
Chapter 1

by Lunakiri

Tags: #cw:noncon #cw:sexual_assault #dom:female #growth #sub:female #sub:male #urban_fantasy

Silently, she entered the bar, curious to explore it. It was her nineteenth birthday, and she had just turned legal. She and her friend were celebrating, although it was just a small gathering between the two of them. They both wanted to make it a memorable night, or at least that's what they thought while planning on getting drunk. Her friend, Esper, who was six foot three with vibrant blue hair streaked with black, had invited her to this place.

"You've never been drunk before, girl. This is the perfect place for your first time," Esper exclaimed as she looked over at Rose. With her short blonde hair glowing under the bar lights, Rose shook her head.

"I know, Esper," Rose replied. "But I'm still unsure about it. You know I've never been to a bar like this before," she added nervously. Her friend laughed.

"Don't worry about it! Just enjoy yourself," Esper said as she put an arm around Rose's shoulder. "Trust me, you're going to love it here. You might even get addicted," she promised with a mischievous glint in her eyes. The word "addicted" made Rose hesitate. Was that really something she wanted? Yes, this was a bar, but it seemed more like a club - a strange one at that. Still, it didn't necessarily mean it would be a bad kind of addiction...maybe.

Taking a deep breath, Rose looked around. People were coming in and out of the doors casually, and everything seemed normal. Everyone seemed to be having a good time which helped ease some of Rose's fears. She stepped up to the bar with Esper and tried to order a drink but was quickly beaten by her friend.

"What can I get you lovely ladies?" asked the smooth and silken voice of the bartender, immediately catching Rose's attention. The woman had black hair braided around her head, making it hard to determine the length. Her fair skin and golden eyes held Rose's gaze, causing her to stare in awe. She couldn't look away or even speak, drawing another laugh from Esper.

"Hey there, Amy!" Esper greeted cheerfully. "I'll have a spicy cosmo, and my friend here wants the birthday special," she said, motioning towards Rose. Amy turned to Rose with a slight smirk.

"Do you have any proof that it's your birthday, doll?" she asked playfully. Rose was momentarily at a loss for words before blinking in confusion.

"What? I..." Rose started before being interrupted by Esper's laughter once again.

"Don't worry, Rose. We all get caught by something about Amy the first time we see her. For me, it was her chest. What about you?" Esper asked curiously.

"Uh..." Rose began but couldn't come up with a response before Amy interjected, leaning forward on the bar with her elbows resting on it, her button-up top looking like it could barely contain her assets.

"It was my eyes that got you, wasn't it?" Amy replied knowingly, catching onto where Rose's attention was focused. "It's not something you can easily forget. And your name is Rose, right?" Rose nodded silently. "Do you have any proof of your birthday?" Without thinking, and maintaining eye contact with Amy, Rose pulled out her wallet and handed over her ID. Amy took it, inspected it briefly, and then handed it back with a chuckle.

"That's good enough for me. Let me make your drinks. Give me five minutes," she said before disappearing into the back room. As soon as she was out of sight, Rose shook her head in confusion. She knew she had shown her ID, but she felt heavier somehow, unable to explain the strange feeling that washed over her.

"Isn't Amy gorgeous?" Esper asked, admiring her friend. Rose remained quiet, struggling to find the right words.

"Yeah, she tends to have that effect on people. She did it to me the first time we met too," Esper said with a shrug.

"I... um... who is she exactly?" Rose finally managed to ask.

"Honestly? I don't really know. All I know is that she's beautiful and owns this bar. And apparently, she's willing to sleep with customers as a form of payment for drinks," Esper replied casually. Rose couldn't help but look in the direction where Amy would return.

"I... have you ever...?" Rose started, trailing off before finishing her question. Esper shook her head, her blue hair swaying.

"Nope. Never had the chance. You know I'm straight," she reminded Rose.

Rose paused before shaking her head.

"So am I, and you know it," she reiterated to her friend. But she couldn't deny the longing she felt for Amy, the black-haired bartender. It was something she couldn't explain. She had always been completely straight and had never been attracted to another woman before. But there was something about Amy that drew her in and made her feel like maybe it wasn't so strange after all.

"So, what do you think of this place?" Esper asked after a brief silence. Rose took a moment to process the question before looking around.

"It's definitely lively," she replied, causing Esper to chuckle. "And I'm not hating it either."

"No one does. This place is amazing," Esper responded enthusiastically. "I brought you here to have fun and let loose. We have each other's numbers and GPS locations saved. We even have trackers on each other - mine is in my bra and yours is in your wallet. Just in case we get separated tonight, we can easily find each other again."

"Yeah, it's an extra layer of safety," Rose agreed with a nod. She wasn't going to argue against that logic. "I have a feeling I'll need it."

"More like you'll definitely need it," Esper corrected her, causing Rose to laugh lightly. This was her first time in a place like this and she had no idea what to expect.

"Here you go," Amy said as she returned, causing Rose to turn around excitedly. She watched as Amy placed a drink in front of her and another in front of Esper. The drink in front of Rose was served in a crystal-clear glass that seemed to capture the essence of the cosmos. The liquid inside swirled like midnight, its otherworldly glow casting a spell on the dimly lit room.

As Rose looked into the drink, she noticed tiny lights flickering within - almost like stars dancing in the night sky. The scent was an intoxicating blend of celestial nectar and elusive stardust, filling the air with promises of an extraordinary experience. Without realizing it, she reached for the glass and took a sip. The taste was unlike anything she had ever experienced - a velvety fusion of moonlit berries and elusive orchids that danced on her tongue like a cosmic symphony. Sweet ambrosia, tingling stardust, and dreamlike flavors mingled together in a way that transcended reality.

"Oh... wow," she managed to say as she set the glass back down on the bar.

As Amy mixed another drink for a patron, she asked, "Tasty, isn't it? It's part of why this place is so popular. That's a freebie, by the way. Everyone gets one on their birthday." Rose paused, unsure. "Wait, what?" she blurted out. "Why? Wouldn't that hurt your profits?"

"Nah, we make enough money that I can easily afford to do that," Amy answered with a light chuckle. "And I enjoy doing so as well." After a moment of silence, Rose nodded and said, "Yeah, okay. I guess that makes sense," eyeing the drink again. It was so enticing. Meanwhile, Amy just smirked subtly and said, "Go! Have fun, enjoy the bar! I promise you'll love this place. I make it a point to only have good people in here." As Esper grabbed her arm at the elbow and promised to be back for another drink in a bit, Rose barely managed to grab her own drink before being pulled into the crowd by her friend.

Watching as Esper danced and had fun while trying to convince Rose to join her, the birthday girl remained hesitant and sat at a nearby table with her drink. She watched her friend make a fool of herself - not that it was anything new - as Esper was always a free spirit who would take any chance to have fun while also observing those around her. Not knowing much about the bar they were in, Rose wanted to learn more.

However, as she sat there, she began to feel heavier and heavier. Moving became difficult and she found herself sinking into the table, her head and shoulders becoming too heavy to hold up. The more she drank of that delicious cocktail, the heavier everything felt until eventually she knocked her drink over and fell onto the table. No one even noticed as they were all caught up in their own enjoyment.

Trying to lift her head and get up, Rose realized she couldn't. Her body felt like a weight, unable to move or even think clearly as everything started to feel hazy and her senses began to fail her. She had no idea how long she was in this state before she suddenly found herself being pulled into a sitting position, her head lolling to the side as a pair of hands groped her breasts. Even though they were not going under her clothing, she could feel the sensation of being touched and caressed but was too powerless to stop it or even react.

Amidst the haze of her own thoughts, she heard a voice saying, "I've been waiting for this." Rose's body felt heavy as hands played with her breasts and she became less aware of her surroundings. The feminine voice reassured her, "You're so much fun to play with. I have so many ideas for us." As the top half of her dress was pulled down and her bra undone, Rose could only focus on the intoxicating feeling of those hands on her skin.

Her breasts were expertly played with, causing her to moan in pleasure. Then something was pressed to her lips and the voice whispered, "Drink this, it'll help." Rose obediently did so, feeling herself falling deeper into a familiar abyss.

"We're here again," the voice purred. "It's your nineteenth birthday, just like last time. And it's just you and me."

Rose knew she had to listen to this voice, had to please it. The voice reminded her that they have celebrated six birthdays together already and tonight will be no different. Rose's satisfaction is guaranteed.

Unaware of anyone else present, including the girl she came in with, Rose gave in to the seductive voice knowing she would never celebrate another birthday without it.

Rose found herself on the floor, her dress disheveled and her bra undone. Her legs were spread and her bare breasts exposed to the room.

"You always have the best birthday parties, Rose. You'll never leave without me satisfying you completely. And you won't remember when you're not around me."

The words echoed in her head as she moaned and nodded in agreement.

"I belong to you," Rose managed to utter, not fully understanding but not caring. The voice was all that mattered.

"I know you do," they replied before turning the chair to face her. They leaned in close and kissed Rose deeply, sending shivers through her body. Their tongues danced together as Rose moaned softly, feeling hot and sensitive all over. She was their personal pet, their plaything, whenever they wanted some fun or release.

"Happy birthday, Rose," Amy said with a grin when they pulled apart. This night would be unforgettable for both of them. Amy made sure that it felt like Rose's nineteenth birthday every time they were together.

"I..." Rose tried to speak but couldn't find her voice. It didn't matter because Amy knew what she wanted and needed. They gently caressed Rose's cheek and asked seductively, "What does my eternal nineteen-year-old desire?"

"I..." Rose tried again but couldn't form a coherent thought with Amy's hand groping and massaging her breast. But they didn't care, knowing there was more they could do, and that Rose would beg for it just like she always did.

"I need..." Rose attempted once more before giving up, lost in the pleasure of Amy's touch. She didn't even realize she was in a public bar with her breasts exposed while Amy played with them. But no one paid them any attention, exactly how Amy had planned it.

Amy leaned close to Rose, their lips meeting in a passionate kiss while their pet's head lolled and her mind went blank. The heat from the kiss consumed her as their tongues battled for dominance. Amy always won these battles, and they reveled in it. When they finally pulled away, Rose was left panting and unable to move. "What do you need, my dear?" Amy asked with a smirk, knowing that Rose couldn't speak at the moment. They continued to tease and pleasure Rose until she finally managed to voice her desire for help. Amy promised to assist and got up to grab a glass from the table that had been knocked over earlier. As they mixed a drink behind the bar, Amy couldn't help but feel smug about their control over Rose. This time, the drink would enhance Rose's desires and physical form, ensuring they would keep her as their prize. But who knows, depending on Amy's mood, they may allow Rose to return to the real world after this little event. With a smirk, they focused on creating the perfect concoction and thought about all the fun they were going to have with Rose.

"You were a bitch in high school, Rose, but now you're my bitch," she stated as she added a few drops of a pink, almost neon fluid to the drink. The way Rose reacted when the first drink hit her was incredible and was the only reason Amy bothered at all.

"No one is going to miss you, not really," she continued as she added a bit of blue liquid and started shaking. She watched the liquids combine, creating a pale pink, almost white color - an interesting effect that made her proud. She had come up with the recipe years ago and was finally getting the chance to test it.

"I'm sure even if someone misses you, it won't be enough," she added, her eyes fixated on the deepening pink hue of the cocktail. It reminded her of a rose blooming - beautiful and something she was proud of.

"You were the biggest bitch in school, always stepping on everyone else, but damn you were always drop-dead gorgeous," she said as the liquid turned into a darker red, resembling wine. She stopped shaking and excitedly poured the cocktail into the glass she had brought back to the bar. With drink in hand, she smirked and headed back to where she had left Rose - her toy for the night.

As she neared, she noticed her best friend Esper paying no attention to her. The blue-haired model was being serviced by others in the bar, who had fallen under the effects of Amy's drinks. It was something Amy took pride in - her bar was a den of sin. Anyone who entered would find themselves overcome with desire from the fog in the air and unable to resist after having a few drinks. If Amy didn't intervene, they would become purely primal.

Returning to Rose, she found her in the same position as before. The white-haired woman hadn't moved at all, which was exactly what Rose wanted to see. Amy stepped closer, her knee spreading Rose's legs apart - eliciting a soft moan from her - before resting her knee on the chair, pressing against Rose. She leaned in and brought the glass to Rose's lips.

"Drink this, Rose," Amy cooed, her free hand playing with one of her breasts.

"I made it special for you," she added, as Rose eagerly took the drink. Her lips parted, wrapping around the rim of the glass as she drank deeply. Amy's hands continued to tease her breasts and nipples, causing her body to heat up more and more. Her mind became blank and scattered, unable to make sense of anything.

"That's it, baby, drink it all." And Rose did without hesitation. It was unbelievably easy - she was highly suggestible, but the degree was surprising even for Amy.

"You've always been too smart, you know," she said, setting the now-empty glass down and using her other hand to play with Rose's other breast.

"What?" Rose managed to ask, confused by what Amy had said. She didn't understand what Amy meant.

"You were always such a stuck-up bitch in high school, Rose," Amy sneered, her fingers brutally twisting and pulling at Rose's nipples as she spoke. A white-hot pain shot through Rose's body, but she couldn't help the throaty moan that escaped her lips.

"You thought you were better than everyone else with your perfect grades and cheerleading captain title. But let's be real, you rode anyone you could get your hands on," Amy continued, her voice dripping with disdain. Rose could only whimper in response, her head falling back in surrender as the pleasure-pain mix coursed through her body.

"And now, you're all mine," Amy declared triumphantly. "I'm going to ride you just like you rode those boys back in school. I'll fuck your brain right out of you so you can never hold that over anyone again. You'll be nothing more than my brainless slut, completely owned by me." The thought sent shivers down Rose's spine and she couldn't deny the desire that burned within her.

But before she could process it all, Amy was already moving onto her next plan. "First things first, let's destroy your reputation," she taunted as she stepped away from Rose.

"Touch yourself," Amy commanded, gesturing towards Rose's exposed body. "Masturbate like no one is watching, like you're desperate for release and your brain knows nothing else." Without hesitation, Rose complied. She needed release so badly that she didn't care who saw or what they thought.

As Rose pleasured herself, Amy clapped her hands three times and the lights changed to a bright flashing display. "Look at this!" she exclaimed. "Rose Williams, the queen bee of high school! Look how far she's fallen." And with one final command of "come," Rose was sent spiraling into an intense orgasm while everyone watched and laughed.

"You're nothing but a good fuck, Rose," Amy declared as she approached her again. "That's all you've ever been good for." The crowd agreed with jeers and laughter while Amy reveled in her victory. She had been planning this revenge since high school, using a powerful potion to manipulate memories and create new ones with great success.

But Rose was too lost in the fog of pleasure and manipulation to care about the people around her. And when Amy snapped her fingers, bringing back the haze, Rose was once again at her mercy. She guided Rose's hand from her clit to her breast, playing with both mercilessly as she taunted, "Look at the slut! Look at the mess she made in my bar!" The crowd joined in with laughter and crude comments, easily swayed by Amy's words.

"Let me give you a little gift, Rose," Amy whispered seductively, promising to enhance Rose's breasts for all to see. But in her dazed state, Rose could only stammer a response as Amy laughed at her pathetic attempt. With a wicked grin, Amy granted Rose's silent wish and increased her breast size to an absurd degree, making sure everyone would remember this night and never forget who was truly in control.

Amy's cruel words dripped with malicious intent as she mercilessly taunted Rose about her intelligence level. With each insult, Rose's mind went blank and her thoughts vanished, leaving behind only a deep sense of emptiness. But that was exactly what Amy wanted - to dumb down Rose until she was nothing but an obedient plaything.

As the drugs and alcohol clouded everyone's minds, Amy took advantage of the situation and orchestrated a scene where sexual activities were the only option. And for Rose, pleasure quickly became her sole focus as her body shook and trembled under the overwhelming sensations, her breasts growing bigger with every passing moment.

But it wasn't just physical changes that were occurring. With each orgasm, Rose's intelligence diminished, leaving her nothing but a dumb bimbo who craved nothing more than being used by Amy and anyone else who came along. As her breasts swelled to impossibly large sizes, Rose lost all sense of self and became nothing more than a mindless toy in Amy's hands.

And as Amy praised and petted her new plaything, Rose could only nod eagerly and mutter slurred words in response. She was nothing more than Amy's bitch now, completely at the mercy of this cruel woman who had reduced her to a mere shell of her former self.

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