
Chapter 2

by Lucy_C

Tags: #cw:bestiality #f/m #fantasy #furry #growth #virgin

Bethany likes to find the faun again, but bumps into a guy on her way to the grocery store.

More than a week had passed. Bethany decided that she wanted to go back to the woods, hoping to meet the faun again, since, for some reason, she felt the need to have sex and school still had not started yet, so she did not have a chance to date.

Still, her pussy was dripping as she walked down the road. She had taken off her underwear. As she got out, she changed her T-shirt into this blue top that almost made her breasts pop out so her parents would not notice. She also had put on a folded short skirt. A fresh breeze that got under it was caressing her hot, wet, and naked pussy that was longing for another cock. Bethany did not care about the size or who it would belong to; she would be fine if she got laid that day.

As she continued to walk along the road, she noticed a car slowing down as it approached her. Looking over her shoulder, she saw the red pick-up but could not tell who was behind the wheel. It stopped right beside her, and the window got down.

“Need a ride?” a young man behind the wheel asked.

She gave him a closer look. He was not her type, but she might not know what he would be like if she did not take the chance. He appeared to be in his mid-twenties, had long blond hair and tattoos, but most of all, also a penis, so she decided to take his offer.

“Thanks,” she said as she got into the car.

“Where are you heading?”

“The grocery store.”

“Fine, I might have to pick up some groceries myself. Thanks for reminding me. What if we would do some grocery shopping together?”

Bethany did not know why she started to turn red. He was nice. She did not expect him to be according to his appearance. “Good idea,” she said.

“I am Brian. What is your name?”


“Since you were walking to the store, I presume you live somewhere around here.”

“Yes,” Bethany replied. “What about you?”

“I just moved here, so I am out to get to know some people.”

According to Bethany, this was not how it was supposed to be going. She would have expected Brian to rip her clothes off and fuck her straight away, but he did not appear to be making any move in that direction. It made her wonder why. Was he gay?

“Do you have a girlfriend?” she asked.

He shook his head. “No, just broke up. That was why I moved.”

Bethany decided this might be the reason he was less into having sex with her than she wanted. It was the only reason she got into his car. In the primary time, her pussy was so wet; she believed it would soke his car seat. Did he not notice it or want to go grocery shopping with her?

It was time to take action. Bethany pretended her leg was itching, so she started to scratch it, lifting a part of her skirt, showing a glimpse of her pussy. She was sure he had noticed it. Why was he not making a move?

He mysteriously smiled at her. There was something about him; she could not tell. She loved the way he smelled but felt that he just left her horny without acting.

“This is the opposite way around,” he said as he pulled over to the side of the road. “Usually, a guy picks up a girl to make a move. I do not want to take advantage of the situation, but you seem to give me no other option.”

To her surprise, she noticed the shape of the cross of his jeans changing. He was getting hard, and she knew he would not disappoint her. She could not put her finger on it, but he did not leave her indifferent, although he was not the guy she would date.

He drove the truck further down the road leading to the woods. Now, they were at a place they would not be spotted. It came to her attention that it was near where she had met the faun. Was he around? What would he think if he spotted her with Brian? Should she care?

They got out of the pick-up van. Bethany was stunned when Brian started to kiss her. He was a gentleman, for sure, but she could tell he also was hot like her. It was a weird sensation. She wanted him more than everything or anybody else at that moment. She completely forgot the faun, William, and even Michael. Getting Josh also became less important. She was here with Brian. All the cool guys at high school that ignored her did not matter to her anymore. She graduated and will most likely never see them again.

He led her to the back of his van and pulled out a blanket. He wanted her to be comfortable when he could take her. What she wanted was clear, and he decided it was pointless to fight it. Usually, he was not the kind of guy who was out for loose sex, but this girl had him enchanted.

Bethany’s eyes got wider as he took off his jeans. His cock was even more enormous than the faun’s. She could barely believe it. Her heart started to beat faster as he pulled out her breasts from her top. He was different from the guys she had met so far. When he removed his T-shirt, she noticed the tattoos that covered his muscular body. In his way, he was even more handsome than Josh, in her opinion. She did not want to overthink it. She took off her top and skirt so they were both naked.

She loved the way he touched her. His rough fingertips ran all over her skin. She had no desire to stop him as he lay her down on the blanket. He got on top of her, and finally, his huge cock penetrated her wet, longing pussy. She moaned as never before since this was the kind of pleasure she was looking for. It was as if he knew what she wanted. He gently caressed her hard nipples as he drove himself into her as a battering ram. This felt so good; she could take it forever.

But it did not take forever. Brian groaned as he felt he could hold himself no longer, and his sperm spat out into Bethany, who threw her arms around him. She knew this was the end of it. The guy fills her, and then he pulls out. She wanted him to stay in a little longer, and to her surprise, he did not pull back at once. He kissed her neck and hugged her as he stayed inside her while his erection faded. He did not want to take it out of her pussy.

“This was not what I had planned,” he whispered into her ear as they lay together.

“What do we do next?” She gave him a longing look.

“Grocery shopping?”

She smiled as she realized what she was out for in the first place. If she did not show up with her parent’s groceries, they might get worried. The last thing she wanted was for them to catch her with a guy.

Finally, they got up, put on their clothes again, and drove off to the store. Bethany posed as if she was guiding the new neighbor when she noticed people looking at her as she walked into the store with Brian. It was not a lie. She could only hope that they did not see his sperm dripping down her legs as she changed into the dress she had in her bag. Her blue top and skirt had been hidden since she knew the town’s gossip was around.


Bethany got back home with her groceries. Her worries were unjustified. Since Brian had dropped her off around the corner, her parents had no idea what she had been up to. To them, she had been away so long since she had been walking.

After dinner, she went to her room and lay on her bed. Brian was still on her mind. She knew he had moved into the house at the end of the street, which had been abandoned for a while. He was improving it and building a new life for himself. She hoped she could be part of it.

She looked at her phone. There was a message from Daisy. Her friend had indeed gotten her into something. If she had known, would she have gone to the forest? She could not tell, but she looked forward to seeing Brian again. It was more realistic to start a relationship with him than with a creature of the forest.

Will Bethany see Brian again?

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