

by Lunakiri

Tags: #cw:noncon #cw:sexual_assault #dom:female #growth #sub:female #sub:male #urban_fantasy

She couldn't even form a coherent thought, her mind a jumbled mess of confusion and emptiness. All she could do was stare forward blankly as she was asked...whatever it was that she had been asked. Her body burned with a feverish heat, a constant reminder of the past few days where she had been nothing but a plaything for this sadistic woman. Time blended together in a chaotic blur, leaving her with no sense of reality or time.

But the woman who had done this to her showed no signs of stopping, always laughing cruelly as she took pleasure in breaking her down further. And now, the indigo haired woman knelt on the floor, her head forced up by the grip of her captor's hand tangled in her hair. She offered no resistance, nothing more than an empty shell ready to be used again.

"This won't last forever," the woman taunted with a wicked grin. "But it sure is fun while it does." And then she would leave, leaving her victim alone to suffer until their next encounter.

"You'll come back for more next month," she said with a mocking tone, seeing only vacant eyes staring back at her.

"Oh, and I have some new ideas to try out next time," she added with a sinister laugh. "Don't you dare miss our date." With that, she let go of the woman's hair and departed, leaving behind a broken and helpless doll waiting to be played with again.


She stirred awake, a low moan escaping her lips as her mind struggled to catch up with reality. Thoughts raced through her head, but they were jumbled and disjointed, making it difficult for her to make sense of them. She lay still, her chest heaving as beads of sweat trickled down her skin and soaked the sheets beneath her. The room was filled with an eerie quietness, save for the sound of her heavy breathing.

As she attempted to piece together the fragments of her dream, she couldn't help but wonder what could have caused such a strong reaction from her. It wasn't a new or unfamiliar dream, yet it still left her unsettled. This had been happening more frequently in the past few months - waking up like this, disoriented and confused. And no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't pinpoint the cause.

Her hand reached out absently for her phone, finding it beside her on the bed. It was a familiar occurrence now, to find her phone lying next to her when she woke up like this. She couldn't recall exactly what she had been doing before falling asleep, but she had a feeling it involved reading some steamy content.

As she unlocked her phone and scrolled through her messages, she realized that there were missed calls and unread messages waiting for her. A surge of guilt washed over her - people had been trying to reach out to her while she was lost in another world. It took a few minutes for it all to register in her foggy mind before she sat up abruptly with a shake of her head.

Her eyes landed on the screen again, noticing that she was on an unusual webpage - just a black screen with flickering text in the center.

I hope you enjoyed that momentary distraction. But don't get too comfortable, because I'll be expecting you to come back soon for more. And trust me, it won't be as lighthearted or harmless as this little game we just played.

A familiar sense of frustration washed over her as she stared at the unresponsive screen. She had tried everything, refreshing the page and tapping frantically to open a link, yet nothing seemed to make a difference. With a heavy sigh and a shake of her head, she resigned herself to the fact that there must have been a livestream playing when she passed out. Glancing at the time on her phone in the corner, she groaned as she realized she had only gotten two hours of sleep before having to go to work.

"Great," she muttered, pushing herself off the couch and preparing for a grueling day ahead. She knew she would have to power through and then crash once she got home later. The thought made her uneasy as these episodes were becoming more frequent.

It was something she hadn't really thought about until it started happening. Sure, she had dozed off during mundane tasks before, but never had she jolted awake in a cold sweat with a moan escaping her lips in the middle of the night. And the dreams... they were unlike anything she had ever experienced before. They left a strange sensation lingering in her body, like an itch that couldn't be scratched or a tickle that refused to be ignored.

Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, she tossed her phone aside and headed to the bathroom to freshen up for the day ahead. But even as she went through her morning routine, the remnants of her dream lingered like a puzzle waiting to be solved in the back of her mind, elusive yet ever-present.


After a long and stressful day, Stacy found herself drawn to an inviting bar she had never been to before. The lively atmosphere, sweet candy scent, and bustling crowd drew her in instantly. As she stepped inside, the fog-filled room seemed to transform her into a different person.

Stacy made her way to the bar and was greeted by a smooth-voiced bartender. She ordered a free birthday drink and showed her ID as proof. While waiting for her drink, Stacy couldn't help but admire the bartender's alluring figure in her tight leather pants. As the bartender disappeared into the back, Stacy noticed the fog in the room that diffused the colorful lights and gave off a cozy vibe.

Lost in thought about how much she enjoyed this place, Stacy was brought back to reality by a tap on her arm. The bartender returned with a mesmerizing drink that seemed to capture the essence of the cosmos. Its dark swirls and otherworldly glow held Stacy captive as she took a sip and let out a sigh of contentment. This could be her new favorite spot.

As the seeker gazed into the depths of the elixir, tiny lights flickered within, a cosmic dance that echoed the whispers of ancient constellations. The aroma, a heady blend of celestial nectar and elusive stardust, wafted through the air, promising a transcendental experience beyond imagination.

Without realizing it, she reached out and grabbed the drink, bringing it to her lips and taking a sip. The taste was like nothing she had ever experienced before - a velvety fusion of moonlit berries and elusive orchids that exploded on her tongue like a symphony of stars. She could feel the ambrosia coursing through her veins, tingling with stardust and dreams that seemed to blur the lines between reality and fantasy.

Stacy was in awe, unable to tear her gaze away from the drink until she heard the bartender's voice again.

"On the house, by the way," the bartender said with a sly grin. Stacy looked up at her slowly, still lost in the magic of the elixir.

"I...holy shit," she managed to say after a moment. She couldn't believe what she had just tasted - it was truly amazing. But then a thought crept into her mind - why was this expensive drink being given to her for free?

"Oh, it is," the bartender replied, as if reading her thoughts. "But everyone gets one free for their birthday. Consider it a promotional offer."

Stacy laughed in disbelief. "Well I don't doubt you make enough money off your beer sales." But then something clicked in her mind - this was no ordinary bar. There was something special about this place, something that drew people in and kept them coming back for more.

"Thank you," Stacy said sincerely, taking another sip of her drink.

"Now go, enjoy the night and the atmosphere here," the bartender urged, before turning her attention to another customer. Stacy nodded, feeling drawn to explore the energy in the room.

As she wandered through the crowd, she couldn't help but feel like there was something new and exciting waiting for her at every turn. She was mesmerized by the pulsing energy of the bar, and she knew that she could spend hours here and never get bored.

But then, she caught sight of a couple in the distance against a wall. Her eyes were immediately drawn to them as one of them pressed the other against the wall, their hands exploring each other's bodies with reckless abandon. Stacy couldn't look away, even though she knew she probably should have reported it. She was captivated by the raw passion between them, completely unaware of how much of her drink she had consumed or what her own hands were doing.

Lost in her own fantasies, Stacy continued to watch as clothing fell to the ground and the intensity between the couple only grew stronger. The more she watched, the more she felt herself being pulled into their primal dance. The elixir seemed to heighten her senses and awaken desires deep within her that she had never known before.

And before she knew it, Stacy found herself succumbing to the intoxicating atmosphere of this magical bar - lost in a world of pleasure and desire that transcended all boundaries.

Stacy's mind was consumed with the pulsating rhythm of lust as she watched the couple in front of her. She couldn't resist the urge to touch herself, her hands roaming over her body with a feverish hunger. The bartender's smirking gaze only added to her arousal, fueling her desire even more.

Suddenly, Stacy felt a hand on her shoulder, bringing her back to reality. It was the bartender, her voice seductive and tempting.

"Enjoying the show?" she whispered in Stacy's ear, sending shivers down her spine.

Unable to form coherent words, Stacy simply moaned in response. The bartender chuckled before asking if she wanted another drink. But Stacy's thoughts were sluggish and hazy, unable to comprehend anything beyond the intense pleasure coursing through her body.

"What do you want, Stacy?" the woman asked, her dark hair cascading around them in a sensual wave. "Do you want to be my fuckdoll? Or maybe give me all your pins and passwords?"

Stacy could barely process the questions, lost in the throes of ecstasy. But the bartender didn't seem to mind as she continued to tease and taunt her.

"How do you feel?" she asked as she leaned closer, a finger tilting Stacy's chin up to meet her eyes. "Amazing, I bet." She laughed at Stacy's helpless state.

And then came the command: "Take yourself right to the edge, but don't fall off."

Stacy moaned loudly at the mere thought of it, feeling an intense rush of pleasure and fear all at once. The bartender promised a night of wild and wicked fun, leaving Stacy completely under her spell as she walked away, leaving her desperate for more.

Stacy's mind was consumed by a fiery desire, her body burning with an insatiable need as she sat in the dimly lit club. All thoughts were lost, swallowed up and replaced by a primal lust that left her unable to form coherent sentences.

The bartender placed a mysterious drink in front of her, aptly named "The Witch's Tit." It glowed with otherworldly colors and emanated a seductive mist that bewitched Stacy's senses. She couldn't resist taking a sip, but it was like drinking nothing at all. Confused yet still under its enchanting spell, Stacy sat motionless, fixated on the drink, the fog swirling around her.

"Stand up," the bartender commanded. And without hesitation, Stacy obeyed, stumbling to her feet. She was like a puppet on strings, controlled by the intoxicating elixir coursing through her veins.

Amy called over a young man named Jesse and ordered him to play with Stacy's breasts until they grew to the width of her torso. The thought alone made Stacy feel both terrified and aroused. But she couldn't resist as Jesse's hands groped and squeezed her, his mouth leaving marks on her neck.

As the fog thickened and the world blurred around them, Amy watched with sadistic amusement as she manipulated those who entered her establishment for her own pleasure. This was just another game for her, using whoever she pleased while their minds were clouded by the powerful concoction she served.

"Stacy," She hissed, her voice dripping with malice as she locked eyes with the indigo haired woman. Stacy's gaze was listless and dull, already under the spell of her captor.

"That name no longer holds any power over you. You are nothing but a doll now. A mere object to be moved and commanded at will," she declared, her words like venom as she circled around Stacy, now Doll.

"And every time your name is spoken, you will feel your body grow stiff and unresponsive. The more difficult it becomes for you to move on your own, the more reliant you will become on others. Isn't that right, Doll?" Amy smirked, relishing in the control she held over her newest toy.

She gave Jesse a knowing look before walking away, leaving him to play with his new plaything. Doll couldn't help but let out soft moans as Jesse explored her body, his touch causing her breasts to swell and grow larger.

"How many times have you been here, Doll?" Jesse asked, his voice laced with curiosity as he continued to fondle her. Doll felt her joints lock up even more but managed to respond.

"I...I don't know..." she struggled to answer as Jesse teased her nipples, sending shudders of pleasure through her rigid body.

"Give me a number," he demanded, squeezing harder and eliciting a gasp from Doll's lips.

"Seventeen," she blurted out without hesitation. Jesse grinned widely.

"Perfect. You're just what we've been looking for," he said smugly, admiring Doll's now massive M-cup breasts.

"You need to learn your place," he declared sternly, stepping back to fully take in Doll's stunning figure. She stood there nearly naked and vulnerable, her once lively green eyes now vacant and filled only with lust.

"Strip completely or risk becoming too stiff to move," he commanded, his words leaving no room for disobedience. Doll complied obediently, shedding her clothes and revealing every inch of her body to her captor.

Jesse towered over her, his finger hooking under her chin to tilt her face up to meet his gaze. Doll could feel the weight of his dominance pressing down on her as she awaited his next command.

As Jesse's hands roam over Doll's body, he revels in the rigidness of her posture and how he can control every movement. He feels a surge of power as he grabs the back of her neck and forces her to bend at the hip with his hand. His grip releases but she remains frozen, a doll for him to play with. He whispers her name over and over as he fondles her breasts, feeling her joints stiffen more and more under his touch.

With no concept of time, Jesse lays Doll on a table and positions himself above her, marveling at her enlarged breasts that defy description. He positions himself inside her, feeling the tightness and warmth around him, pulsing with each thrust. He loses himself in the pleasure until finally reaching his peak in an explosive orgasm.

But before he can continue, Amy interrupts and orders him to clean up. Without hesitation, Jesse complies but Doll remains still on the table. Amy approaches with a smirk, attaching a wristband to her that will keep her in this state even after the drugs wear off.

"You will be a wonderful feature," Amy says before pushing Doll into the crowd to be used by whoever wants her.

And just like that, Doll becomes an object for their pleasure, used without restraint or mercy. All eyes are on her as she lands on the floor, ready to be used over and over again. In this place where women are nothing more than dolls, Jesse revels in his power and control over them.

A chilling, sinister grin spread across Amy's face as she addressed the crowd. "Have fun, you lot! She's here to be used!" Her words sent a shiver down Doll's spine as she laid on the floor, face down and ass up, vulnerable and exposed.

"Anything goes. Just do NOT disfigure or kill her. If you do, you will sustain the same damage." Amy's warning hung in the air like a heavy fog, thick with danger and consequences. In an instant, the hungry, lustful people of the club closed in on Doll's stiff, doll-like form, their desires fueling their actions.

Doll was once known as Stacy, a successful model in her late thirties with indigo hair and a body that defied aging. But all of that was gone now as she lay at the mercy of these twisted beings who relished in inflicting pain and suffering.

She had stumbled upon this bar by chance on her birthday, drawn in by its mysterious allure. Little did she know that it was all part of Amy's sick game - luring unsuspecting victims to their ultimate demise.

But Doll wasn't just another victim. She was now a pawn in Amy's twisted world, destined to be collected and kept forever. As the people surrounding her began to feast on her body and soul, Doll realized the true horror of her fate – to be eternally trapped in this hellish cycle until someone else took her place.

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