Wild Girls Want to be Good Girls Like Me, Because I Obey

by Lucerach

Tags: #dom:female #exhibitionism #f/f #hypnotic_amnesia #pov:bottom #sub:female #hypnotic_language #self_hypnosis

Hypnokinky girlfriends demonstrate some hypno-play for their friends, a married couple who know nothing about hypnosis.

Written in first person from the perspective of the submissive. Includes trancey, induction language that is not intended to hypnotize the reader, but may do so. This can be read as a standalone story but it is also part of a nonchronological series of stories about these two girlfriends (the reader and Maya) playing within the established and consensual hypnokinky dimension of their relationship.

“So, you just hypnotize her whenever you want?” Brandon looks intrigued but skeptical.

My girlfriend, Maya, addresses him, “Well, sometimes it’s spur of the moment, but we like to plan elaborate, hypnokinky playtime. But yeah, she’s vulnerable to dropping whenever I want her hypnotized.”

I give my girlfriend a little bit of a side-eye because I think she’s overselling my susceptibility, but I choose not to challenge the exaggeration.

Maya continues, “And why wouldn’t I drop her anytime I feel like it? Hypnosis fills my girlfriend with pleasure.” She smirks, “It makes her horny for me.”

Our married friends, Melissa and Brandon, both dart their eyes to me so I chuckle and shrug. A couple weeks ago, they made comments that made it clear they know nothing about hypnosis. Later, Maya and I decided it might be cool to share with them about our hypnokink. I said I was on board with demonstrating trance, and if everyone consented, the sexual aspect of our hypno play could also be shared. She was amused when I added, “Maybe my boobs come out…maybe they don’t.”

Maya continues, “Watching my words affect her turns me on. Taking control of her mind makes me feel sexy and powerful. Sometimes we incorporate trance into sex but not always. The most important thing is communicating with one another. Letting each other know what feels good, what flirts too close to our boundaries, and just anything really.”

I add, “I’m more confident about communicating my needs and desires now too! I’ve never experienced anything like it.”

My girlfriend pulls me into her side and kisses my cheek.

Melissa looks amazed, “This is fascinating.” She directs her attention to me, “Is it true? Can she take control of you at any moment?”

I laugh at the characterization, “Well, I wouldn’t put it quite like…”

The heavy blanket of submissive sleep drapes over my brain. My shoulders are slumped and my eyes are lightly crossed. Maya’s fingers just dropped me into an irresistibly pleasurable state by firmly pinching the back of my neck. She cut off my reply to Melissa to give a clear demonstration of my susceptibility.

Even though I’m not accustomed to serving as an exhibit, the relaxation I feel is too mollifying for me to try waking myself. Maya knew an instant induction would blow past my insecurities about being hypnotized in front of our friends. I hear Melissa and Brandon express a collective, “Wow,” but that feels separate from my experience. It’s unimportant compared to the pleasure my dominant has thrust me into. I just…don’t care about anything but obeying my dominant. She is…perfect, irresistible. I want to obey her. I need to obey her. I must obey her. Obeying her is pleasure.

Gently rocking me, my dominant deepens my trance. “Good girl. Dropping deeper for me. Deeper and deeper just for me. The deeper you drop, the more you become mine. You want to be mine. You want to obey. Drop ten times deeper. Good girl. Twenty times deeper. Sinking fast. Obeying without thinking. Unable to think. Mind going blank. It feels good to be submissive and obedient. You’re my good girl. So deep for me. Feel pleasure because you obey. Drop one hundred times deeper and your mind is completely blank.”

My brain is quiet and my body is hanging over my lap.

“Good girl. You are deeply hypnotized and completely blank.” Satisfied she’s turned me into an empty vessel for nothing but submission and obedience, she pushes and pulls my shoulder to demonstrate for Melissa and Brandon how magnificently floppy my body becomes during hypnosis.

“Is this real?” Brandon asks. He can’t believe how loose I am and that I seem indifferent to Maya playing with my body.

“Completely real. She’s deeply hypnotized and has never cared less about anything you have to say.”

Melissa laughs hard and looks at her husband pretending he’s never been so insulted, “No offense, honey.” Addressing Maya, she asks, “Why do you say that though?”

“She’s drugged on pleasure. I’ve trained her subconscious to associate hypnotic pleasure with obeying me and focusing on my voice. She feels really good and she’s learned what will keep that pleasure flowing: obeying her dominant. She’s my good girl.”

Maya lifts my dangling head so Melissa and Brandon can see the lazy smile she knew would be there. “Hearing me say, ‘good girl,’ is like a trigger. ‘Good girl’ gives her a little thrill. Sometimes I call her ‘good girl’ when she’s not hypnotized just to make her shiver. One day, I repeatedly called her ‘good girl’ without using any other hypnosis and the repetition of hearing ‘good girl’ still made her horny and needy to please me,” she smirks at our friends. “And I’ve just said it multiple times now; so I know she is very turned on.”

Melissa muses, “That sounds useful,” at the same time Brandon mumbles, “I like that.”

Maya chuckles before angling me up and settling me back against the couch. She points at my hard, pointy nipples poking through my bra and top, “That’s the pleasure of obedience. I’ve made her my good girl and that means I have a wet, deeply obedient sex toy ready to do anything I want. She wants what I want because it gives her pleasure. Even if I give a mundane command. Obeying me is pleasure.”

Our friends are definitely seeing a part of our relationship they hadn’t known before.

Maya pushes my boneless body until I flop across her lap. I don’t exhibit any discomfort despite the awkward position my body is in or that our friends are watching. My sensory receptors are blissing out.

“Good girl. You obey me without thinking. Sit up and open your eyes.”

Without any struggle, my body sits back up and stares blankly forward. My countenance is peaceful and still. Commands are given and I follow every one exactly. My hands slide my shirt off and let it fall to my lap. My hands reach back and unclasp my bra, allowing it to slip from my shoulders. I remain motionless until receiving a command to toss the bra forward. Everything my body does is in response to my dominant giving a specific command to obey.

This is definitely uncharted territory, but I appear unphased to be bare-breasted in front of our friends. Melissa and Brandon are watching in shocked silence. I don’t display any self-consciousness like they’d expect I would.

The normal, awake me is not exhibitionistic, which they know, but when my dominant influences my behavior, I feel pleasure while on display. She’s spent a great deal of time training me to feel good when my tits are free for her eyes.

Melissa and Brandon watch in amazement when, as directed, I pull my shirt back on. I’m no longer topless, but the bra remains gone.

SNAP. “Wake.”

My eyes focus and I shake my head back-and-forth. I look over at our friends to gauge how they’re doing. Both of them are wide-eyed and…awed, maybe? I can’t help but smile proudly because I remember enough of the trance to know they saw a good demonstration. I was a pleasurably subdued passenger while my girlfriend directed my world. I turn to her, my favorite, powerful woman. We both lean in and share a sweet kiss. I’d like to show her just how much I love being under her control, but we have company.

“Very good, good girl. Very good indeed. Did you feel okay?” she checks in.

“Absolutely,” I answer without hesitation. I bring my hands up to confirm that I am bra-less now. I knew it but wanted to make sure.

Maya’s smile grows wider because she knows what I’m doing. “You can put your bra back on if you want to. You can also keep your breasts happy and free because my good girl feels happy and free. You love that I own your tits.”

It’s impossible to not react with a hazy smile as tingles of ‘good girl’ pleasure ripple through my body. My mind is programmed to repeat, “you own my tits,” and suddenly, I'm yearning to be topless for her. My fingers even twitch and slide to the hem of my shirt. I want to put my tits on display for her and I can't help when I start slowly lifting my top. Maya clears her throat loudly, and through the seductive haze, I recognize what’s happening. I fight through the sensations, “Maya!” I give her a faux scolding look and then, laugh.

She laughs too.

“I’m leaving the shirt on, but…the bra stays off.” I look at her mouth, “It’s crazy how wearing a bra around you feels…wrong.” I lean in to lightly rub our cheeks and noses together. I’m not worrying about our friends sitting nearby. Playing with hypnosis makes me feel so close to her. I kiss her softly and she grazes a hand over my breasts, on top of my shirt. I’m aware her hands rubbing my breasts is a trigger for submissive feelings, but I can’t help that it works so well. The more she rubs them, the more I just really want to submit to anything she comes up with. I don’t know what all is planned for Melissa and Brandon to witness, but god I hope it involves total submission.

Maya knows how easily she could tip me over the edge right now, and my hard nipples scraping the palm of her hand make it hard for her to resist. She wants to devour my hypnotic vulnerability, but that involves doing things we’re not going to show Melissa and Brandon. Growling possessively, Maya abruptly squeezes both of my tits. She snaps loudly and commands me to wake.

I giggle because that was fun! After she kisses the tip of my nose, I look to our friends who have been observing silently.

Maya clears her throat and addresses them, “Are you guys okay? Is this too much? You said you wanted to see hypnosis and examples of what hypnokink can look like. But this could be a lot if you’re not used to it.”

Melissa is looking back and forth between Maya and me. Brandon is struggling to keep his eyes off my chest. I don’t blame him; my nipples are poking through my shirt with a vengeance. I’d find it difficult not to stare too.

“Guys?” I ask timidly.

“Sorry!” they both shout almost immediately. We all laugh at the awkwardness.

“I didn’t expect to find this as sexy as I do,” Melissa gushes.

Brandon sounds intrigued, “Which part?”

“All of it. I see the appeal of taking control like that. Commanding your partner to do things, playing with their body. But I also thought you looked…”, she motions toward me, “…I don’t know. You looked like you were…” she seems worried to say the wrong thing.

“Euphoric,” I smile. “When Maya hypnotizes me, I feel deep relaxation, pleasure, arousal, desire to obey, to submit. And feeling controlled by her makes me…want to obey more. I don’t have to think and I just feel…pleasure. I just keep obeying even though I don’t always remember everything. And even that feels good! I want to please her, to give her more of myself. I want to be her completely perfect good girl. To be her sex toy…” I’m working myself up and rambling so I re-gather my wits. “Sexy,” I state boldly. “She makes me feel sexy.”

Melissa turns to her husband, “What are you thinking?”

He looks like he’s carefully measuring his words, “I don’t know which role is hotter.”

Maya smirks and her voice drops into a hypnotic tone, “Oh, Brandon, do you want to be turned into Melissa’s perfectly obedient good boy?”

They both squirm.

“Helplessly following her hypnotizing words. Feeling pleasure as she uses your body while you float mindlessly and simply obey? Or do you want your wife completely mesmerized, kneeling before you? Melting downward until she’s just a good girl desperate to serve and please? You command her reality and she is addicted to the pleasure only you can give her.”

“Only you can give me,” I repeat in a zoned-out voice.

Both Melissa and Brandon are shocked to find me staring blankly with a relaxed posture.

As a joke, my girlfriend wipes her thumb across my lower lip pretending there’s drool. I’m not actually drooling, but I have to blink rapidly and shake my head to clear it. Her hypnotic voice is so powerful, it made no difference her words weren’t intended for me. The visual she painted dropped me as I felt myself in the description.

Unexpectedly, my girlfriend claps her hands loudly and says, “Who wants to play a game of Uno before we order dinner?”

Melissa and Brandon laugh at the break in tension. I’m not totally sure why my girlfriend thinks we need to play a card game before eating, but whatever, so I chime in with agreement.

A couple minutes into the game, I see a Wild card placed face-up on the table. Inexplicably, I say, “Wild girls want to be good girls like me, because I obey.” I squint in confusion because where did I come up with that?! No one says anything so I try to shrug it off and pretend I didn’t just blurt out an odd statement.

I know we’re supposed to be told a new color for the card game but I didn’t hear one. I look at my girlfriend, “Did I miss the new color?”

She smiles and rubs my cheek affectionately before double tapping the center of my forehead. My eyes cross and roll up like I’m trying to look at that spot.

SNAP. “Wake.”

My eyes relax and I close my open mouth. What the hell just happened?!

“No, sweetie,” Maya says. “I think Melissa still needs to say the new color.” Turning to her, Maya prompts our friend with raised eyebrows.

Flicking her eyes rapidly around the table, Melissa cautiously says, “Green?” and watches me.

Too many weird things have happened, so I just chuckle and wait for Brandon to play his next card. Our normal group dynamic accompanies the card game but I keep saying, “Wild girls want to be good girls like me, because I obey,” every time I see a Wild card. The compulsion pushes the words out before I can prevent it. Eventually, “I obey,” sounds blank and empty and my eyes either cross or roll as I say it. Even so, I force myself to refocus each time. The pause after, “I obey,” gets longer and longer, but my subconscious makes me repeat the full phrase each time I see a Wild card.

My upper body is swaying and leaning heavily on the table to keep myself upright. I don’t know how, but someone replaced all of the cards in my hand with Wild cards. I can’t remember if this is how Uno is played. I’m trying so hard to keep my heavy eyelids from remaining closed. And I keep repeating, “Wild girls want to be good girls like me, because I obey.” I seem deeply and completely hypnotized every time I chant, “I obey.”

My posture has become so loose the three onlookers are betting on how long before my tenuous grasp on resistance slips away.

Drool slides down my chin and I’m murmuring, “I obey,” over and over. My eyes roll in circles and zig zags, and my dominant knows there was no escape from this marvelous freefall.

My tongue and lips have become too relaxed to form words. My head keeps lowering down toward the table, but I clumsily push myself back up. Too much momentum leads to my body drifting all the way back in my chair. My head keeps tilting backward until it hangs over the back of the chair. I am silent and still.

Melissa and Brandon stand up to get a better look and they quietly report to Maya that only the whites of my eyes are visible. My dominant laughs and tells them there’s no need for whispering. She taps both of my hands off the table and they fall limply to my sides, no longer capable of pushing me upright. Maya is beside herself with what a good show this Wild card trigger produced. The hypnotizing phrase fractionated me because I was programmed to resist each drop until I had no fight left. Everyone was a winner in this game.

My dominant’s voice guides my obediently slumbering mind down into a soundproof room. She slips me into the most mind-quieting, sleepy bed I’ve ever felt. Easily, she removes my memories from the moment we sat down to play Uno. They are locked in a box for my dominant to give back later. She shuts the door of the soundproof room, and I cannot retain new memories while I remain inside.

With a few more commands, I am a mindless drone.

“Eyes open.”

Eyelids lift. A glassy, unseeing gaze stares through whatever lay ahead. Maya’s girlfriend is not conceptualizing sitting right up against the table as an actual card game happens in front of her. I am in a memory-free vacuum. Both Melissa and Brandon try to not be obvious about looking at the mindless drone’s exposed breasts propped on the table. Maya assures them it’s okay to look when hypnotized toys are put on display.

Someone shouts, “Uno” and a disembodied voice announces, “You may ask one question.”

Brandon asks, “Do you feel horny?”

That same blank voice responds, “Mindless drones do not feel.”

Melissa asks, “Do you know you are the game we’re playing?” and is met with silence. “Oh!” she remembers. “Uno!”

“You may ask one question.”

“Do you know you are the game we’re playing?” she tries again.

“Mindless drones do not think.”

Maya turns the mindless drone’s head in her direction and says, “That’s enough of that. I want my sweet baby back. Let’s bring your awareness up several levels with quiet snapping.” She repeatedly snaps softly next to my ear and watches as my eyes reflect a growing sense of awareness. She stops snapping when I am giving her a dopey, good girl smile.

“There you are,” she coos. “I see my good girl. You are still deeply hypnotized but you should be proud. Our friends are impressed by my perfectly programmed good girl and deeply obedient sex toy.”

I smile even wider at the praise but my dominant’s hand slides down my face, effectively relaxing it and closing my eyes.

“Good girl. You only know what you should know and forget what you need to forget. I am opening the door to the soundproof room and waking your conscious mind. Through the doorway, you see a bright, warming light beckoning you back toward awareness. Your conscious mind rises from the bed, leaves the room, and climbs up through the light of waking. Your entire body becomes aware of itself as you rise up toward awareness. You are waking and making new memories. You only know what you should know and forget what you need to forget. Waking effortlessly with a clean slate.”

SNAP. “Wake.”

We just sat down at the table to play cards, but I don’t see the deck anywhere. My peripheral vision clocks flesh so I look down and I’m shocked when I see my own breasts resting on the table. “When did I do that?!” I squawk incredulously.

I look to Maya for answers but she just gazes intensely into my eyes. “Relax deeply, good girl. Relax quickly and easily.”

I become docile. Compliant. How did that happen so fast?

“That’s right, good girl,” she chuckles. “Very weak and vulnerable to me. You’ve been an excellent exhibit for our friends. You’ve displayed the fun a hypnokinky girlfriend can bring. Your body is frozen now.”

She’s fucking right…I can’t move. Just like that! Maya motions for Melissa and Brandon to carry on like this is normal. Using her phone to order everyone dinner, she also plays with my breasts resting on the table. Everyone but me chats about what movie we should watch after the food arrives. Maya asks our friends if they’d like to see a post-hypnotic trigger that illustrates more directly how we integrate hypnosis into our sex lives. Melissa and Brandon enthusiastically consent.

Before unfreezing me, Maya shoos our friends to the other room and grabs me a glass of water. While I’m chugging it down, she lavishes me with loving praise. I put my shirt back on, and my girlfriend offers me the opportunity to refuse her idea for one more hypnotic trick. I accept her plan without hesitation, and I don’t know how she does it but I’m out cold, sprawled over her lap. I can’t anticipate her next move because she banishes me to mindlessness.

From the other room, Melissa and Brandon see my dominant holding her phone by my ear and wonder what she could be programming next.

SNAP. “Wake.”

My eyes open. I’m on the couch with my girlfriend and friends. I remember getting hypnotized and removing my bra from under my shirt. Did that just happen? Is that right? I’m having trouble connecting with other memories. Wait…was I…?

The thought disappears, and I forget to wonder. I am calm and happy.

I notice food set out on the coffee table. “Ooh!” I exclaim and reach to grab some for myself but my girlfriend gently pushes me back and hands me a plate she made for me. What a sweetheart! I snuggle close to her side and enjoy the food and conversation with our friends. This is a typical night for the four of us hanging out together. I guess the bra removal during trance is all we’re going to show them of hypnokink.

When the food is gone, Maya suggests we watch a movie and reclines back. I’m feeling clingy and affectionate, so I cuddle under her arm and rest my head on her chest. My girlfriend has the remote and selects Netflix from the main menu. That iconic, introductory ‘tudum’ sound goes off.

My entire focus narrows on one, important goal. I crawl on top of my sexy-as-fuck girlfriend to accomplish my goal.

I don’t spend a moment thinking about Melissa or Brandon being there. My only focus is turning on Maya. My body rubs against her. My tits feel swollen, which gives me a moment of pause. My breasts feel bigger when I’m aroused during hypnosis, but…I don’t give a shit, actually. I want to turn my girlfriend on and I don’t care about anything else. I squish and rub our breasts together. Maya loves this, and I only care about turning her on.

I lean down to tauntingly tease her lips by almost kissing but pulling back each time she leans in to connect our mouths. This always winds her up. My whole focus is arousing my girlfriend and I know this foreplay is her favorite turn-on. Our wet lips lightly graze across each other, and when she joins in, I know I’ve got her.

Slotting my thigh between her legs, I’m in the perfect angle to apply pressure. She groans and embraces my thigh with her cunt. I squeeze her face with one hand, puckering her mouth. I don’t notice Maya has a hand raised with the intention of snapping loudly and verbally commanding me to wake. She can’t do that while I’m holding her face like this but I only have one focus, and I will not be relenting.

I lick my girlfriend’s deliciously puckered lips and slide my other hand down her top to pinch and twist her nipples. My dominant’s eyelids flutter as my hand aggressively manipulates her tits. Her breasts are just as sensitive as mine and I know how to play her body perfectly. When she’s humping against my thigh, I giddily moan in triumph. My one, important goal is going very well.

I’m unaware I’ve prevented my dominant from bringing me out of this sexually-charged, hypnotically-focused state. I only care about pulling her breast free and lightly dragging my lips over her tightly pebbled nipple. This sensation can drive her into a feral state. She grabs my ass to intensify the grinding against her cunt. My dominant’s arousal is so distracting to her that when I release my grip on her cheeks, she doesn’t command me to wake. She’s riding her pleasure, forgetting this was meant to be a short-lived, post-hypnotic trigger demonstration for our friends.

I reach down her pants and tease along the soaked, thin fabric of her panties stuck to her pussy lips. This sex toy knows exactly how to turn her dominant…girlfriend on. When I suck on the perfect little ball of a nipple, she groans loudly and her head rolls to the side. Her eyes open and she’s completely surprised to see Melissa and Brandon.

They’re watching the show before them but haven’t noticed Maya looking at them too. Melissa’s hand is outside of Brandon’s jeans but she’s clearly rubbing the heel of her palm against an erection and Brandon must have ripped Melissa’s dress to grope her tits.

This was not in the plan! This is a grey area and Maya doesn’t want anything from tonight to negatively affect our friendships. She didn’t expect to get this carried away after I was triggered by the sound of the Netflix intro. While she desperately wants to leave me be, I’ve just pushed her panties aside and I’m plunging my fingers into her hungry pussy, this has run wildly off track. It’s not an easy task but Maya sounds strong when she commands…

SNAP. “Wake.”

My brain jolts from the narrowed focus and my fingers stop moving inside my girlfriend. I realize her nipple is in my mouth so I peck it before trying to get my bearings. Maya quickly slides her hand into my hair to keep my focus on her. I lean into her palm and smile affectionately. I don’t realize she’s preventing me from seeing the disheveled state of our friends as they rush to the bathroom.

I look down at her pinkened, bare breast and ask if she’s okay and whether I did something wrong. Maya is quick to assure me that I definitely didn’t do anything wrong, I merely obeyed a very sexy, post-hypnotic trigger. We make ourselves presentable while she explains what is going on with Melissa and Brandon.

As we wait patiently for them to emerge from the bathroom, I start sucking on the fingers that were just inside my girlfriend. With wide eyes, she smacks my hand away and laughs, “Stop that!”

I’m cracking up, and then, the bathroom door opens. Brandon sheepishly exits alone. He asks if we have any safety pins and Maya rushes off to grab some.

“I guess I broke her dress straps,” he says with an “oopsies” expression and a shrug.

I laugh good-naturedly and joke that it happens to the best of us. I don’t want anyone to feel embarrassed about tonight.

Several minutes later, when they both emerge from the bathroom with cautious expressions, Maya and I are really gentle and open. Thankfully, no one is unhappy about what happened, just surprised. Everyone apologizes about getting caught up in the moment until Brandon laughs at me and says, “Well, you were just following programming.”

We invite them to not run out the door and to sit down and talk, just to make sure everything is cool amongst us. We’ve had such a fun group dynamic for a long while, so it would suck if it got weird. Thankfully, everyone slips into our normal conversational rhythm and comfort, so I ask what they think about hypnokink.

Brandon answers first, “I’ll admit, I didn’t really know what to expect and it’s a lot hotter than I thought it would be. I definitely see why you’ve created this…dynamic.”

Melissa is biting her lower lip and says, “Yeah. I think…Brandon and I have some…talking to do. And maybe some…exploring.”

“And some sewing,” I mumble. Thankfully, they laugh and that’s when I feel confident our friendships will be okay.

Melissa and Brandon get up to head home. When we’re saying goodbye at the door, Maya says, “Oh, Melissa! I think you’ve got something in the pocket of your jacket.”

She looks confused but reaches in her pocket and pulls out an Uno card. She laughs incredulously and says, “How did that get in there?”

When she turns it around, I see the Wild card.

“Wild girls want to be good girls like me, because I obey.” My whole face slackens and my shoulders slump. There’s an extended pause of me just staring vacantly before I fight against the drop. Eventually, I’m able to shake my head clear of trance.

Both Melissa and Brandon are smiling widely.

Maya is much too smug when she prompts quietly, “Hey, Melissa. I think you should check your other pocket.”

Our friend reaches in and pulls out another card. She smirks at Maya before turning it around and showing me another Wild card.

Compulsively, I repeat the hypnotizing phrase. Halfway through, my eyes roll up and my voice gives away how mindfucked I am as the empty-sounding words, “I obey,” coincide with my arms and head falling forward in a slumped over posture. I’m too fractionated from tonight’s games to offer resistance after this drop. I am drowning in total submission and complete obedience. I am a perfectly programmed good girl and deeply obedient sex toy.

Getting exactly the result she wanted, my dominant wastes no time sliding my shirt off my curved back and letting it slip to the floor. She drapes over my back and reaches past my dangling arms to openly grope my tits. She drags her lips across the soft flesh of my shoulders.

Melissa and Brandon understand my girlfriend is done holding back. This is an obvious, intense change in energy from earlier.

Maya sounds breathless, “I’ve gotta say, guys, this has been fun but I cannot wait a second longer. I need to use my sex toy. I mean, look at this deeply hypnotized good girl! Isn’t she the greatest plaything you’ve ever seen?”

Melissa and Brandon nod their heads in agreement as they back toward the exit. Clearly, it’s time to go.

Maya commands, “Good girl, go to my bedroom. Strip naked. And then, simulate how my deeply obedient sex toy is going to serve my pussy until commanded to stop.”

I stand upright. Topless, loose, and mentally absent. Our departing friends receive no acknowledgement before I amble like an entranced zombie to my dominant’s bedroom. I pass through the door and strip the rest of my clothes off. I crawl onto the bed and simulate giving oral sex to my dominant sitting on my face. My mind imagines the pussy I want to serve against my mouth as I grope the air above me, licking and kissing nothing.

Meanwhile, Maya is grinning devilishly at our friends after watching me disappear. She laughs when Melissa tosses the Wild cards before dashing into the apartment hallway. All three of them shout, “Love you! Bye!” as our friends race hand-in-hand toward the elevator, impatient to get home.

Maya practically sprints to her bedroom, excited to see in what position she’ll find her deeply obedient sex toy. When actual flesh appears against my mouth, I proceed to serve my dominant’s pussy until the early morning hours, fucking ourselves to exhaustion. Jerking awake, I must have nodded off.

“Must serve your pussy,” is my only thought. With only enough energy left to lazily extend my tongue from where my head rests against her thigh, somehow, I receive permission to fall fast asleep. My dominant is showing me mercy and knows I’ll wake in several hours, still only able to think about serving her pussy. This is going to be a fun weekend.

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