourself again, only follow my orders blindly." Penny nodded eagerly.

"Yes Mistress." Her voice was dreamy and distant, as if she were under a spell. And in a way, she was.

Amy commanded her to forget everything except for her orders, to forget who she was and what she had done before this moment. She was trapped in a never-ending dream world where everything felt amazing and every desire was fulfilled.

"You are nothing but a tool for me to use," Amy whispered dangerously. "A slut, a whore who lures unsuspecting souls into my grasp. You enjoy their pleasure only to give it all to me."

Penny's body began to react on its own accord, responding to Amy's commands. She couldn't stop herself from touching herself and seeking release, but it would never come. She would continuously feel pleasure without ever reaching the peak. It was torture and ecstasy all at once.

And as Penny sat in the corner booth, her mind foggy and disconnected from reality, Amy's power over her only grew stronger. She was just a plaything, a puppet to be used for Amy's enjoyment. And she would do whatever Amy commanded without question or hesitation.

For Penny, there was no escape from this never-ending dream.

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